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9086178 No.9086178 [Reply] [Original]

How do you remember what page you were on for next time you pick up the book and resume reading?

I have tried memorizing the page I was last on, but often forget the next day. Then I started writing down the page number on the inside cover of the book, but there are a lot of numbers there and it gets confusing (especially if I am reading the book for a second time).

How do you keep track of this?

>> No.9086188

I just read the whole book in one sitting.

>> No.9086190

use a bookmark if you're having that much of a problem remembering it, you dullard.

>> No.9086200


>> No.9086202

Fold over the pages - I'm a genius.

>> No.9086209


Do what i do, screech autistically and then burn the book

>> No.9086313

Just tear out the pages after you read them. Then you will never have to remember where you left off.

>> No.9086325

I trace along with a marker as I'm reading.

>> No.9086326

I actually don't, I start the book over again.

>> No.9086338

I manually type into a word file what I'm reading.

>> No.9088126

I've got ya OP.

This method was devised over the last few years and I'm still tweaking it so bear with me.

>What you need to do is buy a piece of cardboard roughly twice the size as the book you're reading.
>fold it in half
>get some sticky tape, or some of those zip ties and a hole punch
>when you finish a page in the book you're reading, tear it out
>if you're using sticky tape, tape the page into the inside of the cardboard fold
>make sure to put it with the page numbers facing the right way
>if you're using a hole punch, punch a hole in the crease of the cardboard fold and also the pages, then zip tie the page to the cardboard fold
>keep doing this every time you finish a page

If you haven't figured it out already, what you're doing is spontaneously creating a new book from the composted material of the first. The difference between the two books is that one will be read, and the other unread.

This means you will be able to clearly tell the difference between reading sessions, just choose the unread version instead of the read one. Yoy can even write on the cardboard cover of your new book, Moby Dick: Read Version to make life even easier.

Eventually, the unread version will wither away into the ethereal realm of memory, and all that will be left is a new version of the book, definitely read, that you can place on your shelf as a representation of the knowledge you've just added to your brain.

So far the method has helped me a lot, but I'm open to suggestions for improvement.

I'm thinking of writing a book for this method, and including an appendix showing pictures of readers' read versions if the book at the back.

>> No.9088173

I keep a staple gun handy for this exact problem, OP. Just staple that mother to the wall open to the page you left off on. I usually lose a couple pages every time you rip it off the wall again but that just makes it a faster read

>> No.9088356

How can there be people in this world who don't know what a bookmark is? I usually just use some piece of paper I have lying around like a receipt or such like.

As a matter of fact I found an old ticket stub from the 1930s in an old edition of Appian's Historia Romana from my great grandfather.

>> No.9088363

>I found an old ticket stub
Can I have it, please?

>> No.9088367

But what if you have to re-read sections to clarify other sections
This could quickly turn into a collage of books

>> No.9088415

Oh yes, that does happen sometimes. My method still allows for that, with extra supplies. It's still a nice and simple way of knowing what you've already read, and to a certain degree of detail.

E.g., I am about five versions deep into Steppenwolf. So there is Steppenwolf: Read Version, the First; Steppenwolf: Read Version, the Second; Steppenwolf: Read Version, the Third; Steppenwolf: Read Version, the Fourth; and then of course just plain old Steppenwolf: Unread Version (original cover), which I am making my way through.

It makes for an impressive shelf, I'll tell you that much! I brought a girlfriend over the other day (well, a friend that is a girl... So far), and she was like... "wow".

The kink in the method I'm trying to work out is when I have to stop a reading session mid-way through a page...

>> No.9088446

>The kink in the method I'm trying to work out is when I have to stop a reading session mid-way through a page
I never ever do that

>> No.9088890

Shut up liar

>> No.9088951

The easiest method I've found is to write the last page you stopped at on the back of your hand. When you read again and get ready to stop, just wash the old page number off and write down the new one. The only downside is you can't wash your hands too much between reading sessions.

>> No.9089071

Well yeah but sometimes nature calls and I get sidetracked and forget the last couple of pages. Then when I come back I need to start a whole extra book version for those catch up re-reads. I want to be accurate because sometimes it's just a paragraph or so that I need to re-read (and therefore put into the next book version).

But then if those paragraphs are on one side of the page and I definitely remember the other side and don't need to re-read them...

I think what I'll do is buy a photocopier so I can make another copy of the page, then put THAT in the new read version and use white out to get rid of the content from the page that is not already read in the new version AND the content that is definitely already read in the older version.

>> No.9089103

>Sit down and read the first 100 or so pages of a book
>Forget to mark your place by tearing out the last page you read and making it into an origami swan
>Go back to read later and don't remember what page it was
>Start to have an anxiety attack at the thought of skipping too far ahead
>Start over again at page 1 just to be safe

>> No.9090348

ITT Faggots

>> No.9090496

I read the first 200 odd pages of swann's way about 3 times because of this

>> No.9090502

don't be sad anon,

you'll find your page

>> No.9090517

I simply tear out the pages I've already read. No need for them anymore.

>> No.9090518

>doesn't have a kindle
>can't take a picture of the last page he read with his iPhone
>isn't notified through his Apple Watch that the next reading session is coming
>he doesn't have a picture of his last page showing in front of him thanks to his google glasses in due time

>> No.9090524
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Yeah great joke, anon.
If only you were here to appreciate others instead of just getting off on yourself...

>> No.9090527
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>> No.9090948

What the...

Ever head of a bookmark?

>> No.9092442

I just remember the part I'm reading and the general location I am in the book. Simple.

>> No.9092523

someone's bored

>> No.9092681

No, this is all research for my new, gritty existential novel.

>> No.9094034

highlight the words you have already read in thick black marker, should help

>> No.9094052

Tear out each page as soon as you've read it, and burn it immediately, using that lit page to illuminate the succeeding page. That way you can read in total darkness.

>> No.9094055

I jerk off while I read to build pleasurable associations. I just find the page with the freshest jizz on it.

>> No.9094215

This is great.

>> No.9095360

ibooks on iphone remembers where you stopped

coolreader on pc does too

for physical books you can use the old folding a tip of a page trick. some autists are triggered by that as it supposedly RUINS THE BOOK AAAAA but I dont care.

>> No.9095398

i either finish chapters or up to 2^X or 10*X pages both of which i can remember flawlessly

>> No.9095420

This entire thread is why I love 4chan, you would never get this spontaneity on reddit.

>> No.9095454

>current year
>not using an electronic reading device


>> No.9095484

I look at the page number at the bottom of the page and then, get this, recall it later on when I need to or use a bookmark

>> No.9095540

I just open the book and I'm within 5 pages of where I left off. Then I see if what I'm reading is familiar or not.

Or I use a fucking bookmark.

>> No.9097131


>> No.9097148

just lick the page, the ink will smear a little and the paper will wilt up, so you'll know which one it is.

Obviously the farthest smeary wrinkled page in is the one you want.

>> No.9097174

I just re-read it from the start until I arrive where I left off.

>> No.9097188

Haven't laughed this hard in a while, thanks.

>> No.9097397
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We've all had this problem before, OP. What you need to do is to carry around with your book a needle and some ink, and whenever you have to close your book, just tatoo the page number somewhere on your body. This way you will never be lost again, and you don't even need to worry about rain or spilled drinks destroying your note. I've been doing this for years and dumb normies are always asking me why i'm covered with numbers, and that's how i know right away that they're plebs. Aside from being practical this method is a surefire way to tell the pleb from the patrician, any true intellectual would recognize the genius in the simplicity of this method and congratulate you. Prolific readers who use this approach often remain with only their buttocks and the tips of their heads unoccupied, and that's how you know their literary prowess right away. You may wonder, when you've been doing this for a while, how are you going to remember which note is the latest? Don't worry, if the pain won't imprint the number forever in your memory then you will find it by looking for the reddest, most swollen spot. Pro tip: when you're approaching patrician status and you have little free space left, you might want to carry around a mirror to reach difficult places. Who knows, someday you may not even NEED to make notes at all.

>> No.9097405

I tear out each page as I read, so I don't have this problem

>> No.9097412


I employ the use of a functional memory. It has helped me dozens of times, with everything from remembering my name, where I live, where I left my keys, anything. A functional memory is a very valuable tool for your day-to-day business. It may also help you remember the page number you have reached in a book. I cannot recommend a functional memory enough.

>> No.9097441


As someone that has recently started browsing reddit...that's just not true. Almost every thread I come across is like this one. Just more censored and politically correct. Which is why it's awesome when it happens here.

>> No.9097962

As someone that has been on reddit for years, you're retarded. This type of shit would get downvoted instantly.

>> No.9099015

both of you gb2/reddit/ you fucking race traitors

>> No.9100516

carve the page number onto my wrist

>> No.9100974

>buy book from bookdepository
>receive bookmark

Now, if I could only stop my eyes from jumping lines.

>> No.9102448

Have you tried tearing out your eyes?

>> No.9102449

Take a pen and cross out each line of text as you read it.

>> No.9102471

i've found when i've finished a reading segment, i go on omegle, befriend a small child, coax him to send me nudes because it reminds me of when my uncle used to touch me when when i was 7, then i'll keep him/her in a paid storage locker for a couple months, dismembering thier body and dispersing them around vaious waterways or dumpsters. hope this helps, cheers

>> No.9102474
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>> No.9102724

Didn't work. I still visualise the wrong page.

>> No.9102734


haha if you're serious you should probably seek out the help of a legit mental health professional.

>> No.9102756
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>Yfw they get lost trying to find the right page of the DSM.

>> No.9102760
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Use a folded up piece of paper as a bookmark you dolt

>> No.9102769


Just because you have transient global amnesia doesn't mean your mental health practioner does..

>> No.9102774

Can you put your post in context, please? I don't know why, but I'm finding it difficult to follow this conversation.

>> No.9102827

I don't stop reading till i've finished the chapter, episode or book. Can't think of someone doing otherwise

>> No.9102861

I say e.g. "200, Pillars of the Earth" (yes I know it's pleblit, I had to stop reading when Follett tried to describe a rape from the woman's point of view, it was just cringeworthy) to myself while I mentally visualize the page.

Figure out which sense functions most efficiently of the five in your memory and use that. Even if you have to associate the number with a smell, do that if it works for you.