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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 48 KB, 500x566, 1344357407870420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9115160 No.9115160 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, /lit/, let's say that you had a great philosophical idea that NO ONE had ever heard of before, but unfortunately for you, you weren't in academia. How would you go about making that idea public and:

a) Making the most money from revealing it
b) Getting as many people in the world to learn of this idea?

Completely hypothetical scenario, I know, but assuming it ever happened. Who would you contact? How would you protect your idea?

Keep in mind, this idea would not only benefit yourself, but also society at large, so there's no downside to "publishing" it.

>> No.9115168

lol why didnt you make this thread about how dumb women are?

see you're pic, they think cologne (the perfume) is the same as colon (the organ) pmsl. Schopenhauer was right

>> No.9115178

>Alright, /lit/, let's say that you had a great philosophical idea that NO ONE had ever heard of before, but unfortunately for you, you weren't in academia.

What's your idea, anon?

>> No.9115187
File: 393 KB, 1280x720, L'appel qui sauve l'Europe_65:43:21_Screengrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say ;)

But this is still a serious thread, and I'd like a serious response to my question. Who would you contact?

>> No.9115194

I'd go get an advanced degree in philosophy so people took me seriously. Then I'd make my idea my thesis.

>> No.9115204

>Can't say ;)
>But this is still a serious thread, and I'd like a serious response to my question. Who would you contact?

Anon if you're not willing to share your idea, then we're not going to be willing to share our secrets for getting published and recognised by the academic establishment.

>> No.9115220
File: 31 KB, 520x436, 1452451164887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that would take many years, and my idea could be explained in 5 minutes. It's a philosophical idea that acts as somewhat of an extension on an existing idea, while adding something that I've never heard or read anywhere. I really believe this idea could do some good, and I'd like to get paid for it.

I don't want anyone to steal it, but it's an idea I've had for about a year, and I haven't been able to poke any holes in it. All I'll say is that it's an argument for atheism that doesn't exist yet. I argue that it could bring America's theist percentage down by at least 15% within a few years. Not trolling.

>> No.9115230

>I'd go get an advanced degree in philosophy so people took me seriously. Then I'd make my idea my thesis.

If you had a mathematical proof for an as of yet unsolved problem, would you go get your degree in math before submitting it?

>> No.9115231

>All I'll say is that it's an argument for atheism that doesn't exist yet
lol are u a fedoring???? :)

here we're catholic and proud! dont be a librel

>> No.9115236

Who do you think is going to pay you? Who are you selling to?

>> No.9115239

It would actually help religious people as well, that's all I'll say.

>> No.9115246

A university/thinktank.

>> No.9115247

>All I'll say is that it's an argument for atheism that doesn't exist yet
>it's fucking nothing
Come back when you have the inverse frequency for the universe.

>> No.9115251

Math is different because it can be proven or disproven and therefore can be confirmed. Also there are competitions for most unsolved problems in math so it would be easy to go about finding who to show.

>> No.9115254

1 write a book
2 shill it on all the fedora hang out sites
3 send copies to the popular fedoras and ask them to review it
4 appear as a guest on fedora shit
5. Start speaking publicly for a fee

>> No.9115255

Post it.

>> No.9115266

>I don't want anyone to steal it, but it's an idea I've had for about a year, and I haven't been able to poke any holes in it. All I'll say is that it's an argument for atheism that doesn't exist yet. I argue that it could bring America's theist percentage down by at least 15% within a few years. Not trolling.

We're not going to steal it, anon, we're going to help you find those holes in it for you. I guarantee they will be there, and you're better off learning about them on an anonymous Palauan Rai-trading message board than getting a stern look of disapproval from an academic publisher before being asked courteously but firmly to leave their establishment.

>> No.9115267

>yfw this is the Norwegian cabin/pizza box manuscript master troll

>> No.9115274


I'm not, but can you post this? Sounds funny.

>> No.9115287

>woah guys I have this super secret super well-thought out philosophical proof
>I can't share it because you're going to steal it
You're either shitposting for attention (most likely), mentally ill (see former), or a charlatan.

Fuck off.

>> No.9115291
File: 360 KB, 1863x635, lpiHhg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1. get rejected for grad school cause you don't understand philosophy or argumentation
>2. decide it's actually cause you're so smart they can't see it
>3. start a cult and talk about muh statism
>4. once you've got them roped in and they've abandoned their families release your idea in book form
>5. rake in money
>6. give book to undergrad philosophy student
>7. get your asshole blown out by undergrad philosophy student
>8. - 67. ad hominems
>68. go insane
>69. start shilling trump
>70. forget about philosophy and ancap, trump supporters are free money

>> No.9115299
File: 187 KB, 1228x2048, 1485656192103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my idea could be explained in 5 minutes. It's a philosophical idea that acts as somewhat of an extension on an existing idea, while adding something that I've never heard or read anywhere. I really believe this idea could do some good
>it's an idea I've had for about a year, and I haven't been able to poke any holes in it. All I'll say is that it's an argument for atheism that doesn't exist yet. I argue that it could bring America's theist percentage down by at least 15% within a few years. Not trolling.

Wow this really activates my almonds.

>> No.9115318
File: 79 KB, 403x498, 1421333795253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's say I'm full of shit. Where would YOU go to have an idea published? No shitposting please.

Please no shitposting.

>> No.9115333

Getting a philosophical treatise published academically as a nobody won't happen.

Especially one that doesn't exist or can be defeated in 5 minutes of rhetoric.

>> No.9115335
File: 102 KB, 500x416, 1483060001219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please no shitposting.

>> No.9115388

Really? It's never happened?

I'm not American, and this is serious business.

>> No.9115403

Just tell us the idea and we'll see if it's even worth it. You sound like the Dunning-Kruger posterboy otherwise. Nobody wants to steal your ideas, shitlips.

>> No.9115411

Right, but hypothetically speaking, let's say my idea wasn't shit, and I my name wasn't shitlips. Assuming all of that, someone would probably steal my idea.

>> No.9115412

>serious business
You're mentally ill. Post your "proof" or fuck off.

Spoiler: you won't because you're shitposting.

>> No.9115420

I'll speak to you rationally, then: Nobody is going to give you serious advice here unless you tell them this golden idea

>> No.9115427

If you JUST answered my question, you would get my theory sooner. Either someone likes it, and I give /lit/ credit publicly, OR (like many of you think) my idea is dumb as shit, and I post it on here for free.
But first, I must try to get it out there.

I know it sounds crazy, but let's say my idea is remotely interesting. What's to stop you or anyone here from taking it?

>> No.9115431

I prefer the smell of the semi-colon

>> No.9115433

>my idea
P: you don't have one
P: even if you did, it's not original
P: you are a nobody with no academic relation or network
P: even if you did have an original idea, and were connected, you're too scared of discourse on fucking /lit/
C: you need to leave

P V P V P V P = C
therefore C

>> No.9115434

>hypothetically speaking, let's say my idea wasn't shit

I know /lit/ is, on 4chen at least, a centre of escapism and creativity, but I don't think even if we combined all of our staggering IQs we would be able to fully picture this scenario.

>> No.9115445

It's clear you're just shitposting at this point. Get the fuck out of my thread.

This is my first time on /lit/ in over a year, so I'm exempt from your limitations.

>> No.9115447

Not an argument.

>> No.9115452

Listen buddy, this is an important thread. This idea could help lots of people, you're just being negative.

>> No.9115454

There is literally no way to publish a philosophical treatise without a name or a degree or anything, and have it taken seriously. Even with the Unabomber and Elliot Rodger, their manifestos were of note only AFTER they'd done the things they're known for. Just email your idea to Richard Dawkins or something. If your idea is as golden as you say, such a well-known and published atheist as he would put it in the spotlight for you with his name.

>> No.9115455

Oh noes someone might "steal" your idea.

Spoiler alert: original ideas independent of previous thought do not exist.

Do you in all honesty believe that people in academia actually browse 4chan? kys desu onii-senpai

>> No.9115460

>It's clear you're just shitposting at this point. Get the fuck out of my thread.

Lets play a game.

If you can guess which posts so far are mine I'll give you the answer you seek and/or leave you in peace.

>> No.9115463

Not an argument.

>> No.9115475

Thanks for answering my question. Lets assume hypothetically that Dawkins loved the idea, how much would it benefit me?


This isn't /pol/ kid, your dumb memes have no power here.

>> No.9115477
File: 52 KB, 1100x800, 1433093031724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dumb memes have no power here

>> No.9115480

If you're in for money you don't deserve getting published.

>> No.9115482

Not just for the money, but let's be honest, if you had a good idea and it made money, you'd want a percentage of that money.

>> No.9115484

>Lets assume hypothetically that Dawkins loved the idea, how much would it benefit me?

He'd steal it, just like every anon in this thread wants to. The difference is that he will actually be able to publish it and make money from it, while we will just turn it into a forced /lit/ meme and/or copypasta.

>> No.9115488

You could request that Dawkins credit you, or get in touch about publishing a book or something. He's famous, but I doubt he's an unprofessional asshole who'll steal your idea for profit. If he likes it enough to do anything with it, your idea would be able to make the impact that you believe it can, and you might even be able to make the money which he would have gotten if he'd published it as though he'd come up with it.

>> No.9115491

Still literally no evidence of any brilliant ideas or arguments.

>> No.9115492

If my idea is so great, you'll hear of it eventually, don't worry.

>> No.9115494

nobody wants to steal the idea. I don't know about you, but I just want to know what all this ado was about.

>> No.9115495

>a) Making the most money from revealing it

If your idea is "positive" to all people, as you say, it wouldn't be about making money. Money is the problem. You'd merely be a bigger problem in the world, depending on how many resources you "took" from other people to indulge yourself with frivolity and shiny things (that you won't fairly share with others).

My idea was to use a VCR with a read head and a write head. A computer could display the start-up screen in less than a second. The heads would be arranged so that the tape ran first over the read head and then the write head so it could update the image. Interspersed repeatedly between video frames would be images of prompts and menus, so it would always take less than a second to display them. All images would be easy to read/write, as opposed the resource-intensive binary sampling. Lots of images can fit on VCR tapes and they're cheaper than dirt.

>> No.9115499

You're on 4chan asking for tips to get published.

You're never getting published in your life.

>> No.9115508


Please, please, PLEASE get a trip so we know its you, then send your idea to Dawkins and post the reply.

I will pay you cash money to do this.

>> No.9115509
File: 48 KB, 532x532, 1456975431871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't come here to get a lecture from Karl Marx Jr.

>muh sekret club

>> No.9115514


>> No.9115517

Just write a science fiction novel with your idea as the central theme, then submit it to one of the publishers with low standards and unagented submissions. So long as everything else is golden, because some sci-fi publishers have incredibly low standards, moreso than others, you'll be published

>> No.9115520

Guys, I have the polar inverse frequency for the physical universe, and I'mma ask /sci/ later about hashing out how to test it to make sure I'm right but still be around to say it, but first, I figured it's only professional to ask you /lit/izens if it's moral to wipe out the universe if it's just for, say, 3 seconds (tops!), or am I gonna be right and a mass murderer? I'd really like to know how you think the aliens will probably take it. Appeals to Cantor welcome. Thanx in advance you guys =)

>> No.9115523
File: 564 KB, 800x430, 1473537875234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thread that just keeps on giving.

>> No.9115539

do a youtube explanation of it, that way u have ur face attached to de idea

>> No.9115542

This is more fantasy than anything. Don't wanna write a story about God talking to himself desu.

Don't wipe it out until you can get clearance from Bush.

How do you trip?

>> No.9115546

Just post it on a blog first and copyright it. Then you can go about trying to get it out there without fear of nobody believing you said it first.

>> No.9115547

Too embarrassed.

>> No.9115551

See >>9115546

>> No.9115563

You can make it any type of story so long as you're creative. If the idea is good, then there's no reason why it can't be the philosophical backbone to a good novel of any type. This might just be the easiest path, even if writing a novel is no easy feat

>> No.9115567

>Don't wipe it out until you can get clearance from Bush.
Done. Wasn't very hard. What now?

>> No.9115572

Now wipe the universe like your mama wipes her pussy after a good pounding.

>> No.9115573

I thought about this, and there's not much to say really. The only thing would be to have God having a conversation with himself, and saying things he has never said before. Don't want God speaking to the people, as that would be too pretentious.

Get clearance from Bannon.

>> No.9115582

>God speaking to himself is not pretentious
Listen, man. If your idea can be expressed in that form, it's probably not as good as you think it is. Still, see >>9115546 and fucking BLOG AND COPYRIGHT SO YOU CAN BE LESS WORRIED ABOUT THEFT.

How fucking hard is it? The fact you haven't responded to this point means I know you're baiting with no actual idea. You could write it down, publish a blog, and be back before the thread dies.

>> No.9115596
File: 48 KB, 594x419, byb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys my arm hurts

>> No.9115601

>But that would take many years, and my idea could be explained in 5 minutes. It's a philosophical idea that acts as somewhat of an extension on an existing idea, while adding something that I've never heard or read anywhere. I really believe this idea could do some good, and I'd like to get paid for it.
It's probably shit famalam

>> No.9115621

By your posts, I can tell that you have little to no education. Your so-called "idea" must have no value, especially philosophical, whatsoever.

Stop deluding yourself into thinking that anyone wants to steal your idea, and that if they did, they could do anything with it. Just fuck off and stop begging for attention. Go role play somewhere else.

>> No.9115623

I'm more educated than you, kiddo.

>> No.9115628

>I've never heard or read it before
>that means it doesn't exist
Anon, if you posted your idea here I guarantee that someone will tell you the name of someone who wrote it down 500 years ago.

>> No.9115629

What degrees do you have that prompt you to state that you have nothing to do with academia?

>> No.9115632

That doesn't sound very moral, anon.
>Get clearance from Bannon.
Is there a particular approach I should take? What's his favourite book on the matter?

>> No.9115635

>that doesn't sound very moral, anon
What are you talking about? She loves it.

>> No.9115641
File: 40 KB, 444x366, 1467230836645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9115642

Yeah, but if I wipe out the universe she'll have to stop doing it by stopping entirely. Maybe I should ask her how she feels about this. She normally doesn't check on my projects even when I ask.

>> No.9115644

>yfw after much tip-toeing op agress to posting his idea, after securing his intellectual property through a blog post
>all humans are connected and affect each other, this is the lesson of quantum physics, the minds of all humans coming together form a self-conscious AI which is God

>> No.9115647

No, she'll be poised in that moment of pounding for all eternity, just as if I pounded her across the event horizon of a black hole (which is sort of ironic, because she doesn't bleach).

>> No.9115650
File: 1.44 MB, 3348x1874, August_21_2010_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read a lot about religion, and its arguments, and I've yet to hear or read this idea. I also googled keywords for this idea, and once again, found nothing.

Me on the right.

Click, Clack, Moo by Cronin

>> No.9115654

Kek, bait thread confirmed.

>> No.9115657

Shit, guys. We've been making fun of an innovator the whole time and we didn't even know it...

>> No.9115660

>No, she'll be poised in that moment of pounding for all eternity, just as if I pounded her across the event horizon of a black hole (which is sort of ironic, because she doesn't bleach).
I don't think you understand how wave formations work, anon. It's okay, I'm asking /sci/ about the relevant parts to that later.
>Click, Clack, Moo by Cronin
Oh I thought you meant the important Bannon. Which guy are you talking about, and how is he a moral example of the universe? If you have his email, too, that would be great.

>> No.9115662
File: 25 KB, 602x599, 1483035467567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a shitskin

>> No.9115665

>I'm asking /Sci about the relevant parts later
Cool, cool. Don't forget to include the part about your mama. I'd be interested to hear their take on the issue.

>> No.9115668
File: 41 KB, 400x309, stress-technology-emotionally-destroyed-lonely-person-abstract-idea-isolated-illustration-38887548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bait, but if you keep shitposting, how else am I supposed to respond?

Never claimed to be an innovator, just that I had a fucking idea. Apparently that's IMPOSSIBLE.


>> No.9115675

Respond to this

>> No.9115678

>implying the illustrious Renaissance Charter High School for Innovation can produce anything but Innovators

>> No.9115679

I'm working on that. Just want to keep things as private as possible. What would you recommend? Blogger?

>> No.9115683

They had interesting ideas when I asked about my project on her weight, even better than /fit/ or /s/, but I think that's just because they were the only board that read the notes I attached. I'm really more interested in /lit/'s view of the moral aspect of the question because I know you don't like reading about wave formations, since Newton translated science into English and you guys hate translations and stuff.

>> No.9115686

I don't give a shit what site. Just want to see you get it in the public sphere with a copyright so you can move past the paranoia phase and let us know the idea.

>> No.9115689

The only waves I enjoy are the waves of flab washing over your mamas fat butt during her aforementioned pounding.

>> No.9115690

Right, and I will, but for that to happen, I need to find a good blogging platform. If the mods don't delete this thread, I'll post my idea as soon as it's published. But I need to find something that isn't linked to my email, so...

>> No.9115693

Were you in the /s/ thread?

>> No.9115695

Make a new email then. You can do that in 5 seconds. Create a blog. Copy and paste idea into blog from your notes. Write COPYRIGHT [NAME HERE] 2017.

>> No.9115696

We'll see about that. Just you wait.

>> No.9115697


>> No.9115698

You want credit for putting the idea up there, but you don't want a method of personal identification to be attached to it?

>> No.9115700

No, it's just that there are a lot of us in the world into this topic.

>> No.9115702

The payoff had better be fucking unbelievable. I swear to the Lord above if we don't all get meme'd on soon, I will kill a man

>> No.9115703

I'd want a pen name, so that people would contact John Smith, and then I'd be speaking to them, but until money is handed to me, they won't know my real name.

>> No.9115707

I swear it's coming, let me just write this shit in some blog.

>> No.9115708

Use a Gmail with the Sam Harrison name, blog copyright under that name, etc. Hurry the fuck up!

>> No.9115722

Took awhile to figure out they spelled "cologne" incorrectly. I thought there was a new colon-smell fad, like people were into the smell of feces seeping out their bodies.

>> No.9115725

Do Americans pronounce it "Coh-lone"?

>> No.9115733

Cologne is pronounced cuh-loan. Colon is pronounced coh-lin.

>> No.9115744
File: 185 KB, 639x836, 1456868601512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my serious thread devolved into a conversation about the pronunciation of an asshole

>> No.9115748

>the pronunciation of an asshole


>> No.9115752

>Does not even share the idea he has
>"my serious thread"

Just stop right there

>> No.9115760

It's coming buddy, I just left a message in Richard Dawkins' Foundation. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon.

>> No.9115763

No blog? You know that the only people still in this thread have wasted too much time on it to go without some sort of closure

>> No.9115768

I'll give you some closure soon, don't worry. Also writing the blog.

>> No.9115785

>god doesn't exist cos why does evil exist lol?
t. op

>> No.9115787


Thinking of some viewpoint that can be easily explained in 5 minutes, wanting to sell it out for personal gain, not having gone through any academic training, and having the audacity to troll everyone by keeping the idea hidden? You would honestly just be better off dropping the idea to us so we can discuss it and tear it to shreds. Don't be a coward, if you have faith in it then come clean.

>> No.9115792

That's not it, I don't even prove god doesn't exist, I just claim there's no proof for his existence, and go from there.

>> No.9115794

So you're like a shit Bertrand Russel?

>> No.9115795

It was pretty clear pretty early in this thread that he's just memeing and collecting his free (You)s.

>> No.9115796

I just can't wait for OP to post his idea so I can laugh at it, after all that wait.

>> No.9115799

I'd appreciate it if you come into this with an open mind. If you just came to laugh, you'll complain regardless.

>> No.9115803

Just post it you fucking pussy

why are you so scared if your idea is so good

>> No.9115815
File: 39 KB, 645x503, 9d679cb858d79a28aacb8252c027f69f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm currently on the phone with a woman named Lauren lol. I told her the basics of the idea, and she called Dawkins. Will follow up when this is done.

>> No.9115816

Why can you tell Lauren and not us?

>> No.9115819

It has something to do with the existence of hell. After this, I'll write it down.

>> No.9115826

>Ok, I'm currently on the phone with a woman named Lauren lol. I told her the basics of the idea, and she called Dawkins.

I'm actually not 100% sure this is a bait thread any more. Anon are you really this autistic? I hope for the sake of all our sides, you're not.

>> No.9115834

Tell Lauren about the fat mama pounding.

>> No.9115848

it's Jose Diaz

>> No.9115852
File: 10 KB, 220x146, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn i wish this wasn't bait

>> No.9115856
File: 63 KB, 633x758, Angry+feels+some+speeding+asshole+ran+over+my+cat+today_58163f_5507890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, just got off the phone with Richard Dawkins,.. let's just say that the conversation didn't last very long.

>He's very polite at first
>"Well, nice to meet you, Anon"
>Get straight into the idea
>Tell him that hell is incredibly unlikely that hell exists, since the devil is too weak to lead anyone, especially the kinds of alphas that go to hell
>If hell were real, why haven't oil drillers found any remnants of Joseph Stalin
>The truth is that heaven is actually a two staged place, one for good people, and one for bad people, so no matter what, everyone gets in somehow
>At first all I'm getting are yeahs and hmms
>About half-way through my explanation, he just starts laughing
>Tell him that I'm serious
>Explain to him why hell cannot possibly exist
>He asks me if I've ever taken a chemistry class
>"Oh anon, I'm sorry to say, but such a thing is ludicrous"
>Explain to him that if hell existed, it would become overcrowded immediately, because it's underground, and there's no waste disposal
>"You know that this is unnecessary, right?"
>Keep going about the fact that in hell, the devil would eventually be overthrown by a communist revolution, etc. but he doesn't care
>Hangs up on me
>No bye, no polite nothing, just fucking hangs up
>Call back, this time it's Lauren again, tells me that Mr. Dawkins still hasn't stopped laughing
>This time, I hang up

Never meet your heroes, /lit/. It's not worth it. At least I've got my Norwegian cabin I can rest in... r-right?

>> No.9115863

I'll give it a 6/10. 9/10 for effort, but your execution needs work.

>> No.9115864

Wasn't that funny desu baka senpai :/

>> No.9115878

Don't kick a man when he's down. Fucking assholes. I had a great idea and everyone shit on it.

>> No.9115887

Exhibit A: >>9115856
Mods, please delete this thread. OP is autistic as fuck.

>> No.9115894

I knew this thread was bait

>> No.9115906
File: 42 KB, 442x418, rage-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a board for philosophy. If you can't argue your positions without resorting to namecalling, perhaps it is YOU that should be deleted.

>> No.9115916

Not worth it. What a fucking let down.

>> No.9115926

I was hoping for a genuine jape at the end. That was hardly even a jest.

>> No.9115933
File: 275 KB, 361x452, StopPosting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9115973

Stalin's buried out the back of Red Square. He's not that close to Hell and I'll thank you not to besmirch his good name. He was a poet and takes these things harshly.

>> No.9115986
File: 296 KB, 468x504, Selection_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin was a murderer.

>> No.9116032

That's not relevant to /lit/. >>>/his/

Let me show you
>relevant to /lit/
During the Great Purge, he edited a Russian translation of the Knight in the Panther's Skin (by a Georgian intellectual he released from prison for the purpose) and competently translated some of the couplets himself.
>not relevant to /lit/
In addition to authorizing torture, Stalin also signed 357 lists in 1937 and 1938 authorizing executions of some 40,000 people, and about 90% of these are confirmed to have been shot. While reviewing one such list, Stalin reportedly muttered to no one in particular: "Who's going to remember all this riff-raff in ten or twenty years time? No one. Who remembers the names now of the boyars Ivan the Terrible got rid of? No one."
>relevant to /lit/
Stalin said of attacks on Bulgakov's play Flight which portrayed it as "Rightist",
>It’s no good calling literature Right and Left. These are Party words.

Please go to >>>/his/ or >>>/news/ if you want to discuss murder. Gore threads are banned on /b/, too, still I think.

>> No.9116085

You fucking suck op

>> No.9116097

Just tell us you homo

>> No.9116112
File: 833 KB, 1390x2048, lighto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring it nerd. lets start a literary revolution.

>> No.9117376

Ideas are generally not copyrightable or patentable.You cannot protect them. Ideas are cheap. "Ideas are the disease of the mind." Goncourt Journals.

The only thing that matters about an idea is its expression or execution. That being said, the best way to protect a philosophical marvel if you are not a faculty member is to get a job at a university, for instance, washing blackboards, and bide your time until you notice a struggling new professor who is worried about not getting tenure. Then, late one night, share the idea with them, insisting that they keep it to themselves. They won't of course, but will use it to ascend to the highest ranks of the academy. You must follow them like a ghost , like their conscience. At the restraining order hearing, you must take the stand and deliver the most eloquent explication of your idea. You must do a better job than the fraud you have elevated. Then, and only then, will your idea be burned into the permanent record and forever associated with your name. That's how you protect it.

>> No.9117400

Fucking awesome movie, tbph.

>> No.9117419

yeah what this guy said, but you're going to have an extremely hard time to get anywhere unless you have a qualification