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908346 No.908346 [Reply] [Original]

incoming rant.

This book failed hardcore. Seriously JKR is a dumbass and deserves to go to the hall of shame for this disaster of a book.
There are many things wrong with this book, it's obviously meant for children so im not gonna go into the actual writing style but the 2 main problems i had with this book were.

Harry and the gang sat around and fucking twiddled their thumbs when they should of been training. They made such a big deal about silent spell casting in the 6th book you would think that harry would of been trying to master it throughout all of deathly hallows.
But nah they all just fucking sit around and say how bored they are and ask eachother what they should do.

FUCKING TRAIN seriously, harry trained harder for the fucking tri wizard tournament than he did when hes going to end up fighting a battle to the death with the strongest wizard alive. Not one fucking point in this book did they practice spells or say hey harry how the FUCK are u going to kill voldermont? or however u fucking spell his name.

>> No.908350


>> No.908358



>> No.908362

hey man i don't know what you are talking about the last book was intents

>> No.908366


>> No.908370

the second thing is fucking Severus Snape.

It was painfully obvious he was a good guy and was being a double agent. But what i don't get is how he just fucking stands there and dies. Snape is arguably the 2nd strongest wizard in the world at the moment, i say this because he was a teacher at hogwarts, was a death eater at one time, and he was apparently the only other wizard that could fucking fly with magic alone like voldermont.

SO how the fuck does voldermont effortlessly kill him when he apparently has a fucked up wand that wouldnt even let him kill fucktard useless harry potter? Snape would of kicked his ass if JKR fucking even followed her own fucking logic.

Book would of actually been decent if they didnt have any of that gay ass shit about voldermont having the fucked up wand. And if Harry would of actually trained his ass off and became a powerful wizard. And if Snape would of put up a fight.

Just imagine a wizard battle of harry+snape vs voldermont SHIT would of been epic on the big screen. Everyone else just gets the fuck out of the way because of the fucking catastrophe their wrecking with their battle. IDC if they all died i just fucking wanted a good ending to this book I shared my childhood with

>> No.908378

Sorry guys i just wanted to hear if other people shared my feelings.

I fucking rage so hard when every fucking person i meet are like I LOVED THE LAST BOOK IT WAS SO GOOD. I have never met a person who didn't like the last book even after i explain everything wrong with it.


>> No.908381

Personally I was more put off by the blatant christfaggotry than the shoddy, hole-y story.

>> No.908386

Well, the series was tl;dr for me.

Plus, it's bad. The whole thing.

>> No.908389

Goddamnit that would've been fucking awesome. Fuck JKR.

>> No.908400

Ha! I'm bored anyway, might as well bite

>Not one fucking point in this book did they practice spells or say hey harry how the FUCK are u going to kill voldermont?

Did you actually read and understand any of that book?
From the outset of this book they are hunting the Horcruxes
You cannot kill *ehm* Voldermont without first destroying the Horcruxes
Try to go back to the point where they have actually achieved this nigh on impossible task set them by Dumbledore: oh wait that point never comes
At the very end Harry realises he must die to destroy one of the horcruxes in existance and after he's done this and improbably enough SURVIVED this ordeal, well at that point things have gone beyond where anyone could have hoped to prepare for so Harry just wings it

tl;dr Why on earth waste time and energie training when you have the mucher bigger and more difficult task of destroying the horcruxes and surviving (or CAMPING as someone pointed out)

>> No.908410

wtf are you talking about. The whole fucking point of killing all the hocruxes was so that they could kill voldermont once and for all. I have no idea why you would think finding the hocruxes would be harder than killing the fucking strongest wizard alive when your a fucking useless wizard that never trains.

Do you have any idea how much free time they had? There was like 2 weeks straight where they were just like fuck guys i cant think of where any other hocruxes can be....... lets just chill for awhile. I don't know why u think them thinking about where the hocruxes are would take up all their energy but it definitely didn't.

So no they never said how they were actually going to kill voldermont they planned how to take away his fucking extra lives.

>> No.908417


not voldermont.....how can you read that giant ass book and not know the antagonists name?

>> No.908420

but being the strongest wizard in Harry Potter doesn't mean shit. It probably means they can just do the kill spell quicker than anyone.

>> No.908423

well its been years since i read it.... Its not exactly an easy to spell name :\

>> No.908429

well did u see the battle between dumbledore and "Voldemort"? They were doing some pretty intense shit, seriously when u see the death eaters dueling or other wizards its a lot of luck but it looks like voldemort of dumbledore could of took out 10-50 regular wizards with fucking ease.

>> No.908432

Worst part was the ending that seemed to be written by a fan-fiction author.

>> No.908433

The biggest problem in the series was the Harry/Ginny thing. Shit came out of nowhere and she couldn't write a teenage boy's pov of falling in love.

>> No.908434


You must have read the book to know these things but really...

Snape EXPECTS Voldemort to attack him and gets completely blindsided by the fact Voldemort doesn't attack him straight on but whips a snake cage at him


You are one of the people that wanted Harry to actually defeat Voldemort in combat
This would have been seen by most people (and rightly so IMO) as a serious flaw
How on earth is ANYONE going to defeat the most powerful dark wizard on earth, one that has spent years and years perfecting his abillities, mastering dark magic and spells
Even Dumbledore barely fought him to a draw in book 5
How on earth then is some school boy going to defeat him?
And the Snape+Harry vs Voldemort?
Voldemort is fighting 3 outstanding witches and wizards at the end of DH and he sends them flying with just the force of his rage AND WHILE HE COULDN"T ACTUALLY HARM THEM BECAUSE OF HARRY"S SACRIFICE
Normal Voldemort would have brutalised anyone coming up against him in combat
He was afraid of dying, he must have realised that there would be people to challenge him, so he must have trained and/or prepared for a duel

>> No.908445

I loved how Harry stayed doing nothing for nine months to fill the school year time of the book.

>> No.908446

>would of
>catastrophe their wrecking

Is /lit/ getting trolled?

>> No.908447


>There was like 2 weeks straight

wow 2 whole weeks to train that will really put the fear of god into Voldmort, 2 weeks training will

And even if they had longer, Voldmort had had YEARS to prepare, how are some school kids going to kill him?
I think it's said literally in the books that Harry just wants to do the task Dumbledore set him: destroy the horcruxes and that he doesn't know what he will do after he's done that
And they are still busy with that when the ending sort of bursts over them

>> No.908451


Of course, I think this copypasta even I've seen these arguments before
But I'm bored so I'll play along

>> No.908452

i didn't expect harry to beat him by himself, If he fucking trained his ass off like i thought he would in the 7th book, i was expecting him to be equal to a hogwarts teacher or a strong wizard. He was always pretty far above average when he was actually training in school (He kept with the strongest wizards in the school when he was only a 4th year), led a fucking army in his 5th year). With him training for his life it would of been reasonable for him to become powerful.

Voldemort didn't know Snape was working against him. I expected Voldemort to go try to kill Harry with Snape right behind him. Snape backstabs him when he doesnt expect it and weakens him, and then epic battle ensues between Harry Snape and Voldemort.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me.

Also the snape slowly entangled him lol. that makes no sense at all, he couldn't free himself with all of his magic powers from a snake? really? do you honestly think that's good writing?

>> No.908455


But with the chosen "solution", the best wizard ever isn't aware of a pretty basic magical mechanism. Not very convincing either way...

>> No.908456


should have been an (* is) somewhere along in there

>> No.908462

This book was GREAT! Almost as intense as the recent Avatar The Last Airbender movie! Sokka was so cute and my girlfriend thinks so too. ^3^

>> No.908465

After i kill the hocruxes ill just see what happens. Yeah that sounds a lot like harrys character right? Every time he gets into a impossible situation he fucking trains and gets himself out of it and saves the day. Then on the last book he just gives the fuck up when everyone needs him the most. JKR is a lazy motherfucker and it was a lot easier for her to just blow past this book and never think about it again. That's the reality of the situation, if you think she actually read over this shit and said "This is a good book" your dumb. END OF STORY

>> No.908479

You've seen these arguments before because anyone with any common sense at all can tell that this book is shit. I apologize for the shit writing, when I get mad I just type as fast as i can and need to get my post out ASAP.

>> No.908493


>like i thought he would in the 7th book

Ah, it didn't go as you expected so you are disappointed, well deal with it, most people would have found an actual battle unrealistic

>it would of been reasonable for him to become powerful.

No it wouldn't Harry has always had a natural ability to PERFORM certain spells and he has the reactions of a Seeker but that's it
He would have needed to learn about all kinds of difficult spells and magic
He would have needed a teacher in short, and a REALLY good one at that, there weren't any available besides that Voldemort has been training and preparing for much, much longer than Harry could have found time for even with a teacher to help him
In the end the biggest problem in your plan is TIME, Harry simply doesn't have enough of it, Voldemort is killing people while he trains

>do you honestly think that's good writing
First of, Snape gets blindsided, second of all he's trapped by the cage, he needs to think of a way to free himself from a MAGICAL cage within seconds before the snake has bitten him
He fails
And good writing? We are still talking about HP are we? The writing wasn't that spectacular to begin with

>> No.908499

entire series is bad
bad storytelling
no real cohesiveness between books

>> No.908506


>Every time he gets into a impossible situation he fucking trains


You need to reread Goblet of Fire, or basically every part that involves him doing any kind of schoolwork
He's perpetually lazy and doesn't train at all, constantly delaying things and he always tries to get Hermione to do (parts of ) his homework
The only thing he ever trains at is Quidditch, which only helps his reaction speed a bit

>> No.908521

I agree, that sounds incredibly interesting.

>> No.908518

Books 6 and 7 are shit, everyone knows that.

>> No.908546

>people would have found an actual battle unrealistic
So your telling me you would of found a battle between arguable the 2nd strongest wizard in the world/+ a very promising wizard that has technically Defeated or tied voldemort 2 times "unrealistic".

So you thought everything was ok when Harry defeated voldemort because his wand backfired and harrys parents love was too strong. You thought that was more realistic than a wizard battle? Your fucking with me right?

Yeah he would of needed a teacher like he needed one in the fourth book or hell throughout all of his years at hogwarts he only had 1 decent defense of the dark arts teacher. But he somehow managed to learn shit on his own and do just fine avoiding being killed countless times.

"he needs to think of a way to free himself from a MAGICAL cage"

or you know.. he could of just blasted the snake to hell.... he is the 2nd strongest wizard alive you know. He does get blindsided which is another dumbass part of the book Im sure i wouldnt be thinking about ways this evil dark wizard is going to kill me when im fucking being a double agent. Logically Snape would of had a spell ready in his mind every second he was with voldemort to get the hell out of there.

As for the bad writing statement. The previous ones certainly aren't good writing but the overall quality of the last book was far worse than the previous ones.

>> No.908555


>should of

>> No.908558

no no no no no.

He fucking makes his bitch do his useless homework. Why the hell does he need to write a 10 page essay on fucking plants. Hes a bad ass mother fucker that needs to go TRAIN.

>> No.908568

well..why do you have to train your spellcasting?
all you have to do is remember all the spells.

>> No.908577

in the 6th book Snape was trying to teach harry to do silent spellcasting. Where u don't have to shout out to your opponent the spell your about to cast on him. There's also defense spells that can block certain spells when their cast on you. At the end of the 6th book Harry is trying to cast spells at Snape but Snape keeps effortlessly blocking them with a wave of his wand. He tells him he will never stand a chance if he doesnt learn how to silent spellcast and shit.

Then silent spellcasting was never mentioned again because JKR is a lazy pile of fail.

>> No.908580


>arguable the 2nd strongest wizard in the world
>he is the 2nd strongest wizard alive you know

First of all if anything Dumbledore and Voldemort are 1 and 2 in some order
Second of all it's your opinion, there is no proof Snape is better than say McGonnagall
Third of all it is painfully obvious to anyone reading the books that Voldemort is on another level, beyond what any other wizard could hope to do, Snape himself says this more then once

>he could of just blasted the snake to hell

The snake is in the MAGICAL cage
It is stated very plainly that you can not get at the snake while it is in the cage
Snape would have needed to know, if it even existed, the knowledge of how to break the cage made by the most powerful dark wizard ever
He was doomed, simple as that

>> No.908606

Dumbledore is fucking dead. What books were you reading?

>> No.908620


>all you have to do is remember all the spells.
It's not just that, it's pronounciation and hand/arm movements
Harry spends hours and hours training on 1 simple
spell to get his broomstick


You keep ignoring the fact that even with training he would have been up against the most powerful dark wizard EVER, someone who trained and prepared for the day he would be attacked, someone who is, if you read and understand the books without equal
You overrate Snape (who is the bad guy for 6 and 9/10 of the 7 books btw) and HArry and underrate Voldemort
If Voldemort could have been beaten in battle as easy as you state Dumbledore would have done it long before

>> No.908623

Dumbledore was dead bro... would be kinda hard for him to be the 1st or 2nd strongest wizard alive.
When the teachers found out Snape was for sure working for Voldemort they went to go and capture him. He used his magic and flew away and all the teachers were pretty fucking surprised he could do that. Which implies none of them could even come close to doing it. Which further implies hes a pretty fucking badass wizard and stronger than them.

I personally never have any recollection of Snape saying that Voldemort was on a completely other level than him.

So it's been awhile since i read the snape death scene and I doubt i ever want to read it again because of the sheer stupidity of the scene. But wasn't he like in the cage with the snake? so the cage wouldn't of protected the snake at all. If he wasn't in the cage he could of just flew the fuck out of there correct?

>> No.908625


woops, just realised why you said "alive" there my bad
But the other 2 points stand firm and since you do not argue with me on them you have now come to terms with the foolishness of what you wanted to see?

>> No.908640

I don't see how you think that harry+snape vs voldemort is so fucking unrealistic. It really isn't. If it fucking bothers you so much ill go ahead and throw all the other fucking wizards to weaken him maybe some of the 100s of centaurs can come and shoot some arrows at him too. After he kills all the centaurs and all the other wizards, will it be ok for snape and harry to finish him off. Or will he just go ahead and kill everything by himself.

WHY EVEN have death eaters and minions when he could just take on everybody by himself!

You my friend are overestimating voldemort like crazy. He died to a charm put on a child by a dieing mother. I think a strong wizard and the 2nd strongest wizard at the time could of beat him with a little luck.

>> No.908647


If I remember correctly the cage is over his head and shoulders
Meaning his wand and hands are OUT of the cage, but his (vulnerable) face is in

>and stronger than them.

Yes that is where we go from what is clearly stated in the books to your lolpinion
Nowhere in the books is it said or implied Snape is more powerful then any other teacher
It IS stated however that he thinks Voldemort has no equal, most clealry I think in the parts where he tries to teach Harry occlumency (who is too lazy to actually train at it........)

>> No.908649

>He died to a charm put on a child by a dieing mother.


>> No.908651

>Nowhere in the books is it said or implied Snape is more powerful then any other teacher

Yes it is. For anything serious, Snape was always Harry's teacher.

>> No.908657

DH is crap, I only read it because I was hoping that asshole of Ron will eventually died.

>> No.908661


>He died to a charm put on a child by a dieing mother

Now you're just grabbing at straws
It is clearly stated that this is very old, very powerful magic Voldemort doesn't regard very highly
And he pays the price for it

And yes I think Voldemort would be powerful enough to take on everyone at once, read the battle with Dumbledore in Phoenix and see what he does there, he could easily conjure some stuff to either protect himself or attack large numbers of people

>> No.908667

There are many times when they comment on how powerful Snape is throughout the book. Do you agree that the hogwarts teachers are extremely powerful wizards for the most part? It was implied that the other teachers were awed and kinda fearful of him after he flew away. SO i don't see how that's a lolopinion, i think its called common sense.

Anywayss i gtg later

>> No.908671


Like when? Only with occlumency and it is clearly stated Snape is very good at this (helps naught in battle though)

>> No.908683

>Anywayss i gtg later

Too bad you have to run I was just getting warmed up
Back to being bored then I guess
Maybe I'll start the audiobooks again, been awhile

>> No.908687


>>WHY EVEN have death eaters and minions when he could just take on everybody by himself!

Yes why in the world would a narcissistic sociopath need legions of fanatic followers.

>> No.908708


I read it for 30 hours straight the night it was released, and into the following days. It is my favorite book in the series by far. Im wondering if you actually read it? Maybe you should try reading it again.

>> No.908714


I concur.

>> No.908729


That's 26 pages an hour, are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.908732


I know you're probably gone, but I didn't believe you so I went and checked the book to see what it said where you said this:

>It was implied that the other teachers were awed and kinda fearful of him after he flew away

It doesn't say that at all, nothing to even suggest awe or fear, in fact the only thing that is in that particular sequence is the fact that he is fighting on an even keel with McGonnagal and FLEES when 2 more teachers come to help her
Seems to me this implies he is NOT as strong as you make him out to be, cause Voldemort is fighting McGonaggal, Kingsley and Slughorn all at once and he WINS

Having proven you wrong when you are probably not even here anymore further proves my boredom and I will now go hang my head in shame (and listen to Philosopher's Stone audiobook)

>> No.909058


>> No.909071

Voldemint was too busy wearing high heels and getting Enoby to kill Draco (he hath telekenesis)

>> No.909093

hey guess what guise its not real :D