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9084011 No.9084011 [Reply] [Original]

>the book was really boring 100 pages in but it was definitely worth finishing

When has this ever happened? It has never happened in my experience.

>> No.9084041

A lot of russian lit has 100+ page expositions tbqh senpai

>> No.9084119

Post reading remorse.

"It was shit but it was worth it, otherwise I have wasted my time haha"

>> No.9084149

Infinite Jest takes like 300 pages to get going.

>> No.9084208

I think some of the best chapters are near the start desu, at least my favourites.

>Dat first chapter, "I am surrounded by heads and bodies" ...
>The professional conversationalist chapter
>Mario with the USS Militant Kent (or whatever her name was)
>Mario hearing the PGOAT on the radio

>> No.9084217


I didn't really enjoy reading lord of the flies until satan pig. I probably think about the book once a week

>> No.9084226

I find dfw akward to read and i always need a period of adjustment

>> No.9084232

Novels are so dumb. Literally the worst kind of literature

>> No.9084387

how dumb are you?

>> No.9084467


>> No.9085100

Nostromo, the first 40% of the book is pure exposition and worldbuilding. After page 150-170 things pick up and is a really enjoyable read till the end.

So yeah, it has happened.

>> No.9085646
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I'm not a native speaker and it was one of the first few books i'd read when I was young that wasn't harry potter. It's a very good book.

>> No.9085755

Pride and prejudice

>> No.9085791

>I am surrounded by heads and bodies
Is this considered to be a good line?

>> No.9085856


Crime and Punishment was boring as shit the first 200 pages.

>> No.9085964

Not at all. If anything, it got boring between pages 300-400, and picked up again after 400.

>> No.9086458

Notes from Underground. Didn't connect with it until the second book.

>> No.9086568

Doctor Zhivago was this for me tbqh famalam, now it's in my top 5.

>> No.9086615


>I can do it!
>I can't do it!
>hear that she won't be there
>I can do it!
>*does it*
>drops spaghetti

Only Marmeladow was somewhat interesting. The rest is just some edgy teen discovering that he is a faggot.

If there wasn't the prostitute and the pedophile I would hate this book.