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/lit/ - Literature

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9080804 No.9080804 [Reply] [Original]

i wanna start reading more serious stuff than fantasy/scifi

like stuff to make me smarter...

where should i start

also paper or should i get a kindle

>> No.9080806


>> No.9080811


>> No.9080810


>> No.9080813

hows your greek?

>> No.9080815


i can barely speak french

>> No.9080823

with what?

>> No.9080832


>> No.9080839


i need some specifics i have a shitty canadian university education

>> No.9080848

Greeks are a good place
Some Popular theology
Reading Joyce in publication order is a great crash course (or even master course) in literature as an art

>> No.9080859
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks is one of /lit/'s most hallowed memes. But it is really good advice if you want to get a foundation for good literature. See the attached chart.

Paper or kindle doesn't matter despite whatever paper snobs will tell you. Do whatever you prefer. I mostly read online.

>> No.9080866

The Odyssey
Any myths really, Greek lore is very entertaining

>> No.9080883

thanks dudes

>> No.9080919
File: 1.62 MB, 3240x3600, greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another chart with more Greek plays on it. You would probably greatly enjoy Sophocles and co.

I wouldn't recommend sticking on it too long if you're not into philosophy however, move chronologically on in the western canon with the Decameron, The Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, etc. Also, Titus Groan is probably the most /lit/ fantasy out there if you haven't read it already

>> No.9080938


where is a good place to download books btw

>> No.9080951
File: 1.49 MB, 2912x5087, 1486324120643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the last book on the last, but otherwise this is a pretty good list of canonical classic works. Don't take everything in these charts as essential, once you have a foundation, pick those you're interested in. Also you should check /lit/'s wiki. There's a lot of good recommendations there categorized by genre.

>> No.9080981

start with the lovely craftah

>> No.9081003

you can remove Les Miserables, Poe, Invisible Man, and Marquez

>> No.9081006

All of them are available for free online in text form and pdf form. No point in wasting space on your drives. Or you could buy hard copies to read in public so qt hipster grills think you're intelligent desu.

>> No.9081011
File: 1.48 MB, 1364x3391, russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the sticky next time friend-o. Undoubtedly you will want some translations for the Iliad and the Odyssey, Fagles for beginners and Lattimore if you're already well-versed on poetry

>> No.9081024

>Removing Les Mis
Nigger what are you doing. And I'd rather Mark Twain be removed rather than Poe or Ellison

>> No.9081035

Who the fuck removes Poe? Knock out Twain or some other overrated hack, not a genius of horror that set the groundwork for entire genres in centuries to come.

>> No.9081051

>Poe better than Twain
I hope you're European

>> No.9081055

>dogshit taste


I love it when trips expose themselves. Makes it easier to filter them.

>> No.9081062

Poe is for Frenchies and 15 year old goth girls. Comparing him to Twain is obscene

>> No.9082519

My diary. Paper.
Listen to this guy, I've seen him around places.

>> No.9082618

>No point in wasting space on your drives

>pdf/epub/txt files
>wasting space

Anon, do you live in 1995?