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/lit/ - Literature

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9058513 No.9058513 [Reply] [Original]


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Thread:

>> No.9058528

Comfy fantasy scene.

>> No.9058532
File: 2.87 MB, 1477x1609, Grey_Warden_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read the Dragon Age books are they any good?

>> No.9058539


>A book I don't like is in a chart of the OP so I will get butthurt and make a new thread where only the books I like will be posted

>> No.9058563

Underrated trope desu.

>> No.9058585

Any books with a little girl protagonist?

>> No.9058625
File: 27 KB, 260x344, 9781452618821_p0_v3_s260x420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm halfway through this. Extremely good, I'm surprised I hadn't come cross his work before. I'm slightly disappointed that he hasn't written much else so I was wondering if anyone can recommend me similar authors or works.

I especially enjoy the fact Chiang writes a kind of "soft" sci fi. No lace cannon wielding spaceships or warp travel machinery.

>> No.9058643

>What if men built a tower from Earth to Heaven-and broke through to Heaven's other side?

>> No.9058709

he writes like a short story a year. i dont think he has the chops to write an entire full length book. he's like a computer that only puts out the most efficient short story possible.
>extremely good
just wait till you get to hell is the absence of god. your perception of him will take a serious nosedive after that heap.

>> No.9058769

>he's like a computer that only puts out the most efficient short story possible.
I know that feeling.

>> No.9058784

>Let me say this. Once when I was swimming underwater in imitation of her, I saw her swimming toward me, and she was swift and graceful beyond all telling. There are no words for that, as there are none for her beauty. She caught my hand, and we broke the surface, up from the divine radiance of the sea into the blinding glare of the Short Sun, and the droplets on her eyelashes were diamonds. You that read of all this in a year that I will never see will think me wretched, perhaps-certainly I was wretched enough fighting the inhumi and their slaves on Green, fighting the settlers, and before the end even fighting my own son. Or possibly you may envy me this big white house that we in Gaon are pleased to call a palace, my gems and gold and racks of arms, and my dozen-odd wives.
But know this: The best and happiest of my hours you know nothing about. I have seen days like gold.

You guys weren't kidding when you said Short Sun was fantastic.

>> No.9058812
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Lads, serious question here.

Why are there no other science fiction stories that include Lightsabers?

Why does George Lucas (and now Disney) get to have sole ownership of this awesome type of weapon, merely because Star Wars managed to popularise it on screen?

Lucas copied the idea from other sci-fi stories of the past, but since SW nobody wants to include a lasersword less they get accused of copying him.

Would you read a sci-fi/fantasy novel that included lightsabers?

>> No.9058821


There are

They're just not called lightsabers or described the same way but the functions is literally the same (almost)

>> No.9058828
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It's a boring weapon, that's all. A sword takes a lot more skill and technique because it doesn't slice through people like butter. Also they have more variety and look cooler.

>> No.9058830


Also azoths in Book Of The Long Sun are practically lightsabers.

>> No.9058835

>Why are there no other science fiction stories that include Lightsabers?
No one wants to get sued by Lucas' estate.

>> No.9058839

lightsabers are literally the worst
they cut through basically everything (except some rare ancient dragon armor somhow) and in order to make any part of plot challenging that includes a jedi you literally have to make up ways to separate a jedi from his lightsaber because otherwise you're literally invincible

>> No.9058879


Jedis were far from invincibile tho seeing as they could be simply shot down from a distance, blown up, bested with another lightsaber or even a vibroblade or some such weapon, and what have you. If they were invincible they wouldn't have been wiped the fuck out.

>> No.9059022

>ywn get a morally grey Star Wars movie

>> No.9059115 [DELETED] 

Report this thread >>9058453
We have to send Stevian a message. This shit has gone on long enough.

>> No.9059129

Make your own chart and add it to the OP. Don't be modifying people's chart to suit your financial gain.

>> No.9059141



How thick and dense are you? Or what do you think he never sleeps and mentions to kill a god any time he can because he is 24/7 here?

Jesus christ this autism you have, never seen anything like it

>> No.9059146

Calm down Stevian.

>> No.9059149

>Or what do you think he never sleeps and mentions to kill a god any time he can because he is 24/7 here?

Even if he did it wouldn't even crack the top 10 autistic things I have witnessed on this site. So, entirely possible.

>> No.9059156

No one except Stevian would get this mad over his blatant shilling being denied. Kindly hang yourself. You're both a failure as a writer and as a human.

>> No.9059162


>blatant shilling


If you're retarded enough to buy a book without reading the free sample you need to kill yourself because you're so completely moronic

>> No.9059169

I think you are in for a treat.

>> No.9059174


Well as they say, you can't repair willful ignorance.

>> No.9059179

I just have an image of you sitting in a basement or den, with the lights off and your led backlit mechanical keyboard being strummed on furiously by your plump fingers. There is a thin ray of sunlight peaking out from behind your curtin illuminating some of the 20+ star wars books you have on your bookshelves. One of your books has an extremely glossy finish and some of that light is diffused onto your fingers, revealing the cheesy Doritos /Cheetos stains than are embedded deeply into your fingerprint ridges and the quik of your nails.

The light from your oled monitor shows a manic grin as you mention your most beloved obsession. The eyelids are wide open, your nostrils flare, and your chest rises and falls in an uneven pattern.
>star wars

>> No.9059189

Why would anyone even spend one second of their time reading content from a desperate fag that knows he sucks at writing so he has to shill day in day out on 4chan to get attention? You're never gonna make it, sorry. A job like janitor would suit you better.

>> No.9059191


>Why would someone provide criticism about a book they haven't even read 1 page of

only on /lit/

>> No.9059193


In case this isn't pasta, I don't own any Star Wars books and in fact I think they're mostly hot garbage, also not American so your Dorito reference is lost on me.

The vibroblade bit was from KOTOR actually, played it many years ago and loved it.

>> No.9059200

I've already reported it, fucking sick of this guy's blatant shilling and samefaggotry.

>> No.9059203

>every time someone calls me out for my blatant shilling it's that one person

How fucking stupid are you? You are pissing more and more people off with your heavy handed buck making scheme.

>I will rage for shilling a book that doesn't even affect me
>my autism is that strong

Neck yourself on yourself on a concrete pavement Stevian.

>> No.9059205


Stop samefagging

>> No.9059208

Stop samefagging.

>> No.9059214
File: 540 KB, 1549x2088, severian_on_his_way_by_volcannah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BotNS should really have more fanart.

>> No.9059216


You're shilling his books more than me by constantly trashing it you idiots

>> No.9059219

>on lit
>someone typing out a paragraph or two is hard to phantom and so might be copy pasta

>> No.9059223

Stop manipulating the OP, and stop deceiving people by "recommending" it to them. It's not in the slighest bit funny. If you really aren't him it shouldn't be hard, but well, you are and will continue because you are desperate.

>> No.9059248

>provide criticism on an incomplete book

As you say Stevian "soon to be banned" Heartbound, PART of the book is available on Amazon. To get the full book we need to buy it. You cannot criticize something that you only experienced partway.
We asked you time and time again to post your copy of the book to mediafire (since you read it and loved it), but you continually ignore these posts, JUST proving that you are Stevian and you don't want to lose your 10$ from probable sales.

>> No.9059254
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>MFW reading The Electric Ant

This is peak Philip K Dick. I think he is a better short story writer than novelist, and I like those too.

>> No.9059259
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Is Black Prisma as good as pic related?

I loved the shadow trilogy, what are books similar to it??

>> No.9059263
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, Modern Fantasy Recs V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of those books I've been shilling in my chart for ages but seeing as you faggots ignore my charts you don't see this so they aren't obscure seeing as I post my chart almost every thread.

>I really need a new book myself.
Why don't you have a peek through my chart seeing as you have somewhat same tastes as me.

>> No.9059266


>holy shit this looks edgy as f...

Carry on then.

>> No.9059268


Fuck off Weeks stop shilling your edgy shitty books

>> No.9059270

Stevian is really mad.

>> No.9059271


The only legit fantasy author lurking these threads is Bakker.

>> No.9059277

I came here to find a serious answer, but i forgot that im posting on 4chan...

>> No.9059280


Black Prism is better.

>> No.9059283
File: 234 KB, 1440x792, FalseSun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your reaction when you found out that Shaeönanra was right all along?

>> No.9059284


Fuck off Bakker you've been shilling that shit every thread for a week now.

>> No.9059285

This isn't /b/ kid. If you are not Stevian as you say and you are just doing this for "shits and giggles", you will have to face the consequences.

Trolling outside /b/ is a bannable offense. Mods are less forgiving since mootoo took over. Maybe after a month or so ban you will reflect on your actions and comport yourself in a manner befitting someone who has an education and actually reads books. Instead of "shitposting and or shilling / trolling".

You can still view the thread when banned, you will be able to see new recs and read them.

>> No.9059289 [DELETED] 

Abandon thread!
New thread here:



>> No.9059290

>and actually reads books

Says the one constantly talking shit about a book he didn't read.

>> No.9059292

>Is Black Prisma as good as pic related?
much better

>I loved the shadow trilogy, what are books similar to it??
maybe try mark lawrence or joe abercrombie if you love that edge

>> No.9059303


The bare mention of "Stevian" sends you into an autistic rage, doesn't it.

>> No.9059304
File: 38 KB, 872x303, Screenshot_2017-02-04-10-46-44_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the mods get around to you Stevian?

>> No.9059305


Can confirm Lawrence, Prince of Thorns and sequels are really great if you're not someone who can't even comprehend that some people might be psychos

>> No.9059307


>> No.9059311


Somebody in this thread already said he would buy it and read it and provide an actual review.
I don't think he's done it yet

>> No.9059315


Not in this thread, in some previous threads, that is.

>> No.9059330

>>9059259 some books in here >>9059263 is similar. Can't remember which.. it's been so long.

What aspects of Night Angel Trilogy did you like? I can rec books on that.
Was it the: Sentient armor? GRI? Magic? Actually assassination training and assassinations? Muh monsters in the woods? Your friend offering your boipussy?

What was it that made you enjoy this trilogy so?

>> No.9059340

Because the new book is coming out soon.
>tfw I have two books to finish to be able to meme when the new book comes out
Idk if I will make it guys.

>> No.9059342

Is it just me or everything that GRRM ever wrote before ASOIAF is fucking golden?

Sankings. Amazing short story. Fevre Dream. Probably the only "vampire" novel I didn't hate. And so on.

What happened to him?

>> No.9059345

>Because the new book is coming out soon.

So that's why I've been seeing Bakker posting a lot more.
Good to know.

>> No.9059355

Don't forget to report this too >>9059281. He is fucking with the general now (open blatant trolling). Let's shut him down before the outer e/lit/ists gets antsy.

>> No.9059360


That was made by one of the butthurt autists in his autistic fit when the name Stevian came up

>> No.9059363

Let us have the copy you read so we can judge for ourselves. It would be a sffg bookclub read.
Upload it to mega or something.

>> No.9059365

Soon you will get the threadly meme
>x time until new book

>> No.9059369

You didn't like Salem's lot???

>> No.9059370

The assassinations & the magic, and the fact that kylar just couldnt get a break.
>inb4 too edgy 4 me
I guess i kinda like the edgy, "i just cant be happy" characters...
I also liked logans storyline...

I read everything from abercrombie already

>> No.9059379


Right, that one too.

Still my argument stands, non-ASOIAF GRRM is way better than ASOIAF GRRM.

>> No.9059380

Did you look at the chart?

If you are not opposed to vagina authors I have some that are about magic and assassinations.
until the usual meme of the author's vagina taking over and the protagonist is jonesing for a dick

>> No.9059387

you should read assassin's apprentice for a protag who can't catch a break and struggles to be happy, also has a little bit of assassination stuff (but less than the title implies) and an interesting magic system

this will trigger chart anon tho

>> No.9059389

I only read game of degeneracy books, and fevre dream.
The name sandkings sounds like it's about that new, or old, it's new to me, short story Sandermeme wrote last year.

>> No.9059390

They're exactly what you'd expect from video game books. I liked Asunder kind of , but there's really no reason to read them unless you're really devoted to Dragon Age.

>> No.9059396

That's a garbage book, don't listen to this guy.

>> No.9059412

Why should it trigger me? I never read Hobb.

Iwas planning to do it years ago but never got down to it. One set of people always praised her the other brought her down. When I read the blurbs years ago it didn't interest me. So I never read it (she wrote rangers apprentice right?)

I don't get "triggered" over books I haven't read. Only when fags meme me a shit book, and you knew it was shit/not fantasy at all.
I will find you buried meme shill

>> No.9059436

>(she wrote rangers apprentice right?)
no, that was a guy called flanagan I think and it is very different

and I must have confused you with someone else sorry, it's one of the other chart guys who spergs out whenever hobb gets mentioned

>> No.9059461

You have no sense of humor.

>> No.9059467


What did you think?
He wants anyone who even mentions Stevian banned

>> No.9059501

What was the centaur hot sex book called, I forgot the title

>> No.9059580

It's another idiot that posts a chart containing books he has never read.

>> No.9059608

It's only later I understood that your replaced every chart with that book. Still outer lit already doesn't like us, what would they do with 4 sffg threads up?

>> No.9059616

I don't think they care that much.

>> No.9059617

>what would they do with 4 sffg threads up?

And who is to blame for the 2 other threads that were made after someone had already made a thread

>> No.9059620


>> No.9059630


Why would Stevian make this thread?

>> No.9059684

Wait, so you guys LARP as fantasy authors having internet fights?

That's pretty cool.

>> No.9059692


Pretty much.

>> No.9059695


Yeah except for Bakker who's really here. Some anon has proof.

>> No.9059705
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>> No.9059730


As far as proofs go that's really fucking weak. Although I'd like nothing more than for Bakker to really lurk here.

But just in case he is : I made it 30 pages into the first PoN book before dropping it, congrats on the purple prose and uber Gary Stu protagonist.

>> No.9059739


I don't think he realized that just by deleting the post, the post would disappear completely.

>> No.9059763

I remember reading that page. The knife had just entered, and Wolfe hadn't begun to twist.

>> No.9059767

Thats way too comfy.

>> No.9059808
File: 175 KB, 1000x1625, botns_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's reminiscent of that one short-lived BotNS comic.

>> No.9059825

Never seen it, I just think everything should be depicted as run down as possible, otherwise it kinda detracts from the thrust of the book.

>> No.9059833
File: 541 KB, 678x1024, 1427594707468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just six pages that's been posted here, so I'll repost those.

>> No.9059844
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>> No.9059853
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>> No.9059857
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>> No.9059862
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>> No.9059868
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>> No.9059873
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>> No.9059880
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>> No.9059905

>tfw also in love with thecla

>> No.9059909


>read BotNS at a very young and impressionable age
>daydreamed about eating the flesh of a girl I liked so I could have her as a voice in my head

Thankfully, I was smart enough to keep that shit to myself.

>> No.9059918


Don't know about any of that shit but I was lucky that one of the voices in my head actually is my crush from when i was 10 years old, same character and all, really nice

>> No.9059920

>wants to take a ride on the sylvester train

>> No.9060052
File: 489 KB, 897x1200, new_son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbqh
>tfw Long Sun and Short Sun dont have any

>> No.9060216

He made a perfectly valid point that anybody who has seen the films could make. Shame your pathetic iq struggled to comprehend it without lashing out.

>> No.9060222

Any good fantasy books HIGHLY similar to The Magicians by Lev?

>> No.9060271

how can you live with yourself, thinking the fucking edge trilogy is anything but pure dumpster garbage?

>> No.9060282

Hi, glad to see this thread because I thought /lit/ hated fantasy. I haven't read much, but I have a real big itch for fantasy. What's your guys' favorite adventure fantasy books?

>> No.9060314


LOTR if you haven't read it yet.

Dracula is good adventure

>> No.9060317


>no fun allowed

>> No.9060332

This thread is almost entierly a retard containment thread. Not because /lit/ hates fantasy, because most posters like it a lot and interesting sff is always in the most popular charts, but because this is basically /tg/ meets /v/ tier of both taste and discussion.

>> No.9060360

Ah I see. Generals often are retard containments lol. Do you have any recs? I just couldn't find any non general threads in the catalog.
Never imagined Dracula to be an adventure, but I'll give it a try. Never could bring myself to read past the fiasco at the river, I always just lost interesting in LOTR. Hobbit was great though.

>> No.9060369

>Never imagined Dracula to be an adventure

It's a comfy ride.

>> No.9060376

So wait... sffg was around since 2015... Did bakker put more sodomy into his books because of the gri meme?
Was bakker the one pushing the meme so hard until it stuck?
Is the book that is coming out this year going to have even more sodomy?

>> No.9060378

What do you like to read? I have some fantasy, but mostly I like a lot of tongue in cheek stuff, or even YA, which has a surprisingly high ratio of good fantasy, as opposed to warhammer tier bullshit

I avoid high fantasy, but...

>> No.9060386


I think you might be onto something there

>> No.9060403
File: 433 KB, 1680x1260, 1481497095274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon. Someone in this thread made fanart for long sun :^)

>> No.9060421

I understood what he was saying, and I'm not low iq anon as you can tell from my beautifully written and formulated jibe at the star wars fan.
I was just having some fun friend.

>> No.9060440

What particular aspects interests you, my triple friend?
fox god or some other god dicking a girl real good?
>that can't fit in me
You series better don't leave that out

>> No.9060449


Magic used very frequently
Darker tones (not Sanderson where there aren't even swear words)
Actually deals with depressed individuals
And magic doesn't fix anything

The rape things are good to have though

>> No.9060458

I really want to read it, but I heard that it has a really sad ending (or the sequel has a sad ending?) And since I heard the sequel is better, I want to read the first one so I can read the sequel, so now I'm scared. I can't read sad stuff. What do?

>> No.9060462


Read it anyway.

>> No.9060479

Silmarillion, Book of the New Sun, Fafhrd and Grey Mouser, Dying Earth, Ubik are all pretty goodd.

>> No.9060487

What's weirder is that some guy said he liked the "gay, rape, and incest" in either the prince of nothing series or Prince of thorn series as part of a review and some autist (bakker?) went wild and started using it in everything.

It wouldn't be far to reason that bakker felt a sense of justification / pride in some nameless anon praising his degeneracy on this site. He also knew his new book was coming out the following year, so he memed hard until pure anons were corrupted and willing asked for books with degeneracy.

>> No.9060509
File: 699 KB, 1000x4000, Suggestion Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the black jewels trilogy , or the shadow of what was lost in my chart.

>> No.9060598

Something adventurous! I liked the parts of Color of Magic in which they weren't fucking around in cities, but rather having adventures. Politics can be okay, like I'm trying to do Dune right now, but there's so many names it just gets confusing.

Something like a tabletop adventure, a group of people doing their adventures. Like that Slayers anime but in a book.

Doesn't need to be high fantasy either. I'm rereading a series of unfortunate events for the TV show, and it's still good shit because of the story it tells not having too many superfluous details

>> No.9060620
File: 27 KB, 251x346, 51KuSA31+HL._SY346_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this series? I' heard lots of good things, and as meaningless as it is I do like the cover quite a bit.

>> No.9060622

Oh man. If you don't mind YA, I always recommend Tamora Pierce's Tortall series. It's really fantastic fantasy. I recently read Apropos of Nothing, which I quite liked. Then there's the Xanth series by Piers Anthony. There are about 50 of them, but you only really need to read the first three. I do like those. For fantasy, keep an eye open for Tor and Bantam books. Those are what I keep in mind when I feel like fantasy.

>> No.9060628

It's great. Book 2 and 3 are big improvements too, so it gets steadily better.

>> No.9060631

What do you mean by YA?

Also Piers Anthony wrote Incarnations of Immortality! I loved the first of that series.

>> No.9060646

By YA I mean young adult novels, under which SoUE falls. Tortall is technically YA, but it's very well written.

>> No.9060672

what makes it young adult though?

>> No.9060677
File: 491 KB, 1600x1137, Not Approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit. They duo worship (one of the worshipee is the Christian god.. not sure how he is happy with other ppl sharing his worship), they are mercenaries who don't rape or sodomize (even though they were away from pucci for so long), it has a lot of cliches you'd expect from a knight book "muh lady". It has some flavor of GURM'S wildmen within the pages.

If you like those shit, and a bunch of others that I can't recall seeing as my hate of being meme's this trash is slowly being drained away, you can read it.

>> No.9060682

Being aimed at children. Less depth, simple prose, usually has a lot of love triangle romance shit thrown in. Exclusion of "dark" topics like rape and whatnot.

>> No.9060692

And yet you posted a sword that is basically just a giant lightsaber when its power is unleashed.

>> No.9060696

YA is usually filled with cliches of young people one upping "the man" and taking down a ruler / society... even though better people with more resources from other nations have tried and failed.

>> No.9060700
File: 41 KB, 620x406, idunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the word difficulty. Frankly, I'm a bad guy to ask. Tortall at least deals with war, violence, racism, murder... Bad YA is what people hate about YA, but good YA is basically just the word difficulty and font size.

>> No.9060703

>people think authors bother to shill their books in threads visited by less than 50 people
Unless the SFF market has really shrunk to the point that a community of 50> people is really a valuable well to tap.

>> No.9060704


There are 28 unique posters here and we're halfway to the bump limit.

>> No.9060710

It's not about "thinking". It happened. And the ""author"" in question sold zero copies on amazon.

>> No.9060712

Yes and? Doesn't that just prove my point?

>> No.9060714


It only happened once by the author himself though, everything after that has been different people memeing it

That's what I was doing

>> No.9060716

Nope, you're here doing it everyday yourself Stevian.

>> No.9060717

That's not really what people are talking about though. That was a SFFG poster who self published and tried to use his community to get some exposure. Except this "community" is tiny and totally irrelevant, not to mention most people here pirate their books.

>> No.9060719

When sffg started we were pulling 150 persons + per thread. If you can establish a grassroots with a small amount of people, they will in turn shill the books on your behalf.
4chan was/is always known as a multiplier.


>> No.9060721

>That's not really what people are talking about though
Uh, yes? Did you miss the shitstorm at the start of this thread? We migrated here precisely because his shilling has gone out of control with manipulating the OP images.

>> No.9060722


This is why this is still a thing, you fuckers make 10 replies any time Stevian or the book is mentioned
ignore trolls holy shit have you joined this site this year

>> No.9060741

>When sffg started we were pulling 150 persons + per thread
Yeah no.

>> No.9060756

Tuf Voyaging is also very good sci-fi, love how blatant and not at all grounded in reality the genetic engineering
Like psychic cats and tyranasaurus rexes and shit, great
The book is way better than that seemingly random string of things in the story though

>> No.9060801

Sorry Mr Newfag, you were here longer than me.

>> No.9061053

Not even that guy, but your posturing is pretty pathetic dude.

>> No.9061063

Rate my opening paragraph.

It was the Seeding Moon when we first set out across the Eastern Sea. The land my family has worked for generations was fresh and welcoming after the winter, and our ploughs turned the black earth with ease as snowfalls gave way to mists of rain from over the mountainside. This was not my future though, nor was it for many others as it would seem, when the Oracle told of another land across those dark waters. Make no mistake, we loved our homeland every man. The green, rolling pastures that raised our livestock and our children was the only home we ever knew. The tall forests held the memories of our childhoods and the calling of the birds, where we would run with the wild until the ebbing sun sent us home. So too did the cold, countless lakes of my land welcome you into their icy grip, a much welcome embrace on a summer’s afternoon. Above all stood the mountains to the west. Infinite and icy they stood as a sheer wall of rock, and here they took their silent vigil over the land of my countrymen, caring little for what went on below.

>> No.9061103

There is a retarded author Stevian who is mad as a fuck right now but yes Prism is better.

>> No.9061398
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x720, Author Burglar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice /10

>> No.9061408


>> No.9061418
File: 32 KB, 576x521, 1465678260905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how it happened either, a near constant stream of "invasions" from Reddit drove away a lot of old-/lit/ but after tanking the generals they didn't stick around.

>> No.9061572
File: 73 KB, 292x500, Mignight_at_the_Well_of_Souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this one?

>> No.9061832

Is there any other name besides Jade that's ambiguously asian? For certain reasons I can't use that name but I want something like it

>> No.9061847

ignore the autist it's good

>> No.9061876

Jun, Yuri, Tomo etc

A lot of Japanese names have Slavic counterparts that sound nearly identical.

>> No.9061918

Yuri works, but the other two are too clearly asian

Yuri also doesn't work since the slavic name and the japanese name are respectively male and female exclusive

>> No.9061925

>Yuri also doesn't work since the slavic name and the japanese name are respectively male and female exclusive

What's the problem? It's almost like you aren't pandering hard enough, not gendering your characters is the "in" thing.

>> No.9061942


>> No.9061955


>> No.9061971
File: 1.34 MB, 2544x1900, Sffg memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy that made the sffg meme chart left and never came back, a few others also left.

How I understand it, redshitor users came to lit and found our general. They posted the link in redshit and we got flooded. Those were the days when the general was moving sanic fast. They left (school is open once again), when it's the holidays you see the rush also.

>> No.9061990

You know what that word means right?

>> No.9061995


>> No.9062002
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x1080, 1470461925621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9062033

Lily actually works wonderfully. The character I'm renaming is currently named Eve so it's damn close etymologically on the western end.

Now I need two male names and a surename

why does that anime girl look so familiar?

>> No.9062067

>Now I need two male names and a surename


>> No.9062101

Ken will be one, the others aren't ambiguous though

>> No.9062107

Honestly, Ken was the only one that made sense. I drew a blank after that and just threw stuff out there.

>> No.9062114

Okay, Got it. Lee and Ohara

Ohara can be either irish or japanese depending on how it's pronounced

>> No.9062182


Comfy desu.

>> No.9062186
File: 353 KB, 1200x1200, tucteaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.9062516

It's pronounced roughly the same in Irish and Japanese. It's just written as O'Hara in Irish.

>> No.9062542

Any good fantasy novels about Elves just chilling the fuck out? I love me some epic fantasy, but the whole 'an ancient evil has awakened' thing is starting to wear thin. I want something comfy.

>> No.9062592

You don't think thw whole elves thing has worn thin?

>> No.9062598

Not to me, no. I love elves.

>> No.9062601

Other YA stereotypes:
>Parents and authority figures are either absent, cannot help the characters or are actively antagonistic (that is, if they're lucky enough to not be dead)
>The main character becomes a 17 year old alcoholic after something bad happens, but kicks it right away as the plot needs
>Insipid love triangle, heroine must choose between Tall Dark and Perfect, and Brooding Bad Boi, typically Bad Boi dies to save the heroine, sometimes one of them also betrays her but it was just a ruse
>Characters fall in love instantly and nobody is just friends
>Heroine is at least a 7/10 but acts like she's a 5/10
>The character is The Chosen One, possibly with Powers that manifest with puberty
>Noble Savages, the classic "Magic Negro saves Whitey", this can be other races of course, the Lotus Wars series has Steampunk Slavs for example

>> No.9062606

Have you read The Goblin Emperor? It's pretty good and chill.

>> No.9062645

>jedi are invincible

Not to based clones apparently

>> No.9062678

I thought Ohara was pronounced like "Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten" whereas O'Hara is more nasally

tropes aren't bad by definition, it's more a matter of certain things being used badly too often

>> No.9063041

I guess this kind of fits here until I find a more dedicated thread. Sorry if it doesnt. When I was younger one of the books I borrowed from the library stayed in the back of my mind but I couldnt recall the title if my life depended on it. It was about a girl who would wander an imaginary world to escape harsh reality. If I remember correctly the reletionship with her father played a big role. And she might have had a commenting companion of sorts in the dream world but that might be just my memory being wonky so take this part with a grain of salt. It had an Alice in the Wonderland vibe but was quite serious and sad. I would be so overjoyed to finally get the title.

>> No.9063063


I don't think so the cover was different, it had a hot female centaur on the left I think and some captain on the right

>> No.9063071


Oh shit it actually was.
Why are tehere a million different covers for one book

>> No.9063074
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>> No.9063232

Who's the fat guy in the top right supposed to be, Baron Harkonnen? What's the meme?

>> No.9063327

We actually used to have a lot of posts like this.

>> No.9063331

>Because the new book is coming out soon
What book? Is the Unholy Consult coming out already?

>> No.9063339


July 4, 2017

Yeah, soon Bakker will start spamming the countdown every thread

>> No.9063357

That's not 'soon'.
Anyway, I hope it wraps up nicely. Still think his first trilogy was the best, and I'd love to see more stories set in the world he came up with.

>> No.9063441

That is comforting, but doesnt exactly help me. There should a what was that book called general. Damn it is killing me inside. Like having something at the tip of your tongue. Forever.

>> No.9063452

>Damn it is killing me inside.
It took me about 5 years to remember the name of a book, take your time anon.

Here are some tips:
>rare words or phrases that you are certain were used inside the book
Text from any page within the book can help identify the book if someone has illegally uploaded it or google books has a copy of some of the pages.
Use with http://www.googleguide.com/advanced_operators_reference.html
Note that Google supports synonyms with ~ search
>Browser history
Cached pages are also saved up until about 300 mb at least in chrome, if you haven't used that browser in a while and know the name is on it you can trawl it from history using Nirsoft's cache viewers
>Youtube history


>> No.9063456

And also the year. What the author names began with.

>> No.9063479

I got it from a library in another country many years ago. All I remember is the vague outline of the plot and that it was absolutely mesmerising.

>> No.9063536


it's like 4 months away

>> No.9063537

>Like having something at the tip of your tongue. Forever.

I'm having this same shit with a video game I played about 10 years ago, except nobody on /v/ knows it not even on "old games" or "obscure games" threads. Killing me. But then again, I remember less about it than you do about your book so...

>> No.9063765

Try it on me. Maybe I will guess it.

>> No.9063770

Are annals of the black company /sffg/ approved?

>> No.9063786


It's impossible, it's too vague and can apply to hudnreds of games.

>> No.9063836

well it's definitely impossible with that attitude

>> No.9063847

only 4 months till I can be with my husbando Shaeönanra forever.

>> No.9063850
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1200, 121467461315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know some good novel about the first space colonizations? I want do read the Asimov's Foundation series. Is this good?

>> No.9063874
File: 36 KB, 1329x697, gam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well okay, though this is getting off topic

Basically you could train your "guys", they would have different colors based on what they did, builders, etc. You could click on them to pick them up I think, and that's all I remember.

>> No.9063931

Am I the only person in the world who thinks the 3 LOTR books are trash but really enjoys the Tolkien world? I like The Hobbit and Sil and the worldbuilding but the plot of "and then a bunch of hobbits walked through this empty hilly region" sucks

>> No.9063939

With the globe? I think it's the fat spice man,nyeah.

>> No.9063948

That is soon, try waiting 2-3 years for your next book. You guys got it in a few months.

>> No.9064012

Bladewands from Acts of Caine are (kinda) similar

>> No.9064130

>space colonizations?
Chasm City - one of the plot lines is about getting to a new planet on a generation/hibernation ship, another one talks (among other things) about how colonies on that planet turned out, the book explores other themes (and another colonised planet) aswell.
Other related books:
Red Mars Trilogy
>Foundation series
not about first space colonizations

>> No.9064170

What are you guys currently reading?
What are you guys going to read next?

>> No.9064200

Ted Chiang stories. Dunno what to read next. Want some soft sci fi with relatable characters.

>> No.9064235


I liked Stolen Throne which goes over the war with Orlais and King Maric. I read it back in 2009 though and cant remember much

>> No.9064262


Don't know yet

>> No.9064272

Overall yes

>> No.9064278

>Foundation series
>not about first space colonizations

Technically Foundation & Earth explores the theme in reverse.

>> No.9064286


Defender of the Imperium (2nd Omnibus of Ciaphas Cain novels). I was 2/3 of the way through the first Malazan book but just got a bit bored with it so i swapped for a bit. I also need to finish the Dreaming Void by Peter F. Hamilton (I found the 'dreams' chapters much more interesting than anything else so far desu). Is the void trilogy good i dont think ive ever seen it mentioned here. Ill probably finish Malazan and the void book next

>> No.9064332

>fat guy in the top right
>Baron Harkonnen
is this a Sanderson meme?

>> No.9064346


>currently reading

On Blue's Waters

>reading next

In Green's Jungles

>> No.9064348

It's cardcaptor Sakura.

>> No.9064442

Can someone revoked some"soft cyberpunk"? Something without the kitschy camp noir elements usually present.

>> No.9064515

Finished claw of the conciliator this morning. Tigana is next.

>> No.9064586

Anyone read A Canticle for Leibowiz?

I've gone through 30-40% of it and really loved it. Then, Francis dies and the whole narrative shifts to the secular courts and it basically becomes a different book. Is it going to get better than court intrigues in this semi-Middle Ages setting?

>> No.9064627

Thomas Covenant (first chronicles)
not sure, maybe the Zimiamvian trilogy

>> No.9064639

Any fantasy authors/series that have a hobbits/halfling-like race outside of DnD and Tolkien?

>> No.9064686

>What are you guys currently reading?
Lord of Chaos
>What are you guys going to read next?
A Crown of Swords

>> No.9064699
File: 350 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A review of sword and citadel. What did he mean by this?

>> No.9064754

Is there any kind of general consensus about Michael J. Sullivan around here?

I've been looking forward to Riyria.

Love TBOTNS, Hyperion and Sanderson. Hate LOTR, Abercrombie and Rothfuss.

>> No.9064759
File: 133 KB, 600x600, 1470640245162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Shadow and Claw was only average
>if you are looking for a good read in the fantasy genre try The Name Of The Wind

>> No.9064761

He's shit.

>> No.9064798


He's a fucking pussy who just HAS to inject feminist rhetoric into the dialogue of his characters because why the fuck not, not only does it turn it SHIT it's also SHIT.

Fucking asshole.

>> No.9064804


Were you aware that behind every great man, the woman was the one doing all the thinking, planning, writing speeches, thinking of what to do next, controlling the man?

If not, well you will find out in any of his books.

Fucking shit.

>> No.9064820

Hi /lit/

Would it be plausible for a non native english speaker to read LOTR without any major problems?

I'm fluet enough to be able to speak with native english speakers on anonymous imageboards without them even realizing I'm not.
I can read light novels, manga and watch english subbed anime without any problems, but I don't have any experience with classic english literature, works featuring more obscure words and complicated language.

>> No.9064829

Oh man are you kidding me.

Well thank you, your post elevates the board.

>> No.9064841


I wish I was kidding you, I really do.

>> No.9064881

Well, I guess I'll try, although I really get enervated by people shoving down agendas in uncalled places (although not as much as you).

Thank you.

>> No.9064890

>What are you guys currently reading?
The Way of Shadow (H. Connolly)
>What are you guys going to read next?
Second book of The Dagger & The Coin

>> No.9064918

Yeah. Some of the terminology used to describe plants and topographical features might be rough going at first - heather and myrtle and dells and dales and knolls and swards.

>> No.9064943

>I don’t like making my readers work. I like my stories to be as easy to read as breathing.

Really snaps my synapse

>> No.9064954

Ok, so anyone can just expect a walk the trail and just enjoy the ride pop easy to read saga.

>> No.9065048

>What are you guys currently reading?
The Citadel of the Autarch. The armigers daughter story was the best one.
>What are you guys going to read next?
Maybe the next one in the series, maybe some Mieville or Blindsight.

>> No.9065067

Snow Crash

>> No.9065140

>The armigers daughter story was the best one.

I am partial to Loyal To The Group Of Seventeen's story myself.

>> No.9065179


Maybe some guys just want to read and follow the characters in their crazy adventures instead of having to think all the time

>> No.9065204

That's what TV is for

>> No.9065215
File: 81 KB, 675x666, 1482276458271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please rec me some good assassination fiction. Already read hobb and it wasn't about assassination, although i still enjoyed the first 2 books. the edge trilogy is the only real assassination series i've ever read, I would love more.

>> No.9065227

Currently reading Shadow of the Torturer + Claw of the Conciliator. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell coming up after that. If I like Shadow and Claw I might try to push the rest of New Sun in before Strange & Norrell.

>> No.9065923

Man, I thought Severian was bad enough but Horn from Short Sun is a real piece of shit.

>> No.9066055

So I like Diana Wynne Jones. Similar authors?


Why would an author bother shilling in a place famous for piracy and having no friends? I have no shekels to give. Also I feel like I got scammed. Prince of nothing is pretty shit so far. If bakker is here he should pay me for attempting to read his shit.


Why do people like that shit? It's the only book I ever actually regret having read. Every time someone mentions it, I involuntarily cringe.

>> No.9066091


Honestly, the Shahnameh (it's shit, written ~1000 ad by an inbred goatfucker) and just finished His Dark Materials (had to skim a lot of it, especially the elephant wheel-riders I gave zero shits about.)

Next I want to read Gene Wolfe. Don't know what after that, because I hate everything I try. Maybe some Murakami.

>> No.9066152

Much like female characters in The Wheel of Time, I assume this is just a reflection of what goes on in the author's life.

>> No.9066186

What do yall think of The Girl with Ghost Eyes?

>> No.9066349
File: 246 KB, 314x475, 24391010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was only obvious in the new "myth of ages" series. The original 6 books didn't give me that feel.

>> No.9066392

>just finished His Dark Materials (had to skim a lot of it, especially the elephant wheel-riders I gave zero shits about.)
>had to skim a lot of it
That means you didn't read it.

>> No.9066529

Except WoT is like the exact opposite of feminist.

>> No.9066553

Do NOT under any circumstances waste time with female authors. Go watch paint dry or just look out of your window with an empty mind... both activities are more interesting and fun

>> No.9066590

Here are the Vagina Books you requested. Mileage varies.
It's the books with the red star.

>> No.9066592
File: 139 KB, 1624x698, Muh Female Assassin Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot Pic

>> No.9066601

I want to make a meme macro for you. But nothing pops in my head.

It's sad you don't even inspire me to make a pic for you.

>> No.9066841

bout to name my characters Jossentine and Perrineo and there's nothing you fags can do about it lol

>> No.9066842

It's sad you feel proud of that trash.

>> No.9066858

Nah, I just mean the author writes what he knows. Sullivan presumably lets his wife (?) do everything for him. Jordan's wife was a nagging, ungrateful harpy. This is reflected in their respective novels.

>> No.9066861

What trash?

>> No.9066878
File: 131 KB, 600x450, 1483642833433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Book of the Long Sun any good?

I have decided to read Urth, I haven't yet but I must plan ahead nonetheless

>> No.9066882

>>9066878 see >>9060403

>> No.9066963
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1482031942334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not helping

>> No.9066973

If you like your christian over and undertones stuffed in your face read it.

>> No.9067032

What kind of Christianity are we talking about?

>> No.9067068


Is that so, I never read his previous works because of the shit in age of myth, are they good and relatively free of it, not like fis

>> No.9067177
File: 73 KB, 318x468, 10790290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new series pissed me off desu. I don't know if he is pandering to the tumblr crowd but I felt ashamed to have been shilling it a few weeks before the release.

The original books was 2 bros going on adventures (kinda like a """modern""" take on the Grey Mouse Series) and getting into trouble. This age of myth was so heavy handed with the "woman runs things so well, lets assassinate her. Sullivan is trying hard to bring back that buddy vibe that carried through the original books, but he is failing so hard.

There is some bits of "vagina runs things" in the original books, but it's well done and believable. Read pic related and see if you like it.

>> No.9067275

Is there a way to write this without pissing off literally everyone?

A male character walks into a cute girl's room without knocking and finds her wearing nothing but a collared shirt and overalls... in a turn-of-the century setting. Basically everyone acts as disturbed as they would be if the sexes were swapped and he had walked in on a guy in a dress. She's not a tranny or anything she just feels really powerful wearing something with all those pockets

>> No.9067326

>There is no god but The Lieutenant and Sergeant Jelal was his prophet
I love Starship Troopers so much, I don't know what I was expecting from it's reputation
I was Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress at my LBS for $7 and $6 respectively, is it also worth it? All Heinlein's work like this?

>> No.9067342
File: 141 KB, 720x960, 1486052971582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this Stevian and what book is he shilling?

>> No.9067346


Hello Stevian, you need your attention again?

>> No.9067348

No, I only pop in this general once in a while and I just wanted to know the latest gossip.

>> No.9067356


Do you want a quick rundown on Stevian?

>> No.9067358
File: 75 KB, 385x578, a quick rundown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes pls

>> No.9067363


quick rundown

>/sffg/ bows down to Stevian
>in contact with the mods
>possess god-like writing abilities
>controls /lit/ with a fair but iron fist
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>wrote "to kill a god"

>> No.9067366

No amount of one star reviews on Goodreads can deflect the will of the populace.
>Implying you wouldn't have hit that

>> No.9067373

What are the best fantasy books which are basically a collection of separate but connected short stories/novellas?
Preferably without any elf genocide/murder.

>> No.9067453
File: 330 KB, 736x1119, 1461430952388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read 4 or 5 thousand books, and I've still not finish LotR.

When I tried reading it a few years ago, I was pleasantly surprised by the Tom Bombadil part. I thought to myself, this is some interesting writing and imagery. I'm going to enjoy this series.

And then it was followed by a few hundred pages of travelling through trees and rocks. So I skipped to the next book, thinking I'd circumvent the nonsense. The second book turned out to be a few hundred pages of traveling through barren wastelands. Oh look, a mountain. Just kidding old boy, it's just more wasteland.

So I gave up.

I usually have patience for these sorts of things, so I feel like maybe I was just in a bad mood or something.

Should I give it another try?

>> No.9067456

An internet wired mind just can't relax and slow down enough to enjoy LOTR I don't think.
I'm in the same boat.

>> No.9067476


I don't know if that's it. I feel like I've probably finished books that were slower than that. I considered giving the Silmarillion a try instead, but all of the ebook versions I've downloaded obliterate all the names with fucked up unicode characters.

>> No.9067494

>heavy handed

Plenty of effective and/or loved rulers and VIPs have been assassinated in the past for being too good at their job. Especially when they start busting heads over corruption, or were like Wallenstein and were too good at winning wars.

>> No.9067623

>claim to have read 5000 books
>can't get through ~2000 pages of walking

>> No.9067651
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still would hit it, even if she nagged me afterwards.

>> No.9067660

Try Neil Gaiman's trigger warning.
The stories are separated, but connected by the same author. Enjoy

>> No.9067899

It's another
>audiobook is split completely randomly into parts
>One file per chapter?
>Does the file begin WITH a chapter?
>Does the file END in the middle of a sentence?

Fucking fuck hell

>> No.9067926

What are some good sci-fi books with heavy philosophical themes in it? I'm really interested in books that revolve around post human, utopias, utilitarianism and societal structure. Hopefully recommend stuff that's around 200-350 pages and with characters that aren't just author's mouthpieces.

>> No.9067929

Blindsight, Embassytown

>> No.9068191

>I am partial to Loyal To The Group Of Seventeen's story myself.
It was such a blow to Orwell too. I can't think of Newspeak without thinking of Ascian now.

>> No.9068192

Will second this and also add the sequel Echopraxia.
The synopsis makes it sound silly and after reading the 'fake site'/prelude I thought I was going into a dark comedy of sorts.
What I found instead is a nice thought exercise couched in a story about what the actual social repercussions of a transhumanist society would be.

>> No.9068228

U R S U L A K. L E G U I N

The Left Hand Of Darkness (non-warring, socialist, egalitarian, andogynous hermaphrodites on an arctic world viewed voyeuristically by a foreign dignitary)

The Lathe Of Heaven. A man's dreams have the power to change the world; and the pitfalls when these are harnessed in order to create a utopia (trying to eradicate war, racism, overpopulation)

>> No.9068241

Left Hand was crap, Lathe was much better. I'd rec Dispossessed over Left Hand myself. It's about a property-free anarchist society and the kind of ridiculously contrived scenario it'd need to survive, and everybody wondering if it's worth it.

>> No.9068245

Blindsight was pretty decent. Echopraxia was honestly not nearly as good.

>> No.9068271

I agree Lathe is a better read, but Left Hand is dense in worldbuiling and speculations about gender and governments.

I was initially going to recommend Philip K Dick because he is a philosophical author (and LeGuin mimics him in Lathe) but I can't recollect any of his works which feature examinations of different societies and exotic people - not in depth, anyway. Much more of an inward looking author.

>> No.9068278

You can also read Coming of Age in Karhide if all you wanted was hermaphrodite sex.

>> No.9068279

Why do people hate Felisin? She seemed like the average heroin junkie whore to me, pretty realistic.

>> No.9068372

Hi Sebastian. What you doing here.

>> No.9068381
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, Leoman of the Spurdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whore caused my boy ghost hands' downfall.
I still want to breed her, even if she won't feel anything, and will through away the baby in the end

>> No.9068495


>Implying you wouldn't have hit that

Fucked her, maybe. Raped and beaten her within an inch of her life, definitely not.

>> No.9068566

Asunder was good because of Shale and Wynne banter. I thought the one about the griffons was good too. All the other ones were decent I suppose.

>> No.9068600

this sounds like fucking kvothe

>> No.9068610

the guilt ridden and highly aesthetic kind

>> No.9068624

Am I the only one who absolutely hated Blindsight? His voice is just awful. I never describe things as "reddit" but his prose style just seemed like he was influenced more by snarky internet comments than actual literature or anything

>> No.9068682

>with all those pockets

hello kvothe

this is reddit, this is memes

>> No.9068699

I've read the first book only.
It was shit.

>> No.9068786
File: 70 KB, 500x744, 1482519699527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which contemporary Star Wars novels are with reading? I heard Tarkin and the Battlefront one are good.

>> No.9068939

inb4 autist makes new thread when its one page 4 because of the ******* boogeyman

>> No.9069009

Some precautions must be taken anon.

>> No.9069027


>I am unable to differentiate between prose that tries too hard to be poetic and flowery and fails horribly and actual good prose.

Stick with Rothfuss.

>> No.9069072


i promise i wont pull that shit for another month

>> No.9069129

That's weaksauce, you'll piss off no one no matter how you write it.

>> No.9069336

That's because you were banned for a month.

>> No.9069352


I was never banned, or what
you think you saying how you are going to report me every single thread that wouldn't get you banned, but me posting a general would?

>> No.9069402

I see that you dislike women, so liking the prince of nothing series explains a lot.

You liked
-all the gay buttsex and raping of men and women in Prince of Nothing
-the rape and mistreatment of women in The GoT series
-Thomas Covenant (which is far worst than Ruthfuss, Sanderson and Abercrombie) because he raped a girl in the book(which puts those dirty vaginas in their place amirite?)

You disliked Black Company because they didn't join in the rape of the 9 year old girl when they found her, also they didn't gang rape Lady in her succulent virgin wet walls when they had the chance.

Did i cover all the basics?

>> No.9069596

Why Wheezy Waiter?

>> No.9069637
File: 166 KB, 297x475, 18047306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. The prose was a bit amateurish but it was a fun read, so I intend to continue the series. I like the idea of the protagonist not being the "destined hero" but instead just some kid that put the work in. What I don't like is that the actual hero of prophecy feels like he gets all these powers handed to him without having to work for it, so I hope the story is building up to doing something different with that. He feels like an oblivious idiot trying to be some sort of fairytale hero while the protagonist is quickly developing into a sharp-minded badass.

Anyone else familiar with it? I picked it up at the recommendation of someone in this thread so I presume there's at least one of you.

>> No.9069673

What's up with severian's hair? I always imagined he had it short seeing as he keeps himself clean shaved.

>> No.9069677



>> No.9069759

it sounds EXACTLY like kvothe's inner monolgue tho

sorry but its true