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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 125 KB, 574x385, amazon-bible-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
904973 No.904973 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday's wishlist thread went splendidly. Plenty of fuckers bought and received books, myself included, and I added a shit-ton of new material to my list. I'm out of money until I get paid so I can't be generous again today, but maybe someone else can catch the same spirit. Or not. Either way, let's see them lists.


No begging you fucks. If someone wants to buy you a book, they will. And if you have a specific one in mind, write that below your list. Don't expect anon to shell out the big bucks for you, much less buy you a copy of anything, and always say thanks if you get to be so lucky. Stay classy /lit/erati.

>> No.904999


>> No.905006

I simply do not understand these threads. I get that it is nice to own a book, to read it at your leisure, but to the people who say you are too poor to afford buying a book why not just go to the library?

>> No.905011

in all honesty i think these threads are a plague.
anyone who has ever been gifted a book should be sure to do so to another anon asap.

>> No.905014


I'd rather donate my $100 to my local library than buy some poorfags (who can still afford the internet...) books.

>> No.905022


Because I'm innately capitalist and like to have possession of things. Such as books, for example. Beyond that, it's fun to give and to receive, especially when it comes to strangers. Books aren't so pricey that I can't afford to make someone's day every once in a while. No one's forcing people to participate. Also, it helps to get a look at what other people on /lit/ are trying to get their hands on.


Kierkegaard and Deleuze. Two of my favorite, less acknowledged phiosophizers.

>> No.905027


>> No.905028


go to another thread then? And not everyone is greedy. I know at least 2 tripfags that bought multiple books for multiple people. Yesterday I bought 5 and got 3 in return. The system can work if /lit/ doesn't act spoiled about it.

>> No.905034


>> No.905037

you guys are so kind :3

>> No.905039


If anyone has any suggestions of stuff I should read let me know. I don't have a huge collection.

>> No.905047

every single thread of wishlist should be an image of a jp screencap with the text "HATERS GONNA HATE"


>> No.905050


>> No.905052

See address and cringe.


>> No.905057
File: 226 KB, 485x585, cpt-beefheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really enjoyed one flew over the cuckoo's nest. I will gift it for that reason alone.


>> No.905060

I'm only speaking on personal experience here, but my library charges $30 a month because I live literally 30 or so feet outside of city lines. I can't say I read more than 5 or 6 books a month. So, it really just seems like a better deal to own them, with it costing that much to just rent them.

I'm mostly in the thread to give and get suggestions though, since I've gotten a couple books already out of these threads.


>> No.905062

Oh, and by the way, what's the deal with the books for 1 cent + Shipping on amazon? I can't help but be suspicious of them.

>> No.905072

>Kierkegaard and Deleuze. Two of my favorite, less acknowledged phiosophizers.


>> No.905073


I just read the sirens of titan. Really enjoyed it.

>> No.905077

hahah i love you /lit/ my sex is a rhizome

>> No.905088


Op here. Hello Ms. Raven from Texas. Enjoy your copy of "the Unconsoled"


For some reason I still can't buy stuff for people in Canada. Otherwise I would have got you Huck Finn.

>> No.905091
File: 647 KB, 320x240, 1278865043129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd post it, but shipping would be too expensive. Besides, i only used Amazon for the One volume edition of Bone, so i don't have a lot of things on the wishlist.
Good luck to all of you, nonetheless.

>> No.905094


Next paycheck I will be buying books for people. I think this idea is fantastic and I have a lot of respect for the people that do this.

>> No.905096


The sum total is $4. That's not bad at all

>> No.905097


I just started getting into some beat stuff. I like Kerouac but I've been meaning to get into Ginsburg also. I figured Howl is a good place to start.

>> No.905098

Aw, I wasn't expecting anything. But thank you very much OP! I'm sure I'll enjoy it, been looking into Kazuo Ishiguro for a while.

>> No.905103


Any suggestions of what I should add?

>> No.905112


I tried to get him Road to Los Angeles but couldn't ship to Canada either...


>> No.905119


Truly? Won't the shipping rates be a problem?

>> No.905127


Curse my place of Birth!

Haha, thanks anyways though, guys :)

>> No.905131


The library in my town shut down a while back.

>> No.905133


These are generally just books I'd like to read after seeing them on /lit/ or in others' wish lists, so recommendations would be nice

>> No.905135


OP. One last act of kindness for today and I swear I can't spend anymore on you guys. Sorry :(

Enjoy the Kerouac stories and Gulliver's Travels by: Jonathan Swift. If you like GT, then read "A Modest Proposal"

My list in case anyone wants to join:


>> No.905136
File: 67 KB, 1002x497, 7-12-2010-6.49.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anyone cares, but I just had my 21st birthday this past Thursday.

Anyway, sincere thanks in advance.

>> No.905141

Wow thank you so much! Oh wow. Unending gratitude from me good sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.905151

Just want to say that I very much enjoyed the Lucifer Effect and would be more than happy to buy it for you in week when I get paid.

>> No.905152

I will definitely spread the love once I can afford, but for now I'm a poor student. And a eurofag at that.


>> No.905159


Student budget, not expecting anything. I like books.

>> No.905163


Heh, no biggie. I'm a poor student too that works a shit job, so I can only be so generous. I'd like to change the culture of /lit/ a little bit though so that there's no doubt who's the kindest of them all.

So I buy people I've never met used books that they request. Keep the love flowing.

>> No.905181


Enjoy your copy of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland Ms. Cassie Burke.


>> No.905182


If only I had some more cash I would definitely get you post office. One of my favorite books.

>> No.905184


Any would be much appreciated

>> No.905190


heh. It's all good. I just hope someone hooks you up since I'm not able to help my Canadian brethren.

>> No.905221

Thanks! I was actually in the process of ordering you The Stranger, so I hope you enjoy that yourself :)

>> No.905224
File: 37 KB, 410x338, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is a .edu email address
Just go to amazon.com/student

It's good for a year and won't be renewed automatically. :)

>> No.905229

Enjoy your copy of 'Dance, Dance, Dance' :3

>> No.905237


Thanks very much! That'll be absolutely fantastic because I've almost finished Kafka on the Shore!

>> No.905243

If I wasn't so broke I would buy every britfag in the thread a book :/

>> No.905248

This is such a good thread, gives me faith in humanity

>> No.905253

I can't help reading this thinking I'm being trolled or it's some type of scam

>> No.905254

ausfags getting no love :(

>> No.905258


Once I move to Malaysia I'll send something... Once I get the money, that is.

>> No.905269


I promise to make a thread next week when I get paid and buy britfags some books

>> No.905270


OP here. I assure you this isn't a scam. I've bought and had books bought for me over the last few days. Post your amazon and you'll eventually see results. Lots of people are buying books for each other, I assure you.


For some reason Amerifags can't send to Canada or other countries. The only foreign land I've managed to buy for is the UK and that was only one time. I don't know why it doesn't allow that.

>> No.905271


thanks lit :3

>> No.905273

I'm from mootxico and once jp bought me a book. Where is he from?

>> No.905276


Love Dos Pasos, particularly Manhattan Transfer.

Anyway, will browse lists. I have limited funds, but can afford to get someone a cheap book. This is a great idea, by the way.


>> No.905282

The invoice says Michigan

>> No.905283


Gah too bad you didn't post earlier. I totally would have picked up "The Virgin Suicides" for you. Awesome book. I've wanted to read "Middlesex" for quite some time.

>> No.905287

I just want to say thank you to those who are gifting. I haven't received anything myself and won't repost my link, but you're good people for sharing the love.

>> No.905296

I'll get someone a book once I go through some of your lists.

>> No.905298


similar tastes

>> No.905307


OP here. I think you should repost it. Since you thanked me before I did anything for you and all. Then we'll see what happens.

I'll repost mine, no guilt:


>> No.905309 [DELETED] 


God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

>> No.905314 [DELETED] 


happy with anything :D

>> No.905315


something sci-fi if you could :3

im gonna try to start up a thread next week and buy at least 4 things

>> No.905322


>> No.905328


>> No.905334


Trying to make a complete Zelazny collection :D

>> No.905336

Hey OP you said you gifted me Gulliver's Travels and Kerouac. How do I know if it's sent?

>> No.905340

Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt.


Would really like that Search for the Red Dragon or Flight From the Dark.

>> No.905343

I'm not going to post my list until I can afford to buy one for someone else. Hopefully that will be tomorrow.
In the meantime, I love to look through people's lists to see what I should add to mine. Mostly it's novels I pick up in here.
I've been cruising the lists, and I don't see much in the way of linguistics - I've got "Cartesian Linguistics" and "Syntactic Structures" on my list right now, but I need more. I know to get Saussure, I've got plenty by Frege, and a bit from Searle and Kripke.

>> No.905349

top right of your wishlist youll see a scroll down box that says 'unpurchased' click it and changed to purchased and you will see the gifts that have been purchased to you :)

Not OP.

>> No.905350

Gulliver's Travels is a fucking fabulous book. Jonathan Swift is one of my favorite writers now. Very funny guy.

>> No.905356


>> No.905362
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1276907567292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No begging you fucks.
>post your wish list

>> No.905365


I'll probably make one at the end of july when I get paid with the intention of buying stuff for britfags.

>> No.905366


>> No.905369

I never did make it through Sorrows of Young Werther... perhaps I'll have to pick that one up again. I'm warning you, it's tough to read.

>> No.905370


He meant no posts linking to your wishlist going "oh plese get me xxx guise. I'm poor. I need it for school!"

>> No.905373


>> No.905374

Ahh there it is. I can't believe you guys regularly do this for each other. When I get some money the favor will be returned. You are good people. I have faith in humanity.

>> No.905376
File: 25 KB, 210x270, chewing hobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got gifted four books yesterday, planning to return them for credit and buy a new mic and controller for my Xbox 360.

And I thought you guys were supposed to be the "smart" kids LOL.

>> No.905385

got you something, did it work?

>> No.905389

Any Hemingway would be greatly appreciated. Mixed in there with other things but there's books on both pages, I've been trying to get well versed in the classics

>> No.905390

>Shitting all over the good will of others.

Congratulations, you are a douche.

>> No.905396
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 1278899892461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.905398

Cool story, bro.

enjoy being a /v/irgin.

>> No.905399 [DELETED] 

Well, here's mine.


Only two actual novels, but if someone bought them for me I'd remember the debt until the day I paid it off. I'd be very happy with your kindness afterward too.

>> No.905405

What I like most about these threads is that by buying someone a book that I myself have read I feel like I'm advising them as well as giving them a gift and vice-versa.

>> No.905406


Valuing video games higher than books is being smart? Glad I'm stupid then.

>> No.905416


read nadja last year, great book. sorry i don't have any money to buy it. definitely recommend it to anyone.

>> No.905424


i want haribo giant sour suckers.

>> No.905432

I noticed that Flight From the Dark is missing now, but I'm not sure where to look for any messages (And I think I might have accidentally turned off being notified).

Thanks kind Anon. You are truly a man among men.

>> No.905433

I began reading it a few years back, ironic that my now ex girlfriend decided to start a bonfire with all my books.


>> No.905437

Hunt her down and murder her. Burning a book warrants death.

>> No.905441

If you go to where you enter your ship to adress, should be on left hand sidebar column you can choose to be notified when gifted.

>> No.905444

No problem, estimated date of arrival is the 14th.

>> No.905456


More like 70 books

>> No.905457


OP here. Enjoy "The Search for the Red Dragon." Not my cup of tea, but hey, see what happens when you behave nicely.


Go fuck yourself dickface. Aside from corrupting the system, what a stupid choice.

>listen to 13-year-olds on Xbox live or read books
>listen to 13-year-olds

>> No.905461

This is mine, the reason I created my wishlist was to purchase all those on there, setting my goals to buy all that stuff incrementally.

>> No.905465
File: 778 KB, 1488x2338, twilight-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You certainly seem to fail at basic reading comprehension.

Here, let me buy a book for you. It might be a little advanced for you though.

>> No.905477

>No begging you fucks

>> No.905480

Thanks a ton to you as well.

I'll make sure to return the favor to some anons as soon as I have some spending money!

>> No.905494


Enjoy your copy of Nausea, Bill!

>> No.905495

so much oprah's book club in this thread

i am fucking repulsed at you /lit/tle girls

>> No.905500

Mind your own business, you crazy stalking hambeast. Btw, don't feel like I owe you shit.

>> No.905501


Yeah, bn is a cool dude. He bought me Pride & Prejudice yesterday. Real cool dude.

>> No.905502


Anything at all would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.905507


>> No.905518

I'm so happy I started coming to /lit/ a few months ago.

Best board ever.

>> No.905525 [DELETED] 


>> No.905521

hay gais wats going on in dis tred?


>> No.905527


I know, perfect timing right? Haha, he still bought me the book though, whether he'll admit it or not.

>> No.905530




>> No.905536


/lit/ - civilizing 4chan one thread at a time.

>> No.905542 [DELETED] 


I don't get it?

>> No.905539
File: 104 KB, 889x620, taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hi Bernardo, I was just thinking about real Mexican food.

>> No.905543

Wow, thank you so much. I have to say
isn't me. What kind of insult is hambeast? I'm very grateful and will return the favour once again on my next payday.

>> No.905549
File: 29 KB, 240x320, hurrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.905551

i want free shit too!

>> No.905553

woops, got them links the wrong way around! hope you undrstand what i mean

>> No.905558

Found the page showing that they've been ordered now.

Huge thanks to both of you again! These 2 books along with the Complete Sherlock Holmes that I'm trading Viewtiful Joe for will be great additions to my collection.

>> No.905559


All the britfag wish lists before this post have been bookmarked and will receive gifts when I get paid. I don't have a wish list of my own.

>> No.905563


Dude, you need to add an address. I almost bought you Gravity's Rainbow, my favorite book of all time, but gave up when I couldn't ship it.

OP posting list one last time:


>> No.905569

Feels good to give broseph.

>> No.905572

No one here is begging, bro.

>> No.905574


Absolutely bro, enjoy Nausea, it's something I'm presently reading as well.

>> No.905576
File: 62 KB, 300x380, antonin_artaud2-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you all!!

>> No.905580

This wishlist thread has been unsuccessful, yeah sure a few people got some gifts however the system has been flawed with prejudice.

>civilizing 4chan

If these threads were civilized then the gifters would be gifting according to when the wishlist link was posted, not as to their location or what novels they have in the wishlist.

You fail OP.

>> No.905584

I am reading it too, finding it a tad difficult and tad boring but enjoying it nevertheless.

>> No.905589

You're wrong, the way it's being done is perfectly fine, and extremely civilized. I haven't received anything, but the kindness of strangers in these threads is incredibly heartwarming nonetheless. And I'm glad most people are returning the favor at some point.

>> No.905590

>Sharing books you like.
>Sharing with your country and people you might actually encounter.

I see no problems with either of these, stop being so jaded god damn.

>> No.905593
File: 1.33 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got gifted 150 dollars worth of books in 4 days with these threads.

>> No.905594


It's definitely a bit purple at times and because so little active stuff really happens in the plot it's a bit difficult at times. Still, I'm also enjoying it..

>> No.905598

What the christ

>> No.905601

//lit/ really is an amazing board. This place revives my hope for mankind. It's mind boggling. Random anonymous people, actually buying shit for each other? Fucking incredible.

>> No.905600 [DELETED] 


A gift is just that: a gift. Not a privilege, but a blessing.

I would have counted this thread a success if only one stranger bought a second hand book for another stranger.

>> No.905603

Well said ^_^

>> No.905604

Ignore the borders receipt, got mixed up with them all.

>> No.905610

I like how you added a ton of pretentious books to your list yesterday and today to try and build a personality--you're that faggot that sits in Starbucks all day with your Macbook Pro and your dogeared copy of "A Catcher in the Rye".

>> No.905611

Michael A., your copies of The Princess and the Goblin and Frankenstein shipped today. Still unsure if Nathaniel M. has received his JRRT collection, if you're on amazon said it arrived yesterday.

My most wanted book is Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition by Daniel Okrent

>> No.905614


4chan revolutionaries

>> No.905616
File: 15 KB, 350x350, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm OP. Go get fucked. I've bought 11 books for 10 strangers in the last two days and received 3. And I didn't even expect those three. It's about giving not receiving you tool. You try to make people's days, not get free shit from everyone. The free books are an added perk to doing something nice for someone for absolutely no reason. I'm doing my best. How many books have you bought?

Fucking eh. Is this what I get for being nice? Because if dickheads like you and the Xbox live guy keep at it, I'm sure most of the kindanons will stop bothering. I know I will.


>> No.905623


>> No.905624

typical bumper-sticker philosophy

go sit on a dick you fake poser faggot

>> No.905625


Thank you so much Anon! I can't believe that there are people who actually do this for others. I'm still looking through the lists, hopefully someone will have a new book soon!

>> No.905626

There's a good chance your copy of Animal Farm was from me, I know I bought it for someone. Either way, enjoy!

>> No.905627

First time ever making one of these generally I keep a paper copy of my wishlist (or a Word Document I guess)


On a related note, I just started reading Portrait of Dorian Gray and absolutely love Wilde's writing style. I have no idea what collection of his works is the best so the one I added was sort of random. Also, any writers that write in a similar style to him that /lit/ frequenters have enjoyed?

>> No.905628

He has added 162 items in 8 days.

OP fails.


>> No.905630


You can get fucked too. I add stuff to my list whenever I find a book that interests me.

Either post a list, buy someone a book, or go to another thread. Are people really this dickish about getting free books?

>> No.905633


>> No.905636

This thread give me the warm-and-fuzzies.


Will be gifting on payday in a couple of weeks.

>> No.905637

>I'm receiving a book from him
Sup jadedfag.

>> No.905639

I just dropped 200 bucks on books for some people in here. Start a thread when you get them!

>> No.905640


Mr D.L from Stonehaven?

Thank you very much if so, was very kind of you.

>> No.905643

Ignore the trolls OP. Your kindness is greatly appreciated :)

>> No.905644

You are quite the con-man. I guess street smarts beats book smarts any day of the week.

What are you going to buy when you return that tripe to Amazon?

>> No.905646

Holy shit, when did all of the negative fucks get here?

Nevermind. I'm done buying books. At least the people that received them from me were grateful.

Jesus you guys have to ruin everything don't you?

>> No.905649

No, that's not me. Ah well.

>> No.905650

my god, the naivete. have you people ever been outside?

>> No.905651
File: 16 KB, 240x240, 519uqAAi1tL._SL500_AA240_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess And The Goblin? I remember loving a movie of the same title when I was a child, it wouldn't be based on that book would it? If so what's the writing like? I assume it's for children but is it one of those 'can be enjoyed by all ages' books?

>> No.905656

Who wants some Ayn Rand? Im paying!

>> No.905657

I just posted my wishlist in a few threads when they first started up and got lucky i guess.

Won't be returning books as there is really nothing else i could possibly want more of.

I considered returning one that i got gifted which i don't even know why was on my wishlist 'fear and trembling' but i decided not too, might as well just keep it.

>> No.905665

ITT: Rich anon, Butthurt nerds who don't get free shit.

>> No.905667

It seems like people everywhere will be fucking assholes and try very hard to destroy something because they don't like it. I haven't participated in these threads before because I don't have the money to reciprocate, but I want to say it warms my heart when I see these threads on /lit/. Thank you to all kindanons who actively make this cesspool a better place. Most people spend their time making it worse.

>> No.905668

Oh and thanks to whomever bought me Notes from the Underground and Journey to the Center of the Earth. You understand what this shit is about. I appreciate your kindness and did my best to match it today.

OP leaving thread now. I'm not a fake.

>> No.905674


>> No.905676

To whoever gifted me "The Journey to the East"--I specifically wanted the hardback edition, you cheap jew. Don't fucking bother buying me shit if you aren't going to get exactly what I fucking tell you.

I swear I am tossing that shit out of my window for some homeless guy to wipe his ass with.

>> No.905677

fuck, I want fountainhead. come back tomorrow when I can buy a book for someone else, too.

>> No.905678


>> No.905684



>> No.905685

Seriously, these threads blow my mind. I came to 4chan thru /b/ of course, and it was a frightening look into the culture of our times. /lit/ has its ups and downs but this kind of thing is so impressive to me. I applaud you generous souls.

>> No.905686
File: 93 KB, 677x335, 1270163965597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.905688


If it wasn't on your wish list how could someone buy it for you?

>> No.905689

oh you.

>> No.905690

you'll be back you greedy fake, you make this same thread at different times every day to con people out of their money

you are fucking scum taking advantage of gullible people like this

>> No.905692

You're disgusting.

>> No.905693


pass it my way, you ungrateful cunt

>> No.905695

I'm pretty sure you can't gift someone something that wasn't on their wishlist. So, your mistake.

>> No.905700

Everyone, just ignore the haters, keep the sharing and caring train rolling.

>> No.905702

It's one in the same, yes. The writing is fantastic and I truly recommend it to anyone that enjoys children's fantasy. I think it's quite enjoyable by all ages, it definitely has more symbolism than contemporary children's literature.

Some favorite quotes:
"Seeing is not believing - it is only seeing."
"We are all very anxious to be understood, and it is very hard not to be. But there is one thing much more necessary.'
What is that, grandmother?'
To understand other people.'
Yes, grandmother. I must be fair - for if I'm not fair to other people, I'm not worth being understood myself. I see."
"It is when people do wrong things willfully that they are the more likely to do them again."
"Here I should like to remark, for the sake of princes and princesses in general, that it is a low and contemptible thing to refuse to confess a fault, or even an error. If a true princess has done wrong, she is always uneasy until she has had an opportunity of throwing the wrongness away from her by saying: 'I did it; and I wish I had not; and I am sorry for having done it."

I recommend it wholeheartedly.

>> No.905705

So can Americans not gift books to Americans and vise versa?

>> No.905706

It was way back near the beginning of my list, I must have added it years ago before I knew about the hardcover. Some creeper thought it would be funny to ready through hundreds of items just to fuck me over WHEN THE GOD DAMN HARDCOVER WAS ON THE FIRST FUCKING PAGE

>> No.905709

Both titles vaguely remind me of Sylvia Plath poems. I know I could do a quick google search and find out but I was hoping for a discussion.

What are those books about and [if you've started reading them at all] are they any good?
>reply to someone leaving thread

>> No.905712


I mean't Americans cant gift to Canadians -_-

>> No.905713

Did you ever think that the kindanon sorted by oldest to newest to buy you something you've wanted a very long time?

>> No.905717


not much of a list, but anything would be appreciated.

>> No.905719

Can you put gift cards on your wish lists? I've pretty much read everything good, but I always need more shoes.

>> No.905720

As long as there's an amazon for it, you can gift to them. Amazon accounts are cross compatible between co.uk, .ca, etc.

>> No.905723

Oh fuck I lol'd.

>> No.905724

lol but y u mad tho?

>> No.905728

Just put some shoes on your wish list ?

>> No.905732

I think it's probably best to keep it /lit/ related.

>> No.905735

I guess I didn't think of it that way. Still, I hope he pays better attention next time because I am seriously tossing it right in the garbage.

Now I have to go through my entire list and remove everything less than $50 so dumbasses don't get confused.

>> No.905736

Anyone have the picture that a femanon posted of a fancy copy of War and Peace covered with the word "CUNT" in bright red ink/paint from some asshole sending it back to her?

>> No.905739

Sounds awesome. Writing reminds me a tiny bit of Lewis Carol and Through The Looking Glass is one of my favorite books ever (Wonderland is alright too but I like Chess more than playing cards so I guess I preferred the motif).

I read a lot of children's fantasy, fairytales especially are some of my favorites. My uncle got me a really nice hardcover collection of Grimm/Anderson when I was first born so I think that's where my appreciation for them first came from. I've heard that the book which the Disney movie "The Black Cauldron" was based on is a little bit more of a high fantasy novel than children's fantasy but it's still quite good.

Princess Bride too if the movie is anything to judge it by.

>> No.905742

How many books have you bought people that were $50+?

>> No.905744


Post your list and I will buy you the hardcover one.

>> No.905745

don't feed the troll!

>> No.905747


Don't feed the troll

>> No.905748

Don't you fucking dare.

>> No.905754 [DELETED] 


>> No.905752


You're an ungrateful fuck but I lol'd so hard my eyes are watering!

>> No.905753
File: 277 KB, 894x894, Versailles_by_LostThyme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some recommendations, I plan on buying some books when my next paycheck comes.


I'm up for anything.

>> No.905755

I live on the 15th floor, and I'll be damned if I am going to get dressed, put on makeup etc. to go pick up a lousy $10 book that doesn't even match my furniture.

>> No.905760
File: 23 KB, 500x345, Bene+Gesserit+bene++1984[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, let's give this another try:

Right now I'm really craving for some Georges Battaille and Albert Camus, but I'm taking recommendations based on anything from my list.

>> No.905762
File: 291 KB, 1263x2005, fireshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go eat crow you fuck.

These are just the ones that haven't shipped yet. That's 7 in the last two days. Go be jealous somewhere else.

>> No.905763


Thank you. You are now on my blacklist. Hope everyone else will note this list and NOT buy anything for this ungrateful prick.
Did you really think I was gonna buy it for you? Stupid fuck.

>> No.905766

this thread needs to end, so much butthurt.

i recommend


>> No.905768

Do you guys gift ebooks? Just wondering.

>> No.905769
File: 25 KB, 478x468, BROOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good of you to paint out the names of the people also(:

>> No.905770

Nice try troll, like that's really me. Like I would be caught dead reading Kurt Vonnegut or Kafka. Also everyone in Australia has dry skin and huge pores.

>> No.905777


Oh and I forgot to write that it doesn't list the Stranger, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass and a couple of other ones I picked up for people.

So, again, go fuck yourself and I'm not a fake. I'm really buying shit for people. I only hope no one does nice things for you.

>> No.905778


Nice try. Better keep that book anyway. I will do my part to make sure no one ever gifts you again in one of these threads.

>> No.905779


That's really nice of you, man.

>> No.905783


I am the owner of the wishlist that just got posted in that trolls which he has deleted.

Don't blacklist me...clearly just got a random list from my previous post and used it....

>> No.905788

Wow, what a fucking hero--you only buy the pretentious shit that YOU pretend to like. Kerouac? Bukowski?

Why don't you just hang a sign around your neck that says "I AM A HUGE FAGGOT, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME"?

>> No.905791

Man, I feel a lot of rage for what should just be a lets share some interesting book ideas thread. Adding money and gifting completely ruins the entire equation :(

come on guys, can't we all just get along? (and not be selfish fucks who purposely remove ever book under 50$ because there's a chance of them getting "charity")

>> No.905792


agreed. The haters are ruining a thread full of random acts of kindness.

>> No.905793


OP should fuck off with his shit literature prejudice and go become an hero.

>> No.905800

Does nobody else understand what this means?


>> No.905801

Protip: a "gift" costs at least $50.

$4 books? Why did you even bother? Why are you so selfish? You can't take it with you, nerd.

>> No.905804

what are you, the thread police? this isn't north korea, justin

>> No.905805

A random list which just happened to have a hardcover version of Journey to the East on the front page as mentioned in his post?

>> No.905806

My list, http://amzn.com/w/3O0UNBIM00RZ0

The ups and downs of 4chan fit conveniently together to form anon, the everyman.

>> No.905807

woah. thanks trolls for trying to get rid of giftanons. you people really will die in a pit of syphillitic cocks.

>> No.905810

Kindanon's should be allowed to choose to purchase whatever books, for whichever poster, for whatever reason they want.
Agreed or Disagreed?

>> No.905811

Ugh, I didn't know it was you that bought me my book.

Does anyone know how to decline a gift?

>> No.905815


I completely agree.

>> No.905816

You can return it once you receive it however then you have to pay for the postage back...and you get amazon credit.

>> No.905817

haha, so first it's "your a fake, you didn't actually buy those books for people"

then proof.

then it's "OP is pretentious and has terrible taste in literature."

Even though those books were on people's lists. Not like I chose them.

Whatever, I'm done arguing. Go back to /b/. The only thing I can't figure out is why people have to be such cocks in a thread where everyone is giving with no purpose.

>> No.905818

Selfish? Buying random shit for people on the internet is selfish? Ever thought that maybe he's trying to spread his money to get as many books for as many people as possible.

>> No.905819

>$4 books? Why did you even bother?

Because people put their books on their wishlists. I also put something worth $4 on my list and am receiving it (Not from OP), and couldn't be happier.

As for "A gift is at least $50," no, you are wrong. A gift is something given to another with no expectation for anything in return.

Stop being such a damn sadsack, post your list, chat with anons, have a good day.

>> No.905821

I'm rich, what do I care if you povs can't scrape together enough pennies to buy a book? Go dig ditches or something.

>> No.905823

You all should feel ashamed. I am also tempted to stop my kindness when gifting others.


>> No.905826


Hear, hear.


Would love either Voltaire or Pale Fire. Or whatever else!

>> No.905827


>> No.905828

Thread is over, just a bunch of trolls left (read any of the responses).

Just leave, everyone. Let it die. Trolls can continue bumping w/e.

>> No.905829

I think you were the kind anon that bought me a copy of the collected LotR. I wanted to thank you, I can't post a picture because I don't own a camera but it was seriously the first book someone has bought for me in almost four years. You are truly a great person.

>> No.905834

>A gift is something given to another with no expectation for anything in return.
yeah, except you clearly want something in return and that is part of your conjob--you spend $40 and rake in $400 worth of books for Amazon credit

you have been doing this shit for months with different accounts, preying on newbies and gullible idiots. i see this thread every single week

>> No.905836

How much did it cost?

>> No.905840

Despite all the hate that's flying around this thread, I find it unbelievable that even ONE anon got ONE book... regardless of price.

That's generosity, whether it's $4, or $50.

Just in case there are still kind people here, I'll post my list:


>> No.905842

well this thread seems to be dying. i say lets give it a day, try again tomorrow. then maybe we can get back to the kind sharing, discussing books, and discover new novels that these thread should be about.

>> No.905844

Let the thread die for now. Too many trolls. :\

>> No.905845


damn, you really are jaded. Kill this thread with fire.

>> No.905848
File: 17 KB, 177x184, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give in to the hate--there will always be schemers like OP in the world, but there are many sincere, genuine givers in this thread. Hold your head high, because you made the world a better place, one person at a time.

>> No.905853

lurk more scrub, and wisen up to the ways of the world

>> No.905854


How am I a schemer? I'm the one person that has posted fucking evidence that I've been buying people books.

I've bought more than I've received and yet it's not enough.

I'm done. Fuck this. Sage this shit and I'm never buying anon books again. It was a fun couple of days, but this isn't worth it.

>> No.905856


I tried to look for the cheapest versions of everything I wanted. Just the fact that people are willing to do this (and on 4CHAN no less) is incredible. Thank you all for being so incredibly awesome - even if I don't end up getting anything.

>> No.905858

A: I'm not OP

B: Even if OP is some "Scam Artist" that you think he is, I'm still getting a book I want for free, and if he's getting amazon credit or whatever for doing it, I am perfectly alright with that.

>> No.905862


>> No.905870

How is OP scamming? He bought books for people.

>> No.905871

of course you are okay with it, you get something for nothing

the money to buy you that book came from scam artists like OP. he is probably pissed as hell that you didn't buy anything for him in return, but hey you gotta lose money to make money

>> No.905873

First the femanon who bought hardbacks quits because of someone mailing her home address, then another femanon quit because she was sent a death threat, then britishanon who was buying high fantasy quit because of trolls, now OP quits because of trolls.

/lit/ is officially overrun by greedy children.

>> No.905876

OP has bought more books than anyone else inthis thread, you idiot.

>> No.905884

It's just a couple of trolls who think it's funny to ruin shit. It's bound to happen to every board. You just gotta identify when/where they are. Like that 50 dollar person, or the rich people, just trolling to see if they can catch any troll-bait.

Maybe you should lay off the threads though, for a while. I'm sure the 13 year olds will go away when they Halo 3 or school starts up again.


>> No.905894

For the 100th time--OP makes these threads constantly requesting books that are undervalued and/or have good resale value.

He receives hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise and posts pics of himself buying $5 books for people as "proof" of his goodwill. I seriously doubt he returns them for just for credit though, you can make more money selling on eBay or even Amazon marketplace (usually with high shipping charges). It's a scam, kid.

>> No.905895

Well, I'm still thankful to those who have sent out books to anons like myself.

Sage out of respect for the spirit this thread once held.

>> No.905896

>First the femanon who bought hardbacks quits because of someone mailing her home address, then another femanon quit because she was sent a death threat

Seriously? /lit/ is the one place I would not expect anyone to do that.

>> No.905897

Gifting threads are the worst shit on /v/, and they're the worst shit on /lit/ too. This shit isn't about literature, it's about a bunch of cheap bastards without a sliver of self-respect begging on the one hand, and another bunch of morons enabling them and making themselves feel good for having done a good deed on the other. It is fucking disgusting.

>> No.905900


But it's always summer in 4chan.

>> No.905906

But he still got me books. How is that scamming me?

>> No.905907

It's not a scam, and you are completely deluded. Stop trying to ruin something great.

>> No.905913

Read up thread, someone already posted about some femanon getting War and Peace sent back to her with the word cunt written all over it.

>> No.905919

As someone who has bought 2 books for anons and received 2, I must say I think you're very wrong. This is a really cool thing we have going here. Or had, as the case may be. It seems too many people are intent on ruining it.

>> No.905920

For starters we can blacklist the ungrateful fucks, like the guy who complained about getting a paperback book. The owner of this list: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/34CMOPPE4R6HJ

>> No.905923


It's still part of 4chan and isn't a closed community. Threads like this one are, regrettably, highly exploitable.


>> No.905925

I guess that particular anon chose war.

Seriously though, that's just stupid as hell. I'll never understand those people.

>> No.905928

Do you have that pic?

>> No.905929


except people have bought me things in return. Books. Books that I plan to read. I'm sorry that you're jaded and think I'm trying to scam people into buying me things. I'm not.

I just wanted to be nice and pay it forward. Yeah, I wanted some free books, but I wanted to give as well as receive. You can choose to believe that or construct your own reality. I don't care.

Thanks to the other kindanons that bought me, and others, good literature. Hopefully you're helping your fellow man get some perspective.

And the reason my list is only 9 days old is because I found out about bookgiving on lit 9 days ago and decided I wanted to be a part of it. Not anymore.

>> No.905930
File: 52 KB, 378x264, 1278869179168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, sometimes I wonder why I troll here.

>> No.905932

Not gonna work. You can continuously make new amazon accounts w/ new wishlists. Only way of successfully do that would be to blacklist the areas that they live in. I hope you see the obvious issue there. Anonymity is a double-edged sword.

>> No.905934

I think the guy who was complaining probably just stole that list from someone else, tbh.

>> No.905936

idiot, that was a troll

is this your first day on the internet?

>> No.905937

Blacklist the town they're in if it's an issue. How likely is it that two anons will be from the same town?

>> No.905938



>> No.905941
File: 127 KB, 438x444, 1277602115076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess that'll teach women to try and educate themselves

>> No.905948

I don't know, but I have some asshole neighbours.

>> No.905949

I find it hard to believe the list he stole just happened to have the book he mentioned on the front page. And why would he delete the post with the link for the list as he did?

>> No.905952

Shit man I don't know. This whole thing has gotten really fucking weird.

>> No.905961
File: 463 KB, 1263x2005, fireshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, what a killing I've made since people purchased books for me that are under $10. I've spent about as much as I've earned today and more yesterday than I received. If I'm a scammer, I'm doing it very, very wrong.

>> No.905964


Anyway, in case he posts his list again I will remind people of this thread.

>> No.905965

You guys should just decide "I'm buying the first book I see under $15".

All this picking and choosing which books to buy like No.904973 is seriously not cool. What gives you the right? Why not decide "I only gift women cookbooks". Fracking chauvinist pigs make me glad I'm not a woman.

>> No.905977

post your entire history, if you are really sincere

didn't think so, sir scamalot

>> No.905980


Hey, Matthew Blair. you know there isn't any point in blocking out your name, right?

>> No.905981

You're just feeding them.

>> No.905988

Stop arguing with retards and enjoy those books I got you.

>> No.905990

Whoa whoa guys, calm down.
You guys are wayyyyy too exhalted. While this is supposed to be a gifting thread, I suggest we stop giving out if we're not planning on receiving first. I kinda had the feeling it wasn't going to last too long after seeing lots of wishlists with like 3 items or with well-known books posted around here which aren't even hard to find somewhere else.
I understand some of you may be poor, whatever, but honestly, find an alternative. I prefer if we actually exchange books with each other, as in, I get you this if you get me that. Obviously the monetary issue will still be there, but at least it'll be resolved between the parties, no begging in the way. In fact it's possible that some people may feel compelled to exchange things with others if they consider it fine.

But seriously, calm down. Some guys are demanding too much, others are just hypocrites that post in every thread just waiting to be rewarded just like that, and others are nitpicking on the reasons behind every gift sent. Remember it's their own choice to spend money on whatever they feel like, if you don't get a gift just shut up and don't complain, and if you don't get the exact book you wanted, then accept it. If it was at your wishlist, it's because you wanted right? Then shut up.

>> No.905998

We know you're not scamming.

>> No.906002


I call samefag!

>> No.906004

It's my cash, I get to decide who I buy for.

>> No.906005


Yeah, my name was posted in yesterdays thread as well as my hometown. Someone found my facebook. I'm not that stressed. If you click my wishlist you'll get my full name and hometown anyway.

But no, I didn't know that.

>> No.906008

Fuck. Who let in all the /b/fags?

>> No.906013

they always roll in this time of night. the entire /lit/ forum turns to faggotry for a few hours.

>> No.906014

They were always here. There's a lot of greedy people here waiting for gifts as if they deserved it, and not because of a good deed.

>> No.906015

That's not really the spirit of giving. Judging by your wish list, it's not surprising that you are an egocentric control freak (like most scam artists).

>> No.906016


Yeah, you guys are right. Sorry. It just pisses me off that I did something nice and 4chan has to piss on it like always. Oh well, and thanks again for the books.

>> No.906017

Looks like wishlist threads are dying.
Oh well.
One last shot at it.

>> No.906020


reading 4chan is like talking to collectives more than individuals sometimes

>> No.906025



>> No.906027

I'm getting Mathew Blair a gift on Thursday when I have some money.

He deserves it after getting hassled by these wannabe /b/tards

>> No.906028

Interesting that the only items on your wish list are from yesterday and today, Tyler.

>> No.906032

how do you see if anything has been bought for you?

I know someone posted it, but i don't want to look through all the crap...

>> No.906034

go to bed, Matthew

>> No.906035


Here's mine. Probably too late, though.

>> No.906037


Some people have wishlists on other sites, like bookdepository (free shipping) and decide to make an amazon wishlist in the hope of getting a gift

>> No.906038

At the top, change Unpurchased to Purchased

>> No.906041

Personally, I only post mine because I want to find people that have similar tastes as me. Due to my highly inconvenient locale, I don't expect anyone to send me anything. And that's fine too. It's just nice to talk to people in this kind of thread and get book recommendations.

So fuck the trolls. They can keep coming if they want. They are just empty shells.

>> No.906043


Not a samefag. Just sick of all the underage fags from /b/

>> No.906051

>Personally, I only post mine because I want to find people that have similar tastes as me. Due to my highly inconvenient locale, I don't expect anyone to send me anything. And that's fine too. It's just nice to talk to people in this kind of thread and get book recommendations.
This applies to me too.

>> No.906055
File: 40 KB, 391x386, umass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure say "fag" a lot for such a mature person

>> No.906067



>> No.906070

So much want. I had to stop myself from clicking new books. In any case, one of any of these will be greatly appreciated. Cheers.


>> No.906078

>all the books wishlisted today

>> No.906080

not buying anything for a male

don't you have any pride? i will buy for women that show some tits (no fatties)

>> No.906081

yeah...I never thought to make a wishlist until I saw a thread like this last night.
I usually just have the books I want to get written down somewhere.

>> No.906087
File: 96 KB, 249x245, laydown the laww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you feel the need to lie to us, Tyler?

>> No.906089


>> No.906096

What could I possibly be lying about?

>> No.906103

britfage here, would greatly appriciate something interesting to read this summer:

>> No.906116
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1274658423095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I love the Phantom Tollbooth! Think I'll help this kind anon-
>Razor Wire Pubic Hair

>> No.906137
File: 49 KB, 297x266, SPONGE THE POLICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.906144

I'm not trolling, honest :(

>> No.906146
File: 49 KB, 178x178, 1278368988213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much trolling ITT

>> No.906148

All of them? Really? I understand I've got some ~pop~ choices, but okay.
Damn this penis!

>> No.906159

what's wrong with Carlton Mellick?
Some of his books are great.

>> No.906308


Your town has a cool name.