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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 418 KB, 747x1417, starterkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9069235 No.9069235 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the /lit/ starter kit is reliable? Am not literature guy

>> No.9069247 [DELETED] 

Women, liberals, and blacks.

Maybe 5 years ago. But now we're redpilled and usually recommend stuff like:
>Mein Kampf
>Schopenhauer's 'On Women'
>The Culture of Critique Series
>The Bible
>The Bell Curve

>> No.9069252

Did you like English class in high school? If not, lurk more because this is a summer reading list at best and kindling at worst. Which is not to say everything on there is trash, but the ratio is unacceptable.

>> No.9069259

It's reliably fucking plebian.

>> No.9069295
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here. these are books i've collected over high school. never been into novels all that much. i feel like i'm gonna get shit posting this

>> No.9069305

shitty pic, sorry about that

>> No.9069339


It's a fine list. Keep in mind this is meant to be a starter on literature, not /lit/ culture or reading in general. They're all accessible books that can be easily analyzed and get you thinking more about deeper things like themes, character development, and prose style.

>> No.9069355

You haven't read all those books, anon.

>> No.9069370

This board is for "literature", friend. Please refrain from posting off-topic.

>> No.9069373

this. Listen to this poster OP.

>> No.9069401

Only read those from the list that interest you. If yo're making yourself read a book because it's ""literature"", you should instead of those books start with the greeks.

>> No.9069412

Jung is fantastic and Achebe is solid. That alone beats well over half of the "starter pack."

>> No.9069487


>> No.9070015

>now we are redpilled
The reason /lit/ is special is because everyone has conflicting views (unlike the hive-mind of /pol/, Reddit or Tumblr), if you want to unite /lit/ under one political ideology then fuck off.
>The Bible
The whole of the Old Testament is literally Jewish Disco Part I.

The New Testament is "love thy neighbor as thine self", and "forgive the Jews"

>> No.9070105

>/lit/ Starter Kit

It's just an 'american highschool' starter pack.
Take this shit back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.9070140

The "ironic /pol/ poster" is my favorite poster on here, very dedicated and skilled at what he does.

>> No.9070155

Cross off the ones you've read.

>> No.9070162
File: 434 KB, 747x1417, iveread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9070296
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This one is better and let's you explore more

>> No.9070341

>starter kit
>no greeks

Hm. That's weird...

>> No.9070893

This isn't too bad. The American and 20th century lists are weak though. I'd probably toss Plutarch's Lives into the "essential" category as well.

>> No.9071367

Some good books there; Jung and mythology. Also, don't ever worry about getting shit for what you read, just read what you want. Unless it's rupi kaur

>> No.9071411

You're an inbred.

>> No.9072313

Start with The Turner Diaries and Hunter for some entry level reading.

>> No.9072333
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>> No.9072346
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Praise KEK

>> No.9072705

Yes, just fucking read. You'll do a better job than 95% of this board.

>> No.9072867

Any starter pack needs Infinite Jest

>> No.9072884

I just picked up Lolita, and am in chapter 5 rn. Does the story ever get beyond grotesque descriptions of banging minors? I really want to like this book, but it's making me sick.

>inb4 normie

>> No.9073781

Those are books muh dood
However bad advice if you just want to read books for the sake of reading books

>> No.9074450

Only about half of those are must-reads, but they are all good entry level literature I guess.

>> No.9074464

>muh /lit/ is le special place for le discussion of le literature
you're more cancerous than the ironic /pol/ poster you euphoric faggot

>> No.9074485

half of them are good the other half is memes

>> No.9074548

Keep reading, the story develops. It's supposed to give you conflicting feelings. Take your time with it and try to appreciate the prose (aesthetics).

>> No.9074556

>Does the story ever get beyond grotesque descriptions of banging minors?
no not really. nabokov wrote it and everyone was like "whoah thats so pomo you don't really want to do that but you wrote about a guy who wants to do that"
and nabokov laughed nervously

>> No.9074835


Yeah, I've always read poetry. I appreciate his style.



>> No.9075039
File: 2.87 MB, 3248x2456, 1478982369707_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is nice too

>> No.9075047

>no W. Somerset Maugham