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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.00 MB, 4128x2322, infernoofautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9038768 No.9038768 [Reply] [Original]

post 'em faggots

>> No.9038791
File: 1.47 MB, 1440x2560, 20170130_052350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did some comfy reorganization. Finally have some more space to spare.

>> No.9038796
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>> No.9038800
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>> No.9038805
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>> No.9038808
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>> No.9038810
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>> No.9038815
File: 1.97 MB, 2268x4032, 20170130_052309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all together..

>> No.9038817
File: 1.57 MB, 2268x4032, 20170130_052324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ the meme shelf

>> No.9038862


go to /soc/ or something faggot

>> No.9038865

I hate being poor

>> No.9038909
File: 321 KB, 800x1422, IMG_20170130_123358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people push back their books like that? it looks fucking retarded

>> No.9038916

Get it over w & kys faggot

>> No.9038921


It's like, you enjoy being a faggot or something.

>> No.9038925

gonna need you to go back to r/books

>> No.9038929

Where'd you get your hard copy of Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra? Lulu?

>> No.9039026


Is that green book the spanish constitution?

>> No.9039032

Doesn't all that empty space behind your books make you anxious?

>> No.9039039

Something could be hiding behind them...

>> No.9039061


>> No.9039178

>Empty space behind books.
>Need the space to lay extra books flat when the shelf is crowded.

>> No.9039217

Why do you have like 6 copies of the Divine Comedy

>> No.9039275

>he doesn't know dante-anon

>> No.9039570
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>> No.9039579

Which version is your favourite?

>> No.9040143
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x1840, WP_20170130_13_40_27_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw overflowing bookshelf

There's a whole second set of books behind all these. You won't see everything anyway so I'm just sharing my classics section.

>> No.9040442
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>> No.9040445
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>> No.9040460

>flight of lucifer
Did you discern any talent?

>> No.9040464

Why call me a faggot? See now i ain't gonna post it, anon.

>> No.9040597
File: 3.77 MB, 3762x1574, IMG_6714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished If on a Winter's Night a Traveler; where to go next with Calvino?

>> No.9040653

what are those chingchongs?

>> No.9040801
File: 3.63 MB, 4000x3056, Bookcasejan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your journey in Zettel's Traum going?

>> No.9040806

you have the best shelves desu

>> No.9040849

ITT: Pseudo-intellectuals who don't actually read

You're all worthless cancer, you fucks! You slime.

>> No.9040921

Are the Wordsworth Classics any good? I was thinking of buying a bunch of them because they're so cheap, but i don't know about the quality

>> No.9040955

Cosmicomics is good if you haven't read that yet.

>> No.9041044


>> No.9041055

>liking calvino
Tastelet pleb

>> No.9041063
File: 336 KB, 533x510, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all a bunch of faggots.

>> No.9041067


No it's like having magic soda cans that can refill themselves.

>> No.9041099
File: 1.58 MB, 2000x7594, VERSION 1.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



check the chart

i love papa bloom, but unfortunately no lol. it was quite mediocre, veering on bad.

it's tough cause if on a winter's night is his best. just get invisible cities out of the way and decide if you want to keep going with calvino i guess.

complete works of jin yong

slow and intermittent. but it's fun.


calvino is pretty good desu

>> No.9041104

oh i forgot to say i really like your shelves. have you read the nadas/any thoughts?

>> No.9041148
File: 18 KB, 192x290, Divine Comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this one?

>> No.9041152

Do you live in an attic?

Nice lamp btw.

>> No.9041190

Please tell me that Romeo and Juliet is pulled out slightly in this picture. The difference in logo size and unalligent with the rest of that set is triggering me.

>> No.9041421

Is that the Barnes and Noble Edition? Or some other discount edition? It's almost certainly Longfellow, though it could be Cary in some rare cases.

>> No.9041426

I think it's just misaligned desu.

>> No.9041565

Is that a bust of Pericles?

>> No.9042028

they're not good deus avoid

>> No.9042062

Get used Penguin and Oxford instead anon. And hopefully you won't be called out on not having read them because of the wear when in reality you really haven't read them

>> No.9042092

After working at a library I second this sentiment.
>tfw small children have an autistic compulsion to push all the books of a row to the back

>> No.9042093

>Is that the Barnes and Noble Edition
Yeah it is

>> No.9042182
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask me about my shelf

>> No.9042249

Very clean and focused collection

>> No.9042419

What's behind the curtain?

>> No.9042431


not even joking

>> No.9042567
File: 188 KB, 1440x810, My pathetic shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join Navy.
>Move out of parents' house.
>Move all the way across the country.
>Get set up in barracks.
This is all of the shelf space I have. I literally do not have the room to set up another bookshelf in this tiny room that I have to share with another motherfucker. So many books I had to leave behind. I question myself everyday on whether or not I made the right choice in what books I brought from home.

>> No.9042581

>Monster Musume

Is your drill sargeant aware of your great taste?

Seriously though, you are an idiot for bringing that to the Navy.

>> No.9042601
File: 56 KB, 436x700, f16cd40aed160938ffb637aedee0a24b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9042611

Yikes. Post pics.

>> No.9042612

>Drill Sergeant
Drill sergeants are instructors at Army boot camp. I am neither Army, nor in boot camp. I am a full fledged sailor. No one gives a fuck about what I have in my room, as long as it isn't illegal.

>> No.9042650

It's the Longfellow.

>> No.9042668

hey, can we be friends by any chance?

>> No.9042951

>only reading books once
>not being able to spell "shelf"

>> No.9043175

they are just towels desoo, I keep all my clothes in drawers

also this: >>9042431

>> No.9043208

absolutely agreed

the memory of my dad making me reorganize the library and having to aligne all the books neatly in a predefined amount of time still haunts me

>> No.9043573


>> No.9043699


>> No.9044687

the fuck?

>> No.9045384

that's a nicer navy desk/room than any i've ever seen wtf

>> No.9045456

You don't? Pleb.

>> No.9045699

Do you need a drink? Why is it so blurry?

What is the red hc next to contracts thircd edition?

What are the little red and green hcs?

Did you like code? I have it and read it a really long time ago. You were probably in grade school. I remember liking it.

>> No.9045712

Every fucking time

>> No.9045845

Thats a lot of different Divine Comedy editions. Whats the best translation?

>> No.9045930

He already answered that you illiterate fuck.

>> No.9046104

Sorry I didnt read the thread :(

>> No.9046156

I hope you learned your lesson

>> No.9046165
File: 961 KB, 2419x3226, 2017_01_583435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9046222
File: 3.68 MB, 1563x3206, 20161224_160731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't get past the first book of wheel of time. Bought the second at the same time because i had heard good things. Oh well.

>> No.9046547

you dont like literature very much do you

ill bet $10 ij/ulysses are unread

>> No.9046571
File: 338 KB, 644x747, 1433672654452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joseph and His Brothers

>> No.9046612

Cum on your xenomorph and post pics pls

>> No.9046641

damn, why is that "city of god" so huge?

>> No.9046693
File: 786 KB, 2658x1425, IMG_1115_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9047240

Because in that edition the spiritual world had to yield to the secular world's imperative for bloat.

>> No.9047313

How do you vacuum the dust behind the books?

>> No.9047348

Nice clusterfuck

>> No.9047434

it's also just a long book desu

>> No.9047500

>shakesmeme and jin thewuxiamadman yong volumes split between shelves vertically, instead of a more linear arrangement, such as forming a horizontal row across two shelves of their respective bookcases.
>titles from a single author have wildly different formats, editions, binding, etc; implying limitations on distributions available to purchase, resulting in an discordantly inorganic outgrowth of books, which follow an illogical, unaesthetic rhythm.
>even the bookcases aren't uniform, implying further constraints on budget and range of purchasing choices.
>if these relative harmony of these book editions were a symphony, it would be a disaster.

dude you have some of the best shelves on /lit/ but these factors always get me.

>> No.9048065

>A Man, A Can, A Plan

lol, my mom got me this at goodwill when I went to college. not a good cookbook.

>> No.9048066

It's less of a constraint and budget and more of a
1. I like browsing bookshops and picking up books that I come across that are on my to-read list, so you take what comes up.
2. I don't buy all the books of an author at once, it's usually one at a time and only if I like the author/want to read more do I go out looking for more.

I've never really felt the need to pay attentino to the shelves themselves. -shrug-

>> No.9048339

it still bothers you though, and im sure if you had $6000 to spare, with a curator to help save your time ordering and arranging, youd reboot your library to make it more uniform.

>> No.9048359

it's not really a hypothetical, i do have $6k to spare and i'm not doing that desu

>> No.9048498

murkamai desu

>> No.9048550

you can display fun trinkets in front of your books if you push them back. they also feel less like they are going to fall out

>> No.9048564

what if you push them back a little and make the spines aligned at the same time

then you can achieve both

>> No.9048630

depends on the depth of shelves then. Mine aren't really deep enough to have trinkets and aligned spines.

>> No.9049241

a small amount is fine but people whose shelves are overwhelmed with trinkets are subhuman

>> No.9049875

Why do so many of you have physical books? Are you old? Stupid?

>> No.9049886


Enjoy no retention

>> No.9049905

so you don't have a perfect memory? what a stupid cuck

>> No.9049909

Why do you not have so many physical books? Young? Millennial?

>> No.9049918

>I've never really felt the need to pay attentino to the shelves themselves. -shrug-

that would explain why they're shit

>> No.9049929
File: 1.73 MB, 1983x3500, Shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old am I, and what am I like?

>> No.9049934


I have more raw intelligence in one brain cell than you do in your entire frontal lobe you unlettered caitiff.

>> No.9049936

All these paperbacks really get my kek-o-meter knockin'

>> No.9049940


>You don't like books/movies/music that are not famous and well regarded.

>> No.9049942

>i can use big words, that makes me look smart and hip like all the cool kids

you're an idiot for even responding to my shitpost

>> No.9049943

would hang out with
++bottom shelf
-everything, especially the toys
-everything except tolkien
+greek history
-unending joke

>> No.9049988

Why not actually read one of the books to the end rather than give up and hoard more shitty ancient texts?

>> No.9050043

what role do goats play in your life

>> No.9050054
File: 1.73 MB, 2306x3811, IMG_9378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man.

>> No.9050141
File: 3.28 MB, 4128x2322, Bedshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls no bully.

>> No.9050169

>all those different lord of the rings editions
for what purpose? i mean, i have two hobbit books but one came with the complete set of lord of the rings(75th anniversary edition or something like that).
i cant think of any reason to have all those though. do you just like the different editions?

>> No.9050185

Pretty much, yeah. The individual paperbacks are easier to take around with me.

>> No.9050242

it was better with the redwall.

>> No.9050272

Eh, I wanted more room for PKD and Ellison anyways.

>> No.9050304
File: 3.44 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pseud shelf

>> No.9050451

Yes, was years ago but I remember it being good, comfy and a bit Proustian.

Sort off, Amsterdam apartment.

>> No.9050537
File: 187 KB, 1000x1334, 8H5QF8X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9050575


>Look mom! I'm trolling this dude on 4chan!

>> No.9050597
File: 1.27 MB, 864x598, hardbakcs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own around 400 books, so here are the best-looking ones.

Buying old books has been my favorite passtime in the last few months. My oldest one dates from 1841, though it's not on the picture.

>> No.9050615


From which booktube did you copypaste this, anon?

>> No.9050617


Whoa, there are actually other people in Amsterdam that post on /lit/?

Are you a qt grill?

>> No.9050631

i am and im doing it successfully, as evidenced by your infantile need to respond, fool

>> No.9050987

Is that I.A. Richard's 'Principles of Literary Criticism' to the top left?

>> No.9051013


>> No.9051016

Did you buy all those books just so you could have a reddit shelf?

>> No.9051020

Have you read Parallel Stories/do you know how it compares?

>> No.9051026

Did Goethe get you a bit too excited?

>> No.9051034

Im shaking of excitement

>> No.9051041

>enced by your infantile need to respond, fool
> Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)10:38:14 No.9050987▶>>9051013
>Is that I.A. Richard's 'Principles of Literary Criticism' to the top left?

>> No.9051044

I don't know what on earth happened here >>9051041

To answer your >>9050987 question: yes, that is IA Richard's Principles of Literary Criticism. I haven't read it yet.

>> No.9051049

You could call me a fag for the pipe and the hat but you chose to talk about Goethe? Check you Privileges

>> No.9051068

he was emotionally distraught because i was trolling him. then he tried to respond to you, but because hes a jobless neet, he didnt get sleep and fuck-failed miserably even at a non-shitpost.

>> No.9051081

kek BTFO

>> No.9051248

comfy walls, looks cold though

>> No.9051766
File: 3.26 MB, 640x266, kekmyimmortalson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just when i thought it couldnt get worse
>scroll down
>night angel trilogy

>> No.9051785

it was recently posted on reddit.

>> No.9052068

Fear not. I got the joke. Very funny indeed.

>> No.9052084

haha this idiot accidentally revealed he goes on plebbit get out of the club PLEB

>> No.9052096


Guys I don't get it.

>> No.9052130

Is everyone in the navy a fucking faggot?

>> No.9052131
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>> No.9052139
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Also currently reading Infinite Jest, which is beside my bed.

>> No.9052149

I can tell with the bookmarks sticking out of many of the books that you only read a few pages then get bored and put it back on the shelf

>> No.9052157

How does a physical copy give you more retention?

>> No.9052173



>> No.9052260


>> No.9052336

how's rebirth going? i cant buy single issues. gotta wait for the volumes.

>> No.9052377

It doesn't. I read both and my comprehension / retention is just the same on my kobo as my paperbacks.
One little study suggest the idea and you subscribe to it wholeheartedly. That really says a lot about you.

>> No.9052384

Why is that copy of The Savage Detectives so fat?

>> No.9052609

>When I have the same picture frame as one in this pic

>> No.9052753

It looks like there is jizz on the book

>> No.9052894

those mac and cheese things are fucking disgusting my man. get yourself some real food, it might cure your autism

>> No.9053023

Nothing is more retarded than the empty space behind your books... Except that tacky Nike gym bag ornamenting your unimpressive bookshelf. Step your game up.

>> No.9053422

Pretty good. Definitely check out Superman, Deathstroke and Green Arrow. Flintstones is also great.

>> No.9053447

how's that minimalist dante translation?

>> No.9053504

Another curtain and your moms meat curtains.

>> No.9053520

>My pathetic shelf
How does it feel knowing literal children have better shit than you?

>> No.9053680
File: 546 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-3176623750184199578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the minimalist one..?

someone sent me a plush goat. it came with this sign. it's very cute. https://yougoatmail.com/

still in the shrinkwrap desu

n-no bully. i like books more than i like furniture.

>> No.9053845


>> No.9054113
File: 30 KB, 521x552, 1471509207779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephen King - How To Write Good

>> No.9054674

cute goat

>> No.9054907
File: 67 KB, 600x400, 1449558232797.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9054944

did you really just post anime?

in that case, not a chance.

>> No.9054947

Ehy do you have like 3 versions of the divine comedy

>> No.9055096

that wasn't me anon, anime is gr8 ^~^

we are friends now~

>> No.9055803

well now i don't know who to believe

>> No.9055921

i like your tiny buildings

>> No.9055993

you own physical dvds of monty python films, so i'm gonna say 40s. 47 maybe.

you have some old vinyl, you keep copies of hi-fructose magazine, and you have books about interior design, photography and sound recording. you also have a copy of kj dover and the complete oscar wilde.
i'm gonna say you like to think you're a kind of bohemian metrosexual type. but actually you've always been a bit confused about your identity and as you've got older you've become more desperate to fit in with that crowd even though you have borderline ocd and your friends think you try to hard to keep up with them

>> No.9056012

I know who one of them is from a chat, but both those anons are liars, so neither.

>> No.9056029

Why do you neet detectives think you matter?

>> No.9056050

anon asked a question
i answered
what on earth makes you think anyone thinks it "matters"?
get over it

>> No.9056065

>you own physical dvds of monty python films, so i'm gonna say 40s.
I kekked so hard at this. A child with Down's tries to play detective.

>> No.9056069

I wouldn't have cared, but your analysis was plain bad.

>> No.9056081

My dad got it for me don't think less of me
I swear it's actually fucking great. It's not a kids book, a lot of really neat social commentary.

>> No.9056086

you're aware this is 4chan, right?

>> No.9056096

Well you seem to be surprised that you're getting your ass handed to you for your retardation. Which probably happens often. So I'm guessing you aren't aware it is.

>> No.9056101

That doesn't make the analysis any less bad. It's hilariously retarded even by 4chan standards.

>> No.9056104

Why are you two assholes bullying the retard? I mean it was bad but he's probably just young.

>> No.9056112

Fuck, I didn't mean to say the retard. I meant him/her.

>> No.9056113

>you're aware this is 4chan, right?
>y u bully
Get over it and stop samefagging.

>> No.9056117

I think you're the guy who asked the question and you're just embarrassed how accurate it was

i bet you're really furious about it, aren't you? why don't you masturbate angrily about it for a while?

>> No.9056118
File: 25 KB, 480x424, 1475816779102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been gathering books for when I move out for about 1,5 year, they're all over my room.
This thread is great for motivation!

>> No.9056121

I'm not the detective guy, I just think it was out of line.

>> No.9056174

not really. he got what he deserved for being a smug sociopath. that anon thinks he's better than other people, especially his put down towards the other poster for supposedly being in their 40s. which was completely wrong btw.

>> No.9056176

>he keeps being defensive
Just stop. You're already dead.

>> No.9056262
File: 155 KB, 544x841, sit up straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begs for attention
>gets butthurt when it's not praise

>> No.9056278

watch out for that giant beetle

>> No.9056282

I wasn't the guy who posted that attention seeking image. It was a shit dvd, book, and music collection anyway.

>> No.9056406

can you faggots go sperg somewhere else no one gives a fuck about your autism

post shelves or gtfo

>> No.9056488


>> No.9056511

>scott pilgrim

>> No.9056595

Hows that iron chef book? I loved the shit out of that show years ago. They would play it all night and i would stay up doing coke and watch it.