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9042538 No.9042538 [Reply] [Original]

What writers, philosophers, or historical figures offer the most convincing critique of conservatism?

>> No.9042553

jamie oliver

>> No.9042555

Richard M. Weaver

>> No.9042560

info wars

>> No.9042562

Julius Evola

>> No.9042572
File: 14 KB, 380x591, evola.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9042578

what does he favor over conservatism? i mean Burkean conservatism here

>> No.9042598



>> No.9042617

He was a conservative though

>> No.9042625

he was a traditionalist.

>> No.9042632


There are none. The logic of conservatism is unassailable.

>> No.9042636

he was drug user and spiritual hippy, opposite of conservatives

>> No.9042646

Chapo Traphouse

>> No.9042713

>he was drug user and spiritual hippy, opposite of conservatives

like i said he wasn't a conservative

>> No.9042746


>> No.9042749

Donald Trump (aka Putin's Secret Sock Puppet President)
Remember: you read it here first!

>> No.9042883

Conservatism is a flawless ideology. It cannot be critiqued without lying.

>> No.9042893

Probably Rousseau OP.

>> No.9042900
File: 264 KB, 2197x1463, jo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wut m8?

>> No.9042904
File: 714 KB, 1200x752, Crouch-Larry-Wilmore-Attempts-To-Be-Seriously-Funny-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9042907

Terence McKenna

>> No.9042908

the Situationnist International

>> No.9042909

Are traditionalists really the best critiques of conservatism?

>> No.9042911

Mckenna was an apolitical nut job who believed we were all on some chatic ride controlled by machine elves hurdling towards the transcendental object at the end of time

>> No.9042914

No, the radicals were. See>>9042893

>> No.9042915


>> No.9042917

Doesn't seem very conservative to me senpai

>> No.9042918

Rousseau did seem like the most reasonable answer itt

>> No.9042922

Its not liberal either. It doesnt have anything to do with politics at all, his ideas are simply the end product of eating mushrooms like candy and chain smoking DMT while being a naturally gifted speaker with a talent for abstract thinking.

>> No.9042929

>fitting into left or right politics

wew lad

But all jokes aside, I've often wondered if his brain cancer resulted from the absolute whirlwind of psycotropics he exposed himself to.

>> No.9042934

>>fitting into left or right politics
What? I said he DOESNT fit into left or right politics

>> No.9042942

>I've often wondered if his brain cancer resulted from the absolute whirlwind of psycotropics he exposed himself to.
Im inclined to say no, simply because theres pleanty of other well known people from that time that did similar amounts of psychedelics who didn't develop brain cancer. Of course he did admit to experimenting with more obscure/ unheard of hallucinogens, and perhaps some of those were carcinogenic? All I know is that Im happy sticking to my 4-aco-dmt and my lsd

>> No.9043047

>liberal and conservative not pointing in the same direction
americans everyone

>> No.9043050

the point the same direction on one axis and different direction on the other
pretty accurate desu

>> No.9044068

western 'liberals' and 'conservatives' are just 2 varieties of enlightenment bourgeoisie liberalism. Communism is the true patrician choice

>> No.9044076
File: 25 KB, 314x387, Wilhelm_Reich_in_his_mid-twenties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This madman

>> No.9044422

this and german romanticists probably

>> No.9045214


>> No.9045231

tumblr desu

>> No.9045920


>> No.9046084

yea who and how

>> No.9046103


It is worth noting that both conservative (Bloom) and liberal (Rawls) thinkers draw from Rousseau. Though it is worth mentioning that the lefty reading, for instance, by Rawls, which is a contractualist reading, only makes sense if you only read Du Contrat Social, and ignore his other works, such as Julie (explicitly justifies that patriarchy, lol) or Considérations sur le gouvernement de Pologne (explicitly supports ethnic nationalism).

PS I'm sorry that your 'social sciences' professors only read Rawls and Marx and Foucault.

>> No.9046151

Bloom might draw from Rousseau, but there are many on the right who not only hold Rousseau in contempt - they believe that enlightenment thought is a destructive aberration (I count myself among this camp)

>> No.9046152

>conservatism is a platonic metaphysical force unchanged throughout time
>right and left exists