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9044471 No.9044471 [Reply] [Original]

The Poetry of John Green

>> No.9044474

It seems to me as if Wordsworth lives again.

>> No.9044478
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>tfw it's actually real

>> No.9044480

A fucking refugee family moved in next to me last week. They're already trying to get us to go to their house for a meal in order to force their culture down our throats. Luckily my dad is redpilled and told them to fuck off home.

>> No.9044491

i think the real racists are the sandpeople

>> No.9044498

You might make fun and light of this. But my city is like 50% middle eastern now.

I don't like it.

>> No.9044501
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>> No.9044546

Even in tweets he's ripping everyone off


>> No.9044553
File: 3.49 MB, 1784x1200, Screen Shot 2017-01-31 at 20.41.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local municipality recently arranged housing for two 'syrian' refugees.

Instead of a small worker's house, similar to the ones a third the population of my country lives in they bought a villa.
A 5000 square foot 80 year old monumental villa with traditional details such as stained glass on about half an acre of prime fertile clay land.
We burned it.

>> No.9044557

>They're already trying to get us to go to their house for a meal in order to force their culture down our throats.

That's literally just being a decent neighbor, fucking /pol/ nigger.

>> No.9044561

its obviously a joke you moron.

>> No.9044609
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Whoa I say he really made me think.

>> No.9044621


Cool story bro, I'm sure /pol/ would care.

>> No.9044638
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>> No.9044654



>> No.9044665

>Our interactions with inanimate objects are held to the same moral standards as our interactions with people.
>Implying that Cheerios can think, talk or have an opinion on anything

Huh? I'm not getting this at all.

>> No.9044668


>> No.9044676
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>tfw no friendly foreign neighbors
You ungrateful fucker

>> No.9044680

Jheeze :/

I live in the United Arab Emirates, most of my street is Arabic now

>> No.9044684

>Implying that John Green can think, talk or have an opinion on anything

>> No.9044695

Are you a grill?

>> No.9044698

>Luckily my daddy saved me! hehe!

>> No.9044700

I also don't understand this. I would hold a bowl of delicious heart-healthy Cheerios© eaten by 48 previous people to a different standard than an uneaten bowl.

>> No.9044777


The upshot is, of course, that women hold the same level of moral agency as cereal.

>> No.9044792
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True story bro


>> No.9044816

White genocide averted. Whew!

>> No.9044819

>2 refugees

>"De gemeente Voorst, waar Twello onder valt, had het pand vorig jaar voor vier ton gekocht, om er maximaal veertien vluchtelingen met een verblijfsstatus te huisvesten."

>> No.9044874
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Oh johnny boy good old chap.

>> No.9044883

based /r9k/

>> No.9045105


The municipality said only two were coming to stay there.

>> No.9045115

FANTASTIC bait.Genuinely laughed

>> No.9045132

Pol you are getting better, but not enough to pull one over us intellectuals. Go scream about redpilling here >>>/pol/