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/lit/ - Literature

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908281 No.908281 [Reply] [Original]

You are now aware that the reason you are not published is because you spend too much time on here, on the internet listening to one another's criticism.
Because this generation is so desperate to have an audience, we have ceased to actually get down to work. If you'd been born a hundred years earlier, half of you would be published already, and be heralded as literary geniuses.

>> No.908288

True, but OP is still a FAGGOT.

>> No.908303
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True. Should change that. Fuck /lit/ and it's Faggotry.

>> No.908308


>> No.908304

plus nobody reads anymore and the ones who do are utter cynics who hate almost everything

>> No.908315

This is true. And yet I will continue my wasting of time because I feel like it.

>> No.908318

Completely true. I am stuck in a cycle. And I cannot break out. I am going to toss my computer out the window one of these days, and buy an old Selectric.

The only way to write is to avoid the internet.

>> No.908320

nigga whut?

i havent even wrote anything

>> No.908322

I have learned many things from this place. About humanity, about myself. But I have yet to be able to break myself from it, and write about it. I am an addict of socialization. The prisoner of the technological era.

>> No.908323

Or just disable your wireless/ethernet adapter, man up and write a goddamn book that's gonna be /lit/'s new God.

>> No.908331

I love to read and usually love what I read, but I am an anomaly.

>> No.908333
File: 167 KB, 1058x730, 1263171957360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 56,000 words into my novella and it's showing no sign of slowing down. I'm actually considering going all out for a novel.

It's going to take eons to edit.

If I make it big, the first thing I'm going to do is parade it in front of /lit/.

>> No.908359

this thread is truth

>> No.908372

I'm a fucking awful writer.

>> No.908380

I don't write. Writing is for fags.

>> No.908382

>furries in pic
>feeling of encroaching dread re: poster's "novella"

>> No.908383

Did someone here tell you that? If so, you should do your best to ignore it.

>> No.908388

>Doesn't recognize Megas XLR
>Should punch self in nuts

>> No.908397

Fffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu. This is very true.

>> No.908396

But I've had two things published, and continue to send out stuff.

Am currently waiting for reply for 6 things.

>> No.908394


>I don't know what Megas XLR is and am a giant faggot who is secretly furry.

That's nice, anon.

>> No.908395

The fuck is Megas XLR?

>> No.908399
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>> No.908402

/lit/ is addictive. It is slowly rotting my brain

>> No.908407
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>> No.908408
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Well, I guess I shouldn't make fun of you for deriding people over the internet because not everyone recognizes your favorite cartoon.

After all, I fucking love Ghost Hound.

But I have to ask, is it thinly-veiled fanfiction?

>> No.908412

>your favorite cartoon
Bro, it's EVERYONE'S favorite cartoon.

>> No.908419

No. My favourite cartoon is Family Guy.

>> No.908422
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>> No.908425
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>> No.908442

Excuse? Literary genius? I'm writing a young adult novel that rips off Doctor who, and blends supernatural shit with westerns.

Fuck you, literary genius.

>> No.908444

Congratulations. You're revolutionizing the shitty young adult fiction genre.

>> No.908460


it sells better than retarded james joyce shit

>> No.908477

While it isn't as good to read, you're right. You read good books and write shitty books, because you aren't so stupid as to think that good books sell as well as young adult shit. Right? It's all for money.

>> No.908532

Do polyamorous people count as "fags"?

>> No.908548

Dunno about "literary genius", but I used to write a shitton back in middle school and high school when I didn't have my own computer (family computer in the kitchen, ancient and shitty) and there was nothing else to do in my room.

As soon as I got a laptop for college, I was spending all my solo time dicking around on the internet. That was 2003. Now it's practically a social and professional necessity to spend your time dicking around on the internet.

>> No.908552



>> No.908673

Same here.

>> No.908682

>half of you would be published already, and be heralded as literary geniuses.



>> No.908948

Note the word 'heralded.' That doesn't mean they are literary geniuses.