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/lit/ - Literature

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9046338 No.9046338 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books atheists literally can never appreciate with the same intensity and connection as believers

>> No.9046340

my diary, desu

>> No.9046341

You couldn't know that to be true without being an atheist yourself

>> No.9046346

I once was

>> No.9046366

Well, I'd say your premise isn't very interesting. I could start a thread and post Muslim literature and say the same thing. Sort of obvious for any works related to a faith myth

>> No.9046371

you aren't a christian

>> No.9046386

Yeah I'm so upset I don't get to read this and say "gosh I should worship something I can't interact with in any way or know exists because some pedophiles dressed like wizards and an ancient book tell me to so all this stuff doesn't happen to me!"

>> No.9046394
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>> No.9046429

When you say stuff like this, you give people like OP the exact reply they wanted. :/

>> No.9047098

This is why atheists are so retarded

>> No.9047103

Man I wish I could appreciate this autist's Bible fanfiction as much as one of those retards with an imaginary friend

>> No.9047114

>he's criticizing something he has exactly zero understanding of
Tbqhwy that's like me criticizing a paper of advanced quantum mechanics.

>> No.9047137

Islam isn't true, though.

>> No.9047146

>You... just like.... don't get it bro.

>> No.9047182

So basically you were just ambivalent to the idea of god and never really put any thought into it, and never had a foundation for critical thinking in which to keep you from becoming religious. What's wrong with religious people is they all lack basic critical thinking skills. They don't question that every religion that's come before them has a different god, there's never been any evidence for those gods (sometimes multiple gods and usually described differently). The same book that predicted that god created the universe also thinks that the earth has four corners, and that women came from a man's rib, and some dude walked on water. And not to mention the hilarious irony that eating from a tree of knowledge is forbidden, when throughout history the church considered knowledge and reason an enemy of the church. Don't believe me? Look up the enlightenment, where reason started science and democracy and undermined the church and monarchies. Religion is a remnant of ancient days, written by ignorant desert people who knew nothing of science and reason, they were absolutely ignorant. And yeah keep your religious beliefs, because you'll do anything to compartmentalize and cherry pick any data to confirm what you already think, even though there's no logical basis for your beliefs whatsoever and even you have to admit that.

>> No.9047200

Please tell me this is pasta and you didn't actually write it.

>> No.9047225

I did write it. It's not hard to write.

>> No.9047239

Write your way back to /r/atheism then.

>> No.9047246

All pasta begins somewhere, dubanon.

>> No.9047265

Dude, you are the one who has no idea about religion, I'm not even memeing here. Why don't you read some Carlyle to find out what Truth is really all about?

>> No.9047267

.... common now

>> No.9047297

Too be fair, unless you conduct research into the history and politics of Florence, you'll have no idea what's happening either.

For other books, maybe The Confessions? Although that's probably not true because I feel like I can appreciate it as an ex Christian who went through some of the same stuff as Augustine.

I'd say 99% of apologist and creationist literature wouldn't hold up on its own intellectual and creative merits, the only exception being Jonathan Swift because he's funny. Maybe other atheists find Chesterson obnoxious.

I defiantly can't read the bible any-more, fuck that noise.

>> No.9047299

And neither is Christianity

>> No.9047310

Atheist doesn't need any pasta keke.

>> No.9047323

Watch that edge there, buddy.

>> No.9047347

What edge? They both aren't true.

>> No.9047378

But believers will notice that it's self-insert biblical fanfiction and get pissed off, where atheists wouldn't care as much and be able enjoy it more as literature.

>> No.9047405

>Still believing in fairytales in 2016

>> No.9047437


>> No.9047446

>notice that it's self-insert biblical fanfiction
>get pissed off
when has this ever happened among believers?

>> No.9047447
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>What's wrong with religious people is they all lack basic critical thinking skills.
I love how this statement proves the writer has no critical thinking skills.

>> No.9047449

Paradiso's even better if you read it as a Hindu.

>> No.9047459

>What's wrong with religious people is they all lack basic critical thinking skills.
Wrong. Furthermore, there is no inherent value to 'critical thinking skills'.
There is no value to 'logic and reason'.

>> No.9047476

Hopeless people. You probably didn't even read the whole thing.

>> No.9047509

No, I read it. After you proved your lack of critical thinking skills you went on to;
-Demonstrate an astonishing ignorance of theology, comparative religion, and formal logic
-Misuse the word 'predicted'
-Misquote the bible
-Demonstrate a shameful ignorance of history
-Let your inner bigot roam free
If you weren't so very earnest I would assume you were a troll ticking all the checkboxes. Instead, I suspect you are a 19 year old hoping to go to the best college your grades allow, East Bumfuck Landgrant University of Lower Southern Falls, to eventually major in English and then complain bitterly about how no one recognizes how special you are.

>> No.9047518

Damn man you fit ever memeatheist argument into one post, spectacular work

>> No.9047537

It's not bigotry you fucking moron. Religion is just a rejection of reason. It's a stupid idea, and if you have a stupid idea, I will fucking call you out. You're not your religion, your religion is whatever you're born into or you choose. You can choose to believe global warming isn't man made too, but I'd tell you you're a fucking moron.

>> No.9047545

>your idea is dumb because science
Damn atheists are bringing out the big guns

>> No.9047565

>I have no argument so fedora maymay
Sick one dood tell God I said how are memes when you kick the bucket

>> No.9047568

even more so with Silmarillion. i have 2 atheist friends that have read lotr more than 1 time and couldn't finish silmarillion

>> No.9047574

It's not wrong because of science, it's wrong because it literally has no evidence to support it's existence. None what so ever, it's not a matter of people are debating the findings that support evidence of god. It's a matter of there's people who are willing to believe anything because it confirms their compartmentalized beliefs. You can go get flattened by a truck you piece of shit, I'm really sick of people like you. People like you who ignore facts and just believe what you want to believe are the reason why people like donald trump is president in the united states. I really hope you die an agonizing and painful death, or that you get run over by some truck and splattered into a huge runny mess of gore.

>> No.9047576

I was a hardcore atheist. after a while became an agnostic. thats when I started lurking /lit/ and decided to read divine comedy. it made me go after philosophy and theology, and couldn't be an agnostic or atheist no longer after that.

>> No.9047591

Damn man that impotent asshurt rage isn't very rational of you. Have you ever thought that perhaps you blindly believe in "reason" and "rationality" because it confirms your beliefs and makes you feel smart?
Build the wall my friend.

>> No.9047614

>People like you who ignore facts
What facts, my friend? do you hold the supreme truth? share with us, ignorants.

>Religion is just a rejection of reason.
yeah, sure, great philosophers, mathematicians and literature masters all along human history have been rejecting reason. I am sure you could easily refut every single argument made by Aquinas. oh wait, you haven't read. why? because you obviously hold THE TRUTH so you don't need to bother studying important things outside of your tastes/comfort zone.

>people are not religious because they are afraid of the dark, but people are atheists because they are afraid of the light.

you have your head stuck so deep in your ass that even if you were presented a flawless argument that would make you reflect about the possibility of a god you would immediatly discard it because you WANT to be an atheist and you are afraid the cool edgemasters will think you are stupid because you believe in god.

I was just like you.

>> No.9047629

Jesus fucking Christ the autism in this thread

>> No.9047635

>What facts, my friend? do you hold the supreme truth? share with us, ignorants.
There's no facts that say that god doesn't exist because there were never any facts that say he exists. You can't just assert a claim with no facts and then say HAH! YOU HAVE NO FACTS TO DISPUTE IT! You do ignore facts in other aspects of life, which is what I was saying. And I knew you'd be so stupid that you'd say that, but I didn't end up pointing out the difference in what I was saying which I guess is unfair to you because you do have a mental disability.

>> No.9047666

I never said you have no facts, I just asked you to show us, after all you clearly said I am ignoring them. oce again you mention those 'facts' but you do not show me what facts are those. what aspects of life am I or all the other religious people ignoring? show me two. or even 1 (one)

>> No.9047681

It is not the rejection of reason. Most religions believe reason and faith are complementary; but there is some part of reality that can't be understood with reason. The only "religion" that truly rejects reason as a tool to understand the world -- that i know of -- is Zen.

Also, it seems you are equating reason and science. The latter is only a part of the former.

>> No.9047688

I forget the key sentece of my post: Neo-atheism is the belief that reason and religion are irreconcilable; and that the latter is harmful of the former.

>> No.9047689

Well OP is a baitlord so what the fuck do you expect...

>> No.9047692

I'm an atheist. Someone please guide me to the light.

>> No.9047698

Which light are you referring to?


Choose one

>> No.9047704

>greeks > biblie > romans > philosophy all the way up to augustine and aquinas > divine comedy > paradise lost


>> No.9047710

The right one.

>> No.9047721

Everyone that has one thinks they have the right one. If you don't have any you can pick and choose.

>> No.9047789

If you are one of the elect and God has predestined you to have faith, you will believe eventually. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.9047822

>It's not bigotry you fucking moron
Google "self-awareness" and get back to me
>Religion is just a rejection of reason.
Really? Is that why the universities of Europe and America were religious institutions until very recently? Is that the reason that the great scientists of history were all either religious or actual priests?
>Are you one of those guys that doesn't know Newton was a theologian and Copernicus was a monk?
Don't worry, kid - EBLUofLSF is perfectly respectable in your region, I'm sure.

>> No.9047830

>it's wrong because it literally has no evidence to support it's existence.
>I have never done any serious reading in logic
Protip: read why mathematics is called the a priori science and then return to the discussion

>> No.9047845
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>You can't just assert a claim with no facts
Confirmed for never taking Logic courses.

>> No.9047874

>I have never read Aquinas: the post

>> No.9047882


That doesn't make any sense at all. Do you need to be a theist to appreciate LOTRs aesthetics or what? The only way I can see atheists not enjoying Tolkien is if they are militant and get triggered by any notion of supernatural/transcendental. In which case it is irrelevant since those are subhuman trash and should not ever be accounted for

>> No.9047926

I've read it several and have written a (brief) commentary on it.

Take that fedora out of your ass
>reason is good because memes
>its stupid because memes
>Evidence is right because memes
>facts exist because memes

>> No.9048015

i didnt say they didn't enjoy lotr, I said silmarillion, which has a lot of similarities with the bible. the way its written, themes, etc. not saying that is a reason or justificative for atheists to enjoy it less, but i bet is way harder to read/enjoy for people that have never read the bible

>> No.9048122

>silmarillion, which has a lot of similarities with the bible
You mean similarities to the prose eddas it is a conscious imitation of, right?

>> No.9048319

Well, that's part of the aesthetics as well. The Bible is actually a good read, especially considering the historical context and meanings (the Old Testament evolving from scattered stories like pre-homeric greek legends to an organized religion in order to counter the advance of other organized religions and the New Testament being very influenced by Plato and Aristotle, though mostly Plato). That's a perfectly reasonable way to read it if you don't believe it is the book of truth (which is fine as well).

Only NEET militant atheists think otherwise. I've yet to find history researchs who completely disregard the bible, as it is at the very least a powerful historical tool, and has good writing - it did amaze the neoplatonists of the time.

>> No.9048371
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>> No.9048456


Dharma Bums

>> No.9048461

I appreciate Dante more than 99% theists, because I understand poetry (and Dante's Italian) better than they do.

>> No.9048551

The Flying Spaghetti Monster gave him divine inspiration for his pasta.

>> No.9048646
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>Yeah I'm so upset I don't get to read this and say "gosh I should worship something I can't interact with in any way or know exists because some pedophiles dressed like wizards and an ancient book tell me to so all this stuff doesn't happen to me!"

>> No.9049249

Wouldn't you also have to specifically believe in all of Dante's (and catholicism's) interpretations of morality, in addition to believing in God to "fully appreciate" The Comedy?

I imagine that someone who believes there is an objectively right way to behave would enjoy the book more than a person of religion who believes the bible's moral teachings are up for individual interpretation and that a relationship with God is personal.

>> No.9049767

Jesus, fucking read Life of Pi already, fuck.