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/lit/ - Literature

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9084948 No.9084948 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/.

First time poster here, looking for advice on good fantasy series. I'm leaning on Malazan book of the fallen, but I'm not quite sure how I'll handle the magnitude of the series. I'd appreciate any recommendations.

>> No.9084955

read titus groan

now gtfo

>> No.9084973

Thanks for the suggestion. You don't like talking about fantasy books around here or what?

>> No.9085054

I used to read a lot of fantasy and science fiction before I got into literature, and Malazan is the only series I will ever revisit. Get passed the first book before giving up, it's absolute shit in comparison to the rest of the series. It's worth reading anon.

There's a containment thread for these questions, I suggest you find it. You won't get any real answers otherwise.

>> No.9085069
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Book of the New Sun is phenomenal, though it's sci-fi which at first glance appears to be low fantasy. Not sure if that's your kinda thing, but it's super dense and very well-written, imo.

>> No.9085073

Search the catalog, we have a sci-fi and fantasy general.

>> No.9085095
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Where were you when Peake became an /absolute-madman/

>> No.9086312

Waste of time and money. Go for Leiber, Howard, Lovecraft, Dunsany, Eddison (his The Worm Ouroboros inspired Tolkien, in fact Uroborus is lotr but more viking!) , Kipling, Haggard, Peake, Mieville, or Moorcock fantasy. These guy are for fantasy what are Greeks for philosophy.

>> No.9086438
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>> No.9086459
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First book is really hard to get into because its a huge info dump, after 200 pages or so it gets easier though beacause there is a setting change. The series is pretty great at least as good as GOT or something, full of super hype moments of characters going beast mode. Pic related is an absolute beast and one of the coolest characters in the series (he is very similar to Guts from Berserk if you have seen that)

>> No.9086574

Everebody else seems to think that the Malazan series is good. I mean, I reallly don't need anything that's a good technical literature or should make me more intelligent or whatever, I've got plenty of textbooks for that. I just want a good fantasy series to get me back to my old love of reading stories again.

>> No.9086583

I would say with 100% seriousness that it has the BEST or at least most comprehensive world building out of any fantasy series I have read. It is definitely a good read.

>> No.9086846

Thanks very much, I've looking out for it for the last few years, but due to other matters didn't really have time to dive in. Now I'm decided, thanks again.

I'd also welcome more suggestions. I've heard the Dark Tower series are really good as well.

>> No.9086925

1 Gardens of the Moon: Hmm, weird book. Not great but interesting.
2 Deadhouse Gates: This is fantastic fantasy with strong historical notes, amazing.
3 Memories of Ice: A brutal uncompromising book, enjoyable.
4 House of Chains: The first half is innovative, brilliant as far as modern fantasy goes.
5 Midnight Tides: Kind of a weird departure but ok.
6 The Bonehunters: I guess they had to follow up deadhouse
7 Reaper's Gale: hmm, this isnt very good
8 Toll the Hounds: this sucks
9 Dust of Dreams: (200 pages in) I have better things to read
10 The Crippled God: I guess ill read it one day but he really screwed the pooch