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/lit/ - Literature

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9045954 No.9045954 [Reply] [Original]

>in upper division course on Shakespeare
>girl asks why Shakespeare's conception of love is worse than John green's
>she tells the professor to read paper towns
Why do we let women read

>> No.9045982

you should see how they vote

>> No.9046443

"Heh... her opinion is so plebeian,,,, luckily with my superior intelligent and humanities training i know the truth......."
"That'll be $8.34 - Thanks, come again!"
"Y-you too"
"Fuckin normies,,,,,,,,,"

>> No.9046451

This is incoherent

I cant tell how many people this convo is between, which line is spoken by whom, etc.

>> No.9046454

My girlfriend reads, and she remembers the hell of going to a bookclub in high school in the hope of making some friends (she's kind of an introverted, cynical loner) and discovering to her horror that they all read John Green and Manga. Needless to say, she didn't go back. I think she was in her miserable Russian novel phase, and brought along Anna Karenina or something. None of them had heard of it.

She remained a cynical loner.

>> No.9046461

I googled to make sure, but that is a university level course?
I really worry for America.

>> No.9046472

If she also happens to be attractive, then you've struck gold and should marry her.

>> No.9046475

She is attractive. Just my type- dark hair, slender but not a skeleton, doesn't dress like a slut (and has never been a slut), not an SJW (and politically aware and balanced- no ideologue). I am well aware I've struck gold.

>> No.9046479

How smart are you OP

>> No.9046486

not an argument.

>> No.9046500

You know full well the point he's trying to make. Most girls don't read good books, and most boys don't read at all.

>> No.9048187


>> No.9048195


Same lad, it's the fucking best.

>> No.9048205

She has a point.

>> No.9048208

>Tfw have Qt Russian penpal literary philologist and nationalist

We'll never be together but it's a great feeling

>> No.9048473

Learn to read pleb. It's very easy to infer.
This post is akin to the easiest of Modernist prose, if you cannot read it why are you even here?

>> No.9048494

Go back to reedit

>> No.9048500

Because they still can be good readers and contribute as well as males. The fact that an idiot, no matter the gender, is in an "upper division course on Shakespeare" is a problem caused by the educational system that can't properly filter the idiots.

>> No.9048509

>being loners
She's putting on an act
To fuck Chad behind your back

>> No.9048515

>girl has vague, shallow literary interests
>wooooow thats so impressive because she has a vagina

>> No.9048532

W r o n g
P l a c e s

The more 'normie' girls that 4chan and reddit constantly make fun of are the conservative well read ones. It's a vicious cycle because you guys are hellbent on making fun of "basic bitches" then complain about not finding any conservative or intelligent women.

>> No.9048544

Basic bitches are histrionic liberals, what are you on about

The only conservative women are weird daddy's girls or white trash. If a woman doesn't follow the herd, she's probably a lesbian.

>> No.9048635

i live on the 'hippie' west coast and still the average woman is pretty conservative in everything but partying

>> No.9050459

>Everything but partying
Pick one.

>> No.9050499

She's obviously not a "cynical loner".

A woman cannot be a "cynical loner".

>> No.9050524

>not knowing the cynics
done fucked up, loser.

>> No.9050526

>be woman
>have a boyfriend
>"cynical loner"

topkek m80

>> No.9050551

>literally krates and hipparxia
learn who the cynics are and how they lived their philosophy, you uneducated pompous twat

>> No.9050554

Stop shitposting you retard.

We both know you weren't talking about Ancient greek cynicism you mongoloid.

>> No.9050559


t. butthurt wagecucks

>> No.9050560

>he thinks the definition has changed
>he thinks he's going to come up with a better /lit/ referent than the Greeks
new here?

>> No.9050571

It's time to stop.

>> No.9050573

why? is being wrong hurting your feelings? good, it'll teach you not be such a terrible poster again. read a fucking book etc.

>> No.9050578

roasty getting toasty

>> No.9050583

you're the one who hasn't read shit of value and is posturing for social acclaim, so if anyone's relying on their tits getting them through life, it's you. let's hope you've D cups, because what i corrected you on is basic. it's not some esoteric knowledge i'm laying on you, you're just not even basic. stwg is a meme about how to start, and unlike what aristophanes' the clouds might have led you believe if you read it, it does not involve solely smelling your own farts.

learn what your words mean before using them. it is not a hard ask on a literature board of all places. get fucking basic if you can't get good, you're a waste of space and have shitty recycled banter. at least a girl would post tits while being wrong.

>> No.9050586
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>> No.9050588

read a book; you are a failure of man. unlike a girl, you cannot get through life being this dumb without offering up your ass to hubris.

>> No.9050595

>femanon thinks anon who reads is mad at her for correcting her
why do girls do this?

>> No.9050604


>> No.9050708
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>> No.9050709

>be in class
>dumb women

>> No.9050712

I want to cuck you

>> No.9051220
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>politically aware and balanced- no ideologue