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File: 85 KB, 702x350, Elle_Fanning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9080519 No.9080519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I wanted to understand female sexuality, what would I read?

>> No.9080522

On Women


>> No.9080523

my diary desu

>> No.9080535


>> No.9080538

Erotic novels by women from the 1980s

>> No.9080544

a conversation with an actual human fucking being

>> No.9080546

read your whores diaries

get /fit/ first btw

>> No.9080553
File: 349 KB, 1175x1875, lacan_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Bk. 20: On Feminine Sexuality, the Limits of Love and Knowledge

>> No.9080560

The Postman Always Rings Twice

>> No.9080606
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>> No.9080626


>> No.9080653


>> No.9080664

Lolita, honestly. I read it at 14 and it killed my naivety towards woman of my age back then. It will be useful all your life.

>> No.9080676

I don't think fantasies for housewives are going to help my understanding very much.

I'm not really looking for any PUA or redpill stuff. I just realized that I don't have a good grasp of the female perspective on sex and female sexuality.

>> No.9080689

>I don't think fantasies for housewives are going to help my understanding very much.
Yes it will. Female sexuality isn't deep.

>> No.9080694

/r9k/'s women hate threads

>> No.9080719

The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P.
Anna Karenina
anything by Anais Nin

>> No.9080724

There was one man who saw through the depraved modern sexual economy to the brutal reality underneath. A supreme gentleman. Read his masterpiece.


>> No.9080726

People say that about male sexuality ("men just want to fuck pretty women"). I think it's all more complicated than you give it credit for

>> No.9080727


No more or less deep than a man's

>> No.9080730

Old hags are all disgusting. That's all you need to know.

>> No.9080736

Try reading it first, and then judging others readings.

>> No.9080740

You will never understand woman, no one understands them

>> No.9080741

Get a girlfriend that is below your league and you'll understand women

>> No.9080742

>No more or less deep than a man's
Just world etc

>> No.9080750

Ask yourself first, What is male sexuality? Or sexuality in general

>> No.9080752

This but unironically

Eliot Rodger is a god

>> No.9080754

You could try talking to women about it, maybe?

>> No.9080758

lol get the fuck outta here you jokester

>> No.9080762

Man stick dick in woman

Woman take dick from man

Man: dominant, strong, needs to prove himself
Woman: weak, passive, judges others, inherent sexual value

>> No.9080766

Women don't know anything about themselves.

>> No.9080771

Ah, I forget. The people on this board are all incapable of actual human interaction.

>> No.9080776

>what are some good books about animal behavior?
>lol just go outside and ask a dog

>> No.9080777

I can tell you one thing, son, and it's that men know even less about women. Do you know why? Because they don't actually want to know.

>> No.9080778
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A man always pushing for more, and women always seeking good men is just like the man pushing into the woman and the woman receiving the man's dick.

Woman= pull
Man= push


>> No.9080783

That's the thing, though, isn't it? A book about animal behaviour will only skim over so much. You go outside and spend some time with a dog, and you learn a tremendous amount from them.

>> No.9080788

Men can gain accurate knowledge by actually observing the behavior of women. Women's lives revolve around their sexuality, so they lie to protect their position. A woman has a distorted view of reality.

>> No.9080794

The black Phillip podcast with Patrice O'Neal and the successive podcasts with his friend Dante Nero are major redpills
Basically an in depth look at females and dimorphic relationships from the points of view of an apex alpha and a beta with a lot of money
More insightful than anything you could read in a philosophy book

>> No.9080809

Are there any good anti-feminism books? Specifically ones that go into the innate differences between men and women and the stupidity of gender egalitarianism.

>> No.9080814

>Just world etc
your sexuality is meaningful to you, someone else's sexuality is meaningful to them. Different people experience sex in different ways and relate to different interpretations of sexuality in different ways and to differing extents.

Plus, if women's sexuality is as simple as most of the people on this website think is, I'm sure that no-one on this website would have any problem getting laid whatsoever.

you are the one who came to /lit/ with an opinion that makes you look like a total fucking retard bro. if between us one of us hasn't read lolita, i'd wager it's the person who came away with the same opinion as a gullible child who read the blurb for a book report

>> No.9080819

>if women's sexuality is as simple as most of the people on this website think is, I'm sure that no-one on this website would have any problem getting laid whatsoever.
yo nigga dat koncloozeeon aint be folowin' dat dere premiz

>> No.9080822

>Man: dominant, strong, needs to prove himself
you don't see the contradiction here?

>Woman: weak, passive, judges others, inherent sexual value
the last one isn't even a character trait are you a literal retard

could say the same about men though

>Patrice O'Neal
>More insightful than anything you could read in a philosophy book
just leave this board

>> No.9080827

Women don't know anything about anything
There's no formula to understand them because they are chaotic emotional beings, the best you can do is improve yourself and weather their emotional chaos. And if you're good enough for them they will always keep coming back
I'm not saying this out of bitterness I'm saying this as someone preparing to get married

>> No.9080836

>you don't see the contradiction here?
Who ever said that humans didn't contradict themselves? Get a grip lady

>> No.9080856

disregard that point and the argument still stands, but:

if women only care about physical appearance, which /r9k/ seems to believe, then you can level the same accusation at men.

if they only care about money and status, everyone wasting away on here has the time and the means to accumulate far more than necessary to attract someone.

the constant fucking whining about how women "only go for the bad boys" on this website is just wrong. it's just not the case and it never has been. it's a lazy reduction that papers over the fact that women don't tend to like creepy sleazebags. But even then, I know a woman who loves creepy sleazebags.

If you're making generalisations about an entire sex, you'd better come with as even a hand and as sharp an eye as Tolstoy, otherwise you're going to be fucking wrong in a million ways.

In all seriousness, Tolstoy wrote about women incredibly accurately and well. And he was always fair. His women were always human. Their motivations were rational and their behaviour was always informed by who they were, where they were in their life, their families, and the society in which they lived.

but ok women only date the bad boys oh no they don't date nice guys like me~

>> No.9080871

>if women only care about physical appearance
I don't believe this at all.
I don't visit r9k at all.
One day my life will start.
One day i'll leave /lit/ behind.
One day soon.
You'll see.

>> No.9080884

someone who is dominant and strong doesn't need to prove themself. Somebody who aspires to be dominant because of a secret knowledge that they aren't needs to prove themself. If you're going to spout totally unsubstantiated pseudo-intellectual bullshit at least proofread it

>> No.9080896

Why do you always identify yourself as the same woman by you lack of caps?
Wiat scratch that, I know why.

Why do you feel the need to attention whore?

>> No.9080909
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>And if you're good enough for them they will always keep coming back

>> No.9080912

The Red Queen by Matt Ridley.

>> No.9080936

Is that what you think? A woman's life revolves around her sexuality, so her view of reality is distorted? What the hell moron have you been listening to.

Additionally, that argument can be used for anybody at all, not just women.

>> No.9080964

>50 replies
>22 posters
Why does this roastie feel the need to obfuscate female sexuality?

I'll make it simple for everyone:
Women want a guy to fuck them and give them good genes and a guy to raise the other man's children.

Women literally want more alpha males when they are ovulating. I wish I was making this up.

>> No.9080969

I don't mean in a cuck way
There's always a constant eb and flow to relationships
You're both infatuated one day and distant the next day

>> No.9080975

got to say anon isn't far wrong. jailbait knows its jailbait power. dolly might not have chosen well but she chose to use it.
>you are the one who came to /lit/ with an opinion that makes you look like a total fucking retard bro. if between us one of us hasn't read lolita, i'd wager it's the person who came away with the same opinion as a gullible child who read the blurb for a book report
you're the one turning down recommendations of female sexuality because they don't fit your view of what female sexuality should be.
some anon up above recommended the 1980s, and you thought it was for housewives. that's the period when political lesbian separatism is a thing and when feminists worked out they would have rape fantasies they enjoyed even if they removed men entirely from their environment. literally the period when even feminists and lesbians admitted that being raped is a major fantasy of women. i'd frankly expect the SJWs to be more revisionist than an anon who needs a book to understand feminine sexuality, but here we are.

why don't you write a book about your oneitis waifu's hypothesised sexuality because i'm pretty sure it's the only view of female sexuality you'll accept as correct.

>> No.9081019
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>> No.9081039

If you're not alpha AND capable of providing for her children you might as well give up on dating altogether you cuck.

>> No.9081127

>Women want a guy to fuck them and give them good genes and a guy to raise the other man's children.
>Women literally want more alpha males when they are ovulating.

No, no, no. Genetics don't come into it at all. Granted, human beings in general are more likely to be attracted to people with symmetrical features which may be an indicator of good gene health, but children don't come into it.

And when we're ovulating, nothing beats a decent orgasm. Doesn't matter whether a man gives it to us, a woman, or we give it to ourselves. Whether or not a dude is "alpha" is irrelevant because they aren't even necessary for sexual stimulation, and often don't perform satisfactorily anyway.

>> No.9081131

>Genetics don't come into it at all.

>> No.9081132
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Here you go bro.

>> No.9081135
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>> No.9081137
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>> No.9081144
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>> No.9081147
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>> No.9081150
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>> No.9081154
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>> No.9081158
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>> No.9081160

>this is what the alt-right actually believes

>> No.9081162
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the author is an asian dude

>> No.9081165


>> No.9081166
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>> No.9081177

Not necessarily sexuality, but read Clarice Lispector. She has very good introspection on the feminine psyche.

Sexually, women want more comfort, than men who just want to get off.

>> No.9081179
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>all these recs are books by men
Man op you aint gonna learn shit. Would you trust a book on male sexuality written by a bitter old woman? All you need is like 20 pages of Irigaray and you fucking got it.

>> No.9081182
File: 19 KB, 644x718, tfw ear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexually, women want more comfort,
This is me but i'm a man who was raised by a single mother.
How crossed are my wires?

>> No.9081190

You're probably fine dude, don't stress about it.

>> No.9081193

Doesn't matter your background. If you have a job and ambition to do something other than sit around and shit post all day women will like.
Whatever you do. Do not mistake lust for love. It will ruin you more than anything

>> No.9081202

>Sexually, women want more comfort

but comfort is a killer of intimacy

unless you actually mean trust. like trust enough for you to go down on her or for her to turn her rump around toward you, since that can be difficult for her to do the first couple times.

but "comfort" is what brings women to cheat. it's okay in doses and stretches. it's nice to relax and know that you don't have to compete in the sexual marketplace to find someone else. but too much attainability and the mentality that "i don't have to try" makes your sex boring.

i think you'd probably agree with that tho

>> No.9081204


oh you.

>> No.9081205

Just to clarify, the poster you're responding to isn't me (the guy who thought 80s erotica was for housewives). You really shouldn't jump to conclusions about posters.

Anyway, if you tell me where to begin with 80s erotica, I will read something. I guess my point was that reading what a person's fantasy is doesn't exactly give you a full (or even useful) view of their reality.

>> No.9081208

east of eden

>> No.9081236

Yes, trust is key, as virtually most sexual at the very least intimate matters boil down to allowing oneself to be at their most vulnerable.

When I say comfort, at least in my experience, are girls who want someone independent and dependable. Cheating could always be a result of boredom, or just a bad person (ive been cheated on by the latter) but sexuality is such a grey area its difficult to distinguish what is true and false.

Presumably OP wants to pull some slags, or at least hopes for some sort of relationship. Comfort and trust are basically the baseline of whats "required"

>> No.9081310

Give it up my dude.
Just read the last chapter of ulysses, that's all you think women will ever be
(Not that i'm denigrating you, I just think it's a fruitless endeavor desu)

>> No.9081316


>> No.9081332

well, anon, i suggest you learn how to read a quote chain before responding to it, since the anon who called it a total misread to cast lolita that way responded in the same post to the housewife chain. or at least try making two posts if you want to keep your anon personalities split.

>I guess my point was that reading what a person's fantasy is doesn't exactly give you a full (or even useful) view of their reality.
A lot of the anti-porn feminists of the era would disagree. ("Porn is the theory, rape is the practice" was a mantra for a lot of them) Touching on this point though, and setting the scene for the 80s and all its weirdness about fantasy and reality, Altered States, the novel, is really overlooked. There's a movie version too by Ken Russell which is very Ken Russell, but Chayefsky was strong armed by Russell into some script changes so he's not obviously credited.
(note: this is about a male looking for his primal core being, but male kind of disintegrates as an idea like many other markers of personality when you lock yourself in a sensory deprivation tank as research)

Desert Hearts (lesbian themed female made film in the 80s) is based on another earlier book which saw a resurgence during the period too, Desert of the Heart. It's not pornographic, but it deals well with female sexuality and its moral ambivalence. (Some publishers refused it for not being porn enough to print as pulp, but it's one of the few books that got mainstream recognition despite lesbianism being a major plot point before laws changed)

If you want straight up erotica which is in the 80s and hews to the lesbian feminism of the era without denouncing porn a la Dworkin et al, On Our Backs (the periodical, not the book about Irish female sexuality in the 80s- though that is interesting too) will give you a wide list of authors. It's considered the lead runner in sex positive lesbian erotica and kept in print til 2006 from the mid 80s.

>> No.9081336
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>he doesn't just want to fuck pretty women

>> No.9081390

>I need a model to get hard

yep, like any beta

>> No.9081394
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Ugly woman detected.

>> No.9081396
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>I don't think fantasies for housewives are going to help my understanding very much.
holy shit you are a beta.

>> No.9081399


>> No.9081403

>Women want a guy to fuck them and give them good genes and a guy to raise the other man's children.
beta number 2

20 yo are really funny. at least you entertain me.

>> No.9081405

I would tell you to kill your self, but I know that are not able to. stay mad beta

>> No.9081408

you seem smart though, where is your tumblr ?

>> No.9081411
File: 20 KB, 215x346, 41DVEXACBVL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know, but i'm pretty sure reading the biography of Patton will help

>> No.9081416

>no caps is all one grill
not that anon, but i post a lot of shit here without caps (or with random caps), and i hope you're not confusing that anon with me. i'm sort of surprised you're pinning >>9081396 anon with it but not my post here >>9081332 so maybe you can tell the difference. looks like it's time to change my idiolect again regardless.

>> No.9081422
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>looks like it's time to change my idiolect again regardless.
You just want to be noticed.
It's so easy to just type like every other anon.

>> No.9081441

>tfw started no caps because my capped posts were developing a recognisable style
The other anon, the one you originally pointed to as a recognisable anon, which you're now confusing with me, likely started the non capped shit because I've got into a rhythm on it, and they want a credence they think imitating it lends to them, yes. I've noticed them around as well, but I do try to shake it up so such imitators aren't treated like someone who knows my ## code. Thanks for sperging out on them; I really hadn't realised it had come this far and shall miss my non caps and semicolons. ._. Time to move on and get a new syntax with less use of the word "so" also.

>> No.9081465

>Time to move on and get a new syntax
sort yourself out m8 jfc
just b urself

>> No.9081487
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>> No.9081491

Elfriede Jelinek

>> No.9081509

I enjoy the illusion more than one of us reads, anontan. I'mma keep creating that, thanks ^_^

>> No.9081515


>> No.9081519

Cave quid optes, anontan :3

>> No.9081524

no u desu

>> No.9081527

ja arimasen anontan

>> No.9081536

Sage this thread again and see what happens.

>> No.9081543

Stop using caps because I own them now, Mr Bossypants. TYVM

>> No.9081545
File: 82 KB, 564x811, 1486073750942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop saging ree

>> No.9081561

>non capped
>anontan wears skirt now
¡¡¡( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و!!! Can we talk about books now?

>> No.9081565


>> No.9081600

I'm reading Consider Her Ways by John Wyndham at the moment, which is surprisingly thread relevant. It's a short story about an alternate reality which is pretty much an all female all feminist BNW, inspired by the Bible verse "Look to the ant and consider her ways". Hitchcock did a nifty TV version of it, but Wyndham's been better in print than any screen adaptation of any of his works so far. I'm using it as a build up to re-reading Myra/Myron. How about you, Anonkun?

>> No.9081614
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Reading both The Fall by Camoo, and Silence by Shusaku Endo. I'm a filthy pleb who bought the book after watching the film, but hey.
It's pretty good, I didn't know anything about Japan's religious history prior to reading/watching.

>> No.9081639
File: 16 KB, 620x374, People_are_being_mean_by_making_mashups_of_sad_Ben_Affleck_s_reaction_to_Batman_v_Superman_reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw straight feminine man

we're not gonna make it

>> No.9081643
File: 52 KB, 480x292, varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start enjoying BvS

>> No.9081647

lady chaterly

>> No.9081655

I don't think I'd want to see Silence on film. Even with some of the violence falling on the Jesuits, Jesuit history tends to be pretty bloody and awful for everyone around even in books. The early travellers to the East from the Jesuits (especially to Tibet), and their early pharmacists in South America (especially Peru) are interesting reads with far less blood, but once they get established anywhere, it's always some heavy torture, slavery, and bloodshed for another hundred years.

One of the early westerners left into Japan, Lafcadio Hearn, was really interested in religion and wrote Kwaidan which you might have heard of (or seen the movie of), and other stories about their religious and mythical history/narratives before Christianity. If you want less Catholic stuff, you might try him, because he'd already moved from Catholicism to Voodoun and all kinds of other faiths before becoming one of the founding weebs.

If you want more Christianity comes to the east, China's Millions by Alvyn Austin is nonfiction but definitely worth a look. It deals with the "Jesus opium" brought by missionaries, and translations of the Bible and pretty much everything you could want from a history of missionaries in the Qing dynasty.

>> No.9081664
File: 43 KB, 326x500, DSTAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, well thanks for all that. I will look into your recommendations.
I feel like I owe you a rec so take a look at this. I really enjoyed this.
One of my favorites actually.
Very emotional read.

>> No.9081668

Never heard of it. Nice, thanks ^_^

>> No.9081674

It's funny that I get surprised at a lengthy reply.
>the state of 4chan

>> No.9081691

what is that?

>> No.9081692

The movie Affleck is promoting in your picture?

>> No.9081695

I'd type longer if I didn't have to waste time on caps again. :3

>> No.9081697





>> No.9081698

I hope you aren't on layers upon layers of irony, because you're sweet.

>> No.9081699

Approach it scientifically and logically.

If you read any kind of literature it's either going to be from the perspective of old men or retarded radical feminists.

>> No.9081728

I'll let you know if I become a book, anontan. Thanks for the rec again.

>> No.9081734


>> No.9081828

someone get a damp rag this woman has become hysterical

>> No.9082353

Why should the bodies we are born in define our place on society? Especially now when our bodies are less important than at any point in history

>> No.9082359

Anna Karenina.
Madame Bovary.

>> No.9082366


>> No.9082379

>Madame Bovary
Great book but depressing to think that's what female sexuality is about.

>> No.9082390

Birth control was a mistake. No stakes to having sex fucked everything.

>> No.9082392


>> No.9082399

How is that even a remotely /pol/ thing to say?

>> No.9082402

Hop on over and find out. Or slink back off to /mu/ or /fa/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.9082408

>The Berkley riots
the proverbial fucked everything

>are what happens when mothers do not raise their children.
are what happens when the dynamics of male-female sexual relations are subverted

>> No.9082414 [DELETED] 


>> No.9082415

The pill actually makes women angry and bitter according to some studies. You should try weaning yourself off

>> No.9082417

god dammit

>> No.9082418

>women shouldn't have access to birth control because it's bad
>anybody who disagrees with me is bad because of birth control
>btw i'm not from pol

>> No.9082434

>fairly masculine except for this fucking inversion of normal dominance/submission
>find approaching women massively unattractive

>> No.9082439


Also any shitty historical romance by a woman.

Just dont make the mistake of reading ones written by men.

>> No.9082443

>>women shouldn't have access to birth control because it's bad
No one said this. I said that the invention of birth control was a mistake. It changed the sexual dynamic completely, which reverberated throughout all of our culture and is leading to all of the unintended consequences we're seeing today, whether it be rising rates of adultery, women in their 30s regretting the choice to not have children after realizing how soulless their work life actually is, or men feeling the weight of sexual inequality. It's leading to a lot of mental anguish.

That's distinct from saying that women shouldn't have access to the already-invented birth control.

>> No.9082444

the more women are in control of their pussy, the more they are demanding and the more men are back to being puppies trying to please, which is the natural situation in the first place

>> No.9082450

>women shouldn't have had access to birth control because of these six anecdotes i totally didn't read on /pol/, and it's causing big problems in our society, none of which I ever cared about before 2016.

>> No.9082454


>> No.9082458

Have you read Galton Darwin's The Next Million Years?

>> No.9082465
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reminder that young girls want more regular explicit dominance from the men (to be told what to do and that the man does without asking) while older women want this too, but form time to time.

>> No.9082469

The tripfag is not wrong.

>> No.9082474

>because of these six anecdotes i totally didn't read on /pol/

Whether or not STD rates are at an all-time high (they are), along with divorce rates, adultery rates, and childless rates, are facts that are determined through statistical analyses. Anecdotes play no role.

>> No.9082476

you can put it back on, we're the only ones here

>> No.9082483

Please demonstrate via similarly robust statistical analyses how those societal issues started with birth control. If you cannot, why say that it was?

>> No.9082485

>STD rates
be fair tripfaggot, they're not at an all time high, they're at the highest they've been since before most of us were born, but the time before antibiotics was still worse. thankfully, they're getting more antibiotic resistance so you won't be wrong for long.
sex rates have also gone down markedly in this generation, which makes the above quite an achievement.

>> No.9082486

>and here's this imdb screenshot that is basically the same thing as a scientific study

>> No.9082493

I'm sure he'll mention 'the blacks' in his reply

>> No.9082500

I said that they're capable of being determined through statistical analysis, not that i'm willing or able to do the research necessary to actually draw that causal link. Birth control leading to the commodification of sex and the widespread detachment of sex from a monogamous relationship is pretty much just common sense. Now whether the higher adultery and divorce rates are a direct result of that changing attitude to sex, or also the result of other contributing factors, is up for debate.

>> No.9082510

>not that i'm willing or able to do the research necessary to actually draw that causal link
but you just did right here

>not that i'm willing or able to do the research necessary to actually draw that causal link
don't try to obfuscate your sexism, own up to it.

>> No.9082514

>Birth control leading to the commodification of sex and the widespread detachment of sex from a monogamous relationship is pretty much just common sense
jesus fucking christ

>> No.9082520

Read Aristophanes` Women in Parliament (that's how they often translate it)

>> No.9082526


>> No.9082531

>sex rates have also gone down markedly in this generation, which makes the above quite an achievement.
Fewer people are having more sex

I'm like 1/8 black you know

>but you just did right here
I'm making a hypothesis; i'm assuming there's a link based on the arguments I've presented. The notion that you have to have incontrovertible scientific peer-reviewed proof for every statement you make is ridiculous. No one on /lit/ talks that way.

The free love movement started a single generation after the invention of the pill. What a coincidence.

>> No.9082532

>to understand female sexuality,

>> No.9082537

>a hypothesis is its own proof
Anon, before you get up on your high horse about tripfaggot hating women, you might want to keep in mind some of the women who advocated for the pill are uncomfortable with the unforeseen consequences for women, such as the expectation of unprotected sex, the expectation of readily available sex, and the commodification of sex. Some of them were doing it so women, after having three children, didn't go on to have nine out of necessity, or so that women would be able to plan their families, as a lot of the institutions set up at that time hint at in their name. Feminism didn't want women to be expected to have sex at the drop of a hat, or medicate themselves without a partner or medical condition, or break down monogamy or long term relationships; these are all later unintended consequences, which for some of the feminists who fought for the pill are viewed as disastrous. Don't mistake what you're comfortable with for what they were comfortable with.

>> No.9082539

yes, women prefer to have sex than to to have sex+dealing with consequences.

>> No.9082540

>I'm making a hypothesis
no you weren't, you were being edgy. because that's what 4chan has always been for you. /b/, and it's iteratives

This argument has nothing to do with feminism.

>> No.9082542

Abstinence is to harsh for women, whereas a few men are able to stand it.

>> No.9082544

Read a pussy with your dick even if you have to pay for it. You'll never understand the human female animal without using it for its intended purpose at least once.

>> No.9082547

>No one on /lit/ talks that way.
lot of things have changed on lit recently. you're part of that trend

>> No.9082552

>Fewer people are having more sex
>ergo higher STD infection rates
my god how haven't they given you the nobel

>> No.9082556

>yes, women prefer to have sex than to to have sex+dealing with consequences.
unfortunately, now they have sex and dealing with different consequences. causation didn't break down in the universe because you have extra oestrogen in your system; std rates are rising because one consequence of removing a consequence like pregnancy has opened up more damaging consequences like antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. deaths from clotting disorders have gone up because now a consequence of the new sexual health norms is dvt and stroke. consequences don't disappear because you take a pill.

>> No.9082562

>The free love movement started a single generation after the invention of the pill.
What the fuck are you arguing for? That the pill shouldn't have been invented because "It's leading to a lot of mental anguish." 40 years after the fact?

>> No.9082569

so do men

why is it your business what consequences other people face?

>> No.9082575

it's true though for the US at least. fewer people having more unprotected sex means std rates look like shit only gay males in cities with really lax club regulations used get into since the 1950s. it's scarier as well now because antibiotic resistant strains are becoming common, which means not just prophylaxis is failing, but treatment also, which was not the case for gay males in the 1950s to late 70s

>> No.9082576

>no you weren't, you were being edgy.
I get that you're mad at the concept of someone wanting to take away your ability to sleep with whomever you want, societal consequences be damned, but the notion that an idea presented on 4chan shouldn't be expressed using hyperbole because we happen to be on /lit/ is a cheap way to try to win an argument.

Yes, that's how it works. How do you think AIDS became prevalent so quickly in such a small community? A few people having hundreds of partners are more likely to catch a disease than the majority of people having monogamous sex in the confines of a relationship.

>> No.9082577

He might be dead wrong, but he in no way was being edgy just for being edgy. That's a typical SJW tier tactic of saying anything you disagree with it 'bigot' or whatever.

>> No.9082578

>why is it your business what consequences other people face?
it isn't, they can shoot straight dran-o for all i care, but i'm not going to pretend there isn't a consequence just because it doesn't affect me. that's just dumb.

>> No.9082579

please provide sources

>> No.9082580
File: 46 KB, 680x474, 1479078721380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slice of life that men will never understand

>> No.9082584


>> No.9082586

I'm not a woman. this isn't a matter of "winning an argument" you fucking scumbag. being edgy isn't funny anymore. Those imaginary radical feminists that chase you around in your subconsciousness don't exist.

>> No.9082589
File: 1.90 MB, 1262x1386, 1471448496393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is for this kino

>> No.9082591

then what was he doing?

congrats numbnuts, nobody cares

>> No.9082596

Saying that women shouldn't have had access to birth control because I said so isn't bigotry?

>> No.9082597

You don't enough empathy with people with different argumentation and theories (even if they seem crazy) that I have to explain it to you? Can you not just dismiss everything with a ready made buzzword and try to understand why someone might think this or that way?

>> No.9082600

You might be right, but that doesn't solve or clarify anything. It just makes you and them close yourselves in own particular ideological bubbles and that's it.

>> No.9082602

>why is it your business what consequences other people face?
Sexual norms affect everyone except virgins. Unless I get a rundown of the sexual history of everyone I date, then it affects me too.

Who the fuck are you arguing against? Your conception of me isn't actually me; I was the trip on /tv/ arguing in favor of Hillary Clinton. My view on birth control might be reactionary, but assuming that it represents my entire worldview and how I perceive feminism on the whole is fucking retarded.

>> No.9082603

please write a post in english a human can parse and get back to me

>> No.9082605

googling millennials and sex should bring you to all the articles that were popular a few months back too about how they're fucking less than any generation before.
likewise googling antibiotic resistant stds will bring your horrorshow stats on that too.

a basic history of sex positivism will bring you to the insane dysentery and ecoli along with more commonly known STI rates present in gay communities in NY and SF before AIDS, when most any disease you got was treatable by antibiotics (except herpes which is common from non sexual contact too) and so were treated after the fact rather than prophylaxis.
>congrats numbnuts, nobody cares
you're the kind of kid who throws the board, right?

>> No.9082609


Sorry for the typos, I'm haven't eaten in a few hours. And thanks for proving me right.

>> No.9082612
File: 498 KB, 480x301, f86ac8e07f9fd3d28970daa85d4bb0d16be77d94_m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a woman.
Of course not. No woman would white knight so pathetically on a site that doesn't even have a female demographic.

P.S. You will never score.

>> No.9082613

>I'm in favor of Hillary Clinton
>btw I'm a reactionary

your over 30 and browse /pol/ more than 3 hours a day huh? I'm not going to do your work for you.

>> No.9082617

so I'm white knighting the non-existant women on this board in the hopes I get laid by said women?

>> No.9082620

Is suggesting that firearm technology shouldn't have been invented indistinguishable from saying no one today should have access to guns?

>> No.9082621

>your over 30 and browse /pol/ more than 3 hours a day huh? I'm not going to do your work for you.
no I'm under 30 and read the news and like talking about sex. you sound like a /pol/ user though since you seem to be incapable of imagining a conversation happening outside of it.

>> No.9082624

the comment section on PornHub

>> No.9082625

ur welcum

>Sexual norms affect everyone except virgins. Unless I get a rundown of the sexual history of everyone I date, then it affects me too.
Then don't having promiscuous sex

>> No.9082628

>so I'm white knighting the non-existant women on this board in the hopes I get laid by said women?
Yes. And no, training yourself to be a feminist by defending the honor of non-existent imaginary sluts will not get you any closer to scoring.

Quite the contrary, women hate feminists and enablers, it kills their sex drive dead. Women are sexually attracted to possessive males who slap down any hint of sluttery or infidelity.

>> No.9082629

are military technologies and health services analogous? do you think you're going to catch me in hypocrisy because you think I'm anti-gun?

>and read the news
so yes

>> No.9082634

>>I'm in favor of Hillary Clinton
>>btw I'm a reactionary
I'm sort of consoled by the fact that your dishonesty is a good indication that you don't actually have anything constructive to say. I said that my view on birth control is reactionary, not that I identify as a neoreactionary.

>Then don't having promiscuous sex
How does that protect me? Name a single, socially acceptable way of determining whether or not the person you're dating has been promiscuous.

>> No.9082635

I'm not "training to be a feminist"

>the honor of non-existent imaginary sluts
>all women who use birth control are sluts

>Quite the contrary, women hate feminists and enablers,
I have no interest in fucking feminists.

>> No.9082636

>he thinks reading the news means reading /pol/
I'm not sure you're aware what your words mean, especially around the noun parts. Might I remind you, you're on /lit/ where that shit doesn't make you /pol/ just a fucking idiot who probably struggled with Twilight's prose.

>> No.9082641

>are military technologies and health services analogous? do you think you're going to catch me in hypocrisy because you think I'm anti-gun?
I'm drawing a distinction between wishing something hadn't been invented due the unintended social consequences of its invention, and actually blocking people from accessing something that's already been invented. I argued the former, while you're saying I argued the latter.

>> No.9082645

Just get a girl and talk to her

>> No.9082646

>sample of one
this needs sigma testing at least anon

>> No.9082647

>I said that my view on birth control is reactionary, not that I identify as a neoreactionary.
swing and a miss

>Name a single, socially acceptable way of determining whether or not the person you're dating has been promiscuous.
Going to your family doctor together before your wedding. Are you arguing that laws should be put in place that *prevent* women from lying to you?

>> No.9082649

Disregard everything a girl says about what she wants sexually.

>> No.9082654

>unintended social consequences of its invention
What unintended social consequences of guns are you referring to, and what the fuck do they have to do with birth control.

>> No.9082658

>I argued the former, while you're saying I argued the latter.
I have no fucking idea what you're arguing. The whole point is that this post
is indefensible and you're just scrabbling from one thing to another.

>> No.9082660

>Going to your family doctor together before your wedding
So your proposed solution to this very serious problem is to become someone who stays a virgin until they're married? Who's the reactionary one now?

>Are you arguing that laws should be put in place that *prevent* women from lying to you?
I'm arguing that fears of "slut-shaming" have turned genuine concerns one might have of their partner's sexual history into a form of misogyny.

>> No.9082662

Not him, but this anon is making arguments for why he believes birth control has negative social consequences. I don't agree with him, but it's far from "because I said so." If you dismiss someone's arguments as "bigotry" because you disagree with them and assume they must only be irrational or maliciously self-serving, then you're probably the bigot.

>> No.9082663

>being this inflexible
Not him, but I need to know for my own reassurances: are you American?

>> No.9082672

>is indefensible
Not really. I made several arguments in its defense already. You're allowed to disagree, that's fine.

>> No.9082675

>So your proposed solution to this very serious problem is to become someone who stays a virgin until they're married?
That's a conservative solution to your personal problem of fears of catching an STD. What is your solution to the extremely grave problem of you personally catching STDs. You've already decried the invention of birth control, should laws be put in place that regulate sexual relationships?

>> No.9082677

>Just get a girl and talk to her
That's a surefire way to never have sex. Great advice, anon.

>> No.9082680

No you didn't. You said "I'm a reactionary but I liked Clinton because she's a women and you like women right? Therefore my reactionary stance that I haven't been able to defend is actually.."

go away

>> No.9082683

>the answer to everything is laws
your thinking is fascist as fuck tbhwitufam

>> No.9082687

I'll explain this as simply as I can: saying that something shouldn't have been invented because of the consequences its invention brought about is distinct from saying that now it's already been invented people should be blocked from accessing it. It's a Pandora's box argument.

>> No.9082689

abortion will be made illegal in the US by the end of the year.

>> No.9082694

I'm taking your reference to Clinton as a, "Yes, I am American" and now this shitstream makes sense. I don't think we should go away and leave you unattended near literature though due to your now obvious disability. It would be wrong of us, like letting a disabled kid play in traffic and blaming the traffic.

>> No.9082697

Pure, unadulterated autism

>> No.9082698

And we're right back where we started. see

note the "have had"

>> No.9082711

>I'm a psychic fascist
America really does have some weird legislative practices so perhaps they do listen to your random non sequiturs to inform policy. Ever sneeze at an inopportune moment of channelling or while snake handling? What's the culturally appropriate thing to do in such an instance? Does America have handkerchiefs or did the tiny voices of prophecy rule against those in your head already? Do they only disappear next year? So many questions for your ever so interesting little nation. Please respond.

>> No.9082713

>go away

So I can safely assume you're a raging narcissist who thinks is right about everything and can't cope with the fact that you don't own the truth.

>> No.9082717

Pedestrian observations obvious to any functioning adult aren't "autism". Also, only little kids use terms they don't understand as insults.

>> No.9082720

So I can safely assume you're frustrated I won't give you attention while trying to argue with the trip?

>> No.9082723

>What is your solution to the extremely grave problem of you personally catching STDs.
You argue like a fucking lunatic. The point isn't solipsistic, I just used myself as an example. It could be anyone. The point is that having sex even in the confines of a monogamous relationship is more of a risk that its ever been because of the ubiquity of STDs. This wouldn't be true in a world where a single sexual encounter could lead to pregnancy.

>> No.9082727

>won't give attention
if you didn't cop to being american nobody would believe you could be this retarded +1

>> No.9082734

Asian and brown (not black) men are the only people capable of truly being race conscious due to being simultaneously being told that they are equal and sexually nonexistent by mainstream culture.
t. Former /r9k/ regular

>> No.9082740

The point is you're reducing an incredibly complex and important issue as literally, it inconveniences me in this way and I don't care about the positive impacts access to birth control has on people and their fucking lives.

>This wouldn't be true in a world where a single sexual encounter could lead to pregnancy.
Please provide evidence.

>> No.9082744

Okay. You used the present perfect. Doesn't justify using the term "bigotry" to refer to someone lamenting the invention of something that has had a demonstrably negative affect on women's health and happiness.

>> No.9082763

>something that has had a demonstrably negative affect on women's health and happiness.
No. It. Has. Not.

You have given a handful of anecdotes without demonstrated causation. How about a few from the other side
-access to free birth control reduces abortion rates
>unplanned childbearing is reduced, leading to less interrelationship stress between men and women, especially demonstrable in poorer communities
-waiting to have kids is easier, allowing individuals to better focus on their education and career when they're young, leading to more successful lives

>> No.9082770

>and I don't care about the positive impacts access to birth control has on people and their fucking lives.
In a world with easy access to abortion you'd have all of the benefits of a planned pregnancy with none of the world-altering shifts in the sexual dynamic. People would still be careful having sex outside of marriage, but they wouldn't be saddled with unwanted children. This is the way it was prior to the invention of the pill. Also, there are other forms of contraception that do a better job of blocking the spread of STDs, which the pill replaced.

>Please provide evidence.
Here's the evidence: if having sex lead to you getting pregnant you're less likely to sleep with 100 different guys. Do you need a peer-reviewed study to demonstrate this?

>> No.9082780

He hasn't reduced it to "it inconveniences me", if anything you're trying to reduce his argument to that because it's inconvenient to you to engage in a basic discussion. I'd be reasonably certain he was taking off his trip to sockpuppet you and have the easiest opponent in the world to beat, but I don't know how bored he'd have to be to do that since it seems somewhere beyond the boredom level required to get me to clean my oven.
On the off chance you actually do want birth control to stay how it is, it might be worth your time to pretend you don't because whichever side of the argument gets you is fucked beyond belief.

>> No.9082783

Is your argument really that birth control is bad but abortion isn't?

>Do you need a peer-reviewed study to demonstrate this?
Do you really think you throwing out more empty rhetoric without demonstrable real world evidence is useful?

>> No.9082792

>People would still be careful having sex outside of marriage, but they wouldn't be saddled with unwanted children.
What the fuck are you even saying here? That because you could always just get an abortion that birth control isn't necessary? What world-altering shifts did the pill introduce in relationship dynamics that abortions used as de facto birth control wouldn't?

>> No.9082795

>-access to free birth control reduces abortion rates
This is predicated on the notion that in a world without birth control we'd still be having as much sex. The fact is that abortion was at an all-time high in the late 70s and early 80s, long after the creation of the pill. And the rates are still significantly higher today than they were prior to the pill's invention.

>unplanned childbearing is reduced, leading to less interrelationship stress between men and women, especially demonstrable in poorer communities
Divorce rates are higher than they were prior to the pill, single motherhood rates are higher than they were prior to the pill, infidelity rates are higher than there were prior to the pill. How is it helping interrelationship stress?

>-waiting to have kids is easier, allowing individuals to better focus on their education and career when they're young, leading to more successful lives
You mean like women having "careers", realizing that that's much less satisfying than creating a fucking life, then having a kid in their late-30s, which increases the child's chance of having depression, autism, and a host of other diseases? I was born with an autoimmune disorder and an irregular heartbeat because my mom, who thought this way, had me too late.

>> No.9082796

>What world-altering shifts did the pill introduce in relationship dynamics that abortions used as de facto birth control wouldn't?
For a smoker, abortion is actually medically safer than the pill. You're surely not arguing we take cigarettes off women like they are children?

>> No.9082810

American Psycho

Within the pages of this novel exist the answers to all fundamental questions in life. Bravo Ellis.

>> No.9082811

>What world-altering shifts did the pill introduce in relationship dynamics that abortions used as de facto birth control wouldn't?
People have a natural moral aversion to abortion, so they'd be more likely to mediate their actions to prevent it from occurring. If I had to either have a baby or kill it if I wanted to be in a sexual relationship with someone, I'll be more likely to make sure that that person is someone I'd want to have a healthy, long-term relationship with.

>> No.9082817

>This is predicated on the notion
it's also backed up by peer reviewed studies published by medical journals.

>Divorce rates are higher than they were prior to the pill,
And yes that entire trend is because of the pill right, because you said, and let's go around and around in circles, you spitting every dumbass reactionary line about how birth control is the great evil and sexual liberation movement is objectively bad.

>You mean like women having "careers",
right, argue cultural conservationism again

> I was born with an autoimmune disorder and an irregular heartbeat because my mom, who thought this way, had me too late.
And I hope you die of it before the 2018 elections.

>> No.9082821

>women are like faggots
this explains a lot of Rules of Attraction tbqh, Brett. thanks for dropping by.

>> No.9082822

>And I hope you die of it before the 2018 elections.
Thanks for conceding the argument. I needed to leave soon anyways.

>> No.9082823

> so they'd be more likely to mediate their actions to prevent it from occurring
you mean like fucking using birth control?

> I'll be more likely to make sure that that person is someone I'd want to have a healthy, long-term relationship with.
Or maybe just do that anyway because you seem very preoccupied by it dire consequences of your life.

>> No.9082831

>you mean like fucking using birth control?
newflash: birth control is not synonymous with the pill. using condoms instead of the pill would prevent STIs and pregnancy, and they've been around for thousands of years. why advocate the pill when it provides less protection?

>> No.9082840

that's a lot of ad hominems

>> No.9082845

>you mean like fucking using birth control?
My entire point is that the pill has given women carte blanche to have wild, unprotected, casual sex, which negatively affects the men they form relationships with. This isn't true of other forms of birth control, like condoms. And it would be even less true if women couldn't have sex without the possibility of getting pregnant.

>> No.9082853

Men are attracted to looks and empathy.
Women are attracted to strength of both body and mind, social status, wealth and power.

Humans are not that complex.

>> No.9082854

Because with the pill I can nut raw in a girl that I barely know and will never see again. Based science. God btfo.

>> No.9082858

I thought you were done?

>My entire point is that the pill has given women carte blanche to have wild, unprotected, casual sex, which negatively affects the men they form relationships with.
namely, you of course. why don't condoms have the same consequences for men? It awfully interesting that you focused on the pill almost this entire argument.

>> No.9082859

enjoy your incurable syphilis, i guess, anon. i hear it gets really good once it corkscrews into your brain but you have to get past losing your motor functions first.

>> No.9082864

buy a big sausage and cover ur face in clown make up and suck on the sausage shitting urself while readin celebrity gossip magazines and buyin whatever u want on amazon with someone else's money

>> No.9082868

How does shitting yourself fit in?

>> No.9082873

if you're only sucking the sausage it's a sure sign you only read Freud through secondary sources

>> No.9082883

>why don't condoms have the same consequences for men?
Condoms reduce STD transmission, and because it puts the onus of responsibility on the person who would be financially responsible for the resulting child. Women through either the pill, the morning after pill, or abortion, can choose who to have a child with without the man directly consenting to anything more than casual sex. 10 minutes of fucking, 18 years of responsibility; the woman decides. Condoms prevent this.

>> No.9082889

but I thought
>Birth control was a mistake.
literally what you said that sparked this

or is it just women's usage of birth control that offends you?

>> No.9082891

because condoms make it not unprotected sex, and come in female versions too so foisting their responsibility to men alone ignores that women are more lax about STI prevention through their choice birth control than men could ever be with men only having the option with inclusive STI prevention for non permanent methods.

>> No.9082906

Condoms are less offensive to me because they offer protection against STDs, which is my major problem with our current sexual culture. But a lot of the other problems I laid out would be the case if only condoms existed as well.

Also, there's a deeper distinction in that condoms even the playing field a bit when it comes to who gets to decide when to have children.

>> No.9082926

>Condoms are less offensive to me because they offer protection against STDs, which is my major problem with our current sexual culture.
And women's sexual habits that you don't approve of are what, just a minor issue for you?

>Also, there's a deeper distinction in that condoms even the playing field a bit when it comes to who gets to decide when to have children.
It doesn't matter. You can backpedal (yet) again, and say that well not all birth control is bad. Or you can just admit to yourself that saying birth control is a bad thing is not an easily defensible position to take without admitting bigotry, and that you are certainly not smart enough to argue it. Or just don't say dumb things like that to begin with because you think it's funny.

>> No.9082930

btw i'm finished

>> No.9082946

I thought Assemblywomen was the common translation? Aristophanes in general is pretty fucking based about female sexuality, and Lysistrata is easy to understand without reading Euripides unlike Assemblywomen

>> No.9082955



Women are attracted to strength and power. Those who aren't are exceptions from the rule.

The end.

>> No.9082972

>And women's sexual habits that you don't approve of are what, just a minor issue for you?
I don't approve of the sexual habits that I don't approve of because of their potential societal consequences, not because they're a priori immoral. If people were islands when it came to sex, and one sexual encounter played no role in another, then there wouldn't be a problem.

>Or you can just admit to yourself that saying birth control is a bad thing is not an easily defensible position to take without admitting bigotry
My opinion can only be interpreted as bigotry if you think that the right of a individual is more important the health of a society. If not, then any moral judgement you might have of me makes no sense; you should be arguing about whether or not what i'm saying is factually correct, not whether or not i'm a bigot.

>> No.9082976

>Have unprotected sex
>As a reward, become freed of my hideous flesh vessel and overdeveloped capacity for self-reflection
Based sexual revolution

>> No.9082978

you never demonstrated causation

>> No.9082988


>> No.9082993

yeah but you're SOL if you want to write a book about it because vonnegut's already done one.

>> No.9082995

this is like thinking wwii was a surprise and article 231 of the versailles treaty had shit all to do with it.

>> No.9083000

>you should be arguing about whether or not what i'm saying is factually correct, not whether or not i'm a bigot.
well if you actually believe all the bullshit we just argued about for 3 hours you are whether you admit it or not. The entire point is that you spent 3 hours arguing with an anonymous stranger about how you're not a bigot, which makes me think you don't want to be, (or rather be seen as one)

actually it's more like the surprise attack i had on ur mom last nite lol get fucked

>> No.9083010
File: 53 KB, 413x648, scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9083013

If there's a causal link between the pill and s decrease in unexpected pregnancies, it stands to reason that the pill, which prevents you from becoming pregnant as well as condoms do, will increase the amount of unprotected sex you have.

>> No.9083020

>actually it's more like the surprise attack i had on ur mom last nite lol get fucked
it's like learning hurts you :3 this will be fun.

how do you feel about the fact that causation is shit and relies on induction which even in empiricism doesn't ever work lol? are you gonna ask for more fairytales to make you comfortable with ideas beyond your scope of reference like "facts" or "sources"? why couldn't you be a normal kid and ask for goblins or something else less disappointing? is this why you're into fucking your grandmother, son? why do you make us all so disappoint?

>> No.9083029

'stands to reason' is a meaningless way of getting to the truth of matters, if you're a good enough rhetorician you can 'argue' anything. it doesn't make things true

yeah when i cum hot loads of sticky wet love nectar in your mother's thigh gap my gram gram licks it up and i actually like it

>> No.9083039

>yeah when i cum hot loads of sticky wet love nectar in your mother's thigh gap my gram gram licks it up and i actually like it
but you don't anon, you like fluffy teddies and strawberry lollipops and this level of conversation because anything beyond the rocking masturbation of a five year old is much too adult for your squidgy little self. come have some bread and jam before nap time.

>> No.9083041

power does not mean anything. it is power to do something.

>> No.9083049

>will increase the amount of unprotected sex you have.
yes we've been arguing in circles,
>unprotected sex is bad because stds, just ignore that i said birth control and just focus on the pill
>i can't provide any evidence that shows a cultural trend, you just have to rely on my endless persoanl anecdotes, which neither refute, nor really support my argument
>but really it's that I don't like the way I perceive women's sexual habits
>not that I have any evidence of a broad societal trend that I can criticize, just free sex is bad because anecdotes

>> No.9083058

yes I like teddies daddy, tie me up with gram gram and put lollies in my butthole, i want to be your little diaper baby. i want you to tuck me in and then fuck me in.

>> No.9083062

in world where men and women are both having equal amounts of sex arguing against birth control would be arguing against both genders. the only reason arguing against birth control is considered bigotry is because women realize that them having more choice means that the average man isn't going to get laid

>> No.9083067
File: 1.36 MB, 974x962, naigiiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9083069

i think really it means is when i have ur mum bent over and ur dad is tonguing my o-ring that's actually even better because every1s getting laid ;),

really though, read the entire thread first

>> No.9083070

>>i can't provide any evidence that shows a cultural trend, you just have to rely on my endless persoanl anecdotes, which neither refute, nor really support my argument
The increasing STI rates and decreasing number of people spreading them further would be pretty conclusive if this were a typhoid or TB epidemic, I'm failing to see how you think it's not relevant when it involves sexual health. All I've seen you do to counter that ITT as far as I can tell is insist that must not be happening. I don't if you think it's not happening because you don't understand it or don't want it to be true, but the only parallel I can think of is Typhoid Mary insisting she should still be allowed be a cook.

>> No.9083075

but anon you don't want that at all. you want direction, not to give it when you are at such a loss as to find even tying your shoes a trial. it's okay, you can eat your bread and jam and you don't have to come up with any plans.

>> No.9083076

>All I've seen you do to counter that ITT as far as I can tell is insist that must not be happening.
no actually i don't care because i only wanted to argue with the trip

really though, it's all them fucking niggers right?

>> No.9083079

yes daddy provide for me by fucking my hole, i'll eat string beans from your butt hairs if you'd just hit my boipuss from the back like i know you want

>> No.9083081

>i'm too scared to make my own trip so i'll argue with someone who is right just to bask in the glow of their trip
and i thought /r9k/ was fucked in the head. no, it's not the niggers, it's idiots with your arguments.

>> No.9083083

>failed dad tries counseling anon, 367 upvotes

>> No.9083089

silly anon, that's just like your story about how bears don't eat icecream. eat your bread and jam.

>> No.9083090

>i can't provide any evidence that shows a cultural trend,

>STD rates reach record high in United States

>Cheating Wives On The Rise

>> No.9083092

>so i'll argue with someone who is right just to bask in the glow of their trip
>so i'll argue with someone who is right
>with someone who is right
>who is right
u can fuck my hole two with the big bear daddy, i want you to doublestuff me with your fat illogical cock, i want you to treat me like a dirty slut

>> No.9083094

anon if you keep talking you'll never finish your bread and jam. you don't need to double post to have attention, just like you don't need to cry or follow trips about.

>> No.9083097

that's nice dear, but you must finish your bread and jam and stop follow.

>> No.9083103

>STD rates reach record high in United States

>Cheating Wives On The Rise
first line
>It seems that women are starting to cheat almost as much as men.

>> No.9083108

that's nice dear but what about your bread and jam?

>> No.9083110

i'm gonna take you bread and jam and spread peanut butter on your nob and put the bread between my buttcheecks and make cock butter sandwhiches with your hot stuff

i won't cry cause i'll use my tears for lube as you ram my neat pink hole

i don't need sustaniance just perforate my colon

>> No.9083113

that's lovely, darling, now finish your bread and jam.

>> No.9083116

are you actually fucking insane

>> No.9083119

how nice, are you eating your bread and jam?

>> No.9083125


>> No.9083129

aw, what you really need is bread and jam. eat up.

>> No.9083130


>> No.9083134

riveting, darling, eat up all your bread and jam.

>> No.9083137

>party in college
>live the high life in the big city fucking models
>visit foreign countries and fuck the locals
>threesome with cheerleaders
>come home and settle down with quiet, bookish girl who has been saving herself for you

reverse the genders and you've got a pretty typical male fantasy desu

>> No.9083147

>male fantasy
let anon be the little girl if anon wants to be the little girl, there's no need to criticise her.

>> No.9083154

>>come home and settle down with quiet, bookish girl who has been saving herself for you
This is where the analogy breaks down. The girl saving herself would be something that requires sacrifice on her part. The guys in the comics couldn't get laid if they tried

>> No.9083160

Try "The rational male", it's a blog and there's a book version. It breaks down female personality pretty well.

>> No.9083164

Reminder that no girl wants to be prude very long.
-even if she wants to be prude, she has inner desire to be fucked
-she sees other girls having ''''harmless fun''''
-she has a few men already showing interest in giving her a good time

>> No.9083182

tbqh i don't think this is true. lots of women are terrified of sex, which could be taken as a secret desire to have sex, if you buy the line that a fear of snakes is a secret desire to be bitten by one. both men and women are getting laid less, and i think the abject fear of a robot is mimicked in females too. both your standard full /r9k/theredpill robot and your standard full blue hair feminist sjw shill would mace an attractive member of the opposite sex who approached them. it's like desire without the fear is becoming rarer from sublimated desires, and the idea there is no harmless fun has overrun hormones in ways even the victorians didn't manage.

>> No.9083198

you misunderstand even heterosexuality