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/lit/ - Literature

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9048858 No.9048858 [Reply] [Original]


Science Fiction

NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

Previous Threads:

>> No.9048893

Parker's Scavenger Trilogy. Anyone familiar?

>> No.9049042
File: 346 KB, 1139x1510, conan70s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old savage sword comics pretty good

>> No.9049112

Kellhus did nothing wrong

>> No.9049116

Hello never visited /lit/ came her specifically for something like this thx op :P

>> No.9049145

>thx op
>general was a regular thing since 2015
You wot m8?

>> No.9049153

Hello stranger. To fit in here you need to:
A. Make your own book chart (use any categories you like)
B. Defend it vigorously from cretins
C. Rage on every other anon's charts

We also accept the posting of an as yet unposted book containing feminine felines in lieu of the preceding :3

>> No.9049210

Got a torrent for these?

>> No.9049263

should be on TPB

>> No.9049270

>tfw everyone used to rage on my charts
>tfw everyone is now raging on "past 20 years" chart anon
Oh, how the tables have turned.

>> No.9049299

Anyone here can help me out with epub of The DemonWars Saga by R.A. Salvatore? My country has TPB blocked and I thought it would be easier to get it from here.

>> No.9049318

What should I read if I simply want something engaging from start to finish?

>> No.9049341

Need a good audiobook.

I've already read all of vance and wolfe. suggestions?

>> No.9049342

Locke Lamora maybe?

>> No.9049346

Thanks but I read it. I didn't really enjoy it though... that brand of humor doesn't work on me.

>> No.9049355

@ the guy who recommended Black Jewels trilogy: Woah, I just saw it's not actually a trilogy but 9 books. Do the first 3 books conclude well? I don't really want to read something that long.

>> No.9049359
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>> No.9049367

Why is WoT conspicuously absent from the fantasy recs?

>> No.9049371
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How "hacky" is something like resurrection in a sci-fi story?

I have three generations of "main character" in my story, kinda like how Star Wars is going to three generations now (assuming Rey is Luke's daughter). The first fought a focused part of the war in a couple of areas, the second (their children) went to an old powerful tree-city fortress and reclaimed it, built up its army. She died in one battle, and he died a couple years later changing a doomsday disease weapon so that it would kill the enemy as well (who were normally immune to it). He had a Dune-style knife fight with the main nemesis of the story, and pushed him off into a pit of energy.

If this story sounds fucking terrible and autistic, that's because it is. Just bear with me.

His son basically replaces him as leader of the forces of good, except he is more of a commander than the guy who got shit done, if that makes sense. His sister is more like that, and she also has more evolved psychic powers than the rest of her family, due to her being an "abomination" a bit like Alia in Dune. Rather than "lucky reflexes" she has outright visions of the future and spirit-world type stuff. She also starts having visions of her dead father whom she never met (the guy who fell into the energy pit). Now there is also a third faction in this world, who were residing in the hollow center of the planet where they were confined after fabricating it, because by their genetics were considered obsolete and impure. They have much higher tech than either of the other factions but are much less numerous. That said, I am thinking that they could have some weird quantum-reassembly bullshit that could resurrect her father, assuming she can find it. Would be a good quest for her at least. But I am unsure if I should do it. For one, his children are kinda the next generation, even though I don't like them quite as much. For another he might not have much place in the story. But I badly miss this guy, I have memories and feels associated with him that are difficult to explain. I had this character in my life for years and years, and he and his wife are the two I regret killing off the most.

I'm aware the first response to this would likely be "this sounds so retardedly bad that being more hacky and cliche wouldn't change anything" but I ask if you could please ignore how autistic this is.

Also I know I've asked this before so sorry for repeating the question

>> No.9049372


>> No.9049374

wow fuck you OP, what did it say? I can't find the post in archives.

>> No.9049379

Chronicles of Amber doesn't waste much time.

>> No.9049383

This. Nine Princes in Amber is pretty much right to the action.

>> No.9049392

Yeah Sanderson mostly jumps right into it, and builds the world around the story

>> No.9049397

>new to lit

How would he know that?

>> No.9049403

Reading comprehension is not /lit/s strongest ability

>> No.9049407


>doesn't want world building
>recs Sanderson

dunno about that

>> No.9049411

meant >>9049392

>> No.9049417

Mistborn doesn't do much world building. You jump right into the story. It's not like Stormlight Archives.

>> No.9049460

You shouldnt even be downloading filez without a VPN mate.

>> No.9049491
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Why is it that most of the best female protagonists in fantasy come from male authors and most of the best female fantasy authors write about male protagonists?

>> No.9049501

>The Way of Kings
I have only read a few of Sanderson's books, but that is by far the weakest of those.
I couldn't even be bothered to read the whole thing.

>> No.9049502

Yes it ends well. I never read the other 6 books.

>> No.9049509

The Lord of The Rings

>> No.9049513
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>every fucking thread till you like it

>> No.9049514

You haven't read much, have you?

>> No.9049521
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have a gander at my wares

>> No.9049523

What are some sci-fi books that involves super-intelligent AI taking over or destroying humanity?

>> No.9049530

I think this is only like the third time I posted it....

>> No.9049535

Neal Asher polity shit is AI government

>> No.9049537

Why don't you guys like Shannara?
The first trilogy is still one of my favourite stories (though it obviously steals a bit much from LoTR).

>> No.9049544

three times too many faggot

>> No.9049549
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I don't think I've ever seen this posted here.
I have really fond memories of reading it when I was young, but I don't know how it holds up now.

>> No.9049552

So, been reading Brent Weeks and Peter Brett. Are they considered good reading? I want to know if I'm considered to have good taste.

>> No.9049555

Powers and world logic is extremely uninteresting, to be honest.
How well you can string it together and make a believable universe with interesting characters to present is what decides if it's going to be good or bad.

>> No.9049567

Anyone ever read KJ Parker's Engineer Trilogy? Just finished first book. Its got some aspects I like, some I dislike (seems very unnatural in some respects).

>> No.9049568
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I am half way in and I can't stop thinking about how terrible this book is.

Anyone else read this?

>> No.9049610

I thought it was entertaining, not great, but not terrible.

>> No.9049617

The Scavenger-trilogy is possibly his best.

>> No.9049620

I found it full of cliches and tropes.
I didn't hate it though.

>> No.9049641

every fucking thread

>> No.9049642

It was alright. If you didn't like this one you'll hate the second

>> No.9049644

Black Company

>> No.9049649

>polity shit
You mean this in a good way right anon-kun?

>> No.9049650

The only thing I hate about this series is the author. He said all 3 books were done and it's been 10 years and still no third book

>> No.9049651

Holy shit Red Rising has a horrible beginning. My friend warned me about it but I was still surprised. It reads like a parody of young adult clichés. The rest of the book is alright but I can't imagine how many people dropped it just because of that shitty start

>> No.9049654

All authors with terry in their name needs to be avoided like the plague.

>> No.9049656
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Does this get a main plot?
I'm getting tired of "adventures" starting and ending in the space of two pages.

I almost laughed out loud when the witch told the demon face guy to go meet the justice god and it just happened a few sentences later and ended.

Granted, it's a good book and I'm enjoying it, but the density of action is a bit draining.

>> No.9049659

I tolerate it somewhat.
Terry uses the same formula for practically every book in it though.

>> No.9049660

Terry Brooks creates nice and atmospheric worlds, in my opinion.

>> No.9049662

When you get to Cugel, yes. The first book/section is a short story collection.

>> No.9049666

Great, thanks.

>> No.9049671


>> No.9049674
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I too was gonna drop it at that fucking 2 finger salute aka hunger games cringefest, but the anon that shilled it to me told me to get past it, and boy am I glad I stuck with it.

>> No.9049677

>Terry Brooks creates nice and atmospheric worlds, in my opinion
I bet you, your father, or your mother's husband has Terry in their name.

>> No.9049678

this. more hyped for continuation than any other series this year.

>> No.9049687

He should put out a revised version and delete all the hunger game residue from the start of the book.

>> No.9049692
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I write fantasy. Unfortunatly i write in spanish so im not going to post anything -unless someone here understand spanish-.

But im not here for that. Im here to say that if anyone here has a finished fantasy book i am willing to read it. I always want to read fantasy books from other amateurs like me and sadly no one around me writes them.

I promise not to steal anything, throught you would just have to trust me. But seriously i have ideas for a shitton of novels, i dont need to steal anything and id feel bad if i did that.

Im also doing this cause i wish someone did it for me.

>> No.9049697

My name is Trym

>> No.9049739

That's really nice of you anon. Stop writing in Spanish and someone would probably read your work

>> No.9049749

What about raping Proyas?

>> No.9049756

I dont know english well enough to write in english.

>> No.9049786


About how many pages does it last? I want to power through in one go instead of slogging it out over short sessions so it doesnt burn me out

>> No.9049858

I need to read faster to ne able to meme with you guys.

>> No.9049911 [DELETED] 

Can we add TKAG to the charts?

>> No.9049913


Price of Thorns

>> No.9049917 [DELETED] 


>womameme author
>making anything good


>> No.9049921

It's the first 15-20% of the book , or Part 1. Don't know the page count

>> No.9049923

>(though it obviously steals a bit much from LoTR).

Steals a BIT too much?
The entire fucking book is LOTR in post apoc setting that's literally the only difference they have (plus the sword of truth or whatever)

>> No.9049927

Well, Tolkien died - I'll take whatever scraps I can get, okay!??!?? Back the fuck off!!!?

>> No.9049928


Neither do most of the posters in this thread

>> No.9049935

Oh, Stevian "womanhater" Hearthbound has woken up.

>> No.9049974

If Stevian really is the womameme shitposter he'd be doubly cancerous.

>> No.9049978 [DELETED] 


Are you a womameme or are you a redditlord of cancers?

>> No.9049980
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Nice buzzwords faggot.

>> No.9049984


>le fedora meme

So that latter then.

>> No.9049989

The cancerous Hunger Games lasts for 99% of the first book until the very end.

>> No.9050004

immortals after dark audibooks, or the real deal. seriously. do it. high/hallucinogenic seeds if you listen to the audio. like fucking movie Dark Skye.

>> No.9050007

kresley cole homes

>> No.9050008

Are there any books similar to Dark Souls?
thanks in advance

>> No.9050096

The line of books by Kresley Cole?

>> No.9050098

Anons know any novels similar to Ready Player One? Just got into the virtual world themes and RP1 felt really slow at the beginning so I need something even better.

>> No.9050113

Is that book western Sword Art Online?

>> No.9050123

For the win, by Corey Doctorow, is similar in that the protagonists engage in an MMO for most of the plot.

The novel has mixed reception and reviews. But you can read most of his work for free. So I can respect the guy.

>> No.9050124
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>> No.9050129
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I'd like a new book of SF short stories by a single author to add to dip into between reading novels. I like Philip K Dick, Theodore Sturgeon, Asimov, Lovecraft, Ray Bradbury. I don't like Harlan Ellison, Arthur C Clarke or much hard SF.

>> No.9050143

I'd say RP1 is a more expansive universe compared to SAO. I won't spoil much but if you're into the 80's to 90's pop culture, RP1 is highly recommended.

>> No.9050147

Interesting anon.

>> No.9050148

So I got 'The Magic of Recluse' as a secret santa and its been sitting on my shelf. How shitty is this book gonna be?

>> No.9050150

You should try fanfiction<dot>net. They have fanfics of different languages in there. Might as well try uploading yours.

>> No.9050174


Could anyone answer please? Thank you

>> No.9050186
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Shaeönanra did nothing wrong.

>> No.9050207

Unfortunately, It's a meme question. Been asked so many times that it has been enshrined in the chart of memes.

>> No.9050208
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As much as I dislike Ready Player One (and admittedly I liked it when I first read it, it just really doesn't hold up under criticism), it's fucking high art compared to SAO.

Best way I could describe it is that Ready Player One is a tumblr/facebook celebration of fandom. It reviles in gen-X pop culture, it's like putting on your Thriller jacket and NES Powerglove and driving your van (with a wizard and barbarian babe painted on it and a Iron Maiden mixtape in the tape deck) to the arcade for the Street Fighter tournament.

Comparatively, SAO, like most LN stuff (and especially "litRPG"/isekai style stuff), is poorly written puerile nerd power fantasies for sad little boys and even sadder grown men.

>> No.9050225

Is there any reason for you to attack me in this way? Did i do something to upset you? I dont understand.

>> No.9050234

I dropped it because I couldn't stand the writing in the first chapter. Maybe it gets better but I don't know. Might give it another go just to see what the fuss is about.

>> No.9050240

We communicate through verbal assault, and there has been some backlash against aspiring authors recently. Don't worry about it :3

>> No.9050243

Don't read the second. Roth fuss is good at prose but he has no idea what plot is. It's as if he wants to recount his decade of college in fantasy format

>> No.9050249


>> No.9050257

I liked it. I thought it was well written, and I enjoyed some of the characters like Elodin and found the world that Kvothe lived in intresting enough to read the second book.

>> No.9050258

>and there has been some backlash against aspiring authors recently

>Nobody here can actually write
>Someone actually writes a good book
>People hate him and his book

jelly faggots imo

>> No.9050261

Calm down Steevo

>> No.9050265

I'm afraid you're gonna have to leave. Rothfuss is, like, our designated whipping boy or something.

>> No.9050289

If I really liked the warlord chronicles by bernard cornwell which books could you guys recommend me?

>> No.9050321

Is flash fiction (750 words or less) a potentially fruitful medium for science fiction + fantasy? Has anyone here tried it?

>> No.9050323

>(750 words or less)

What the fuck can you even say in 750 words or less

>> No.9050328

I think it translates to three pages length. There is poetry that evokes a distinct feel, mood, or setting in far less. I'm curious what could be done.

>> No.9050333

the gettysburg address.
go to bed faggot.
and get some rest.

>> No.9050436

SAO's concept had so much promise only to be ruined by poor writing. Having permadeath in an MMO is kinda thrilling.

>> No.9050469


I would have thought it would be clear that in a science fiction and fantasy general, "what can you say in 750 words" would be taken in this context

>> No.9050474

Even my fanfictions are at least 5000 words.

>> No.9050525
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I'm in the mood of war. I need a book about an alien invasion.

>> No.9050531


Ender's Game

>> No.9050541

Starship Troopers

>> No.9050684


Daily curated flash science fiction. They've been doing it for years.

>> No.9050706

Anyone have a torrent of "to kill a god" ? So much shilling yet no torrent yet...

>> No.9050723

Tengo unos cuantos amigos que también escriben fantasía y suelo leer sus trabajos. Así que no dudes en postear alguno de tus trabajos.

>> No.9050737

>Comparatively, SAO, like most LN stuff (and especially "litRPG"/isekai style stuff), is poorly written puerile nerd power fantasies for sad little boys and even sadder grown men.

Try some ruskie author like Mahanenko. Almost all Litrpg/isekai is OP masturbatory "fufufu, as expected of my master" shit.

>> No.9050807

I recommend Joe Abercrombie and Glen Cook's Black Company.

>> No.9050816

ohhhhh boy. Mentioning that series here can start riots.

You either love it or you hate it. People like it because the worldbuilding is really, really detailed, on par with Tolkein, and it's just a generally decent farm-boy-has-adventures-and-saves-the-world epic fantasy story. However, the prose is... inconsistent. Not terrible for the most part, but in some places it's notoriously bad. And there are a couple of whole books where the story really doesn't go anywhere

I recommend reading it, if you're patient or trying to kill time, and a little forgiving of those kinds of flaws. The good parts will make it worth it

>> No.9050826

Wow. Surprisingly tolerant attitude of Rothfuss in this thread. Usually this one starts riots just like WoT if anyone compliments it.

I found it generally good, except for the fucking main character and love interest. Both horrible characters, as in they make the story less enjoyable to read. Other than that, though, the prose is just fine, other characters and background were fairly well done.

>> No.9050847

So the selected general includes "Black Sun Rising" by "C. S. Friedman". I've never heard of that, or heard anyone mention it in my occasional lurking here. Is it any good? Does it belong there?

I'm running out of fantasy to read.

>> No.9050852

Why don't you read it and find out?

>> No.9050862

what's good fantasy to someone who doesn't like fantasy?

>> No.9050866

Guy Gavriel Kay probably. Little to no magic, mostly just stories about humans. Try Lions of Al Rassan. Maybe The Buried Giant. Or Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

>> No.9050878

Because he wants you to buy his $10 book.
If the anon who said "he wasn't stevian", and that he "actually read the book" upped it to mediafire a lot of people would stop bitching.

But seeing as stevian was getting money from unsuspecting anons when his book was in the OP, he wouldn't want to lose potential sales by going all the way with the bluff and uploading his own book to mediafire.

Until someone who actually "read" the book posts a mediafire link, "we" will continue to say that it is stevian himself.

He is in a lose lose situation now. If he releases the book to continue the ruse, he loses the money of newfag redshitors who "might" buy the book. If people read the book they would know it's shit and try all in their power to let people know.

Fuck stevian don't fall for his quick 10 bucks scheme.

>> No.9050888

/sffg/ usually refers to it as the Coldfire trilogy when we refer to it. So if searching in the archive for mentions search for 'Coldfire'.

It's hands down my favourite recommendation - contending with Hyperion - which I came across on /sffg/ so I may be more than a little biased, but in my opinion it definitely deserves its place on the charts.

Dark (sci)fantasy with exquisite worldbuilding and prose but not grimdark.

>> No.9050892
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>tried to bait
>people too burnt out repeating the same shit over and over again
>failed bait

>> No.9050896

Try this chart >>9049521 if you are running out of ideas

>> No.9050903

>The Buried Giant.
>let me turn people away from the genre before they even start
Agreed with Jonathan Strange. Maybe the wind up girl?

>> No.9050929

KEK. Vince added 100+ none sffg pleb books as a way of smoke screen so people here wouldn't find him. But it failed Vince I'm onto you.
Is Vince the cat loving fag?

>> No.9050993


Bad apple?

>> No.9051024

You've literally made yourself a worse poster than little girl kun.

>> No.9051112

Why do fantasy novels generally have atrocious cover art?

>> No.9051118

Are there any good books taking place in a dieselpunk setting?

>> No.9051129
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Okay, let me check a random page.
This one is the first page (not counting intro) from a SciFi novel i started but i plan to continue later, i have several ideas for it. Im currently working on a twisty fantasy novel tho.

Cuando Vades Flou despertaba, solía ver primero el techo, y en el techo, lo recibía la luz exigua, artificial, que intentaba imitar con bastante acierto una mañana cualquiera dentro de una ciudad cualquiera de Terraga, con el propósito de ponerlo de ánimos para el día. Él veía esa luz, sereno, o quizás más bien la contemplaba, y se preguntaba -y a esto siempre lo hacía, día tras día- cuando había visto una similar, en que situación creía recordar haber presenciado una mañana de verdad, diferente, menos enfocada que la de la inteligencia de la estación le forzaba contra los párpados.
Al final suspiraba, sin respuesta, y se levantaba de su camastro. Solía descubrir que Yellse ya se había despertado, como siempre, y que había decidido dejarlo dormir el resto del tiempo que tenían permitido: aquello le incordiaba un poco, pero prefería no dejarse llevar por emociones tan patéticas. Miraba las sábanas arrojadas, se ponía de pie, se dirigía a las duchas. El agua a vapor siempre estaba a una temperatura reconfortante. Los pies siempre hacían sonidos húmedos contra los charcos del suelo, se dejaba lavar, salía y emprendía la tarea de secarse. Para esos momentos, Udrei ya empezaba su itinerario.
-Buena jornada, Vades.
-No hay informe alguno de la base. Estimo que podrán tomarse este día libre.
-Hm- sonreía el, mientras el aire secaba su cabello, su piel, eliminaba cada mínima gota que le incomodara- Desde luego.
-Me alegra saber que sigues probando mis detectores de sarcasmo, Vades.
-Udrei, es absurdo creer que nos darán el día libre- bostezó él, saliendo del secador y dirigiéndose hacia el armario con su uniforme recién lavado, que se desplego ante sus ojos- ¿Tienes informes de la situación en Alkradis?
-Hay noticias recientes.
-Déjame adivinar- habló Vades Flou, cerniéndose la camisa reforzada y ajustando el cinto de sus pantalones, murmurando por lo bajo- El Enclave considera aceptar una rendición que ha surgido en las últimas dos horas. Se procederá…
-Los Alkradianos aún no se han rendido.
Se congeló por unos instantes, y entonces sonrió.
-¿Y dices que no tenemos una misión?

Feel free to tell me is shit.

>> No.9051141

Wtf is a diesel punk?

>> No.9051149

For context, the story is set way into the future, a God appeared and led humanity to conquer all the galaxy but then that god dissapeared and the enslaved alien species pretty much wiped out mankind (since humans were trashing them using the god controlled tecnology). Then a different alien species took control of the galaxy and they genetically breed a few humans to fight for them since they are humans who can use that god tecnology (of course the humans know nothing about the God Human Empire thingy and are severely indoctrinated). They fight in pairs and wreck shit, protagonist is one of them and the story kicks when his partner gets executed and he starts trying to discover what is going on. I have some other ideas but i guess ill plan most of it while im writing.

>> No.9051153

Not him, but stuff like Jin-Ro

>> No.9051160
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So I finished reading Book of the New Sun

What now?

>> No.9051168

Isn't the whole first half of his silly book available through the amazon preview thing? I think "unsuspecting anons" could figure out if it was worth reading pretty easily.

>> No.9051169

It's a little bit like a cyberpunk but less autistic to a degree.
Dieselpunk settings are typically resemblent of early to mid 20th century (the interwar period and WW2) and usually dystopic to varying degrees.

>> No.9051173


If you want more Wolfe I'd recommend his short story collection "The Island Of Doctor Death And Other Stories And Other Stories". Also the Fifth Head Of Cerberus.

Or you could try Long Sun + Short Sun, but be advised that Long Sun takes a little...adjusting.

>> No.9051177

>Is Vince the cat loving fag?
I said I don't have a memereads account, but you can call me Vince if you want senpai :3

>> No.9051184

>but be advised that Long Sun takes a little...adjusting

How so?

I just recently found out that Long/ Short Sun was a thing at all and I'm still not quite sure what it is since I haven't looked it up

>> No.9051203


>How so?

It's VERY different from New Sun in terms of prose, style, and themes. In fact it's barely related in the sense that it's set in the same universe but we're not even on Urth, we're on a spaceship that Typhon (if you remember him from New Sun, the guy with two heads) launched to try and colonize other planets.

The ship itself is so gigantic that the people inside aren't even aware that it's a spaceship at all and are on a relatively primitive level of technology.

>> No.9051234

Is that all you can comment?

>> No.9051239
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>How so?
No subtlety.

>> No.9051241


>> No.9051246

>not clapping when someone enters a room
It's like you don't even know to burger

>> No.9051300

sorry :(

>> No.9051393

Alright, really enjoyed reading this one again.
You know you're reading oldSF when the Negroes in Alabama/Mississippi revolt and get their own reservation (it was an aside though, not relevant to story).

There was one story missing that I thought was in this collection. It was about a psychic, three-legged, horse-like civilization that had just ended a major war by turning the entire enemy population into brain-fried vegetables. They evolved these horrifying mind powers, but were incapable of interacting much with the world (hooves make terrible manipulators).

>> No.9051498

Extremely vocal and autistic hate-base. Best not to rile them by putting it on a chart. You can still have pretty civil discussions about it in these threads, but any kind of overt praise for WoT is going to start a shitfit.

>> No.9051499

>Russian Isekai

Oh please that's all just Conrad Stargard style "what if a gopnik went back to 1930 and showed Stalin how to make guided missiles to fight UFOs?" wankery.

>> No.9051508

A Song of Ice and Fire (or Game of the Thrones as you probably have heard of it referred to). My family are all big readers, yet I was the only person in it who liked fantasy until they started reading GRRM because of the HBO adaptation of his books. They couldn't put them down and now my own brother won't stop pestering me for fantasy recs, and he read nothing but nonfiction before this.

>> No.9051512


The ironic thing is that GRRM wrote the first book as a fuck you to the fantasy status quo, which he now incarnates. No wonder he can't continue.

>> No.9051541

What was the status quo at the time? I thought people had been subverting tropes before him.

>> No.9051592

That's sort of like hurling a brick through the window of a collapsing building, considering epic fantasy was already on the wane in the 90s. Sure it was still extremely popular, Jordan was a brilliant rising star in that decade and Brooks was still enjoying a lot of acclaim as well, but the real rebels had already made their stand against Tolkien in the 80s and by the 90s the genre was already branching out and away from the core of epic fantasy that had trapped it for so long in the shadow of Tolkien.

If anything, GRRM was more about wedding epic fantasy to the gritty, "fuck you!" style popularized by Cook a decade before him. He still wanted the grand scale of Tolkien, but without the too-clean world and characters. And I'd say he largely achieved that.

>> No.9051753

i actually unironically like a song of ice and fire. for all of GRRM's faults he knows how to suck you into a world and make you root for your favorite characters. its sort of like rooting for a favorite sports team.

im surprised we havent seen a flood of gritty family oriented knockoffs yet. or have we?

>> No.9051767
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Okay, be honest, who here has read the stargate books?

>> No.9051769

that's a sexy robot

>> No.9051770

The paperback cover for the 1970's reissue of the Outlaw of Torn by ERB, an historical fiction novel that was not SFF.

>> No.9051847

Game of Thrones, the TV show, has plenty of knockoffs these days. Most of them aren't strictly high fantasy, but the inspiration is clearly derived from GoT's success on HBO.

For fantasy novels though, Martin really isn't that influential in terms of style or atmosphere. If he had written his books 10 years earlier it's possible he could have eclipsed Glen Cook as the most influential gritty fantasy author, but the wheels were already turning by the time Martin got started on ASoIaF and he merely added his considerable weight to the momentum of the fad.

>> No.9051859


the fat fuck can't even write half a page a day

>> No.9051885

Oh wait, I do mwahaha.

>> No.9052001

>thinking it has anything to do with money and it's not a desperate cry for attention
Wew lad.

>> No.9052204

Just don't go into it expecting New Sun 2. It's very good, and Short Sun is even better, but they're both different than New Sun in mant ways while still retaining similar themes.

>> No.9052227
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I think I have me a new favorite sci-fi writer.

>> No.9052236

Terry Pratchett is a god-damn national treasure.

>> No.9052254

I loved the book, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. The only thing I found "cringey" is the part where Kvothe is happy to be friendzoned. He acts like it's noble, lol.

>> No.9052304

man, I really enjoyed some of the Conan stories,
started re-reading the (allegedly) Full Collection of his Tales, and while I do enjoy it ( though not as much as when I was, say, 14 ), this really irks me:

There is never an overarching plot or real theme,
there is never a real antagonist who employs some scheme, and Conan is never confronted with any real problems. Whatever happens, he just slashes, hacks and maims...

It's really a shame that there isn't more to these stories.

They're just enjoyable throwaway pulp fiction.

>> No.9052319

the title story and tower of babylon were good. i didnt really like the others.

>> No.9052327
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Am I supposed to think of the people in Book of the New Sun as different varieties of Asian?

>> No.9052333

***exultants excluded, they are clearly genetically engineered white people created by the chinese

>> No.9052355

Hoshi Shinichi has some pretty interesting ones, though the writing is pretty stiff and bland (not due to translation - I've read the original jap texts, and it's meager stuff).

>> No.9052411

The status quo was Wheel of Time and Sword of Shannara. That wasn't the only thing out there, but that was the mainstream.

Believe it or not "muh subverted tropes" weren't invented in 1990, or 1964.

>> No.9052425

I might have gotten overhyped before I read it but I wasn't blown away. The title story, Tower of Babylon, and Seventy-Two Letters I liked. Hell is the Absence of God was retarded, Divide by Zero felt like an abandoned first draft of Story, and the others were nothing special.

>> No.9052442


I've only read the first two so far. Babylon was great but I didn't care much for the ending of 'Understand' but the story itself had be hooked.

>> No.9052473

Could a stand alone novel or short story work about a group of thieves who have been ordered to retrieve some object because of a crime they committed by the rule of the land by entering into a city of the dead work?

>> No.9052479

Every single idea can work if it's executed well. If you have to ask you probably lack the confidence and skill to make anything non-standard work.

>> No.9052888

Maybe Leviathan, though it's pretty YA and it's got some heavy biopunk going on.

>> No.9052898

this. absence of god was terrible. and i also felt like divide by zero needed way more to have any sort of impact. his writing is really stiff. like a computer wrote everything.

>> No.9052978

Read a story like this recently. Also you are describing suicide squad's plot

>> No.9053057
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Anyone got any recommendations for historical fiction that isn't romance? Especially anything in colonial America or Asia. I'd ask in a seperate thread but I know it'd just be shitposted to hell and back. Trying to sort through Goodreads for books is pointless because it's all trashy romance or random fantasy books like Game of Thrones tagged as historical fiction.

Hell, I'd be good with alternate history or any fantasy that isn't just medieval Europe with elves and shit.

>> No.9053063
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this kind of aesthetic

>> No.9053070

The first book was great when I first read it. It was like some old war vet making shit up to make his biography more interesting and trying to weave the lies in with truth.

Then I realized it wasn't mean to be read like that and the author is serious about it all, even making the second one far more ridiculous. It's just shit.

>> No.9053074

First 4 or so chronological Sharpe books are set in India. I always had a soft spot for James Clavell with the caveat I wasn't very old when I read them. Shogun probably most famous.

>> No.9053088

Yeah Shogun is great. I'm always bummed that it ends before any real action happens. Spends so long with the build up to the war and then Sekigahara is just a two paragraph note at the end.

>> No.9053096

I read the first book in Eliot Pattison's colonial America series recently and thought it was pretty good. It's about a Scottish man who gets sent to America around 1750 and ends up having to figure out a murder mystery.

I've had the Thieftaker series by DB Jackson on my to-read list for a while but haven't started

And there's always the Aubrey-Maturin series for naval adventure. Dudley Pope and Hornblower if you want more of that type of stuff. Would also highly recommend the book Six Frigates by Ian Toll, it's a very good history of the founding of the US Navy and it's early activities.

For fantasy, the Temeraire series is a good/decent Hornblower style series that adds dragons to the Napoleonic wars, and the Shadow Campaigns series is essentially Napoleonic battles and the French revolution in fantasy-land. For something earlier, Glen Cook's Instrumentalities of the Night is set around 1200-1300 in a more fantastic version of the Mediterranean.

>> No.9053106

I read Pacific Crucible by Toll and it was pretty great. Conquering Tide on my todo list this year.

>> No.9053109
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Accept no substitutes. Hilary Mantell is great as well.

>> No.9053152


Why did the last Black Company book have to be so terrible?

>> No.9053153

The Aubrey–Maturin series is held to high regard but there's a lot of them and I hear the quality changes from book to book, so be warned, might wanna investigate

>> No.9053155

just finished Tower of Glass. Poor old Krug.
Would make a good movie methinks. Not to long, interesting characters and locations.
Pretty good book!

>> No.9053189

I hate charts that don't tell you anything about the books. Even just categorize them by their best quality or something.

Those kind of charts just lump everything together. They'll throw people like Sanderson and Weeks right next to Le Guin and Wolfe, and those are totally different experiences for totally different kinds of readers.

Even a simple categorization by best quality would be better than nothing. Worldbuilding: Jordan, Sanderson, etc. Prose: Tolkien, Wolfe, etc. That kind of thing

>> No.9053190
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Thanks for all the recommendations, definitely going to add these to my list for my next book this weekend. Pretty much exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Sharpe in particular will probably what I check out. I watched some of the Sharpe TV movies a few years back and enjoyed them, never thought to look into the books themselves though for some reason.

I've had Master and Commander on my list for quite awhile, I think since around when I first saw the film version. Been hesitant to start the series though because it's such a long series and he died before writing a final book. I really hate getting invested in something that was left unfinished, it's part of the reason I'll probably never bother with ASoIaF. I doubt GRRM will live to finish it proper. I've been that way ever since Wheel of Time and Jordan passing away without finishing.

Still, it gets a lot of praise, even the unfinished manuscript apparently was highly regarded, so I might give it a shot soon anyway.

>> No.9053277
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>> No.9053285
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Try my half finished lazy attempt at semblance of a chart then

>> No.9053327

Read it senpai, just be prepared to be bombarded with more naval jargon than you thought possible.

>> No.9053340
File: 1.90 MB, 900x5476, Its_your_own_fault_really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We bringing out the charts now?

>> No.9053361

Cornwell is consistently good at what he does. The Saxon Chronicles also worthy of a look.

>> No.9053385

>Irondruid Chronicles

Not going to lie, that's one of my favorite guilty pleasure reads.

>> No.9053386
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How do you guys feel about this series?
I think it's so goofy that it adds to the experience, but it's been a while since I've read it.

>> No.9053390

I read the first one ages ago and really enjoyed it. I think it's mostly just because it had a pretty unique premise compared to a lot of stuff I'd read at that point. Never got around to reading the others as they came out but I hear a lot of terrible shit happens to pretty much everyone.

>> No.9053397

Every book worse than the preceding. I still liked the Krasian world-building though, especially the language/phrases.

>> No.9053402

>exotic not-asia

shit is literally in asia

>> No.9053408

Yeah and Vagabond starts straight after. Annoying.

>> No.9053434
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>Eiji Yoshikawa's Taiko covers the life of Hideyoshi Toyotomi
>Shogun covers events from the year after Hideyoshi's death, the arrival of William Adams, and the lead up to Sekigahara
>Yoshikawa's Musashi and the manga Vagabond based on it pick up immediately after Sekigahara

There's gotta be some decent fictionalized account of Sekigahara. I must set out to find it.

>> No.9053471

could play the boardgame and conduct your own re-enactment


>> No.9053538

tf is wrong with this nigga? why's he like putting stories in the middle of his stories
>inb4 the story is an allegory for severian fucking his grandmother

>> No.9053539
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to the anon that was asking for short stories. Try Harlan Ellison voice from the edge, and trigger warning by neal asher.

>> No.9053542

In a way it's like a scifi/fantasy story. You've got all this supersperg detail, but instead of warp drives or orc politics it's about 1800s sailing ships.

>> No.9053543

>tfw you can't make any progress on your fantasy novel because you keep getting feelings of satisfaction by tweaking the magic system

this has got to be the lamest kind of procrastination ever

Have you tried dresden? There are way more books and you don't feel as guilty because it's actually well-written

>> No.9053544

Did it piss you off when he wasn't unbinding and rebinding things at the molecular level anymore? AKA POISON

>> No.9053557


New (and final I hope) book this year. I just need it to end. Brett just keeps going further and further away from his original plot. The gri was great, but my boy Arlon losing his v card to a used and abused cunny two at that, does Brett has a fetish of sexually molested girls or something?, the opening cucking, and Leasha being a pussy who would roll over and died didn't endear the book any to me.

>> No.9053558

Sorry "this" was for this post >>9053397

Bed time here I come.

>> No.9053565

Those suggestions are meme suggestions.
I collected those questions over the brief 2 years of sffg's existence. The idea was to recommend books I read that fit those commonly asked "recs".

I messed up the exotic one. Can't even recall what the anon wanted / what I was going to do with it.
I even have a category empty.

>my half finished lazy attempt at semblance of a chart then

>> No.9053571

>but it is
>i am god I made myself

>> No.9053581

is battlefield earth any good?

>> No.9053629

No, it's terrible.

L Ron Hubbard is basically a shit-tier Golden Age hack who has been preserved into the present when all the other white noise SF writers from back then are forgotten.

>> No.9053693
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, Terl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with Thomas Easton when he said it was "a wish-fulfillment fantasy wholly populated by the most one-dimensional of cardboard characters."

But the movie is amazing.

>> No.9053873

Any books about just straight up exploration throughout most of it?

>> No.9053874


Can't wait for the last one, did you know the first chapter is out?

>> No.9053934

I didn't recognize the guy, but I let him in. He felt familiar; the name would come to me in a bit. Probably a historical reenactor. The height and beard made him a perfect fit for the Viking encampment.

The eye patch was overdoing it. But who am I to judge?

He accepted a beer--last of the Rahr--and settled into the easy chair before bringing up his business. "You said something at the party Saturday."

I looked down. "Oh. That. You're right, I was totally out of line. I shouldn't have said that to him."

"You didn't believe it?"

"It's not that I don't... look. Losing a child is horrible, it's the worst thing ever. But telling a guy in a wheelchair that he doesn't have it so bad, look at me, that's wrong. I was rude and selfish and I shouldn't have said it. No matter how much I had to drink."

"You meant it."

"Yeah." I downed a slug of my Shannon.

"I accept your bargain," said one-eye.

I looked at him. He'd taken a wood saw out from under the long leather coat and held it out to me handle first.

A pair of birds flew into the room and landed, one on each of his shoulders. Amazing given that all the windows were closed. They were crows. No, too big. Had to be ravens. They looked at me as if I was a doubtful meal.

Good thing I'd been hospitable.

I took the saw. Tested the edge with my left hand. Sharp for a saw. Not scalpel sharp, but then it had to go through the bones. "I'd probably pass out before finishing the first cut."

"I'll take care of that."

I laid the edge against my thigh, about a hand up from the knee. The first stroke was wimpy. Slashed a hole in my jeans while scratching my skin. Barely even drew blood. I put some muscle into the second cut. Damn it hurt. The third carved deeper, almost to the bone.

It hurt with hope.

>> No.9053938
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>> No.9053988


Quizás, si admites mi crítica, redactaría esta serie de frases, haciendo la secuencia de acciones que describes más fluida.

>Miraba las sábanas arrojadas, se ponía de pie, se dirigía a las duchas. El agua a vapor siempre estaba a una temperatura reconfortante. Los pies siempre hacían sonidos húmedos contra los charcos del suelo, se dejaba lavar, salía y emprendía la tarea de secarse. Para esos momentos, Udrei ya empezaba su itinerario.

>-Hm- sonreía el, mientras el aire secaba su cabello, su piel, eliminaba cada mínima gota que le incomodara- Desde luego.

Eliminando quedaría mejor.

>Se congeló por unos instantes, y entonces sonrió.

Suena muy americano lo de "se congeló". Por ejemplo: "Ante la noticia de Udrei sobre Arkadia, Vades Flou frunció el ceño, momentáneamente en silencio, sopesando las consecuencias, para posteriormente añadir sonriendo".

En general, no está mal escrito. Veo que te gusta escribir con detalle la secuencia de acciones de tu personaje. Trata de hacerlo de forma más fluida, menos redundante a la hora de enlazar una frase con otra

>> No.9054174

Because Glen Cook doesn't give a fuck about long-term plots.

You see that in his other series too. The stories are good but they just kind of wander. I enjoy it, but you're not going to find closure or conclusions anywhere. The story will just sort of stop when Cook was done writing.

I actually kind of think that works well with his writing style. But it bothers some people

>> No.9054206

Voyage of the dawn treader

>> No.9054238

What up coming books are you guys looking forward to?

>> No.9054259


The sequel to TKAG

>> No.9054267


The Winds Of Never.

>> No.9054295

Assassin's Fate

>> No.9054308

>3½ books before anything exciting happens

>> No.9054327

The Prefect sequel
More books set in the Cosmere, starting with Stormlight 3
The Unholy Consult
Wolf Moon

Locke Lamora book 4 guys, soon right?
Fforde's next Shades of Grey book he.. he'-- write it, right guys?

>> No.9054348

there's just something about shitty covers circa 1970s that I love

>> No.9054412

Iron Gold

>> No.9054438

I don't know how you got that. Some of the races might have been versions of mestizo, but the question of race is really open to question, since Wolfe doesn't specify their race. I think it's almost irrelevant.

>> No.9054446


Wolfe also went out of his way to explain that Ascians wasn't supposed to be Fantasy Asians but rather a word that means "people without shadows" since they live close to the Equator.

>> No.9054467

Speaking of Wolfe, I am experiencing a strange phenomenon.

When I'm reading something of his, I often wish he could cut to the chase and get to the actual story, what with the dreams and visions and all the extra stuff he always puts in. I also don't especially like the prose, I don't think it flows well.

But then, when I'm NOT reading Wolfe, I keep thinking "yeah this is kinda shallow, feels like watching a Transformers movie with shit exploding" and then I come back to Gene.

I've read all of the Solar Cycle and two short stories collection in this fashion.

>> No.9054514

The dreams are there for a reason- if you can understand them you actually get the plot (the dream of the bread the americans want to make in Seven American Nights when the narrator is on the ship with gholam gassem, for example, is the only indication we get of America's big plot- something our narrator could not actually know). It makes his work rich but also easy to totally not understand on a "what happened" level.

>> No.9054547

>Fforde's next Shades of Grey book he.. he'-- write it, right guys?
I've given up hope

doesn't he have some other novel coming out this year? mite b cool

>> No.9054556

>Wolfe also went out of his way to explain that Ascians wasn't supposed to be Fantasy Asians
Ascians occupy the clay that used to belong to the former USA, why would you think they're Asian in any way?

>> No.9054573


I never thought that, but apparently some people did.

The same people would be apt to miss the fact that the Ascians are future North Americans, Wolfe is very subtle about it.

>> No.9054584

His website says it's out in 2016 and in another section of the site that it's out in 2018.

>> No.9054714

Maybe you are just a dino.

>> No.9054757

That was my favorite narnia book. Read it at least half a dozen times. Downloaded it a couple days ago.

>> No.9054774

Any GOOD books about virgins suddenly possessing wizard like powers (and losing them when they lose virginity)

>> No.9054815

Those are just two extremes. There are plenty of authors in the middle somewhere.

>> No.9054827

I don't know if it counts but Lancelot is unable to see the Holy Grail because he's sinned.

>> No.9054853
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Fantasy where the main character breaks and turns evil?

>> No.9054872


Wheel Of Time has this, at least during books 6 to 12.

>> No.9054876

Why are they harvesting in the middle of a mech battle???

>> No.9054890

>Veo que te gusta escribir con detalle la secuencia de acciones de tu personaje. Trata de hacerlo de forma más fluida, menos redundante a la hora de enlazar una frase con otra.

Sounds like solid advice for me yeah, i tend to be too "mechanical" while doing that. The other sentence however is too long and i prefer to write in short sentences (i dont have the skill to make several compelling long sentences).

Gracias, de verdad, aprecio la critica.

>> No.9054902

Prince of Thorns

>> No.9055010


Is that a typo?

The book's called Prince of Nothing

>> No.9055072


it's from this game so it's a bit of a theme

>> No.9055113

Probably because they don't want to starve.

>> No.9055116

I'd starve one day and harvest it tomorrow, desu

>> No.9055119


Dying horribly when a stray bullet shreds you to pieces is so much better than risking starvation by fleeing the battle now that I think about you.

>> No.9055121

If peasants didn't do their shit every time the monarchy started shit, they wouldn't get anything done.

>> No.9055143

Actually farmers only need to do real work about 3 times a year. They can just sit back and relax most of the day.

>> No.9055202

You're a funny man.

>> No.9055328

>Fantasy where the main character breaks
You mean like those Japanese Doujins where the character's mind breaks and they become cock hungry sluts?

>> No.9055505

You realize medieval farmers didn't have tractors and other modern conveniences that trivialize the labor of working the land right? It was literally backbreaking work. The best they could hope for was some kind of beast of burden to pull the plough for them, but it still took days to till a whole field, and you had to plant all the seeds by hand, which depending on the crop could destroy your back and knees. It was utterly infeasible for medieval farmers to simultaneously till and plant farms on the scale it is done today, they had to stagger the workload so that they were planting all throughout the season. And of course there was tending animals, which never go out of season.

Keep in mind also that most of these farmers did not own their farms outright. They were tenants or serfs. Even a tenant, who is technically a free man, is obligated to work the lord's fields in exchange for living on his land and being granted a few "strips" of those fields that he keeps for himself. Shirking his duty to the lord would see him thrown off his land, meaning tending his own crops always came second. Farming in medieval europe was not an easy life.

>> No.9055512
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>tfw I keep starting the first book of dozens of different series, never to finish one.

>> No.9055515

Still juts a couple of days/weeks a year :^)
Farmer life was easy mode - although they tended to die of diseases and malnutrition from only eating buck wheat.

>> No.9055572

>although they tended to die of diseases and malnutrition from only eating buck wheat.
Only Russians and Japanese ever ate buckwheat. Buckwheat is an expensive, fickle but highly nutritious (vitamins and shit) crop.

>> No.9055579

>Only Russians and Japanese ever ate buckwheat
That IS a picture of Soviet farmers, is it not?

>Buckwheat is an expensive, fickle but highly nutritious (vitamins and shit) crop.
You still die from scurvy if eat nothing else.

>> No.9055597

>That IS a picture of Soviet farmers, is it not?
No, they look Bulgarian or Bosnian or something.

>You still die from scurvy if eat nothing else.
That applies to every food. Point is that buckwheat is an expensive hipster food among peasant foods; the dudes who suffered malnutrition didn't eat hipster cereals, they are plain rice or plain wheat.

>> No.9055599

you've never been out of the city in your life, have you

>> No.9055606

>No, they look Bulgarian or Bosnian
>Polish flag

>> No.9055607

not fantasy but Horus Heresy is this on a somewhat large scale.

>> No.9055613

>Point is that buckwheat is an expensive hipster food among peasant foods
It's not, though.
It was just very common in some areas, before they got wheat.
It also survives cold climates better.

>> No.9055644

>It was just very common in some areas, before they got wheat.
Lol what? Are you American or just retarded?

Buckwheat is hard to grow and fickle. It's popular because it's not actually a cereal, it's a kind of weird veggie, and a welcome break from eating dumb belly-bloating carbs every day. It became popular after the 14th century.

>> No.9055650

No hay de qué. Con práctica todo se mejora.

>> No.9055658

Any fantasy books set in a Arabian desert-like settings? Like Lawrence of Arabia.

>> No.9055668
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 1444307358628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buckwheat is hard to grow and fickle.

"Buckwheat, a short-season crop, does well on low-fertility or acidic soils, but the soil must be well drained."

>It's popular because it's not actually a cereal, it's a kind of weird veggie
Yes, because people hundreds of years ago gave a shit about that.

>It became popular after the 14th century
"The cultivation of buckwheat grain declined sharply in the 20th century with the adoption of nitrogen fertilizer that increased the productivity of other staples."

>> No.9055669

Twelve Kings in Sharakai, Throne of the Crescent Moon, and Castle in the Air

>> No.9055670

What's wrong with buckwheat? It's used in Japan a lot (also known as Soba noodles).

>> No.9055681

>Buckwheat is hard to grow and fickle.
This is exactly why it's popular in Eastern Europe, right.

>> No.9055694

I heard some great things about quran.

>> No.9055712

Been there read that.

>> No.9055793
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>> No.9055948

What are some good fantasy books where the jews get raped and destroyed instead of being allowed to maintain their precious banks and hoard all the gold?

>> No.9056571 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 268x268, 1479681043529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that moment in the The Golem and the Jinni when the Jew literally dies after making his perfect waifu
Haha that must suck.

>> No.9056735

I couldn't take Dresden seriously after the cat that only drinks coke and the wardrobe that screams "youtube katana demonstrator".

I swear all urban fantasy is about neckbeards.

>> No.9056750


Is Dresden stuff first person narrative?

>> No.9056795

Chalker or Kollin

>> No.9056833

You honestly think his scale is somewhat comparable to Tolkien?

>> No.9056858


Yeah, GRRM is absolutely nowhere near Tolkien in terms of scale of the world he's writing about. In fact, a shitload about the world that Martin is writing about is left vague, unknown or just plain not fleshed out and it's beyond annoying.

>> No.9056891

Yeah, it makes it even worse.

>> No.9057009


Has there been any fantasy/science fiction book that's actually been written well like that?

>> No.9057074
File: 39 KB, 318x469, The_Pride_of_Chanur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherryh has been writing that way since the 70s, and her books are excellent.

>> No.9057132

how do I into magic items?

I had this idea for a magic knife, but rather than being a dagger it's a santoku (one of those chefs knives with the groves and rounded back). It's naturally super sharp, but it's real power is that it if you use the right cutting technique, you can produce infinite amounts of any ingredient (or object) you cut, like that thing with the infinite chocolate bar or a perfectly looped gif

The other idea was that it's a pairing knife, so fine and precise you can slice and peel away intangible properties like weight

>> No.9057211

now I think about it Drifters had a little bit of it right at the start.

>> No.9057710

Just read some of the PDFs off SFF Audio. http://www.sffaudio.com/public-domain-pdf-page/

>> No.9057870

>>That IS a picture of Soviet farmers, is it not?
>No, they look Bulgarian or Bosnian or something.
hey burger
red and white flag
white eagle on red field
> surely not poland
those are obviously poles going by the only localisation we can attribute ( the colours on the mech )

>> No.9057903

>Cherryh (...) books are excellent.
Not by a long shot all of them. I enjoyed most of her fantasy stuff, some of her company wars ( first two books + the two prequels ) as well as some shortstories, but: Some of her other stuff is atrocius, and her narrative style in general is obtuse and withholding information in a stupid way.

I raged out when I tried to read the first Dying Suns Book after the first chapter being an exercise in "how many made up useless words can I cram into this chapter, replacing perfectly usable words like "warrior" or "Caste" or "Worker" or somesuch, all with stupid apostrophes, and all of them sounding similar!
> Teeheeeee I sure hope my readers get out a notebook and write down all my original vocabulary

As for her Obtusiveness, "Cuckoos Egg" is the perfect example. It is almost through the entire Book unclear and non-deducible who or what exactly that fucking Catfather actually was.
First chapter makes you guess he's Nobility of some sort, and then this goes on ( as he is raising the child in his own childhood mountain retreat villa ), most of the code of honour is never properly explained ( but constantly referred to ), and then in the end:
Feudel Japanese Caste System Catpeople prepping for all out Nuclear Self-Holocaust, and the dude is actually a Warrior-Monk-Judge entrusted with saving his species ( basically ).

It's just shit. She deliberately hides facts and obfuscates them wherever possible, making it impossible to guess at what REALLY is going on, only to then go

>> No.9058037

Ah, we meet again appendix-kun. When will you finish that chart on books that only use the 100 most common words? :3

Cuckoos Egg isn't one of my favorites, but yes, the obfuscation is very deliberate. It's all about the protag muddling about with no idea what's going on until the reveal.

I'm glad you liked the fantasy though. The Fortress series right? I wouldn't think you'd like Ealdwood.

>> No.9058040

/lit/, I'm finishing The Subtle Knife tonight, and after I finish the Amber Spyglass I'm out of reading materials. Give me a reccomendation. Something that isnt mentioned here or on leddit a dozen times a day

>> No.9058042

Out of the Silent Planet

>> No.9058164

I should have clarified fantasy. Im not a big scifi fan

>> No.9058297

Dusk by Tim Lebbon. I dunno about reddit since I don't go there, but I've never seen it mentioned in these threads.

>> No.9058368

Oh jeeeezus I read a bunch of his stories in college- and they always end in a shitty Japanese punchline

>> No.9058442

Clasics tier
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Divine Comedy
The Giver (Children's)
The Silmarillion

Mid tier
Fevre Dream
Long Price Quartet
The Dagger and Coin

Alt universe
(Britain) - The Bartimaeus Sequence (I think this is children's/YA)
(Earth) - Good Omens
(US) - The Golem and the Jinni
(Somewhere probably from the middle east) - Twelve Kings in Sharakhai

Fun with plot tweests tier
The Shadow of What Was Lost

Books I enjoyed about ten years or more ago tier
The Immortal Prince
Myrren's Gift
Bridei Chronicles

The 'I went bin dipping on goodreads and found random shit to read which was released recently with no quality guaranteed tier'
Gilded Cage

Might not count as rare -
Coldfire Trilogy
Dagger and Coin
Long Price Quartet
Traitor Baru Cormorant

I really need a new book myself.

My 'fall back' reading list:
>Remaining Foundation books other than the three main ones
>Remaining CS Friedman scifi books
>Unhewn Throne

>> No.9058443

>tfw no qt Japanese gf to love and grow old with
Gonna an hero soon desu.

>> No.9058454

New thread


>> No.9058515

Do NOT feed the Stevian shill, he manipulated the OP again to advertise

Real thread
