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/lit/ - Literature

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9052790 No.9052790 [Reply] [Original]

It has been a while since we, as a board, collaborated on a major project together.

The last /lit/ novel (tLoTiaT) is generally agreed upon as a success and, above all else, was incredibly fun to do.

Our next novel is going to have a decidedly more focused, plot-driven structure (which still is not saying much. It's still gonna be post-pomo af, don't worry)

It begins with a lone protagonist who is brought before a Pantheon of gods to be judged at the apocalypse. The basic structure will be built around the questions asked by the gods and the main protagonist's lengthy answers. In between chapters will be intermissions filled with poetry from anons, and at the end will be an appendices filled with additional stories that did not make into the main chapters.

The attached image is part 1/2 of everything you need to know so far.

The first order of discussion should probably be the Pantheon itself, as the main thematic content of the novel will come largely from these characters. We are currently working with 7 as the number of Gods in the pantheon, but this can be changed with sufficient reasoning.

>> No.9052791
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part 2/2

>> No.9052858

We wrote at least other 3 novels after legacy of a totalitarianism. And they were all progressively more disjointed (if that was even possible) and worse. Let's hope for the best with this one

>> No.9052868
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>The last /lit/ novel (tLoTiaT)

>> No.9052878

In the pantheon there will be a 3 story statue of a cock

>> No.9052919

One anon had the idea that one of the gods is Joyce, and the mc must interpret something from Finnegans Wake for him.

>> No.9052999
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>they were all progressively more disjointed (if that was even possible) and worse

Which is why they shall not be mentioned

This is a really good idea. I've added it to a master doc I have going.

I think at least one of the gods should be a Greek philosopher.

Plato? Aristotle?

Who do we like most?

>> No.9053016

>one of the greeks
>john green maybe? or rupi kaur

>> No.9053035

>one of the greeks

Agree on all. I would say we should limit the amount of /lit/ memes here though.

>john green maybe? or rupi kaur

Potentially. Or possibly a character who represents all cucks like John? He would share a few of John's traits but not be specifically him.

I feel like the cuck archtype is significant enough to be a member of the pantheon but not John on his own, if you catch my drift.

>> No.9053099

He has to have some name though, not necessarily John Green.
Also there needs to be a reason that he's one of the gods, he can't just be some random cuck off the streets.

>> No.9053136

Now that I think about it, John Green is actually a good place to start. There's just something about his face and his mannerisms. He is already a living meme in a way so why not.

He will have to be built up in stature a bit, but because the story takes place sometime in the future we can easily do that. It could be implied that by this time John Green has become a massive cult figure on par with the rest of the 'gods'. In his particular case though, he has come to be the ultimate representation of the nu-male archetype.

This opens up the door to a lot of themes surrounding the nu-male/cuck vs masculinity dichotomy. Another one of the gods in the pantheon could be an opposite of this, someone who oozes masculinity.

>> No.9053154

I don't care enough to actually contribute but just a few points of concern from an outsider looking in:

1. I can see this easily falling into 7 pseud philosophical questions
2. The story as answer is a cool concept but the last line being the answer relies on some powerful ass lines (intentionally) or some powerfully dank memes (unintentionally)
3. Literally naming the gods after authors is plen af. If you were to make comparisons, in the same way Dr. Pangloss is a stand-in for Leibniz without literally being Leibniz, you would be far better off. It leaves room for interpretation and doesn't limit the work to a specific critique of one guy or girl at one time but rather everyone who was ever like them.

>> No.9053162

Something vaguely resembling his name perhaps? last name being a color or something

>> No.9053183

I semi agree with the third point.

For instance, instead of DFW it could simply be a character with long hair and a bandanna who represents new sincerity and talks about suicide etc. Everyone on /lit/ would instantly know it was him, but to an outside reader he would just appear as another random sage-like individual with a unique take on things.

>> No.9053193

fuck off, it needs to be raw.

>> No.9053195 [DELETED] 

Just to add to this, it could be too cerebral but your naming and characterization of the 'gods' might be full of allusion. Instead of literally calling a character John Green, you might call him 'Sir John' and give him something that is green, a green thumb (if you can tie that into 'planting' books because they are made from trees, a green thumb that wastes trees instead of growing them because his books are a waste of pages). This way you can give him attributes of Sir. John falstaff if you wanted but use his own cheesy style of lines in descriptions of him. Not saying this is a great example but someone should be able to read the book without having to see John greens face in their mind for a full chapter.

>> No.9053199

Sir John Clover

>> No.9053200

One of the "Gods" needs to be Hegel and the character has to interpret a passage from Phenomenology of the Spirit and if doesn't get however close to what Hegel actually meant then he fails. He chooses not to because he knows that he didn't actually mean anything and Hegel is so impressed by this rejection of the dialectic he gives him a pass.

>> No.9053201

holy fuck i like the premise wayyyy too much
i mean, a pantheon is bullshit, but putting a character before god and basically having this shithead philosophize at the big man is golden

>> No.9053203

Can we get a discord or some shit
also, more than willing to do poetry

>> No.9053205

Premise is /writingprompts/-tier shitty

>> No.9053213

Later in an appendix, the same character should meet a sphinx and explain the plot of nge
but his explanation is actually a summary of Looking for Alaska.

The scene should have absolutely no context but clearly should mirror the same scene in Oedipus Rex.

>> No.9053216

>last /lit/ novel (tLoTiaT)
fucking retard

>> No.9053224
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Building on this, here is an initial list of gods in the Pantheon, + some potential ideas for the rest. I dont think they should all be writers. A mix of personalities would probably be ideal. This is open to discussion though.

The consensus so far seems like the gods, at least the writers, should not be the actual writers themselves but characters based on these writers, so we are running with that for now.

Also just a reminder that we are not necessarily locked into 7 gods, if we feel like it is not enough.

>> No.9053227

*meant to say Romantic writer in the image

>> No.9053229

someone who represents normies

>> No.9053232

Hegel would be great but I'm not sure if we can justify having both him and Stirner. They could be rolled into the same character, potentially.

Let me know what you think.

Keep hold of that idea, because its hilarious.

>> No.9053244

You mean like a literal Chad Thundercock who fills all the normie stereotypes?

Could definitely work, especially as a counter to the John Green Character.

>> No.9053246

an idea:
Though we already have joyce from the era, It would be very interesting to add a duality to our green character; my idea was his alter ego as a hemingway type. Otherwise there is no real point of reference for someone who hasn't heard this "nu-male" archetype and it would be an interesting dialectic. Plus there is a lot of potential for interaction between the hemingway facet of the character in contention between DFW and our greek god (traditional conceptions of masculinity v modern day). But maybe im playing on dichotomies too much

>> No.9053259
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Pagan figure has to be this sexy bastard

>> No.9053260

you might be right too but only because it seems too stunted a narrative. Maybe it would be good to have a forestory for about a third of the book (a university lecturer who kills himself? that seems a bit of a gross idea, but that would give context for his knowledge on all these literary ideas/ his response to the gods. lest the responder becomes incredulous to the character)

>> No.9053262

Hank Blue
Sarina Singh
Dr. Philip Roberts
Wilhelm Klaus
Corncobs McArthur

>> No.9053264


>> No.9053268

the sphinx has never watched it (besides the rebuilds) so she lets him pass

He enters a modern-style port-a-potty and a long description of his difficulty having a bowel movement with the sphinx begins (and doesn't conclude, it just ends because the writer has met an arbitrary world-limit for the story)

>> No.9053273

name idea:
der König von Thule

>> No.9053281

When it comes to backstory, an idea I had is that the backstory of our protagonist could be delved into in the appendix. That way it doesn't bloat the main story out, and anons can have some fun with it.

Once we figure out who our protag is (a university lecturer is a potential idea) anons can feel free to write stuff related to his backstory (with very loose restrictions on creative freedom, since it will be in the appendix). Also contradictory stories are perfectly acceptable, almost encouraged.

The thing is a crowdsourced novel like this is only going to work with minimal plot structure. As it is this will probably be the most structured /lit/work to date.

>> No.9053291

Definitely a good candidate to draw inspiration from. I feel like it would be more effective to simply use his likeness though, rather than him himself. Inspiration could also come from the ironpill character, which I'm sure a few of you are aware of.

on the right track

>> No.9053295

There's already a cuck god, he's called Hephaestus

>> No.9053324

I suppose this is already nicely structured however? With the seven gods etc etc. I think creative freedoms should be restricted via an astringent (but short) backstory beforehand, introduction of concept and at least aesthetic description of each God. That way, creative and freedoms in concept and plot can be done any way anons would like, BUT the sense of limitation will hopefully (I have faith) prompt anons to at least direct the story in someway close. I rest this on the axiom that although we are shameless, we would be stubborn enough to recognise that it simply isn't good (probably boring) writing and wouldn't submit it. Then again, the meta point has to prevail in the discontinuity and truncation of the story [age of information hysteria that anons minds are prone to, struggle to discern meaning as symptomatic of such an imageboard etc). Its hard, but ultimately it would be more fun if we do lay down some pretty weak groundrules this time.

>> No.9053328

How do we submit pieces to this?

>> No.9053337

Make the John Green character Hephaestus then, but instead of making cool things out of metal he writes shitty books about teenage sex for teenagers where he self-insults as the guy doing the sex

Each story involving him must involve a scene from one of these books, where Hephaestus is handsome, has perfect posture, and strong legs.

Here he refers to himself as Dick (instead of John) [something green], ideally they are all erotic scenes that borderline draw lines (and scenes) right from John Green books.

All are written in the same awful style as that scene with the slavic girl.

Other scenes involving him mimic John Green's terrible history videos

>> No.9053349

Meme Magic

>> No.9053353


This is actually a great idea. And we all know /lit/ are naturals at writing in John Green's style.

I'm making a note of it.

>> No.9053360

As a flaw to the stirner character I really want him to be anime addicted. Like really into one piece and clannad and shit and thats how our protag gets around him.

>> No.9053368

>bad anime
his favorite series is Berserk 2016

>> No.9053370

Well I would think that it would make sense to include an absurdist like Camus

>you chose to wallow in mediocrity instead of embracing the absurdity of existence and live a grand, meaningless life
>no, but you see i already embraced my life's absurdity. For while I masturbated and boldly claimed that males that convincingly appear to be but are certainly not girls being anally penetrated by a female with a penis was not only a superior fetish for a man to have, but indeed was the most heterosexual thing to masturbate to, I also would reply to myself on a Japanese animation website arguing the opposite and claiming that those who do so are indeed gay, fermenting argument and needless discourse, all the while posting clearly inflammatory writings for the sole purpose of receiving digital notifications that someone replied to my post. I did it all knowing the absurdity of it all, but did it anyway, and then went on to give a quick run down of the Bogdanoff's, to which I am sorely needing a rundown of myself:
>-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs -In contact with aliens -Possess psychic-like abilities -Control france with an iron but fair fist -Own castles & banks globally -Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line -Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) -Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth -First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies -both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 -Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them -They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world -You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now -The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land? -They learned fluent French in under a week -Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff -The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society -In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

>> No.9053371
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There will be a google doc soon for the Minor Contributions

In terms of Major Contributions, we really need the Pantheon members decided on, and each of their questions decided, before the writing can really begin.

Once these are decided, the challenge will be put out to the more adept writers of /lit/ to come up with short stories to answer each of the gods' questions.

Because there are so few Major Contributions (compared to Minor) and each one has to be somewhat intelligent and thought-provoking I imagine it will work something like this:

- An anon puts their name forward to write one of the short-story answers for the god of their choosing
- The anon does their best effort and submits it to the thread

- If multiple anons put their name forward for the same god and both insist on writing it, both can write and give their submission to the thread, and the rest of us anons can decide which is superior.
- On the bright side for the anon who 'loses', their story can most likely be easily adjusted to fit in the appendix as something non-related or semi related in some way (such as the answer given by someone else before the pantheon, or the protags answer in another timeline, or something along those lines)

>> No.9053372

ye you prob right he needs to have more esoteric tastes but Id like to see him slip and mention something like sword art online then get really embarrassed

>> No.9053375

Kek should be one of the gods obviously

>> No.9053377

I'd like to write a minor piece, what should it be about?

>> No.9053379

This is good. Then:
> If you feel this way, then wallow in your absurdity forever.

and as a later backstory:
> Camus char in his absurd simulacrum and its not even that bad (just wanks the entire time)

>> No.9053387

berserk 2016 is nothing to be proud of

>> No.9053391

Never thought of this, but a Frog God representing Kek would actually be really great, almost essential.


Just an idea, but what if Camus's absurdist characteristics were rolled into the Frog God (kek) character?

After all, kek is a chaos god who delights in the absurd.

Or, alternatively, the answer to kek's question could take the form of an anecdote from Camus, or simply have our protagonist blatantly rip off his writing, or even just his style.

What think?

>> No.9053409

I say we keep it simple as a frog deity of chaos. Almost like sheogorath from TES Oblivion if you're familiar. He asks Anon what is the greatest power of civilized beings and to that he replies meme magic

>> No.9053411

What an utterly retarded premise. What monstrous stupidity to believe that anything of any value could result. It's too self-important to be bad even in a funny way. Everyone in the thread, OP especially, should literally commit suicide. I am not kidding. If I could press a button and make everyone in this thread die, I would do it without hesitation, even if as many innocent people had to die. Even engaging with this thread (except in a spirit of perfect contempt) proves you are unworthy of human life, almost animalistically stupid, parasitically feeding on the festering corpse of Western culture. You are less than ants next to even a mediocre Romance novelist. Some of you call yourselves nihilists. So please be consistent and kill yourself, please, I implore you with as much sincerity as I can muster. Please, please, kill yourself.

>> No.9053417

This will be good material for the appendix

>> No.9053421

The themes of the novel haven't been fully established, but thats not a huge deal for the minor contributions, since they only need to be tangentially related to the rest of the novel.

Potential inspiration can come from any of the books/authors/themes typically discussed by /lit/, since the whole work is going to contain these same influences.

Or from any of the confirmed members of the Pantheon so far >>9053224

Basically though, its really open ended.

Worth noting, in terms of minor contributions, if you want to contribute poetry it will be used for the interlude section(s) which will take place between the major chapters of the novel, and If you want to contribute prose it will be used in the appendix.

For some added context, all the poetry in the interlude is, within the context of the novel, coming from the voices of random dead/dying souls that somehow find the ears of our protagonist. This doesn't mean that the poems have to be about dying though. They can be about anything, really. just keep this rough context in mind is all I'm saying.

>> No.9053423

This is a recipe for another meme filled collection of shitposts
If we want to be serious the gods should just be symbolic

>> No.9053428

>It's too self-important to be bad even in a funny way

There is no reason it has to be written in a self-important fashion. I honestly think the less serious it takes itself the better, just as long as there are some gems of seriousness throughout that get the almonds activated, if you get what I mean.


>> No.9053435

I like this a lot

>> No.9053440

>If we want to be serious the gods should just be symbolic

This is kind of what we are currently running with.

I think there is great potential to have our cake and eat it too, though.

Like, if the writing is clever enough, we can fill it with as many memes as we want, as long as they are buried deep enough that only /lit/ would be able to detect them.

The goal should be a story that a normie could read and not encounter anything that is obviously a meme from some internet forum, while /lit/ could simultaneously read it and spot hidden memes left right and center.

>> No.9053446


Me too. It is noted.

>> No.9053448

Yes I agree

>> No.9053458

Interesting idea for some sort of philosophy novel but if we want to write something as a collaboration we should just submit Dubliners style short stories about post modern life

This will be impossible to coordinate and execute

>> No.9053470

Another God should be Saturn or a similar Sungod. Anon will earn his favor through his cleverness and the God will reward him by admitting that the Rothschilds have been nothing more than interesting toys for him to combat his eternal boredom. The selfish "reptilians" are nothing more than spooked humans who fell for the saturn meme and became his bit cu. He feeds off their inevitable pain and suffering

>> No.9053484
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This post gave me an idea.

Thoughts on a Nihilist God?

Pic semi related.

I like this, because it it opens the door to all the classic, alex jones style, conspiracy theories. There would easily be enough material there for a great chapter.

Noted, anon.

>> No.9053485

On a more serious note the spirit of Jesus would be an interesting god. He asks Anon what the most just cause in the universe is. The answer is the truth. Btw this is human revolutionary anarchist Jesus not Catholic Jesus. This is a good opportunity to break down notice psychological conditioning and show them that world peace could exist if it weren't for Saturn's disciples(slaves) and their slaves (slaves of slaves)

>> No.9053489

Normie not notice. Using cellphone

>> No.9053493

Jesus is definitely a tantalizing idea for one of the gods, for a number of obvious reasons.

I think that if we are going to have a biblical figure (which just seems like a logical idea), he would be one of the first choices.

>> No.9053503

Having Jesus as a God would totally undermine the whole concept because Jesus represents monotheism
Including Jesus turns the whole thing into a meta ironic joke

>> No.9053509

This could be new age Jesus tho. He doesn't have to say worship me and only me. He could be a redpilled Jesus

>> No.9053524

Make him new age moderate Islamic Jesus

>> No.9053526
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What if he was never officially stated to be Jesus, but just heavily alluded. E.g. just a man in contemporary clothes with long hair and a beard who talks about forgiveness and loving ones neighbour and has a really chill vibe, etc... you get where I'm going. Kind of like in GTA V.

It would always be left ambiguous as to whether it was the real jesus or not though. There would be some opportunities for humor here too, if played the right way.

Unless you guys think it would be better to just have the official Jesus or no Jesus at all. I think either could work.

>> No.9053530

Greek philosopher should be either Epictetus (he will angrily interject frequently about our protagonists slavery to [insert thing here], or Diogenes, who will just openly masturbate onto our protagonist.

>> No.9053532

bourgeoisie cuck Aurelius would be better

>> No.9053534

Could actually do Epictetus AND Aurelius, so Epictetus can comment on how much Aurelius fucked up by loving Commodus to much to do the right thing and kill him.

>> No.9053553

What if we put some eastern relevance? Such as a Buddhist god?

I'm not a honed writer but would it be cliche if we had the people before anon represent certain "sin", where as anon could represent an enlightenment of objective truth? But ultimately it doesn't really matter as by winning his trial anon is sanctioned to the same fate as the others, but maybe wearing slightly more comfortable work wear.

>> No.9053618

Yo i wanna write about the numale god.

>> No.9053653

First we need the question he will ask the protagonist. After that is settled you are good to go to start writing.

The working name for the nu-male god is Hephaestus btw (based on the Greek god who literally got cucked). There were a couple posts ITT about this you can easily find.

I think it would be hilarious if he had the physical appearance of John Green (or very close to him), and its been generally agreed that this section should be written in John Green's writing style, at his most obnoxious (like the passage from looking for alaska, you know the one). If you have another idea though feel free to put it forward. .

Alternatively, if you don't want to be in charge of the major chapter relating to the nu-male god, but still write about him, you could simply write a description of him or a story involving him, or something, which would be great for the appendix.

>> No.9053789
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For the euros/aussies who read this thread while Im asleep, pic related is where we're at so far in terms of the gods in the pantheon.

You can start thinking of philosophical/existential/literary, or even just nonsensical, questions for them to ask the protagonist. Remember, each god asks one question, and the question has to be something no ordinary person would ever know/guess, and should in some way reflect the character of the god who asked it.

Another reminder, the answer to these questions will be given by the protagonist in the form of a short story. I recommend reading the quick rundown in the first two posts of this thread, if you haven't already, to better understand the premise, as well as what each question and subsequent short story should try to achieve.

Also, even though these gods are based on real people/gods, most of them don't have names, or a specific physical appearance, yet, so any ideas on that front are very welcome. Also, any names or physical descriptions seemingly decided are still very much up for discussion.

When I come back, I will add anything that has any kind of agreed upon consensus to the master document I have going.

I think its been a good start so far.

>> No.9053824


I just hand-wrote this best get added to the book even if it doesn't fit faggot

>> No.9053996
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Diogenes would be a based pantheon

>> No.9053998

I have an idea for an opening line if anyone is interested.

>> No.9054036

These threads are disgusting, how can you even enjoy doing this retarded shit?

>> No.9054071

Lit won't represent Muhommed?

>> No.9054076

Fucking kill yourselves losers

>> No.9054096

it's like you put a bunch of words in a blender

>> No.9054098
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>> No.9054112

This whole thread is fucking cringe.

>> No.9054117

a) that the novel begins with the encounter of Anon with the gods and then works backwards to describe the apocalypse and answers of the previous participants. This way we don't have to come out of the gate with exposition. If we try really hard we can get it to mirror epic narrative structure
b) listen to >>9053154
c) that the protag's name be Pseudo-Dionysius, because it's an easy pseud joke but also because of his real, actual knowledge being used in order to fool intellectual giants

>> No.9054119


John Green could be depicted as a cyclops to imply narrowmindedness and stupidity. He could be one of the gods or simply Hephaestus minion.

The people in front of Anon who fail their test would proceed to be eaten by this Green-Cyclops while he calls them his Cheerios, and when Anon stands before him he would ensure Anon not to worry because he would enjoy eating him just as much as he enjoyed eating the others.

Maybe one could use The Odyssey and the Odysseus-Polyphemos encounter for more inspiration. Odysseus calls himself "No Man" to fool Polyphemos and I guess there is some word play that could be done here for those who like to go on about nu-males...

>> No.9054128

Came here to post this.

>> No.9054141

Hegasias of Cyrene, the guy who argues suicide was the best options as happines could not be obtained should have some space somwhere. He seem like good patheon fodder

>> No.9054276
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>I'm working with the production of a play right now
>one of the characters sings König von Thule in the play

>> No.9054282

I was thinking prologue.

>> No.9054293

we could just have an amalgamation of the great greek shitposters

>> No.9054297

>great greek shitposters
which one thought beans were evil? I forget.

>> No.9054302


>> No.9054314

What if we make it a prologue?

>> No.9054317

I think
should be the intro quote.

>> No.9054325

This whole thread is fucking disgusting.

I'd never be friend with anyone of you.

>> No.9054344

>I'd never be friend with anyone

>> No.9054346

That's pretty correct, thank you.

>> No.9054372

I have a few questions about the plot. What exactly will be happening with a main character? Will he be witnessing gods' conversation during his wait in the line? What his answers to gods are based on? Will he interact with other people in the line? And finally, is he(or she) gonna make it to heaven (as I understood, there is heaven and hell in your story)?

>> No.9054376

>taking seriously this reatrded shit-thread
Kill yourself kid

>> No.9054381

>taking seriously not taking seriously anything
no u

>> No.9054384


>> No.9054398

why does having a norwegian figure playing a god being called "der König von Thule" surprise you?

>> No.9054401

>anything taking not seriously taking

>> No.9054408

Idk, maybe we should avoid conspiracy theory stuff, since there was quite a bit of that in TLoTiaT.

>> No.9054431

to answer your last question, not necessarily. I for one hope that /lit/ avoids the heaven/hell dichotomy in favor of more varied afterlives. I was thinking that the voices of the dead OP mentioned for the poetry could come from one of these afterlives.

>> No.9054493

Why the hell not?

>> No.9055092

Quentin should be included as a god in the pantheon, in the form of a god of shitposting.

>> No.9055120

im shit at writing but could one of the pantheon be betrayed and replaced by a judas iscariot like figure at some point?

>> No.9055123

Uh, it's called stream of consciousness writing, it's a very serious style of literature

>> No.9055146

Q-Quentin Compson?

>> No.9055148

Also, there is a gag where Hephaestus claims he was once in a serious relationship with Aphrodite, and in this gag Aphrodite walks through the scene with either a female figure from mythology (not just Greco-Roman) or a large male figure from mythology.

>> No.9055170

Added to the appendix in the google doc. Can you please provide a title and byline? Otherwise I'll just make one up.

I like it. Diogenes is now the leading frontrunner for Greek philosopher

I am interested

The opening of the novel and the name of the protagonist are two matters to be discussed, I will touch on this in subsequent posts. Your suggestions are noted.

I like this suggestion, actually. It is noted

I think he would be a great character to feature somewhere. Not necessarily in the pantheon, but if there is enough interest...

This is an intriguing idea. It would allow us to use as many greeks as we wished. Maybe all of their souls fight for control of one body which serves as a member of the pantheon? I will put this forward in a subsequent post as an alternative to Diogenes, who is the current frontrunner for the greek philosopher god.

>What exactly will be happening with a main character? Will he be witnessing gods' conversation during his wait in the line?

We have yet to fully discuss the novels beginning. Don't worry, we will very shortly.

>What his answers to gods are based on?

They take the form of short stories, which can either be anecdotes from his own life or stories of his own imagination that illustrate his point. There will be a lot of creative freedom allowed for these stories, their only necessity will be quality and fitting within the thematic tone (somehow) of the god who asked the corresponding question.

>Will he interact with other people in the line?

This depends on what kind of character the protagonist is. This is still yet to be decided.

>And finally, is he(or she) gonna make it to heaven (as I understood, there is heaven and hell in your story)?

We have more or less confirmed that he will answer all the questions correctly, but it is not yet confirmed whether the gods will keep to their word and grant him access to the pleasent after life.

We have no consensus yet on whether it will be a heaven/hell dichotomy, but there definitely at least be an option that is more pleasant than the other(s)

>> No.9055206
File: 447 KB, 500x297, 7XpVo1B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the google doc for Minor contributions:


It is open to editing to anyone who has the link, so please don't be a shitfuck and mess around with it or link it to your friends.

A few things worth noting about the Minor contributions:

Poems are going into the interlude(s). They do not need titles or bylines. Any titles or bylines will most likely be deleted.

Prose is going into the appendix. These DO require titles and bylines (just make up any name you want, or use your own if you want. It doesn't matter at all). Yes, the title CAN be 'untitled', and the byline CAN be 'Anonymous'. Dates are also encouraged, but not necessary. Just as a reminder, the prose here can be about literally anything, but content related to the overall text is welcomed (e.g. if you want to write a backstory to the main protagonist go ahead. Everything in the appendix is simultaneously canon and non-canon, if you get what I mean).

Once their are enough submissions we can begin to organise them. If any themes start to develop in either section, especially the appendix, we will eventually organise them into subcategories/subsections.

Also, final note on Minor contributions, please ensure that your submissions are clearly seperate on the document from the others. You can use any range of font and color (within reason) to ensure this.

Any further questions on Minor contributions please don't hesitate to ask.

>> No.9055226

The God's should merely be coming to take people away from the earth which, despite all of humanities efforts, has become a barren wasteland.

>> No.9055230

The title/byline is, uh,

Poverty lives have struck zero hour


>> No.9055235

Hemingway, perhaps?

>> No.9055273

>DUDE, this time I'M going to be the one to get the new le epic me-me novel started

This has happened literally dozens of times since LoTiaT, and every time the document is irreprably changed or destroyed, or more commonly, everyone loses interest.

Are you so egotistical, so pettily impotent, about having missed the magic the first time that you've got to keep grasping at it? If it was meant to be held, it wouldn't keep slipping through the fingers.

>> No.9055288


I like your idea. We could construct life of anon: a khv

>> No.9055291

>its hard to do, others before you have failed
>so dont even try

nice outlook you have there

>> No.9055342
File: 648 KB, 1653x2339, Task-List - Characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've broken down what needs to be done most immediately into a couple task lists. Here is the first, pertaining to characters. Because of the way this novel is going to work, these tasks are probably the most pertinent at this stage, as the characters will dictate much of the thematic content.

Also, I am using 'Pantheon' as the working title so far.

Suggestions for alternate working titles and final titles are always welcome.

>> No.9055367

Eastern God should be Tao Lin

>> No.9055373

looking good, hope this takes off

what do you think of my suggestion in regards to a biblical character? im new to /lit/ shit in general >>9055120

>> No.9055380

two of the gods could be the bogpill bros xD

seriously: more /lit/ memes, fewer /pol/ memes

>> No.9055389

The protagonist could be moot. He would be inspired by the spirit of Anon. Immortality would actually be everlasting memory in the minds of anons (who would be dead because of the apocalypse). The last question would ask if 4chan was a mistake

>> No.9055390

I completely forgot!

Another potential god in the pantheon is Hephaestus, who represents cucks, betas and nu-males. He has a cyclops servant that looks and talks somewhat like John Green, who possibly devours those who answer wrong.

If there is enough consensus Hephaestus can be moved into confirmed. His physical description still needs to be ironed out though. For now, we can imagine him being depicted simply as he is in greek mythology.

>> No.9055470
File: 1.65 MB, 1653x2339, Task-List-plot-and-setting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the task list for plot and setting.

Everything in red needs to be ironed out and agreed upon before writing can really begin.

Most of the tasks relating to characters (>>9055342) will probably need to be completed first, before anything in section two (the actual trial) can be agreed upon.

So feel free to throw as many suggestions at the thread as you want for anything in either of these task lists. We will continue to operate based on rough consensus.

And just remember, once we have all the nitty gritty detail out of the way, the actual fun part (the writing) can begin.

>> No.9055477

Also sorry for any typos, everything was written at pace.

>> No.9055487

If it's decided to start with anon having a normal day, it could be funny to ape the beginning of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy as that opens in a similar way

>> No.9055582

You should put all these tasks and ideas summaries on Google Docs so we can access it when thread 404'd (keep them locked though)

>> No.9055616

>it's a Q tribunal episode

>> No.9055679

If the pantheon are as based as Q then this'll be great

>> No.9055823

Different deities obviously have different tastes. They will want different people to win. But sometimes they form a coalition against other deities, rigging the votes. So you have to contend with that.

>> No.9055860

Good idea. Putting that together now

The last chapter of the novel could revolve around this. Basically a big, rowdy discussion between the gods, some gods siding with other based on certain similarities in their personalities, and eventually voting on an outcome for Anon

>> No.9055882

maybe the final god could instead ask anon to give him a question that he cannot answer?

>> No.9055895

Been done before. Theres nothiong wrong with a little direction, for fuck sake some diversity is welcome.

>> No.9055952

What the fuck happened to this place? You're writing Percy Jackson fan fiction now? Fuck everyone involved in this.

>> No.9055991

Sounds like you're interpreting it much, MUCH more literally than intended, senpai

>> No.9055995
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Judge Holden for a member of the pantheon? His question would presumably relate to war in some way


>> No.9056002

Hypersphere was our most coherent work though.

>> No.9056005

seems more like a halfgod or angel or giant or something
i could imagine him as a gatekeeper for something

>> No.9056027

Could work...

This could also work.

Just as a general reminder, there will be room for characters other than Anon and the gods in the pantheon. We could certainly have ones that fill other roles, like a gatekeeper or something. It would only make sense for the pantheon to have servants and whatnot.

>> No.9056037
File: 111 KB, 1000x625, homerdysseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe the final god could instead ask anon to give him a question that he cannot answer?

Heh heh, peace of cake. How many chickens are there in two dozen chickens?

>> No.9056055

Thats an interesting idea. Could easily be combined with the initial idea as well.

>Gods in the pantheon argue over fate of Anon
>In the end they cant decide
>They either turn the decision over to the 'final god', or the 'final god' intervenes himself because they are too useless
>Anon faces one last test, asking the omnipotent god something he cannot answer

We still need to decide what happens to Anon after this fact, but im working on an idea for that...

>> No.9056150

One god (perhaps the third or fourth) asks anon if the divine can err, and anon's ultimate answer ends up being Yes, and they already have; the first god in the interrogation wasn't the Greek one, i.e. they didn't start with the Greeks.

>> No.9056326
File: 96 KB, 594x378, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've come up with a decent question for the Stirner god to ask. What do you guys think?

Just ignore the prose btw, its not important. It's just a starting point and rough context for whoever actually ends up writing the Striner section. Personally, I don't know his work well enough to attempt to write the chapter (it's been like three years since I read The Ego and its Own), but I'm sure someone out here would be up for it.

Same goes for the image, btw. Whoever writes the chapter does not by any means have to base their representation of Stirner of the Engles sketch, I just thought it could be a cool idea.

If you guys approve of the question, then writing (or at least brainstorming) can potentially start right away on the Stirner chapter, if anyone wants to put themselves forward for it.

>> No.9056356

lmao. Its hilarious, but drifts into the territory of only /lit/ being able to make any sense of it. We want the memes to be a little bit more cleverly buried.

>> No.9056357

No way. If anything the question should be "is the ego a spook".

Also if the rest of the questions go in this direction then what someone predicted above about this shaping up to be a pseudo-intellectual shitshow will come true. I'm also not seeing very much potential for humor.

I'm really not seeing how the medium of a collaborative novel is appropriate for the structure you've come up with. This isn't going to be /lit/-writes-a-novel. It will be 7 posters come up with the bulk of the content with some out-of-place consolation prizes awkardly stuck in at the end as appendices.

>> No.9056378

Well anon doesn't have to literally say "start with the greeks" but suggest for whatever reason it would have been appropriate for the first god to have been the greek god.

Also, I mean, this shit is not going to have much appeal beyond /lit/ to begin with. It's highly experimental, and I doubt it will have much literary value beyond the in-jokes

>> No.9056409

>"is the ego a spook"

Thats even better

>what someone predicted above about this shaping up to be a pseudo-intellectual shitshow will come true

Depends. Do you think /lit/ is really just a bunch of pseuds, or do you think some of us are cleverer than that?

>I'm also not seeing very much potential for humor

Just because some aspects of the premise are serious, does not mean the whole text has to be serious. In fact, having some of it be serious is almost a requirement for the non serious parts having any substance.

For instance, Anon's answer to Stirner's question could take the form of literally anything, as long as by the end he has 'answered' the question. I would sat that the more ridiculous the journey Anon takes to get to this answer, the better, personally.

>This isn't going to be /lit/-writes-a-novel. It will be 7 posters come up with the bulk of the content with some out-of-place consolation prizes awkardly stuck in at the end as appendices.

As many people can submit for the 7 main sections as they want. We can either vote on which submission should be used in the main chapter (and the rest are fitted into the appendix somewhere), or if there is potential for it, splice the submissions together in some way.

> but suggest for whatever reason it would have been appropriate for the first god to have been the greek god

That's actually a good idea. Sorry if that's what you meant and I read your post too literally.

>It's highly experimental, and I doubt it will have much literary value beyond the in-jokes

Agreed, but at the very least I'd want other boards to be able to enjoy it without having to stop and ask for an explanation for each /lit/ meme. At the moment Im pretty sure they all think we're pseuds with more memes than talent.

>> No.9056411

Epictetus wasn't Greek(Hellenic period), we comes from Hellenistic period. Stoicism isn't a Hellenic philosophy.
Same for Aurelius.

>> No.9056431

needs more reddit me-mes amirite? xDDD

>> No.9056522

Way to not even mention the length, tense, writing style, or point of view.

>> No.9056533

I propose that we model the 7 gods on the 7 virtues judging the 7 sins.

>> No.9056554

Well, most of those are arbitrary for this kind of piece. The tense, style and point of view don't need to remain constant throughout the whole thing. Each chapter can have a style that is totally unique to that chapter, for example.

Also, keep in mind, we are in the very early stages. There is a lot yet to be agreed upon.

That's actually an interesting idea.

There are a number of different versions of the 7 virtues though. Im guessing you mean chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility?

>> No.9056562

How about, Nephelios Red

>> No.9056618

Have we already discussed Anon's main psychological and physical traits?
Are they relevant?
Are they revealed solely by his answers?

One spicy thought:

Anon is the modern Jesus someone talked about.

I read the thread but might have missed this topic.

>> No.9056651

>Have we already discussed Anon's main psychological and physical traits?

No, but it has been noted that these will need to be discussed at some point.

>Are they relevant?

I mean, he needs to have some basic traits, unless we want him to be a reader insert or something like that.

>Are they revealed solely by his answers?

This is definitely an option, but we would probably still need to decide on some basic traits for him to reveal.

>Anon is the modern Jesus someone talked about.

An interesting idea, definitely. At most I would say it should be loosely alluded to, though. Like the Anon is not definitely Jesus, he just has some similar qualities, kind of thing.

>> No.9057061

what about mixing pynchon-esque conspiracy with alex jones-esque conspiracy into one

>> No.9057076

Have you created the Google Docs yet, OP?

>> No.9057136

Yeap, the one for the minor contributions is here >>9055206

We are still in the brainstorming phase for the major sections, so there isnt a doc or anything for those yet.

>> No.9057138

I wrote a poem about masturbating so much my dick bleeds.
Feel free to delete it if you want.

>> No.9057265

This will be relevant here, considering Diogenes is one of our main characters, so post it as if The Man is saying it.

>> No.9057346

Speaking of Diogenes,

If you have any ideas for the question he asks Anon, that could essentially solidify his position as our Greek philosopher of choice. And once that's done we can start brainstorming Anons answer.

It looks like we have Stirner's question already, essentially this >>9056326 but with "Is the ego a spook?" as his question, instead of what I wrote, so that one can already be started.

>> No.9057440

>Do you think /lit/ is really just a bunch of pseuds, or do you think some of us are cleverer than that?
Well for the most part, yes. True there are some very intelligent posters here and some good writers. But do you think anyone that's actually well-read enough to give a comprehensive answer to the problem of evil or "is it possible for a god to err" as I mentioned above would try to do so in 2000 words in a fucking meme book? It seems like you're taking this thing a bit too seriously. I think there is certainly some merit to trying to create a collaborative novel with SOME kind of structure/direction at the outset, but fucking come on, having the seven gods be all meme authors (inevitably asking the most superficial questions related to their work, and you know that's what's going to end up happening) and then expecting someone to post some sort of insightful short story response....And then there's the fact that someone suggested that Anon be a professor and you just went along with it as if that's appropriate for a collaborative internet novel produced by 4chan.

Sorry if i'm being mean, like I said there might be something to this idea of structuring the work from the very beginning, but I think you're going about it all wrong, also how new are you, be honest, I won't judge, I appreciate the effort

>> No.9057548

I kinda have to agree with this.
While I don't think it's a bad idea, why not spend a few more threads brainstorming ideas, and then put it to a vote?
This one already has some stuff planned, but only for a day.
I don't really think this has potential to be anything other than slightly amusing masturbatory references to literature, trying to be something more.

>> No.9057644

Rather than brainstorming over a few threads (which probably won't lead to anything happening; the energy for it is right now, and already kinda dwindling) just post in the existing google doc. Maybe use what's been discussed in this thread as some sort of very vague template to guide what you write, like a dream you had but can't quite remember. We can see where that goes.

>> No.9057660

Subplot where we interject a shit ton of Latin magical realism that consists of nothing but big dicked Ecuadorians fucking fairies and shit.

>> No.9057667

I'd like for the last god to be moot, and in the end anon gets banned from heaven for being an underage pseud.

>> No.9057684

>has to spend eternity in cuck subreddits

>> No.9057819

What are the most cucked subreddits?

>> No.9057864

Whoever is writing that Faulkner shit right now is giving me a good giggle

>> No.9057873

Glad I gave you a giggle because you gave me a smile <3

>> No.9058024

Make Hegel the god of Idealism

>> No.9058066


The project is still so much in its infancy that yes, it might seem a little stagnant.

This is the inherent problem with making a collaborative project with any kind of structure though.

The second google doc will hopefully be up sometime tomorrow, which should clear some things up, such as how the creative process will function once the foundations are all in place. It will be exist alongside the current google doc, but specifically for the major, plot driven sections of the novel. And yes, it will also be open editing.

But like I said, for that to happen though, the backbone of story needs to be at least somewhat in place. It shouldn't take too much longer to get to the point where it becomes truly collaborative, and we're only one thread in anyway. But yea, once the basic structure is in place and everyone is working with the same creative vision (on some level) then it can really start to be something that grows organically.

Basically, just have patience. Structure and plot wise, heck even having a plot at all, is ambitious, so there is going to be a bit of planning, which isn't going to be very exciting.

And don't worry, everything from this thread, including both ideas, creative contributions, and criticisms has been noted. The google doc tomorrow will most likely give a better reflection of how things will progress once the basics are taken care of.

>> No.9058636


>> No.9058653

Why not make Nepehelios be a silent protagonist?

>> No.9058793

Woah chill the fuck out with that. That anon and I are in love now and when we get married you won't be invited, fuckboi.

>> No.9058811

Hey, i'm greek. Meaning with my 23 years of age, i have already been to over 150 weddings.
I don't care if you invite me or not.

I will come regardless

>> No.9058823

Why not make a book with multiple endings? 2 of them. Answering the final question ''correctly'' and Correctly.
>If ''correctly'' continue from page XXX
>If correctly, cont. from page XXY

>> No.9058894

That's the most pleb idea in this thread so far. No offense

>> No.9058919

the gimmick will be that none of those two endings will be canon.

>> No.9059077


>> No.9059456


>> No.9059466

choose your own adventure stories make me want to burn books.

>> No.9059528

The google doc is so fixated on cum guzzling that there's no hope for this one.

>> No.9059560

Your moms cooking makes ME want to burn my tongue and effectively kill my taste buds.

>> No.9059564
File: 49 KB, 315x480, 1226497478098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9059582

Sounds to me like we have our central theme.

>> No.9059597


>> No.9059600
File: 276 KB, 1920x1080, 1478554784003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If need be, some of the cum guzzling can be cut down... if need be. Also that doc is for the minor parts (the interludes and appendices). Its not *supposed* to be a filter for the more overtly um, creative, contributions, but if it doubles as one then all the better I guess.

Second google doc coming up very soon. This one's going to be for the major contributions so things will get a little bit more exciting, even if it will be largely brainstorming at this point.

>> No.9059654


>> No.9059670

put as much cum guzzling as you want but make it funny. cum guzzling in and of itself isn't good enough and it's looking like some people still think it is.

>> No.9060093

this book sounds almost exactly like TLOTIAT, what a boring waste of time.

>> No.9060117

haha :)) epic sitcom humour :D :D great quip there fella hahaha :))))))))))

>> No.9060165

TLOTIAT is a book that starts with a fat idiot drinking his own cum and fretting about lizardmen, and this passage is repeated about four times in chapter one. The reason the book is considered a success / a vaguely worthwhile piece of literature is because it is a completely unpretentious silly meme book with some genuinely fantastic sections of prose, ideas or insights sprinkled in that catch you completely and utterly off guard.

Hypersphere is the same sort of thing, it starts off with a monologue including the phrase "Imagine the biggest pile of dung you can take and then double-- no, triple that shit and you still haven’t come close to one octingentillionth of a Hypersphere cornerstone.", it includes ASCII art and screenshots of people's desktops and when you consider it as an aesthetic whole it is actually an incredibly unique work with a tone incomparable to any other novel, and this is because it is an unpretentious shitty meme book.

this project sounds like a very pretentious shitty meme book, so i dont think it will be very good at all.

>> No.9060173

reminder that both Hypersphere and TLOTIAT had choose your own adventure sections and will undoubtedly be remembered for longer than "Pantheon"

>> No.9060195

Can I just post a pastebin and have it included as an intermission?

>> No.9060203

No one has ruled out choose your own adventure sections, fampai

>> No.9060206


>> No.9060245

Did you still feel as though your post was worth writing after you wrote it and pressed 'post'?

>> No.9060253

le cheeky sidestep defence

>> No.9060288

Well to be honest, I find the writing in the doc to be very derivative of both previous books, touching on all the same order of things and still thinking its funny. To be honest, lit's drop in quality and the fact that it's major interests, themes, memes have been exhausted by the other two books and other attempts since are going to make this one worse p r o b a b l y. But I will still read.

>> No.9060539
File: 41 KB, 480x480, deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The second Google Doc is here!

This thing is huge so make use of the navigation tab. I suggest browsing through the five sections and choosing whatever you want to work on first (e.g. the title, characters, plot, etc). In order for something this large to work at all coherently, we need to obey a basic kind of editing etiquette. This etiquette and a quick rundown of the context are given in the document brief at the very beginning, which is worth reading.

Anyway, here it is:


Just a reminder, the above link is for the planning and writing of the major sections of the story (the actual 'plot driven' chapters)

The first google document, which is dedicated to the more free-form interludes and appendices (below), has been going strong so far (despite various amounts of cum guzzling). Reminder, this is where you can show off your poetry and flashy prose without having to relate it to any specific context (more detailed explanation given in the document)


Happy editing!

Also, feel free to discuss any questions, criticisms or anything at all about the document/project in these threads. These discussions will also hopefully generate consensus on the various undecided aspects of the project over time.

>> No.9060594

What's that to say, exactly? That Hypersphere is our last "good" book?

>> No.9060613

"yes hmm i think we should have a stand-in for james joyce on page 3 who espouses post-faustian philosophies"
"cum guzz gazzoo!" sounded the penis trumpets

>> No.9060638
File: 42 KB, 754x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a masterpiece

>> No.9060659
File: 10 KB, 123x190, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9060686
File: 7 KB, 300x300, A mirror is an object that reflects light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9060698

Just finished this. Add it as an intermission or even an appendix since I managed to make it relevant to the plot.

It's not polished or as dead-pan as I would like it, but somebody else can edit it. Or I'll edit it later.

>> No.9060699

>/lit/'s average iq is 150+

>> No.9060713

Put this as the chapter quote for the first chapter, or as the dedication.

>> No.9060747

Nice, anon, added it

>> No.9060762

I wrote this like a year ago but managed to find it. Add it as an intermission. It works because he's actually dead.

>> No.9060765
File: 32 KB, 400x494, 562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the anon that deleted everything and said add cum

>> No.9060777

it is added

>> No.9060832

Also it would be wise to not write anything while anons are mass deleting the document and the document is being constantly being restored.

Wait till those anons are done/become busy with something else before attempting to contribute anything.

>> No.9060890

Unless people get off the same shit, yes.

>> No.9060939
File: 3 KB, 284x115, logo-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna keep resolving your comments anon :)

>> No.9060959
File: 90 KB, 526x701, 1485793924075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will get to the point fairly quickly, so have a bit of patience.

I have always been an attractive boy and needless to say, a decent ammount smarter than the average folk (though it took me a long time to realise just how much).
I had my first actual experience with a girl by the time i got into puberty, at the age of 16. from then on, it was smooth sailing. I will keep it short by saying that, human interactions wasn't/isn't a foreign concept.
5 years ago, i started having feelings for my Cousin, first cousin. At first i thought it wasn't anything serious, she is yet another shallow girl that i find extremely attractive, ''it's simple excitement'' i said to myself, ''it will go away in a week, a month...''
We kept talking, keeping in touch, me sleeping at her place, watching movies, cuddling, she falling asleep on my chest. The usual generic stuff a ''couple'' does. Generic but, it was the first time that i actually Felt it. It was unique, it really was.
2 years ago, i cut off all communication with her, everything. You don't understand, everything. We live far away so it wasn't hard. Of course, i did not tell her the reason why i did that because, i don't know, i am afraid of my feelings, afraid it would turn into full blown love.
I am 23 now.

Father died in september last year. He was only 48

We came into contact again. Because of said circumstances, she didn't even mention it.
turns out i still have these feelings for her, i think it's genuine Love. Actual Love. How rare is that?
So yeah, last month, i crashed at her place. We were holding hands for hours, not saying anything yet saying so much at the same time. I semi-jokingly asked her if i could massage her feet. She smiled, didn't say anything. I, fearless yet unsure, proceeded to remove her socks, she didn't resist. I just started massaging them, i am very good at it, always been. Being a male, i did the expected and slowly went up, caressing her pale, soft, cloud like legs. Skipped the dangerous parts of her body and went straight to her cute, baby-like belly. Looked up, she had her eyes closed. I made my move down there. She slapped me so fucking hard guys, so fucking hard i never recovered. She was so pissed off, i was so confused, embarrassed, wanting to hide. Basically i fucked up. We didn't talk for the rest of the night and i left quietly at noon the next day.
Do i tell her how i feel? She obviously doesn't feel that way judging from her reaction.
She is also 23, i am 2 weeks older.
please help.

>> No.9060987
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If you encounter either document at a time where editing is turned off (as a result of particularly troublesome anons) just add your suggestion as a comment, and it will soon be added in more concrete fashion.

Also igf you have writing to submit during these times, just post it in the thread and it will be added.

>> No.9061014


>> No.9061202


>> No.9061349

Good things are happening in the interlude and appendix doc.

Get in here goyim

>> No.9061370
File: 9 KB, 201x251, this_displeases_stirner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-a-anime is not a SPOOK, baka!

>> No.9061437

Guys i seriously think that the bog meme wont last more than a week. Let's just, don't.

>> No.9061444

it's gonna take the anon in the doc more than a week to finish the greentext at the rate he's going

>> No.9061448

Im just impressed the anon wrote it out word by word, possibly from memory.

Its in the appendix anyway, its not like we're making them members of the pantheon or anything.

>> No.9061466

trips confirms

>> No.9061470

Checked. But it is done.

>> No.9061472 [SPOILER] 
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 1486252073958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iasonas K? There are only 6 of them on facebook. Let's keep it anonymous, it's for the better.
I hope this is him

>> No.9061476

How can wisdom, peace AND love co-exist and actually work?

>> No.9061557

they are all aspects of goodness :)

>> No.9061574

I remember someone suggesting an omnipotent god at the end or something

please make this god a transgendered african-american muslim

>> No.9061579

Should I make a new thread tonight or just wait for tomorrow?

It doesn't really matter if it 404's overnight 2bh, it'll just get archived.

>> No.9061592


the omnipotent final god is in the document already, i'll add the transgendered african-american muslim part as a potential option

>> No.9061595

just let it 404

>> No.9061607

Idea for the global plot structure: The Pantheon scenes take place somewhere in the not-so-distant future, call it 2030. The state of culture and intellectualism among the vast majority of citizens of Earth is dismal, which is why nobody prior to Anon has been able to correctly answer the questions. The main narrative will be interspersed with flashbacks/episodes recalling Anon's past and scenes which detail how everyone became so damn stupid. One possible explanation for the latter could be that 4chan becomes popular replacing facebook as the dominant form of social media, 4chan obviously dumbing everyone down (which will be kinda ironic considering what I've got coming later). Another could be the surge of paleoconservative politics leads to education budgets being slashed etc (ignore your political beliefs for a moment because this could end up being interesting, scroll down and read below).

So Kek, a chaos god asks the last question, and as a chaos god is predictably disappointed that Anon has made it so far into the Pantheon as the success of any person means that humanity will be saved from Kek's wrath, a sort of unusual instance of Kek abiding by order rather than chaos as he's agreed to some kind of contract. So after Kek becomes aware of Anon's impending success he begins to travel back in time to the present day with the goal of sabotaging Anon. What form does his sabotage take? He seeks to prevent Anon from ever discovering /lit/, a pivotal event for his intellectual maturation. For example Kek notices that Anon in 2016 is a /pol/lack who semi-unironically believes that GETs have a chance of altering the course of the US election and so Kek uses his magic to hand the election to Trump. Now, this gets us into some pretty interesting alternate timelines and paradoxes stuff because as I implied above Trump was ALREADY president during the main narrative timeline.

>> No.9061609

Thank you to the anon who just provided all the suggestions for the Stirner chapter. It's good stuff.

>> No.9061617

I like how you could make these "novels" a case study about how a collab creative project can only get as good as its worst participant is

>> No.9061618

*and so Kek uses his magic to hand the election to Trump, and Anon thinking he actually had a role in getting Trump elected basically guarantees that he will never leave /pol/ and explore new boards (like /lit/)

>> No.9061621

the protag should just be some faggot who totally misunderstands/misrepresents the concepts he is being questioned about, but he answers with such bravado and conviction that the gods themselves are convinced that he is correct

>> No.9061630

There's a kernel of a good idea here; having anon be kinda stupid will prevent us from straying into moralizing and trying to create a sincere philosophical work. Leaves more potential for humor as well.

>> No.9061634

That's me. Thanks!

>> No.9061637

Heh, I like it. Added to protag section.

>> No.9061660

I was kind of assuming this would happen unintentionally anyways unless the anons which write the primary sections aren't cocksuckers

>> No.9061677

Yes but this way it will be satire rather than a satire of itself.

>> No.9061794

I like it

>> No.9061828


I'm the only one qualified to do this.

>> No.9061830

This would be a good idea, if it wasn't random fags on the internet who have the task of writing these chapters, but a brilliant and experienced author.

>> No.9061846


Port-o-potty is a time travel device in the tradition of Dr. Who and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. It takes a wrong turn and ends up in front of the gods. It turns out human cells can't survive the torsion of time/space necessary to travel through time.

>> No.9061848

Yeah it would be much better if we had anons misunderstand or misrepresent concepts unintentionally

>> No.9061850
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Full editing enabled for both docs again (will probably stay enabled until I go to sleep).

I'm pretty sure it was just one anon doing the mass deleting. Im have a feeling it was the same guy who was ranting about this project being shit compared to Hypershere before.

I think he may have contributed heavily to Hypersphere

>> No.9061919

no wonder 99% of Hypersphere is shit then

>> No.9061922


>> No.9062118

He also explains the concepts as vaguely as possible. I swear, there is a character that has done this before, but I forget their name.
Oh shit now there's a reason why the protagonist is in front of the gods.

>> No.9062163

With the amount of time this anon has put into changing the header and adding cum references he could have written the whole novel himself by now.

>> No.9062183

not good enough to contribute prose, so here's a possible shitty poem for use between chapters 1 and 2

"Anon's Lament"
as I stand before judgment complete
I pray my soul the requirements meet
free me now from man's deceit

alas this world was far too cruel
and it I repaid in kind
the consequence never did I mind

I pray dear friend my words you shall heed
resist, oh resist, temptations call
dare not walk the path that I lead
as from grace I fall

>> No.9062215

thanks anon, will add

>> No.9062270

Should the chapters be written in first or third person?
Assuming anon will end up being a pseud who doesn't really understand anything there are benefits to both.
First Person could help us to see anons reasoning and better understand him, but could be hard to properly convey his pseudyness without being cunty and obvious
Third person could help to show anon how others see him as an enlightened wise man, and subtly show his pseuditry, but it might be hard for everyone to do that without being to obvious.
I'd have to say Third Person would work better

>> No.9062277

i would do 3rd, i think

>> No.9062280

me would do 4th

>> No.9062287

Why not both?

>> No.9062290

me wood do 7th. Pleb.

>> No.9062295

In all seriousness it should be 2nd person.

>> No.9062303


They don't necessarily have to all be written from the same perspective. Some could be third, some could be first.

Any chapter that is an actual anecdote from Anon's life should probably be first person, whereas chapters that are just him spouting nonsense or pulling stories from his imagination would probably be better in third. This isnt a hard and fast rule though, just a suggestion.

Unless we want all the chapters to have a similar style? That's still an option, it would just require more coordination.

>> No.9062313

truly the patricians choice

>> No.9062320

im not even kidding, the main sections should be in 2nd

>> No.9062432

Personally I think it could be intriguing, but 2nd person is largely regarded as a meme round here. I added it to the Style section of the doc though, as a suggestion for the main chapters.

>> No.9062456

2nd person would just be the protagonist speaking to the god(s) and them talking back.

>> No.9062510


>> No.9062854

Didn't see anyone posting an opening, and I know it can be difficult to get the ball rolling so I came up with the following:

The protagonist has just emptied his bowels and taken notice of a single green pea floating there, amid the waste, with a tiny spec of carrot resting on the face of it (perhaps even there are small white specs because shitting stimulated his prostate and he experienced a little leakage). Together, the two resemble a pepe and he recollects the entire narrative.

In Search of Lost Time and the madeleine can be used as a kind of template.

>> No.9062868

He empties his bowels in a port-a-potty. He died after a time-travel accident in a port-a-potty and this triggered his PTSD.

>> No.9062899



I would agree with the Anon who said that this can be linked somehow with the sphinx idea, it would just take a certain degree of creativity.

How tastefully can shitting in a port-a-poty be described?

>> No.9062905

Also thankyou to the other Anon(s) who has been adding things from the thread to the document. Much appreciated

>> No.9062931
File: 320 KB, 1000x1000, 0 ICAYLINktkB3s7Cw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody with talent should repaint this or something except with Cronos guzzling cum right from the source. Perfect cover.

>> No.9062947

>tfw eating your own children is like an extreme form of cum guzzling

>> No.9062953

>Cronos = gods
>Son = anon

with or without cum guzzling this is unironically a decent idea


>> No.9062985

>chad thundercock

So Zeus?

>> No.9063048

One of the authors gods should ask Anon what is the great American novel. The answer could be a total shitpost like The Goldfinch from Donna Tart or the Uncharted 3's script from Amy Hennig.

>> No.9063080

>The answer could be a total shitpost like The Goldfinch from Donna Tart or the Uncharted 3's script from Amy Hennig

I like it

>> No.9063122
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Out of caution, I have restricted both documents to comment-only while I'm asleep. You can still edit them, however your edits won't be approved till tomorrow.

This is just an extra caution as a result of all the meddling and mass deleting earlier today. Hopefully we can be less cautious in the near-future and leave full editing on all night.

Alternatively, you can also post any submissions or suggestions for either doc in the thread, and I will add them later.

I'll start a new flashy thread tomorrow as well, as this one might 404 soon.

Night y'all

>> No.9063306

I think cum guzzling is going to be one of the best parts of this whole thing.
Just think of all the ways we can relate it to the narratives, all of the implications, it's great.
>ingesting what should be used to make life
>forgoing the gift of life for perverse pleasure
>forgoing the gift of your own life for perverse pleasure
>guzzling own cum
>self indulgent
>full circle with the sexual act, rub own penis, guzzle own cum
>could show hubris
>could show lack of relationship to society, or reality
I never thought I'd be so excited about cum guzzling.

>> No.9063318

I suggest all anons eat some of their own cum to bring good luck to this project.
I'll go first.

>> No.9063514

2salty would not recommend

>> No.9063524

Press your own juice with oranges that you got from your grandma.
Your cum will be sweet af.

>> No.9063618

>In order to defeat a stubborn God anon goes back in time and swallows the Gods fathers load

>> No.9063660

Consider suicide, you fat virgin unemployed fuck. How many people would mourn if you died? 2? And for how long? People would forget about you within 1 week. You waste of resources. I feel sorry for your parents. Think about your life decisions for 5 minutes before you post again.

>> No.9063682

Sounds like someone could use some cum

>> No.9064336

Documents back open to full editing. All changes approved

>Confession: re No.9061850
>I was the one doing the mass deleting, or at least one of the people doing it. Somebody was c+ping cum shit for sixty pages, that wasn't me. I also did not write that rant, that was there when I first went into the googledoc.
>Full disclosure, I did repeatedly change "Enter submissions in the place below each heading" to "Enter cum in the face below each head". I’d like to say I did it as a joke, but my google searches of late are full of cum play. Must be on my mind…

This is poignant stuff desu, really made me think

Also new thread incoming

>> No.9064368

Guys, if anyone has original .docs of LoTiT I will be very thankful, also please release the new one in epub format.

>> No.9064446

LoTiT used to be easy to find for free. Don't know what happened there.

This one will most likely be an epub.

>> No.9064573

Dick Grass

>> No.9064693


>> No.9064928

Soon anon, soon

>> No.9065056
File: 93 KB, 600x800, 1482257015335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to write something, anything. I don't know where this will end up and i don't...c-ceasar... why, seriously, why did he have to die? Keine ahnung man, ich will nur schlaffen, said the nameless hot blonde you met during your trip to Drama - Greece.
Think about it this way, the biggest realizations you have in life, are by far the simplest ones. Let us take other forms of art, like movies. Movies can change you, movies can change people a LOT more than any political speech would, yet, if, let's say, if a thousand people watch The Matrix, they would've all watched the same thing, 1:1, of course the reception would be different for everyone, but this doesn't change the fact that they all saw The Matrix and only that. Take a Lite book now, The Catcher in the Rye. Every single one of those 1000 people that will (be forced to, LMAOOO) read it, everyone will have a different yet exactly the same experience. Depends on the world you're going to build inside your head. How do we even visualize moving pictures while reading at the same time? And that's when i remembered that my bigger brother used to chase me around the house, overpower me and hold me down while spitting on my face, making me watch the slimey spit-thread fall slowly, surely and unavoidable on my face. Mother, of course, did not believe me. so the same day, after she went to work, i set up a camera in the living roon. Went to my brothers place, and taunted him, he jumped of his chair and chased me, i had to make it to the living room, i did. He grabbed me like always, dragged me down, and farted on my face. all of this happened while we didn't exchange a single word. I had evidence now. He never did it again.
It's late again, sleeping is one of the few things in life that become harder the harder you try. Three stages, i mean states, three states of mind:

1. Pre-masturbation
2. After-Masturbation
3. Those 5 minutes right after you wake up

Think about how drastically different each of these states are.
The ranking is intentional. I am pretty sure 99% of suicides happen when people ejaculate in the first 5 minutes of waking up.

The only reason why people try to become relevant is because of time. We don't have much time yet we want to make a big impact in history. We want to live forever. if the technology to achieve immortality (or any analogue) becomes available, there won't be any need to do that anymore, then and ONLY then will we find inner peace, wisdom and Love. Religion was right.

>> No.9065064


Thanks anon, added

>> No.9065089 [DELETED] 

No m8, thank you for replying. I needed that. I fucked up even more m8. I told her how i feel about her. That i Love her. She wrote me back but i didn't reply. I want to do this face to face with her. I love my cousin.

>> No.9065162

Is there anyway to ban the guy?

>> No.9065182

i really want to see what's going on inside his head.

>> No.9065193

Unfortunately, no. The most I can do is make the document comment only.

Which isn't too bad, really. Anyone can still make edits, they just require approval before becoming concrete.

>> No.9065391



Get in here and bump/discuss

>> No.9065395


>> No.9066047

OHHHH, Suhhhh dudeeee