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9109821 No.9109821 [Reply] [Original]

Why are humans so ashamed of sex?

>> No.9109824

Social pressure mostly

>> No.9109841

Disease, bastards, dominance, etc..

>> No.9109843
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Because it's gross and dehumanizing.

>> No.9109854

Throughout most of human history casual sex meant venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies out of wedlock, and violence over control of women.

>> No.9109855

>t. virgin
There's nothing more beautiful and human than sex

>> No.9109859

>t. Agent of the Demiurge

You won't trick me with your lies!

>> No.9109860

Are they really OP?

Tbqh today I feel like the shame comes from not having it enough.

>> No.9109863

>t. manwhore

>> No.9109867

>virgin shaming
Why does society shame people for things that are beyond their control? Do you make fun of malnurished Africans too?

>> No.9109874


Sex isn't bad, but it's supremely overrated. There are much more fulfilling things out there. I think the sense of shame doesn't come from religious ideals, but rather the shame that comes from lack of control regarding desire.

>> No.9109885

There's this "taboo feel" in the subconscious of everyone. Most people see sex as a joke.

>> No.9109886

They are envious, desu.
I don't understand how one can see virginity as something bad.

>> No.9109892

It is the only carnal desire which involves other human beings as opposed to inanimate resources.

>> No.9109894

>beyond their control
Whether or not you have sex is entirely within your control (excepting rape of course).

>> No.9109902

My genes prevent people from finding me attractive, and prostitution is both illegal and heavily penalized where I live. I literally have no control over my virginity.

>> No.9109904

I really don't think that's true anymore, at least not in the sense you are arguing by starting the thread with a picture of Freud.

Freud's ideas of sex are very marked by the era he crafted his theories.

I'm not saying people don't have sexual repressions, but they obviously don't have the same repressions today as they did in the late 19th and early 20th century.

>> No.9109906

Because you lack carnal knowledge. I don't see it as bad but some see it as relative ignorance.

>> No.9109913

>muh gentucks

Please leave, no one wants to be subjected to your gravitational retardation.

>> No.9109922
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>> No.9109923

Just try to talk about sex in a family reunion and see how everyone reacts.

People are ashamed of it.

>> No.9109930

Or maybe you're just an autist for bringing up such a personal topic in a family reunion.

>> No.9109937

Do people genuinely not understand that sex is markedly more difficult to obtain the less attractive you are, particularly when it comes to men? It's not like I haven't been trying.

>> No.9109944

I understand it perfectly well. I'm average looking and it's not easy for me to get sex these days either.

>> No.9109945
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If you CAN defend this then I probably don't want to hear it.

>> No.9109955

I'm not, i just think if sex = reproduction was the sole reason for it people would be a lot better off

>> No.9109956

Dude it's personality and standards. I know some ugly ass country ass motherfuckers that get laid a lot of times by people way out of their league, but they also fuck other ugos. They know the truth that it's all about practice and pussy is pussy. You can't put it on the pedestal. If you go a week without getting laid your standards are unrealistic and/or your personality is repugnant to other humans for some reason.

>> No.9109969

I have no standards. I was ogling a 45 year old slightly chubby Mexican the other day, and I have enough close female friends to know that I'm not autistic around women. I'm just not attractive.

>> No.9109983
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>it's h-human nature g-guys

>> No.9109984

That pyramid would collapse..

>> No.9109985

Bro are you a burn victim? How could you possibly be that unaesthetic. I literally witnessed a 300 lb land whale of a man with pepperoni tits and a scar streaked down from his ear to his neck pull a petite natty blonde with big tits. That dude could fucking bantz tho.

>> No.9109989
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this desu

>> No.9110023

Women are attracted to men who are either beautiful or physically dominant. I'm neither. I'm hairy and rugged, but I'm also short and skinny. So I can't attract either the girls who like twinky Jared Leto types, or the girls who like fat 6'5" guys who can wreck them.

>> No.9110026

the curse of the abrahamic religions

>> No.9110036

>no sex taboo exists in the East
2/3 of the Abrahamic religions formed the most sexually permissive societies in the world

>> No.9110041

people aren't ashamed of it, it's an intimate subject not fit for discussion with most people

i'm not "repressed", it's just that there is zero reason for me to discuss the details of my private life with you

>> No.9110045

My mom took me to a priest because of masturbation when I was 12/13.

>> No.9110048

Why are humans ashamed of other bodily functions, like pissing and shitting?

>> No.9110069
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>tfw 21 year old kissless virgin and it's unlikely to ever change

I just have to stop with the porn and become completely pure

>> No.9110073

Sex is immoral

>> No.9110084

Stop with the porn and your life will improve desu

>> No.9110096

Seriously, stop posting here. This is a solvable problem, but you choose to blame other people and things outside your control instead of working toward a solution. r9k is more than happy to commiserate with you, so post your sob story there.

>> No.9110099

because it's animalistic and since civilized society we've been trying to repress that side of ourselves.
the result in recent times is an explosion of "degeneracy" ironically caused by the exact people who try to completely repress it.

>> No.9110102

>solvable problem
why is being a virgin a problem

>> No.9110106

How do you suppose I solve it? I'm genuinely curious by the way

>> No.9110107

Some things aren't fixable m8.

If you're fucking ugly, you're fucking ugly, and no manner of social rapport is going to make people attracted to you.

>> No.9110108

there's less sex taboo in the east atleast. just look at thailand for example

>> No.9110111


oh it will

>> No.9110117
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>yfw you realize that every single one of your ancestors managed to reproduce and not one of them in a history spanning thousand of years was as much of a failure and quitter as you

>>>/r9k/ if you want to effectively commit genetic suicide for your lineage through an addiction to faggy self-pity

/lit/ if you want to talk about books and shit.

>> No.9110133

The subject came up naturally over the course of this discussion, and is sort of pertinent to OP's topic. I'm not derailing anything.

And yes, my male ancestors managed to reproduce, but they lived in an age where out-of-wedlock marriages were frowned upon, there was no artificial insemination or allamony, and women didn't work so they needed to mate just to survive. The modern gender dynamic is removing a lot of people from the evolutionary game simply because we're no longer necessary.

>> No.9110135

Just fuck ugly women.

>> No.9110138

*out-of-wedlock pregnancies

>> No.9110147

>>yfw you realize that every single one of your ancestors managed to reproduce and not one of them in a history spanning thousand of years was as much of a failure and quitter as you
Ultimately, I reject sexuality because of the impurity of its reproductive process. The smartest girl I've ever met is a monkey compared to me, the smartest woman I have HEARD of is a child, and I am going to mix up the genes of my brain with THAT? The subhumans will find this outrageous, but the subhumans are addicted to a bunch of chemicals in the brain and can't see beyond an orgasm, so of course they'll be outraged; they have their eyes ON THE NEXT HIT, not on the future. And besides, their genes are so mediocre that the worst that can happen to them by mixing is more mediocrity, and if they are lucky they might even get a lucky hit. That's why sexual reproduction is indeed a sound strategy — IF YOU ARE MEDIOCRE.
Now it's true that in the long term, if I get a good wife, and if our children mix with other good children from good families and have many descendants, a higher race, or at any rate a higher tribe will result, as with the aristocrats of old. But there is no more higher caste to protect and nurture them today, and my son could very well pick up some plebeian slut because she is pretty. He wouldn't be compelled to find a wife FROM WITHIN HIS CASTE, because THERE SIMPLY WOULDN'T BE ONE. Also, I wouldn't have many children because it's not the custom anymore. What modern wife would agree to give birth five or ten times? Also, I want immediate results, if possible, not a hundred years after I die. Ergo, the only way forward for us is cloning.

>> No.9110151

shut the fuck up you dumbfuck fatalist. fuck off to r9k.

to whoever it was, personality will get you laid. ugly people just have the dating/sex game on hardcore mode. my uncle was 73 in a wheelchair and he managed to get a mid-20s decent looking girl.

>> No.9110152

You write like a childish monkey yourself and that is why I'm not reading all that shit.

>> No.9110154


>blah blah blah it's not my responsibility, blah blah

When did you last flirt with a woman?

>> No.9110156

>ugly people just have the dating/sex game on hardcore mode. my uncle was 73 in a wheelchair and he managed to get a mid-20s decent looking girl.

You expect people to believe horseshit bait like this?

>> No.9110161

Is your uncle a billionaire?

>> No.9110167

>tfw a good thread gets contaminated with henry rollinsian /r9k/ tripe

>> No.9110169

Please do us a favor and go back to your place r9k neanderthal.

>> No.9110173

excellent post, you sure riled up the plebs

>> No.9110176

More like this thread was destroyed by people like you.

>> No.9110178

I get your point, but the thing is that being ugly forces you to deal with a lot of rejection, more so than everyone else. So eventually you just give up, rather than going home dejected, embarrassed, and resentful every time you even make an attempt. 1000 rejections make every subsequent attempt seem more and more insane and useless.

>> No.9110185

you're the worst kind of person. an ugly boring person.
nope he's a charming motherfucker.

>> No.9110186

There are certain topics like sex, suicide, politics, loneliness and a few others that are doomed to go to shit from the start.

>> No.9110196

Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.9110204

why would i? i'm above-average with a decent personality and i get laid regularly enough. nice projection though.

>> No.9110205


Sure. But I think that the vast majority of defeatists have given up in advance or in response to too few rejections.

For starters, I dont' for a fucking second believe that you have approached and been rejected by a thousand women.

>> No.9110209

I manage to get long no fap periods only when I feel spiritually elevated but it rarely happens

>> No.9110216

acknowledge your ugliness and work on your charm. and i know it's hard to deal with many rejections but try to learn from each rejection. like whether the girl was just shallow or whether it was your interaction that could've gone better.

>> No.9110217

It's worth noting that social ease is also very much genetic, as are talent and intelligence. I'm moderately intelligent (something women rarely select for), but other than that I'm utterly mediocre in every way.

>> No.9110221

No you're not. You're a pathetic shitposting loser.

>> No.9110261

well it's a mix of both nature and nurture. if your parents weren't socially adept you probably won't be too. same case with me really my parents are socially inept so i had to force myself to get out there and learn to interact.

either way, you can always work on it. same for whatever else you think you're mediocre it. take it a day at a time, don't push yourself too hard at the start or you'll burn out.
nice projection :^)

>> No.9110269

The pain of inequality is hugely discouraging. Having to walk up to women and face the shame of rejection over and over again while my handsome brother has women walk up to him can't help but fill me with a sense of hopelessness, which discourages me from continuing to attempt. The thing is that social ease around women is fuled by sporadic success, and if that success never comes your game can't possibly improve.

>> No.9110285

if you are white and ugly just date yellow people jeez

>> No.9110300

But what if you don't even have that option, you're black?

>> No.9110303

>what is a blood transfusion

>> No.9110312
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Also, don't forget that sex is a need, like hunger or thirst. We feel it and we can't explain it. As Plato says, after doing it we are not really happy, we're just relieved from this need.

People like >>9109855 who overpraise sex lack the sort of identity that only a human being could take. That's why decent people are ashamed of sex, because it's the basest thing in our existence and living a life in which you openly chase it makes you uninteresting.

>> No.9110315

Because they would rather make love.

>> No.9110321


Why wont you just start lifting?

>> No.9110331


>> No.9110337

I do. I'm still ugly. Lifting isn't going to make me taller or fix my face.

>> No.9110342

they're not, westerners are

>> No.9110352

get a personality AND lift.
ugly people really have to try harder, and if you don't have the motivation to do so get rich and fuck hookers.

>> No.9110365

Get rich.

>> No.9110375

I wish my mom would have done that

>> No.9110395

It scarred me forever though, I never did anything sexual because of the horrendous, irrational guilt and fear of using my own penis.

>> No.9110415

>rationalizing this hard
I can tell you're a wizard

>> No.9110418

>tfw there's no money in my dream job of being a translator of literary fiction
Time to learn about investment banking

>> No.9110424

I'm seriously considering moving to Latin America just to get pussy. It's sad.

>> No.9110439

Redpilled post desu

Once you get past the spooks, mashing genitals and rubbing naked bodies sounds a bit silly. Its necessary for reproduction though.

>> No.9110444
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>This is a solvable problem


>> No.9110449

There's no two ways around it, either you're good looking or you have money.

>> No.9110452

It's not the sex itself, it's the the feeling of contentment and validation that intimacy gives you. When you're in bed with a beautiful woman nothing else matters.

>> No.9110454

you could always impress the ladies of the language you're translating to/from. kind of need some personality for that though.

>> No.9110464

That's a pretty narrow worldview you've got there. Go suck on a titty you smallminded pleb. Being naked in front of another person is awkward as fuck.

>> No.9110479

droping the fact that I'm a polyglot has never worked for me. It just comes across as me showing off. How the fuck does one even develop a personality in the first place? People just use the term synonymously with 'outgoing' and 'extroverted'

>> No.9110481

>you could always impress the ladies of the language you're translating to/from
You know what that will lead to? Fake orgasms. A woman needs a man in bed, as intelligent or forward as she may be, the primal side takes over at that moment.

>> No.9110486


>> No.9110491

Just getting a woman to bed would be an achievement for me. Her faking an orgasm wouldn't make a difference

>> No.9110492

Because it's "animalistic" and not "human".

>> No.9110510

It will make a difference when she cheats and laughs in your face for being a shitty lover and a manchild, right before taking your kid to live with Robert her new bf.

>> No.9110519

>marriage and children
Dude, I just want to lose my virginity.

>> No.9110525

Do you think most women are in it just for pump and dump? They will hook you, trust me.

>> No.9110534

If you allow yourself to be hooked and duped into raising a kid like some horny trailer park hick, you deserve everything that happens to you as a result.

>> No.9110545

That's a bridge I'll cross once I get to it. I can't even see that bridge anywhere in my future, tbqh.

>> No.9110554

Ok, maybe not a child, but everyone falls in a relationship 'just because' once in their lives. Specially when you're inexperienced as this guy is.

>> No.9110564

> but everyone falls in a relationship 'just because' once in their lives

No, "everyone" does not. You're focusing on mainstream stereotypes again. There are plenty of people who don't. There are plenty of people who reject romance entirely. Broaden your perspectives.

>> No.9110574

>There are plenty of people who reject romance entirely
I literally know no one irl who does that.

>> No.9110589

Consider those outside of your social circle. Statistically speaking, the millennial generation is having significantly less sex than any generation since WWII. The west is slowly going the way of Japan with Herbivore men and the phenomenon is being documented.

>> No.9110598

And yet STD rates are rising. Less people are having sex, but they're having more of it.

>> No.9110601

This is going way beyond the scope of what I was talking about, but yes that's pretty sad. Thankfully I live in a Latin country where at least in this respect we are better than the first world.

>> No.9110604

you don't speak like some fucking expert. you just reference something from their country they think you wouldn't know and they get surprised and you go from there.
as for personality it's having thoughts and emotions and expressing them in a socially acceptable manner regardless of what people think. saying something that incites people but being cheeky about it works for me.
he has a point about many women wanting it rough but you're still at the beginning stages focus on that first.
besides that don't listen to this loser, he's just projecting his own fears.

>> No.9110611

I feel bad for you

>> No.9110613

>what is the 80/20 principal
>what is the STD epidemic in the black community

Milenniel MEN are having less sex, and when you omit black men its far worse than the statistics suggest. White and Asian men are hardly fucking at all outside of the top prospects.

Latin countries are surprisingly redpilled. They're sexually aggressive and liberated while the women are still feminine in addition to being educated.

>> No.9110622

I blame porn being instantly available in the comfort and privacy of one's own home

>> No.9110624

Gonna need some citations there, bud

>> No.9110625

Says a lot about the sexual landscape that literal videos and cartoons of people fucking and acting out fetishes are the obvious choice over going out and finding a partner.

Porn is a symptom, not the problem.

>> No.9110645

>what is google
>how do I verify easily researchable claims that I read on the internet

>> No.9110647

Being able to carry a conversation has never gotten me a date. I impressed a desi girl last month by mentioning Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan out of nowhere, and we got into a fun conversation, but I got hardcore rejected when I asked her out for some coffee. Women just have too many easy options nowadays. Why would she settle for me when she can find a 7/10 willing to fuck her on tinder?

>> No.9110667

the content of the conversation is pretty important in getting your penis into her.
if you're just talking about intellectual shit the entire time she just thinks you're smart and nice and friend material.
you need to convey in a non-autistic fashion that you want to fuck her.

>> No.9110668

I think you're rushing to a diagnosis that suits your own worldview. When did the downturn in the number of people having sex begin (and again, I'm gonna need some sources before I buy into that idea completely)? Did it coincide with the rise of internet pornography? How much porn do the people who aren't having sex watch, and how does that compare to those who ARE having sex? What kind of porn are people watching? There are a ton of questions that need to be explored before anyone can talk about symptoms or causes. Or it could be the case that there are a number of problems which in turn generate a complex of systems. For example: people jerk it to porn more frequently, thus lowering their drive to pursue sexual partners. This leads to frustration over not getting laid, which in turn leads to more jerking off etc.

Also I'm curious about what you think the problem might be.

>> No.9110678

Hypergamy has been kicked into high gear with the newfound sexual buffet on dating websites. The top 5% of men can fuck around all they want without settling down while women compete for them and complain about a lack of options (where have all the good men gone?) when they reject them. Men know this. Many are dropping out of the race, others are working their asses off at crafting new personalities and bodies to compete against the tide.

Your desi girl probably went home, loaded up tinder, and hooked up with a star football player who pumped and dumped her the same night.

>> No.9110682

An element of the problem is that social media is a validation machine for women, rich raises their standards. And given the multifarious options women now have when it comes to meeting men, they don't have to lower their standards in order to get laid.

>> No.9110688

It's easy to find info on millennials having less sex, but nothing about the gender or racial distribution of those who are having sex. So naturally I suspect it's pol9k hokum. And it's shocking, you people bitch about sexual degeneracy constantly, and when it comes out that people on the whole are having less sex, and waiting longer to have sex, you still find something to bitch over

>> No.9110690

Seems like everyone is already aware of it. There's a massive media machine, driven by feminism, trying to deny this and socially reject any and all men who point this out.

Really makes you think.

>> No.9110693

>rich raises their standards
Interesting slip

>> No.9110697

What's frustrating is that, given the thousands of thinkpieces written for newspapers and magazines concerning sex and online dating, no mainstream publication has written about this issue. Even mentioning it is considered mysogonistic.

>> No.9110700

t. cuck

>> No.9110709

Hey man great shit you really showed that guy with those spicy memes haha yeah bro solid

>> No.9110718

>To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise


>> No.9110722

Some guy for I think the Washington Post recently wrote an article about how difficult it was for him to have sex, and how he was only having it biannually at most, and Jezebel wrote a hit piece about him for pointing it out

>> No.9110733

Link please

>> No.9110749

>be ugly
>work hard my entire life to become successful enough to attract a single woman
>I date said woman
>we finally have sex
>it's boring sex
>we get married
>she tells me that she loves me but that she's not in the mood
>find out she was an absolute freak in college
>I get an occasional apathetic handjob from her 37 year old calloused hands
>college boyfriend got to fuck her in the ass and cum on her face
>she eventually cheats on me and starts fucking some guy at church
>she divorces me and takes half of my stuff
>I'm alone, and well passed the age where I can have healthy children
>my genetic line dies with me, as i suffer a lonely existence
Is this the story of the modern man?

>> No.9110756
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You can find the link to the article and to the Jezebel reaction on google. Too lazy to post it since I'm on my phone

>> No.9110761

No, that's the deranged fantasy that a small portion of the population uses to justify their sexism. Frogposters will be bred out of the gene pool and the world will be better for it

>> No.9110768

They'll be replaced by Muslims though, so beware.

>> No.9110781

>this fucking dry-dick virgin at the washington post
1. Judging a man by how many women he's slept with is an example of toxic masculinity where women are viewed as things to be conquered

2. People like Eliot Rodger are only mad because they think that they're entitled to my body, and because society judges men by how sexually successful they are

3. Virgin men are gross

How can modern feminism reconcile these three views?

>> No.9110791

>deranged fantasy
You can argue that it's not all that frequent, but a second on subreddits like r/relationshipadvice and r/deadbedrooms show that it's a story that actually occurs. Jonathan Franzen even wrote a book about it.

>> No.9110792

Honestly I can't see why someone would write an article like this. Basically just whining. The pornhub workout thing was hilarious though.

>> No.9110795
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Taboos surrounding sex are the most essential thing in post-Christian cultures. The reason that beneath all of their talk about how sex is just a biological act libtards has elaborate conceptions of sexuality, virginity, etc is because if they realize that sex really is no more different than taking a shit, they'll lose the last spiritual aspect of their worldview and go insane.

>> No.9110802

They are raging narcissists, the conflicting views means they don't have an overreaching ideology or goal but are just protecting a (fake) identity.

>> No.9110803

It highlights the issue that the frequency with which the average man has sex is actually low. And if it's higher for women, then that's something worth writing about.

>> No.9110824

I don't get why someone would write the article, but what I get even less is why someone would get mad at the dude for it.

>> No.9110836

Feminism is about obtaining as many social benefits and protections as possible for women. They view gender relations as a giant scoreboard where men have way more points that women do, so their objective is to score as many points for their side as possible without being concerned with whether they're being fair or playing by the rules.

This is why supposedly sexually liberated feminists attempt to ban prostitution around the world, and why it's illegal for a man to get a paternity test in either Germany or France.

>> No.9110846

Who do you guys blame for this? Single mothers? Estrogen in the water? Porn? Feminism? Jews?

>> No.9110851

A combination of the wide spread availability of pill, online dating, and women joining the workforce and being able to support themselves.

>> No.9110853

Regardless of the fact women in western countries are anything but 'oppressed', they are free do anything they want, and yet they don't stop bitching.

>> No.9110863

A human performing it's first biological instinct. Yeah man, sure. If you think that's bad, you should start reading into medicine.

>> No.9110867

All of the above

That's fair.

Do you really think some bougie journalist represents the average man in any way?

>> No.9110885

I think the average man is worse.

>> No.9110893
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stop talking about sex

>> No.9110927

Sex and death are the only interesting topics

>> No.9110928

Finally, a good answer.

>> No.9110963

Women find confident guys attractive. No one is going to sleep with a guy who gave up because of his genetics. Could you imagine fathering his kids? Having to deal with a man who gives up on sex, the fundamental biological impulse? What kind of example will that set for the children? What kind of attitude will the children have?

There's tons of women out there who sleep with ugly, short, deformed, etc. guys. Some of them even fetishize it. The point is to get yourself out there and be confident. It'll be a lot harder for you than for someone more attractive, but don't think it's impossible. That mindset is going to hurt you more than anything.

>> No.9110971

Thanks pm me if you wanna see more where that came from ;)

>> No.9110976

You're projecting your own logic onto it. Women aren't men. They don't see the world the way you do. You judge women based on their stats, you rank them, categorize them, etc. Women judge and rejudge men constantly based on how they feel, and distort the stats to fit that.

Ask a women how tall her boyfriend is, she's going to exaggerate it every single time. They don't judge men the way you judge women. Stop projecting. They like confidence, bantz. They also like big tall guys with money, and it's a big factor, but you're not counted out for not being one of them. Stop comparing yourself to an impossible ideal. There's always going to be better people out there. Your attitude disgusts me.

>> No.9110980

We're not. Freud and puritans were.

That's not a good answer. No good answer has "libtard" in it. That's the catchphrase of dipshit hicks everywhere who don't know how to construct an argument and elected a man who gave zero discussion as to what he would actually do as president. "Libtard" is the motto of american illiteracy and refusal to subject one's opinions to an adult level of scrutiny and critical analysis.

>They'll lose the last spiritual aspect of their worldview and go insane.
Goddamn christians are retarded. We're adults now with hadron colliders. We don't frame our worldview with storytime from the dark ages.

>> No.9110983


>> No.9111004

The attitude I've developed didn't form alone in a vacuum, as I masturbated in a dark room while seething about how unfair women are. I've been putting myself out there for almost a decade. I'm 25, have been around the block a few times, and have more than a few female friends. I've tried. It doesn't work for me. And while I haven't given up entirely, I've shifted my focus to my career. If I stay in this current rut, I'm genuinly facing the potential prospect of dying a virgin.

>> No.9111014
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>There's tons of women out there who sleep with ugly, short, deformed, etc. guys. Some of them even fetishize it. The point is to get yourself out there and be confident

Normies are so innocent...

>> No.9111023

It associates us with lower animals.

>> No.9111025
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> have more than a few female friends
And? Are you implying that your female friends give a shit in Hell if you get laid? Are you implying that you aren't just something external to which they can compare their status in the world?

>> No.9111028

>women find confident guys attractive
Confidence develops from sporadic success. How the fuck do you remain confident in the face of constant rejection and shame?

>> No.9111029

>Almost a decade

You've never even dated a WOMAN. Go to bed kiddo.

>> No.9111033

Read books, lift weights, quit bitching.

>> No.9111037

I'm merely pointing out that my lack of sexual success with women has nothing to do with not trying or with being autistic around women.

>> No.9111045

Your ability to make female friends says nothing about your ability to get laid.

>> No.9111051

Not saying it does. All it indicates is that I'm not an autist who spills spaghetti the second a woman is in my near vacinity, which is the problem a lot of r9k types have

>> No.9111069

It's embarrassing to act so animalistic and hard to watch the person you're with do the same. And it's disgusting. I'm not a virgin but I really do find sex to be dirty and shameful

>> No.9111093

If at 25 you're a virgin I guarantee you haven't tried hard enough.

>> No.9111101

This. I've got a fat bearded buddy who doesn't give have a shit about manners and has been to prison a handful of times for drug charges, which if you know anything about prison, has quite impacted his social skills. But the guy gets laid all the time because he's confident. It's really easy. People just overthink it.

>> No.9111110

He probably looks very masculine, which helps.

>> No.9111112
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I'm not ashamed of the sex I have. I have been ashamed, but that's when I was immature and doing sex wrong. Now I speak openly and truthfully about it. This does not mean I talk about it constantly; it hardly ever comes up in an intelligent discussion. But I am sincere about it when it does appear as a topic or when the opportunity for sexual intercourse (not rape, which is un-sex) appears

>> No.9111121

Because it's wildly dangerous and can lead to STDs and unwanted pregnancies, which historically meant you're basically fucked.

Nowadays with the advent of birth control out attitudes towards sex is much more liberal.

>> No.9111130

This. People don't understand how much changes in social attitiudes are the result of material gains. Housework becoming less time consuming due to advances like washing machines and vacuum cleaners = women now have enough time to work. The development of birth control = women can now have sex for pleasure and don't have to worry about destroying their lives by getting impregnated by a loser.

>> No.9111140

Women still don't sleep with losers. They just have sex with chads a lot more.

>> No.9111144

Loser as in someone who wouldn't stick around and become financially stable enough to support a family, which is what really mattered back in the day

>> No.9111147

Be a Chad then you cunt.

>> No.9112258

What a stupidly generalized question.
Do you really think they ALL are?

Your cultural paradigm =/= the entire human race

>> No.9112261

Loser here, I get mad sympathy pussy because I'm articulate, handsome and mentally handicapped in a way that makes me seem superficially more interesting than I really am.

Women like novelty most of all - they are ever prey to the gimmick.

And you got no game.

>> No.9112272

>The development of birth control = women can now have sex for pleasure and don't have to worry about destroying their lives by getting impregnated by a loser.
>meanwhile the single mother statistic just keeps on skyrocketing
women's liberation is literally destroying society

>> No.9112286


The average American's real income has been shrinking for decades and yet even as we grow poorer society becomes more and more permissive and tolerant.

>> No.9112299

Blood transfusion is OK.

>> No.9112302

Sure solution is to lower the standards. Nobody wants to do that.

>> No.9112304



>> No.9112307

Get /fit/. Women fuck dogs - they do not care for looks beyond health and popularity.

>> No.9112315

Social context is huge. At a family gathering, tales of your sexual conquests and niches are likely to make you feel alienated and judged, but among peers you may be venerated or an object of jealousy. That said it depends on the peer group and particular family. I think when with peers there is an element of mutual understanding, but with family it is upsetting to imagine someone you are used to viewing non-sexually in a sexual way. I know it is unpleasant for me. In fact I feel the same way with my friends when they tell me about their exploits. Perhaps I am prudish. Perhaps others are salacious. Hard to tell. For me sex is private. When I am out with my roommate and he is gawking at every girl he sees and constantly yammering about their features I feel like telling him to go home and jerk off like the teenager he might as well be.

>> No.9112361


Have you guys even scrolled through facebook? The amount of memes being shared about being alone for the new year, being envious of other girls relationships, wine and movie with other lonely girls on valentines is staggering. Lots of women feel the burn of not being in a relationship or meeting a good guy. Men have more in common with women than we suspect.

>> No.9112391

Agriculture and the resulting private property. What used to be common good of the hunter-gatherer band now became something to compete over, which in turn lead to taboos in order to keep the peace:

>You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
—Exodus 20:17

Note that wife is merely one of the possessions. Agriculture was the fall from paradise.

>> No.9112394

>medicine is ethnically normative

>> No.9112402

>posted a thing arguing in favor of x

How do you do it?

>> No.9112411
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>When you have savories and fine dishes set before you, you will gain an idea of their nature if you tell yourself that this is the corpse of a fish, and that is the corpse of a bird or a pig; or again, that wine is merely grape-juice, and this purple robe some sheep's wool dipped in the blood of a shellfish; and as for sexual intercourse, it is the friction of a piece of gut and, following a sort of convulsion, the expulsion of some mucus.

>Thoughts such as these reach through to the things themselves and strike to the heart of them, allowing us to see them as they truly are. So follow this practice throughout your life, and where things seem most worthy of your approval, lay them naked, and see how cheap they are, and strip them of the pretenses of which they are so vain. For pride is an ever-subtle deceiver, and it is just when you are most confident that you are engaged on serious matters that it most surely beguiles you. Consider, for instance, what Crates said about Xenocrates himself in this regard.

>> No.9112588

Look, sex that isn't for the purpose of procreation is not much more than masturbation. Your biological imperative argument only goes so far. If you truly have mind over matter, you can cut out sex from your life, self actualize, and meet women of value later on.

>> No.9112607

Every chance I get

>> No.9112611


Thread should have ended here.

>> No.9113110
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Alternatively, just enjoy getting off.

>> No.9113122

Seems like you haven't studied Epicurus much:

>[addressing a young man] I understand from you that your natural disposition is too much inclined toward sexual passion. Follow your inclination as you will, provided only that you neither violate the laws, disturb well-established customs, harm any one of your neighbors, injure your own body, nor waste your possessions. That you be not checked by one or more of these provisos is impossible; for a man never gets any good from sexual passion, and he is fortunate if he does not receive harm.
Vatican Sayings 51

Basically he is saying, if you really can't help yourself get laid in the least harmful way possible, but abstinence is better where possible. The Epicurean idea of a pleasurable life is more akin to that of monastics than of conventional pleasure seekers.

It would be better to just have a wank if necessary and move on.

>> No.9113123

Only in private behind closed doors.

>> No.9113151


but then why does society pressure people to be ashamed of it?

>> No.9113155

Because sex is better when it's 'forbidden'.

>> No.9114459

>still no rebuttal

>> No.9114474

I don't think people are still ashamed of sex, they are just ashamed of bad sex, bad partners or bad decisions.

>> No.9114513

For more information see King of the Hill s1ep2 "Square Peg".

>> No.9114525

>doesn't like public sex

>> No.9114596

It's pretty clear you don't spend a lot of time with women. Your social standing and personal charisma and character is far, FAR more important when it comes to women. Looks just helps you get the foot in the door.

If you can't be handsome, you better be interesting.

>> No.9115605
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Jouissance is everywhere

>> No.9115622

if /lit/ ever pretends it's better than any other board, refer back to this thread.

not that this isnt a humorous thread. its the same as any other self-loathing thread on any board, just with oblique references to literature and spirituality.

>> No.9115652
File: 46 KB, 500x300, 7544943feee3c34c82cd795558d73b845af58bf5b2cdc51c39fd0811bcda2683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT yet simple advice,do it faggot.

>> No.9115705

Finding someone to fuck is really easy.

It really is passive idleness at its best when I see anons bitch and moan how they're still virgins because they're fat or ugly or hairy or whatever. They are literally finding any excuse they can. If you have a dick and can smile and talk, you can fuck. Just find someone around your appearance level, make them laugh, call them pretty, and talk to them alone in a house or in a car. It's not hard.

All of this stake and importance you're dumping into having the act of sex only does 2 things:

1. By labeling yourself as a virgin, you associate it negatively, and it gives you a massive complex. You obsess over your title even though it effectively means nothing.

2. Makes women REALLY not want to fuck you.

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. The only thing wrong is being unable to accept and love yourself.

>> No.9115728

Keep in mind that the modern relationship is relatively new. Now we have condoms, hygine and all that other stuff to make sex more streamlined and focused on the fun part while avoiding any of the risks.

In my opinion lust is a very low desire though.

>> No.9115865

Why do people have such a hard time believing that some people are sexually unsuccessful due to circumstances beyond their control?

>> No.9116442

Why do people have such a hard time believing that some people are sexually unsuccessful due to circumstances within their control?

>> No.9116499


Most human beings are not hot and sexy (take the person, whoever he is, photographed in the OP, for example), and thus not best-adapted to the practice of actually having sex. Yes, being hot and sexy does by definition make you best-adapted to the practice of having sex. For example, studies have shown that more attractive people literally have better sex-because their bodies actually understand that they are better adapted to the task, and receive more gratification from the act - it is literally more "right" for attractive people to have sex, from an evolutionary point of view.

Unhappily, life is unfair, and plenty of people are just plain ugly, or meek, or otherwise defective from the animal point of view, which makes them somewhat less well-adapted to the practice of having sex. This is a natural and obvious source of shame for people.

A society in which the former, happy group gets to do whatever they want all the time, leads to an interminable existence for the latter mass of humanity. Thus, as a consequence of human sociality, certain traditional checks have at times been blessedly enforced upon the hot/rich/powerful, including cultural policing of sexuality, general normative notions of equality, religion, and cultural pressure for one-one pair bonding. These stabilities have recently been upset.

Houellebecq is here. Read Houellebecq. Listen to Houellebecq. Do not dismiss Houellebecq.

>> No.9116556

Just stop watching porn or masturbating as well?

>> No.9116587

pls leave michel

checked dubs tho

>> No.9116590

what does henry rollins have to do with it?

>> No.9116606

>Women find confident guys attractive.
Not really true. Women like all sorts of things about men.

>> No.9116609

Success in other areas of your life usually helps. Like do a job you love and be good at it or (lol) make your parents proud.

>> No.9116613


the id pushing in one direction is met by the superego pushing in the opposite direction. this reflects the system's tendency toward psychic equilibrium

even primates must suppress their sexual urges. power dynamics in the group determine who mates with whom

humans rationalize and sublimate to protect the ego and discharge libido or sexual energy to maintain psychic equilibrium

>> No.9116631


Thread degenerated into dim and clueless bickering about nothing, like Henry's books.

>> No.9117194

this proves the point anon

>> No.9117205

Well said, anon. A truly rare moment of reason here.

>> No.9117332

>right before taking your kid to live with Robert her new bf
Then Robert's a cuck.

How is having some other guy pay time and money to raise my kid a bad thing?

>> No.9117337


>> No.9117350
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>by the superego pushing in the opposite direction
we don't live in the 19th century anymore, they're not so much polarised, but entangled in eachother


>> No.9117356

You forgot the desire to kill.

>> No.9117596

>t. virgin

Ur just a bitter sour grapes faggot

>> No.9117704

I'm 5'6.

>> No.9118087

fucked 5 women in 1 year. Agree with >>9110312

>> No.9119458


This post is half-right and half-wrong.

The half-wrong part is the denial that women find confidence attractive in men. On the contrary, confidence is easily one of the two two or three sexual attractiveness traits that a man can have, in the heterosexual sexual marketplace, for women. Confidence, social status, general power (closely related but not identical qualities) are THE sexiest attributes as far as women are concerned. For the proof of this, I refer you to the outside world. Visit it sometime and take note of how men and women interact with each other.

The half-right part is that it is true that there are a wide range of possible attractiveness traits that men can draw upon in order to attract women, so your "women like all sorts of things about men" is true, it's just that some traits (the ones I just mentioned) tend to be more important than others. Obviously a guy with fairly low social status can compensate to a large degree (but not completely) if he literally looks like Brad Pitt. If a fat guy is a multimillionaire, he can pull something. If you're 6'6" and can hide your social awkwardness for a week or two in spurts, you can bed many women, although a relationship may not be in the offing if she figures out that you're a sperg or a shutin.

The reverse is not the case. If a women is moderately ugly, or very ugly, then men won't actually experience attraction to her, no matter what else she does to compensate. The man doesn't care about her money, or her high-powered job if she has one. The Look is far more central to a woman's sexual market value than it is to a man's; about all that she can do to compensate is to be nice, to cook a good meal, that type of thing. (Then why do men go for ugly/fat women?) People settle for each other, and often do so with resentment locked away in their hearts. Every time the guy is fucking a present-day Shelly Duvall, he always wants to be fucking a 1970s Farrah Fawcett. This doesn't change. Also men are hornier and thirstier than women, and so they are more willing to make such settlements in order to get sex. This thirst does not obviate the eternal will to fuck a 1990s Heidi Klum, is the point. This urge is never actually extinguished in a healthy man, even if lower T with age takes the edge off a bit. The recent mass availability of high-quality porn has disrupted all this somewhat, however.

>> No.9119604


>> No.9119617
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Because it reminds us that we can never rid ourselves of our beastial nature. We will always be of the dirt.

>> No.9120164

>I'm not a virgin and sex is my number one priority