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9101107 No.9101107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It truly does return as a farce the second time.

>> No.9101122

>i lock myself in an online right wing nationalistic echo box

>> No.9101152

The irony of a leftist saying this.

>> No.9101159

What exactly was any less farcical the first time around?

>> No.9101165

To be honest I thought of this at times, but I know someone who spouts /pol/ ideology out of his mouth so that really makes me think

>> No.9101166

How will 4chan cope with no longer being counter-culture?

>> No.9101171

We can't because we define ourselves by being "counterculture," hence the constant degenerate shitposting.

>> No.9101183

we'll soon embrace agambenian xenofeminism, we just have to

>> No.9101194

>we'll soon embrace agambenian xenofeminism, we just have to
What makes you think there are not people RIGHT NOW already having embraced that
They just wait for the right moment to get woke

>> No.9101198

Capitalism always wins.

Political movements are now commodities and nothing will change. At least 100 years ago you had rallies with mighty speeches and genuine community organising. Now there are rallies where people buy burgers and watch a man talk about his sex life on stage. Another product, another fast food of entertainment so that they may express themselves in that meaningless dribble at the voting both where they cast their lives away to the same loss of freedom again and again.

Even today, the most extreme proponents often run websites or magazines to turn a profit. It's all a farce and everyone has fallen for it yet again.

One day all will be locked up in their little cozy apartments with their vote ready to be cast on the computer screen for that next opponent, that next player of the virtual game until the very despisers of moral relativism make truth and fiction relative. Until the very so called 'traditionalists' introduce more counter culture and social progression.

All a farce. The wheels are already in motion.

>> No.9101213

> implying Agamben isn't a crypto-Catholic paleo-anarchist

nigga, do u even read??/

>> No.9101231

"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." Hegel of course usually worked in threes, and if tragedy is the thesis and farce the antithesis, then surely the synthesis is Trump, who is at every point a perfect superposition of tragedy and farce.

>> No.9101240

Why do you have to worship the ghost of Hegel if you want to be a "professional philosopher"? I have never understood this. Certainly his dialectic is the same as Socrates', except that he (Hegel) named the steps

>> No.9101245

What happens when capitalism is unable to deliver the commodities it does now?

>> No.9101249

Complete societal collapse.

>> No.9101254

Isn't a farce with world historical figure status kind of inherently tragic? And of Trump is the synthesis, who was the farce?

>> No.9101256

Always strikes me as odd, cause 4chan as a platform is inherently anarchist.

>> No.9101258

I swear to fucking God if I see someone associating this thesis-antithesis-synthesis BULLSHIT with Hegel ever again I'll personally track his IP down and violate his anus with my fist.

>> No.9101264

This. Counterculture, even of the communist kind is commodified.

Che Guevara merchandise is a good example of this and it disgusts me.

>> No.9101266

The result can be mathematically proven by Poe's law.

>> No.9101270

You don't, in most universities. Analytics make up the great bulk of working philosophers, but they're boring as shit and mostly working on inherently intractable problems, so Zizek and pals get most of the limelight.

>> No.9101274

>Everything is commodity, Commodity is everything

Do you find that pumping your understanding through the spook of "economics" makes it muddier or clearer?

>> No.9101278

where does it come from then if not from hegel?

>> No.9101297

CERTAINLY NOT HEGEL. He was absolutely opposed to any kind of systematic 'one size fits all' qualification.

>> No.9101298

Fichte, and don't ever make me do your Wikipedia research for you againm

>> No.9101308

I don't think Stirner would consider Economics itself a spook. That's like saying theology is a spook, Christianity or non-violence may be spooks but theology is more a practice.

>> No.9101324

It's kind of true, though. Most everything the leftist dominated media puts out is a reaction to the "alt-right", however you'd like to define it. NYT just put out an article basically raising awareness about Evola, for Christ's sake. And it certainly is just going to escalate from here.

>> No.9101326

then what are dialectics?

>> No.9101333

>leftist dominated media

>> No.9101334

Precisimo, this guy gets it

>> No.9101335

Read Heraclitus fragments and the Platonic dialogue 'Parmenides' first, it's obvious Hegel would fly over your head.

>> No.9101339

I deride them for doing that.

Not because I'm a leftist but the trash that is Evola.

>> No.9101345

It's your spook when you professionalize it, become a priest of it, order your interaction with the world to correspond to it, and call others to do the same.

I am not Stirner, I do not give a fuck what Stirner "would or would not" have said, and that hypothesis is certainly not material to this conversation

>> No.9101397

A critique and pointing out hypocrisy is not a spook, retard.

The people acting upon this hedonistic momentary impulse whilst simultaneously deriding hedonism are the ones who are spooked. Simply stating 'spook' is literally NOT an argument, dork.

Fuck off, brainlet.

>> No.9101404

Pretty much, but the real left is minuscule and has no power whatsoever, and all they can resort to at thios point is domestic terrorism

>> No.9101423

Sadly the next stage of human evolution is neo-traditionalism, I detest it but I recognize that it's unavoidable

>> No.9101431
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>ironic memeing is a political movement

>> No.9101453

>but the real left is minuscule and has no power whatsoever

Most of the country in a democracy voted for a leftist president.

>> No.9101460

And yet you say, "Capitalism always wins," and conclude that tirade with an assertion that the supposed "people acting upon this hedonistic momentary impulse whilst simultaneously deriding hedonism" will end up in "cozy little apartment ready to cast their vote on a computer screen." You say, "the wheels are in motion." I say, people are not wheels, and you believe in a fixed idea, the idea that "human interaction" and "Progress" are things that can be tabulated, the idea that you know the "best" way to predict the future, the idea of an idea.

Yea, hedonism (senses are everything, everything is sense) is hypocritical through the lens of economics. Economics (commodity is everything, everything is commodity) is hypocritical through the lens of utility, or "utilitarianism."

I am calling you a hypocrite for cynical commodity worship, which I stated in fewer words above.

>> No.9101470

This, lel.

>> No.9101486
File: 9 KB, 208x206, 14088733_1073739136066797_396002586_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist dominated media

>> No.9101496

They're not ironic anymore. Look at your pic for instance, DFW. I bet you first heard about him on here, and joined in on the ironic memeing. Now you've probably read Infinite Jest and unironically think he's a genius.

>> No.9101503

Seems comfy as fuck familia

>> No.9101518

thats just post irony my nigga

>> No.9101598

There is nothing wrong with that, in fact, it must be persued in order to break out of postmoderism with democratic values intact. (depending on what you mean by neo-traditionalism) Classical or Medieval?

I like to think some kind of "Eco-Modernism/traditionalism" will replace the highly Urbanized consumeristic, hedonistic postmodernism. It is Neurotic and abusive, careless, confused.

To be putting the essential end of money on the table (UBI, electronic money etc) will mean that the potential to misdirect and waste (Pro-fatty, pro-cosmetic surgery as human right, "they" do the jobs others "won't" because you are all pigs America) of resources will be high. Some form of discipline is needed. People need to stop "advocating" like a Californian Hipster trying to score points and actually engage.

- Location focused (possibly with environmental aspects)
- Sublimation (including more meaningful relationships)
- The education system to focus on objective success and skills not emotional daycare.
- Services over planned obsolescence for producers like apple.

I think controlled depopulation (giving the option and presenting the benefits) is a positive step too.

It either goes more professional and focused or it is going to get messy.

>> No.9101620

haha no they didn't

>> No.9101624

Yes, NYT is a hard-right publication like Breitbart

>> No.9101628

What is the functional, practical difference? If you kill someone 'post-ironically,' does that make them any less dead?

>> No.9101643


something something overton window

>> No.9101645

it exists to serve the ruling class

>> No.9101652

>What is the functional, practical difference?
Pragmatic utilitarianism is just a point of view that holds no monopoly on the so called objective reality other than what you allow it to have.
>If you kill someone 'post-ironically,' does that make them any less dead?
from a certain point of view I suppose it might.

>> No.9101668


see how stupid you sound?

>> No.9101673

>reading anything after 1950

>> No.9101675
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The Western world needs right-wing traditionalism to fend off the coming hordes from Sub-Saharan Africa. Liberalism or socialism simply doesn't have the intellectual framework to justify sinking boats filled with women and children.

Once that problem is solved the West will return to progressivism.

>> No.9101676

By summarily turning on whatever next becomes the accepted ideology.

>> No.9101677

go to bed capsguy

>> No.9101679

What's the basic gestalt of the current zeitgeist?

>> No.9101684


>> No.9101700

>I suppose it might
In what way? The rest of your post has basically nothing to do with what I said.

>> No.9101703

i wonder who likes anime more between alt-right and sjws

>> No.9101708

On that note, are blacks inherently inferior to whites?

>> No.9101710

I agree with this. Savages are ruining our space AI party.

>> No.9101721

alt-right has better taste at least

>> No.9101722

I think you plan is great but far too idealist. The only way you can even come close to achieve that is through war.

>> No.9101726

On what criteria?

I don't think Africans would be able to maintain current levels of Western industry and technology, but they do make good sportsmen and are often talented musicians.

>> No.9101732


>> No.9101745

>In what way?
If we accept the metaphysical notion of degrees of death then we may hypothesize that a specific manner or intent can affect the degree to which someone may have died from a certain perspective in the conditions of our current language game.
>The rest of your post has basically nothing to do with what I said.
that your opinion and I respectfully disagree.

>> No.9101754

SJWs hate anime for not being progressive enough.

It's the only right-wing cultural industry in the entire world nowadays.

>> No.9101758

I mean they both watch aboslute bottom of the barrel trash garbage for the most part, but I feel like a SJW is more liekly to watch something actually good such as e.g. Yuasa

>> No.9101763

>talented musicians
Is this bait?

>> No.9101764

Whatever happened to the anime marxist tumblr teens

>> No.9101779

Art Tatum is one of the greatest pianists who ever lived

>> No.9101781

Spooky nonsense, when someone is dead they are dead, it doesn't matter if the killer did it 'ironically,' that won't hold up in court. What you said before had nothing to do with what I said because I wasn't talking about pragmatism or utilitarianism at all: the OP talks about the current zeitgeist, one poster says it's just ironic, I ask what difference it makes; it doesn't matter if Hitler was being 'ironic,' millions still died in WW2, nor does his intent or the effects of said deaths change anything or matter at all. There is only one 'degree' of death: that of being dead.

>> No.9101789

most sjws just watch sailor moon and bleach, plus whatever whatever seasonal pleb sol tier shit it popular at the moment

>> No.9101795

and alt-right watches /a/-tier shit, which is even worse

>> No.9101802

Art Tatum was not an "African", he was a black man born in America to black American parents.

There are many skilled musicians from Africa, though.

>> No.9101810

We were talking about if blacks were inferior tow hties thog

>> No.9101815

>There is only one 'degree' of death: that of being dead.
from the perspective of someone who has never died perhaps this is true but it's not informed enough to be taken as accurate.

>> No.9101820

The exchange began with Africa and >>9101726
specifically mentioned "Africans"

>> No.9101828

Someone of any race can be traiend in musicianship and it only takes a generation or two to interlaize host culture

>> No.9101846

People who have died don't matter. They can no longer directly affect the world, and are irrelevant. When the living view the dead, we only ever see a corpse. The only degree of death that matters is that of being dead.

>> No.9101849

Of course they are. They're the missing link.

>> No.9101854

All anime is bottom of the barrel trash garbage.

>> No.9101855

>not liszt
>not chopin
>not godowsky
>not ashkenazy
>not rubenstein
>not anyone that's not a nigger

>> No.9101860

Cringed a bit.

>> No.9101867

this pretty much. no ideology can topple an entity that has no ideology.

>> No.9101868

Cringed at your extremely inappropriate cringing

>> No.9101878

There are a few that are ok. Not like among the best films ever of course but pretty good

>> No.9101879

you use the word "matters" would you care to elaborate what you mean by it?

also I disagree with your two middle axioms.

>> No.9101880

>There are a few that are ok.

>> No.9101885

That's fine, I wouldn't say it's necessarily good enough to be worth defending so I'll stop

>> No.9101888

I like anime because it's strictly non-political.

I'm tired of Jews and Marxists forcing their views in my entertainment.

>> No.9101915

This is a good point, but have you ever seen, for example, a Korean-American country singer?

>> No.9101918

wonder if japan will ever get a japanese version of trump

>> No.9101926
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>mfw traftionalism is a spook and we should be conquered by sub saharan afrika

>> No.9101927

the tide is already turning. the right become cool because obama and the democrats were in power and contrarians have a certain attraction. now that trump is in power, it's going to shift pretty fast. in a few years, being pro-trump will be like wearing a fedora

>> No.9101930

Considering how the establishment in Japan is conservative, and how the perennial opposition party is the Communist Party, I'd say Japanese Trump would be a commie.

>> No.9101934

Priscilla Ahn

>> No.9101939

i know japanese people like trump but do they like putin

>> No.9101948


>> No.9102005


>> No.9102092
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>i know japanese people like trump

>> No.9102118
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I sometimes wonder how many NEETs don't get this whole site is Shitposting Bld. and take whatever retarded shit is posted here seriously. When did we past the stage of being ironically autistic fags and actually became autists? Why did this shithole become a right-wing haven and what does that tell you about the right wing in general? Did anything worth half a shit come out of here ever? Was there ever any semblance of civilized rational discussion had? Fuck me, I hate this place.

>> No.9102151



This is one of the most salient critiques of capitalism actually. If economics is the science of allocating scarce resources then capitalism is the system where resources are allocated preferentially to those who can use them to produce more resources, i.e. capital accumulation.

In other words, rich people have most of the wealth but rich people also generate more wealth so everyone's position steadily improves.

The problem is that as capital accumulates resource consumption accelerates. Whatever your theory of value is, it's plainly obvious that the only way to increase production of commodities (and thereby increase wealth generation) is to consume more resources.

Capitalism is 100% dependent on infinite growth. Even a hint of stagnation causes panic and insecurity. A period of slow growth is an economic crisis.

We've run out of physical space on the Earth to expand markets and we've moved to manufacturing needs, desires, and identities in order to sell more commodities (do men and women really need different shampoo?) and cannibalizing the identities that already exist (see the incorporation of old pariahs, blacks, women, gays, transgender, etc. into commodity culture)

But you can't do it forever. Nothing is infinite and eventually there will be no room left for expansion.

If we haven't figured out an alternative scheme for society before then an alternative scheme will be foisted on us, and it will probably involve biker rapists.

>> No.9102167

Thank God I own a bike.

>> No.9102240

Proposal: Trump on the campaign trail was the farce. Trump actually being the president is tragedy and farce.

>> No.9102252

If there's one thing we've learned from the election of Donald Trump, it's that polls are 100% accurate.

Excellent post, anon. Thanks.

>> No.9102257

for better or for worse, this site has already influenced history somewhat and will probably be the object of future study

>> No.9102269

Bullshit. Face it we're less influential than raddish and no amount of congratulatory wanks we'll change that. We are only good at mememaking and shitposting.

>> No.9102279

>We are only good at mememaking and shitposting.
yes, and this has substantial cultural impact because the normie mind will absorb memes but not 10k word moldbug posts

>> No.9102289

When a traditionalist right-wing resurgence happens in this country, they are almost always absurd, fast-burning, damaging and end in a blazing fucking mess.

Give it the two to three years it has. Then the pendulum shifts back to progressive. As most of the first world is considered liberal and progressive outside these fringe pockets of extreme nationalism and traditionalism.

>> No.9102290

You overestimate memes tebehe. Especially the ones from here most of which read like untranslated pictograms to normies.

>> No.9102294

capitalism also produces middle class which = lower populations because people are having less children

when you say resources, what do you mean exactly? like natural resources of a given location? for example, japan has shitty natural resources but maintains it's impact on the world through trade. venezuela has no capitalism but has tons of natural resources but is broke.

>Capitalism is 100% dependent on infinite growth. Even a hint of stagnation causes panic and insecurity. A period of slow growth is an economic crisis.

is this your personal opinion or are you speaking for the rest of society? seems like a stretch

>We've run out of physical space on the Earth to expand markets

actually no, there are many countries that are potential markets but do not have the infrastructure necessary to have compatible trade negotiations with.

>> No.9102299


Only the media hypes up these websites.

Just look at a thread on /pol/ that gets maybe 200+ posts. There will be maybe 80-150 posters and even then they will all be from around ~12 countries. The only reason /pol/ has any influence is because of lurkers and people who from there who perform raids on popular YouTube videos and watch each others meme videos which increase their likelihood of being seen elsewhere.

The fact of the matter is, the real influence has come from regular working class folk who know nothing about 4chan who in their millions voted last year. Probably saw some Facebook memes and believed them.

>> No.9102302

Ever seen Akira?

>> No.9102315

Most trumpvoters are working class folks that felt betrayed and unrepresented by a very shitty Dem candidate and by their very own even shittier traditional candidates. Also a shitload of /pol/ tier cretins that voted him to spite minorities.

>> No.9102339

4chan's importance isn't in electoral politics but in molding the views of the western college-aged man, a demographic with which it's almost certainly not of negligible significance, given the number of people using this site, and given that probably over half of total users are within those parameters

>> No.9102349

We Stalininsm now comrade

>> No.9102357

blacks are the only reasno hillary was nominated lol. they got what they deserved

>> No.9102372

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.9102376

Yup. Bernman would have beaten Trump.

>> No.9102395

I kind of wish Bernie had wonb ecause he would have been a great president, but I'm also kind of relieved he didn't because SJWs would have felt vindicated

>> No.9102408

I getcha. This way the altright has enough time in the spotlight to crash and burn and the SJWs get to shut the fuck up for a change. It is a purge. But the center and the left really needs to clean house.

>> No.9102418

>SJWs would have felt vindicated
These extreme types of people make up such a small percentage of liberals that it's a boogeyman and it's a petty thing to want to screw over.

>> No.9102432

>blacks are the only reasno hillary was nominated
Sure what love a source, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.9102434

Why exactly do you like him? He's less disturbing than Hillary but from the perspective of a foreigner like me he appears like just another old and weak socialist Jew

>> No.9102435

4chan goes with what is most fun while it's still fun to bathe in lib tears 4chan will be right wing

>> No.9102443

Maybe actually put ten minutes into researching him then? He's leagues the most honest candidate to have run in literal decades. That alone should say something.
Fuck off back to your containment, friendo.

>> No.9102447

Can you explain why you don't believe the media isn't dominated by leftist ideology despite all the evidence?

>> No.9102452

>When did we past the stage of being ironically autistic fags and actually became autists?

2002. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R24FfuQ6TE

>> No.9102453

>despite all the evidence?
(citation needed)
And it can't be "I just know", or "there are liberal news outlets that exist".

>> No.9102460
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>most watched news outlet is conservative
>most read news outlet is conservative
>somehow, the "ebul libruh media" have "dominated"

>> No.9102462

As I said, I'm a foreigner and don't know much about American politics. All I knew of Sanders was that he had a frail body and voice and was a self described socialist. I asked why you like him, faggot and "honesty" doesn't explain shit nerd.

>> No.9102475

You shouldn't bother with Bernie supporters, they know less about their candidate than you.

<7% of Journalists are Republican, you've got to be literally delusional to think "news outlets" aren't bias towards left-wing politics; "45 percent, nearly half the adult population. Even a plurality of Democrats now say the press is liberal".

It gets even more absurd when you start going into hard-line conservative opinions like only <4% or journalists are pro-life.

>> No.9102476

He's not a strict socialist, he is a democratic socialist. Despite what /pol/ is going to autistically yell at you, there is a difference. He has a good track record with being against war, against military interventions, against bad trade deals, against arming extremist militant groups, pro-universal single paying healthcare, pro veteran's rights (he sits on a committee for veteran's rights and has voted consistently to keep VA benefits, the GOP has not), he is pro marriage equality, pro-small business. You know 9/11 first responders? Well, GOP wanted to cut their health benefits. He's fought that tooth and nail.

Honestly, it amazes me that conservatives don't like him.

>> No.9102485
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>7% of Journalists are Republican
>"45 percent, nearly half the adult population. Even a plurality of Democrats now say the press is liberal".
Source? What is this from?
>It gets even more absurd when you start going into hard-line conservative opinions like only <4% or journalists are pro-life.
Again, source? Where are you getting these percentages from?
>You shouldn't bother with Bernie supporters, they know less about their candidate than you.
Who did you vote for? If you are a Trumpfag, I guarantee you had no fucking concept of his first 100 day plan.

Where are you getting all this information from? Let's talk about ratings. Fox is still the most watched news outlet next to CNN...

Your bullshit makes no sense, the largest and most watched news outlets are conservative. Stop pushing this victim complex /pol/ narrative like your message is some sort of fringe underdog horseshit.

>> No.9102488

>nearly half the adult population. Even a plurality of Democrats now say the press is liberal".
This isn't a fact or a figure. Even if it was true, how does this matter in terms of talking about the ACTUAL numbers?

>> No.9102507

>When your sole argument is destroyed by a single google search and you have to resort to repeating muh fox news muh rating
Jesus H. Christ is this the best Shareblue have to offer?

>> No.9102510
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>you've got to be literally delusional to think "news outlets" aren't bias towards left-wing politics
nigga, fucking reality is left-leaning. Most of this country, if not the first world, agrees with progressive policies. Every year you become more and more a minority belief set. Americans are overwhelmingly support progressive policies more than traditionalist conservative ones. Most of the first world is liberal. So it's either some liberal "cultural marxist" conspiracy that most educators, scientists, intellectuals and general populations are liberal...

Or, facts tend to be left-leaning and this gets you bent out of fucking shape because it's harder to hold onto grandpappy's beliefs.

>> No.9102514
File: 25 KB, 300x450, 5321255-cool-et-branche-avec-des-lunettes-de-soleil-enfant-isole-sur-fond-blanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a different anon and you haven't sourced literally anything you just said. This post also isn't an argument.
>When your sole argument is destroyed by a single google search
Which google search? For what? Enlighten me.
>you have to resort to repeating muh fox news muh rating
Your argument is that the liberal media dominate news. Yet this is true; Fox is still one of the highest rated and most watched. So this point is fucking stupid and you are retarded for shilling it.

I've got a place you can cry at:


>> No.9102519
File: 20 KB, 346x350, Rene-guenon-1925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fortunately for Right-wingers they've got a back up plan.

>> No.9102524

Am I dumb if I don't know who this is? He looks like ten other people from the 19th century and I'm tired as fuck.

>> No.9102532

You're dumb because you can't even read the filename.

>> No.9102537
File: 527 KB, 1600x1200, aralsea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably right, but remember that the last time leftists went that triumphalist, the state they considered to be the "leader of progressive mankind", that was in the "right side of history", which would bury everyone else, collapsed.

>> No.9102538

>facts tend to be left-leaning
lol, did you learn this one from watching 2008 colbert???

>> No.9102540

That isn't an argument. But holy shit is that a dated insult. Try harder, kiddo.

>> No.9102546

If your a left-winger you shouldn't read Guenon unless you want a free existential crisis.

>> No.9102550

I read the filename, doesn't mean I know who it is.

>> No.9102556

I don't get triggered by what I read. I can read things I disagree with.

>> No.9102563

I literally don't know what "state" you are talking about. Like, a literal State? Or are you talking about an allegorical "state" as a person? This is too vague...

>> No.9102564

neither is "reality has a liberal bias", which is in fact so dated kids who were born when it was being repeated are about to enter their teens

>try harder, kiddo
*tips fedora* m'lady

>> No.9102570

But that's a true statement. Facts do indeed seem to have a liberal bias or are left-leaning. If you think neo-conservative ultra right-wingers have a solid grasp on the machinations of our universe, you are gravely mistaken.

You lose the race right out of the gate if you openly and rigorously deny scientific facts.

>> No.9102571

He'll make you quickly realize Europe has been importing the most conservative and traditionalist culture en masse, that Islam is the savoir for right-wing politics and multiculturalism has doomed left-wing politics.

>> No.9102578

Sounds like a bit like a loon then with baseless assumptions that appeal to raw emotional responses.

>> No.9102584

I know you can't just add them up but it's fox news versus CNN, MSNBC, NBC (SNL, late night), CBS (Colbert), comedy central, etc. Most of the top newspapers are left-leaning.



>> No.9102585

>multiculturalism has doomed left-wing politics
So, one of those "save the white race" memers who thinks race mixing is some bane against whites? No thanks. If he's actually like that, count me out. I like to read factual information.

>> No.9102589

I don't think that's how it works. This kind of thinking reminds me of Plato's cave allegory. Leftism seems to be dominating currently, but that doesn't mean that they are "right". The West is currently a postmodern society, but elsewhere religion (and thus traditional moral values) seems to be on the rise again.


>> No.9102591

>You lose the race right out of the gate if you openly and rigorously deny scientific facts.
scientific fact: blacks have a lower median iq than whites

>> No.9102603
File: 110 KB, 234x300, tim-winter-abdal-hakim-murad.jpg?w=234&amp;h=300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'm going to go ahead and assume you guys are from /leftypol/ with good intentions but still illiterate, you guys like videos right?


You might enjoy this explanation.

>> No.9102608
File: 96 KB, 596x628, 1471509596455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox is literally at the top of the fucking ratings charts, are you autistic?
>I'm counting comedy central as a news outlet
>CBS is liberal
>Most of the top newspapers are left-leaning
Gonna need a source?
>Counting SNL as a news outlet
Holy shit I can't take this
>counting late night
.....I'm dying.

So basically you have Fox versus CNN, MSNBC and NBC. Even then, Fox is in the running as one of the most watched.

This is retarded. You are retarded. Nothing you sourced (some faggoty horoscope level businessinsider.com site that says nothing) and a link that disproves your own point. None of this proves there is some liberal media takeover.

Again, there is a board you can go to hear all the confirming opinions your heart desires.

>> No.9102610

1. IQ isn't a science.
2. So what?

>> No.9102611

You can stop replying to Shariablue now.

>> No.9102614

>7% of Journalists are Republican

From the article: Out of 143 journalists identified, 125 donated to Democrats, 16 to Republicans. And this is from 2004, it's almost certainly worse now that the R's have become more nationalistic.

>> No.9102617

4chan wont be lefties until the sjws are a distant memory

>> No.9102618

>but elsewhere religion (and thus traditional moral values) seems to be on the rise again.
Nope. But nice gymnastics with this video. This exceptionally conservative video.

Here's a question, what do you consider "liberal"? What would be a liberal position?

>> No.9102622

This doesn't denote some sort of liberal conspiracy. Just seems like less and less people are identifying themselves as Republican. Even then, it's from a limited sample pool...it does not denote a direct correlation to a national trend in and OF itself.

>> No.9102623

You don't have to deny this to be against racism.

>> No.9102625

>Most of the top newspapers are left-leaning
Gonna need a source?


It's 530-27 in favor of Hillary. But yeah I'm sure the media has no bias. Holy fuck you're retarded.

>> No.9102636

Why are you so certain that endorsin Hillary over Trump requires bias?

>> No.9102639

>it's from a limited sample pool
Are you aware of how polls are conducted?

>Just seems like less and less people are identifying themselves as Republican.

What? These are fucking donations you retard.

>> No.9102641

This just shows newspaper endorsements from this current election. This doesn't mean that the top newspapers are ALL only left-leaning. You are doing what we call "a false equivalence" here, buckaroonie.

This isn't a source that shows top newspapers are left-leaning by itself. Just shows the endorsement of the 2016 election. Most of the entire GOP didn't endorse Trump, so using this as an argument is fucking retarded.

Like all of your pitiful arguments have been.

>> No.9102645

IQ is a measurement, retard, and one with good enough predictive power of academic achievement and professional success

i don't care what you make of this fact or if you're against racism or not, but it certainly is a fact that runs counter to the egalitarian blank slate view of humanity, which is foundational to the leftist worldview

>> No.9102647

Because the general population is split, if papers reflected the population then they would be split too, not fucking 530-27.

>> No.9102651

>Are you aware of how polls are conducted?
Yes, and the sample from your link was limited
>What? These are fucking donations you retard.
Talks about donations and number of Republican journalists. Or right-leaning journalists...

>> No.9102656

>but it certainly is a fact that runs counter to the egalitarian blank slate view of humanity
So I don't think you understand what the word "egalitarian" means but it is in no way effected by what my perception of their intelligence is. People are still people if they are stupid or not.

>> No.9102663
File: 58 KB, 680x750, laughing at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, all the political lightweights in this thread who think the newspapers are either LEFT or RIGHT.

The newspapers knew Trump would be elected, that's why they promoted him so much, if they didn't want him to win, they would have just ignored him. Trump was set up as the enemy and political underdog on purpose.

Hint: It means longer ad revenues and money in the long run from articles attacking his decision making, idiots.

>> No.9102668

>IQ is a measurement
Yes, a measurement constantly scrutinized and not considered a real concrete "science" in the fucking slightest. I know you want it to be, to push whatever this is you want to push. I think you want me to fall into some sort of IQ trap with blacks and then tote it over me as if blacks having lower IQs somehow justifies me considering them less like people, which would be absurd.

>> No.9102670

I'm talking about the Soviet Union.


>> No.9102672

piss off, retard. not all egalitarians believe all people are equal, but the majority certainly do, or at least publically defend that belief

but go ahead and say you think blacks are dumber than whites to your local young democrats, see what they think of it

>> No.9102673

I think someone needs to say it already.

nu pepe is worst pepe.

>> No.9102675
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>The newspapers knew Trump would be elected
>muh master plan autism

>> No.9102677

Literally ad hominem: the post.


Look them up on wikipedia. Most of them have a political bias section. As an ex-liberal, I kind of understand where both sides of the political aisle are coming from btw.

>> No.9102679

>piss off, retard. not all egalitarians believe all people are equal
I have some news for you on what the word means...
>but the majority certainly do, or at least publically defend that belief
Right, it is required to call yourself an egalitarian.
>but go ahead and say you think blacks are dumber than whites to your local young democrats, see what they think of it
not an argument.

>> No.9102680

lol, political lightweight dummy thinks the middle-aged/70 year old men who run major publishing corporations don't know how the game works

nice superhero meme you got there, child

>> No.9102689
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No, you're right it's all one elaborate and well-choreographed conspiracy operating on 10-dimensional chess.

You must be very smart, or dare I say """"REDPILLED""""

>> No.9102695

Fine, I'll concede the newspaper point. Still doesn't denote some liberal conspiracy. Still doesn't mean conservative outlets are some poor-me victims that have no mainstream voice.

>> No.9102701

>As an ex-liberal
How do you decide to stop caring about facts? Was climate change first a fact for you, then it became a Chinese hoax?

>> No.9102702

You still don't get it.

>> No.9102703

TV news is about money.

>> No.9102712

No I do, I just don't agree with you. I don't think that reality operates on secret multi-layered conspiracies. I think there are biases, I think money talks. I think people are complicated, so is business. I think some are in cahoots with each other. Do I think there is a massively orchestrated secret shadow media monster that runs everything and can predict elections with 100 percent accuracy?


>> No.9102714

>Yes, a measurement constantly scrutinized and not considered a real concrete "science" in the fucking slightest.
iq is widely considered to be statistically reliable and accurately predicts factors like incomeand longevity, regardless of how that makes you feel

>>piss off, retard. not all egalitarians believe all people are equal
>I have some news for you on what the word means...

>2: a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people
congratulations, you didn't even read the link you posted. you're a pathetic sperg reduced to quoting dictionary articles (and still getting it wrong somehow) in lieu of making a point, i'm not even going to bother replying to you anymore

>> No.9102726

>iq is widely considered to be statistically reliable and accurately predicts factors
No, it isn't. It has especially faced criticism over the last decade. Regardless how you want to feel about dumb blacks.

Why you only look at half the definition is beyond me:
>1: a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs
>2: a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people
I don't know how this invalidates my argument in the slightest, I also have no fucking clue what your issue actually IS with it.

Usually Mr. Holmes, the number "1" means this is the primary definition.

>> No.9102735

>i'm not even going to bother replying to you anymore
Probably because your argument fucking sucks.

>> No.9102737

>I don't think that reality operates on secret multi-layered conspiracies

I never said they did, idiot. That's a complete fabrication on your part.

Allow me to explain it to you very clearly, brainlet: Every news agency has their own ideology and insider social/political struggle. Each editor and writer has an agenda that they are trying to push. They are all not engaging in a conspiracy, they all simply have personal agendas which meet in a uniform goal of desiring a Trump presidency. Through this, they can obtain more revenue from ads and perhaps establish a Liberal consensus after Trump and solidify their position.

Politics and media is a history of power struggle, everyone is climbing on top of one another but they all underlying desire the same thing and know that allowing it to happen or setting it up as an opposition can be a vice to their own future private goals.

It is only through Trump that a new-left can form. That is why many leftists have now adopted right-wing memes and have started calling right-wingers triggered etc.

This was exemplified in a recent show of Bill Mahr's where he actually used this phrase in reference to Trump supporters.

The point I'm making isn't that there is a grand conspiracy. Precisely the opposite, that everyone is in it for themselves and Trump is simply the glass bottle, the catalyst that will allow them to do it.

>> No.9102742

>Usually Mr. Holmes, the number "1" means this is the primary definition.

i can't resist the temptatin, so let me finish by simply quoting from your article again to illustrate just how stupid you are

>The word has seen a subtle shift in meaning. Its earliest use was typically in reference to a belief in human equality; it has since taken on the sense “a social philosophy that advocates the removal of inequality among people.”

>> No.9102746

Okay, and...?

>> No.9102750

>How do you decide to stop caring about facts?

This is a strawman. In fact, I could say that left-wingers usually care more about feelings than facts. This for example:


I'm still non-religious (agnostic), I believe that climate change is real, etc.

>> No.9102761
File: 197 KB, 900x1200, 1483273539308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this unfounded autism
>They are in a conspiracy, they just don't know it. It's all a desire for a Trump Presidency.
>All this 12D Chess, they are plotting to establish a liberal consensus after Trump, for the ad money of course...you fucking brainlet
Holy shit, you somehow function in society.

>> No.9102763

Nobody denies those statistics. What we have a problem with is the alt-right jumping to it being genetic, ignoring both history and all other earthly factors which we know to effect academic performance, in order for it to fit their ideology.

>> No.9102771


>> No.9102772

>In fact, I could say that left-wingers usually care more about feelings than facts.
GOP is a literal organized tour de force against climate change science. It's a fucking lobby against science. No, it isn't the same. Not in the slightest. A few extreme SJWs who yell a bunch is not the same as a conscious and organized effort of a whole party to discredit climate science.

>> No.9102775

This website isn't for you.

>> No.9102776

everything points to intelligence being highly heritable and the fact is american blacks in the highest income brackets score about as high as whites in the lowest income brackets in standardized testing

genes are the primary factor

>nobody denies these statistics
tell that to the spergs i've been e-arguing with like a retard

>> No.9102778

You guys really should read Houellebecq's Submission. When traditionalism go mainstream, Islam is the only answer to liberals, moderates and even the center-right. Islam is the future. And liberalism is the future of counter-culture.

>> No.9102779

Go sperg back to >>>/reddit/, dork

>> No.9102780

>Yes, and the sample from your link was limited

That's called a poll, you moron.

>Talks about donations and number of Republican journalists. Or right-leaning journalists...

What are you even talking about?

>> No.9102786

>genes are the primary factor
No, genes are not a primary factor for intelligence. No geneticist will tell you that. The color of your skin in some retarded "race" category does not correlate to factors of intelligence. I know you stormweenies desperately want this to be true, it's just not. Genetics does not support your shitty beliefs.

>> No.9102791

>That's called a poll, you moron.
It's small enough to be called a sample size...which it is. Keep insulting me though, I guess it makes you feel good to pretend to be superior.

>> No.9102797

>everything points to intelligence being highly heritable
[Citation Needed]

>> No.9102799

>everything points to intelligence being highly heritable
Yes, please remind me again about the studies that have trialed Brave New World style social and genetic engineering, controlling for the thousands of possible factors in genetics, shared, and unshared environmental conditions, education and social learning models, mothers nutrition, child nutrition, attachment and early conditioning conditions, etc... And also have us the unidimensional and totally accepted definition of intelligence that can be applied outside psychological assessment settings - I'm just having a bit of trouble remembering it right now.

>> No.9102802

>tell that to the spergs i've been e-arguing with like a retard
I have never once denied IQ statistics, I merely said they don't matter in any race-related, white nationalist sort of way. Least of all for a defense that reaffirms whatever autistic opinion you have of blacks.

You act like this is the first time I've seen this two step process: Blacks are less educated, blacks are violent...therefore their race is dumb and violent.

>> No.9102803


read a book. i also don't go to /pol/ so you can stop trying

>> No.9102812

The abstract:
>General intelligence is an important human quantitative trait that accounts for much of the variation in diverse cognitive abilities. Individual differences in intelligence are strongly associated with many important life outcomes, including educational and occupational attainments, income, health and lifespan1,2. Data from twin and family studies are consistent with a high heritability of intelligence3, but this inference has been controversial. We conducted a genome-wide analysis of 3511 unrelated adults with data on 549 692 SNPs and detailed phenotypes on cognitive traits. We estimate that 40% of the variation in crystallized-type intelligence and 51% of the variation in fluid-type intelligence between individuals is accounted for by linkage disequilibrium between genotyped common SNP markers and unknown causal variants. These estimates provide lower bounds for the narrow-sense heritability of the traits. We partitioned genetic variation on individual chromosomes and found that, on average, longer chromosomes explain more variation. Finally, using just SNP data we predicted approximately 1% of the variance of crystallized and fluid cognitive phenotypes in an independent sample (P = 0.009 and 0.028, respectively). Our results unequivocally confirm that a substantial proportion of individual differences in human intelligence is due to genetic variation, and are consistent with many genes of small effects underlying the additive genetic influences on intelligence.

NOWHERE does it say that IQ is directly correlated to genetics or where you are inevitably going to lead from there: that blacks are genetically stupid.

To sum up this abstract I bet my left nut you didn't even read; genes are not by themselves factors in measuring objective intelligences, nor is intelligence genetic.

>> No.9102814

lol, i can see your debating style is demanding impossibly stringent evidence which nobody could produce, and even if they did you would dismiss it by requiring additional criteria to be met

>> No.9102816

Also, this doesn't mean that an entire race is genetically more/less stupid just for being a different color.

>> No.9102819

HOLY shit, it's almost as if I'm advocating an understanding not rooted in black and white, finalised, positivist positions!

>> No.9102820

>NOWHERE does it say that IQ is directly correlated to genetics
actually, it says so right here

>We estimate that 40% of the variation in crystallized-type intelligence and 51% of the variation in fluid-type intelligence between individuals is accounted for by linkage disequilibrium between genotyped common SNP markers and unknown causal variants. These estimates provide lower bounds for the narrow-sense heritability of the traits

if you have trouble with the big words, try googling them :)

>> No.9102825

>It's small enough to be called a sample size...which it is

All polls are sample sizes? I'm insulting you because you're being an absolute retard. Most high quality polls are taken with less than 500 people. You then extrapolate it. Just stop dude, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9102826


>What do our results imply about the heritability of intelligence? If our estimated relationships had been based on all causal variants instead of being derived from SNPs that may be in LD with such variants, then we would have had an unbiased estimate of the full narrow-sense heritability. Therefore, our estimates provide a lower bound for the narrow-sense heritability, due to imperfect LD between the genotyped SNPs and unknown causal variants. Our estimates are based upon realized relationships between very distant relatives and not on pedigree relationships between close relatives. This breaks up a possible correlation (confounding) between genetic and environmental factors, since the variation in realized relationships given pedigree relations is large for distant relatives. Our estimates of the phenotypic variance explained by all SNPs are ~0.4-0.5, and we therefore conclude that the narrow-sense heritability for human intelligence is large and consistent with the inference from twin and family studies.

>The estimates of the total proportion of variance explained for gf and gc are not significantly different from each other. Nor are the prediction accuracies for gf and gc in the Norwegian replication sample. However, a larger sample size is required to differentiate between any genetic architecture of these two traits.

>In summary, we report the first study to show that a large proportion of the heritability estimate of intelligence in middle to older adulthood can be traced to biological variation using SNP data. It is the first to show biologically and unequivocally that human intelligence is highly polygenic and that purely genetic (SNP) information can be used to predict intelligence. Our findings imply that very large sample sizes will be needed to detect individual loci with genome-wide significance and that the majority of additive genetic variation for human intelligence is not explained by rare variants that are not in LD with common SNPs

Genetic variants...this is by no means a comprehensive analysis.

>> No.9102830
File: 44 KB, 600x476, 1484520573209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your debating style is demanding impossibly stringent evidence which nobody could produce
If only you had gone to college you would have known that all science is exactly that stringent.

>> No.9102831

>you're embarrassing yourself.
I've noticed you really want this to be true.

>> No.9102833

no, what you're doing is setting impossible, politicized criteria for evidence to be produced when reality demands much less

>> No.9102837

I'm not American. It's true that the religious/neoliberal right in America is sceptical of concepts like the theory of evolution, but they lost the 2016 election also. The new right is nationalistic. Nonetheless, the conservative/republican position on climate change is much more nuanced than you would think. Look up Ben Shapiro's position on the matter if you want to know more.

>> No.9102840

I think you are having trouble between what the study says and what you want it to say.


This is what you want, and it's an extrapolation in your head, not what the data is saying.

>> No.9102843

your stringency doesn't arise from scientific rigour but from political considerations, honey :)

>> No.9102847

No, I'm doing exactly what I said I'm doing, you moron.

Anyway, reality doesn't demand shit. You are the one making the demands.

>> No.9102851

no, you want me to want that

i "want" the article to say this:
>narrow-sense heritability for human intelligence is large and consistent with the inference from twin and family studies.
which it does

>> No.9102852

Not an argument.

>> No.9102855

>the conservative/republican position on climate change is much more nuanced than you would think.
No, it isn't. There is no debating hard math and hard analysis. If you don't accept the very real science, that is backed up, that is tested, that is verified...you are retarded. They are not nuanced in their denial of it. Fuck off.

There is no "maybe" climate change is real. It is. Just like there is no "maybe" the earth is round. Or "maybe" gravity is a thing. I don't make concessions with hard facts to meet some crybaby retard's party-line autism.

>> No.9102873

>still just one study, you would need cross-sectional studies to verify.
>still have the problem with defining intelligence or how you measure/record it accurately
IQ tests are severely outdated and most science agrees with this now. It needs a revamp.

>> No.9102904

>You are the one making the demands.
i've kindly acceded to your demands for evidence, which you seem to think is compromised because it doesn't concurrently control for a dozen factors, something which would be implausible at best to do

if you want, go ahead and research the effect on intelligence of the factors you mentioned and their relative incidence on various demographics, but that's something for you to spend your time on, not me

>> No.9102907

>>narrow-sense heritability for human intelligence is large and consistent with the inference from twin and family studies.
But this isn't "racial"...

>> No.9102914

You misunderstand me, you are demanding an answer to the question "who is genetically more intelligent", and you have defined both parameters.

As a side note, credible scientists in the field would not waste their time with this outdates mindset. The current trend is epigenetics, whereby we focus on the interaction of genetic tendencies and environmental triggers.

>> No.9102927

>argument over the validity of intelligence quotients


>> No.9102943

Not here to argue, just dumping my race and genetics links:



Craniometrics vary by region: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.20900/full





>> No.9102948

Race isn't a real thing. I know this will get a lot of triggered (you)s...but it's true.

>> No.9102966


>> No.9102968
File: 861 KB, 2406x1936, HnbEUvQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. person who didn't read any of the links

>> No.9102970

>a racist will literally look at this as fuel for his autism fire and miss all the nuances of how genetic variations and phenotypic variation do not denote a "race" and do not validate his prejudice

>> No.9102971

>>still just one study, you would need cross-sectional studies to verify.
google ncbi iq, there's a wealth of studies, there's plenty of literature on the subject, help yourself

iq tests are good enough for the academics producing research on intelligence, if you have a problem come up with an alternative

>> No.9102976

I did, in none of these does it say that the classical understanding of "race" is real or founded. Phenotypic variation is not a race and none of these studies claims that.

>> No.9102981

>this /pol/ image macro
WWEEEEWWW you are so down your own rabbit hole, aren't you?

>> No.9102986

>good enough for the people making a killing by stating that it's good enough
That's some great logic there, pal. From that I can only deduce you simply MUST have a lighter pigmentation in your skin the other humans who evolved in warmer climates.

>> No.9102993

>The only people left in the thread are jcrew and !/pol/

>This post also isn't an argument
>Not an argument
>That isn't an argument

>> No.9102995

Says the rabidly anti-intellectual alt-right who knows nothing of academia.

>> No.9102996

Kikes and chinks rank higher than whitey on IQ tests. Explain this /pol/acks.

>> No.9102998

Holy fucking shit, what year am I in?

>> No.9103001

But Mr. friendly merchant they use that as a argument in their favour.

>> No.9103006

I'm claiming there are genetic differences between people from different parts of the world. That's it. I'm not gonna argue with you about what is considered a race or not.

>> No.9103007

How...? The argument already is autistic, how does this make any more sense?

>> No.9103011

MMXVII IRL, about 50 years behind on 4chan and 50 more on /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.9103014

Because unlike progressives they don't view race as a zero-sum game

>> No.9103016

Yes, genetic variations exist. That doesn't mean that one genetic group is mentally inferior to others because of their skin pigmentation.

>> No.9103023

Progressives don't disagree that genetic variations exist around the globe. They disagree when stormweenies apply this to fit their race-baiting narrative.

>> No.9103037

>There is no debating hard math and hard analysis

Not always. Many of the forecasts presented in "an inconvenient truth" didn't become a reality for instance, which is why they would argue that there is no need to panic. These changes take place over a long period of time, and humans are capable of adapting. There are ways to avoid floods. Perhaps the better option would be to do just that than to cut back on fossil fuels.

>> No.9103039

>They disagree when stormweenies apply this to fit their race-baiting narrative.
Haha, Y-Yeah, stormweenies are the race-baiting ones!

>> No.9103042

I myself have mentioned race only in response to you, faggot.

>> No.9103044

An Inconvinient Truth is derided as mostly alarmist bullshit.

>> No.9103046

Considering that IQ is at least 50% genetic how is it possible that there could not be some variations in intelligence around the world?

>> No.9103047

t. some anonymous idiot.

>> No.9103052

I'm not denying climate change, just IT for being on the ridiculously alarmist side of things.

>> No.9103053

Nobody is saying there is no variation. We are arguing against:
>Genotypal patterns are perfectly correlated with skin colour categories.

>> No.9103055

Your responding to people with degrees in political science Anon, nigga they don't understand complex shit like percentages.

>> No.9103057

>climate change is real
>there is no cause for alarm
Kek. I mean I know we have to forget about it sometimes but the facts, if accepted, are alarming.

>> No.9103059

This post is intended to hasten the oncoming bump limit for this off topic and rule-violating thread. Thanks for reading, have a nice day, and remember to report off-topic threads. If you must post in them, remember to sage. /lit/ janitor when.

>> No.9103063
File: 21 KB, 700x453, 15_co2_left_061316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These changes take place over a long period of time, and humans are capable of adapting.
Literally everything fucking disagrees with you. Just putting your fingers in your ears and going "LALALALA" isn't an argument.
>These changes take place over a long period of time
No, they are alarmingly fast-paced and human involved.
>There are ways to avoid floods. Perhaps the better option would be to do just that than to cut back on fossil fuels.
KEK what a shitty answer. "Eh, well just kick up your pants and deal with the man-made flood and destruction of your natural environment. Maybe not having breathable fucking air isn't worth getting rid of fossil fuels destroying my planet".
>It is alarmist bullshit
KEK what a retard. Most of their predictions came true. Hell, most predictions from the 70s came true.

You are exactly the problem. The both of you.

>> No.9103064

I just thought the alarmist tone was over the top. Every docu feature should be done by Herzog desu.

>> No.9103065

I'm the janitor, and fuck you I'm on a break.

>> No.9103069

We could've had a interesting thread but /leftypol/ spilt their beans everywhere.

>> No.9103070

Well I guess I fucked up. Maybe I just don't like that fuck Al Gore.

>> No.9103071

>Literally the point is to scare people into action because all of our lives are on the line
>just tone it down a bit, gosh!

>> No.9103073

Literally nobody says that. Only the biggest retards/trolls think that every black person is stupid or every white person is smart. We're talking about averages.

>> No.9103074

Everyone is /leftypol/ except /pol/ you fat fuck.