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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 220x294, Marx_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9114420 No.9114420 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we discuss our favourite author and political thinker, Karl Marx.

Discuss his works and theory.

No alt-righters please, these isn't even your fucking board.

>> No.9114431
File: 402 KB, 1310x1300, Marxism Reading List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna dump some reading lists

>> No.9114440
File: 1.40 MB, 1074x1598, Leninism Reading Kit leftypol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to dump some Lenin because, agree or disagree, he was very influential and very interesting
t. Ancom

>> No.9114446
File: 595 KB, 1844x2348, Leninism Reading List leftypol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of our boi

>> No.9114451
File: 1.21 MB, 1074x1598, Communalism Reading List leftypol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9114461

People do not ask for socialism because they KNOW that socialism will improve their conditions, and they do not reject capitalism because they KNOW that it is a system prejudicial to their interests. They are socialists because they BELIEVE that socialism will improve their conditions, and they hate capitalism because they BELIEVE that it harms them. They are socialists because they are blinded by envy and ignorance. They stubbornly refuse to study economics and spurn the economist' devastating critique of the socialist plans because, in their eyes, economics, being an abstract theory, is simply nonsense. they pretend to trust only in experience. But they no less stubbornly refuse to take cognizance of the undeniable facts of experience, that the common man's standard of living is incomparably higher in capitalistic American than in the socialist paradise of the Soviets.

>> No.9114464 [DELETED] 


We hate women and nonwhites, we are redpilled, we are FOR capitalism and FOR tradition, whiteness, and masculinity.

Women should remain virgins till marriage. Take this shit to reddit. This is a NatSoc board

>> No.9114466

Left-Commie shit with some bonus Luxemburg:
Party and Class
General Remarks on the Question of Organisation
Lenin as Philosopher
World Revolution and Communist Tactics

Open Letter to Comrade Lenin
The World Revolution

Leninism or Marxism?
Reform or Revolution
The Mass Strike

The Masses & the Vanguard

The System of Communist Representation
Is This the Time to Form ‘Soviets?’
Towards the Establishment of Workers’ Councils in Italy
Party and Class
The Democratic Principle
Lessons of the Counter Revolutions

When Insurrections Die
The ‘Renegade’ Kautsky and His Disciple Lenin
Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement

>> No.9114477
File: 26 KB, 671x454, marxism study plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have a study plan someone made if you're new to Marxism and want to learn some pretty cool shit. Should do 3 hours of each day, but that's what it takes if you're not a socialist already. That said, half of it's learning new bullshit jargon.

>> No.9114478

The one thing that defines the socialist is the incredible amount of envy that they possess. First, there is the fact that so many people refuse to accept the reality that those who accumulate wealth in a capitalist society do so simply by pleasing large numbers of their fellow citizens with the products or services that they sell. In terms of making money, the movie star outstrips the philosopher. This often creates a lifelong feeling of envy and hatred towards capitalism and capitalists in the mind of the "philosopher." Many people also insist that they should be judged by some kind of absolute standard (defined by the government, of course) as opposed to the dollar "votes" of their fellow citizens. Consequently, they are frustrated and envious of the more successful among them. The less successful (including the lazy or incompetent) often express hate and enmity against all those who superseded them. Political demagogues take advantage of such people by promising them something for nothing ("free" healthcare! "free" education! "free" you name it!) in the name of egalitarianism.

To the grumbler who complains about the unfairness of the market system only one piece of advice can be given: If you want to acquire wealth, then try to satisfy the public by offering them something that is cheaper or which they like better. Try to supersede companies like Pepsi by mixing another, better beverage. Equality under law gives you the power to challenge every millionaire. It is--in a market not sabotaged by government imposed-restrictions--exclusively your fault if you do not outstrip upper classes.

>> No.9114493


It reminds me of Scientology. They have you learn an exclusive dialect and you have to spent at least two and a half hours studying each day.

>> No.9114506

The jargon is mostly just so intellectuals can say shit easier., e.g. bourgeoisie vs. class that owns the means of production. That said, jargon in general is shit though, especially for a political movement because if you ever talk to some normal bloke using all the fancy vocab you won't convince him in the slightest.

The whole thing about studying is just if you want an in-depth knowledge of Marxism, if you want a basic overview you could probably learn the rudimentary basics in an hour from Richard Wolff.

>> No.9114535


I draw the comparison because I notice that a lot of smaller "socialist clubs" or groups operate a whole lot like cults do. The unique language that communists speak in can certainly make ideas easier to communicate between like minded people but it also serves to shut down critical thinking. Outsiders can't effectively communicate or refute ideas because they don't speak the language, and this is one of the reasons why cults tend to always have their own loaded language. The other reason being that it serves to cultivate an elitist mentality which also aids in separating insiders from outsiders.

>> No.9114536

I can't even tell if this is an actual Redditor trying to shill or someone posing as a Redditor trying to shill to discredit them.

How come people stop being Marxists when they start paying taxes or find a wife? How come 92% of Antifa still lives with their parents? Really makes you think.

>> No.9114545

>Implying Reddit is remotely leftist
>92% of Antifa still lives with their parents
Because your 'official' address when you're at uni will be that of your parents even if you live on campus all year round

>> No.9114554

>implying it isn't
>implying next to this thread there isn't a thread which has Reddit talking about spamming /lit/ with their agenda
>implying the number isn't from Germany where most of the Antifa is and where it's very rare to live on campus
>implying it wouldn't still show that none of them work

>> No.9114579

To OP, if you want a good Marx thread you need to actually pose a reasonable question or problem. If you just go "Marx, here we go" you will only get trolls. The higher the level of discussion in the OP, the more people that actually know something will be attracted to post.

>> No.9114678

>no alt-righters please
>this isn't even your board

OP is a falseflagging frogman

>> No.9114688

Ey would y'all mind leaving my orthodox jewish board?

>> No.9114689
File: 89 KB, 387x260, 1373042375866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are for capitalism
>we are for tradition

Pick one, you idiot. If you really think capitalism doesn't reduce every "traditional" identity to meaningless posturing, you are a retard. Only decent traditionalism is anti-capitalist.

>> No.9114696

Stop responding to obvious bait baka

>> No.9114722

The whole thread is obvious bait.

>> No.9114730

Gotcha ;)

>> No.9114785

I dislike /pol/ but I dislike /leftypol/ even more

>> No.9114790


What do you think of his metaphysics of commodities? Is it true?

>> No.9115269

its funny, because despite all the studying, most so called marxist socialists know fuck all about what Marx wrote in Capital.
They're bound to know quite a lot about the political, social, historical dialetic part of Marxist but usually fuck all about effective Marxist economic theory

>> No.9115275

Marxist theory*

>> No.9115296

I'm generally pretty left leaning and fairly well read, but anytime I sit down to try and read this dude my eyes glaze the fuck over.

And it's not like I'm reading Das Kapital or anything big. I've tried the Philosophical and Economic Manuscripts as well as the 18th Brumaire to the same effect.

I just ultimately have a difficult time reading about things which are related in almost purely economic terms, which I understand is the point of Marx (class consciousness and all of that). It's not that I'm some sycophant for metaphysics, but pure economic materialism just bores the shit out of me.