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/lit/ - Literature

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9062139 No.9062139 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, what steps are you taking to build your eccentric persona? (a necessity to become a famous intellectual)

>> No.9062149

not going outside, posting on lit, traps aren't gay, sweating for 8 hours on my sofa. but especially unironically eating nothing but bean paste

>> No.9062161

I tell people that I'm a liar

>> No.9062167

I also tell them I wouldn't lie to them

>> No.9062195

Moved back in with mommy and sleep in my old room in a single bed at thirty years old and write essays about how anyone who isn't a straight white male is inferior.

>> No.9062291

i say everything i think

>> No.9062299
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why do mirror tunnels become green

>> No.9062334


>> No.9062338


>> No.9062340

Time jealous of eternity.

>> No.9062344

What a cool photo

>> No.9062351

I'm scattered and brilliant but in an endearing way rather than an off putting autistic way :^)

>> No.9062352

mirrors dont green well

>> No.9062362

because that's the color of the mirror itself after it gets tired of mirroring, it shows its true colors.

>> No.9062363

vsauce! reddit here,

>> No.9062365
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My simplest guess which is probably wrong
Light/color is a wave as shown by this video https://youtu.be/Iuv6hY6zsd0 and pic related
Certain waves of light cancel each other out when they collide either making that light invissible or creating new colors.
My guess is it has something to do with that
But what the fuck do I know

>> No.9062378
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Tell the Truth everytime and everywhere everybody else would be quiet.

>> No.9062386


>> No.9062517
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>> No.9062578

Funky glasses, started smoking cigarettes again, alcoholism, lots of caffeine but only from tea.

>> No.9062593

>So /lit/, what steps are you taking to build your eccentric persona?
I don't need to take any steps.
>tfw eternally autistic

>> No.9062600

I already am. I have an obsession with middle-school age girls

>> No.9062602

So you deliberately build it up, sounds weird, man.

>> No.9062605

Leave michael ALONE

>> No.9062663

people think i'm 'eccentric' and i don't even do anything

read a book, cook something that isn't spaghetti, wear a shirt that you like, pick up a hobby because you want to, and apparently people consider that eccentric

i think the line between eccentric and weirdo is people tolerating your existence

>> No.9062681

Please clarify sarcasm (or lack thereof). Some of on here have autism and struggle to identify implicit meanings, thank you.

>> No.9062690

>people think i'm 'eccentric'
I feel like this is something everyone believes at one point in their late teens/early 20s. "People think of me as eccentric" - no, noone especially thinks of you. Period.

>> No.9062733

Years have gone by where my only meaningful social contact was making inflammatory posts on Japanese cartoon websites.

I've had quite a few different people say, and this is a direct quote, that I'm "the weirdest person [they've] ever met".

>> No.9062735
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>> No.9062737


>> No.9062866

Fuckin deep

>> No.9062875

Drinking Rockstar ironically but also I need it, getting away with smoking indoors, hiking boots and Carhartt, occasional femme-fataling, being female

>> No.9062877

Hebephillia anon.
It's the next big thing.

>> No.9062881

they reflect green slightly better

>> No.9062887

>being female

what's it like?

>> No.9062889

I spit in the face of everyone that talks to me without me talking first. I also approach people and stare at them without saying anything.

>> No.9063014

Time gets all the birth and decay it could ever want. Give it up, time. You have enough.

If you have a vagina traps are gay. If traps are gay then you have a vagina. If you are gay then a trap has a vagina. (Reverse trap) Personally, I am dating a trap and am gay.

The only writing I do is shitposting and scientific. I'm a geologist. I get shipped to foreign countries 2 months out of the year, far away from civilization. I see raw nature then tell the men where to defile it. I drink most nights and lift weights every morning. When around others I forget my own voice. I replace it with impersonations of people who don't exist. I love a woman with a dick and she wears me like clothes. She's naked without me. I don't need to cultivate anything. This is enough. I'm being propelled forward like gas in a pressurized tube.

>> No.9063035
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You're not charismatic if people don't think of you. You know you're charismatic if people want to be in your presence and look to you for entertainment and validation.

Of course this means that you put yourself out there. You sow your ideas your jokes your anecdotes and then you collect the crop of attention. It's better if it happens naturally. Like you're the bird that eats the fruit then you shit the seeds out wherever you go. Repeat. The fruit being your experiences and your ability to share them in seemingly novel ways. You'll know you've made it when others come flocking to you. You can be a piece of shit who hates themself but they'll still come.

It just werks.

>> No.9063067

Anything slightly different is "eccentric".
Aesthetically easy ethically hard

>> No.9063521

How do I do that? Like some sort of training or practice. I don't even want to aim as high as your description, but just getting halfway there would be good for me. At the moment I'm a social recluse simply because I'm the opposite of what you described, and I find that it's better to stay alone that to be that.

>> No.9063528

You should try having an intense distaste for traps and traps only. More unique.

>> No.9063601

Learn how to speak automatically in (Deleuzian) tongues

Convince people that you're immortal, immoral, insane or incontinent

Build an ironic cult of personality by indoctrinating the susceptible, lonely minds of internet dwellers, who you constantly infantilise and ridicule (yet they love you all the more for it)

smoke crack in your first guardian interview

be an outspoken scatophile

>> No.9063624

>Build an ironic cult of personality by indoctrinating the susceptible, lonely minds of internet dwellers, who you constantly infantilise and ridicule (yet they love you all the more for it)
bannon pls go

>> No.9063638

I'm already eccentric. I touch a lot of things. Especially plants.

>> No.9063646
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>eccentric persona? (a necessity to become a famous intellectual)


>> No.9063656

Acclaim strangulation and worship insanity. Say the exact opposite of what you think, so that people think the opposite of what you said. Stop giving a fuck and do what you want to do, especially with regards to appearance. Have extremely strong but seemingly contradictory opinions about incredibly unimportant matters, like vegetables.

>> No.9063711

To become a famous intellectual, I'd suggest being intellectual. That's where most of /lit/ falls short, not the random quirks, almost everybody has those.

>> No.9063722
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I'm just myself.

I guess when faced with ostracisation from my peers as a child, I just dug my heels in. Now I am 100% unapologetic about the things I like.

I mean, I don't want to sound obnoxious, but I collect a lot of stuff, and I like a lot of different things. Sometimes I indulge in really childish things, like manga and hotwheels and stuffed animals. Sometimes I indulge in "intellectual things" like live symphonies and high art and nautical history.

I guess that's the core of eccentricism. Is to be different from what people expect.

Unapologetic self expression is a good way to go, as long as you're not an asshole about it.

>> No.9063742

Something about green being the "lightest" color on the spectrum, i.e. it refracts the most? Maybe when light reflects off a mirror the image is always ever so slightly green-tinted, and given more repititon this effect becomes more prominent?

Idk this is all speculation but I faintly remember something along those lines from a vsauce video regarding this topic.

>> No.9063744

Mirror glass has a slight green tint. It compounds.

>> No.9063750


There is no such thing as a perfect mirror, some of it gets absorbed. The effect is amplified by multiple reflections.

Interference doesn't play much of a role, distances are much too large.

>> No.9063754

Please be trolling

>> No.9063758

If you read "I like manga and hotwheels" and thought it wasn't trolling, I've got bad news for you

You must cease all postings as your IQ is too low for this board.

>> No.9063760


>> No.9063768

I guess I should have mentioned that by hotwheels, I mean I collect cars from the 1950s-1970s. I don't mean I play with hotwheels.

>> No.9063797

Eccentric means strange, unconventional, not adhering to society's standards. Which is naturally achieved by removing oneself from the society.

>No friends, rarely talk to people, no small talk
>Don't take part in popular culture - no films, only classical music, classical literature as one still needs their western canon
>No drugs, sex or other hedonism
>Complete lack of awareness of what is going on in the world

Only this way one can make true art.

>> No.9063822
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>> No.9063830

He must be a very committed troll.

>> No.9063891

lmao u basic bitch

>> No.9063907
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I'm autistic (but social enough to function in society), have lots of quirk, am a great orator (wich means that I'm already sure that my interviews will be the shit), am radically leftist and I'm working on my way to become the best couterpointist of the century (I'm close to finishing my formal training as a composer and pianist, wich means that I still have decades worth of practice and studying before getting there).
Also I'm actually fine with living a frugal life as an outcast, wich means that I'll be able to criticize everything, since I'll be fine with living with 500 euros/month.

I still don't know how I'll take my first step into fame (at least in my country), but I'm already 100% sure that if I'll manage to take that first step I'll become one of the most eccentric and interesting artists of this century.

Oh yeah, I'm also a narcissist.

>> No.9063910

>frugal life as an outcast
>my first step into fame
oh buddy

>> No.9063912

Having such a vivid imagination is a great first step.

>> No.9063915

Sure, if I'll ever get famous I'll just give most of my earnings away, while keep living a frugal life. I'm pretty sure that it will make me even more famous, and it's great since I actually don't give a shit about material possessions.

>> No.9063916

>an autist who want to be famous
Enjoy your panic attacks

>> No.9063919


As I said I'm fine with living in society, currently I'm living as an outcast only because I'm studying all day long to become the greatest composer of this century.
I've managed to become a great conversationalist to overcompensate for my being a sperg, so that whole aspect of becoming famous doesn't scare me in the slightest.

I'm more scared about discovering that the game is truly rigged and, no matter how good, insightful and masterfully crafted your music is, you can't become famous because you don't know the ''right'' people. That's literally the only thing that scares me about taking this path. Everything else, I can deal with it.

>> No.9063926

>living as an outcast
>managed to become a great conversationalist

>> No.9063932

I still have to meet lots of people in order to study music at a academic level. Everyday I have to talk with other students, teachers and composers.

Living as an outcast means that as soon as I leave the conservatory I'll just stay alone in my 1room apartment until I'll have to go to the conservatory again.

>> No.9063933

>I'm more scared about discovering that the game is truly rigged
It's good that you're already laying the apologetic groundwork before you inevitably fail, not realizing it actually takes more than pure technical skill to become a truly great artist and more than an ability to converse to be a respected member of society.

>> No.9063936

>doesn't meet or interact with people outside of work related functions
>great conversationalist

>> No.9063945

>It's good that you're already laying the apologetic groundwork before you inevitably fail

Considering that I'll most likely have to win competitions in order to become famous, I think it's a reasonable concern.

>not realizing it actually takes more than pure technical skill to become a truly great artist

You're preaching to the choir here, I haven't implied the opposite.

Eh, whatever, no answer will ever satisfy you.

>> No.9064003

>I'm "the weirdest person [they've] ever met".

I tell that to people all the time desu.

>> No.9064018

>More Unique

>> No.9064104

green is probably the resonant frequency of either the glass or metal behind it.
in response to an electric field, the charges on the surface of a conductor (metal) move to oppose it, and this is what causes reflection. perfect conductor = perfect reflection - but in reality, they have a varied frequency response (depending on the atoms in the material). and for this material, the best-reflected frequency is green.

>> No.9064164

I'm a gay, alcoholic Australian whose discourse always teeters on the edge of racism without quite tipping over.

>> No.9064171
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>> No.9064564

Plenty would satisfy me. But your answers are unsatisfying.

>> No.9064597

I speak out loud my internal thoughts and feels

>> No.9064610

isn't that normal aussie mode apart from the poofter part?

>> No.9064638

double slit my wrists

>> No.9064668

cultivating eccentricities seems like something that could quickly take a person from quirky yet enduring to any variety of obnoxious/autistic/narcissist

you post on an anime board, you're weird enough

>> No.9064670

Sure thing.

>> No.9065383

Utmost genuine sincerity that naturally cultivates an air of mystery

>> No.9065800
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>> No.9065922

Traps ARE gay though.

>> No.9065932

>unironically eating nothing but bean paste

Enjoy your intestinal cancer in 20 years

>> No.9065939

Not if you're drunk.

>> No.9065952

Taking a lot of acid. I've taken it 33 times now.

>> No.9065958
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>> No.9065965


Do you honestly want to be that guy?

>> No.9065968

You need to be comfortable with yourself and others, which requires an inherent trust in people, or you need to not give any shits. Then you need to have the ability to both talk and listen to others. You need to develop a sense for humor. Know when others are joking. Develop your own jokes, anecdotes, ideas, and the ability to deliver them. It's all about exposure and practice.

>> No.9066000

nah we're always packing fudge. "smoko" is short for "smoke a pole"

>> No.9067321

i am interested...

>> No.9067333

I fuck thirteen year old girls, exclusively thirteen year old girls, fucking thirteen year old girls is legal in my country so I fuck thirteen year old girls, not because I want to fuck them and their limber young bodies filled with the vigour of an anticipated life it's simply because I can fuck thirteen year old girls.

>> No.9067429

Fiendish drug use. I am not addicted to any one single drug (anymore, ketamine swallowed me whole and man ketamine addiction is... lonely), instead i rotate my consumption erratically over any given week, no rhyme or reason. Some stims but mostly dissociatives and psychedelics, sometimes alcohol or pot

This last week it was blackout drunk (vodka and i drove to the bar after being incredibly drunk honestly i dont know how i drove there, yet alone drove back), a day long molly+2cb combo, 3-meo pcp, more alcohol, cigarettes, and a few sober days

I never spend more than a few days sober. Ive been upping my variety over the past year and my sleep schedule is fucked. I never go to bed at the same time, even on sober days. My bipolar is becoming worse but oh well, i get what i pay for.

I am increasingly isolated and (especially when i went through ketamine), delusional and incoherent

This of course will necessitate that no one spends too much time with me. No one wants to listen to the mind of a drug addled "intellectual". The vicious cycle of loneliness, professional drug use, over the top dramatization of the importance of my work, and radical thinking (even if some of it is incoherent trash) will no doubt terrorize the sober majority, shocking them into a state of pure fascination

>> No.9067440

but r u really eccentric if noone's there to witness it because you never leave the house ?
if a tree falls in the forest...

>> No.9067441

I'm female.

>> No.9067698
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>> No.9067758

do u want me to produce rap beats for you?

>> No.9067776

i work at an abbatoir

>> No.9067782

that was interesting

>> No.9067785

because silica glass is very slightly tinted green, and once you compound it enough, the spectrum is overwhelmingly green.

>> No.9067787

>but especially unironically eating nothing but bean paste
Fucking lmao anon

>> No.9068744

>Do you honestly want to be that guy?
I've already tried to be the guy that no one cares for and seems to be there because of a mistake, and I've already tried to be completely alone. How bad can it be, to try this last option?