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/lit/ - Literature

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9090937 No.9090937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit this is ridiculous. Let me say now that I don't have this book nor will I ever read it. But christ just seeing this on Amazon makes me annoyed. Because apparently the simple lack of belief in any supernatural deity warrants a collection of self important writings by "famous atheists" so cunts can go around reading this thinking they're superiour.

I'm an athiest and I hate that this exists. Who agrees?

>> No.9090939

Atheism is NOT a religion.

>> No.9090943

Actually it shows all sings of being one. Along with preachers, low intelligence flock and naysayings.

>> No.9090950

True, but anyone with even an ounce of rationality knows that atheism the word means nothing other than lack of a belief in gods. The whole atheist culture thing pisses me off. It makes us look bad. I'm actually afraid to say I read science and nature in case of being called an atheist fedora faggot. Although those particular buzzwords are mainly restricted to 4chan.

>> No.9090964

>Over 1000 pages
>Atheist Bible
>200 pages

checkmate fedora tippers

>> No.9090971

How do you get so witty?

Quality post. Thanks for the contribution. Do more of whatever you're doing in life.

>> No.9090994
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, just garbage. get that outta here!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9091003

I know, right?

>> No.9091005

I'm an agnostic atheist and I don't understand the need to shit on people's beliefs. I don't think you can know whether there is or isn't a god. Atheists who claim to are lying to themselves and others

>> No.9091009

Seriously though they couldn't compile any more secular anecdotes and parables than that? Sounds like a half baked publisher idea that never got follow through

>> No.9091014

>I'm an agnostic unicornist and I don't understand the need to shit on people's beliefs. I don't think you can know whether there is or isn't unicorns. Aunicornists who claim to are lying to themselves and others

>> No.9091015

Who said I was shitting on people's beliefs? I'm an atheist... I was just saying I disagree with how much of a religion atheism is becoming. It literally just means I don't believe in any supernatural deity and that's it.

>> No.9091018

I just hate the concept of the book. Why, as an atheist, would I need to carry around and read a book like this? It's not a fucking lifestyle. It's not a religion. See what I mean?

>> No.9091094

It's literally a Protestant denomination at this point

>> No.9091103

Oh I know sorry man I didn't mean to make it look like that was aimed at you I just meant the fedora tippers who give atheism a bad name and then think books like pic related are amazing

>> No.9091104

>atheism is not a religion!

>> No.9091111
File: 112 KB, 850x995, Atheist-Voices-of-Minnesota-An-SDL847610598-1-0b165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really makes you think

>> No.9091117

>afraid to say anything
>on 4chan

>> No.9091118

Fuck off fedora faggot.

>> No.9091123


Although of course there are considerably more logical arguments for God, if you care about that kind of thing (you shouldn't).

>> No.9091127

True, a truly philosophically minded atheist can draw insights from all types of sources, theist or not.

>> No.9091140

*tips katana*

>> No.9091142

>I haven't read this
>but boy-oh-boy do I have some hot opinions on it that I'm ready to share!

>> No.9091144
File: 321 KB, 635x450, lit mascot Grimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.9091153

so edgy i'm bleeding

>> No.9091155

Yes? And? I don't need to read it to know that it's a terrible book just based on the fact that it exists. It could be well structured and have some good secular insight, but the fact that this book exists is just tragic. It's like Hitchen's pocketbook for athiests or whatever. I don't need a book to tell me how to live and atheism isn't a religion so piss off with any such books.

>> No.9091156

Good argument

>> No.9091160

But it is.

>> No.9091167
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>> No.9091174
File: 28 KB, 640x480, le psychoanalysis man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9091176

Good argument

>> No.9091187


You're both fucking idiots

Get off /lit/

>> No.9091189


>> No.9091190


All good e/lit/ists are gnostic.