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/lit/ - Literature

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9087379 No.9087379 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk manifestos, /lit/. I'm currently reading Ted Kaczynski's and he's got some interesting ideas. What are some good manifestos to read?

>> No.9087400

Not Kacyznski. What a piece of overrated trash that was. Not an original thought in the entire manifesto. A regurgitation of better thinkers through his autistic lens.

The best thing he wrote was the 1971 essay, the one his brother read and recognized. Ellul is better. Zerzan is better. Just about anyone is better than Kaczynski.

He's interesting as a cultural phenomenon though, but ultimately a second-rate thinker.

>> No.9087409

I appreciate your criticism, especially since you didn't use the term 'pseudo-intellectual'.

>> No.9087435

Read his first essay, if you can find it. The manifesto and his later writings are pretty delusional and watered-down ideas of better minds who didn't make the same intellectual errors Kaczynski did.

>> No.9087445

I've read a lot of art manifestos from the XXth century. I'd say the most "interesting" (for being the first important one) it's the futurist manifesto from 1909 written by Marinetti.

>> No.9087448

Yeah because the fucking psychology department fried his brain while he was still an undergraduate. Those motherfuckers should have been imprisoned.

>> No.9087451

>Not Kacyznski. What a piece of overrated trash that was. Not an original thought in the entire manifesto. A regurgitation of better thinkers through his autistic lens.

>> No.9087537

Dorners was really interesting as a study into what drives generally good men to commit acts of violence

>> No.9087576

'my twisted world' by Elliot Rodgers is a masterpiece of modern literature.

>> No.9087594


>> No.9087604


You're all jealous, snob dummies. His manifesto is a very decent try from someone who's not a philosopher. At least he doesn't pretend to have any fake scholar knowledge about philosophy (unlike american philosophers themselves). Hell, there's more intelligence in Kaczynski than in Russell.

>> No.9087624
File: 49 KB, 720x540, imagists-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. To use the language of common speech, but to employ always the exact word, not the nearly-exact, nor the merely decorative word.

2. To create new rhythms -as the expression of new moods -- and not to copy old rhythms, which merely echo old moods. We do not insist upon "free-verse" as the only method of writing poetry. We fight for it as for a principle of liberty. We believe that the individuality of a poet may often be better expressed in free-verse than in conventional forms. In poetry a new cadence means a new idea.

3. To allow absolute freedom in the choice of subject. It is not good art to write badly of aeroplanes and automobiles, nor is it necessarily bad art to write well about the past. We believe passionately in the artistic value of modem life, but we wish to point out that there is nothing so uninspiring nor so old-fashioned as an aeroplane of the year 19 11.

4. To present an image (hence the name: "Imagist"). We are not a school of painters, but we believe that poetry should render particulars exactly and not deal in vague generalities, however magnificent and sonorous. It is for this reason that we oppose the cosmic poet, who seems to us to shirk the real difficulties of his art.

5. To produce poetry that is hard and clear, never blurred nor indefinite.

6. Finally, most of us believe that concentration is of the very essence of poetry.

related: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/articles/detail/58900

>> No.9087631
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>Good one

>> No.9087764
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>> No.9087787

Don't be a fucking retard

>> No.9087811

>Hell, there's more intelligence in Kaczynski than in Russell.

Not very difficult. Russell was a brainlet.

>> No.9087826
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Reactionaries and primitivists are silly and in denial.

>dude lets all just go back innawoods

more naive than commies

>> No.9087840

>intellectual errors
Name one I dare you, rancid leftist swine

>> No.9087846

lol, when will they learn, and so on.

>> No.9087881
File: 285 KB, 996x996, futurism_aeropittura_tato_flying_over_the_coliseum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAME, read the Futurist manifesto instead, faggot. Do you even want to blaze through life like a violent motorcar?

>'Let’s break out of the horrible shell of wisdom and throw ourselves like pride-ripened fruit into the wide, contorted mouth of the wind! Let’s give ourselves utterly to the Unknown, not in desperation but only to replenish the deep wells of the Absurd!’

>We affirm that the world’s magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath—a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace.

>Except in struggle, there is no more beauty. No work without an aggressive character can be a masterpiece. Poetry must be conceived as a violent attack on unknown forces, to reduce and prostrate them before man.

>We will glorify war—the world’s only hygiene—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman.

>We will destroy the museums, libraries, academies of every kind, will fight moralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice.

>Art, in fact, can be nothing but violence, cruelty, and injustice.

>> No.9087886

sounds like a bunch of tryhards

>> No.9087897

>Do you even want to blaze through life like a violent motorcar?
>'Let’s break out of the horrible shell of wisdom and throw ourselves like pride-ripened fruit into the wide, contorted mouth of the wind! Let’s give ourselves utterly to the Unknown, not in desperation but only to replenish the deep wells of the Absurd!’

This is cosplay for neets desu. Go "blazing" for one month and you will have powered yourself out and wish for nothing but wisdom and quiet.

>> No.9087953

>sounds like a bunch of tryhards
fascists :D

>> No.9087956

>Go "blazing" for one month and you will have powered yourself out and wish for nothing but wisdom and quiet.

t. untermensch.

>> No.9089837

Came here to post this.

>> No.9089927

Mine, 2bh. I've been planning it out for several years now. Pretty soon I'll get a rough draft typed up, start gathering a support base, and nail it to the door of my local parliament. I live in BC, for context. I'll probably write two manifestos, a short one for the plebs, and a long one explaining the finer philosophical arguments.

Bullet points:
Reality is the point of interaction between the interior and exterior worlds, every individual is thus sublimated by a larger social/environmental organism.

Therefor society should be organized around the diner table, that is, social interactions unconstrained by top-bottom thinking and mass media.

Schools should therefor focus on the performance of rituals, rather than the memorization of facts.

It's necessary to incorporate native tribes into the government not in the liberal sense of easing a guilty conscience, but as a way of legitimizing the current politic as a legitimate and unbroken historical dialogue stretching thousands of years into the past. The potlatch should be reinstated across all levels of society as a form of direct democracy.

Rejection of Euro-centric history, while also a rejection of the liberal criticisms of Euro-centric history. History must be seen as a genealogy of the present conditions and governmental institutions stemming from the present situation, not from the past, and should be purely utilitarian.

Multiculturalism lacks "skin in the game" and tends to paint the whole of non-western civilization as a pacified and neutered "other". We need to make value judgements about the different groups that form our modern society, as well as look at our historical alliances, and make more of an effort to support Hong Kong, take a moral stand against Chinese despotism, support Sikh communities, and stop capitulating to loud but irrelevant organizations like BLM.

It's also necessary to affirm universal moral truths and value judgements, even if this requires a great deal of self reflection towards our own society. Oriental attitudes towards education, for example, are vastly superior to what we have now.

There is a need for public civic holidays affirming a new sense of national consciousness. The flag should also be changed.

We should also look back to the middle ages and the Incan empire, and their practices of requiring labor as a form of tax, as a fundamentally good principle which engages every member of society in proactively improving his society, rather than abstractly contributing through taxes. There is also a pure equality in physical labor which transcends race, religion, and social class.

>> No.9089954
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there was Bruce Sterling's Viridian Green Manifesto. it tried to trick rich assholes into behaving in an environmentally responsible manner, by telling them it was fashionable.

>> No.9090127

Thirding this, it's incredible. Like a BEE novel come to life.

>> No.9090141


industrial society & its future was intended as a work of communication, not originality, numbnuts. he got the message out clearly and simply and made a big newspaper preach it directly to the plebs. he did more to promulgate primitivist ideas than anyone

>> No.9090570

Hi mr taleb

>> No.9090579

>ultimately a second-rate thinker
He entered Harvard at 16, and was an assistant professor of mathematics at Berkeley by 25.

>> No.9090599

Kaczynski's new book from Fitch & Madison is far more lucid and well-researched.

>> No.9090619

>better than anyone

>> No.9090658

What he writes about leftists is only the tip of the iceberg, and thus, cringe.

> he got the message out clearly and simply

In an excessively dull style, without much overall structure.
> and made a big newspaper preach it directly to the plebs. he did more to promulgate primitivist ideas than anyone

And??? No one reads him except some edgy 4chan kids. He was completely absorbed into the spectacle.

Still, his views on technology are ultimately second-rate, when compared to the masters like Ellul, Pynchon, Debord.

>> No.9090915

It's poorly written, especially because of his egoistic complex. You can come to the conclusion that he had indeed regarded himself as an intellectual "supreme gentleman" just by the course he chooses to take in the run of the manifesto.
You're probably just a memer tho lol

>> No.9092350

That's the point anon, no work of literature could portray the fall of a pseudo intellectual mentally ill person into madness and violent acts as well as Rodger portrays himself that way without even knowing. It's the ultimate glimpse inside a sick mind that thought it was healthy. It's kind of like Notes from Underground with poor structure and prose but a main character just as obsessive

>> No.9092617

I don't believe that you've actually read spengler

>> No.9092634

>compared to the masters like Pynchon
l m a o

>> No.9092646

Twinisha's manifesto i guess she was a good grill i miss her nonsensical rambling mumbling

>> No.9092689

link? i can't find whoever it is you're talking about

>> No.9093303

This hit close to home

>> No.9093306

T unrealistic Zerzanite
Dude the stone age was all fun and games lmao

>> No.9093356

What a painfully dumb comment. It's a simplification of the ideas, it was written to be understandable by the layman. Unoriginality and simplicity are not legit points against the manifesto.

>> No.9093959

tossers, the lot of 'em

>> No.9094030
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Personally, I think Roof's manifesto is gold.

>mental illness does not exist. psychology is an invention of the Jews
>the gays are all mentally ill

>> No.9094119

The Last Rhodesian is my manifestofu

>> No.9094198

Anyone know if there is some sort of large collection of manifestos that can be downloaded? Sounds like if its a thing it would be pretty cool.

>> No.9094257

>reactionaries and primitivists are the same thing

>> No.9094331
File: 13 KB, 318x444, 12164344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripped a lot straight from Kaczynski but gives an insight into the mind of the typical /pol/ack