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9072516 No.9072516 [Reply] [Original]

>Reads Nietzsche once.

>> No.9072561

I'd rather have Bannon running the show than Trump teebeeaich.

>> No.9072565

Bannon IS running the show. Why do you think he got put on the National Security Council? He's the power behind the throne. Trump is quickly becoming Bannon's puppet, Bannon nearly has him mastered.

>> No.9072570

Bannon seems like a pretty sober paleocon. The most offensive thing about him to me is his Reaganite shit, but it doesn't seem like it implies a neocon cult connection, since he hates those guys too.

Can't honestly think of people I'd rather have running the country than a Bannon at this point. His CRAZED FASCIST GOALS are probably shit like "mild nationalism and fix the budget lol, also stop importing 50,000,000,000 mexicans per second per second"

>> No.9072571

I was shaky on my Trump vote (voted Trump in the primary, didn't vote in the national), but Bannon would have been a no brainer.

>> No.9072574

He does.

>> No.9072591

I want Bannon to deliver televised speeches of insanity equal to his speech at the Vatican.

>> No.9072666


>mfw I agree with most of what he's saying

>> No.9072687

archive that shit, not gonna click

>> No.9072753
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>voted Trump in the primary

>> No.9072760


>> No.9072780

>anti-racist right wing
If I was against racism, I'd vote leftist

>> No.9072788
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Barron is controlling Bannon.

>> No.9072795

Barron IS Bannon, anon.

>> No.9072810
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>whether it was French resistance fighters, whether it was the Polish resistance fighters, or it’s the young men from Kansas City or the Midwest who stormed the beaches of Normandy, commandos in England that fought with the Royal Air Force, that fought this great war, really the Judeo-Christian West versus atheists, right?
>The underlying principle is an enlightened form of capitalism, that capitalism really gave us the wherewithal.
>I certainly think secularism has sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals

>> No.9072835

Perfect digits

Loved the post though, didn't disagree with any of his points.

>> No.9072837
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>I certainly think secularism has sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals
Even try to refute this

>> No.9072854

Not all of us are Christians, and I've got stronger ideals than you

>> No.9072874

>implying that this is pissing contest on who has the best ideals

>> No.9072880

That's exactly what he was making it, genius.

Christian values are superior to secular ones, because the west has deteriorated under secularism. Same cliche /pol/ shit.

>> No.9072882

>implying Western civilization isn't running on the fumes of Christianity and will soon be replaced by a more powerful narrative

Tell me you saw the video of feminists chanting Allahu akbar with a Qur'an in their hand at the Woman's march....

>> No.9072886

>Same cliche /pol/ shit
And yet you have no refutation.

>> No.9072890


regardless if you disagree with him or not he seems pretty smart and well informed on history, politics and religion.

>> No.9072904

Being well-informed usually just makes people more dangerous in government.

>> No.9072907

To fucking what? His idea that the west has deteriorated without Christianity?

Which Christianity? What does he mean by deterioration? How has Christianity pushed for respect for human dignity when the peasantry were mere work cattle under the feudal system, and slavery continued in the Christian west well into the 19th century? Does the Catholic church really care about justice, when the protectors of pedophiles still hide within her city-state?

There's nothing here except the same conservative fear-mongering bullshit.

>> No.9072908


>> No.9072911

I didn't, because what a bunch of unemployed feminists with no understanding of Islamic history or theology do with their free time is irrelevant.

>> No.9072916
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>when the protectors of pedophiles still hide within her city-state?
Can you use more fedora phraseology?

also you still haven't presented a refutation

>> No.9072919

>and slavery continued in the Christian west well into the 19th century?

The whole world practiced slavery into the 19th century, and didn't stop until the West did.

Need I remind you that 4% of Mauritania's are still literally slaves today.

>> No.9072920

>don't want where you live to turn into a third world shithole
>now you're an evil nazi having secret meetings and imbeciles think they can attack you without consequence

Yeah ok pal.

>> No.9072926

>because what a bunch of unemployed feminists with no understanding of Islamic history or theology do with their free time is irrelevant.

It's not irrelevant when feminism informs literally all Western governments.

>> No.9072946

>doesn't read Nietzsche once

>> No.9072947

Quality post. And you can't refute something not presented, dibshit.
Sure, but this idea that Christianity has some sort of moral high ground over the rest of the world is ludicrous. It comes from these nostalgic white 20 year olds who have only a cursory knowledge of western history. They want the nationalistic pride and sense of purpose that a resurgence of Christianity will bring, but not the 30 years war part.

>> No.9072948

>tfw molestagate sapped the strength of the Judeo-Christian West to defend its ideals

>> No.9072949

Quite literally /pol/ bullshit
>Keeps replying multiple times

>> No.9072953

>but this idea that Christianity has some sort of moral high ground over the rest of the world is ludicrous

That's not really the point though. The point is having a unifying principle that stops a civilization from declining and destroying itself.

I mean, ask yourself, what do you think would happen to a country if every single civilian decided that it would no longer accept the orders of it's government?

>> No.9072954

>Sure, but this idea that Christianity has some sort of moral high ground over the rest of the world is ludicrous.

Not him, but the idea that it's even worse than Islamic history is laughably stupid. Only believed by those who want to believe it because they hate society and want more things in their mind to back it up.

>> No.9072955

Whose fault is that?

>> No.9072957

>Quite literally /pol/ bullshit

Quite literally not an argument.

>> No.9072958

Why does it have to be Christianity? Why not the secular traditions that have been prominent in the west since the 18th century?

And you still haven't told me which Christianity

>> No.9072964

Liberal Media

>> No.9072967

>Makes low-quality "feminists inform all governments" posts
>Whines about low-quality replies

>> No.9072970

>Why not the secular traditions that have been prominent in the west since the 18th century?

The secular traditions are literally born out of Christianity, specifically Protestant Christianity.

>> No.9072971

>Not him, but the idea that it's even worse than Islamic history is laughably stupid.
You have to back up assertions like that.

>> No.9072972

>Makes low-quality "feminists inform all governments" posts

This is true though. Obama LITERALLY parroted the 77 cents to the dollar wage gap myth on national TV, you sperglord.

>> No.9072973

>lol why are people being so hyperbolic about this politics I mean this guy's just a mild nationalist he's not some FUCKING ASSASSINATING CRIMINAL CULTURAL MARXIST SHEDEVIL like Clinton

>> No.9072974
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>specifically Protestant Christianity.

>> No.9072975

>Non-religion is born out of religion
>Therefore all should return to their religious roots

>> No.9072988
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>Catholic Church parrots the Divine Right of Kings meme for millennia
>Suddenly Protestantism in the 16 century
>200 years later the U.S is founded and later the French Republic

>> No.9072992
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You're going to be blown to pieces if you want to make a moral argument of slavery in "the west" vs "the islamic world" and it being worse here.

Saudi didn't abolish it until 1962, under British pressure.


You can start with that, and click on the sources. I'll also tell you now you haven't backed up any of your own assertions.

I'm bored to tears of total asshats hating Christianity, myself being an atheist, then saying "yeah it wasn't as bad" then being assumed to be a defender of the faith. You're just a god damn imbecile who hates the west and wants some more reasons to, so you believe whatever shit you find....fairly simple concept.

Christian theology is the grandmother of one of the worst things to plague the modern world, marxism......so blame it for that because Islam wouldn't help that shit along.

>> No.9072994

Ideologically, most of bannons arguments and conclusions are pretty sound.
Unfortunately, he seems to view the means as justified by the ends, as evidenced by his riding the coat tails of the Trump presidency, his apparent disregard for honesty in news media, and his undemocratic approach to legislation.
He's going to shoot himself in the foot if he keeps pushing Trump on the way he's been going.

>> No.9072997

Well sure, if you have a half-assed understanding of western history.

The Catholic monopoly wasn't broken by Protestantism itself. Both Protestantism and "Enlightened" secularism are products of increased access to information among the emerging middle class.

>> No.9073001

Well I didn't say it was the only reason.

I'm just saying the division between state and church really didn't start before Protestantism became a thing.

>> No.9073012

I like how you think being an atheist strengthens your argument even a bit. It's the clearest sign of someone who doesn't know where to go with his argument.

I'm well aware of how many parts of the Islamic world still have slavery enforced, de facto. But you were the fucking moron that asserted I said Christianity was worse than Islam, something I never said or implied. The burden of proof if on you, dibshit.

Again, you have at best, an 18 year old understanding of the world. You probably spend your free time shitposting /pol/ with that pseud-Spengler, thinking anything you've said hasn't been said a million times before, by people less pathetic than yourself.

I bet you've never read anything about Marxism beyond wikipedia, btw.

>> No.9073015

>I'm bored to tears of total asshats hating Christianity, myself being an atheist, then saying "yeah it wasn't as bad"
Sure, if you ignore that period of Catholic dominance between the 5th and 17th centuries where the people were existing merely to benefit the Christian nobility.

Christianity could be just as bad.

>> No.9073027
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>I like how you think being an atheist strengthens your argument even a bit. It's the clearest sign of someone who doesn't know where to go with his argument.

Don't kid yourself, it's because you were going to say I'm religious.

>I'm well aware of how many parts of the Islamic world still have slavery enforced, de facto. But you were the fucking moron that asserted I said Christianity was worse than Islam, something I never said or implied. The burden of proof if on you, dibshit.

I'm not even distantly interested in your shitty attempts at explaining yourself after you fly off the handle for being called out on your bullshit, you've gone down this path.

Marxism is for
- Greedy parasites
- Insane power mongers who hate humanity
- As above, but pseudo intellectuals who think fartassing about in bamboozling, over complicated, nonsensical systems of thought makes them intelligent and not just intellectual posers and total hacks.

A few things
- Catholicism a shit, blame Spain especially
- Harder to blame different christian sects for what they did, especially if they hate Catholics
- Because we're primarily western, we read primarily western history, so appreciate middle eastern history less
- Middle easterners are much less educated on average, also don't have the same revulsion of what we see as bad acts so issues of historical guilt simply don't arise

I'm more adding to your point than disagreeing with it.

>> No.9073035
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Idealism is the new religion.
It must be purged in favor of pragmatism.

>> No.9073074

>the division between state and church really didn't start before Protestantism
What is the investiture controversy

Why make these sweeping pronouncements if you don't know history?

>> No.9073226

So I'm wrong simply because of one other incident where states argued with the Church?

>> No.9073237

Bannon and Barron are /ourguys/

>> No.9073265

what were the original three books in the comic?

>> No.9073300
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>reads Ayn Rand once

>> No.9073318
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>Calls himself a classical liberal
>Americans don't understand what this means and attack him for it
Americans don't deserve to vote

>> No.9073374


>Bannon is a realist in IR terms, this is somehow a tragedy

If anything shows... Ideology is what leads us to fucking disasters all across the globe.
From neocons to Obama's soft power bull crap.

>> No.9073398

>implying that the death of a single, concrete set of rights, ethics and responsibilities and it's replacement with countless individual, potentially biased and equally correct ethical values hasn't weakened ethics as whole.

If you and I are both trying to discuss ethics and I'm using vegetables for reference while you're talking in engineering/garage work terms, we have a big fucking problem.

Especially if the most valid and common solution is "I respectfully disagree" and I go back to disfiguring people at birth while you go back to fucking 14 year olds and everyone watching goes back to masturbating over lolis.

>> No.9073532

Broke: Bannon is running the show
Woke: Peter Thiel is pulling everyone's strings and is about to become America's first gay AI God King

>> No.9073557

>didn't even include Jared Kushner, the motherfucker who won the campaign

Also, anyone who thinks you can control Trump 100% is fucking naive. He's like the wind. You can manage it, channel it and use it to your ends but if he's gonna shit the bed, he's gonna shit the bed and all you can do is close your eyes, clench your asshole and scream until the shitstorm ends.

>> No.9073558

Good. He's probably the main reason cuckservatism is a thing of the past.

If Trump is a puppet then Bannon is a well suited puppeteer.

Thank you based Bannon.

Although I personally do not believe he is running things. Trump is, and Bannon is giving good advice as he goes along.

>> No.9073565


>> No.9073577

>Week 1: Putin's the puppeteer
>Week 2: Kushner's the puppeteer
>Week 3: Bannon's the puppeteer
>Week 4: ???

>> No.9073579
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>Only consumed Nietzsche via YouTube

>> No.9073582
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archeofuturism seems to be making a comeback as a response to the collapse of grand narratives, see Islamism or the Kremlin's neo byzantinism. Even though the current order might invoke Reagan, Jesus Christ et. al. We must not forget we are faced with something new in the guise of the old. If the liberal managerial media apparatus is captured by the new boss in town, we might end up in a very different society. If you thought the liberal state was intrusive, wait till the paleocon/Nrx/hypereaganites learn to use the old liberal instruments of control.

>> No.9073591
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>I consider myself a Leninist
>I want the complete destruction of the state

Is he a member of the league of shadows too?

>> No.9073600

every Republican is controlled by shadowy puppeteers while every Democrat is a high minded and independent individual, didn't you know?

Remember how Bush II was controlled by Cheney? Remember Bush I's CIA handlers? Remember Reagan's shadow council and astrologers that were really running the country? Nixon, Eisenhower, ect.

Every Republican since Roosevelt has been accused of being a puppet.

>> No.9073608 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 640x457, 1486481836070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably pic related desu

>> No.9073621

Bannon's just namedropping to impress normies. Works because the average NYT reporter is a gullible normie

>> No.9073631

I heard he had connects in the CCRU

>> No.9073645

Bogdanoff's are the puppeteers

>> No.9073674
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>> No.9073676

>when the protectors of pedophiles still hide within her city-state? \
Statistically speaking it's more than likely that a number of the girls in your extended family, even your immediate family were molested as children, by other members of your family, gym teachers, youth group leaders, whatever.

Have you done anything to help them, probably not. would you do anything if you found out, probably not.

Because you're a piece of shit, the same way we're all pieces of shit. We'd rather stick our heads in the sand than confront the morbid reality that lurks beneath the hyper-real.

Even if it isn't true for you personally, it's true for most people.

The amount of children who get molested is staggering. The only time you'll ever hear about it is when it's ideologically convenient. i.e. as part of an attack on the church, celebrity pedophile witch hunts to fuel the tabloids, etc.

>> No.9073800

>fixing the budget.
Spending is going up and taxes are going down.

>stop importing mexicans
We get an easily sustainable amount. Only morons are afraid of immigrants.

>> No.9073895

He namedrops Evola as well
>mfw Bannon is king of the pseuds

>> No.9073923
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They have achieved singularity... it is only a matter of time.

>> No.9075503

but this is almost true

clinton is a psychopath politico and representative of a political system so corrupt that it's two opposing factions, neocons and dems, fused to become one big straussian neoliberal party

she's the epitome of everything hideous about oligarchy, she'd take any ideological position that put her closer to positions of power. at least bannon actually believes things

>> No.9075571

I haven't been paying attention to politics lately, why are people saying Bannon is actually the one in charge now?

>> No.9075576

Because they watch CNN.

>> No.9075637

I've got the best ideals, the best. Everyone looks at my ideals, says they're the best. I show my ideals to my friends, my business colleagues, republicans and democrats both, great people these colleagues, and they say "you've got the best ideals Donald"

>> No.9075859

>likes ayn rand
>classic liberal

most americans that think they're "classic liberals" are really corporate nietzcheans who want to erode all enlightenment democratic norms

>> No.9075894

Not the person you're replying to, but your comparison would only work if the family members etc were discovered by authority figures, moved to a different locale, and given a new family to terrorise- sometimes repeatedly. I'm from Australia, and we just found out that upwards of forty percent of our Catholic priests were pedophiles. Can you imagine that? Please stop with the moral relativism

>> No.9075948

>Want to erode all enlightenment democratic norms
Sounds great to me.

>> No.9075957

Are you saying CNN has a liberal bias or is this just a theory that news organization has been pushing?

>> No.9075958

Both, obviously.
But you knew that.

>> No.9075967

Pretty much every Soros-owned media company has been heavily pushing this, It's hilarious how much coverage Bannon is receiving from The Washington Post, they're literally writing a article about him every hour on the hour.

>> No.9075970

>tfw the POTUS's chief strategist tries to impress a minority of posters on an unpopular board on a Bhutani black magic forum

>> No.9075973

CNN does not have a liberal bias


>> No.9075976


>> No.9075982

No, and trust me you can say that about just any news organization other than CNN. Al jazeera, MSNBC, whatever. Fucking CNN is just about as biased as C-SPAN

>> No.9075985


>> No.9075993
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>upwards of 40%

>> No.9075995


Why would I trust you when you're wrong? Al Jazeera is certainly a little more internationalist, MSNBC definitely more progressive, but CNN is the most neo-liberal machine I can think of.

Why would you make the comparison to C-Span? C-Span has no talking heads and is a public network. C-SPAN's much ore comparable to a utility like electricity or water than CNN

is this just a bad troll? I don't even really give a shit about this thread I was just scrolling past and saw this comment

>> No.9076049

Go to bed Noam, it's 8:30 on the east coast and you're like 90 years old.

>> No.9076051
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>/lit/ is THIS contrarian

>> No.9076055


>> No.9076061

no, it has a pretty clear definition:

>opposing or rejecting popular opinion; going against current practice.
"the comment came more from a contrarian disposition than moral conviction"

applies to this thread perfectly

>> No.9076064

I guess I'm just gonna have to disagree with that definition.

>> No.9076069

We all know the definition, friend.
But on 4chan 'contrarian' now carries about as much weight as 'nigger'.

>> No.9076083


but it applies to most of 4chan perfectly. it's not about your actual views or ideas, it's about what's most edgy and contrarian. atheism is "le fedora reddit xDDD" so suddenly everyone's christian. being liberal is popular in colleges and on reddit so everyones conservative or anarchist or libertarian or some bullshit ideology.

>> No.9076084

Why does bones look like the stereotypical midwest smack head?

>> No.9076093

>still hasnt read Wittgenstein


>> No.9076094

>impliygn that college liberals arrived at their opinions independently




>> No.9076116

>implying i implied that

did i hit a bit close to home friend?

>> No.9076118

>>implying i implied that
That was the implication, yes.

>> No.9076127

...and i denied it, contrarian

>> No.9076130

woman detected

>> No.9076136

Name one news agency with LESS of a political lean than CNN

>> No.9076142
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>> No.9076148

Pedophilia is only wrong when liberal politicians do it in pizza restaurants dummy

>> No.9076149

Not that anon, but Reuters, AP, maybe even WSJ.

>> No.9076158

tru patricians get their news from Press TV

>> No.9076171

Reuters is good. I forgot about Reuters. I would say Reuters and CNN are the two least biased news sources, and frequently CNN just parrotts Reuters anyway.

Now. AP is okay as a news source. Not quality, and honestly I see WSJ as frequently leaning right, but not much. Not more than CNN though.

>> No.9076175

He's a pro-Israel shill

>> No.9076176
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>and CNN
Nobody is going to fall for this here.
Try /pol/ or something.

>> No.9076184

It really depends for the WSJ. I think that generally, their standard reporting and investigative work is some of the most independent out there, but their editorial staff clearly leans to the right.

>> No.9076191

Find me another TV news source less biased than CNN.

>> No.9076194

Unironically Fox News.

They are both beyond terrible though, as is all tv news.

>> No.9076198

CNN > Fox News >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MSNBC

>> No.9076202

>CNN > Fox News
not after this election season
CNN is just utterly pathetic.

>> No.9076207

What the fuck?

No you fucking retard. No. Fox news is biased.

CNN is not. If you watch Fox news thinking it's unbiased that's why you think CNN is biased. Anytime I watch TV news it's CNN or bust.

>> No.9076208

I think they're shit, but they edge out Fox News.

>> No.9076210


>> No.9076218

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting Anon.

>> No.9076224

who the fuck watches cable news anymore, seriously how old are you, 60?

>> No.9076228

>He doesn't watch The Five to see shitty bants

>> No.9076238

I actually agree with this.

Fox right now to me seems like it's the weakest position, which is actually why it has to deliver the strongest content. I'm not a huge Tucker Carlson fan, but I think he's actually in a position today to actually grill people in a way that neither Breitbart nor CNN really need to, because they both speak to large and secure and relatively stable bases. Megyn Kelly, when she was there, was actually a pretty commentator as well. Hannity does Hannity things, O Reilly as well...but honestly I think Fox is of all of them the one that is the most interesting to watch.

>> No.9076245

Fox Business is unironically one of the best business and financial news channels in the world.

Also pretty much all channels rebroadcast Fox's breaking coverage because their the only channel that can field reporters in literal minutes anywhere in the US.

>> No.9076259

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.9076260

phoneposter pls

>> No.9076263

>Fox right now to me seems like it's the weakest position
>large and secure and relatively stable bases
What bizarre timeline are you posting this time? Fox has higher ratings than both CNN and MSNBC combined.


>> No.9076505

That's wonderful news desu.

Rest in piss globalist neoconservatism.

>> No.9076687

Are man-apes not allowed to get library cards?

>> No.9078422

Bannon Bump

>> No.9078519

Does no one else find it deeply funny that so many /pol/ebs attack globalization through a medium that is literally the technological embodiment of it?

>> No.9078550

It's called subversion.

>> No.9078560

how did you know he was phoneposting?

>> No.9078566

No it's called being too dumb to think through the implications of your ideology or too hypocritical to care.

>> No.9078568
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>Replies to a thread with Nietzsche in the OP
>Starts being sentimental about Christianity

Try reading the Neetch.

>> No.9078571
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>enlightenment democratic norms

>> No.9079035
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>reads Nietzsche three times

>> No.9079348

could you give a quick rubdown?

>> No.9079360

In all seriousness, why the fear of Mexican illegals as of late? I get it existing, but on net they've been leaving for some time now. It almost feels like an early-mid 2000's nostalgia thing.

>> No.9079386

>Rootless cosmopolite citizen of the world

>> No.9079395

Bannon is a brilliant man and one can only pray he is the force behind all this chaos

>> No.9079418

Sidestepping the obvious material/economic causes, but otherwise a) refugee crisis + failure of iraq war = non-Westerners are fundamentally incompatible with American values and b) it's seen as a major anti-establishment, anti-elite political move since politicians have been ignoring all calls to do something about it since the 80s (Reagan amnesty).

Personally I reject the 'crisis of race' explanation---this is only true insofar that Westerners tend to be White, and no one has called for deportation of Mexicans who've been here for decades (yet), who themselves are very anti illegal immigration.

>> No.9079561


It's not the illegals I'm worried about but their ne'er do good kids. If you ever have children Send them to school in East Los Angeles and then tell me how Mexican immigrants are good for America.

>> No.9079589


There are people who will literally pay a million dollars for a green card. In fact there's a huge waitlist of these people. Why settle for the dregs of mexico when you can basically have your pick of the world's middle classes?

I don't understand Americans.

>> No.9079661
File: 380 KB, 650x456, c62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying brietbart isn't the embodiment of ressentiment politics

>> No.9079775


It's ressentiment in response/reaction to the ressentiment of the Left.

Ergo, it cancels out.

>> No.9079798

That still makes it ressentiment moron

>> No.9079844

I will never not immediately be reminded that he gives out copies of Atlas to his staff as xmas presents.

>> No.9079853

god that's cringy as fuck

>> No.9079855

It's fighting lefties with their own tactics.

Kind of like fascism was in the early 20th century.

>> No.9079860
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>th-they started it!

>> No.9079862

>Kind of like fascism was in the early 20th century.
Ah yes, because that turned out so well.

>> No.9079864

>I still haven't read Nietzsche

>> No.9079868

No one asked for your opinion anon, please refrain from giving it

>> No.9079877

>he says, posting on a forum consisted entirely of people giving their unsolicited pseudo-intellectual opinion

>> No.9079879

Seems to be working great for China.

>> No.9079882
File: 94 KB, 350x265, 1440010067804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All else aside, whether you agree with Ayn Rand's ideology or not, it just isn't a good book?

It's badly written, the characters are fairly flat, and John Galt's speech is the single most self-indulgent piece of authorial insertion I've ever had the misfortune to fucking read.
Seriously, if you're going to write a tome that's near enough 1k pages, at least have the good grace to put in some character development, or intrigue, or even just some lovely prose. Otherwise, find a shorter fucking way to say
>dude capitalism lmao
I get assmad just thinking about the amount of time I spent reading that garbage that I'll never, ever get back.

Even if you're an ultralibertarian, is there really no better book that aligns with those views?

>> No.9079891
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>It's fighting lefties with their own tactics.
Don't remember lefties outright making shit up.

>> No.9079897

You haven't been paying attention then.

>> No.9079900

>Don't remember lefties outright making shit up.
See; Bernie's entire campaign
>4 Democrat CEA's write a letter calling his economic promises a fantasy
>Call's them part of the establishment

>> No.9079903

>dude just, like, open your eyes!
Gimme an example. An actual, concrete example.

I'll accept as "lefty" anything to the left of the GOP, to make it easier, but let's consider actual Communists making shit up to be unrepresentative. Sound fair?

>> No.9079911


>Islam is the religion of peace!
>Rachel Dolezal is black!
>Bruce Jenner is a woman!
>the wage gap
>rape culture

It's not so much that leftists make stuff up, it's that they confuse their own emotional states with objective reality. To them "Chelsea" Manning really is a woman, they're not being dishonest.

>> No.9079916

That primary campaign in which he didn't end up as the Democratic nominee?
Why exactly does that need to be countered, when he had/has no chance of achieving power? And how does electing somebody else who just makes shit up on the fly, albeit with a different ideological standing, improve things?

>> No.9079917

Acceptable hombre?

>> No.9079921

that's because conservatives can't write good books, paint good paintings, make good films, or play good music. they are missing some crucial part of the brain that allows humans to express meaning to each other.

there's a couple of counterexamples like Pound and maybe Dostoyevsky (at a huge fucking stretch) but for the most part, people on the right, in the best case scenario, are the most boring people on the entire planet.

>> No.9079922

>non-Westerners are fundamentally incompatible with American values
Why? Aren't there those who come here specifically to get away from the values of the place they originated, in favor of American ones which they'd prefer?

>> No.9079928

Jesus Christ, the USSR no longer exists comrade. Everyone knows they were one big bullshit machine, I'm on about modern "leftists" in Western society, with whom you folks seem so annoyed.

[DIsclaimer: This isn't to say they aren't annoying. They are. But so are their most vocal opponents.]

>> No.9079931

I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation in general, I just thought I'd chip in with an example of leftist delusion. Even though Sanders didn't get elected I feel that he's created a dangerous anti-establishment attitude among the left with his rhetoric. For that reason I believe him and his ilk need to be countered, and smacked down hard for the bs they trot out. The far right do as well obviously

>> No.9079941

Tankies bring up the so-called USSR industrial revolution that grew quicker than any capitalist country all the time. Though I think you want a better example. How about something as simple as Obama saying that you will keep your doctor? I feel like you're playing a grossly unfair partisan game

>> No.9079947

80s films were fucking awesome you partisan hack

>> No.9079949

>>Don't remember lefties outright making shit up.
>>4 Democrat CEA's write a letter calling his economic promises a fantasy

>170 of the nation’s top economists have released a letter endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’s economics plan

i think we have different definitions of "making stuff up". yours seems to be "when 4 people disagree with you, even though 170 more qualified people agree with you"

>> No.9079954


They want the economic prosperity and safety, but they definitely want to keep their own culture and values. That's why there are Mosques in Quebec City, Shariah courts in the United Kingdom, and Spanish language movements in the United States.

Not him, just my two pesos.

>> No.9079961

>he doesn't know that the leftist MSM lies
yeah dude everyone on your team is perfect, no leftist has ever lied

>> No.9079964

>Islam is the religion of peace!
I don't think anybody ever said *the*, that would be a stretch, but "a"? I can see how that can be justified.
Having read the Qur'an, I didn't find it inherently more violent than any other major religion's scripture I've come across, and those passages about which I had reservations (there were a good many) were mostly down to misinterpretations on my part, or misleading translations.
The problem isn't with Islam so much as the movements we currently see within Islam. It has - relatively recently - undergone a Reformation of sorts, and as such there are a lot of fundamentalist and literalist interpretations in the mainstream, compared with even 30 years ago.
I'm not saying that isn't problematic, but I'm saying tarring the religion itself with that brush, rather than identifying and criticising the denominations from which the problems really stem, is reductive and overly simplistic.

>Rachel Dolezal is black!
You elected a serial liar because some fairly unstable woman pretended she was black?

>Bruce Jenner is a woman!
You elected a serial liar because some people believe in gender relativism?

>the wage gap
You elected a serial liar because some people believe in the wage gap?

You can see where I'm going. I just find it odd that you guys have spent the last 18 months or more complaining about how our society is becoming overly sensitive and whiny, yet get your collective Walters all waddled at such tiny things as some guy thinking (mistakenly or not) that he's a woman.

>> No.9079965

Lol. So I'm going to do a quick google search and find out how you are stretching this.
>170 of the nation’s top economists have released a letter endorsing Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’s economics plan "Plan To Reform Wall St." (By implementing a New Glass-Steagall)
How convenient. Sanders was as terrible as Trump in regards to economic policy.

>> No.9079971

>Everyone knows they were one big bullshit machine, I'm on about modern "leftists" in Western society, with whom you folks seem so annoyed.
wage gap

>> No.9079978


1. Barron controls Trump through Bannon
2. Bannon controls Trump
3. Barron controls Trump
4. Goldman Sachs control Trump
5. Bogdanoffs control Trump

9000. Bernie controls Trump

Trump is a controlled opposition plant by Clinton

>> No.9079980

Trump has literally never lied. Not once.

>> No.9079984

>he doesn't know that Putin controls Trump

>> No.9079992
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>170 more qualified people agree with you"

>Robert Reich is more qualified than someone who made the council of economic advisers
Literally the best of the best in their sub field make it here

>> No.9079995

Oh shit I completely forgot the big one. How could I be so blind? The implied homolust between Putin and Trump is by far the most popular.
I'd put it as equal or greater to #1.

>> No.9079996

They twist the truth and they selectively report; I'm under no illusions about that.
It's why I get my news from various sources across the political spectrum, as far as I can, and try to pick the ones with *generally* the highest quality of reporting.
I'm British, so that means The Times, The Spectator, and The Guardian (inb4). Each of them has a (different) editorial stance, each of them will put a certain spin on stories.

But it's not equivalent to the kind of outright, verifiably untrue stuff that comes out of Breitbart et al.
It's just not, and if you can't see that, you're as ideologically blinkered as you're trying to make me out to be.

>> No.9080013

>I'm British, so that means The Times, The Spectator, and The Guardian (inb4).
kek, the Guardian and the Times have published numerous fake articles

>> No.9080020

A wage gap exists though, even if it isn't in the form of The Wage Gap.
Whatever side you come at it from, the fact remains that if in any given year you added up all the money earned by men in the US, and separately added up all the money made by women in the US, the former would be a bigger figure.

[Disclaimer: Before I get people trying to redpill me or whatever, I'm not saying this gap is because women get paid less for the same work.]

All the opposing viewpoints on this issue still stem from that fact, just in the form of opposing explanations *for* that fact. That's not the same as lying, that's just trying to conduct an analysis.

>> No.9080027

As has the Spectator, but as far as I know they've never all simultaneously published the same fake article. Hence why I cross-reference.

>> No.9080031

They said border security isn't a problem because net immigration from Mexico is zero. What they don't mention is that the vast majority of illegals come from central America now, through Mexico, and we're getting as many of them as ever. There's a lie.

>You elected a serial liar because some people believe in the wage gap?

kek, some people? The fucking Democratic president and nominee for president pushed this bullshit.

>when you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor

>> No.9080033
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I didn't elect anyone because I'm not American. The point that you so gracefully eluded was that the left has many, many, alternative facts of its own.

Most Americans elected the "serial liar" because they were concerned about the economy and national security, although the self-implosion of the left certainly helped. You know, maybe next time nominate someone who isn't being investigated by the fucking FBI.

>> No.9080037

Holy fuck are you actually retarded? You've managed to go from "a leftist has never told a lie" to "REEE FUCK TRUMP"

Get yourself together man

>> No.9080049

>They said border security isn't a problem because net immigration from Mexico is zero.
>What they don't mention is that the vast majority of illegals come from central America now, through Mexico,
>and we're getting as many of them as ever.
And source.

>The fucking Democratic president and nominee for president pushed this bullshit.
Like almost anything in politics, it's a fucking point of view. It's not one that I share, but I can see how somebody could arrive at it from the available data. Just like I can see why somebody might be pro-life, or why the release of every set of economic figures is accompanied by a slightly delayed release of almost every single possible conclusion one could draw from those figures.

>when you're white, you don't know what it's like to be poor
Yeah, I mean, when you just make up quotes you can make anyone's argument seem ridiculous.

>> No.9080052

>as far as I know they've never all simultaneously published the same fake article
The anti-pizzagate articles
The Russia conspiracy
The "TRUMP IS AN EVIL NAZI" virtue signalling

>> No.9080054

>You've managed to go from "a leftist has never told a lie" to "REEE FUCK TRUMP"
Not really the case though is it?

>> No.9080061
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>When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car."

-Bernie Sanders, March 6, 2016.

Yeah, I mean when, you're a literal moron it's hard to put things into google and check for yourself.

>> No.9080065

Well it is. I'd stop posting if I were you, your partisanship is kinda disgusting

>> No.9080067

>A wage gap exists though, even if it isn't in the form of The Wage Gap.
Nice alternative fact you got there

>> No.9080075


The resemblance to Rosie O'Donnell really is uncanny, I can't unsee it now

Oh and

/lit/ - Literature

>but muh mentioned an writer

>> No.9080086

>The anti-pizzagate articles
You're going to have to run me through when pizzagate ceased to be a lie there pally-o.

>The Russia conspiracy
They've routinely attempted to poison dissenters, and even interfered with Lithuania's power grid on one occasion. To think that Russia has neither the capability nor the incentive to interfere in some capacity with something as important as the US' presidential election is a stretch.
And I don't take "interference" here to be the direct hacking of voting machines. I have no idea whether or not such a thing's possible. But gathering and publishing information, or publishing unfounded rumour, that shows their preferred candidate's opponent in a very poor light? Sure, why not.

>The "TRUMP IS AN EVIL NAZI" virtue signalling
Opinion pieces aren't factual. Nor are opinion pieces claiming to be factual, nor are their readers under the impression they're factual.
Trump's obviously not a Nazi, but there's still a big stretch between "he's a Nazi" and "he's alright by me" into which the guy fits.

>> No.9080093

That didn't come up, but fair enough, found it now. That's plainly a ridiculous thing to say.

>> No.9080094

Stop posting

>> No.9080115

Again, British, would've definitely voted for John Kasich over Clinton, or just about any mainstream Republican over Clinton or Sanders. Would've voted Obama twice.
I'm not partisan when it comes to US politics.

>> No.9080125

Here's the first one that came up of O' Malley using the net zero talking point, but I assure they've used it constantly all year, and you can keep looking if you want more examples:

And here's the actual surge of illegals:

>Like almost anything in politics, it's a fucking point of view. It's not one that I share, but I can see how somebody could arrive at it from the available data. Just like I can see why somebody might be pro-life, or why the release of every set of economic figures is accompanied by a slightly delayed release of almost every single possible conclusion one could draw from those figures.

It's not a fucking point of view. They are saying that women get payed less for equal work. That is a blatant lie.

>> No.9080127


>> No.9080132

>misspeaking once makes your whole record completely bunk

>> No.9080139


Such excellent points everyone, I encourage all of you to continue pouring all of your time and talent into this and any necessary follow-up threads

>> No.9080145

>the hill
Actual figures if you can find them, please.

>It's not a fucking point of view. They are saying that women get payed less for equal work. That is a blatant lie.
It's a difficult thing to quantify though, and that's why - while I don't agree with them - I don't see it as a lie, just a different (and in my view flawed) interpretation of the limited data that does exist.

>> No.9080149



Keep dreaming, comrade.

>> No.9080165
File: 135 KB, 700x632, Sanders, Trump, 2016 candidates rated by economists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not from /pol/ retard. You are not a nazi for pointing out
>hurr left wingers have never lied
Is fucking idiotic

>Bernie Sanders

>> No.9080171

>falling for the mainstream economics maymay
they literally just exist to enforce the status quo, that's what they get paid for

>> No.9080177


Not everything is "open to interpretation." Facts are facts and opinions are opinions. But it's a lost case because women will believe what they read in the fucking horoscope, they're the world's most credulous demographic.

>> No.9080180

>It isn't me, the experts must be wrong & corrupt!1!11
Pull something else out of the climate change denial playbook, will ya?

>> No.9080185

>we're all pieces of shit
talk about speaking for yourself

>> No.9080191

>I'm not from /pol/

Exactly what /pol/ would say.

>> No.9080194

>Actual figures if you can find them, please.

Holy fuck you're stupid. You could've tried clicking on the article and looking for where they got the figures from. But I guess I have to pull you by the pacifier over to this too:

>It's a difficult thing to quantify though, and that's why - while I don't agree with them - I don't see it as a lie, just a different (and in my view flawed) interpretation of the limited data that does exist.

kek this is the exact "alternative facts" you faggots railed on Conway for. The facts are that it is illegal to pay women less than men. If you think women are being paid less than men then you have to find actual examples of people committing this blatant crime or else you're just lying. Even if you do believe that there's a small wage gap, the 77 cents shit is an easily disprovable lie that nobody takes seriously.

>> No.9080198

Go back to /pol/

>> No.9080203

>implying (you) are literally so brave and freethinking for "independently" confirming mr. breitbart

>> No.9080205

Oil companies spend all their money on lobbyists, they go straight to the source. But oil is but one sector of industry. To maintain a whole economic system, you need deep ideological support, and what better way to do that then convince people that your way is the most "rational" and technocratic, setting up narrow limits of inquiry, as if they and their framework can be free of political interests.

>> No.9080209

>/pol/ false-flagging

>> No.9080215

They're too busy running the real world while you play pretend.

>> No.9080217

Back to your containment board

>> No.9080218

agreed. now fuck off

>> No.9080223

Orrrrrr mr dropkick, the evidence tends to support things that you hate, so you assign some random boogeyman

>> No.9080224
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>hey are missing some crucial part of the brain that allows humans to express meaning to each other.

>> No.9080225
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>discover the truth once

>> No.9080227

yeah, running it straight into the ground, hand in hand with the neo-libs.

>> No.9080229

Bannon will save us.

>> No.9080233
File: 300 KB, 3001x2146, income inequality decreasing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That awkward moment when conservatives and neoliberals have done more for the poor

>> No.9080238

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.9080245

all art

>> No.9080248

>muh /pol/boogeyman false-flagging

>> No.9080250

you're a sweet kid. now fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.9080257

Not a source, m8. Don't play dumb, you make your "side" look bad.

You are that 1 woman poster who never capitalizes.

>> No.9080279

/pol/ spotted.

>> No.9080283

>You are that 1 woman poster who never capitalizes.
my spic dick and ron jeremy-stache says otherwise.

>> No.9080294

>Not a source, m8. Don't play dumb, you make your "side" look bad.
no go ahead and provide a flaccid little list of counterexamples in the face of the fact that almost every piece of worthwhile art and literature comes from people who are on the left's "side". Like I said, start with Pound, you could technically make a case for Dostoyevsky (but it wouldn't be a very good one), maybe you're smart and would list Waugh. Any way you shake it, it's the truth.

Lefties go into literature, art, social sciences, philosophy, etc. - Remember? This is why they always get laughed at, because they go into fields that don't pay? Remember? This is just common sense at this point.

People on the right tend to go into sensible professions like accounting, finance, etc. on account of the fact that their soul never experienced the dying sensation that it would were an artist to go into one of those professions.

>> No.9080297

>Remember? This is why they always get laughed at, because they go into fields that don't pay? Remember?
Who hurt you, anon?

>> No.9080298


>> No.9080300

>Remember? This is why they always get laughed at, because they go into fields that don't pay? Remember?
*hugs you*

>> No.9080304

mate i'm a software engineer, i'm fine, but STEM superiority sends me into a fuckin rage

>> No.9080307

*kisses your back*

>> No.9080376

That's about as offensive to me as me calling you a bigot is to you.

>> No.9080501

The idea that it's been a thing for decades and now a candidate addressed it makes some sense, though it seems like it taking this long was a historical accident.

I'm a '94 babby so I'm obviously ignorant on what the 80's or early 90's were like, but I'm guessing Bush Sr didn't much care like his son didn't, and while Republicans did like the wall in 2008 (McCain said build the damn fence) there was no way one was gonna win right after Dubya.

>> No.9080552


This: >>9079954

This is what provincial, nationalist conservatives are attacking when they denounce 'globalism'---"Globalisation is all about wealth. It knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Without borders the world will become – is visibly becoming – a howling desert of traffic fumes, plastic and concrete, where nowhere is home and the only language is money."

>I'm a '94 babby
Me too.

>like it taking this long was a historical accident.
Nah, because lax immigration laws and enforcement of illegals benefits not only corporations and wall street, but the surveillance state as well. Although Reagan presumably did it in an awful attempt to secure the Hispanic vote for the Republican party... damn idiot, he pretty much killed it.

>so I'm obviously ignorant on what the 80's or early 90's were like

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrUS4G0deAA - 1995

And yes, that is Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post arguing for tighter illegal immigration crackdown. Now you know what 'politics as spectacle' means.

>> No.9080571


>Obama LITERALLY parroted the 77 cents to the dollar wage gap myth on national TV, you sperglord.

And you that's informed by feminism? Its informed by his economic advisors telling him that too many women are working part time and they can squeeze more money out them if they work full time.

>> No.9081155
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Don't talk shit about accounting. Some of us have to earn a living. I don't live in one of those countries where you can just go on the dole forever and get free government services out the ass.

You know, pretty soon now, they're going to invent a robot that brews and serves coffee. . .the lower classes are fucked and I have no desire to join them.

>> No.9081180

and they'll soon have an AI that can do accounting too. All workers are fucked unless they take control of automation.

>> No.9081298

literally an ideological cuck

>> No.9081311

>implying neoliberalism itself is not just an admission that every politician is a puppet to economic forces

>> No.9081497


A lot of bookkeeping and low level accounting has already been "rightshored" to India, it's not a pretty picture but for a while someone will have to audit the robots and that will give me time to amass .22LR and horses.

>> No.9083149

>the lower classes are fucked
This includes accountants. Literally everyone who does not own the means of production is fucked.

Arguably the bourgeoisie is fucked as well when hostile AI take-over happens.


meatcucks btfo!

>> No.9083225

Campaign pandering to xenophobic / nationalistic sentiment basically. It's always easier to blame MUH IMMIGRANTS then actually addressing real problems to the US economy (i.e. growing inequality in wealth distribution, unsustainable resource consumption, corporate de-regulation)

>> No.9083253

>It's always easier to blame MUH IMMIGRANTS then actually addressing real problems to the US economy
Immigrants should be blamed. Their presence only entrenches leftist hegemony through demographic shifts. It's really no coincidence that societal dysfunction has accelerated ever since Democrats figured out they didn't really have to debate anything when they could just swamp the country with primitives and enjoy one-party rule fifty years later.

>> No.9084602


>Don't kid yourself, it's because you were going to say I'm religious.

Don't flatter yourself, it's because Atheists above all understand the hipocracy and the unreal ideology of Theism.

>Marxism is for
- Greedy parasites
- Insane power mongers who hate humanity
- As above, but pseudo intellectuals who think fartassing about in bamboozling, over complicated, nonsensical systems of thought makes them intelligent and not just intellectual posers and total hacks.

"Greedy parasites" and "powermongers" overlap a hell of a lot more in a system of capitalism, & I'll say why: because "Capitalists" are greedy, parasitic, misanthropes when faced with a life under rather over their system.

>> No.9084625

>literally the technological embodiment of it
You're too stupid for words. Do you have difficulty divorcing the metaphorical from reality?

>> No.9084663

Do you live near a sewage plant in hurricane alley?

Because I can't think of anywhere else The Wind would shit the bed.

>> No.9084694

>almost every piece of worthwhile art and literature comes from people who are on the left's "side"
lol, no. the vast majority of worthwhile artists and thinkers would be and are reviled by the left for being old white men who espoused racist, mysoginistic, unegalitarian views, faith in God, other generally anti-liberal opinions

this is why losers like yourself cry on campus about how Ovid's Metamorphoses promote rape culture, and how the Western Canon should be replaced with writers of colour. funny then, that you turn around and declare all the people you loathe to be on your side

>> No.9084697

>Because I can't think of anywhere else The Wind would shit the bed.
when u tryna fart but its shart, ie america

>> No.9084821

>a proud Zionist instead of a guy who may or may not secretly hate Jews having dealt with Jew York for his entire adult life
>not choosing the guy that left out "Jew" and "anti semitism" on Holocaust Memorial day

>> No.9084831

Non american here, can someone please give a quick rundown on Bannon?

>> No.9084965

>only stupid people dislike different races with different cultures immigrating legally or illegally into a White nation founded by Anglos who's Immigration and Nationality Acts had "free white" "of good/moral character" as two of the criterias until Immigration and Nationality Act of 1870 brought the White population to ~85% by allowing Africans to immigrate followed by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 allowed for any race to immigrate which caused us Whites to fall from ~85% to 58% in the span of 51 years and become a minority in our own nation founded by and for our people by 2043-44

>> No.9084987

Are whites really afraid that their power will slip with their population?

>> No.9085006

Don't forget the semitic slave trade still going today: Eastern European sex slaves lured from Europe to Israel and the Arab slave trade of Negroids.

>> No.9085019
File: 708 KB, 971x699, 4ch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a 'lefties don't understand demographic warfare' thread

>> No.9085039

>not being a fanatical National Socialist scheming in secret behind closed doors to save our race from the corrupted traitors and the Semites
The holocaust was a lie but this one won't be.

>> No.9085045
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>"think of its like humans vs orcs"

>> No.9085063

China, 200 BC: "yeah we were gonna build a wall to keep the mongols out but these shrill catladies say walls are racist so oh well"

>> No.9085348

Yes. I'm brown and the shit some black liberals say is crazy. It's a power grab between minority groups for the top spot. A lot of it seems to be related with feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.9086009

Wow, you must be so interesting and creative. I mean, you vote Democrat and everything!!

>> No.9086017

rofl, you clearly know nothing.

>> No.9086093

Okay, CNN

>> No.9086095

>this post
did you just wake up from a 15 year coma?

>> No.9086104
File: 15 KB, 384x384, 1486694877649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads this thread once

>> No.9086123
File: 125 KB, 418x627, demiurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the bogdanoffs are mere pawns in the grand scheme, this game has been played for eons, millions of years is but a grain of sand, the cycle continues.

>> No.9086125

What's the problem sweetie? This thread hurt your feelings hun? Poor snookems.

>> No.9086138

You can't be serious, have you ever watched Piers Morgan or Rachel Maddow?

>> No.9086160
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He's a businessman/newspaper editor who has said some mildly chauvinistic things. He helped Donald Trump get elected and now advises the president.

I sometimes think leftists hate Bannon even more than Trump, he really drives them up the wall.

>> No.9086169

>let the Mexicans come here freely because fuck due process of law
If you do the crime...

>> No.9086170

Those ideals are Christianity without a 'why,' thus their propensity for decay.

>> No.9086173

>Immigration and Nationality Act of 1870 brought the White population to ~85% by allowing Africans to immigrate
Are you saying Africans immigrated en masse to the US in the 19th century?

>> No.9086613


Even try to define what is "neoliberalism". I see you're googling something...

>> No.9086653

>No, the bogdanoffs are mere pawns in the grand scheme,
My friend, the Bogdanoffs have been waiting to be unearthed for a long time. My friend, are you ready? My dude, my ally, my pal. Are you prepared for what's about to happen? Not ven on the scale of Ron Paul but something bigger.

The Bogdanoffs are on the case. They are linked with very many clandestine government projects you've never heard of. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.9086707
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Let me tell you something else. When I look at this great *inhale* country of ours, you know what I don't see? Ideals. There's no ideals. And the ideals we do have are very, very bad. They're low-energy ideals.

Poststructuralism was a failure. Nobody thinks this works anymore. One of the things that make me successful is that I like to surround myself with great, great people. Very smart.

You know what I like? *enunciates, gestures* Neo-Aristotelian pragmatism. I like Aristotle. Very smart guy, very smart. And the one thing that Aristotle would never, ever do is split off the signifier from the signified. Ever. One of the things I'm working on right now is an executive order to repeal deconstruction. We're moving on that as quickly as possible. That's coming.

*inhale* You asked me about Hegel. Here's what I think about that. Hegel was a brilliant guy. There's no doubt about that. The Phenomenology of Spirit is an incredible book, really incredible. But look around you. Do you really think we need more Hegel? The lord and bondsman - really? Take a look around you. Modern capitalism is a completely different thing. It's totally different. Look at me. I'm successful. I've been very successful. But now I'm giving that back. In Hegel's view, I would be a master. But I don't think I lack for self-consciousness. People are always telling me, if anything, that I'm too self-consciousness. So we'll see about Hegel. Personally, I think it's done.

Look at China. Now, I've said a lot of bad things about China. I'm not going to lie about that. They said a lot of bad things about me, I'm going to say bad things about them. But the one thing they do have is a very long-standing philosophical tradition. And that is one thing - I'm going to be a little bit controversial here, for some of our viewers - that is one thing that I would like to see more of. We don't have that anymore. It's gone. People today are all over the place.

It's why my advisors and I have been working on establishing the Department of Intellectual Security. It's going to be a team of people, very smart people, who are going to work on rebuilding the Logos. Because honestly, metaphysically speaking, it's disaster out there, a total disaster.

We need to protect our intellectual borders. There are some very, very bad hombres out there. Very bad. So the vice-president and I are working, very hard, to build a Chesterton's Fence, and poststructuralism is going to pay for it.

>> No.9087699

Probably all three are the puppeteers, and plenty more. Trump's pretty dumb and therefore easily manipulable.

>> No.9087757

> per second per second

>> No.9087794

I don't know if you lifted this speech from somewhere and just filled in the blanks or if you simply typed this up.

It's eerily accurate.

>> No.9087836

good shit

>> No.9087878

/lit/ you're failing youself - if you find yourself reading that talk and thinking: "what a clever guy, clearly knows his stuff, maybe i should respect his opinion," then desu you're a bit of an idiot and you need to read more literature.
Maybe swtg

>> No.9088473

idiolect on lock senpai

>> No.9089353
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seems like /ourlad/ for sure

>> No.9089391

>reads nietzsche again

>> No.9090190

>>Reads Evola once.

>> No.9090429

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode

>> No.9090444

It is called an election.

>> No.9090489


>le society is the battleground of competing ideologies

nice meme
what's it like being stupid enough to fall into dialectics?

>> No.9090511


>> No.9090514
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Whoops, forgot my maymay picture. It is vital.

>> No.9090535

>my candidate was a criminal so that means yours has to be too


>> No.9090549
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>> No.9090559

>Anti-Semites are conspiracy theorists!
>Trump is controlled by a shadowy cabal of Bannon, Russia, Mencius Moldbug, the Klan, and West Coast Straussians

>> No.9090571

The term classical liberal really doesn't mean anything to American politics. "Classical liberalism" refers to the UK Liberal Party before its switch to social democracy under Asquith. The term got into US politics by lolbertarians like Rothbard claiming "We wuz the real librhuls" when JS Mill clearly was proto-socialist

>> No.9090609
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, 1474340077591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing 21st century Mexico to the Eurasian Steppe nomads of 200BC

>> No.9090611

>Trump is controlled by a shadowy cabal of Bannon, Russia, Mencius Moldbug, the Klan, and West Coast Straussians
Yes, Yes, No, No, No.

>> No.9090648

>Only morons are afraid of immigrants.
wtf i LOVE being demographically submerged in Aztecs nao. It might mean my descendants are doomed to be at the mercy and whim of historically hostile races but at least im on #TeamSmart #Ipads

>> No.9091667
