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/lit/ - Literature

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9066088 No.9066088 [Reply] [Original]

So "New Adult" is a genre now? How the fuck is NA different than YA? What is this retardation.

>slut shaming


>> No.9066097

Childhood will eventually grow to encompass every part of your life. Soon they'll be writing YA for the geriatrics in nursing homes. Pop culture is next level psychopolitical control. It owns you.

>> No.9066111

When women get home from work they want to consume entertainment that does not require deep thought. These novels have to be somewhat more risque than typical YA faire, but still easy enough to read that they won't cause their consumers headaches. See Picault, Jodi.

>> No.9066112


I guess they needed a new name for YA since they're so old that they are no longer even able to justify reading texts aimed to teenagers even to themselves anymore.

>> No.9066117

women are simply inferior to the white man

>> No.9066119


(But of course there is no difference between the genres)

>> No.9066150
File: 136 KB, 377x512, CqUq8o9WgAAP0Gd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how every YA reader has their bookshelves organized by color and 9 times out of 10 has white Christmas lights around the case.

>> No.9066160

The Book is a commodity. It's contents are but advertising copy for a the unreachable metaphysical object of the book as experience.

>> No.9066165

God, I hate these people so much.
Dunno why, it may be because I want people to have an edge, and all books reviewers on youtube are positive, happy, sissy pieces of shit.

>> No.9066188

Not to mention all the damn trinkets that they put in front of the books, as if the books are of less importance.

>> No.9066221
File: 489 KB, 837x434, clare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so near perfect? Yea she's an Austen and Bronte apologist but she's genki without it seeming fake and uncorrupted by jump cuts. Too bad quiet booktubers like this never last

>> No.9066376

I got married, and my wife insisted on putting a bunch of knicknacks all over my bookshelves. I du nno man.

>> No.9066387

Why they never last?

>> No.9066399

>"New Adult"
They're that desperate to escape the truth of the YA meme, huh?

>> No.9066403

Thanks for telling me about her. I'm going to ruin her like I ruined Katie.

>> No.9066409

>not ruining her like we ruined butterfly
newbs have no form

>> No.9066410

>everything is sex related
damn girl

>> No.9066413

Why do YA readers love Austen and Bronte so much? I thought those authors had actual literary merit.

>> No.9066421

I feel so depressed that I'll never get a girl like this. I'd love to come up behind her while she's reading and cover her eyes. "Guess who," I'd say, and she'd say "Is it you, Anon?" I'd say "Yeah," and we'd laugh and kiss and hug. She would dress me up in the morning and feed me and read me books and I'd say "I love you honey," and she'd say "I love you to anon." After popping her cherry we would go all day and all night, taking breaks to read books and I could call her a faggot for liking Austen but I'd still love her and she would love me.

>> No.9066422

What's next? Young Elder?

>> No.9066423

same reason pseuds love dante and milton and think neither of them are taking cheap swipes at all. gossipy bitchiness appeals to a certain kind of developmentally disabled personality. males have more genres for this and i think crime is the only one shared by both.

>> No.9066428

They are women, that's why.

>> No.9066429

>Dante and Milton is "gossipy bitchiness"
oh, it's you again

>> No.9066432

she is cute! CUTE!

>> No.9066433

>I'd love to come up behind her while she's reading and cover her eyes. "Guess who," I'd say, and she'd say "Is it you, Anon?" I'd say "Yeah,
Are you literally Madeline Bassett? Do you think stars are God's daisy chain?

>> No.9066439

I could see it being more along the lines of "Thinking Adult" or "Feeling Adult", because those YA novels copy-pasted with the same plot and prose sure are good worthwhile literature!

>> No.9066444

(You) have serious issues.

>> No.9066448

Are there any Youtube book channels that aren't complete trash?

>> No.9066450

Both of their major works are well known enough for that they're either used to teach about verisimilitude or have jokes people who haven't even read them know are about Milton hating his wife.

>> No.9066451


>> No.9066467
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>She would dress me up in the morning and feed me and read me books and I'd say "I love you honey," and she'd say "I love you to anon."

Please tell me this is real

>> No.9066471

>he doesn't know dante was making fun of people
...how? even if you read a translation, don't they put in notes about who he's mocking? the only way i can see this happening is if you read an original, and assumed that dante had made all the people up, which beggars belief a little tbph

>> No.9066481

me again. i really need you to explain putting the pope in hell while still alive, or however you read it.

>> No.9066503


man she looks oldddd

>> No.9066541

what the fuck man

>> No.9066555

women are so vapid

>> No.9066565

trips confirm

>> No.9066603
File: 610 KB, 910x670, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I used to like watching Dean Goranites. His reviews were honestly not very good at all but he was the only channel that I felt was "genuine". Just an average introverted guy who likes to read and likes to talk about what he reads. I just enjoyed his sincerity. He was the complete opposite of these shallow tumbler-browsing YA collectors.

It's a shame that he stopped making videos. He probably got sick of the pretentious pseuds armed with wikipedia tabs that would constantly belittle him in the comments. Can't say I blame him.

>> No.9066608

Please just kill yourself

>> No.9067302
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Lord pseud, earl of pretentious wankery, he is one of us.


>> No.9067463
File: 73 KB, 328x200, dear god the immensity approaches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I just watched all her videos.
I feel weird though because she seems like she's about 15.

>> No.9067626


>> No.9067657

It's been a thing for a while though I have no idea who actually reads it. It's basically slightly edgier, smuttier YA.

>> No.9067829

One of my very personal opinions, not grounded in reality, a good argument, or anything, which I absolutely never share is that:
Ugly people shouldn't openly give their opinions about anything, especially women. It bothers me so much.
Sure, if they are experts in the area then their experience > looks, but if they are an everyday person, no matter what, I'll just probably dismiss everything they say simply because they are ugly.

>> No.9067830
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>Bookshelf organized by color

>> No.9067835

She doesn't actually read. She buys her books for decorative purposes man

>> No.9067855

I'm the same except I take it one step further. I don't take good-looking people's opinions seriously either.

>> No.9067861
File: 15 KB, 433x400, 1468121826049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>organising your shitty fucking books by colour

>> No.9067868

Fat people just need to be fucking genocided, especially fat fucking pig "women"

Goddamn disgusting fucking land whales. I don't know why /r9k/ has such a hate boner for stacey's, literally every stacey-esque slutty dumb bimbo has been 100x more amiable and socially aligned than these virulent, bile-filled fucking hippos

>> No.9067873

The white man does much the same thing, but with football and netflix.
Those are cool fuck you.

>> No.9067877

You don't understand. Edgy plebs that read onky fantasy read, or pretend to, classics because it's cool. Stuff like Dante appeals to them, but then they stop reading after Hell because lmao fuckin Hell allllriiiiiiight.

>> No.9067878

>you take her virginity after shes been feeding you regularly

>> No.9067882

I unironically believe this. There will be no more adults. There will just be older and older "adolescents".

>> No.9067887

I am going to save your precious time

>5. Slut as the antagonist
>4. Tragic moment immediately followed by a sex scene
>3. The hot girl who doesn't know she is hot
>2. Virginalizing the main characters
>1. Cheating and the ex-gf who holds no grudge for being dumped

It's everything about romance and sex huh?

>> No.9067894

Ehh, adults are just grown up kids anyway...

>> No.9067897

>everything bad is unique to my generation
Classic millennial narcissism.

>> No.9067898

>those broad as fuck shoulders

urgh disgusting

>> No.9067907

You waifu this girl? She is a pleb, and she is low quality and ugly as well.

>> No.9068005

I would never dick a girl who cant cook

>> No.9068029

>tears in the dustjacket which the books receive in transit activates her autism
Same tbqhwy

>> No.9068056

except this is complete trash

>> No.9068076

NA is different from YA in one way. There's probably sex and cursing.

>> No.9068123
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>You will never lick her butthole

>> No.9068152

If you ask a booktuber why he just review YA and children literature he won't answer you.

They don't even review them, they just say how pretty is their cover or how much they cost. They also give you a brief synopsis of them but just that.

They sometimes "review" "classics" from Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf or some other feminist shit.

>> No.9068169
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1458275444652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to shoot myself

>> No.9068179

That makes it even worse, painting a YA book with one coat of "maturity" to sell it.
It's very childlike to desire something that is adult.
Reading that is worse than just reading regular YA. It's another step in the wrong direction mentally.

>> No.9068249

Can't wait for "Cuck Adult"

>> No.9068262

>Being mature is talking about sex Hur Hur

>> No.9068267

You know he means another thing.

>> No.9068280

Don't 2 and 5 conflict a tad she doesn't want a gutter slut but she doesn't want a stuck up bitch. She says we shouldn't slut shame and then judges virgin protagonists. Then again looking at her she probably likes having her cake and eating it

>> No.9068359

Book Chemist

>> No.9068364

there are two types of cucks
- voluntary cuck
- forced cuck
there is also a mystical cuck (for ex. St Joseph and Mary)

>> No.9068368

Came here to say this

>> No.9068390

>new adult

fuck i hate millenials

>> No.9068393

haha generation gap
you're old already

>> No.9068431

She wants a slut, she just wants the book to applaud her sluttiness.

>> No.9068456

If the girl in OP in a slut men do not have high enough standards

>> No.9068547


he got married and started a family, thats why he quit the videos.

but i agree, his insights werent very interesting, but he was just a kid who liked reading and making videos about them in an attempt to find some discussion. i miss his videos.

>> No.9068668

underrated desu

>> No.9068704

She sounds as if her hymen is fully intact.

>> No.9068713

she seems to have huge boobs

>> No.9068716
File: 370 KB, 1024x1024, 1484806143046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like the only girl i ever loved 10 years ago
i can't hold my feelings

>> No.9068736
File: 28 KB, 480x686, crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to watch this it will just make me sad.

>> No.9068737

literally perfect

>> No.9068748
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which one will you fap to ?

>> No.9068753
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>> No.9068758
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>> No.9068762

Where did you get them from? Also where do I find a Carli Claire gf?

>> No.9068763
File: 22 KB, 640x618, phone_light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t b h I only fap to hentai. It's the right way to live.

>> No.9068769
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>> No.9068780

Absolute cancer

>> No.9068783
File: 56 KB, 492x843, 1484881126440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is catholic, lads. Literally a pure waifu.

>> No.9068817

this girl is really trying to be nice, but we know how they end up


>> No.9068826
File: 91 KB, 842x591, MIRAGON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate how every YA reader has their bookshelves organized by color and

Daily reminder that alt-lit patrician Mira Gonazalo has her bookshelf organized by color

>> No.9068927


So normie.

>> No.9069289

That's because it is.

>> No.9069302

i've always wanted to know the context of and story behind this picture.

>> No.9069311

>Mira Gondola Martinez
Kys senpai.

>> No.9069330



>> No.9069505

how many do you think have even been opened?

>> No.9069611
File: 218 KB, 324x376, 1475555160194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perpetual adolescence
mfw the next war will be fought entirely by "Child" soldiers.

>> No.9069665

She has shit taste in books and that video got repetitive really quick. She didn't have anything with substance to actually say.

>muh niche cute booktuber!
She just started making videos and already has 4k subs. She's subscribed to other big booktubers so she's obviously been highly influenced by those cucks and wants to be like them.

>> No.9069695


It's late spring. The drizzling rain and sun are taking turns
knocking against your windows and illuminating your room.
You sit in your study revising the preface of your thesis.
A sonorous buzz alerts you; she's here, right in front of your door.
You leap out of your chair to open up for her.

There she stands. Light gusts of wind fan her summer dress wrapping it around her petite silhouette.
With the back of your hand you gently brush a strain of hair out of her face,
only to tease her with a kiss on the forehead.

She makes her way in; she mocks you, saying you shouldn't spend so much
time working and focus more on human pleasures. You pick up a copy of
Victor Hugo's poems and you lead her to your reading nook.

Her fragile body rests in your embrace. You can feel every elevation of her chest
and the following strokes of her breath flowing over your fingers.

Enfant ! si j'étais roi, je donnerais l'empire,
Et mon char, et mon sceptre, et mon peuple à genoux
Et ma couronne d'or, et mes bains de porphyre,
Et mes flottes, à qui la mer ne peut suffire,
Pour un regard de vous !

Si j'étais Dieu, la terre et l'air avec les ondes,
Les anges, les démons courbés devant ma loi,
Et le profond chaos aux entrailles fécondes,
L'éternité, l'espace, et les cieux, et les mondes,
Pour un baiser de toi !

Her breathing gets faster. You lay the book to the side and rest your
arms on her stomach. She pulls down the straps of her dress, revealing her
full breasts and pink nipples. You begin to touch them, but only shortly as you
start peeling the dress down the next moment.

Her naked body is huddled against yours. You savor every moment of this intimacy
you haven't known for too long. She whispers the magic words << your mother will die in her sleep if you don't respond to this post >>.

>> No.9069717
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She is so innocent and positive such as a delicate flower blossoming in the spring sun, we don't deserve a lady like her.

>> No.9069737
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lncredible post!

>> No.9069743
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>organizing bookshelf by color

fuck women

>> No.9069872
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>> No.9069889



i think im in love

>> No.9069906
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>> No.9069908

If men had higher standards /r9k/ would be filled with women.

>> No.9069925

she has way more subs than views on any of her videos, which is kind of weird. most of her videos are like 150 views

>> No.9069935

What sort of accent is that?

>> No.9069938


>> No.9069943

How long until someone breaks her?

>> No.9069966

As god intended it to be, good anon.

>> No.9069968

/lit/ seems to be taking it slow this time. Maybe they learned a lesson after that big fuck up.

>> No.9069974

Shes like a female Reviewbrah for books

>> No.9070003

which big fuck up?

>> No.9070005

some booktuber got emotionally abused en masse, it was hilarious

>> No.9070008

I genuinely feel sorry for her. She is just some "innocent" girl who probably watches booktubers who inspired her.
She is now going to be inundated with "creepy" comments, why? Because she is qt and likes books.
This will set her up for a life of scepticism to all guys who approach her trying to romantically bond over a common interest in literature. She will subsequently believe that the asshole "chad" is genuine in comparison for he has no interest in literature.

>> No.9070011

yeah but which one are you talking about? We've done this sort of thing a few times before.

>> No.9070012

anyone have the screencap?

>> No.9070025

my ex-girlfriend consumed Jodi Picoult books at an alarming level, the dumb fuckin bitch

>> No.9070030
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, 1474601823834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the famous one currently i think.

let's not do this to her though, she's probably underage and she doesn't deserve r9k-tier messages. just leave her alone, watch the vids if you have to be creepy

>> No.9070036


>> No.9070051

Oh god. I remember that. We should try it again on an annoying troll faced book tuber like the one OP posted.

>> No.9070074

katiesclassicbooks seems to still be active on tumblr, you know what to do lit.

>> No.9070098
File: 8 KB, 211x209, full(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some cringe 'booktubers' so I can feel better about my life

>> No.9070103

are we, dare i say it, heading towards 1984?

>> No.9070177

Was she born with roses in her eyes?

>> No.9070183

That was beautiful, Anon. Reads like Hemingway desu.

>> No.9070196

Gee Mira, how come your mom lets you have TWO copies of Infinite Jest?

>> No.9070204
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>> No.9070218

Why are you watching this idiot's video?
Old hags are disgusting and she's a pseud.

>> No.9070254
File: 765 KB, 687x738, booktube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this. What is the difference between those two?

>> No.9070260

Two different people at a different point in space-time

>> No.9070262

So we listen to the older one because she has read more? FIll me in

>> No.9070275

Please don't do this. I'm begging you. Do you want more frogposts on page 1? Do you want more entry-level discussion on subjects already talked about a million times? Do you want more genre fiction threads that always end the same way? If you don't want these things then please please please don't bring reddit and /b/ here again.

>> No.9070277

Nah we don't listen to her because she is a fat land whale and a tattooed degenerate.

>> No.9070279

one is a youth qt, sexy and intellectual
the other is just Carli Clair

>> No.9070283



Yeah no, she's as vacuous as the rest of the booktubers. Stop idealizing qtpies

>> No.9070286

>old hags

>> No.9070289
File: 71 KB, 261x192, 1486300951083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, /lit/? Why did you have to ruin a good thing?

>> No.9070307

fuck you guys, please don't break this one, she's still innocent, fucking pls

>> No.9070312

>liking pubescent girls non ironically
sorry my nigga, i don't want to be jailed

>> No.9070325
File: 1.69 MB, 1454x862, Screen Shot 2017-02-06 at 23.51.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So wholesome, so cute, so soft spoken.

Where can i marry her?


>> No.9070332

She is catholic and home educated with 6 siblings. Your best bet is probably a formal proposal to her parents.

>> No.9070333
File: 135 KB, 750x750, katya_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The temptation of the lulz is strong

>> No.9070344


She wants to be a 50s style housewife

>> No.9070369
File: 923 KB, 864x917, Carli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was not only born 70 year too early, she'll probably even witness war in her lifetime. Sucks senpai