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9089847 No.9089847 [Reply] [Original]

The New York Times just published an entire article about Julius Evola. What a time to be alive.

>> No.9089852


>> No.9089864

does it mention charlie sheen?

>> No.9089867

>“The fact that Bannon even knows Evola is significant,” said Mark Sedgwick, a leading scholar of Traditionalists at Aarhus University in Denmark.

His awareness of proscribed texts and thinkers is thought crime.

>> No.9089869

archive where

>> No.9089876

>Julius Evola

So it's an article for plebs? "no thanks"

>> No.9089878

Well he's not exactly the most known thinker, showcased by >>9089852

>> No.9089882

That first post is a meme.


>> No.9089883

Well it's an article for NYT's readership, so...

>> No.9089894

Evola is what I like to call a pleb filter.

An introductory figure for right-wing plebeians to latch onto in order to seem intellectual.

There are more interesting right-wing thinkers out there.

>> No.9089899

such as?

>> No.9089903

>is what I like to call a pleb filter.
The term pleb filter was not coined by you.

>> No.9089909

My diary desu desu

>> No.9089911

Embarrassing post quality from so called Evola fanatics.

>> No.9089936

Evola was a Roman LARPer

>> No.9089944

>so called
By who?

>> No.9089997

who would you suggest?
I'm familiar with a long list of far right thinkers, and to suggest that Evola is pleb-tier lit is pure posturing. Have you actually read the majority of his work?

>> No.9090121

Richard Spencer spends more time with the media than he does with his own scene.

>> No.9090662


>> No.9090678

Well it's basically his full-time job so I don't know what you'd expect.

>> No.9090679

>reads half the wiki on Evola
>yep, this should suffice to write an article on the guy

Modern "journalism" everyone.

>> No.9090869
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>Bannon reads Evola


>> No.9090906

Bannon actually comes off as a really intelligent guy. If he's a traditionalist, we may truly be swinging to the right.

>> No.9090914

The NYT is full on damage control.

>> No.9090952
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>wanted to throw christians to the lions
>wanted to restore Roman paganism
>considered Mussolini and the blackshirts too tame
>advocated orgies as well iirc.
>they tried to imprison him post war but he was opposition the whole time.
>also unironically tried to volunteer for the Eastern Front, which was denied.
>he was publishing a paper in which he told how the fascists are soft faggots consorting with the catholics which almost got him killed so he stopped
>ran to Germany after fall of Italy, he joined the SS as a researcher.
>published a few books about sex and how pure aryans needed to have regular orgies Tantra, Yoga and other shit: „The Yoga of Power: Tantra, Shakti, and the Secret Way", "Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex. "

Sex, rock&roll and filo-fascism is what you need to know about Evola.

>> No.9090974

Evola is shit-tier
>hurr everything is degenerate we need to go back to old Roman values because I'm too much of a stupid sheep to make my own

>> No.9091869


>> No.9092228

>he walked around the city during an air raid because it helped him think, got hit by a piece of something and became partly paralyzed
absolute madman tho

>> No.9092242

We are all gonna die in a storm of fire and nukes, hyperfascist renovation to violence, are you happy guys? you meme'd this world into existence after all.

>> No.9092271

You want that to happen solely because you want be right, 'told you so'. You are an arrogant piece of shit.

>> No.9092283

Not that Anon, but Evola is actually shit-tier. You can read Girard, Zubiri, Eric Voegelin. Even Perenialists such as Schuon or Guenón would be better reads.

>> No.9092313

>Claim there are more interesting right-wing writers out there
>Refuse to name any

I suspect you may be shitposting, anon

>> No.9092941


It's not like Evola is banned or anything, he is just an incredibly obscure author. Virtually nobody was reading this guy until a year or two ago.

>> No.9092959

It's pretty tiresome

>> No.9092965

If it kills you, I'll consider it worth it.

>> No.9093019

I would hardly call him obscure. He is one of the most well known fascist writers. Umberto Eco even mentions him in his essay about fascism IIRC.

>> No.9093033

As far as the general population of the US is concerned, Eco is obscure too.

>> No.9093035

Eco obscure? wtf, really?

>> No.9093061

Some people might be familiar with the adaptation of The Name of The Rose, but most people here wouldn't know of him, let alone be familiar with his essay on fascism.

>> No.9093089

He's not a fascist.

>> No.9093210

The general US population thinks plato is a brand of fat-free margarine.

>> No.9093283

>you will ride the tiger in your lifetime
>you will be men among the ruins in your lifetimes

>> No.9093323

Evola despised mass politics and espoused quietism. The Jew York Times wishes he was more influential on the right.

>> No.9093555


I am not saying that *no one* knew who this guy was but your example isn't really disproving my point. A very limited number of people (at least in the US) know who Eco was, no less read his essays on fascism.

Evola was known in some academic circles but I would be shocked if even 0.1% of the American population had ever heard the name "Julius Evola" before 2015.

Things may be different in Europe (especially countries that had fascism).

>> No.9093872

Evola isn't super obscure - he is one of the names that comes up if the "intelligent fascists" write about their influences, etc. Also, he may come up if you read up on esotericism, etc.

But he is plenty obscure nonetheless - honest fascists aren't exactly popular with people who tend to read various forms of philosophy. Heidegger seems to get a pass for being a super fucking important philosopher, but others don't.

I think he can be called obscure when the people who knew him are likely to either 1. be kind-of fascists themselves or 2. be interested in some sort of weird esotericism. Even translations used to be kinda rare, and that is always something.

>literally liked the true fascist movements during his lifetime at one point or another
>literally called himself a kind of fascist, even post-war
>not a fascist

>> No.9093883

Right wing intellectuals are literally saving America. And /lit/ still claims the right is anti-intellectual

>> No.9093895

>And /lit/ still claims the right is anti-intellectual
Well, in general, the right is.

You're a goddamn idiot if some Bannon with some kind of a theory behind his beliefs overrides the fact that the right is largely anti-science in policymaking and generally wants to cut the funding of universities, culture, etc.

>> No.9093921

The left is also anti-science by indulging in creationism when it comes to humans.

>evolution stops at the neck up!

>> No.9094254

More like Jewlius Ebola

>> No.9094283

The Left is equally anti-science. Their anti-GMO hysteria is a good example. The Left also doesn't like the theory of evolution when it doesn't fit their equality narratives.

>> No.9094311
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well his 14 points of fascism is becoming very famous as you might know if you've seen this picture being shared..

>> No.9094319

I read a story recently about some lady in the hospital because she was shoving teabags full of herbs up her snatch because her hippy guru said it would detoxify her womb.

That bitch was not right-wing.

Anti-science shit stretches all across political lines.
At one time right-wing anti-science was more dangerous, these days I have to say the left-wing variety is.

>> No.9094383

>At one time right-wing anti-science was more dangerous, these days I have to say the left-wing variety is.
I'll have to disagree. Pure ideological belief in capitalism and climate change denial are much more dangerous than some hippies believing in herbs/being anti-GMO/whatever. I'm not buying the evolution crap myself, either; I'm pretty sure evolution doesn't work quite like racists believe.

However, most of "the left" (the mainstream left) is almost equally bad when it comes to those two big problems, so whatever. Acknowledging climate change or being superficially critical of today's capitalism aren't enough if the policies are the same neoliberal crap with a slightly softer tone.

>> No.9094582

I read him four years ago, fuck off

>> No.9094585

Unless he's name dropped on world star hip hop the burgers won't know him

>> No.9094589

Looks like this guy hasn't read Fascism viewed from the right, wew

>> No.9094718

Fucking this.

>> No.9094766

Not even half of it.
>Evola's first published political work was an anti-fascist piece in 1925. In this work, Evola called Italy's fascist movement a "laughable revolution," based on empty sentiment and materialistic concerns. He expressed anti-Nationalist sentiment, stating that to become “truly human,” one would have to “overcome brotherly contamination” and “purge oneself” of the feeling that one is united with others “because of blood, affections, country or human destiny.” He also opposed thefuturismthat Italian fascism was aligned with, along with the "plebeian" nature of the movement.[43]

>In 1928 Evola wrote the textPagan Imperialism, a violent attack on Christianity, which proposed the transformation of Fascism into a system consonant with ancient Roman values and the ancient Mystery traditions, and which proposed that Fascism transform itself into a vehicle for re-instating the caste-system and aristocracy of antiquity. This text was a diatribe in the name of Fascism against the Catholic Church, which nevertheless led to Evola being criticized by the Fascist regime, as well as by the Vatican itself.

>> No.9095018

They haven't even read the good wiki article on Evola, it was gutted a couple of weeks back.

>> No.9095040

GMO is garbage, Monsanto stooge, and I'm to the right of you.

>> No.9095061

>disdain for intellectuals and the arts
lol, leftists sure love to pretend disdain for left-wing intellectuals and artists is disdain for intellectuals and art in general

>> No.9095064

>People don't care about your paper on Marxist themes in Bambi
>Muh Anti-intellectualism

>> No.9095073

the far right tends to consider nearly all of intellectuals / artists leftist propagandists

so yeah, if they have disdain for 90% of intellectuals or artists, they sure have disdain for them in general

nonetheless the far right sure always loves the right kind of art, there's a poet behind every ethnic cleansing

>> No.9095094

>the far right tends to consider nearly all of intellectuals / artists leftist propagandists

No, no they don't, you can stop attacking a bogeyman now, /pol/ loves Zizek, Winter etc.

>> No.9095103



>> No.9095242

Baudolino is well regarded by medievalists.

I have my copy right here.

>> No.9095248

The guy is talking about the average people and you use fucking medievalists as a demographic that knows about Eco? How sheltered are you?

>> No.9095260

>illiterate /pol/ trolls come on /lit/
>ask for far right literature
>We give them Hamsun, Evola, Junger, Mishima over and over
>They go over to Breitbart
>spout shit they have never read
>bannon sees that people are connecting with esoteric italian nationalist philosophy
>namedrops it
>internalizes it
>brings it to power

what have we done /lit/?

>> No.9095263


>> No.9095269

Saved the world obiously

>> No.9095271
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>"average person"

pic related

>> No.9095277
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Geg loggt

>> No.9095278

Most of the medievalists I know are pretty average people.

They have regular jobs and wear modern underwear and drive about in combustion powered auto-mobiles.

Medievalists are everywhere, they're just not a bunch of loud irritating cunts.

>> No.9095282
File: 56 KB, 623x831, 10993468_743171122456433_2272875990008735813_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading Evola = liking Evola
liking Evola = liking fascism
liking fascim = liking nationalsocialism
liking nationalsocialism = liking genocide
liking genocide = wanting to commit genocide
wanting to commit genocide = deserving to be ignored, ostracized, beaten, locked up or killed

reading Evola = deserving to be ignored, ostracized, beaten, locked up or killed

>> No.9095283

Evola is trash.

Read Nicolás Gómez Dávila.

>> No.9095291

Well, I'm sold on it.

I always do precisely the thing I am told not to - what English edition do you recommend?

>> No.9095311

>/lit/ community works as a collective to find extreme right wing views due to the constant presence of /pol/, either to refute, mock, or agree with, resurrects interest Evola, Spengler, William Strauss as valid political sources
>/gsg/ resurrects interest in Oswald Mosley, Kaiser Wilhelm, creates apologists for King Leopold
>Alt-Right infiltration of /pol/ by real propagandists pick up on these notions
>Becomes public policy
>“The fact that Bannon even knows Evola is significant,” said Mark Sedgwick, a leading scholar of Traditionalists at Aarhus University in Denmark."
>traditional academia: "w-what? w-where is this shit coming from?"
>Esoteric early far-right revolutionaries start popping up in the times

I guess meme magic is real. Or rather, the collective autism of 4chan bleeding over to paid shills bleeding over to public policy is real. What a fucking weird world.

Next we are going to see Tao Lin named Laureate

>> No.9095317

Guarantee we are going to see Bannon namedrop Belloc's The Servile State soon

>> No.9095341


I despise Trump, he is a typical long island douche with a dangerous disregard for reason. But Bannon may be a truly brilliant thinker.

>> No.9095352

>Long Island
The dude's from Queens.

>> No.9095368
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Something tells me he has been to one or two Islanders games, and fucked some Hofstra undergrad bitches out in Hempstead once or twice.

>> No.9095432

>Bannon: I think it’s a little bit more complicated. When Vladimir Putin, when you really look at some of the underpinnings of some of his beliefs today, a lot of those come from what I call Eurasianism; he’s got an adviser who harkens back to Julius Evola and different writers of the early 20th century who are really the supporters of what’s called the traditionalist movement, which really eventually metastasized into Italian fascism. A lot of people that are traditionalists are attracted to that.

Is he talking about Aleksandr Dugin? Bannon has read Dugin too?

>> No.9095477
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The move right you see on 4chan and off it are part of the same Zeitgeist. It's the swing of the pendulum, the counter movement to a failing of both liberal values and the authoritarian left. That's why you see so much "recommend good right wing literature" on /lit/, that's why you see "fascist fashion" on /fa/ etc. Those liberal arts students protesting at Berkeley and the stars and media with their virtue signals and blatant lies will soon come to regret their actions when they realize they fueled the fire they sought to suffocate.

I can't help you with that.

>> No.9095506

>failing of both liberal values
post-structural social leftism =/= classical liberalism and 19th century republicanism.

I think its pretty clear that bannon is a traditionalist who seeks a judeo-christian economic paradigm (distributism????) that exists within the western cultural sphere, one that does due deference to both Ratzinger and Voltaire. The Evola stuff is what changes the spin cycle and honestly I dont know what to think of it, there are not many historical parallels to this.

If France, Italy, and Germany go right I think we are seeing 1798 or 1848 again.

>> No.9095508

>But Bannon may be a truly brilliant thinker.

Let's cut the bullshit: Jared Kushner is the only genius in the Trump administration.

>> No.9095514

>I guess meme magic is real. Or rather, the collective autism of 4chan bleeding over to paid shills bleeding over to public policy is real. What a fucking weird world.

Nah, read Pynchon more.

>> No.9095517

Science is anti-intellectual. Science is the philosophy of mechanistic morons.

>> No.9095520

He seems competent, but Bannon is the one who has succeeded in everything he has done, and built a cohesive traditionalist ideology on a website with viagra spam in the comments.

I think Taleb is a better choice.

>> No.9095562

2016 was the death throes of the right. Getting Trump elected was a short-term victory but it just radicalised the left who were fine just defending neoliberalism when Obama was in office but now feel like they literally have to fight to survive. America is not a good place for tyrants.

>> No.9095588
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>post-structural social leftism =/= classical liberalism and 19th century republicanism.
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. When amongst Americans I tend to use the word a little too freely.

Throughout most of my life history was so distant, politics seemed so rigid and the civilized society so permanent. Realizing the possibly of change now is honestly quite fascinating.

>> No.9095596

>2016 was the death throes of the right

Literally retarded. During the Obama presidency, the democrats have lost over 1000 legislative seats from state and federal legislatures and governorship.

Playing identity politics has absolutely fucked them. Half the country is male and 70% is white. Many hispanics are catholic conservatives, most blacks are anti-gay. They played with fire and got burned, you cannot win elections with urban centers within the context of the electoral colleges. Add on to that a horrific attack in europe monthly by refugees and they will keep bleeding, even in western europe.

They need to go the Sanders route, stop demonizing gun owners and pro-lifers, and start promoting working men and women that are citizens. If Bannon's novo-distributism and Trumps infrastructure projects work, the American left will be fucked, barring another idiotic war.

>> No.9095603

I'm not talking about Democrats.

>> No.9095624

There is no other left in the US as sanders recent attempt has demonstrated, and there is a solid chance of Fillon getting blasted, and if that happens a leftist germany will face a center-right Anglo-French sphere along with Hungary, Austria and Poland, which will no doubt shatter the EU.

I am only tepidly against what is happening, and even I can see that this is a wave that has not abated, and that the left have been crushed recently.

>> No.9095625

The left cannot win through non-democratic means.

>> No.9095628
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I can see getting Trump elected being a detriment to the "movement" because he gives them what they want. Which is nothing particularly extreme but just a tiny step towards the center really. And then everyone is either happy or unhappy with that but either way pacified.
However the radicalized left is exactly what the right needs to win. The more violent they get, the more they disgust and hinder the common folk the more power the radical right gets. Because they won't be calling for a civil war but a return to order. I hate making nazi comparisons because it's always more complicated than that but this isn't anything new. Look at the German response to extremists fighting in the streets, to Bolsheviks and the Reichstagsbrand.

>> No.9095631

>2016 was the death throes of the right.

>> No.9095634

Does Brietbart have real influence? Does Bannon have real influence? Seems like they're just trail behind the trends that come out of /pol/.

I think it's too early to consider Bannon a real influential guy on the level of Dugin.

This guy sorta gets it. If the Trump administration fails to deliver on their promises, then the right is dead, at least in north America. The alt-right largely put all its eggs in the Trump basket. Although I question how long the left can sustain this anti-Trump momentum. They have the memory of goldfishes.

>> No.9095635


Can anyone recommend a good biography and analysis of Evola?

>> No.9095641

>Does Brietbart have real influence? Does Bannon have real influence?


>But the defining moment for Mr. Bannon came Saturday night in the form of an executive order giving the rumpled right-wing agitator a full seat on the “principals committee” of the National Security Council — while downgrading the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence, who will now attend only when the council is considering issues in their direct areas of responsibilities. It is a startling elevation of a political adviser, to a status alongside the secretaries of state and defense, and over the president’s top military and intelligence advisers.

>> No.9095653

I still think Kushner has more influence and is more intelligent.

However, do you believe that there are competing factions in the Trump administration?

>> No.9095661

I think we should refrain from talking about Nazis

This is the rise of a new illiberal form of democracy that functions within the context set by Huntington in his Clash of Civilizations. If it was just in one country I would consider that dramatic, but it is happening fucking everywhere, from Erdogan to May to Le Pen. There are no good historical parallels, except maybe the breakup of the United States of Central America or Gran Colombia, where reactionaries shattered a liberal order.

>> No.9095662

In the words of Evola: "I am Rene Guenon, but for hooligans."

>> No.9095667

Secondary literature on Evola is very scared. He has an autobiography called Path of Cinnabar. If you want something shorter there has to be analysis of him on Counter Currents publishing or gornahoor.

>> No.9095670

The left certainly doesn't seem crushed. Maybe in the election (with poor voter turn-out) or the DNC working for Hillary but general leftist discourse has dropped talking about respecting pronouns and is now facing something a lot more serious. Forget the political class or rich liberal artists.

>> No.9095672

>being anti-GMO/
this is just as fucking dangerous as not believing in climate change

>hurr i believe in climate change but how we handle the effects it too scary
>instead I'll bitch about how great solar power is because I'm too stupid to see that agriculture is the most crucial thing at play here

>> No.9095673

I. Trump, his family, and Bannon. Outsiders to washington, purged from the elite social scene, despised widely.
II. Trump syncophants like Giuliani and his cabinet picks. Rewarded for support but not trusted, and picked mainly to disturb their respective departments as iconoclasts.
III. Mainstream republicans. Not to be trusted, but necessary for give and take.

I'm looking through Jstor and oxford bibliophies but having trouble.

They have doubled down on the whitelash. But even if Trump fucks up, said mainstream republicans like Ryan will wash their hands of him, quick.

>> No.9095678


dumb phoneposters

>> No.9095685

Considering globalization is a thing and the European or "Western" nations are so much more alike now than in the early 20th century when they were still fighting each other half the time it's not so surprising the developments are the same.

>> No.9095689

as a left winger, my problem isn't with GMOs by themselves, but with the way companies like Monsanto obliterate smaller cultures and communities with ther criminal tactics.

>> No.9095693

>I'm pretty sure evolution doesn't work quite like racists believe.
all the evidence suggests otherwise

>> No.9095696
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When will the left adopt Stirner to counter the Evola right?

>> No.9095701

I dont see how the right cant use Stirner to counter microaggressions, identity politics, and class awareness

>> No.9095706

> when will the left adopt a stupid crypto-Cartesian philosopher, too dumb to understand Heidegger or Zen?

not soon enough

>> No.9095713

Cioran and Eliade

>> No.9095718

Gregor, A. James. Mussolini's Intellectuals: Fascist Social and Political Thought. Princeton University Press, 2005, www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt7ss3x.

How does this look?

>> No.9095727

I don't see how he'd fit with an authoritarian and traditionalist movement.

>> No.9095729

>Martin Heidegger (/ˈhaJdɛɡər, -dJɡər/;[12] German: [ˈmaɐ̯tiːn ˈhaJdɛɡɐ]; 26 September 1889 – 26 May 1976)

>Johann Kaspar Schmidt (October 25, 1806 – June 26, 1856), better known as Max Stirner

Yeah what a fucking retard who couldn't even invent a time machine, why should you give a shit about him in your enlightenment

>> No.9095732

I dont think that Bannon is an authoritarian. But yes I agree with you.

>> No.9095738

Stirner has massive holes in his philosophy that makes him out to be a Cartesian.

Read Heidegger. Stirner hadn't even defined existence.

>> No.9095739
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Was Ronnie James Dio channeling Evola?


>> No.9095745
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Believing that you can is a spook

>> No.9095749

those translators are pseudonyms, right?

>> No.9095753
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>> No.9095754

It's obvious he is. Like most of /lit/ posturers, he's a vain, pathetic, worthless excuse for a life he desperately wants to portray but is intellectually incapable of

>> No.9095755

Stirner posters are the biggest cancer in all of 4chan.

>> No.9095760

>tfw when you will never go back to the NEET days when you were first learning of reactionary authors

I remember threads on /pol/ could last a week.

>> No.9095761
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>> No.9095765

He's right though. Evola is second-rate. Guenon is a lot better. Macintyre and Lasch are even better than Guenon.

>> No.9095768

The tiger is out of the bag

>> No.9095769
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>> No.9095770

thread is kill

>> No.9095781

This is why libs are tho thcared of him

>> No.9095782

Anon, everyone knows about Dugin who's into international politics.

>> No.9095791

(overweight white woman alone in a shitbox apartment having created her own values of facebook shitpoasting and tinder whoring)

>> No.9095797

I have never seen him mentioned in a mainstream medium

>> No.9095828

Very easily. It suffices its followers profit from such a government.

>> No.9095834

You realize Evola was one of the only thinkers to be influenced by Stirner, right?

>> No.9095838

That's not true at all. Marx was so affected by Stirner that he abandoned Hegel and made up historical materialism

>> No.9095858

True. I was more thinking of the Evolian "true believers" but you are right the Stirnerites could do just fine paying lip service if they wished.

>> No.9095863

>One of

>> No.9095929


> is becoming very famous

I never denied that he is gaining more publicity now, in fact in both of my posts I explicitly said "before 2015". Even now, though, he's hardly a well-known thinker, he just has more readers among 4chan and/or political junkie types. He is still a ways away from being read by what would be called "normies."

>> No.9095964
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juloos Allah

>> No.9096254

Keeping people obedient to concepts like "the race", "the nation" etc by necessity forces the movement to adopt an disdain against serious intellectual critique, since these concepts quickly collapses under it.

>> No.9096294

>was was vikings n sheet

>> No.9096399

Aren't all social groupings artificial and would "quickly collapse under serious intellectual inquiry" (this sounds like something Chomsky would say), though? If your argument is that there is no rational basis to feel a sense of kinship based on land, social class, language, religion, shared values, parentage, or really anything else, you've eviscerated the basis for any social grouping that doesn't rely purely on some classical liberal idea of mutual advantage or mutual pleasure. Although tbf, I people shouldn't be blindly obedient or conforming to "the nation", their "class", or their "lineage" either.

>> No.9096706

I wish friend

>> No.9096736

That these concepts manage to persist only proves intellectual critique to be a futile, self- destructive endeavor.

>> No.9096777

What's funny is that Bannon's really notable mention of Evola came in a talk he gave at... the Vatican. And apparently his audience ate it up.

Are the Catholics getting their mojo back?

>> No.9096802

The Vatican is hideously complex politically, I wouldn't be surprised if they had black bloc Jesuits protesting his talk.

>> No.9096804

There is literally a schism approaching. The Catholics are about to cut off their feet. The impetus for this is largely marginalized "normal people" being told Islam is the religion of peace whilst watching beheadings on liveleak, and being told about "economic recovery through austerity" while watching celebrities live it up even though they live in shacks and either are doomed to a generation of being unemployed (spain) or bankruptcy through healthcare costs (murrica).

The cognitive dissonance of neo-liberalism and for that matter neo-conservatism hit breaking point. These people do not feel shame for being white, for living honest lives, and fuck the black celebrities telling them they are privileged.

>> No.9096818

I know that feel anon. I stumbled upon Evola early in my NEET days.

>> No.9096829
File: 4 KB, 150x256, Young-Ratzinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is literally a schism approaching
It isn't approaching, it already happened, it was predestined.

>> No.9096847

>The impetus for this
I mean the impetus for Bannon's ideology succeeding is x, not catholic unity or getting their mojo back. Poorly written

>> No.9096851

It strikes me that the conservatives are the "feet" of the Church, and they're in a good position to regain power after Francis dies.

Hell, maybe even while he's alive. Still waiting to see what the four dubia cardinals do.

>> No.9096871

I agree, and I think it will Francis' intransigence that will cut said feet off.

my mother is extremely upset and runs the rosary praying for one holy catholic apostolic church. she cant process how the "saintly" francis is about to break the church, and how 100% the boston diocese aint staying with him

>> No.9096885

I feel bad for laypeople with no knowledge of history, this must seem like doomsday. Francis isn't even the worst pope in the Church's history. At least he isn't an antipope.

>> No.9096901

>Francis isn't even the worst pope in the Church's history

Previous Bad-popes didn't try to fundamentally change the core doctrine of Catholicism like Francis has.

>> No.9096906

My mother is one of those laypeople that think maryknoll and the church charities are the rock of the church, so when francis preaches liberation theology she eats it up and sponsers like 10 old ladies in Guatemala probably narcos. In the meantime she gets incredibly upset when the pro-lifers shit on him, since thats what they vote on and what they do on their spare time. There is literally a schism in the parish eucharistic ministers.

>> No.9096913

Yes, but my point is there's a history here. The Church, in the long run, will endure. It endured the Iconoclastic Controversy and the East-West Schism.

I honestly expect Francis' attempts at change to die with him. He's a bit of a lonely warrior, he and all the other old post-VII hippies. I basically expect the next pope's papacy to kind of be like The Young Pope.

>> No.9096922

Using an already disproven donation of constantine to increase temporal power in central italy is probably worse than francis trying to fiddle with doctrine to improve PR and attendance.

>> No.9096947

Why do they tie intellectual and the arts together? And by they I mean whoever made this list. An Intellectual is not an artist and an artist is not an intellectual. Didn't Nazi Germany produce some of the greatest scientists of the time?

>> No.9097075

>Didn't Nazi Germany produce some of the greatest scientists of the time?
They had some talented engineers, but the only notable scientist is Heisenberg. They even banned developments in physics for being too Jewish. the amount of serious intellectual from Nazi Germany can be counted on one hand, and they created no worthwhile artists.

>> No.9097088

You don't think Leni Riefenstahl qualifies as a worthwhile artist?

>> No.9097118

Leftists are hilarious when they're not in power.

>> No.9097121

She made meaningful contributions to the form, but I don't think any anything she made is a particularly compelling work of art.

Have you ever tried watching Triumph of The Will? It's like chloroform on celluloid.

>> No.9097147


Francis hasn't changed anything though. He just says and does a lot of stupid shit and he'll be purposefully vague about things that he should be very clear on, like the Amoris laetitia. There is absolutely no reason that should be a problem but it is.

>> No.9097162

Hmm seems like a fair assessment. I watched Triumph when I was in high school. Didn't really find it compelling (though I recognized it pioneered certain techniques) but maybe I was just too much a pleb to appreciate it.

>> No.9097220

The trouble is that the vagueness of which you speak allows people to do really stupid things, like the German cardinals and their daffy ideas about divorce.

I do agree, though, that Francis hasn't done anything permanent. AL doesn't actually, actively change doctrine. There's a reading of it that might change doctrine, but there's a reading of it that's perfectly orthodox also. Unfortunately it's probably going to take the next pope to clear things up.

>> No.9097233

Other directors from the time were making meaningful contributions to the art form, and their works still hold after all this time. None of them were from Nazi Germany, and at least one of them left the country.

The only worthwhile German artist from the period who may have sympathized with the Nazi cause was Webern, and the government considered his music degenerate.

>> No.9097236
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You don't need to downplay their artistic, journalistic, propagandist achievements just because you don't agree with their politics.

>> No.9097269

But what artistic achievements did they have? I'm not going to deny that Goebbels was a skilled propagandist, but I really can't think of any great artistic works produced by that country during the regime.

>> No.9097285

It isn't just about Amoris Laetitia though, Francis continues to allow Archbishop Wuerl to defend Pelosi, who still receives communism, Jesus fucking Christ, Pelosi.

>> No.9097466
File: 303 KB, 1920x1245, ReichsluftfahrtministeriumLeipzigerStraße.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photography, cinematography and design were all cutting edge stuff which still hold up, but that's not "artistic works". You won't look at a uniform, magazine, calendar, poster, building or march and marvel their artistic value.
I guess you specifically mean books, music, films? I honestly can't bring any up but I have to say it's not exactly my forte or field of interest and I haven't actually looked into it.
For sculptures and paintings produced by artists during the Third Reich (that's what we were talking about, right?) Josef Thorak, Arno Breker, Richard Müller and Fritz Erler come to mind. Obviously there is little variety when it comes to style and subjects.

>> No.9098868

I almost believe you

>> No.9098895

Wuerl is nothing compared to Kasper. Kasper really and truly needs to fuck off. Wuerl isn't actively promoting heresy, or at least not doing so with the high-level sophistry that Kasper does.

Thank God he's too old to take part in the next conclave.

>> No.9099136

If the church survived vatican II, it can survive a couple of offhand remarks by Francis.

I agree that the next conclave will shift in a conservative direction

>> No.9099139

Why are you even trying? You are talking to a guy who thinks "hurr Nazis suck because Germany didn't produce a good book for the dozen years they were in power"

>> No.9100023

>hurr durr everything is degenerate
He was not this type of traditionalist at all. See

>> No.9100047

this is so silly

>> No.9100051

>by ((((((jason )))))) horowitz

>> No.9100106
File: 45 KB, 799x508, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101III-Junkerschule_Toelz-5215,_Bad_Tölz,_SS-Junkerschule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think.

Is there any erotica about Evola supervising post yoga orgies in a SS-Junkerschule? Asking for a friend.

>> No.9100186

Well... they really wuz.

>> No.9100191


>he forgets that violent radical leftists preceded the rise of the right in the mid 20th century.

>> No.9100261

The old one had a pretty good introductory paragraph, but the after they gutted it, it basically became "Evola racist. racism bad, Evola bad."

>> No.9100273

That isn't anything unusual for Wikipedia.

>> No.9100297

It's build on consensus and the consensus is currently "Evola racist. racism bad, Evola bad." The only way to avoid this is articles about things and people obscure enough not to be reached by those making that consensus. And even then you have particularly zealous editors trying to find the secret right wing corners to cleanse them.

>> No.9100566

So, is Wikipedia infested with leftie ideologues?

I was considering making a donation to keep them running, but if there's a strong ideological bias on the site they're useless to me.

I mean I KNOW being an open wiki it's always gonna be prey to folks with a skewed view of reality, but it's a matter of how out of hand it is.

I'm not really the sort of person to read introductory paragraphs, I normally go straight for the relevant bits, is it still ok for sources, or are they also policing them?

I mean, I'm always told I should just use Wikipedia for the sources anyway.

>> No.9100573

>Donating to Jimmy's flush fund
Wikipedia doesn't need your money.

>> No.9100583

I only said that they didn't have any noteworthy artists, but it is telling that Germany/Austria went from producing great books every year to producing none.

>> No.9100591

Gonna have to elucidate it to me, hep cat.

I'm out of the loop.

>> No.9100602

Wikipedia has huge reserves of cash, with what they currently have they could continue operating for over 50 years and that's with them wasting money left and right.

>> No.9100615

Okay, you got my interest.
Gimme some sauce daddy-o?

Somebody get a hold of their tax returns?
What IS their main revenue stream exactly?

>> No.9100644


Want to know what your donation is funding? https://m.wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/File:Knowledge_engine_grant_agreement.pdf

$2.5M well spent https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11101262

>> No.9100677

Much obliged.

I'll have me a wee looksee.

>> No.9101354

Do you mean back then or now?

I'm not particularly right wing but reading some of the discussions on pages and their changes was enlightening. There seems to be this idea that one may only cite people without any ideological leanings. This is a naive idea of research to begin with but it becomes even worse when you don't recognize such leanings in left wing writing, because apparently when it's "critical" it's the truth and not ideology.

>> No.9102500


>> No.9103590

What did you find out?

>> No.9103599

>There seems to be this idea that one may only cite people without any ideological leanings. This is a naive idea of research to begin with but it becomes even worse when you don't recognize such leanings in left wing writing, because apparently when it's "critical" it's the truth and not ideology.

>> No.9103621

Meant to add this. I used to try editing Wikipedia pages, and the method by which "consensus" was achieved, and what constituted "reputable sources", and what made something noteworthy enough to be included, was a mess. For a good example, look at the Talk pages for the book Mismeasure of Man. I wasn't involved in that, but I had a similar experience on another page where two groups of editors crystallized against each other into a slow edit war that wrecked the page. I quit when I realized it was only going to get worse.

>> No.9104384

He said it in a french interview.

>> No.9104410

Queens is on Long Island. I have literally never been to NY and I know this.

>> No.9104426
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the math doesn't add up..

>> No.9104504

That whilst in theory I'm deeply interested in the implications of corporate corruption; in practice, trawling through financial records is actually really really boring.

Is this what being a spy is like, my dude?

>> No.9104549

nah, they wuz peasants who got cucked and/or raped seasonally by vikings when they returned from raiding mainland europe.

>> No.9104556


Do journalists even read?
What are journalist students even doing? It's the only thing they're qualified for: read/research.
A physicist needs to be aware of the workings of the microcosmic universe... AT LEAST you could be an avid reader as a journalist if someone graduating anything in a STEM field needs to know pretty much everything going on in his.

>> No.9104582


They're not paid to read, just to write.

>> No.9104646

Ebola is more of a sex symbol than anything else. Jonathan Bowden's speech on him called "The World's Most Right-Wing Thinker" says it all. He is a meme because he ia supposedly the most Right-Wing you can get. He's edgy even for the most edgy.

But really the fact that young Right-Wingers are searching for and made a meme out of being as Right-Wing as you possibility can should scare Liberals more than just Ebola by himself.

>> No.9104653


All of his books I can find are about sex and meditation. I love right wing occultism as much as the next guy but there has to be more to elevate him to those heights, right?

>> No.9104783

The New York Times

>> No.9104844

Where should I start with Evola?

>> No.9104849

Who would have thought the Trump administration was going to Make America Patrician Again? Happy!

>> No.9105546

The Greeks

>> No.9106653

We're in the age of yellow journalism part 2: electric bugaloo

>> No.9106858

No anon, we've got new buzz phrases now like "post-fact". It doesn't even require actual fact-checking, just label something you disagree with as "post-fact" and you win!

>> No.9107043

Post-truth, post-fact, etc.

The truth has never been so flimsy

>> No.9107382

>being anti-GMO
>this is just as fucking dangerous as not believing in climate change

GMOs are a meme. The vast majority of GMOs are just altered to survive massive dose of pesticides and herbicides. It's all just a cost-cutting measure to save shekels, there are actually very few GMOs that provide a tangible benefit to the people eating the food. Also, it's poisoning the entire nation, pesticide and herbicide usage correlate with autism prevalence in addition to ADHD and some other stuff. When you defend GMOs you are shilling in defense of companies that put poison on your food to make a few more bucks.

>> No.9107412


>> No.9107431

>The vast majority of GMOs are just altered to survive massive dose of pesticides and herbicides.
There are also GMOs in that have been developed to allow crops to grow in more arid climates. Most GMOs are focused on increasing crop yields, if you have a problem with pesticides you have a problem with something other than GMOs

>there are actually very few GMOs that provide a tangible benefit to the people eating the food.
While improvements in micronutrients, such as beta-carotene in Golden Rice, is not uniform it is still a positive. Not to mention the goal here isn't to increase micronutrient levels, its to increase crop yields and therefore the amount of calories produced, something that GMOs have been successful at doing.

>Also, it's poisoning the entire nation, pesticide and herbicide usage correlate with autism prevalence in addition to ADHD and some other stuff.
There is no strong evidence to support any causation and there are countless other factors that contribute to this
The problems with pesticides mainly lie in other forms of pollution but that is not related to GMOs

Fact of the matter is GMOs are increasing crop yields, and creating more resilient crops, something which is needed in today's world of expanding population and changing climate with no negative effects to humans.

Stop reading hippie propaganda and look at the actual science and regulations that already exist. GMOs are safe for people and the environment and they are the next major revolution in agriculture

>> No.9107446

Evola is more radical than fascism lol
he didn't join the fascist party either

>> No.9107523

fucking 1488ers

>> No.9107533

is there anything wrong with what I've written?
There was no need to enter the fascist party because if Italy was truly fascist there would have been no parties.

>> No.9107543

that kind of attitude is harmful to anyone trying to grow a movement. If Evola were alive today then he'd just drive people away from people like TRS who are actually doing things.

>> No.9107544
File: 108 KB, 720x802, 4eb916a307bdcf13f9cc052773f6f65d5563241aefecfb7ece5361f7bace8e00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9107556

oh, I thought you were refering to me as a 1488er

>> No.9107559

anyone hwo likes Evola i a fucking 1488er

>> No.9107560

on that note, Codreanu too wasn't fond of parties and politics because of his antidemocratic ideas

>> No.9107571


lmao bud

every single movement thats in that pic are opposed to each other in vital ways

>> No.9107576
File: 15 KB, 255x255, 3b68acc15b37c88253a6c578f189cd76899b04e31747a087b26124625dfb3082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9107587


This meme would be good for triggering leftypol if its implied.

>> No.9107591
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>> No.9107616
File: 228 KB, 450x450, 1487110435674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you trying to prove something?

>> No.9107627
File: 114 KB, 762x464, varg-vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. Monsanto shill

Even the neoliberal New York Times admitted GMOs don't increase crop yields and that it's a joke

>LONDON — The controversy over genetically modified crops has long focused on largely unsubstantiated fears that they are unsafe to eat. But an extensive examination by The New York Times indicates that the debate has missed a more basic problem — genetic modification in the United States and Canada has not accelerated increases in crop yields or led to an overall reduction in the use of chemical pesticides.

>Twenty years ago, Europe largely rejected genetic modification at the same time the United States and Canada were embracing it. Comparing results on the two continents, using independent data as well as academic and industry research, shows how the technology has fallen short of the promise.

>An analysis by The Times using United Nations data showed that the United States and Canada have gained no discernible advantage in yields — food per acre — when measured against Western Europe, a region with comparably modernized agricultural producers like France and Germany. Also, a recent National Academy of Sciences report found that “there was little evidence” that the introduction of genetically modified crops in the United States had led to yield gains beyond those seen in conventional crops.


>There is no strong evidence to support any causation

You mean other research showing that herbicides and pesticides fuck up critical parts of brain development?

>Glufosinate ammonium (GLA) is one of the most widely used herbicides in agriculture
>Pre- and postnatal exposure to low dose glufosinate ammonium induces autism-like phenotypes in mice.


>Perinatal Exposure to Glufosinate Ammonium Herbicide Impairs Neurogenesis and Neuroblast Migration through Cytoskeleton Destabilization.


>> No.9107633

You mean like Alex Jones?

>> No.9107659
File: 21 KB, 255x255, 017fcce56f2e1f1060ac3c45da0d1b638dc3b8ca5a4aeba357731b35988e6d05.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9107669
File: 751 KB, 668x763, 1487018657267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9107693

>New York Times
ahh yes

This article is disingenuous and ignores the increases in yields that have been seen in India and South East Asia.

This article is also based on yields in our current climate and population levels, these are rapidly changing which will make the yields for conventional crops decrease, hence more resilient GMOs increasing and maintaining yields

>You mean other research showing that herbicides and pesticides fuck up critical parts of brain development?
There is no evidence that this is the cause. Its a possibility but pesticides are not GMOs so your point it irrelevant anyway

Not to mention the fact that your claim that GMOs just increase dangerous pesticide/herbicide use is flat out wrong.
Many strains of GMO crops have lead to a reduction in use of the most dangerous varieties of pesticide/herbicides, and allow for lower toxicity varieties to be used.

>> No.9107729


>This article is disingenuous

The National Academy of Sciences released a report with the same exact conclusions (it's linked to in the NYtimes article)

>no evidence that this is the cause
>even when pesticide/herbicide use is associated with higher autism rates and when a low does of the most commonly used herbicide causes mice to behave like they are autistic and when scientists show exactly how the herbicide fucks up brain development

That you would still fucking shill for Monsanto on /lit/ of all places after already getting BTFO makes me really wonder.

>> No.9107866

no one who talks about evola has actually read evola

>> No.9107877

The answer to GMO is to lower the human population

>> No.9107901

The answer to many of our problems, really.

It's a shame that eugenics isn't "in" right now.

>> No.9108152

Don't worry, war is coming.
The real stuff again, after so long.

Not these stupid Muslim pruning operations.

>> No.9108258

I knew about him 10 years ago and I'm a mathematician; I hardly read anything that isn't news or related to my field.

>> No.9109454

Embrace Evola man!

>> No.9109542

Having temporal desires isnt the same as being ambivalent to gay marriage and divorced and remarried couples.

>> No.9109594

>there's a poet behind every ethnic cleansing
>you will never be that poet
how do you cope with that feel /lit/

>> No.9110478

i just looked at it and at its discussion page. i need a adrink

>> No.9111272

chase your dreams man, I'm preparing

>> No.9111558

Let's form a coalition for this. I want in

>> No.9112164

> Heidegger or Zen

best combo

>> No.9112338

a forecast of totalitarianism in the killing fields?
I would be down for a lit writing group of /ethniccleansingpoems/

>> No.9113105

It's an amazing time.

Meme culture has accelerated modern>postmodern decline to such a degree that it's arrived at (the genesis/anticipation of) its replacement/solution which even Evola himself pessimistically didn't believe would arrive so soon.

I love Evola personally and am committed to delighting in the further destruction of the Enlightenment project and its ugly, detestable spawn.

>> No.9113169

Please tell me where to start with Evola. I know I come off like a complete tosser riding the alt-right wave but he's been in the back of my mind for a while but I simply didn't know what to read.

>> No.9113197
File: 359 KB, 640x636, XLR8PEPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the internet has accelerated memetic evolution to the point of creating superbugs that break through mainstream society's immune system to the point of the entire organism being compromised

>> No.9113289

>a forecast of totalitarianism in the killing fields?
>I would be down for a lit writing group of /ethniccleansingpoems/
Let's begin, then.

> that it's arrived at (the genesis/anticipation of) its replacement/solution
What do you believe might be this replacement solution?

>> No.9113316

When I hope these leftists don't start reading Plato's Republic or we're all going to be branded Nazis.

>> No.9113323

No, you misunderstand. The rightist have to start reading Plato for you to be labeled a Nazi. It's not about the content, it's about association.

>> No.9113330


So you're saying if a conservative reads Plato that makes him a Nazi?