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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 400x595, Map_of_Great_Britain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9079336 No.9079336 [Reply] [Original]

Why are *nglos so bad at literature?
>greatest philosopher was actually Scottish
>greatest English writer wasn't even British, was an Irish Catholic
>token faggot and greatest playwright was half-Irish and hated Br*tish society
>greatest female writer is J.K. Rowling
>Rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare wasn't even a good Englishman since he was a Catholic
Explain yourself perfidious albion.
br*tcucks, not even once

>> No.9079358

t. triggered Frog.

Go back to pretending Moliere is funny.

>> No.9079373

Norman invasion best day of my life
Enjoy your bastard language u fucking cuck

>> No.9079534

I mean, I fucking hate England, but even I have to admit that their lit is substantially better than what other countries have produced. You sound butthurt, OP.

>> No.9079536

Not an argument.

>> No.9079539

if you mean Wilde (who isn't the greatest playwright but ok) he was wholly Irish, not half.

>> No.9079547

>>token faggot and greatest playwright was half-Irish and hated Br*tish society
No wonder why britlit is so shit, they're practically illiterate

>> No.9079552

Gib back Lough Neagh

>> No.9080559

Britain, specifically England, is a rather rigid society. "Free thought" isn't really encouraged, British people tend to be very modernist in their thinking, with everything needing to be grounded in the preceeding structure. Where Europe is like a boiling liquid, with ideas bouncing around and floating to the top, Britain is like a tapastry, with every new idea ultimately being a logical result of the last.

>> No.9080618
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Orwell tho

>> No.9080637

While I'm not sure if you're right or not, I admire the metaphor.

>> No.9082126

You don't read poetry, do you?

Also, this: >>9080618

>> No.9082133

What about Shakespeare you mong

>> No.9082269

>Chaucer, Sidney, Spencer, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Bunyan, Pepys, Swift, Gibbon, Fielding, Defoe, Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, Lamb, Hardy, Browning, Shaw

You don't know what you're talking about do you?

>> No.9082297

>Basically defined music in the 20th century
>Meanwhile continental europe is still making awful derivative electronic disco music

>> No.9082316

That's completely wrong in almost every way.

>> No.9082324

Shit pasta senpai.
Is this the quick rundown song?

>> No.9082325

> English
> poetry
Thanks for the laugh. Are you American or do you have downs?

>> No.9082330


>> No.9082341

Don't pretend the English don't have a swathe of great poets. They have an unfair advantage, in that their language is perfectly suited to it. It is on par with ancient Greek, which is more than can be said for most Yurolanguages.
Keats is the only good one.

>> No.9082360
File: 61 KB, 462x600, lambert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact, the school I went to had boarding houses named after Coleridge, Lamb and George Peele (and others), who all went to the school.

pic related: our uniform

>> No.9082363

>Eliot not a good poet

>> No.9082364

>Not good

>Not good

so wrong

>> No.9082368
File: 52 KB, 620x818, charles-dickens-9274087-2-raw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about dis nigga?

>> No.9082367

Don't forget J. Milton

>> No.9082391

I went to a really old school which nonetheless managed to have pretty much nobody of note in its history.

Kinda impressive desu

>> No.9082400
File: 3.70 MB, 1764x1316, Screen Shot 2017-02-09 at 13.32.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we marched into lunch every day to the marching band

the uniform hasn't changed since 1552

i hated it at the time but looking back i'm so proud

>> No.9082401
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Triggered bogtrotter detected.

>> No.9082404

>>greatest female writer is J.K. Rowling

I swear on Jane Austen ill bash yer fookin head in

>> No.9082406

private school kiddies kys

>> No.9082407

greatest english novel is Middlemarch by George Eliot, regardless of gender

greatest female writer probably Sappho

>> No.9082416

>implying it was a private school
Half the kids who go there don't pay anything at all, it's based on what your parents earn. It's a charity school. My parents are lower middle class and I got a scholarship so they paid less than £3000 for the entire 7 years i was there. That included food and lodging.

don't be mad due to the fact that the only people they don't allow in are brainlets

>> No.9082419

>i'm so proud
lol fag

Nah, I hated my old school, and I still do. Because I had no friends and got terrible grades.

The ~sixty year old state school I went to was considerably better.

Still, my dad's old school has us both beat. He knew Viceroys and princes and shit.
Grammar motherfucker. I got in by merit. But the only people who got in were the rich middle-class fuckers who could afford tuition. And myself, who was too lazy for that shit and only got in by vastly overstating my /lit/ness.

>> No.9082423

They should honestly just start calling it Britain and nevermind about all this "Great" business.

>> No.9082427

wew sorry lads. It was all comps an privates where I live. Had no idea charity and grammar schools were really even a thing. Though I was considered a high-end student I was just sent to a bogstandard comp.

>> No.9082428

They do.
desu I was rich enough to have gone private, but the state schools were legitimately better and my parents were too champagne socialist to pay for me anyway.

>> No.9082432

>champagne socialist parents
Check your priv, Montgomery.

>> No.9082433

For example, many of my classmates regularly went to South Africa, Dubai and Australia during the holidays.

This was in a comprehensive.

>> No.9082435

>not being proud of being part of a tradition that goes back to Peele who apparently wrote with Shakespeare, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who doesn't get his due around here, Barnes Wallis, who invented the bouncing bombs of Dambusters fame in the second world war, and Lamb, who was mentioned in the thread (the reason I brought the school up)


behold the litness

>> No.9082457

I sure hope you're able to live up to them.

For your sake. Proud of great "ancestors"? Fuck no. That would weigh upon you.

Although I'd despise anyone who went to my school out of spite. My lungs burn just thinking about the freezing rooms and corridors filled with dust (can't modernise a listed building!). At least the library was heated.

>> No.9082467

Great Britain is a land mass, not a country, you dumbfuck.

>> No.9082530
File: 173 KB, 768x576, crazy how nature do that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's really impressive that this landmass managed to do so well at the Olympics last year

>> No.9082557

>I sure hope you're able to live up to them.
It's not about their achievements, because in this day an age no matter how good you are at writing, you'll never be compared in achievement to your literary ancestors. It just doesn't happen. We will never be able to reach the artistic heights of those who have come before us, even purely by merit of the fact that hundreds of years have passed. There's been more time for their esteem to grow. There weren't as many people writing. Less had been done. Plus I'm not a writer.

>For your sake. Proud of great "ancestors"? Fuck no. That would weigh upon you.
It's not so much that I'm proud of them, it's that I share experiences with them. They knew what it was like to button up a housey with little pictures of Edward VI on the buttons. They knew what it was like to put on the bands and moleskin britches and the long yellow socks (to keep the rats away in the time of the plague) and march into lunch in the winter snow. Some of them were even greeted by the same artworks in the dining hall every day. We probably shared thoughts about our activities, and were shaped by our experiences in similar ways. Our educations however were totally different.

It's not that I'm proud of what other people have done, and I'm not ashamed by things that I haven't done. It's more that going to the school has given me a background of pure British identity. The school was built to pull poor kids out of the gutter and teach them how to be a member of society, and it did that for me.

>> No.9082559

Try fitting "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" onto a running vest ...

>> No.9082563

Who is this Scottish philosopher who was actually the greatest?
>'G-d save England if she hadn't any Scots to think for her'
There's a reason they're scared of losing the only people with real logical and emotive brains on the entire island.

>> No.9082568
File: 3.41 MB, 1912x908, Screen Shot 2017-02-09 at 14.27.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember one time, it was the dead of night in summer, a few days before the end of the school year. One of the sixth form students managed to sneak out of their boarding house, make the journey from the Grecians' house to the chapel, somehow break into the chapel, and get to the organ. This kid could play the chapel organ, and was allowed to do so sometimes during chapel, which we had for 35 minutes on Tuesdays and an hour on Sundays.

This organ was loud. The pipes we bigger than men, and set in the walls in ornate wooden casings, on the near and far side of the chapel, some thirty feet above the ground. On the far side, they were set at the back of the gallery, so if you were sat there you could sometimes feel their full power directly behind you. Occasionally the organist would press a key and you'd jump from the fright of the air and noise. You could hear the organ from almost anywhere in the school.

So this kid that broke in sat down, cracked his fingers and played enough of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor to wake up the entire school, staff and students alike. Apparently the chaplain burst into the chapel in his pyjamas, shouting at him to stop, but one voice carries about as far as your arm against an organ playing to an empty room. Once the chaplain reached him, sitting in the cramped little booth with all the peddles and rows of keys, the kid turned to the chaplain, said "Oh, sorry sir, I didn't see you there," and stopped playing. I believe they suspended him for that, but it was so close to the end of term that it didn't really matter at all.

Pic related: The organ I was talking about

>> No.9082570

this is looking ridiculous already, post-trump/brexit. like why is an uppity nignog wearing that top? he's not British? were we going insane?

>> No.9082588

>rawwwk muzac
>defining music of the 20th century
Youd o realizie there is more music than pop music, right?

Nice bogos btw

>> No.9082601

>yellow stockings
top kek

>> No.9082616

it was a carryover from the times of the plague, they believed yellow kept the rats away

>> No.9082633

>Wow it's really impressive that this landmass managed to do so well at the Olympics last year
It's crazy what wonders having full and unaudited control of the anti-doping agencies will do!

>> No.9082724

It'll keep some things away, for sure.

>> No.9082812
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Putinbot detected.

>> No.9083023

> "Free thought" isn't really encouraged
It literally invented modern concepts of liberty with Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights, senpai.

>> No.9083051

the anglos literally come from a bunch of barbarian tribes.

>> No.9083056

Stealing this

>> No.9083280

Not free, just legally so. Secularism is the religion of the real iron-fisted state: even one's faith and god must submit to the state.

>> No.9083286

Are you a commonwealthean or a scandinavian?

>> No.9083358

We all come from barbarian tribes, senpai.

Even apes.

>> No.9084128

>their language is perfectly suited to it
never heard anything that dumb before

>> No.9084142

Literature is the only art form that Anglos are good at, and that includes Americans descended from British settlers. We are fundamentally an autistic people and not great at painting and other visual art.

>> No.9084147
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Display thy breasts, my Julia, there let me
Behold that circummortal purity;
Between whose glories, there my lips I’ll lay,
Ravished in that fair Via Lactea.

>> No.9084155

But still there are countries better than England in literature

>> No.9084164

>forgetting the art form we dominated in the 20th century

>> No.9084167

I don't think so really, I think it's up there in the highest tier. Choosing between the nations in that tier is a matter of taste.

>> No.9084174
File: 134 KB, 596x600, lucianfreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not great at painting

Delete this

>> No.9084194

Hume m80

>> No.9084211

>Choosing between the nations in that tier is a matter of taste
why? explain your statement, I'm curious

>> No.9084213
File: 26 KB, 400x301, neds21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason they're scared of losing the only people with real logical and emotive brains on the entire island.

Is this a joke? The Scottish are mocked as drunken neds. The English are mocked for being too nerdy and aristocratic.

>> No.9084221

shut up, the Scottish are the only people who deserve to live in that shitisland

>> No.9084227


oh aye yah nae wrong shit people for a shit island

>> No.9084236

Hume is important but so is Locke. Even if Locke is wrong his philosophy gives frame to post-Enlightenment societies.

>> No.9084238

What's that music? I love it

>> No.9084239


/lit/ is a scottish board

>> No.9084242

The Scottish Avant Garde


>> No.9084243

They have Roger Fry, and if you don't like modern art you have John Ruskin.

>> No.9084254

fucking hell i just found MY FUCKING TUNE


>> No.9084260


have fun reading shakespeare in your schools and we'll have fun not reading hugo in ours

>> No.9084261

guys we're more patrician than /mu/ desu

>> No.9084263


Martin Hay
Martin wee man, its got tae be said
You're sister was shite at giving head
But this is atween me and you
So just sit back and get rid ae the glue
Ano ye slabber an awful lot
An if a wis you, ad have lost the plot
In the heid a hink yer slow
Anyway Martin here we go....

"Paddy will you back me up"
"A hink yer sound, come on tae fuck"
How wee man, wits the score
"Aw the Posso are at ma door"
Wits gone down, "A dont know"
"They hut ma sister n called her a hoe"
"Come on man just me n you", Martin wee man stay aff the glue

Member that conversation ya dick!

>> No.9084268

it sounds like German

>> No.9084279


fuck off nazi

>> No.9084283


>> No.9084422

Rock music?

>> No.9084535
File: 6 KB, 223x226, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not great at painting
Single-handedly BTFO by Turner.

>> No.9084645


>> No.9084681

>the color green

>> No.9084685

<i agree red is more creative

>> No.9084774


>> No.9084783

>Not overrated

Why is he called Turner? Because when you see his art you'll turner 360 degrees and walk away.