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/lit/ - Literature

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909253 No.909253 [Reply] [Original]

So I was browsing through the /lit/ wiki and I notice the an empty romance section. This piqued my interest, because in most forms of media, I tend to think that each blanket genre has at least one saving grace. Yet, I only tend to see romance novels such as pic related.

So /lit/, there has to be at least one. What is a good romance novel?

>> No.909257

Don't know, but I bet you someone is going to say Twilight.

>> No.909262

Books that bill themselves as romance aren't good as a rule.
If it's literary fiction that has romantic elements to it that are done well, that's great.
But books like the one in your pic are generally preeetty bad.

>> No.909267
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>My face when an actual pirate crew would have gangbanged the living hell out of that woman

>> No.909266

The Wideacre Trilogy by Philippa Gregory is fantastic.
Weetzie Bat by Francescia Lia Block is considered a basic young adult romance to many people.

>> No.909280

If you have little, or no, interest in 'wading' (quite an unfortunate choice of word, I fear) through an ocean of penis metaphors, then forget romance and head straight for romanticism.

>> No.909282

Now THAT would be an awesome romance novel!

>> No.909293

Apollinaire perhaps?

>> No.909294


Is romance merely sexual then?

>> No.909301

Water For Elephants has great romance, as does any novel by Philippa Gregory. Historical fiction is a great genre if you like romance without retardation.

>> No.909318

Okay, see here's your assumption: Romance is a genre. It's not. It's a rating. An extremely low rating. Somewhere in the vicinity of "This author needs to die before he/she writes another word of this loathsome crap."
Because it isn't a genre, it doesn't have that token "saving grace".

>> No.909674


/tg/ here, one captain whose name i forget made a habit out of marrying women all around the Caribbean, then having his entire crew take turns with her, then not really caring that much, women were not allowed onboard, he had to sail off and pillage, etc.

>> No.909751

Georgette Heyer is an original.

>> No.909754

Anna Karenina
Wuthering Heights
Pride and Prejudice
Vanity Fair

>> No.909757

The Kite Runner had a beautiful romance story between a few young chaps.

>> No.909765


...the fuck.

Also, I remember The Time Traveler's Wife being a great book. No, I didn't watch the movie nor do I want to.

>> No.909789

i love you.
Also, read Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye.

>> No.909848

Froth on the Daydream, by Boris Vian

there you go, OP

>> No.909851

What Winston and Julia had was real romance.

>> No.909884


>> No.911851

actually, Judith McNaught is a romance writer, and generally writes within the typical romance scenarios (woman kidnapped by handsome man, woman given away to handsome man in order to further father's social standing etc etc).

she actually does a half decent job though. they aren't a bad read, and the characters aren't whiny mary sues.

>> No.911898

That is not a problem.

>> No.911901

Is Vanity Fair romantic? I want to get that for my mom who liked Jane Austen and similar works, but I saw a Vanity Fair movie and it wasn't romantic at all. :|

>> No.911922
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>> No.912383

Poppy Z. Brite = gay gothic romance.

>> No.912411
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>> No.914932


>> No.915146

A large part of it is centered around marrying for love vs. marrying for ambition. Amelia is definitely a romantic character. Romance is a theme throughout it, although the main protagonist is not romantic at all, revealing a satirical view of how easy love is to manipulate.

>> No.915228

It's like a gangrape by Dalì and Freud. it's obsolete, anon. And boring.
is shit. it was originally marvellous idea but the plotting is not one of a great novel
-1.love triangle: MILF, loli, pedobear
-loli flirts with pedobear
-MILF mauled by a truck
-loli and pedobear make love/raep
-2.love triangle: shotacat, loli, pedobear
-shotacat takes loli away
-loli grows up and is thrown away
-pedobear shoots shotacat
-loli dies in childbirth
that one is good
>Anna Karenina
boring adultaire.
-Emogurl is married to a btard
-Edward and emogurl make love
-btard bumps emogurl
-Edward is pressed to marry another vampire
-Emogurl does an hero.
>Wuthering Heights
>Pride and Prejudice
>Vanity Fair
neveer read it , describe

>> No.915250
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The City and The Pillar

>> No.915255
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the American Tragedy by Dreiser

>> No.915260


>> No.915284
