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/lit/ - Literature

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9103313 No.9103313 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get the motivation to write? I can't help but feel writing is a waste of time, due to the fact that I'm not talented enough to ever create something of market value. If publication is not the end goal, what is?

>> No.9103321

>If publication is not the end goal, what is?
To make something that you feel is important. If you care about it deeply, someone else is bound to take an interest in it

>> No.9103325

The answer is simple: don't write.

Just imagine if everyone in the world would write... What an awful situation! You're part of the half that mustn't write.

>> No.9103338

I have great enthusiasm when it comes to writing my journal because that's just for me and I don't care if it's shit writing but I've given up on all the short stories I've started because ultimately they were unoriginal hackjobs

>> No.9103339 [DELETED] 

You donn't need to make money from your creative endeavours for them to be worthwhile........besides, you're infinitely more likely to make it as a rockstar then a professional writer....it's that improbable

>> No.9103341

To express your thoughta in a self-satisfying way. I write poetry and theres no market value even if does get published. I love poetry and the joy of having written good poetry is enough of an incentive. Besides that it helps get me laid and Ive met some cool people by pursuing this passion

>> No.9103382

What do you mean by motivation to write?

What motivated you to write the paragraph is the same motivation you need to 'write' whatever it is you want to write.

>> No.9103436

i think critical/analytical writing is good for people without creativity or talent who still want to produce "something"

>> No.9104291

I just get hammered on cheap beer and start writing what's on my mind.

>> No.9104321

I just allocate two hours per day to writing. It's difficult at first but the routine soon clicks. Also don't expect to churn out prize winning work at the start because I guarantee what you write will be shit. That's what practice is for. Over time you'll be less shit, and one day you might even be good at it.

>> No.9105521


>> No.9105745


These days it's pretty easy to use technology and social media to find an audience for your work no matter how terrible and make money off of it.

I've heard some anons on /biz/ make good extra spending money just writing badly written porn for kindle

>> No.9105840

Especially if you can't tell 'than' from 'then'

>> No.9106189



>> No.9106223


>> No.9107105

Read up on Aristotle's account of happiness.

>> No.9107393

I feel like starting is the hardest part. Once you get the ball rolling, you can keep going with the momentum of your story, but I feel like I have to write the first few paragraphs one at a time with breaks in between each of them because they just take so much fucking energy out of me.

>> No.9107423

It is a learning experience, therapeutic.
It is hard work proofing and editing, rewriting.
Lots of perverted and untalented writers have followings.

>> No.9107442

I feel the same way. I don't know what you try to write, but the best thing is short stories to start with. That's kind of vague on length, but you can always make a pretty coherent string of short stories that is similar to a novel, but you have the BIG benefit of not having to ever connect gaps between pieces of stories themselves, since they're standalone pieces.

Whenever I try to do that I just instinctively draw it out waaaay to much and it's probably awful to anyone other than myself. Short stories are great.

Other than that, just practice.

>> No.9107705

think of all the people who have done you wrong or hate you

>> No.9107791
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>How do you get the motivation to write? I can't help but feel writing is a waste of time
God, no fucking wonder, I'm looking at your picture and I'm seeing so many disgustingly wrong things. If I had such an abhorrent writing setup I'd have no motivation to do anything but throw that stuff into a fire.

Throw that disgusting generic ballpoint *BLUE INKED* (holy shit) pen into the trash. Snap it in half first though in case you live near dumpster divers like I do, as they might rescue the pen and start using it, making you complicit in the crime.

Second, CLIP YOUR FINGERNAILS (with small scissors) and stop getting manicures; believe it or not, this is actually bad for writing.

That notebook looks like SHIT. Look at that shade of white that the paper is. Look at the line colors. Look at the line spacing. Is that a fucking Moleskin? That looks like a fucking Moleskin. Throw that into the fire pit but before you do that rip every single fucking piece of shit embarrassing sorry excuse for notebook paper out of that notebook and rip it to shreds, so it burns more quickly and more violently.

Now you are on the path to being able to get the motivation to write. It's a long journey but through trial and error, you'll get there (I'd tell you my findings, but I've worked too long, and too hard, to give them away for free.)