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/lit/ - Literature

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9115450 No.9115450 [Reply] [Original]

>itt publishers whose books you'll buy on sight.

>> No.9115469

only Dalkey for me. NYRB puts out some trash.

>> No.9115489

Delkey is based. The only trash NYRB puts out is social justice shit

>> No.9115498
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they publish some great time-killer books

>> No.9115502


>> No.9115504


These and Pushkin Press. I've never been disappointed with either so far.

>> No.9115505


>> No.9115512

Nórdica Libros

>> No.9115521


>> No.9115576
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>bought on sight
>broke and in debt

>> No.9115589

La Pléiade, Suhrkamp-Insel, S.Fischer, Cлoвo/Slovo

>> No.9115599

>Allowing corporations to curate your taste in literature

wew lad this is some late stage capitalism shit senpai

>> No.9115607
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wordsworth. bought ulysses and w&p on the spot. in my country they are WAY too cheap, cheaper than you could ever find even in second-hand bookstores. plus some of the translations are good and they are all in english, some titles are pretty hard to find 'not translated' around here, for instance, couldn't find ulysses in english

>> No.9115631

Copper Canyon. Wave Books. Sometimes Graywolf but not always.

>> No.9115666

Some Dalkey books are fairly boring, like most of their Korean series.

>> No.9115746

Is there a chance pic related will go out of print like JR did?

>> No.9115784

it's just consistent quality in selection of underrated books, jeez. if they started releasing a bunch of shit i'd get more skeptical. it's not like i'm buying them to show off to the four people a year who visit my tiny room in my parents' house

>> No.9116153
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>> No.9116200
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>> No.9116224

New Directions and Dalkey will at the very least get me to look at them, not instabuy tho

>> No.9116225

also Pushkin Press desu

>> No.9116229

Ah, consumerism. Literature goes well with thee.

>> No.9116424

If only I could live in an empty square and be content like you, Diogenes.

>> No.9117971
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>> No.9117981
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Wakefield Press and Twisted Spoon Press are the only ones I'd really buy on sight. I'm still critical with my NYRB Classics purchases.

>> No.9118072
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If I am in a used bookstore and a Modern Library from the mid century pops up, I will usually buy.

>> No.9118135
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>> No.9118136
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>> No.9118165

That's stunning, I hate being European.

>> No.9118239

>reeeee corporations
back to r/latestagecapitalism you pinko cuck

>> No.9118253
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You're all plebs tbqh

>> No.9118258

Those brazilian writers... Proud of you.

>> No.9118269
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>> No.9118530

Oxford. Alma classics

>> No.9118534

It's a guilty pleasure isn't it?

>> No.9118590

What social justice shit has NYRB classics put out?

>> No.9119646

Lazy Fascist

>> No.9119664
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Those only make sense if you want the most literal translation possible, or if you can understand Greek/Latin. If you just want to read the classics as literature you would be better off with almost anything else.

tl;dr: stop sucking Loebs dick. That goes for the rest of you as well, why would you fork over money without even thinking? You must all be rich.

>> No.9119674

Same with wordsworth anywhere dood

>> No.9119675

Who are these?

>> No.9119693

what is this?

>> No.9119709
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They're both publishers of experimental and surrealist works. Wakefield is more Western European works, TSP is more Eastern European.

>> No.9120222

modern library or everyman's, oxford is usually pretty good too and penguin isn't as bad as people make it out to be

>> No.9120523

Only Loeb prints the niche books—Loeb is how you complete your library.

>> No.9120538

Sounds cool. Any specific recommendations? I love surrealism

>> No.9120561

Grove is my shit.

>> No.9120565

Bloomsbury Academic.

>> No.9120576

(Not him)
It's not the classics, but they are pushing contemporary social sciences hard from like Princeton and Stanford press.

>> No.9120637
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Well, if you love surrealism, make sure you don't miss the chart~

From Wakefield, don't miss The Book of Monelle, The Leg of Lamb, Disagreeable Tales or all the delicious Pierre Louys. For TSP, Tales of Galicia, Primeval and Other Times, Blaugast, The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch and Miruna. But I wasn't lying when I said I'd pick up any of their books unquestioned--I've yet to be disappointed, and I have a lot from both.

>> No.9120722

Because, like >>9120523 said, a huge chunk of ancient writing is available literally nowhere else. I have over 70 loebs which are all of writing otherwise impossible to get. Some writers are chopped up by cheaper publishers; some aren't available at all. I buy loebs judiciously, but there's a hard line past which you have no alternatives.