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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 466 KB, 796x1167, Soseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9114364 No.9114364 [Reply] [Original]

>"They look like a newly married couple," said Sensei.
>"They seem to be pretty fond of each other, don't they?" I said, in an amused tone of voice.
>There was not even a trace of a smile on Sensei's face. He began deliberately to walk away from the couple. He then said to me:
>"Have you ever been in love?"
>I said no.
>"Don't you want to be in love?"
>I said nothing in reply.
>"It isn't that you don't want to fall in love, is it?"
>"You made fun of that couple, didn't you? But actually, you sounded to me like a person who is dissatisfied because he has not yet been able to fall in love, though he wants to."
>"Did I sound like that?"
>"Yes, you did. A person who has been in love himself would have been more tolerant and would have felt warmer towards the couple. But--but do you know that there is guilt also in loving? I wonder if you understand me."
>I was surprised, and said nothing.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9114403

he meant that Kokoro is beautiful and made me cry

>> No.9114452

I'm on page 20, spoil it and you're dead, kid

>> No.9114458

not a peep outta me, anon

haha you wanted it to be spoiled. gotcha!

>> No.9114470

kek I just hit chapter 20

i popped on here and see this thread

>> No.9115033

>tfw I opened the spoiler
What does this say about the human condition?

>> No.9115046

Kokoro can't actually be spoiled, it loses nothing.
Also, I like how Soseki is definitely Japan's best writer to date but Mishima is miles more enjoyable due to the strangeness of it.

>> No.9115060

>"You opened the spoiler," said Sensei
>"Only out of curiosity, the plot is not as important as the prose," I replied nonchalantly.
>He sighed, saying nothing and standing only with a nondescript smile.
>"When will you tell me about the goddamn fucking grave, Sensei?"

>> No.9115066

It's a translation from japanese, there's no such thing as good prose in it.

>> No.9115092

Sensei kills himself because he earlier made his friend kill himself by taking his woman

>> No.9115095


>> No.9115109


>> No.9116007

My favourite translation of the Crime & Punishment was written by a retarded, Scottish child with turrets syndrome, who has a vocabulary of six hundred words, poor grasp of grammar, and uncontrollably swears in every sentence. Because you know that translations can't have good prose so it's objectively the same as ever other translation.

>One hot fucking day in July a kike nigger man go from small shit house. He lived in it. He was so fucking luck not to see his cunty boss lady on stair.
Truly a wonderful translation.

>> No.9116730

go back to r/books lad

>> No.9118166

Bump for le Japanese sensei of literature.

>> No.9118207
File: 81 KB, 452x640, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book any good?

I bought it on impulse after /lit/ got it right about Mishima.

>> No.9118855

It's really well-written and is able to describe feelings of isolation and utter despair very well. Plus it's only like 100 pages so might as well read it.

If you read No Longer Human and liked it, this is basically a much more poetic and romantic version of it.

>> No.9120026


>> No.9121222

said the reddit user to the oldfag

>> No.9122605

he is just talking about Mishima and his sensei irl. Kek

>> No.9122749

>tfw eyesight so fucked up i thought it was tesla