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/lit/ - Literature

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9051381 No.9051381 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read,

Donald Barthelme
Robert Coover
Raymond Federman
Joseph Mcelroy
Joshua Cohen
Adam Levin
William H Gass
William T Vollmann
William Gaddis


>> No.9051384

I've read a few of those fellas. Wasn't impressed. A highly cowardly lot.

>> No.9051389

>tfw I'll never get to see a girl that cute get blacked

Why live

Also OP, I've read them all

>> No.9051390

I've read a few of those fellas. Enjoy the William trio. Not a fan of Cohen or Barthelme. Interested in McElroy though have not gotten around to reading him.

>> No.9051391
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>north-american "authors"

>> No.9051395

>Joshua Cohen
................................................. anon, plz

>> No.9051401

Honestly you niggers should give him a chance. At least Witz. It's right up everyone's alley. Could be included in any meme trio collection bullshit you idiots do.

>> No.9051408

i don't read trash

american "literature" is a joke and is already forgotten. it has no relevance to the literary canon.

>> No.9051414

Been reading other stuff instead. Plan to get around to a few of those. Friendly reminder that reading isn't a competition :)

>> No.9051419


>> No.9051468

I did. It tries for Joyce and ends up at "not even DFW", sorry.

>> No.9051474

lmao btfo

>> No.9051482
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>> No.9051492
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>> No.9051496

I've read Vollman and Gaddis.
Long winded fuckers.
I'm on a 19th century Russians kick right now and am enjoying it inmensely. Probably not going to bother with American pomos again for a while

>> No.9051580

>Unitedstatian """literature"""

>> No.9051585

You mean white American men? Wow such diversity bro

>> No.9051589


Not a fan of post-modernism. A bit of Pynchon and a bit of DFW is fine, but I just don't have the energy to go through another confusing doorstopper again.

>> No.9051727

Gass, Gaddis, and maybe Memelroy are the only ones worth looking at. The rest are bargain bin postmodernists at best.

>> No.9051732

lmao leaving out donald barthelme

is this bait?

>> No.9051963

this t b h
i've tried reading american lit but have been unable to get through a single book from ANY author besides Steinbeck. None of them can hold a tiny candle against Euro, Asian, or south American authors aka everyone else.

I guess it's because I'm not american. American lit for americaners.

>> No.9052006

Not even Faulkner or McCarthy?

>> No.9052021

McCarthy was 2edgy4me "the world sucks and it's all an empty hell"

I have not seriously tried reading Faulkner yet. I will try him, though.

>> No.9052059

>"the world sucks and it's all an empty hell"
But that's not all, there's beauty in it if you look closer

>> No.9052065

moshi moshi bait desu

>> No.9052211

I know. As such I want to read books that inspire me, that show me the beauty of the world

Not books that show me how shitty it is. And this is 80%+ of american lit

>> No.9052433


>not knowing that the second greatest book of all time was written by a us citizen.

>> No.9052468


>> No.9052474

Gonna guess Melville