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9074599 No.9074599 [Reply] [Original]

Bookmark or dog ears?

>> No.9074605

Bookmark or you'e a heathen

>> No.9074623

How difficult is it to find a piece of paper to put between the pages and not damage your possessions?

>> No.9074639
File: 23 KB, 321x375, Shield_Season_7-_Vic's_demands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let friend borrow book
>he returns it with dog ears
fuck you robert

>> No.9074682
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>> No.9074700

Own books = dogears
Someone else's/library's books = use a bookmark for twenty pages and then lose it and spend a stupid amount of time leafing through the book to find the exact page you were on.

>> No.9074703

I just memorize the page number maybe I'm just autistic

>> No.9074737

I just remember the page where I left off for my physical books.

The Kindle does that stuff for me for ebooks.

>> No.9074773

Same, just recall a number with 1 to 4 digits, never lose your page again

>> No.9074836

i read multiple books simultaneously

>> No.9074852

>not using a rubber band as bookmark

>> No.9075208


>> No.9075411

OK Übermenschen

>> No.9075482

a make a little tear across the page and then write down in pen a little note saying that this is where I stopped including what day it was

>> No.9075505
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Bookmark, of course. We're not animals.

>> No.9075535

I just rip the pages out of the book after I read them

>> No.9075543

Do you set them on fire and read the next page by the light of the last?

>> No.9075547

Tear out the pages you have already read

>> No.9075559

No I usually eat them so I don't forget what the words said but that's a good idea too

>> No.9075617

Every book i read is in one sitting. If time runs out or i'm interrupted, i start all over again. Pseuds won't understand this.

>> No.9075660

Own books: bookmark
Library/borrowed books: dogear desu

>> No.9075676


>> No.9075709

This. The pages you already read get stuck together so you always have to start from the first free page. This is permanent so it's also useful to know which books you have read because they won't open anymore. You don't waste your time re-reading.

>> No.9075738

Bookmarks, you sacrilegious subhuman. Bookmarks.

>> No.9076704

Hardback - bookmark
Trade paperback - dogear


>> No.9076738

No, Navy. That's a terrible idea.

>> No.9077943

Honestly I have to read a couple of books simultaneously because I'm a short attention spanlet. If I jump between two or three books it holds my atttention better.

>> No.9077965
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Dog ears. It proves you've actually read the book.

>> No.9078181
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>get book from library
>dog ear it

>> No.9078252

to be quite honest with you desu I always just underline as I read so that if I have to stop mid-sentence I know exactly where I left off

>> No.9078306
File: 50 KB, 347x210, Screenshot_2017-01-06-04-30-31-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not tearing out every page you read and using it as wallpaper so you are always on the page where you left of and also have a patrician living room
Wee it sure is pleb here

>> No.9078365


>> No.9078376

Library book: Bookmark it

My book: Dogear the shit out of it

>> No.9078596


>> No.9078604

I'll use a strip of paper or a receipt as a bookmark.

>> No.9080289

This, how do you expect to remember anything about the book if you can't even remember where you left off? Especially if you stop at the end of a chapter

>> No.9081762

Just use a receipt

>> No.9081775

The things you retards discuss, jesus fucking christ

>> No.9082791
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>> No.9082866
File: 55 KB, 373x282, 68926924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok lets talk about whatever you want to talk about.

>> No.9082960


>> No.9082963

Ignore he he's probably a neckbeard with an ereader

>> No.9083085

Our spines
tell the story
no dog ears
could convey

>> No.9083161
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