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9087830 No.9087830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can atheists be "well-read" if they choose to never read the Bible?

>> No.9087835

Who said atheists have never read the Bible?

>> No.9087844

I hope you're not fooled into thinking that just because someone's read the Bible that they automatically believe it. But I do understand about the type of people you're talking about.

But take into consideration that Christianity isn't the only religion. I haven't read many Hindu texts but I don't believe in those gods as being fact either.

>> No.9087845

What does the bible have to do with reading a lot?

>> No.9087848
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>> No.9087859

I read the bhagavad gita and all the greek epics and plays, I read paradise lost, I read the epic of gilgamesh and the mythical, ulster and fenian cycles... but I never read the bible. Am I not well read?

>> No.9087866

>tfw don't believe in a le meme personal God but the Bible is one of my favorite literary works

fedora etc, I know

>> No.9087871

That's a Bingo

>> No.9087877

How can Christians be well-read if they never read the Pali Canon?

>> No.9087887

The Bible is the most important work in the Anglosphere. There is no point reading Paradife Loft is you haven't read the Bible, which is necessary for fully appreciating Milton.

>> No.9088007

I see the Bible as our ancient history book. As that's what it really is. The first scrolls from 3500 years ago depicting our even more ancient history.

Stories that are back up by the ancient texts of a multitude of cultures (Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, even Aztec all refer back to the same basic story principles), in fact the story of the flood and of the 'mesiah' reviving after 3 days is depicted in the texts of almost every religion and civilizations history. To just blatantly disregard those records is to be the ultimate ignorant. Religious or not, creator or not, those scrolls describe our history.

They also mention dinosaurs (a word that was only introduced in the 1800s) but that's a whole other type of discussion for another board.

>> No.9088052

I'm an atheist who went to Catholic school for ten years. I can open up any page of the bible and give you a summary. Not much else to do but read the bible in your daily religion class for your entire adolescence

>> No.9088100

The Catholic Church seems to be the main cause of Atheism. I can't say I blame you, they're crazy extremists manipulating the word. Using it to gain power and control

>> No.9088115
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>Read Milton without having read the Bible

>> No.9088491

Quite honestly, there is no point in reading "great works" if you haven't read the Bible. The Greeks are vital, the Romans important, but the Bible is essential. It is paramount. It is the master key which unlocks all the mysteries of the Western Canon post-antiquity. Yes, you may buy annotated texts with their pittance references to the tomes of Holy Scripture, but unless you have studied and learned from the Word of God, you will never truly grasp what it means to be European, nay! What it means to be human!

Our masterworks are so thoroughly steeped in that divine correspondence that you will not ever grasp their wisdom so long as your revelation is this: "how could a loving God allow the good to suffer?" Your smallness cannot perceive his greatness. Your finite nature cannot grasp his infinity. Your wisdom is subsumed by his foolishness, you strength by his weakness! Even those atheist writers are inspired by his truth. For as it is said: "the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made."

Socrates was without hope in Christ, yet did as God's law required for it was written on his heart. Seek not the fleeting pleasures of prose, but the eternal pleasure of Christ who is himself the sublime which permeates agglomerations of well-wrought words.

>> No.9088506

>but unless you have studied and learned from the Word of God, you will never truly grasp what it means to be European, nay! What it means to be human!
Chinese, Indians, and Muslims aren't human, interesting

>> No.9088508


>> No.9088527

Indians and Muslims are debatable, but Chinese are clearly NOT human by any definition of the word

>> No.9088549
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How can Christians be christian if they never read the bible

>> No.9088560

This is why I haven't read Finnigans Wake or Ulysses yet; wether you believe in God or not, the Bible is a fundamental piece of the Western canon.

>> No.9088585

>implying Christians actually read the Bible

>> No.9088595

>Word of God
>result of decades of barter, compromise and horse-trading amongst ecclesiatical councils of the Middle Ages

Kekkiest of keks.

>> No.9088607

You must read the Bible. You will miss so many references and allusions, it's actually quite sad.

>> No.9088611

>The Bible is the most important work in the Anglosphere
>A middle eastern book is the most important work in the Anglosphere

>> No.9088660

>They also mention dinosaurs

Of course they would. The Earth is only around 6,000 years old.

>> No.9088666

Yea bollocks. I bet Milton himself didn't read the bible back to front. The book itself isn't important, it's what the culture around it that matters and is what we create new stuff from. Has nothing to do with being "well read".

>> No.9088667

And? The strangeness of it doesn't make the fact any less true.

>> No.9088674

>A middle eastern book is the most important work in the Anglosphere
>A Greek philosophy book is the most important work in 18th Century Germany

>> No.9088690

>I bet Milton himself didn't read the bible back to front.

Milton was a highly educated Puritan. You know nothing of the intellectual climate of that time or Milton if you think he never read the Bible. It's more likely had read it a dozen times or more.

>> No.9088717

This. The works you really need to read are Beowulf, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Norse sagas.

>Christocucks BTFO

>> No.9088738

Lol, all of those are Christianized texts.

>> No.9088740

>cultures are influenced strongly by other cultures
i would have NEVER known desu

>> No.9088816

So? Doesn't matter any more.

>> No.9088834

Were you only pretending to be retarded?

>> No.9089175

Found the Catholic

>inb4 buh buh christianity

>> No.9089233

>cultures are influenced strongly by other cultures if we are talking about the bible and that's ok, in everthing else people from the midle east can fuck off
nice morals, christcuck

>> No.9089247

>Be Italian
>If you don't read the Bible you miss on 99% of your national literature

I've read and studied thoroughly the Bible for this reason.

>> No.9089332

>watches Zeitgeist once
>posts this
this is quite sad

>> No.9089357

>adding morality into a discussion about cultures and influence

>> No.9089369

The flood never happened, it's not even a possible thing. Thinking that it being in a lot of ancient texts means it literally happened is silly

>> No.9089382

Why would it not be possible for God to flood the Earth?

>> No.9089406

I'm an atheist BECAUSE I've read the Bible

>> No.9089421

Because le god isn't real XD
but really there is no scientific evidence that the whole earth was ever flooded at any point and the suggestion that it was falls apart when questioned. I hate to suggest pop sci shit but Bill Nye has videos where he put the scientific evidence against a great flood in fairly understandable terms and showed his workings

>> No.9089439

>how could there POSSIBLY have been 20 foot flood waters in Mesopotamia?!?


>> No.9089462

Science assumes uniformitarianism, though. The Bible seems to be rather clear that catastrophism is true, and the physical workings of the world have drastically changed since creation. The best example is the introduction of death and corruption after the Fall. After the flood the human lifespan gradually decreases to the current amount as well.

>> No.9089479

So you just take some 2,000 year old book from the Middle East as truth and ignore science?

niqqa u dum

>> No.9089492

Ignore what? Uniformitarianism is an unprovable assumption.

>> No.9089520
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Found the Idiot.
More has been written about the Bible than any other book in the history of literature.
P.S. I am not a Christian

>> No.9089539

nigga tasted like starburst

>> No.9089574


I've read a few to be able to point out all the perversion; but given all the ped-rapist preachers, it's bound to be riddled with it.
Self-lessness = maximum self-ishness.
Self-Fullness = honor, truth and love.
I'm no longer atheist. There might be the god that is inside your head. Or someone else's. Or God might be a turtle and we're all of us very ugly turtles and all of you are confused and deluded. People use lots of drugs to deal with the fear of an unknown future and inadequacy. I can relate to fear, but I can't use a lie because sooner or later it will fail (such as accepting heaven when one feels inadequate and unworthy)

>> No.9089597

by reading other books

>> No.9089612

We are most likely on the same side in this but either way illdestroyum8

Even if i accept your belief that the bible is the most important work in history (which btw is fraught with all sorts of assumptions)

How can one make the assumption that "the most written work" in history is the most important?

Nice assumption anon, if youre any kind of atheist just drop your weapons now, i murder families whole

>> No.9089633

>le science
Science is for idiots.

>> No.9089857
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>> No.9089932


>> No.9090104

It's Paradife Lost actually.

>> No.9090134

is it good though?

>> No.9090330

I'm cool with missing a few Bible references.

>> No.9090969

>Believing in things back up by evidence is for idiots
Really makes the synapses fire

>> No.9090986
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>> No.9091016
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Western society was founded, and raised by the Christian Church. How can you be well read if you don't understand the basic stories of that influenced countless generations including your own? Instead you have only read the religious stories of ancient societies, instead of focusing today's religious views.>>9088491

>> No.9091095

>evidence exists