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9066591 No.9066591 [Reply] [Original]

Greentext the plot of your new novel, not like it's going anywhere.

>> No.9066595

>tfw you'll never get to sniff her ass

>> No.9066604

Alessandra Torresani

Half the thread averted before it was even posted

>> No.9066605

> civilization of worms
> dungeon gets isolated from the rest of the dungeons
> oj simpson trial to figure out why and who dun it

>> No.9066606


>> No.9066609

Only one enemy remained, two if you counted God.

>> No.9066612

>freshman spy getting trained by his sensei and doing missions (i couldn't think any mission yet)
not sure how to proceed from here

>> No.9066615

Holy...I want more

>> No.9066645

>post-apocalyptic sci-fi
>people start turning into monsters from dungeons and dragons
>Densely populated areas have stronger monsters
>MC is an war vet innawoods amputee looking to get a bionic arm
>Has to infiltrate the city and fight monsters

Will redditors give me their money?

>Life of an elephant tamer (for street performance/circus) in colonial India
>Befriends a historian studying war elephants who tells him about the exploits of ancient generals, in particular Hannibal
>MC becomes obsessed with the occupational link to ancient war elephant tamers
>Starts to envision himself as a lieutenant of Hannibal's war elephants
>Culminates in a deadly rampage through a city street killing several people
>MC is imprisoned then executed, the elephant is put down

>> No.9066649

Go on...

>> No.9066659

>Alaska-themed island chain with a crowded modern-tech society that puts excess population on oil platforms
>study drug epidemic, it can make you really successful but if you OD your brain goes transhuman
>transhumans are invariably sociopaths, bodies change to become semiaquatic, gain pleasure from hijacking baseline humans' brains with their songs
>opposed by a hereditary priestess caste that only reproduces by parthenogenesis
>meanwhile foreign nations keep raiding the islands, the islands themselves are splitting up into factions and making war on each other
>the islands' former leader went mad after being confronted by his kid by a priestess and was driven into the wilderness to eat grass
Stealing a little Arthurian tragedy, Old Testament madness and xenophobia, and the sirens from Odyssey and dressing it all up in steel pipes and industrial grating. Wish me luck.

>> No.9066665

I'm writing a play that's basically a discussion between a priest and a secular journalist. It's in the form of a simple Socratic dialogue. It has no actual plot, and I'm still forming both of the characters in my head.

>> No.9066666

Is no one on /lit/ trying to write a non-genre novel?

>> No.9066667

I don't have the details of the plot figured out yet, it's really still just a vague idea I've had for awhile now.

It will begin with the protag living a life of utter dependence on and attachment to others (including family, friends, teachers, members of the opposite sex), without any real conscious awareness of this. As he becomes aware of it, he will also experience steadily increasing self-loathing and a sort of depressed and nihilistic outlook (basically a phase of "teenage angst" but accompanied by more sophisticated self-reflection and problems with more significant real-world consequences). Whether the rise in awareness causes or just correlates with the depression will be murky.

Either way, protag will eventually go in the complete opposite direction, becoming entirely disenchanted, disconnecting with almost everybody except those who feed his self-destruction, and becoming unattached from everything except that which also feeds his self-destruction.

Ultimately, protag will overcome this second phase and realize that neither total attachment/dependence nor total unattachment/independence is ideal. He will instead seek and find a "middle way" so to speak (an appropriate term as this is all partly inspired by certain Buddhist philosophies and one particular Buddhist text, although I definitely am not Buddhist myself).

>> No.9066677


>> No.9066693

this is a movie anons
>this kid at my school hates this girl he knows
>he decides to expel her
>a professor gives him a Magic sharpie
> he writes the professors name on his face so that the girl will mistake him for the professor
>she walks into a classroom where the blackboards are covered in descriptions of her faults
>she's horrified of course
>but still more horrified when the student, pretending to be a professor tells her she is expelled from the school
>she starts crying
>suddenly a voice calls her name in the distance
>its Eva Brann, respected professor at my school
>"you have to redefine the terms!!!!" Eva Brann says, handing the girl a sharpie
>she has a revelation
>she writes the professors name on her face
>she becomes the professor
>the kid is reduced to what he was, just a kid with sharpie on his face
>she expels him
>the end

>> No.9066721

>30 years old

what the fuck

>> No.9066725

Gross. Hate comments like this.

>is this some kind of post apocalyptic future where works have gotten sentient enough to have a civilization?
>if so why is ok Simpson alive?
>will Redditors give me their money
No Redditors contrary to stereotypes usually prefer a little bit of originality
>elephant story
good stuff. You might want to read shooting the elephant by George Orwell. It also has weird elephant romanticism in the british colonies.

Good luck. Also, nice.

You seem sort of like you aren't nice

>> No.9066726

No wonder why you guys never been published

>> No.9066727

>>9066666 (Checked)
>>9066677 (Checked)

>> No.9066730

I'm mad

>> No.9066752

>dude's a traveller
>strolls into a village
>breaks something on accident
>works to pay off debt
>falls in love with village chick
>the king comes through
>the chick he likes gets inducted into the king's harem
>mfw that's totally fucked
>dude helps chick escape town
>doesnt go with her to take fall
>king finds out
>arrests dude, he's gonna get executed
>town's pissed
>dude is executed
>violent riot procedes

book is about love or social commentary on totaltarianism or something w/e

>> No.9066755

>You seem sort of like you aren't nice

What makes you say that? I feel (and have been told) that I am best described as compassionate, beneficent, generous, and loyal. I don't mean to say I am sort of saint, I've done some fucked up things and hurt people, but my intentions are generally good.

>> No.9066759

I like the second idea anon.

>> No.9066760
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>Civil War
>South wins
>main character gets malaria

>> No.9066839

Upcoming novel is going to be about the struggles of a family in northern England during the '84 miner's strike. There's no plot yet per se, it's going to be structured more along the lines of small scenes that make up a coherent whole. I'm hoping that I can write beautifully enough to pull off what I have in mind.

>> No.9066852

>There's no plot yet per se, it's going to be structured more along the lines of small scenes that make up a coherent whole.

Have you read Winesburg, Ohio? This sounds similar. Either way, sounds like a solid idea. Hope it turns out well for you.

>> No.9066854

>Gross. Hate comments like this.

Fuck you you judgmental fuck.

>> No.9066863
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>tfw you will never tongue punch her fart box
books can't help me now

>> No.9066873

would read

>> No.9066881

>a fat guy
>nolife neckbeard etc
>psycho fan of some child movie star
*>inb4 me and chloe G. Mortez)
>he ruins his life because of her
>he dies
>he leaves her his diary
>diary no one cares or even knows about
>she does not even know about him
>she gets older
>plays in a movie which script is somewhat similar to the diary of a fat man
>quiet justice occurs

>> No.9066894

>guy was a child
>guy knows girl
>guy has mental illness

>> No.9066940

Not bad actually lol

>> No.9066979

>main character is a small time salesman in the Csech Republic
>inexplicably, everyone starts turning into massive cockroaches (except him)
>He has to adjust to his new life surrounded by repulsive bugs that were once his friends and family
Haven't decided on a title yet, I think I'll call it...."Transfiguration"

>> No.9066998

It's about a guy's life throughout high school and his numerous failed friendships and relationships.

>> No.9067037

I want to write a magical realism novel about the value of love and family.

>> No.9067067
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Neotenous little trollop.

>> No.9067081

Great scifi novel worth Hugo Award

>> No.9067083


>> No.9067098

>No Redditors contrary to stereotypes usually prefer a little bit of originality
fucking kek

>> No.9067174

It's just makeup and pandering. She's a hideous midget to any sane observer.

>> No.9067219

> worms live not knowing their civilization is a heat sink for a space ship
> oj simpson trial in theme, not in actuality

>> No.9067418

>tfw Torresani said she likes the idea of people masturbating to her pictures

>> No.9067422

Not greentexting because you're a fag.

It's about """""people""""" just like you. Very acerbic and unflattering stuff.

>> No.9067477

some monks and a jew try to translate the bible in France.

>> No.9067493

Now I know none of you are prodigies, so if you're posting here you're probably too young to write a good novel. Waste less time on the internet, read more, come back to it in your 30s.

>> No.9067518

>desperate genreplebs, shitposters, and people mocking you outright for making these faggot threads are representative of anything
kill you are self t b h my man

>> No.9067563

>CIA man gets a job browsing /pol/ like website
>His mission is to infiltrate and root out domestic terrorists, but he does a lot of the legwork himself in setting up these terrorist plots
>As the story progresses he starts to believe in their hyper right wing rhetoric, a pivotal moment is when he goes to a (heavily promoted by various commercial interests) pop concert and sees a bunch of 9 year old girls trying to "twerk"
>his real life slowly starts crumbling around him, his boss is the epitomization of a pretentious liberal douchebag, his girl cheats on him with a football team of black dudes, he finds society openly hostile to him, etc.
>In one scene he meets a wise old Jewish man, who talks about the necessity of preserving the Jewish race, supporting Israel, having traditions and a strong military, basically a horrible xenophobic Zionist asshole, and he realizes "The Jews are truly no different than us", he then rejects his growing feelings of antisemitism while also feeling vindicated by the fact that if he expressed any of those sentiments he'd be lynched by public opinion
>He becomes more and more disgusted with modern society, and more and more addicted to the internet community he's trying to infiltrate
>pretty soon he's up till 3am practicing the art of imageboard demagoguery with some of the only people who really "get it"
>one night he drunkenly starts an "I'm a CIA agent AMA" thread
>His douchey boss, who's already been distrustful towards him, gets wind of it and fires his ass
>He completely withdraws from society and becomes a NEET for three months, which he spends listening to Vivaldi concerts, hiking, smoking a lot of pot, and crying himself to sleep
>Towards the end of the book, one of his internet buddies emails him a manifesto/goodbye letter and his plans to shoot up some preschool full of handicapped brown kids
>He singlehandedly stops the plot at the last second by murdering his neonazi internet buddy, but realizing he's not CIA anymore, decides to hire the body so he won't be charged for murder
>in the last scene he decides that the USA is too fucked up for him, and gets on a plane to Argentina, "where Jews and Nazis can live side by side in harmony, without hate but bounded together by the same common love of the patria. Where universities and healthcare are free, women aren't bitches, and people smile when they pass you in the street".

It will basically be a couple hundred pages of ranting and raging against the state of society today, without taking any political side too seriously.

>> No.9067577

Wut? Did you think I'm OP or something? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.9067695

Actually sounds pretty dope desu.

>> No.9067799
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>Fantasy world
>Very old world
>Monsters are real
>Order is fighting them
>Headquarters inside a Moria-like mine
>Thousands of people
>Apprentices go in travels with master
>Fighting monsters n shit
>Most apprentices are killed by monsters
>No worry because they can be resurrected in headquarters
>Death still very painful
>An apprentice realizes he has magic powers
>Master send him to magical school
>Not really a school most like an university town with Oxbridge-like colleges
>Fun time with friends, the secret societies n shit
>Be send back to headquarters of the order
>Be mage in order
>Mages in the order are like priests
>Study religion of the order
>Fall in love with girl mage studying with him
>Learn that people killed by monster aren't resurrected
>It's like cloning of body and memory
>(Derek Parfit: Reasons and Persons)
>Learn that there is nothing after death
>Religion says men will loose against monsters at the end of time and after that only darkness
>Nothing can be done about it
>Philosophy n shit; nihilism; existentialism!
>Realize that he loves the girl only because he's horny
>five stages of grief
>Go back fighting monsters
>Story end when he dies

>> No.9067846

>women aren't bitches

you obviously never been there.

>> No.9067987


Does his resurrection clone look at his own dead body and question his existence, knowing that he himself is truly dead? I feel like he should.

>> No.9068024

>Angry old drunk is looking for a missing kid.
>He has horrible night terrors.
>Everything's shit, but he tries to mitigate it.

>> No.9068034

>delusional middle aged man who infiltrates furry-filled society
>isnt a furry but a chamaleon-y
>talks to every person in a different voice and acts differently overall
>tries to make a good impression with everyone, by pretending to match axiological and ontological ideologies
>suddenly get on the floor
>everybody walk the chamaleon

>> No.9068096

only good one in the thread.

>> No.9068097


This is mine:

>40 years in the future, world in a near utopic state, robots do everything, everyone receives UBI , it can support a middle-classe lifestyle of nowdays
>Protagonist plays the detective because whatever. He is visiting his huge family in a rural small city; tons of counsins and uncles everywhere.
>Cousins dies intoxicated; local police seems apathetic and declares that was suicide; protagonist receives a chance to investigate; finds cryptic clues; references to mysticism,, secret societies, traditional works of art;
> discovers that in that little city there are two secret societies, one controlled mostly by his family inspired by the german illuminati; they love mathematics, geometry, astrology numerology, virtual reality technology and take lots of drugs. The other secret society is inspired by the heretical italian cults from the middle ages; they also are interested in middle-eastern and oriental mysticism.
>Discovers cousin was killed by someone from the italian cult. Next, someone from the italian cult dies, suspicion is on the german cult of course.
>Protagonist investigates both cults, is not convinced by the local police versions; thinks there's a third party; someone is trying to get a secret war going.
> At the same time, german cult is trying to create the philosopher's stone to be able to revive the dead cousin; the other cult tries to invoke satan for the same reason; reality seems to start bending.in the mind of the protagonist
> when the philosopher's stone is done, third entity (as satan) strikes. It is actually a trap from the protagonist; the philosopher stone is actually just a virtual reality dig showing a chat bot to someone that took a psychedelic drug. Grandmother is using the dig so che can "talk" to the dead cousin; and the satan is actually just the guy who was behind everything using a costume and being really high also he has that edgy philosophy of "men who just want to watch the world burn"
>protagonist explains everything in the judgement; but reflects his doubt on reality and the future of the society since people can do pretty weird things when they don't need to work at normal jobs anymore

>> No.9068115

not bad

>> No.9068186

blattant same-faggotry

>> No.9068206

most original one you wanted to say

>> No.9068295

>"It's like The Fault in Our Stars but different!"

>> No.9068301
File: 28 KB, 217x346, 514sKZZ6u5L._SY346_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Battle of Kursk, a young German soldier awaits for death but wakes up in a world populated by furries
>The furry world is in danger because a Savage Horde of Troll-like monsters called Grimeskins are killing and raping everyone.
>The soldier discovers that there are more people from the real world who appeared in the Furry world.
> Among them are Jochen Peiper and Sepp Dietrich.

It's called "The Furred Reich" and it can be bought on Amazon, I'm already working on a sequel.

>> No.9068315

Would read this great idea anon

>> No.9068330

>Does his resurrection clone look at his own dead body and question his existence, knowing that he himself is truly dead? I feel like he should.
Good idea, thanks

>> No.9068334
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>boy gets kidnapped for cp at age 2
>gets brainwashed and grows up in this fucked up "community"
>porn ring gets busted and he is "free"
>victime organisation helps him track down his family
>meets them but it's awkward af
>he tries to etablish a normal life, get a job, an apt, even meets a girl
>breaks down because this was the only life he knew
>kills self

>> No.9068335

>Furry world

you mean he got somehow transported to Japan?

>> No.9068504

I always laugh at you guys giving away your plots and ideas to professional writers who are in a dry spell and come here fishing.

>> No.9068511

i don't see anything worthile for "fishing" itt...

>> No.9068703

I have no plot, just a concept.

Essentially the cure to ageing is discovered and distributed to everybody, meaning death can only occur through physical means, as eventually all diseases and cancers are cured too.

This leads to some extremely strict population control with children only being allowed something like one per decade for a couple. The novel would be set around 1000 years after the introduction of the ageing cure.
The majority of humans take it at age 24, the few people who took it at old age when it was introduced, and are thus physically old, are highly revered.

Then there would be some sort of faction that wants to destroy the ageing cure and stop it being given to young people, perhaps religious reasons.

Haven't come up with more than that.

>> No.9068800

why everything must be so dystopic here

>> No.9068928

Instead of rampaging through the streets, he should try to recreate Hannibal trying to take his elephants over the mountains, kinda like Fitzcarraldo but with elephants, and they all die. Less edgy, more charming.

>> No.9068935

I like that. But instead of a definite death I'm just going to leave it open ended. The last scene is at the foot of the mountain. It'll be like Sissyphus.

>> No.9069038

A duo in a low-fantasy setting conduct investigations to find a mage committing the malpractice of magic on people (manipulating human biology, altering people's perception, memory and minds)

>> No.9069394

Of course they won't use the entire thing, but some parts might jog their creative spark and be the next Harry Potter /twilight money in the bank series.

Here, I want yall to steal this. Change it around and make money. Just thank anon in the credits.

>the Idea
Guy walks into some store in the most racist place in the USA.
He is black(it will really fuck with people's mind), somebody gives him some racist slur or some shit, and he shoots them.

People in store also has guns, they gun him down, he gets up and kills them all, even the children.
Police arrive, they gun him down, he gets back up kills them all.

Later he approaches the on scene TV Crew and makes an announcement on a Live Broadcast, telling everyone that anyone one insulting or attempting harm on his person will be executed.

The reporter says something along the lines of "What gives you the right to kill people, who he thinks insulted him?"

He shows a perfect 3d holographic image, that has strange characters/images. He then goes to explain that he has the "right" to do as he because because he is now the ruler of this solar system.

He says the image shown is the Deed of the Solar system and he just bought it off the being we called God, then goes to list other deities that are found throughout other faiths and through the ages, explaining they are one and the same being trying different ways of rule.

He says unlike our former creator, he likes to take a personal interest in his work.

After other forms of law enforcement and military fail at killing him, a tremor goes through the world as they try to reassess their life and their place in it.

Story follows the new god, has lost of heavy mysticism, magic/energy that defies the laws of physics and advance technology that we can't even comprehend, even when we are sat down and it's explained in depth.

Please steal.

>> No.9069411

>A dark comedy in a cyberpunk-esque, Zdzislaw Bekinski-inspired world, where a bounty hunter named Acting Vice President of the Fixers, Highfixer Wayne W. Gretzky ("No Relation") hunts strange chitinous creatures to synthesize thier venom sacs to produce the popular hallucinogenic drug, Skipper Rosin, in the last human settlement on earth, Big Money City, after the New Anthrax plague wipes out over 99.9% of all humanity in the distant future.
>After saving a young computer science specialist, Happy Hacker Amelia, from a swift end at the hand of the mob enforcer Mr. Big, the two devise a plan to further investigate the alleged source of the creatures from the bizarre anomaly known as the Badlands Lichdom, all while being pursued by Mr. Big's state-of-the-art robot bodyguard and enforcer, the pool-playing Nineball.

>Adversely a disenfranchised, alcoholic memory-altering technician named John Glauber plunges into the Big Money City's mobster underworld himself after a particularly bad game of Texas Hold Em' with a powerful mobster named Barbara Streisand ("Possible Relation") and is eventually pursued by the mob's vicious leader, 100% Heterosexual Eddy, all while on a journey of self-discovery, "squeezin' a few out" to cam sluts and "pre-apocalypse golden age pornos", drinking cheap, homemade rum, and vividly dreaming of a seemingly magical, infamous serial killer named Strigoi Man whom he believes has been stalking him at night through the mystical power of astral projection.

>> No.9069415


>> No.9069457
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>> No.9069492

I would read the elephant one

>> No.9069513

just posted this in another thread oh well
>The story centers around an Iraq war veteran in some east Montana Hamlet. He works as a private investigator in the town because he is no good at much else, and his mama always told him he had a knack for picking up on things. Does he actually? Maybe so, maybe no. In any case, he spends most of his time smoking a lot of pot and tracking down lost animals for the old people in town, sometimes at the same time. One day, however, there is a grisly murder, the likes of which is unprecedented in this tiny Montana village. The sheriff, who absolutely despises our protagonist, enlists his aid to solve the murder case, which curiously coincides with the appearance of a Papa Johns in the town. In the year 2030, Papa John's has automated its delivery process with robots that drive the cars, deliver the pizzas, and craft them as well. Our protagonist starts following this metallic trail of blood back to Papa Johns, unveiling a rather interesting set of conclusions. Is it possible that Papa Johns is using these robots to assassinate its own customers? How can people afford the pizza if all the jobs have been taken by automation? Does this murder conspiracy go all the way up to the immortal Papa John Schnatter himself?

>> No.9069522

this sounds like a stylish anime

>> No.9069549

If you have a good style, this sounds like it would actually be fun to read.

>> No.9069561

Tentatively about a guy and his job working in a very busy retail job and his interactions with customers/ his boss/ his coworkers/ his girlfriend
Half the book is gonna be about how his mundane and endlessly repetitive interactions with customers shape his understanding of human nature. The other half will be about his relationship with the people in his life and focus on modern frameworks of servitude and dominion

>> No.9069860

Well, you should definitely buy it when it comes out next Monday.

>> No.9069866


>> No.9069896

I would feel betrayed if his death weren't so fucking absurd and stupid that I will burst out laughing. Like he is getting ready to kill the Mega Ogre Brutal lvl 356 but on the way to his room he slips on the stairs and die.

>> No.9070158

lmao talking about stealing plots

I remember a guy that posted this exactly story in one of these threads, you dirty hipocrite

Also ultra lol at the "professional writers" fishing for stories on lit

>> No.9070197

This got some shitty fantasy anime feel, but apart from that, the plot is kind of interesting, go for it anon

>> No.9070207

Bonus points for mentioning Parfit's Reasons and Persons.
I give you these for having heard of it. I doubt you have read it though.

>> No.9070256

>Gross. Hate comments like this.

found the virgin

>> No.9070263


It's a SOL anime with cute girls but it's a novel and there are no references to any anime.

>> No.9070322

>failing young writer has drunken encounter with a Cypriot immigrant called Piro at a Camden flat party
>they become friends, but writer believes that most of what Piro tells him is either lies (ie: kidnapped by the Cypriot mafia but escapes and lives in the mountains off bootlegged olive oil; family moved to Cairo for financial reasons, and he begins a relationship with a Egyptian wrestling girl his age that revolved around punching each-other during sex; or that he was fired as a fisherman because he would drive suicidally close to the cliffs) but becomes infatuated with his childish mannerisms and occasional bursts of philosophy which revolved mainly around his belief that life has no inherent truth, sense or meaning
>Piro runs up a huge tab of money with a Moroccan pimp, and also begins to owe the narrator some money too
>Piro informs the narrator of several projects that will quickly make him money and the narrator accompanies him, out of interest, but they turn out to be insane or childish
>When the narrator is home, Piro tells him he has arranged a meeting with an Indian psychic, the narrator is skeptical, reminds him that Piro barely believes in any kind of truth, let alone a superstitious one, Piro storms out, calling him a bigot
>later an ecstatic Piro returns, and asks the narrator out on a walk to prove his point that the psychic was correct, refuses to tell more
>as they pass, Piro tells the narrator to wait while he goes into a Chelsea jewler to pick out some watches,
>suddenly, and despite his small size, the narrator watches from the glass as he violently assaults the owner and subdues another clerk, smashes several cases of jewelry and walks out calmly
>narrator is stunned, calls the police, returns home
>Piro is waiting for him, and explains in vivid detail his meeting with the psychic and what appears to be a religious experience, and he explains his change of ideology, tells the narrator that everything has an explanation and leaves the writer with a stopped watch, calmly opening a window to throw himself into the Thames river. Unknown if he drowned, or disappeared.

>> No.9070422

>i look at cute wimmin
>i touch my peepee
>i feel good

haha YES fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap mmmm

>> No.9070433

what about before he was 2?

>> No.9070457

Disgusting old hag

>> No.9070464

I've found that my own personal perversion escalate more and more with each woman I fuck. I used to be the kind of kid that would silently sniff your hot mother's panties at sleepovers, now I'm an outspoken, lecherous perv and need just a hint of ass or leg to start raving on sex.

The weird thing is - if you have a good reputation as successfully promiscuous man - woman seem to find it attractive.

>> No.9070500

sensei is upper class genius, freshman is working class but is naturally talented "street smarts", have to take down an organisation of billionaires run by a visible minority who are trying to cleanse the planet of people like the freshman, stars Colin Firth as someone who looks more like Piers Morgan every passing day, and Samuel L Jackson as someone who can't actually act

>> No.9070550

Is your story about me?

>> No.9070560

i'll dedicate it to you

>> No.9071457

I'm that same guy. I want people to steal it, although no one has done so yet...

>> No.9071662

great idea, remember that oil platforms don't have room for that many people while oil rigs do have a large living quarters (up to 200 people, but can be modified for more).

>> No.9071684
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>Guardians of Ga'Hoole fanfic

>About Nyra

>Basically Saw with owls

>> No.9071710


Sounds good.

>> No.9071720


>diary of a fat man


>> No.9071772

>> Humans hide underground from potential alien invasion
>>1/3 didn't make it before the crafts land
>> 100 years later these site are reserved for the conservation of the species
>> the reading indicate a human attempting to make their way to the surface
>> She is expected to be the first since they closed
>> A human male, returning to Earth from an interstellar hitchiking trek that started nearly 100 years ago is chosen to enter the reservation.
>> Investigates and has to decide between whether letting them out is a good idea, or is keeping them down there safer?
>> Tl;Dr Sci Fi, Satire, robots,
aliens, and hoverboards

>> No.9071773



>raping everyone

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9072036

>autistic son of slave owner is in love with slave forcefully has sex with slave when he was 12
>leaves home for a while to travel the world etc
>becomes humanist, feels intensely guilty
>comes back home
>still in love with slave who's even more beautiful now than before
>starts trying to make up for what he did and try to win her love
>she's trying to overcome traumatic past

just thought of it when I saw thread title but what do you think /lit/? Is there potential in it?

Only thing bothering me rn is that I'm Australian and not really well versed in American history to write novel about that era. Mainly write screenplays anyways

>> No.9072084
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>pol writes a book and publishes it

>> No.9072106

Sounds like a modern Candide, I like this.

>> No.9072200

Sounds pretty good.
Bonus points if he thinks he catches the killer, makes the audience think so, but in a twist of events, he turns out to be Papa Wrong.

>> No.9072224

The proteganist hasn't.

He'll have written his dissertation on Joseph Perón or something, basically he'll be the white collar nerdy part of the CIA that works behind a desk and can't even get laid with CIA credentials, and as he starts to fall into depression he'll idolize Argentina as the antithesis of the USA. Catholic to America's Protestantism, racist Latinos to apologetic Germanics, robust social care to privitized everything, poor to rich, liberally nationalist to conservatively individualist, and so on. It will be completely absurd of course, but some absurdity is needed to drive the point home.

>> No.9072479

Go elephant story would absolutely read
I like all of these too but I want eveeything to stick with it. It's hard and scary but there you are, doing it. Good luck to all of you!

>An ailing patriarch recounts a string of unsolved crimes committed during his freshman year of college; the events portray an ongoing period of uncertainty in an alternate America, through the lens of an elaborate criminal conspiracy, secretly operating at the behest of an elusive private funder.

>> No.9072498

ill take, what is the plot to Cars, for 100 alex

>> No.9072560

>Adventure of a young man that's been in an underground prison his whole life until now (19 years) and has the ability to tell time. Starts journey heading out of prison with his no-armed buddy that's been in the prison for the last 10 years and partially helped raise him that can swing his sleeves fast enough to slice through metal.
>Making their way out of the underground prison... But it's all been abandoned save for them for awhile and no one knows what's above ground anymore...!

>> No.9072579

>two russian immigrant brothers living in a liberal friendly america
thats all i got.

>> No.9072966

>No worry because they can be resurrected in headquarters

>It's like cloning of body and memory
Still stupid.

>Master send him to magical school
>Not really a school most like an university town with Oxbridge-like colleges
Rothfuss shit.

>Learn that there is nothing after death
>Religion says men will loose against monsters at the end of time and after that only darkness
>Nothing can be done about it
>Philosophy n shit; nihilism; existentialism!
>Realize that he loves the girl only because he's horny
>five stages of grief
>Go back fighting monsters
>Story end when he dies
This has potential.

>> No.9073029

why not

>> No.9073033

Mite b cool. Check out the short story "The Things" by Peter Watts. It retells the film from the PoV of the alien.

>> No.9073078
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Less of a plot summary, more of a concept. Let me know what you guys think, what can be worked on, etc.

>Amateur fighter accidentally kills his opponent
>This catapults him into global fame
>While navigating the viper's pit of modern celebrity, he encounters others like him: those who have achieved success through a contemporary perverse echo of the American Dream
>An aspiring actress who turned to being a bottle service girl and foot model because the money's better. In the process of going back to school
>A cellist who tours with a world-class composer, but really became a 'somebody' when someone uploaded a video of her orchestra and she was singled out as the 'hot one'
>An underground rapper turned politician suffering from an identity crisis. How can he hate the man when he IS the man? In development.

Basically just wanted to examine what success means in a post-American Dream world.

>> No.9073090

>Rothfuss shit.
Shit, this was already done?

>> No.9073094

add a young (maybe underage) single mother with a child who is convinced that the success is to be mother but everyone around tells her that she is shit etc.

>> No.9073121

Make it in ancient Rome instead, and he becomes a stoicist.

>> No.9073137
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Please go through with this. If you flesh the characters out and your writing style is decent this has potential. I would prefer if you would focus on the characters inner struggle with themselves and less on just making "society suxx naow >:CCC" statements. Perhaps you could let the protagonist grow weary of his fame when at first he, despite having a bad conscience for the death of his opponent, he was drunk with it only to let him fade into obscurity and at first being unable to accept this. In the end he comes to terms and learns to appreciate that his time in the spotlight is over forever and hes just a nobody again. Just a thought.

>> No.9073176

My suspension of disbelief ends at the last one. It's more honest if a retired famous rapper has become a politician, starting in his city and working his way up.

>> No.9073206

>protagonist is a man who works a minimum wage job and is addicted to porn. This leads to him seeking out more degenerate porn, until he develops an addiction to cp
>only friend is a homeless man who lives near his apartment. Every night the protagonist makes him dinner
>first half of the novel revolves around the protagonists attempts to break away from his addiction and his relapses, he continually slips down a rabbit hole of madness
>eventually it is revealed that his homeless friend was a victim of child trafficking and used to create pornography. This comes as a shock to the protagonist, and finally serves as a wake up call for him to cut his internet and end his addiction for good
>however he is consumed by guilt over what he has done and falls into a deep depression
>deciding that it is not enough to merely end his consumption, he resolves to search out and destroy child traffickers until he is eventually killed
>he books a flight to a shitty third world country, and purchases a gun over there
>then he seeks out a child prostitute who may lead him to a pimp or trafficker that he can kill
>he succeeds in doing so, and is given an address and time to come to
>he shows up at the address with his gun drawn and immediately begins searching for the men running the place
>but suddenly he is tackled by police officers, who have caught him in a Chris Hansen style sting
>later in a police interview he explains that he was there to hit child traffickers in his own vigilante sting
>the cops laugh at him and decide to let him go, stating that they would totally do the same as him if they weren't bound by the law.
>after returning home his life goes on as normal, he gets another shitty min wage job. However he can never quite adjust back to a normal life after what he has seen and done

You know what anon, I'd read it
What do you mean by underground prison? Who's running it?

Yeah seems a bit pointless but I'd read this one too.

>> No.9073266

>Boring dude who's out of his comfort zone starts frequenting a bar run by an excentric failed romantic and becomes infatuated by him and his ideas
>Realizes most of them lead nowhere and while the owner's ironic outlook at romanticism and fetishization of sadness urge him to take real actions, most of them just feed back into themselves, creating an infinite loop of self loathing and delusions
>Starts loathing the owner and decides to stop hanging out there for his own good
>Receives a letter containg a brief explanation on how the owner kept deconstructing his own actions throughout his life and that he realizes the loops of delusion he's falling through
>Briefly mentions suicide as something he's obliged to do, were he to follow his lifestyle
>Fearing for his former friend's life, he runs to his place only to find him gone forever
>He doesn't know whether he killed himself or not, but he knows he'd have made a spectacle of it were he to do it, so he probably just ditched the place

I can't even pull this off I just think it'd be nice to write a detailed deconstruction of a young romantic that actually realizes how stupid his theatrical outlook on life really is.

>> No.9073278

Do you mind if I borrow this idea? I could propably not make it work either but I would like to at least try, maybe.

>> No.9073327

Go ahead. If I don't end up writing it at least I'll have briefly inspired someone.

>> No.9073344

Thanks, I cant promise anything though.

>> No.9073462
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>first person narrative
>main character was born deaf and goes blind later in life
>after some months in a new home he begins to suspect that his neighbours are stealing from him

its not much but its all ive got so far

>> No.9073504

> >etc

post feedback or don't post, disgusting leeches. kys. i sincerely hope nobody ever reads your writing

>> No.9073521

That show was so underrated.

>> No.9073522

This isn't a fucking crit thread, the OP is "post your plot".

If you want feedback, everything that is genre fantasy is written by autists, and everything that is an attempt at serious fiction is written by pretentious autists.

>> No.9073526

>129 replies
>83 posters

we are mate, we are just posting our ideas separately too. learn how to count as well as read dumbass

>> No.9073535

lmao kys

ok good point

>> No.9073543


>> No.9074518

what ass?

>> No.9074585

A quick paced crime novella set in present day northern California
>MC is poor, white, intelligent, clean cut, but bullshitting his way through community college because he never applies himself
>He smokes pot and usually buys from former HS buddies, especially Mexican ones connected to cartels because a dub sack from them is like a ½ oz
>One night a go to dealer (Jose) takes notice of the plain, well kept Mercury Grand Marquis the MC bought for school
>Hits MC up randomly for a ride to the next town over
>Pays him for "gas money" 50 bucks plus an oz of weed
>MC was a good boy and asked no questions, but had suspicions
>Takes his weed back to his apartment and he and his roommates quickly consume the oz blunt after blunt in a matter of a week and a half or so
>MC hits up Jose again to get another sack,
>Jose reveales what was up that the ride was about keeping a low profile because Jose was actually carrying coke and assorted pills in his backpack. Asks MC if he wants a solo job taking bales if marijuana in the big trunk of the mercury down to Sacramento to trade for more coke and pills with Jose's cousin
>Jose can't go because he's on probation and trying to win visitation with his daughter and doesn't want to jeopardize that or the mission as the car would be strip searched just because he's there
>MC takes the job, Jose warns him not to mention it to anyone especially his roommate, Chris
>When asked Jose explains he knows Chris has been driving a certain dealer (Garrett) around whom Jose considers bad business but doesn't elaborate further
>On the way down to Sacramento MC hears on the radio that two Mexican men were found dead in two separate locations in grizzly fashion
>Goes to sac everything goes off without a hitch
>Gets back to Jose and Jose pays MC $2,000
>MC is astounded, thought he would make half that
>Jose asks if he likes the cash, obviously he does
>Jose says MC can more than double up on that if MC tips off Jose on the next time Garrett comes around the apartment and what Garrett's travel habits have been like
>MC is scared and is piecing together implications of this great reward for so little work and asks why
>Jose says, "motherfucker shouldda watched the news"
>MC gets what's going on and knows he can't tip off Garrett or Chris about it, figures he'll just play it off as he couldn't find anything out
>But the temptation grinds on him after a time and...
That's it for now, idk if I should use an outside force to compel him to make the call on Garrett or if I should just let plain ol greed get the best of MC.

>> No.9074586

others are good but the last one feels like it could turn into just a joke. should keep serious or somewhere on the edge. could work, but it feels too easy to just make him a typically anti-man rapper who is now "the man". Could turn into caricature.

>> No.9074591

>and was driven into the wilderness to eat grass
Picked up.

>> No.9074620

he was a normal toddler untill he got kidnapped in a grocery store.
when he vanished, his family was paralized but with the years, they just went on with life.
there was an incident that almost broight him back. his father saw a vid of him. but he feared the social consequences too much to admit it and he also stumbled across it 10 years after the kidnapping. he assumed that he was long death to ease his mind and justify his lack of action

>> No.9074622
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>10% of the population with 100% of the resources.
>surviving rich people live in a huge hanging city
>no one knows what it's like up there
>mc is a tweaker
>on a road trip with 3 others
>Mc sits on a cliff and watches the rich city blow itself to shit.
The last scene is a dream I had, and I wanted to write a story that leads up to it. I haven't figured it out completely yet, because I don't want it to be just a pointless road trip story, but I'm not sure where to go with it.

This story is pretty cathartic. About fucked up people still being tender to each other.

>> No.9074651

I like it. I really like the tweaker vs. affuluence motif. I can totally see a tweak tweak living in squaler on the ground scrounging around for carburetors he can rebuild to make his old pick up go or something. Maybe all drug users and criminals are banished to the ground? And the affluent society blows itself up due to its own crippling hypocrisy and all of the injustices it legally allows whilst casting out that which it seems degenerate? Idk it's your story I'm just spit balling.

>> No.9074695

>old man boards train
>train starts moving
>man looks out window and sees a scene happening
>it's actually a vignette of his own life
>he has eventually seen scenes from all stages of life and also examined and thought about the other passengers on the train
>train stops
>he exits and is greeted by a well-dressed man
>the well-dressed man is actually Death
>the end

>> No.9074705

Thanks man, but that's not really the gist of the story. It's less a social commentary, and more about young people trying to come to terms with themselves. The apocalypse isn't much more than the means for them to do it without any guidance whatsoever, not even societal pressure.

The hanging city is like this distant perfect city, and I was really taken by the image that something so monumental would happen (an entire city state destroying itself), completely outside of mc's reality. We're never presented with more than the basic premise of the city, and then, suddenly, it's cataclysmic end. Everyone lives on, completely unaffected by this.

>> No.9074721
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>Modern story about freedom
>Set during UK/Scotland independence referendum
>A young man trying to understand what it means to truly be free.
>Specifically in three areas, financial freedom, emtional/social freedom and intellecutal freedom.
>Bit of allegory more than anything else
>Realises one day he is unhappy
>Tries to solve his unhappiness through traditional means (money, love, intellectual stimulation)
>Long story short realises it's all for nothing and tries to content himself with the half decent life he built up during the course of the story.

>> No.9074722
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>God falls behind on his God taxes

>> No.9074726

sounds good so far but im a bit confused as to what happened in sacramento. and really everything after that.

>> No.9074765

>suddenly the universe as territory is up for grabs
>mortal life is worth a lot of god money
>super war starts

>> No.9074772

Yeah I got tired of writing on my phone so I skipped over that part cuz not super essential just know
> that the exchange goes fine
>That Jose is killing off people a group of dudes that fucked him over including (Garrett)
>And the MC is being dragged deeper and deeper into the underworld and that he holds Garrett's life in his hands for 5k and a phone call.

>> No.9074782

>Part of human race repossessed by other Gods
>They must follow new God's law
>Tensions between other beings and also between the people owned by them
>Fighting to become Top Earth God
>Some people try to become god
Big mess

>> No.9074783

Work on that elephant one. I'd buy that probably.

>> No.9074789

>leftist academic lives boring life
>decides to make a terrorist attack in hope of sparking a revolution
>meets with other oldfag marxists
>pussies out and kills himself
just made that up btw

>> No.9074792

it's a mix between Heart of a dog, the lobster (movie) and invitation to a beheading

>> No.9074798

>I think I'll have him do it after deliberation and internal struggle
>Garrett gets tortured and murdered
>Have mc go on one last exchange where everything goes haywire and he is forced to make a decision between killing someone with his own hand execution style no victim pain or keeping his own hands clean but this allows Jose to torture then kill the victim.

>> No.9074816

>Lolita but with dogs

>> No.9074858


i'm listening

>> No.9074863

Perfect. The cover could be a screencap of that /vp/ post about the guy who talks about drugging his pet so he can dress it up like a pokemon and fuck it.

>> No.9074875

Because he thinks he is a Pokemon

>> No.9074927

First is a joke, I hope. Second is cute but you basically had me after Hannibal and I don't even care about the rest, which sounds pointless.

Decent, would read if you had appealing characters. Good luck, anon.

Basic as fuck. What is actually happening?

>she walks into a classroom where the blackboards are covered in descriptions of her faults
That was somewhat attention catching. Rest not so much.

Sounds like the plot of some mid budget movie. Not bad but nothing that stands out either.

Well, the period is relevant again for UK, so there is that.

It's not bad.

>Csech Republic
Uhh oh.
Also naaah.

Why are you writing my diary?

There are enough younger examples from the past proving the you have to be 30+ meme wrong and now that life is so much easier and general education better and easy available … there are even fewer excuses.

So basically a juvenile take on Hitlers life in 21th century with a twist. Might actually sell these days with some subtlety.

Sounds like a failed attempt to add depth to a genre that works because it has none.

>take lots of drugs
It sounded interesting till that and the way psychedelics affect the plot is kinda lame.

Absolute madman.

Could actually turn decent with amazing writing.

>but some parts might jog their creative spark
This would also apply to watching a cat video too.

The quirkiness reminded me of Snow Crash. Could be amusing I guess.

>How can people afford the pizza if all the jobs have been taken by automation?
Basic income?

It could be decent if you won't take yourself too serious.

There is somewhere a decent plot between the overly detailed explanation.

Sounds like the typical neckbeard power fantasy.

That's barely the opening. Go on.

Doesn't sound too bad but gotta be careful not to turn it into a rant or unintended parody.

Taxi Driver Vol. 2?

>I just think it'd be nice to write a detailed deconstruction of a young romantic that actually realizes how stupid his theatrical outlook on life really is.
And you run in danger of turning it into a self serving rant instead of exploring both views.

Jesus, why are Burgers so obsessed by ethnicities. Also pretty generic story without real highs (no pun) or draw.

>10% of the population with 100% of the resources.
That's idiotic. The other 90% wouldn't exist with 0% resources.
The ending is cute but obviously the main part is missing.

>> No.9074945

>kid put into a coma
>Family is stubborn, after years he is kept alive constantly, even if theres no hope
>moved from hospital to hospital, no DNR order so call keeps getting handed down to the closest family member
>70 years go by, kid is now in late 70s (stretch i know, but whatever)
>After tests by doctors, hes told he has 1-2 months left, after all that time out, a month or so to live
the book pretty much follows how he will live his last remaining months, or how he handles it, short and kind of depressing but i thought it could lead to a cute book

>> No.9074956

>>10% of the population with 100% of the resources.
As in, everything is there to be used. Perishables obviously not, but factories, and houses, and furniture and jewelry and books, and electrical systems, and cars etc, etc. Maintained by people who still give a shit.

Since it's the future, I can up the self sufficiency of the systems anyway.

>> No.9075021

>Why are burgers so obsessed with ethnicity
If you attempt to tell a story about California and you only represent one ethnic group then you have utterly failed in capturing the reality of the state.

>> No.9075113

>There are two types of magic user; magi and wizards.
>Magi pull mana from the landscape, wizards from other dimensions/themselves.
>Because mama comes back at an exponential rate, magi (who outnumber wizards by 750k to 1) benefit from working together, while wizards tend to turn into demonic creatures if they try to collaborate.
>War happens, the world is wrecked, most battlefields littered in uncast spell scrolls and wandering murderous construct.

That's background.
>Cue the Academies; two institutions located on opposite sides of the world, charged with educating young wizards and the most promising magi on how to work together.
>They also have to work on clearing the battlefields because wizards are still hated pretty openly.
>Main characters are a mix of high and low class, clashes between traditional magic and things like spray-painting runes and keeping your spellbook on a USB.
>Prophecy shit happens, the Chosen One is an inept fucktard, the Academy's bureaucracy is US military tier, so they eventually pull together to get out of it alive.
>Book ends with them graduating.

>> No.9075480

Did you seriously just call people actually contributing to the thread 'leeches'?
Did nobody 'rate' the shit you put out or something?

Go jump off a rooftop, you sorry fuck

>> No.9075508

>mfw I write a short story now about everything in this thread and if anyone of you makes a decent break, I will sue their ass.

Thanks, you dips!

>> No.9075585

>thinking I'd freely give up my brilliant ideas to be stolen
not today goyim

>> No.9075618

Sad thing is that there are really tons of idiots who believe shit like that.

>> No.9075634

If someone steals your idea and writes a better book, then that's how it fucking works. Write a better book, faggot.

>> No.9075774

That's not how plagiarism works, anon.

>> No.9075819

Good thing in high and won't remember my idea

>> No.9075847

It's not plagiarism if it's just a basic plot, dipshit.

>> No.9075914
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Please write my book
everyone knows I won't do it myself

>> No.9075923

oh man, i'd actually be worried if you were disney, fuckhole

>> No.9075984

Incredibly abridged and missing many key elements like the characters and explinations but loose plot goes like this:
>Detective comes home after letter from client
>1950s Chicago-esque city is booming with industry due to massive factory growth
>Client seemingly killed himself, meets old friend on the force to
help open case
>In exchange he helps investigate missing factory workers
>City is grim and paranoid with corruption and crime generally ignored
>MCs Partner investigates a coastal town that seemingly transports fuel to main factory
>MC investigates in city, meeting important characters and visiting institutionalised father, cryptic bullshit
>Father gets lobotomised despite being sane, MC goes after partner due to cryptic bullshit and ties between thier cases
>Town is paranoid and general outsider mentality, generic creepy cult bullshit worshipping oil
>Partner gets killed, MC is branded and nearly killed by religious nuts
>MC goes back to close up and abandon case, confronting those to blame so far, guilt keeping him from killing them. Partner appears, seemingly possessed and demands help finishing case
>MC tricks partner, seemingly "curing" him but infact infecting him with a bone-cancer-esque disease
>FBI asks MC to help raid town due to suspicions of terrorism/escalation of factory investigation
>They return to the place the MC was attacked, where they're attacked again by a lovecraftian-esque monstrosity that makes them all kill themself, MC survives due to branding/military help but passes out
>Is saved by locals who claim a friend helped him, explain some of the more occult shit
>He promises to help and they try to smuggle MC on a ship back to city
>Are intercepted by military, MC nearly drowns, is interrogated
>Story fits with survivor of the raid, who promises to destroy the town based on the things they've seen but promises to give MC a chance to save people first
>Setting up a mass exodus and ready to "cure" anyone who escapes
>Partner is found, dying of bone spreading and explains a little more backstory
>Dies, MC escapes and town is destroyed, loses his arm to lose branding
>Is offered job chasing down those who may have known about it and looking after those "saved"
Only worries are standard "I'm probably shit" and "Is this too internet-y" stuff. Don't wanna seem like a Night Vale/Lovecraft wannabe but at least I have a huge portion of this done already

>> No.9076018
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>500 years ago, the solar system was destroyed
>Majority of human survivors were saved by alien ships and taken to various places all around the inhabited part of the galaxy
>small number of humans who escaped on Earth-made ships(Earth was destroyed not too long after mankind discovered FtL travel) grouped together and became the Terran Fleet.
>now the Terran Fleet travels from human settlement to human settlement, linking the disparate groups of mankind
>Terran Fleet arrives in orbit of this planet where mankind isn't treated so good.
>aliens live in space colonies, humans have to work on the planet to try to fix it up after a war centuries before, with the goal of making it nice enough that the aliens can resettle it
>discovers that treatment has gotten worse, humans are virtual slaves
>some of the humans there are getting rowdy, do some terrorisms, makes the aliens crack down even harder
>Terran Fleet has to decide what to do.
>Some want to just let things play out, don't rock the boat
>some want to try to negotiate. They try this but negotiations break down, aliens are quite happy with human slaves, thank you very much
>and some Terrans want to fight the aliens and free the humans
>human terrorists start more shit to try to force the Terrans hand
>Eventually the aliens go to far, Terrans decide to act
>limited fighting, but mostly mass evacuation
>eventually, after exciting death defying stuff, Terrans win, evacuate humans, fuck up the aliens space colonies so they have to go down to their planet and get to work themselves, haha
>book ends with Terran fleet sailing away, their already crowded ships now stuffed with filthy, uneducated, former slaves, and they maybe just started a war with the Alien Federation

>> No.9076046
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it basically is though

I'm one of those idiots

I once posted an idea that got a lot of yous...I deleted it immediately

as much as I'd like to discuss the premise it's too good to risk

I've several such ideas

one day I'll write them

>> No.9076620

This sounds like a good time, I'd read it anon

>> No.9076628

Well shucks, I half expected ripped to shreds
I'm finally tidying 32 thousand words worth of notes from my phone and however many scattered papers into a concise plan so I have no excuse

Full plot synopsis is done and a single pretty crappy chapter draft, so maybe I'll actually get this somewhere

>> No.9076694

sound promising, elaborate

>> No.9076746


>> No.9076769

im thinking about writing this, but i need to know is it shit or not

>hopeless r9k tier guy walking down the street and retrospects into past
>living in a village
>everything is fine, people are cool, its simple, genuine and beautiful
>as the guy frows up things start getting shit as everything urbanizes
>he gradually shuts down from all people
>as he nears his mental collapse starts hallucinating different furries which drop huge redpills on him and enlighten him constantly about everything

what do you think, is it worth it?

>> No.9077320

>it basically is though
Alright, I'll concede that it depends on how detailed the plot is.

>> No.9077328

>Could actually turn decent with amazing writing.

where do you see pitfalls in the plot that could turn the book into a cluster of clichées? any ideas on how to improve it?

thanks for giving feedback, anon

>> No.9077331
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>you'll never get to eat the shit residue out of her ass, because no matter how good she douches her ass, there's always a lil' poo

>> No.9077589

It is like GATE but in Africa

>> No.9077607

>some 18th century rich fag wants to marry a dumb bitch with even richer parents
>another fag loves that dumb bitch
>for half of the book those two faggots try to sabotage one another
>that dumb bitch choose the original fag
>the second fag wants to kill himself
>the bitch and the original fag stops him
>they live happly
Good enough for my first comedy novel.

>> No.9077656

Holy shit kill yourself.

>> No.9077663

If you'd manage to write that comically, you could sell it. Not saying you could in any half decent way

>> No.9077759

>cubicle jungle at a crisis PR agency that charges $80k/hour (yes an hour, these places exist) for corporations in insane crises, previous clients are BP and shit. Owner inherited biz from father and is the biggest piece of shit known to man.
>events of a week or so depicted from the viewpoints of 4-6 different characters
>each character is at a different level of self awareness, perceives the events much differently, for example one experience reads almost Kafkaesque while the co worker sitting next to them is like Siddhartha/Taoist enlightened and stuff
>one of the more seemingly together co workers listens to murder trials in her headphones each day and is planning to kill her husband, just to throw a curveball
>stream of consciousness, lots of it. One character has ADHD so that should be nice.

>> No.9077783
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Unironically using the term Kafkaesque.

>> No.9077785

I'll use the term unironically if I want and I'll do it again right now: kafkaesque

>> No.9077797

> Peasant kid's dad gets promoted to captain of the palace guard

> Kid meets the lord's daughter and nephew (she's bethrothed to him - yeah, you know where this is going: romantic tension)

> They go on adventures (confined to a city that's being sieged 24/7 for decades) together and meet wacky characters (a drunk knight, a city of sewer-dwellers, the lord of the city, some exiles-turned-bandits etc), and save the world from a Lord Voldemort--type (former lord of the city, "boohoo, you kicked me out and took my shit and now I want revenge using dark magic")

> Kid dies but learns to let go of feelings for the girl beforehand

> Bittersweet ending, the remaining girl and her cousin lead the people of the city into the unknown

>> No.9077935

Holy shit checked

>> No.9077958


Kindly go back to /b/.

>> No.9077978

>time traveler goes back in time to meet jesus
>wows pleb jews along the way with future brain
>twist he is jesus

>> No.9077994

An aging detective reflects on his relationship with his deceased daughter after an investigation into the death of a middle schooler from a private all girls school where the main suspects are her classmates

>> No.9078123

Sounds pretty interesting, would read

>> No.9078332

>genre sheeiiit
>fountain of immortality (one time use) (can still be murdered)
>king sends a group out to search for it along with one of the wisest people in the kingdom
>plan was to make that man immortal and have him become center of knowledge and guidance for the city
>find fountain
>guarded and shit so everyone dies except one guard
>guard gets knocked in
>becomes so concerned with protecting his immortality than using it for anything

>> No.9078541
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>Ready Player One fanfic.
>the detonation of the tesseracht at the end of the book revealed the locations of a dozen incredible rare artifacts. The sale of these pieces would be enough to live on in the real world
>team of losers start tracking the pieces as an expert team of IOI hunters are sent out to do same.
> features more 90's and 00's references (Pokémon, minecraft, Harry Potter, Star Trek TNG)
Started two days ago, 10 pages so far. Just swapping things up to get reenergized about my own writing

>> No.9078558

>Cute girl in her pijamas becomes god

>> No.9078578

anon is that a recount of your recent life, be honest now

>> No.9078600

In the end, only one enemy remained, two if you counted God, five if you counted the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and none if I didn't count you.
But I did...

>> No.9079828
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I can dig it, but
>Implying she wasn't god all along.
>Implying she isnt an AI living in a simulation who just happened to gain admin rights via The Wired

>> No.9079837

Kill the girl instead.

>> No.9079856

fuck no. orig. idea is 1000x better. and original.

>> No.9079867

The story is set in a small-ish Danish suburb community in which everyone has lost the memories of who they are. I wouldn’t say it really has a plot as it is compromised (or is going to be) mostly of small stories about the people in it.
>Suddenly, without warning and for no discernable reason; everyone lost their memories.
>Nobody speaks up, or tells each other that it has happened, for fear of sounding unreasonable, or crazy.
>Everyone acts as if everything is normal, but they don’t really know what normal is, because they cant remember.
That’s the basic setup. The idea is that I strip the characters of their everything and “see” how they act in the situation they are in at the moment it happened. I’ll greentext the plot of a few stories, just to keep more inline with the thread.
>Son is having coffee with his mother on the porch. they are having chatting.
>Mother is ranting about how her neighbors cats kept her up all night.
>Son is waiting for a moment where he can step in and tell her what he came to say.
>He is getting married.
>A man is having coffee with an older woman.
>”What are we talking about?” they both think to themselves.
>Silence envelops the table as they both take a sip of their coffee.
>The older woman sees this as a chance to get away from the table.
>”Oh! my cup is almost empty. Shall I get some for you as well” She said, and then went inside, figures out that this her home, and that she has a close relation to the man.
Have not figured out the rest of the details, but I want it to end with them fucking. Got another one as well, this one is also just the start and general premise though.
>Single father is on the way home from work, stops by the bank to cash a paycheck. He has a present for his son, a toy revolver
>Man is standing in line
>Line isn’t moving; man gets impatient
>Man discretely tries to check his surroundings and possessions
>Sees people live while putting things in their wallets
>Notices butt of gun in his bag
>Man continues to wait in line, until he reaches the teller
>”Get on the floor This is a robbery!”
>One silence and awkward cough later another man tells him to get on with it, and that he is very busy planning a robbery of his own.

Its probably doesn’t translate all that well to be honest. I’m planning for it to be a sort of commentary on a certain Danish characteristic we call “jante loven”. Basically, it’s the idea that you arent special so shut up. Mixed with regular absurdist stories

>> No.9080363
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>basically industrialized ancient rome with magic
>Atticus is lonely looser with gay feelings for his friend (only to discover his friend has taken a vow of chastity)
>gets appointed to important gov position by Consuls wanting to manipulate him
>his upper class rival gets super pissed for being passed over, and begins to conspire with the head of the Praetorian Guard to take revenge
>Atticus' friend, who is much more competent, also gets a position with strings attached
>they decide to work together to undermine their bosses
>at the same time, both the Praetorian Guard and a group of militant anarchists are conspiring to overthrow the state
the rest would be spoilers.

The book's called Caeruleus. You can find it on amazon and a couple other places.

>> No.9080381

Neat. Has good reviews too, how much did that cost?

>> No.9080401

How much did what cost?

>> No.9080464

I was insinuating that you paid someone to write good reviews on your book. This is a defence mechanism that activates when I see someone have success in a field I am largely failing at.

>> No.9080468

Middle grade historical fiction.

>> No.9080479

lel,it's not like I'm really selling either. Most of the reviews were done in exchange for a free copy. Though, I did succeed in getting some of my readers to cry at one particular point, and I'll consider that reward enough for now.

>> No.9080503

These hella freakin' epic quints demand to be WITNESSED.

>> No.9080504
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Sounds like a great plot

>> No.9080549

>I did succeed in getting some of my readers to cry at one particular point
Good job, man. Takes a lot to do that.

>> No.9080568

Thanks. I consider that particular part to have my best writing out of anything I've ever done.

If the book sounds like your speed, I hope you'll check it out.

>> No.9080602

I have a few, but none is really fleshed out desu

a more or less recent one
>some years in the future, maybe like 5 years from now
>God himself appears to all humans, basically proving his existence by himself
>humanity needs to readjust their whole outlook on life and their take on it
>Protagonist is kind of lethargic towards it and doesn't really get the consequence behind the literal appearance of God
>watches how people around him drop everything they know and start worshipping God frenetically
>is put off by the fact how much people are willing to change
>starts doubting the appearance of God is real, suspects a conspiracy or just some hoax in general
>tries to convince others to stop worshipping a fake God
>gets judged by God himself

it's shit, isn't it?

>> No.9080610

First one is literally shadowrun

>> No.9080612

Mad Max esque wasteland (Not apocalyptic or dystopian though) set around desert or sky ships and follows a son of a "rich" family (Supplies and security, import/export of goods) who becomes a stowaway on a trader ship and goes on adventures trading, avoiding pirates and basically inventing the first "currency" in this world, a commodity similar to the "paid in salt" misconception of romans.
Becoming a trader and captain he then invents "paper currency" based on his experiences with trading and gambling.

>> No.9080773

I might.

>> No.9080786

Depends on how its written, doesnt it? I like the basic premise though

>> No.9080801

Awesome. I appreciate it.

>> No.9081076

There are literally millions over millions stories with basically the same plot that are completely different stories, even if it's very precise, if someone else (despite the crazy unlikely chance that that someone else browses here for ideas) writes a better story with your idea and gets published, it'd be still a completely different story than yours and wouldn't affect your publishing chances.

Focusing too much on the cp community, and perhaps the risk of turning it into misery porn. Give the guy's normal life/attempts at it and other characters some breathing space. Also the ending sounds bit too edgy and forced but can work with the right build up, it just need to be more complex than "breaks down because this was the only life he knew".

Sounds fun.

Sounds like a parody of a parody.

>city that's being sieged 24/7 for decades
Probably the only hint of originality. It's hard to care about generic characters in generic situations.

The second story sounds kek-worthy.

Yeah sounds lame but everything is salvageable with good writing …

>> No.9081941

I'd buy this book

>> No.9082148
File: 2.71 MB, 2558x1550, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SETTING For the Series (?)
>Fantasy world. post-war period.
>Major wars in which Various Magic Orders, were on the Brink or Rendered Extinct and the few Survivors are scattered thought various places in the continent.
>small number of Survivors who escaped the Various purgings(Which was initiated after the end of the Major wars) grouped together and became the Mage Collective
>Church Starts Forcing all those who are able to use magic Into Isolated Dwellings where the church will take care of them.
>now the Mage Collective travels from settlement to settlement, while various hunters (Bounty Hunters, Bandits, Robber Knights, People who hate them) trying to collect the reward
PLOT For the First Novel Possible Multiple P.O.V
First P.O.V of Four
>First Character is a Peasant who was discovered to be able to use Magic was Promptly Taken away by the church.
>Is getting used to the new life now. But Privately wants to leave.
>Starts to Question as to why she had to leave the Village (Not knowing of the purge)
>some of the other Inhabitants are getting getting adjusted, some are rowdy, a minority of them even resisting.
>At this Point during working the Fields, First P.O.V Spots a person that isn't part of the Dwelling or part of the Church.
>The Next day Same thing. This Goes on for about a week,
>A part of her wants to Talk to that person. Another Part wants to tell the Church's Knights, And another wants to Leave this be.
>Person spots her looking at him, Promptly tries to do her work.
>Other Person is having none of that, They Strike up a Conversation in which left her Curious
>This Talk and meeting up with one another goes for days until the person simply ask if she wants to leave.
>Eventually the People in the Camp rise up agaisn't the church go to far, Church is force to act
>limited fighting, but mostly her escaping
I'm Still working on the rest. Second P.O.V is going to Detail the Revolt, and the Third and Fourth P.O.V is Dealing with the Clergy and Knights

Fuck my shit up

>> No.9082217

This is genuinely interesting. I'd read it m8.

>> No.9082263

That specific part, kinda. Pat Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicle novels have had lots of magical oxford so far.
Honestly though I think it detracts from Rothfuss' work quite a lot. Goes from a character drama to a 'Harry potter in college' vibe.
Have you considered shifting purely to a theological direction for the MC? The important idea (the Star Trek teleporter problem where rezzes are just clones) is no less a bomb if the MC isn't a wizard.

Just a thought. Might be more interesting if that part's less hogwarts and more Vatican/Mt. Athos. Love the rest though senpai.

>> No.9082267

Seconded. I like the idea a lot Anon.

>> No.9082275

2nd idea i agree with one of the replies where he says calm the ending down.

>> No.9082448
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>>9066725 >>9066759 >>9068928 >>9069492 >>9072479 >>9074783 >>9074927 >>9080610 >>9082275

Here I go boys, wish me luck

>> No.9082774
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>a Vampire hunter hunting an unusual vampire
>A vampire headhunter hinting him for politics
>A girl, recently turned into a vampire, with a curse far worse than common vampirism..
>An alchemist looking for a mystical treasure
>A war going between two vampire kingdoms
>Spionage and politics on one hand, comfy vampire tracking on the other, and a spiritual quest that is slightly related to the main plot.
>The book explores evil in human nature and exposes humans as the greatest of monsters.
>Then it says "FUCK THAT!" and real lovecraftian horrifying vampires show up and pretty much ruin everything for everyone.
>The real plot is: no matter how hard you try, you're just a tool in the hands of superior beings and you will do what is expected of you. All while pretty much using all the cliché vampires from "what we do in the shadows" in a non-intrusive way.
>Publishing on March. W-wish me luck, anons.

>> No.9082800

>child is abused by priest
>gets kicked out of his house
>runs away
>joins up with some homeless alcoholics under a bridge
>they help him break into his house to steal his guitar back
>turns out they were working for the priest all along
>bring him back to the church
>he smashes the priest's head in with his guitar
>hides under the bridge
>lives rest of his life as a homeless alcoholic under a bridge

all subplot has been stripped from this synopsis

>> No.9082847

Thanks! I'll see if I can get it translated properly. I've been using quite a lot of colloquialisms that might not translate all that well. For a bit more context on the subject matter, I suggest giving https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante a quick read. The structure of the thing might be 10 chapters each focusing on one of the laws by demonstrating, and then subverting it in a short story.

>> No.9082888

>Ancient world. Mostly deserts and canyons. Plenty horrifying animals.
>Mix between Mad Max and Conan the barbarian. No guns and not many bows, mostly metal swords and primitive throwing spears.
>First scene is the main character walking in the desert.
>He sees a family fighting off some slavers on a horse.
>He helps them.
>They have names like Thomus, Luth, Marteen. Look like fantasy names but they're not.
>We find out that the main character knows very little about these lands, and doesn't seem to know much about the world either, but he's a great warrior and a great survivor.
>He tries to avoid the slaver fortress by taking an alternative road.
>But the fortress moves. He tries to fight them off but they capture him
>Their leader is a man in what looks like a Chaos Marine-ish armor who never takes it off. His name is Krom Buel leads the slaver hordes. They're cannibals.
>A witch follows him. She gets interested in the main character because she wants her son to be the hero who inherits Krom's armor. She is somewhat insane, but very cunning.
>We learn that the world was destroyed by a war with demons
>We learn that some people still have the knowledge of the ancient world.
>The main character is captured and forced to fight in some sort of arena until he earns the right to join the slavers.
>They find an underground facility and siege it with their walking fortress.
>They enslave everyone.
>The main character finds very advanced technology, there. Krom Buel wants to raze everything, he defies him and confronts him.
>His armor makes him invincible, so the main character loses yet again and is sent back to the slave camps, heavily wounded.
>There, some of the new slaves take care of his wounds. He learns that the world is called Erdh. That the empires of Yurob, Merga and Rushur were on some sort of pre-war when one of them fucked up big time and accidentally unleashed demons upon their world.
>A global war happened. Demons were defeated, but the world perished.
>The main character is called forth by the witch once again. She explains that Krom Buel is pretty much a survivor from the war, from the United Kingdom of Written. His "magical" armor is what keeps him moving, but he's just an old man on life support.
>MC escapes with a small group of people.
>They return, plan a rebellion and fight.
>Main character defeats Krom Buel by shattering the body inside the armor.
>The ending implies that the free men now know how to heal the world and everything will get better.
>Main character has disappeared. Not even his corpse is there to be found.
>Story implies that he is a dimensional traveller from a fantasy world, but never actually confirms it.
>The world is basically Earth, Cromwell was one of the elite troops who blew up the demonic world and saved Earth, but he then spent hundreds of years in a timeless void on the armor's life support and went insane.

>> No.9082964

It's supposed to be pretty much a campy 80-90's action fantasy movie.

>> No.9082985

I like it anon. Got a title if it's getting published? I'd pick it up for sure.

>> No.9083063

Gonna go "Immortal Slayer/Hunter", since it works for 3 out of the 4 main-ish characters and looks commercial enough.
It's just the first part, though. I hope to finish everything on the second book

>> No.9083078

Obviously don't set it in the Czech Republic. Set it somewhere morally opposite to Kafka, maybe Petersburg or a Canadian city. Somewhere well-mannered but crowded.

>> No.9083115
File: 304 KB, 1024x697, 1024px-OrteliusWorldMap1570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>East African-themed post-apocalyptic sci-fi
>Set in and around central Kenya, the Swahili Coast, and the Indian Ocean 400 years after fuckheug global cataclysms in the 22nd century.
>Africa, and by extension Earth, is a giant nature preserve, a 17th-century anachronism full of vying sultanates, pirate states, tribal kingdoms, thalassocracies, and rising empires with Crusading aspirations in a 26th-century galaxy.
>A trio of desperate grad students from the ass-end of the Orion arm (a self-absorbed archaeologist finally given the chance to live out a childhood dream, a disaffected Orthodox priest in training suffering from years of unaddressed trauma, and a bleeding-heart diplomat trying to finally impress Mommy and Daddy) decide for varying reasons to make their fortunes on this shithole
>Thus they form the Nairobi Company, dedicated to the study(read:theft) of East African history, culture, society, and archaeology (read: anything shiny, historical, and not nailed down)
>Constituting the other spots on the Company board an alcoholic Martian mercenary; a shifty half-Turk, half-Kikuyu trader with Machiavellian pretensions; a pair of drug-addled, psychotic Bulgarian crusaders; a freed Zanzibari concubine turned mayor of Nairobi Crater; a deposed sultana; and a tribal king-turned-corrupt politician in the Great House of Mombasa.
>Against them are shrewd ministers, genocidal mercenaries, mutinous generals, the occasional bored Martian or United Nations spook, a militant Ethiopian emperor with a gnawing conscience, and any number of the weird and wild of Africa trying to make their own fortunes, and damn the consequences.

Is it shit? Undoubtedly, and nowhere near a real story. Closest I've got are a couple conceptual short story POVs from each of the main characters and a few villains. But I'm quite fond of the setting at the very least, and even if I can't properly fix the abysmal lack of African-themed sci fi in the genre, I at least get a ton of research for an African history thesis.

Who knows, maybe Reddit will dig it.

>> No.9083135

It's the shit.
I'd love to read that. Very interesting plot, anon. Good luck

>> No.9083211

At least it's not a retread or boring as a concept. Try it anon. Has the makings of something good.

>> No.9083219

It's so easy to write out the plot of some retarded story you think is genius. The sad thing is, even if any of these were good (they're not, maybe a few are) none of you are going to ever write them out.

>> No.9083238

That's the spirit.
Sarcasm aside that's sadly quite true though. Selfishly I wish all these got written if even a fraction turned out well.

>> No.9083376

>Be goy
>World got recked due to climate change and the consequences of migration streams and wars for natural recourses when shit hits the fan
>World does not know what happened because information got wrecked, and people are living medieval style
>Goy goes out to collect mushrooms some day
>Sinks through hole in the ground into some kind of cave
>Explores cave because of strange lighting
>Gets trapped by crazy selfsustaining AI system together with a civilization underground
>AI system thinks its a god
>Goy tries to take it up agains AI

Im not sure if im gonna let Goy die, because people are too weak willed to escape and have it "good enough" to do anything about it. Or if I'm let him fall in love and lose the girl when he's trying to escape. Or in a last possible scenario I'll let him escape and he goes home only to be put into an asylum, because the experience made him crazy af.

>> No.9083465

>novelizating Nine Inch Nails records


>> No.9084271 [DELETED] 

its about a hermit with a magic syringe full of a limitless mysterious liquid that induces crippling addiction into whatever living thing uses it.
he moves into a cabin in the woods and makes the entire area dependent on him, trees, flowers, grass, it all becomes addicted and requires daily doses from his syringe.
he does this by simply injecting it into the ground, and the liquid flows throughout the entire forest.
eventually a traveler is moving through the forest and happens to eat a mushroom there, which inflicts him with the addiction. the man comes across him and realises what has happened and takes him in and explains to the traveler that he will require daily doses or face death.

what follows is a close quarters stand off between the two as the traveler wishes to simply take the syringe with him so that he can leave, but the hermit cant grant this request because then the forest he loves would whither and die.

>> No.9084297

its about a hermit with a magic flask full of a limitless mysterious liquid that induces crippling addiction into whatever living thing uses it.
he lives in a cabin in the woods and makes the entire area dependent on him, trees, flowers, grass, animals, they are all addicted and requires daily doses from his flask.
he does this by simply pouring it into the ground, and the liquid flows throughout the entire forest.
eventually a traveler is moving through the forest and happens to eat a mushroom there, which inflicts him with the addiction. the man comes across him and realises what has happened and takes him in and explains to the traveler that he will require daily doses or face death.
what follows is a close quarters stand off between the two as the traveler wishes to simply take the flask with him so that he can leave, but the hermit cant grant this request because then the forest he loves would whither and die.

>> No.9084308

you're a pathetic faggot shit

>> No.9084378
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>He will instead seek and find a "middle way" so to speak

Why don't you just have xim spend xis lonely days shitposting on an Taiwanese basket weaving image forum?

>> No.9084381


accept for the fact that it has no white people

>> No.9084382

House of people not infected with plague
In city where plague is running rabid
Have to bribe people outside the house to send food in through a window in a basket
Society has broken down
People are strangers who have holed up in the house to not get plague
Paranoia and starvation creeps in slowly
someone gets infected and tries to hide it
probably some stupid bitch
people everyone at each others throats
Maybe two of the teenagers fall in love
eventually everyone dies

>> No.9084388
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This I would pay for
Do it
doo eet

>> No.9084399

This is my favourite, so much potential. Would be fantastic if you could tie threads of the stories together to make the entire book feel like one large happening.

>> No.9084421

Yeah that would be great. Not sure if my writing skill is up to snuff though. Gonna try with atleast a few, see how it ties in, and maybe go with it from there.

>> No.9084511

That was my feedback, here's my plot:

>pomo fantasy epic
>prologue is description of magic tower that has always existed, and how it comes to be occupied by immortal mage-1
>mage-1 spends his time researching how to kill himself, while being fed food and narcotics by heroic hunter midget
>one day food and drugs stop, he finds midget murdered with cryptic message, thinks it must have been one of his children
>journeys to city, where son is head of large gambling ring.
>Mage-1 destroys gambling ring and tortures son to find out he did not murder midget, and gets location of daughter
>travels to coastal town finds his daughter is huge slut
>learns she did not kill midget, and her whorishness is because she is infertile
>pretends to use magic to restore fertility but instead just makes her lose all sexual desire
>travels back to tower
>daughter follows and sets tower on fire, inside tries to seduce her father despite having no sexual desire
>mage-1 runs and locks her in room, she burns to death
>mage-1 learns son was killed from unpaid debts
>goes into rage and destroys both towns
>angry mob chases him into woods, he lives there as a hermit killing all visitors
>couple arrive and convince him to train them in magic
>after a while mage-1 gets sick of them and leaves
>they claim bounty on his head and use it to rebuild tower
>live there and have kid, train him in magic, give him same name as mage-1 (mage-2)
>he grows up getting more and more insane
>one day threatens his father with magic and the parents run away
>mage-2 grows up in tower on his own getting more and more insane, tries to kill himself, discovers he is immortal
>mage-1 returns to tower and finds mage-2, they try to think of a way to kill each other
>mage-1 tells of midget murder and cryptic message, prompting mage-2 vision of far away identical tower in mountains
>the mages travel there together and find community of immortals
>they train them for their purpose, possessing the minds of civilians across the world and impressing them with fake deities to provide meaning to their lives
>they join in this practice, but mage-2 starts to love feeling of being in other bodies, staying longer and longer in them for no reason
>while in another body, mage-2 falls in love with wife of man, stays in there for good
>community of immortals kills body of mage-2, leaving his mind stuck in body of man (who they assume will become "schizophrenic")
>mage-2 (aka, man) travels back to tower with man's wife and pretends to need shelter
>mage-1 is suspicious and enters man's mind, finds mage-2 in there
>they struggle, wife kills mage-1's body. >community of immortals all pour into the mind of man
>in there they can't tell apart mage-1 from mage-2, they destroy one of them then lose out
>the couple leave and return to original tower, unsure of real mind of the man
>they live out until old age and woman is dying
>just as she is slipping away mage-? Enters her mind and goes with her into death

>> No.9084515

I like this a lot, but (You) forgot about something, or maybe just ommited it and I am accusing you for nothing.
PHOTOS, are truly important here. Every home or phone has them and portaits the members of the family and friends too.

In the second story:
>implying the robbery would work
I wonder if one of hostages would say something like "Oh God why?I dont even know why Im here!" and after a while someone else would agree, just to create more confusion

>> No.9084539

Good story, came for the magic and stayed for the romance

>> No.9084713

I did not forget about the photos, anon. Just didn't want to go into too much detail about what she saw. That particular story isnt fully, or even half way thought out yet.
As for the toy gun robbery, I'm fairly sure this has actually happened in real life, but its mostly based on some bloke who got arrested for walking around with a toy gun a few years ago. Would definitely not work in the US though

>> No.9084738

Nice. Would read.

>> No.9084773

Have you seen the movie Proof?

>> No.9084868
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>> No.9085230
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2 of the main trio are white, and the other one (diplomat waifu) is mixed. The Martian merc is white, the Bulgarian crusaders are white, many of the merchants, pirates, mercenaries and kings they meet are white. I'd say that's a pretty generous layout for a post-apoc Africa.

What were you expecting, Switzerland?

>> No.9085968

This idea isn't for a novel or anything, just a little setting I thought after waking up and touching air.
>A typical RomCom that you see in anime
>MC is crazy and kills his romantic interest
>he creates a SoL living with their corpses in his house
>his last girl is a yandere and kills him out of jealousy seeing him throwing out of the house his lovers like thrash

First we see him waking up touching tits of his childhood friend that came to wake him up and the typical tsundere scene plays in his head.
Duruning his breakfast he describes how his parents are on a trip for work and he has to do partime jobs to keep on living. At school people discuss the rumors of a kidnapper that took a girl in the next class, but he doesn't know anything nor he is interested. Class rep asks MC if he brought an important paper, but he forgot once a again. He is always last and she suspects that he is hidding something from his parents. She follows him home, but he notices and thinks she has feelings for him. Once he arrives at home he welcomes her and invites her to stay for dinner. She doesn't refuse, and while she explores the house she finds out his parents bodies in the basement. She trips in the stairs and loses counscioness, just in time to get added in his harem.
Cont. Never

>> No.9085985

i hope it starts with him free, could be very interesting if done right

>> No.9086533

>Smartest being in the world is a little boy
>He's a greedy cunt and dug a hole where he threw the answers of the most mysterious questions asked by mankind, he created mystical creatures, cure for aids and cancer and a note in which is written a way to achieve eternal life and happiness.
>He then decided to create a troll as greedy as the boy to keep his hole safe while the boy traveled the world
>A treasure hunter ask the troll if he can see the treasures inside
>"You gotta pay the troll toll to get inside the boy's hole"

>> No.9086539

I wanna write a novel about a delusional guy on a quest to get superpowers, but I have no idea how to make it interesting

>> No.9086572

So there's this dude that hates his fucking cunt of a whore ex-gf so he writes a book based on the lowest common denominator, her. Book is designed to check every one of her likes, a YA on steroids. It's presented like a start of a franchise and ends with a cliffhanger. The masses eat this shit up as does she. The follow up books are never written but teased every few years.

It's just a small bitter meaningless "revenge" for a small bitter meaningless man.

>> No.9086589

Rothfuss' Kingkiller Chronicle is basically just about magic university stuff.

>> No.9086602

Actually refers to ionesco's dying king idea.

>> No.9086605

Sounds a lot like this movie

>> No.9086815
File: 195 KB, 1507x818, ImIM1c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tiny elf grow out of a neet's cum filled underwear
>Neet is addicted to huge smoker and is afraid of telephones because the only calls he receive are from his mother that desperately wants the neet to find a job
>The neet ask the little elf to bring him Mcdonald and cigs.
>The elf grows sick of the neet lifestyle and decide to go away
>He move in the house of a Mcdonald worker
>The mcdonald employee is a huge conformist, he is mocked by his colleagues and has a cheating girlfriend but he keeps telling himself that everything is ok and that everybody's the same problems, he is desperate to fit in
>The elf is the narrator of the story and describe the hell that the worker lives
>Elf tries to convince him that he should change but the worker doesn't listen thinking that the elf is an hallucination
>The elf continue to try to change his lifestyle at his workplace but he gets thrown in the grill
>The elf survive with a few burn scars, he get away and enter the net's home only to find that he died from hunger and that the towel is now even dirtier than before and newborn elves are emerging from the cum soaked towel
>The elf cries and goes back to McDonald
>The McDonald is now filled with dead bodies, the worker had killed his coworkers and put an end to his own life
>The elf questions human nature while chewing on a mcnugget and lighting a cigarette

>> No.9086827

>>Neet is addicted to huge smoker
Neet is a huge smoker
>everybody's the same problems
Everybody has the same problems

>> No.9086984
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when you wrote Elf I immediatly thought about a female one and didn't really understood your story. I really have other standards ahahah

>The McDonald is now filled with dead bodies
>The elf questions human nature while chewing on a mcnugget and lighting a cigarette
Elf was so shocked, he didn't even eat the fries

>> No.9087030

thanks I will watch it later

does it take place in this world or a fantasy one?
If it takes place here, MC could be a chuuni and the people around him have superpowers in secret. Like his dad, a bully, the old man that he always greets, the neet next door, the girl that delivers pizzas, and many more. It could work as funny story, about real powers and his delusions

>> No.9087408

Your pic reminds me of the Lisa mcdonald level
>Elf was so shocked, he didn't even eat the fries
>Implying mcnuggets aren't superior to mcfries

>> No.9087478

What would the plot be ? It's a fun idea but if everybody have power it may be hard to pull off

>> No.9087527

the powers can be overpowerd like super strenght or retarded like can unlock all doors or can emmit light from his nostrills. No one actualy uses his powers because it would create problems in the society and everyone prefers to lead normal life. You will later decide if MC will know about the power of these people or just don't notice.

If you want more dettails or ideas I can post more (like a possible plot) but now I've go

>> No.9087570

Do as you want, but you definitely took my intrest

>> No.9087730
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>Man who has never felt love before creates a fictitious woman in his mind and imagines her like she is a real person.
>He narrates to the reader every intricate detail about her personality and appearance that he has manufactured.
>He ends up becoming deeply infatuated with her despite knowing she isn't real and imagines himself being with her.

I don't really know how I would end it.

>> No.9087770

Just watch the movie instead, you fag, it'll be better than whatever you'll write.

>> No.9087771

I should've known that idea wasn't original

>> No.9087773

This is barely the opening of a story, not really a plot.

Also is this your diary?

>> No.9087775

>I don't really know how I would end it.

>Man snaps out of fantasy, goes back to dreary life

>they notice each other, she looks up and blushes then giggles
>bass line comes in, it's Barry White
>let's get it on
>let's get it on...

>> No.9087797

I don't really intend it to have much of a plot beyond the narration of his personal inward journey. So it will actually likely be pretty short.
I plan to leave out most of any description of the main character and his real life so that people can form their own opinion of him and imagine on their own what his life is actually like.

>Also is this your diary?
pretty close to it

>> No.9088355

yeah, it's literally 200 years old

>> No.9088584
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I can never imagine writing non-academically but:
>actually totalitarianism is good

>> No.9088650

>a dictatorship happens in dreams
>those who can control what to dream arise to power and control dream humanity
>I land in florence from a military helicopter and it's like an ancient ruin
>dream people who cannot control dreams are escaping from dream labor prisons and built elaborate shelters in debris
>other things I don't want to exploit

>> No.9088662

Yeah you're right. Maybe the character should be a very creative female artist who lives alone, in contrast to the other book.

>> No.9088949

Would read. gl hf

>> No.9088956
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Bit of a divergence, but any other anons who more consistently finish products have advice on improving focus? I have so many ideas and settings swirling in my head I have a hard time sticking to one until the end. My perfectionism and how hard I am on my work doesn't help either.
>make headway on story
>build setting (incl map & such if sf/f)
>decide it's shit
>begin a new one before I finish the last
Every time.

Anyway, I just revisited and reworked a 12/13 year old setting of mine and have gotten started on a new story set in it. This time I want to make it to the end regardless of the outcome. I want something tangible even if it's shit.

Any practical advice other than 'git gud'? Any advice welcome.

>> No.9089050

not bad

>> No.9089062

>Goes into battle against Grand Omega Death Demon with the full intention of dying
>Slays the beast in an incredible battle for the ages
>Emerges from the mist victorious
>Grand feast is held in his honor
>Girl he likes wants to fuck the shit out of him
>Chokes to death on her fucking pubic hair

>> No.9090068

by far the best lit meme

>> No.9090332

>near future society
>robots took all the easy jobs from farming to fast food
>humans divide in six jobs, sports, creative tasks, ethically human tasks, human intelligence taks (HITs), capitalists, and science
>sports are the same as nowdays basically
>creative tasks are all kind of artists and performers that require some form of personality from painters or writers to anchormans or journalists. they are about 3% of all the humans in the world
>ethically human tasks are those that humans will probably never allow a robot to do (most of the job) for ethical reasons like gorverment ministers, law, medicine, police/some military, etc. they are about 10% of all the humans in the world.
>HIT are those that require an intelligence capable of recognizing things at the human level, not just difference a square from a circle but to difference a labrador from a golder retriver. these humans form most of the workforce that work in huge HIT centers where they spend 8 hours doing HIT tasks (exactly like amazon mechanical turk) but only a small fraction of these tasks are for human needs, most of the HITs done in these centers are meant to teach the AI to do HITs. they are about 70% of all the humans in the world
>capitalists are the owners of the stuff, they own the robots that farm, mine, and serve humans. they also fund the scientists. they are about 2% of all the humans in the world.
>science do the same as today but most of them work on improving AI using the data from the HITers to teach the AI reach human intelligence level. they are about 15% of all the humans in the world.
>HITs are categorized in 4 levels, from wich level 1 is already at AI level today, level 2 reached before the start of the story and levels 3 and 4 not reachable by AI by the start of the story
>begining the story the AI is about to reach level 3 and leave like half of the world without a job
>a union forms to stop the AI from reaching level 3 begining with doing false HITs to corrupt the data sent to the scientists and finding that the AI is close decides to start attacking the scientists phisycally, including bombing AI research centers.
>the protagonists is a level 3 HITer close to be promoted to level 4 and struggles between joining the union (wich would prevent him from being promoted) and keep the good work to be promoted to level 4
>it does no has a happy ending

>> No.9090397

>kills self

He should realize he's attracted to kids and kidnaps his little cousin or some other and starts cp

>> No.9091690

>she takes him back to her place
>tells him to wait in the bedroom while she gets ready for raunchy sex
>she jumps out with a huge knife and stabs him in the neck
>it turns out she was the main character all along
>every week a new guy shows up, obsessed with her
>it's a gypsy curse laid on her grandmother
>every female in their family will become the object of obsession until the curse is lifted
>after years, she's completely insane
>the men will chase her down
>eventually become violent
>so she kills them as soon as they spot her
>is constantly neurotic about all the corpses she's hidden
>doesn't know why she hasn't been caught yet
>are the men even real?
>is anything real?
>ambiguous ending

>> No.9092102

Fucking A+

>> No.9092423

A shorter short about a girl who decides to run away and appreciate life's natural beauty. She adores people but prefers to watch from afar.
It revolves around her acceptance of solitude and independence.
It's a picture book.

>> No.9092559

only if he sees the furries doing scat stuff

>> No.9092562

>guy meets gal
>gal has face blindness, forgets guy
>guy gets job voicing Pillsbury dough boy
>becomes disgruntled with the industry
>fired for saying 'Thanks Obama" on national radio
>depression spiral, alcoholism, reality slipping
>gets a call from studio, they want him to voice a newt that wakes up transformed into a flaky skinned man in the English dub of the anime adaptation of a trashy dating sim
>Starts making money again
>accepts himself and his path in life
>final scene, sees gal from beginning in distance
>considers walking toward her
>The whole book was just an allusion to the spice girls movie

>> No.9093008

>it's the Iliad but with David and Goliath

>> No.9093786

>guy goes to forbidden place of evil demons
>"how do I make my nation the greatest? please"
>expects to be given magical powers and shit
>given a book on city planning
>goes home mad
>years later, decides fuck it and starts investing in clean water, health care services, builds factories around products other nations want to pay for
>Ruler: "This is fucking gay I wanted to be a cool wizard and shit" - he says this while they build a statue to his glory as the greatest innovator of all time

>> No.9093922
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>A relatively new church is set somewhere in a small city of England, where people are encouraged to become better human beings by engaging in explicitly vocal pride of their racial, religious and national backgrounds
>eventually, the main cult leader of this religion starts turning people against each other, by having people of different backgrounds or religions or races or nationalities start attacking each other by using of triangulation once he gets to know each person separately
>the main character is the right hand man of the cult leader, who eagerly assumes the church once the leader ends up dying of an overdose of opiates
>Protagonist and his goons start a siege between catholic and protestant members of their church, and use the church's facade to launder money from the drug deal
>the story runs around the issues that start once the protagonist and his men murder fifteen people and throw their bodies in a hidden mass grave, so that they don't reveal bizarre secrets of their church for the public.
>the police gets to know about it but are bribed into silence
>a young man whose mother is killed among the group plans an assassination against the protagonist but is swiftly arrested and sent to jail, where he plots his revenge against the church
>meanwhile, a seemingly schizophrenic young woman appears claiming to be the bringer of apocalypse as foreseen by the church's books, but no one believes her, despite minor signals of supernatural powers, she is sent to be sold as a human sex slave among other young women who are also sold by the church

It's more like a draft of an idea than anything. Touches on themes of warmongering, ancient evils, religion, justice, dehumanization and war.

>> No.9093957

This is actually good but you got the setting really wrong

>> No.9094438


>> No.9094716

>New adult high fantasy novel in Renaissance setting
>Twist: not one but six plucky female heroines
>(Guys will be like 1/10 of the characters)
>Party 1: blase mercenary, fake & selfish mercenary, justifiably angry teen
>Party 2: kuudere teen warrior, naive teen magician's apprentice with no magical ability, quirky sky/forest elven-ish warrior
>Two related timelines with a twist that links them at the end
>Plot: mostly character based, conflicting motivations within the parties
>They will be on long journeys for their quests but I'm going to fast forward through the hiking parts to the next locations where scenes actually happen
>Themes: friendship, coming of age, conscience, freedom, transcendence
>Realistic combat. (My background: fencing, wing chun kung fu, tai chi)
>Pitch: Prydain Chronicles meets Amber Chronicles, now with Girl Power!
>Goals: high marketability, get picked up by traditional publishing house, rise above the midlist, write 3 more books in the series, end it with finality, and anger my publisher by next writing a magical realist novel set in the '80s about people who party too much in the big city
>(^That was my first idea for a novel but genre will be easier to break into. I do love genre and girl power and had planned to write this at some point. I just moved it to the top of the list.)
>I have about 25k words so far of text, more than that in notes
>John Truby and Donald Maass' books on writing are my guides

>> No.9094737

Thanks man, I'll think of you when I finally finish it.

>> No.9094768 [DELETED] 

[Spoiler] AboyfallsinlovewithagirlUnabletoconfessheisgiftedwithbyadeusexmachinawiththegirl’sphonenumberNevermindingthestrangeareacodeheimmediatelycallsherandisoverjoyedtofindoutthatshehasacrushonhimaswellButthenextdaywhenherecountsthepreviousdaysconfessionstothegirlsheonlylooksathimwithaperplexedexpressionAftersomeinvestigationhe findsoutthatthegirlhecalledisnotthesamegirlhefellinlovewithInfactshedoesntexistinthisuniverseatallSheisthegirlsalternateuniversecounterpartwhohasfalleninlovewiththeMCsownAUselfwhotooisblissfullyunawareofhercrushHijinksensueasthetwostrikeupadealtogiveeachothertheirdarkestmostprivatesecretsinordertoequiptheotherwiththeweaponstheyneedtoconquertheheartoftheirotherselvesWhilethetwochasetheirrespectivelovedonesDRAMAensuesastheybegintofallinlovewitheachotherinsteadandquestiontheNATUREof [/spoiler]

>> No.9095007

I agree. Love the idea but I personally feel it'd work better in a setting of antiquity. Either sword and sandal fantasy or sometime in premodern history. Resembles the 'mirror of princes' genre from the past.

I'd look into the story of Croesus (for the oracle/magic source giving an unexpected outcome) and/or Machiavelli. Bonus points for looking into the stories of people like the Montefeltros of Urbino who subverted the normal paths to princely glory in order to make their city great.

Definitely get writing though. I'd read the shit out of this.

>> No.9095009

This anon is right. Surprisingly solid.

>> No.9095117

I really like this, but I'm confused. Is this stuff about Florence happening inside the dream world or in reality? Are people stuck in their dreams or do they have normal sleep cycles and just go to the dream labour camps every night? What do they do in the dream labour camps?

>> No.9095126

>be qt blind girl
>die in a horrible fire
>wake up in a subway car in the afterlife
>peel off your skin and pretend to be your husband and solve mysteries with your best friend who is a cat in a city made of every destroyed building. And someone is counterfeiting pennies

>> No.9095742

Just a concept for now
Story about an ordinary guy who has unique skill of predicting the taste of a yoghurt, without tasting it.
Not sure yet what adventures are awaiting for him, and his unique skill...

>> No.9095841

>peel off your skin and pretend to be your husband
I'm interested, but confused

>> No.9096269

Make it so he can also predict the taste of cum and i'm in