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9085132 No.9085132 [Reply] [Original]

>Noam Chomskys home office/library

>> No.9085153
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>in earlier days

>> No.9085154
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>supporting the Paper Jew

>> No.9085163


>> No.9085164

he's a beast. you can tell he is well read because he says "well if you actually read...." in a lot of his interviews so he knows his stuff.

>> No.9085166

Please stop posting the noam

>> No.9085167

Why is this picture?

>> No.9085182
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>his MIT office

>> No.9085203
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>tfw no Bertrand Russell poster watching over your inner sanctum

>> No.9085209


how does he memorize so much

>> No.9085212

Some sort of savant or autistic ability?

>> No.9085213

Normie Chumpsky

>> No.9085216

The most useless human being on this earth. He's made a living off of sounding intelligent to plebeians. May he rot in hell

>> No.9085227

t. statist apologist

>> No.9085243

so messy

but I guess it makes sense if one is as old as he is

he'll die before he'll need to re-read or use most of the stuff buried there

also I kinda feel bad for the guy, he said in some interview that he doesn't have the time to read as much fiction as he'd like to. he should just retire.

>implying chomsky isn't practically a slightly more critical liberal leftist
he is such a reformist that his "anarchism" basically translates to "well uh I'm kinda critical of power and I don't hate socialist experiments"
note: I do not mean that he is worthless, but he isn't, in practice, some big radical anarchist/communist

>> No.9085299

>hurr durr

Chomsky lives in the real world, he accepts it and doesn't insist on living in an ideal
As such in living in the real world we have and not what we'd like we have to deal with its existing structures
That means governments
That means electing people into it and pushing it as far as it will go
If you truly believe in workers self management, seizing the means of production, abolishing the government and corporations and all the rest of that - are you going to reject OHAS legislation protecting workers because it comes from the government?
No because it is a step towards improving working conditions.
If you're juvenile enough to insist you'll have no part of it because it legitimises the government, them you're just not serious about doing anything about working people's conditions.

>> No.9085319

>That means electing people into it and pushing it as far as it will go
This is fine, but I believe it is unrealistic to consider it enough - thus, it must only be done while simultaneously aiming at the radicalization of the oppressed. A more radical change will probably be needed to avoid horrible things happening.

Anyway, I was nowhere saying that Chomsky is bad. I was just describing him as what he is: in practice, a slightly more critical liberal leftist. He is no revolutionary radical. I find it hard to even call him an anarchist (or communist). He is nonetheless pretty good, he tends to have some facts to back up his claims, etc.

>> No.9085342

Dude. Where do you live? The world isn't nearly as bad as you think it is. You're falling for the old serpent's memes. They only work when you believe that the universe is serious and that it's up to you to save the world. Wake up.

>> No.9085427

>everything's fine just sit back and be passive

>> No.9085448

>This is fine, but I believe it is unrealistic to consider it enough
Protip: neither does Chomsky
>thus, it must only be done while simultaneously aiming at the radicalization of the oppressed
Protip: that's what the man always says
>I was just describing him as what he is: in practice, a slightly more critical liberal leftist.
You have just critiqued my analogy by saying more needs to be done parrallel to that over the long term
Which are precisely the positions that Chomsky himself advocates
So you clearly don't know what the fuck you are talking about or what you are reacting against when you say this nonsense about merely being a slightly more critical

>> No.9085532

this attitude is how bad things happen, anon. Read more history

>> No.9085555

i dont know that person seemed pretty reasonable to me and you sound like a triggered screecher. i vote that xe wins the argument, not you.

t. an innocent bystander who doesnt care about politics and is here for the actual literature threads and only clicked this one because nobody else has posted in the cool threads since xe last refreshed.

>> No.9085556
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recently bought a used phone, previous owner didn't delete past pics on micro sd card

>> No.9085583

Practise remembering stuff and you'll be able to memorize more...

Obviously some people are simply gifted

>> No.9085620
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>read something
>get basic gestalt
>read something of a different discipline
>get another basic gestalt
>start connecting and getting more gestalts
>have a hard copy available so you can check if the gestalt connections hold in the details
>powerful ideas come out of your tapestry web of gestalt connections

>> No.9085782

any nudes?

>> No.9085832


Well that was stupid of them.

>> No.9085977
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>> No.9085983

>he'll die in your lifetime (probably soon too)
feels bad man

>> No.9085991

>"well uh I'm kinda critical of power and I don't hate socialist experiments"

He doesn't believe in actual anarchism because, from his point of view, humanity as a whole is still too far from reaching that ideal.
He believes that throug education and damage control we will eventually get there, but not in the foreseeable future.
And you know what? He's right. Do you really think that anarchism could possibly work in modern Texas? Humanity is not ready yet, and we should strive to reach that point as soon as possible. Show enough people enough datas and things will change. This is what he truly believes in, and this is why he never puts an anarchist spin to his critiques. The time to get biased still has to come.

>> No.9085996

>tfw Chomsky is actually a national treasure
>legitematly one of the most erudite people in the US
>he will die in a few years
>tfw no public intellectual worth of Nowm will probably ever pop up again

Feels truly bad. I can clearly see how much raw intelligence and hard work it takes to get a Noam Chomsky, and I'm pretty sure that he is the last of his kind.

>> No.9086000

somewhat of a genius somewhat of a person that simply read a lot

>> No.9086006

t. person born and raised in a basement

>> No.9086016

He should really clean up at this point

>> No.9086021

>you will never be young attractive Chomsky
>you will never chill out in your comfy apartment, looking at the tenths of thousands books you've read and memorized

Damn, I feel Chomsky lived the best possible life on Earth. Look at how aesthetically pleasing this picture is. It's a dream.

>> No.9086025
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>The most useless human being on this earth
>note: I do not mean that he is worthless

>> No.9086153

Commie thread

>> No.9086426

Jones is a buffoon
Listen to his interview with Chomsky
Constantly interrupting him
Gish Galloping
Once its over and Chomsky is off the air - starts ranting and raving about how terrible he is

>> No.9086432

>he doesn't believe in actual anarchism
He is an anarcho syndicalist
He does
He just also happens to accept the world we live it and not live in an ideal fantasy
That means working with what we have today, not what we'd like
So do you support OHAS legislation that protects workers health and safety, or do you insist while sitting around in a cafe that its from the government and you will not legitimise the government by accepting its tepid laws designed to placate the proletariant

>> No.9086436
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>young attractive chomsky

>> No.9086687

>He is an anarcho syndicalist
>He does

That's his ideal form of government, but he doean't think that it is a feasible goal for this century. There is a recent interview in wich he says exactly what I said in my previpus post, I'll link it here later.

>> No.9086688

He's literally the best argument against human equality

>> No.9086735

>watch it zizek

>> No.9086742 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9086750

>you'll never be a genius

>> No.9086755
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>east wing of my mind palace

>> No.9086764

Does feel bad. I think Chomsky's raw intelligence is a bit overestimated by his fans, and he isn't always right, but he is more right more often than the vast majority of people in describing how the world has worked for the past 60 years, and this is because he *works fucking hard* and talks to a lot of other smart people who he believes can teach him something and may not agree with him 100%. This is sorely lacking in modern academia and intelligentsia. Can't think of anyone else who could pick up this mantle.

>> No.9086986
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>> No.9087002

>when that sixty year old guy at your office says, "I don't 'do' computers."

>> No.9087295

Thanks, this really reflects Chomsky's body of work.

>> No.9087338

>popp is dead
>aarne is dead
>lakoff can't care enough
>zizek too autistic for world leaders
>hofstadter quarantined at FARG
>chomsky's gonna die soon

funding frees up when?

>> No.9087396

>Popp is dead
Feels bad man.
I remember an interview when he said "how can I be sure that all men are mortal if I am not dead yet?"

>> No.9087548
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this kind of shit makes me think that the intellectual life is not worth pursuing

>be Noam Chomsky
>be a paragon of intellectualism
>have your ENTIRE book shelf transformed every few years because you read so much
>continuously revolutionize linguistics because you're a genius
>take up politics in your free time
>write Manufacturing Consent, the biggest "redpill" on the politico-media complex for people who don't like to use the word "redpill"
>discard life's acquired knowledge and join corporate media to support Clinton in general election because "muh waterboarding"
>as if you believe that the statists still aren't torturing dissidents in CIA holdings

Noam Chomsky is a big, fat disappointment. Makes me think the journey isn't worthwhile if turning into a mess is the end result, despite constant thinking.

>> No.9087558


>vote for Democrats, the #1 party of Goldman Sachs and drone strikes


>> No.9087574

Holy shit this nigga has a bertrand russell poster. That's dank as fuck.

>> No.9087595

being an intellectual seems comfy and fun, too bad you have to be smart, have a good memory and attention span

>> No.9087605

t. illiterate

>> No.9087607


>> No.9087626

>have a good memory and attention span

ADD is worse than cancer desu

>> No.9089418


>> No.9089630

>Noam Chomsky
>paragon of intellectualism
>revolutionize linguistics

Top kek, as they say.

>> No.9089843

what is he wrong about?

>> No.9089858

>>discard life's acquired knowledge and join corporate media to support Clinton in general election because "muh waterboarding"
>>as if you believe that the statists still aren't torturing dissidents in CIA holdings

You pleb
EVERY election he says the whole thing is a farce, a joke between the Less Extreme Faction and the More Extreme Faction of the Business Party
But qualifies that with saying that we dont always have the ideal choices in life and sometimes have to make the less bad decision
And that in a Safe State voting for 3rd parties is a means of building alternatives
But in a Swing State you need to consider the consequences of the More Worse option winning
And that this is just one day, a day that is largely a farce, and that real change is going to come from working every day towards organising and educating and electing represetnatives

But you morons have to reduce this all down to "chomsky supported shilley/obama/kerry/gore" every 4 years

>> No.9089877

>tell me what to do
>I cant do anything for myself
>guide me and direct my whole life
Oh you

The poverty stricken indigenous people of Bolivia who make up a majority of the countries population, and the majority of its poor, and yet have had no political engagement did not sit idle twiddling their thumbs waiting for a savior to come and rescue them when the Neo Liberal Economic Reform Agenda set its sights on privatising their war resources
Great for business, bad for the poor
They got organized
They got educated
They elected people from their own ranks to local councils, they built on that to elect people from their own ranks to the the national legislature, they built on that to elect someone from their own ranks to the Presidency - Evo Morales the first Indigenous leader in the Western Hemisphere in ~500 years

Now here you sit
Living in wealth and luxury
No oppression or threat of state violence
And you cant figure out what to do and get petulant if someone doesn't lead you by the nose

>> No.9089943

Anyone in Arizona?
Chomsky is teaching a course at the University of Arizona
"What is Politics?"

>> No.9089949

i haven't seen a #rekt on this scale since '12

>> No.9089956
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>being this disorganised

Wew boy. Autism is flaring up!

>> No.9090528


I went to TCD. Sad story - the old library is tourists only. You can order books out of it to the Early Printed Books room. But this things is no longer a working library. Shit sucks yo.

>> No.9090625

Played a big role in computation theory and language automata tbqh

>> No.9090642
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>> No.9090657

>to support Clinton in general election because "muh waterboarding"
More like: Choose Clinton over Trump because of >muh literal threats to human survival aka nuclear war and climate change you dumb fuck

>> No.9090666


take a dirt nap Noam

>> No.9090670


>> No.9090681

back to pol

>> No.9090819

Get a load of this blue-haired dyke

>> No.9090888

>human survival aka nuclear war
oh, yeah. because the nuclear war is sure to come now trump is president. it's not like clinton actually wanted to start the third world war by raising the tensions with russia.

>> No.9090982

>because the nuclear war is sure to come now trump is president.
He openly calls for more nuclear weapons you dumb fuck
>Get a load of this blue-haired dyke
This isn't /pol/, your strawman is nothing worth here

>> No.9090991


Yes, unfortunate, the struggle is real :(

I hate my brain