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9098244 No.9098244 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite texts by MM? Post them!

>> No.9098259


>> No.9098280


>> No.9098301

Are you, by any chance, new readers?

>> No.9098304

Moldbug's support for eugenics is ironic given that he looks like a greasy abomination

>> No.9098310

I don't really think it's ironic desu.

I, for one, am against race-mixing being race-mixed myself because I know the harm it causes on people.

And most people supporting eugenics are ugly - look nazis - real good looking people don't waste time thinking about this because their life and looks are already great.

>> No.9098314

>Those pit stains
Dude needs some deodorant.

>> No.9098316
File: 331 KB, 682x1024, civ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is MM even though its anonymous:


If you've never read any, read An open letter to open-minded progressives:


For something new and decent, read Moldbug's comments here:


>> No.9098323


>real good looking people don't waste time thinking about this because their life and looks are already great.

So what you're saying is that eugenics is a subversive ugly people agenda to try and get back at the prettier people of the world? Interesting..

>> No.9098344
File: 119 KB, 137x367, CY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how right-wing intellectuals look like

I mean, shouldn't you learn how to dress before writing about how the world sucks and how it should be? Can you imagine Kant, Hegel or even Foucault dressed like this? Can monarchists (ok, ok, neo-cameralists) recover from this? Sad!

>> No.9098372

>eugenics is a subversive ugly people agenda to try and get back at the prettier people of the world?

It's definitely appreciated by ugly people, I tell you that, the examples are vast.

I don't really think they are trying to get back at the prettier people, they just want to make sure most people will look good. Being ugly makes you appreciate beauty even more than good looking people, because it's something you never had and will never have.

Homo conservatives will say you're trying to immanentize the eschaton, but that's a stupid catchphrase, there's literally nothing wrong with eugenics.

>> No.9098381

>I am not a progressive, but I'm not a conservative either. (If you must know, I'm a Jacobite.)

what a cringey twat

>> No.9098386


Why do you think so? Doesn't really match his style, although I don't even think he has a style after reading that Atlantic article.

>> No.9098423

You know you can sweat through deodorant, right? If you're an anxious, autistic mess, it's almost impossible not to.

>> No.9098427

What's your mix bro?

>> No.9098466

55% Italian, 25% Slav (Croat), 15% Portuguese and 5% Native Brazilian. Not good! I look like the Bogdanoff twins after plastic surgery.

And you?

>> No.9098476

get over it faggot you wouldn't be so pathetic if you weren't a self hating looser. 99% of people hate the way they look. I'm a mestizo, do I wish I had fair skin with a rock hard jaw and blue eyes? you bet I do but I'm not crying about it like a little bitch and wishing Id never been born does nothing.

>> No.9098498

And what do you do? I'm a 25 year old incel who hates living.

I'm very functional, I've been working for 6 years, already graduated, own my own apartment, but I don't even try to ask girls out because of my ugliness. I live in an almost all white city with a lot of White Chads that cuck me just by looking at my direction.

I will listen to your advice.

>> No.9098529

Not bad. I'm 40% Irish, 30% German, 10% Cherokee, 18% Cocker Spaniel, and 2% whole milk.

>> No.9098592

>South Europeans are "race" now
What the fuck, Brazil? Also, "Slavs" is a lingustic entity. And Italians aren't ethnically homogeneous.

>> No.9098616

It's from Northern Italy (the ones who came to Brazil). Blue eyes, dark blonde hair, big nose etc.

All I can say it's not a good mix. Avoid at all costs.

>> No.9098670

Kant died a virgin, I seriously doubt he looked good.

>> No.9098675

do what I told you what to do faggot
if your problem is something with a solution like being fat then just get in shape
If you can't fix it then don't worry about it because you can't do shit
getting a girlfriend won't make you happy if you are still a self hating looser
the only thing that makes you a self hating looser is yourself

>> No.9098684

Why would you not go for the much more obvious example of Hegel?

>> No.9098686

>if your problem is something with a solution like being fat then just get in shape

No, I'm in good shape.

How do I stop hating myself?

>> No.9098917

>reading that Atlantic article.

>> No.9098941

>How do I stop hating myself?
I presume from what you mentioned, you mainly hate yourself because of girls.

Trust with all your heart, there is/are a girl/s out there that you can mutually love, you may just have to lower your standards a bit. Search for some happiness, and build upon it day by day, it will be more difficult to find a loving partner if you hate yourself, and get into this habit, and do no accept yourself... you must accept yourself. You didnt choose how you look, noone wants to hear this but it could always be worse. Have hope for the future!

>> No.9098973


Moldbug patented work that telecom companies picked up when he was 19

how have you justified your existence?

>> No.9098999
File: 62 KB, 682x1024, The-Conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>justifying existence

>> No.9099083


>“Think you should speak directly to my WH cutout / cell leader,” Yarvin said in an email. “I've never met him and don't know his identity, we just DM on Twitter. He's said to be ‘very close’ to Bannon. There are several levels, but most people just start out with his public persona.” @BronzeAgePerv’s avatar is of a muscular, shirtless man and his account’s biography reads: “Steppe barbarian. Nationalist, Fascist, Nudist Bodybuilder! Purification of world. Revolt of the damned. Destruction of the cities!”

>“I know nothing about BAP personally, except that he lifts. DM him. He may not give you any info but he always responds,” Yarvin said. “Apparently there's a big underground movement of right-wing bodybuilders -- thousands. Their plan is to surface spectacularly this April, in a choreographed flash demo on the Mall. They'll be totally nude, but wearing MAGA hats. Goal is to intimidate Congress with pure masculine show of youth, energy. Trump is said to know, will coordinate with powerful EOs…”

>> No.9099109

It astounds me that this is played completely straight in the article. The writer had to have known he was joking, right?

>> No.9099162

Yes, the writer mentioned Moldbug was trying to troll her, that's why she didn't try to talk to BAP.

>> No.9099271


So what you're saying is discounted memes like social darwinism and eugenics are picked up by frogmen because they're frustrated with the world and want to be iconoclastic, and they never develop any more nuance because they never interact with real people in real life?

That sounds about right, actually.

>> No.9099410

>Austrian economics

giddings right?

>> No.9099427

Go see a therapist

>> No.9099429

>How do I stop hating myself?
get off 4chan for starters.

>> No.9099489

>discounted memes like social darwinism and eugenics
How is capitalism not social darwinism?
How is Evolution not eugenics?

>> No.9099491

This is actually very good advice.

Sadly you can never leave this place.

>> No.9099500

DAE love drump and hate women??

>> No.9099508

>How is Evolution not eugenics?
One's natural selection and relatively random, one's artificial and based on whatever's currently en vogue with the ruling powers

>> No.9099509

I don't particularly care for him. He's a blogger, not an academic who writes with any honesty or integrity, so his texts are a little pudgy to me.

Would be nice if the NRx movement had intellectual heavyweights.

>> No.9099546


>He's a blogger, not an academic who writes with any honesty or integrity, so his texts are a little pudgy to me.

All academics write with honesty and integrity now, do they?

Sounds like this lowly blogger hit a nerve so you're fleeing back to the tower to try and forget him.

>> No.9099553

A poor response.

>> No.9099567

It was a poor response to a poor post desu

>> No.9099574


This. What did you expect me to go with here? You said nothing more than "his texts are a little pudgy" by way of criticism.

What the fuck does that even mean, really?

>> No.9099581

What did you expect me to reply? To answer your initial post: 'No, and no.'

>You said nothing more than "his texts are a little pudgy" by way of criticism.

I said he lacked integrity and honesty.

>> No.9099587

You could have actually cited examples to support your reasoning, your entire """criticism""" stank of elitist dismissal.

>> No.9099591


>I said he lacked integrity and honesty.

You say this as though it's naturally evinced somehow. How? How have you come about this conclusion?

Use your words, lad.

>> No.9099593

Not an argument

>> No.9099597

I came to the conclusion long before I wanted to post about him on 4chan. I'm sorry I didn't write an essay for you when I decided I had more important things to read (and write about) than Moldbug.

>> No.9099602


Wow this is like the worst response you could've ever given here.

It's "I'M A PSEUD AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO REPLY TO THIS FAIR REQUEST" written out in passive aggressive dismissal.

Fuckin yikes, bruv.

>> No.9099604

It was pretty obviously just a throw-away post, not really trying to convince anyone that my opinion was right. I don't care if anyone reads Moldbug or not.

I didn't know my post would invite the wrath of Moldbug's Number One and Number Two Fan.

>> No.9099610

I didn't come into the thread wanting to write a long-form, well-evidenced critique of Moldbug. It's not a fair request to ask me for one now.

Do you just type things because you think they sound right, even if they're inaccurate or misrepresentative? You've done it three posts in a row now. No wonder you like Moldbug.

>> No.9099612


>I didn't know my post would invite the wrath of Moldbug's Number One and Number Two Fan.

HAHAHA. All either of us have asked for is for you to cite an example or two so we can see how you've reached your conclusion about him. Something substantive. Anything. You demand your arrogant quips should go unchecked by anon? Are you serious?

And how you're imploding like the fuckin try hard posturing ass you are. Get rekt.

>> No.9099616


I'll direct you back until you do it:
>You could have actually cited examples to support your reasoning

Cite something, please. Show your working or you'll have to do your homework over again.

>> No.9099621

If only you were this critical of Moldbug you'd want to find better writers.

>> No.9099627


>I didn't come into the thread wanting to write a long-form, well-evidenced critique of Moldbug.

We aren't asking for a bloody dissertation. It could be a single paragraph if it's a good insight. You're trying to spin this into some massive unfair demand on you because you were playing the haughty elitist but have fuck all to say behind that. Admit it, already.

>> No.9099630

I probably would have if you didn't sperg out in your first response. Now I just don't want to see any more of your embarrassing posts.

>> No.9099632



You're a fuckin joke, cunt.

>> No.9099642

Haughty elitist? I just said I don't care for him because he's not a convincing writer. That's literally it. I don't have to give evidence of the times he hasn't convinced me of his point. Do you want to give it a shot and convince me where he has failed or something? I have no idea why you're even talking to me.

>> No.9099645

Maybe you wouldn't want to say that if you realised how much it truly hurts my feelings to read.

>> No.9099646

Read him for the primary sources he links to.

>> No.9099651


Why are you even still posting in this thread after being this exposed? I feel bad for you.

In retrospect it's hilarious that your critiques of him were related to "integrity" and "honestly", when you will seemingly do anything to dodge even the most basic explanation of your thought when pressed.

>> No.9099659

Try writing something like CPR and see if you have time for pussy.

>> No.9099668

Yes you exposed how I didn't want to convince anyone of my opinion so I didn't attempt to. Good job.

It would be dishonest and a lack of integrity if I tried to convince anyone of my point because I haven't read all of Moldbug. Nitpicking a few quotes only for them to be nitpicked again is not my idea of honest discussion full of integrity so I avoided it.

Nothing wrong with that.

Like I said it was a throw-away post so have your last word and call me a pseud and I'll call you autistic. I just hope you are equally as critical of Moldbug when you next read him. What evidence does he omit? Etc.

>> No.9099669

it's gay that we're allowed to talk about mencius moldbug but icycalm threads get deleted

>> No.9099670


Not saying anything about the anon being called elitist, but the word itself really shouldn't be used as an insult.

Elitism is the desire to be the best, or associate with the best (as in art or culture), so shouldn't that be something we all aspire to?

Maybe you posters meant the word "snob".

>> No.9099679


It was feigned elitism on his part: he was all hot air and he knew it. That's why he chose to reply with anything but an explanation for the position he initially took.

It was some guy LARPing elitism, if anything.

>> No.9099686

>Moldbug doesn't convince me, I think he's full of hot air

It wouldn't matter if I proved it anyway since there have been multiple times you've demonstrated your inability to read in tandem with your willingness to say shit that isn't accurate just because it makes you feel good when you type it.

>> No.9099702


>Moldbug doesn't convince me, I think he's full of hot air

Are you fucking delusional? Of course this is how it is.

If you think he's full of hot air, give a substantive explanation as to why. FAILING THAT, you are also full of hot air. See how simple this is? And the fact that it's been like 10 replies now and you still haven't even put forward so much as a single decent paragraph yet to finally shut me up really does lend credence to the fact that you might indeed be full of hot air, no?

You're greetexting shit that is actually right lmao what are you even doing anymore?

>> No.9099711

>If you think he's full of hot air, give a substantive explanation as to why. FAILING THAT, you are also full of hot air. See how simple this is?

Idiot, no. Withholding an explanation is not the same as not having an explanation. I've already explained to you why I haven't given you one. But hey, you can't read.

>> No.9099716

just imagine the quality explanation you could have provided with all the time you've spent here shitposting to inflate your ego :^)

>> No.9099720

It would have been dishonest and without integrity for reasons I have already explained. But hey, you can't read.

>> No.9099730

previous 7 posts are autism

>> No.9099732


>I've already explained to you why I haven't given you one.

Yeah yeah you don't want to write an essay I heard that line for what it was back when you posted it. All anon wants now is one decent paragraph and still you can't even give anon that much.

You are putting time into replying still but you are somehow too busy for one lone paragraph? My noggin is so jogged by your odd time constraints, man you must really be a hyper genius or something! What a way 2 b.

>> No.9099737

I see that you can't read.


>> No.9099740

>Would be nice if the NRx movement had intellectual heavyweights.
I think some of their ideas could've been interesting, and I suppose some are. But they are not as intelligent as they like to present themselves.
I tried reading Moldbug, my complains are:
- He takes way too long to get his point across
- Reading the anti-reactionary faq it seems their ideas are build on falsehoods
- Too much rhetoric and very dorky

I thought Nick Land is slightly better.

>> No.9099746

People say all the time that his prose is too long-winded, but I never had a problem following along with it. Land actually seems more dense and pseudo-intellectual in his verbiage.

>> No.9099753


>It would be dishonest and a lack of integrity if I tried to convince anyone of my point because I haven't read all of Moldbug.

So you treat the excerpts that drove you to this conclusion. You really think you can't even put forward so much as a single paragraph defending your position because you haven't read ALL of him?

Everything about you is smoke and mirrors. You're a bullshit artist, mate. You like to move the goal posts around as it suits you: you're fine with publicly decrying your perceived lack of integrity on his part, but then you get defensive and coy and all of a sudden it's a lack of integrity on your part to simply explain yourself.

You're a fuckin bullshit artist. Biggest pseud on this board right now.

>> No.9099761

Yeah this is what I got out of my reading, same with ranking Land slightly higher.

I've only read some of the (first) introductory blog post and some other comments here and there. I haven't seen anything that suggests Moldbug has actually done research on how aristocracies have functioned (and behaved) but they have not been paragons of bourgeois morality.

He uses a lot of words in his points but is not careful with their usage so it's really a waste, and when he comes to define 'church' as a body that spreads misinformation you're not really sure how that makes sense, because it doesn't exhaust any details or explore contentious points.

Also I'm never really sure if he himself is spreading misinformation because while he does cite evidence, he doesn't seem to be aware of any counter-evidence existing. I'd have a better time reading him if he at least acknowledged it exists instead of -- how it appears -- him waiting for the evidence to be presented.

I can see how he is popular though.

>> No.9099767

I think denseness is kind of fun to read unlike Moldbug's non-jokes. It can be a handful though. I tried for 10 minutes to dissect a post on here the other day describing neocameralism because the terms weren't qualified with any information, like it was presumed I should know them.

>> No.9099773

Like I said, not trying to convince anyone.

>> No.9099778

I can't believe I just witnessed a 15 post argument over the quality of a writer wherein no discussion of the writing itself took place

>> No.9099779


Not trying to rationally defend your own assertions, either.

I guess you're just too smart for that. Right?

>> No.9099785

What gives you that idea?

>> No.9099788

I tried reading some older Moldbug and holy crap, people call liberals smug but this guy is so far up his own ass that he views himself as some kind of autist-messiah and unironically uses the matrix redd pill meme. Nick Land is clearly insane but at least he's interesting. Moldbug's version is literal mary sue ideology, when I first heard of neoreaction I thought it would be like some badass neo-mediaval shit made by huge men with beards. but nope it's an ideology where pasty autist silicon valley techno nerds rule society, gee I wonder why he came up with that.

>> No.9099792

Witcher: The Government

>> No.9099812

>Land actually seems more dense and pseudo-intellectual in his verbiage.
I've seen Land's older work and was put off, it is what I call 'postmodern' writing. Whatever it is fair or not to call it that, for me it takes too long to decypher. I am more of a /his/ with a bit of /sci/, and the time spend learning to decypher it and understand could be used reading other books.
So I've read his "Dark Enlightenment" and a few of his blogposts and they were okay.
The little that I know of Moldbug (admitted) he seems to argue that progressivism is puritanism in disguise. Philosopher John Gray has a similar view. I would personally want to look at it from a psychological perspective: the same psychological processes that are behind religion are behind ideology and non-ideology is simply impossible. And it seems reasonable to think that past ways of thinking creep into current thinking.

Then there is the Cathedral. I don't doubt there is some kind of self-selection process going on that makes the media a-like in views. Though I do think that they take the idea of the Cathedral too far.

Then there's human biodiversity, which from a biological perspective could make sense but is of course is also controversial. However it seems that it really is just the same old 'whites' vs 'the lesser races' in disguise.

Since I am not fully immersed into NRx maybe I am wrong, so please point that out.

>> No.9099851

>willingly scooping yourself out of an interview with the leader of the bronzed ab death squads

>> No.9099856

>discounted memes
Something being discounted doesn't make it false. Heliocentrism and hand washing were also discounted in their early years.

>> No.9099865

>I could but now I'm not going to
You could save yourself a lot of pain if you just admitted that you made a claim without being able to back it up.

>> No.9099901

>However it seems that it really is just the same old 'whites' vs 'the lesser races' in disguise.
What if that's true though? It certainly makes sense that the further a population is from the equator the more logic and forethought would be required to survive winter and train your children to be capable of doing so. Your skin would also tend to be whiter to absorb more sunlight. Is it then surprising that the highest IQ people would be snowniggers and the lowest IQ people dark coloured gentlemen? I mean, what if it's true? Surely that's a better place to look than whether it's politically taboo. At one point copernicanism and atheism were taboo, but they turned out to be true. At one point Bolshevism hijacked Russia and people started believing Lysenkoism. It's possible for innovative new thought to be nonsense, for taboo thought to be true and for currently unfashionable views to be true.

>> No.9099914

Another point would be that NRxers fap to Singapore, a multicultural Asian commercial powerhouse. So they're not exactly old school white nationalists who want segregation of white people. They want exit of all intelligent, law abiding people to refuges like Silicon Valley, Japan, Shanghai, Hong Kong. Nick Land, for example, mentioned in a tweet lately that the Vietnamese obviously don't cause trouble in Paris.

>> No.9099923

And what if it's true? If you believe in egalitarianism if makes no difference, same reason why you still support retarded people. If you already hate blacks and believe in an in-elegatarian society, you don't need any further scientific justification. In the old world there was never any real justification for the existence of aristrocrats aside from some religious bumbo jumbo, it was just the way things are.

>> No.9099927

I have an ecological/biological background. So it absolutely does makes sense for populations to have adaptations to the environment. But it does not make sense to group people together with skin color. You can have distinctions between populations, but not based on skin color.

Additionally, I find it doubtful that past adaptations matter in our current environment.

>> No.9099932

>If you believe in egalitarianism if makes no difference
>If you already hate blacks and believe in an in-elegatarian society, you don't need any further scientific justification.

You say it as if prejudice is the only distinction, and the science of the matter is meaningless.

>> No.9099935

How much do Moldbug and Land differ in their stance on human biodiversity? It seems Land is more of a "intelligence supremacist" if I can call it that.
While with Moldbug I am unsure.

>> No.9099939

>Nick Land, for example, mentioned in a tweet lately that the Vietnamese obviously don't cause trouble in Paris.

They did cause lots of trouble in New York though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Born_to_Kill_(gang)

>> No.9099943

>It certainly makes sense that the further a population is from the equator the more logic and forethought would be required to survive winter and train your children to be capable of doing so.

That doesn't explain why Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, all supported massive civilizations while Northern Europeans were messing around in huts and being scattered about by Steppe horsemen who presumably also faced the same harsh winters. There were no pristine civilizations that appeared independently in Europe; everything was imported.

Also if you're living off the land in Africa you're not exactly letting your dumbest survive.

And presumably the average IQ was pretty low in Europe when it was a shithole.

>> No.9099946

The science is meaningless because in an anti-egalitarian society, there is no meritocratic justification for the social order. This is ultimately an ideal derived from modern democracy and I think it's ultimately incompatible with a fundamentally undemocratic, reactionary ideology. Here again to me there is the obvious flaw of NRx, the fusion of oldschool, anti democratic values and weird modern silicon valley ideology that just do not mix.

>> No.9099968

This seems oddly essentialist in its characterization of "democratic" and "undemocratic". "Meritocracy" is fundamentally linked with "egalitarianism" in your view, and "anti-egalitarian" therefore fundamentally "anti-meritocratic"?

I can hardly think of any classical text that couched it in these terms.

>> No.9099977

Maybe not fundamentally but all the undemocratic societies of the old world were not based on merit but on bloodline. If we think of an undemocratic society based on merit, isn't that basically the one we already live in? Yes, the public gets to "vote" but research has shown that voting patterns have barely any effect on actual policy and in any case, policy is crafted and implemented by the highly educated capital business class and the technocrats of the state apparatus, even the politicans have little input in the end.

>> No.9099980
File: 29 KB, 618x412, california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> jerking off to more degenerate California lifestyle edgy bullshit philosophy

Don Delillo was right. FUCK CALIFORNIA!

>> No.9099981

I think it's a fair guess that civilisations are what you get when white people move downwards (broadly speaking), until civilisations reach a level of technical prowess where they start to push up into where their ancestors came from. Then when gunpowder rolls around it's really game over for being noncivilised.
Power of civilisation = whiteness (as hueristic for intelligence) + steepness of difference in favourable climatic conditions (southward migration) + steepness of difference in technology (civilisation travelling north).
Some of the Egyptians were wrangers, if you look at the isolated religious communities of the Middle East, they're pale skinned, Berbers with grey eyes, Southeast Asians, while BRONZED have the round faces and thin eyes of a snowdweller.

>> No.9100019

Moldbug would argue the results speak for themselves; that our modern government is measurably worse than the governments of old, and that the "merit" class in question amounts to nothing more than an overgrown priesthood built on pious delusions.

>What [Charles Francis Adams Jr.] and the Mugwumps are asking for is no less than the creation of a new power structure, a “lofty rostrum,” which is above democracy—which supersedes mere politics, which makes decisions and policies much as Adams and his friends would have—in the light of reason and science, the “calm lessons of history,” not the mad psychological battlefield of the torchlight election parade.
>The result is our Modern Structure, of course. The dream made real. The Mugwumps won. Yet somehow, all the diseases Adams diagnoses seem worse then ever. What happened?

>> No.9100024


>> No.9100036

So you're saying white people got smart in the Northern winters then colonised Egypt and the Middle-East before the Roman Empire was established, all the while the Europeans still in the North remained relatively dormant until a few centuries after?

>> No.9100048

If neither is based on merit, why is new one worse? An 'overgrown priesthood' is nothing new, it was one of the reasons for the reformation. And I would find it hard to argue that the new one is at least somewhat more based on merit, so it should be better for someone that wants a merit based rule.

>> No.9100050

*hard to argue against the fact

>> No.9100061

You want better government. If one class of people did government better than another class, then which has more merit?

Unless you think "merit" is synonymous with "class mobility".

>> No.9100074


>> No.9100145
File: 159 KB, 500x980, Joaquin-Sorolla-y-Bastida-xx-The-King-Alfonso-XIII-in-a-Hussar's-Uniform-xx-Private-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sam Altman is Not a Blithering Idiot

>Right Wing Terrorism as Folk Activism

>A Theory of the Ruling Underclass

>Slow History and the Mysterious 20th Century

>How Richard Dawkins Got Pwned

Sorry no links because of 4chan's spam filter.

>> No.9100190
File: 536 KB, 2690x2023, autistic midget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9100194
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x2198, snfld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a sicc normcore fit, pleb

>> No.9100330


>> No.9100473
File: 53 KB, 424x564, skanderbeg__the_great_king_warrior_of_albania_1455_by_eduartinehistorise-d74rwhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read a fair amount of moldbug and he doesn't seem to different from a libertarian. I thought I was going to get some sort of monarchy writings what gives?

>> No.9100483
File: 258 KB, 736x1454, 555f24d4a22da55d6e025200223b0e20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read "Charles Stross Discovers the Cathedral".

>> No.9101593

>You want better government. If one class of people did government better than another class, then which has more merit?

The thing is, "doing government" amounts to little more than making you and your friends rich.

>> No.9101695

still gay that icycalm threads get deleted and yet we're alowed to talk about this other random nobody blogger

>> No.9102277

You didn't read enough

>> No.9103967

>icycalm threads gets
whens the last time there was one posted? i have never seen one posted or deleted, try to make one

maybe it has something to do with only personality bashing, instead of talking about his writing

>> No.9103975

i made one yesterday and it got delete. was just pointing out how some things he wrote recently are similar to comments deep&edgy made a while ago

>> No.9104226

at least the orgy is back in business

>> No.9104243

Wow, nice """"""""""""""chin""""""""""""""

>> No.9104265

http://orgyofthewill.net/ = vastly more profound than anything moldburger has written or ever will

>> No.9104271

Imagine being such an effeminate cuck that you actually think Icaclym is """"good""""

>> No.9104276
File: 71 KB, 461x346, VEMUh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well he's definitely hotter than the guy this threa dis about at least

>> No.9104279

>Well he's definitely hotter


>> No.9104280
File: 98 KB, 500x375, 211846037_925303bf23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's embarrassing about judging people by how sexy they are?

>> No.9104298

icycalm is great

you will never see someone else saying they'll exterminate the subhuman race as they ascend to a futuristic machine-god with such sinceritiy

>> No.9104309

I keep noticing these increasingly desperate and pathetic pop philosophers, like Richard Kulisz, the transhumanists and HBD morons, the "dark enlightenment" dudes and the retardosphere scribblers. Like pop musicians, who have no musical training and talent whatsoever, no rigor, no real and sustained discipline and drive in what they do, so do these "casual philosophers" and pop philosophers seem to me to be related to the domain of actual thought. "Self-taught hobbyism" is the most benign label that I could apply to them, and they all take such great pride in being self-taught! (whereas, among all the genuinely educated, having no teachers in such an advanced culture as ours counts, not as an honor, but as an intellectual death sentence). And like pop musicians, who borrow concepts, instruments, styles and techniques from real music, but never getting any far with them, never producing anything lasting, forever mired in and condemned to an eternal primitivism, so do these pop philosophers fare in the realm of thought. One could say the same thing for their writings as for Osho's poorly written and conceptually detestable mishmash of third-hand accounts of Western and Eastern philosophies: they are all, more or less, equally irredeemable and worthless. These pop philosophers show not the slightest acknowledgement in their writings that a philosophical tradition even exists, and that the intractable problems with which they are so incompetently grappling have been discussed ad nauseam for millennia by all the geniuses. — The aforementioned, by the way, should be distinguished from characters such as the French "New Philosophers", who at least acknowledge the philosophical tradition in their works, but simply SUCK UNFATHOMABLY in doing anything with it, thus restricting themselves to expensive shirts and fine dining, or straight up bad philosophy like the "analytic" Anglo-Saxons, and so on. — All these efforts, at the end of the day, are obviously inherently abortive, since contrary to what all these people seem to think, you can't defeat a beast by RUNNING AWAY FROM IT. There's only one solution: to GRAPPLE with the beast, which is to say, WITH THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, which of course presupposes that you have at least some inkling of it! In short: Don't be a pseud. Don't abortive. Be a man. Be a genius. — Or at least try to be one, the first step of which attempt would be... to see how you measure up against past geniuses, by making at least some kind of an effort to read them.
Or keep scribbling mountains of stuff that will be washed away and be forgotten the moment you stop scribbling so much and some other blog starts getting more popular than yours. Whatever makes you happy, I guess — I am just sayin'.

>> No.9104314

Cringe tier stuff

>> No.9104320

nice try moldy

>> No.9104327

Moldbug writes about history, not philosophy, you clown.