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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 238x200, Spgetty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9034180 No.9034180 [Reply] [Original]

What's the title of your novel?

>> No.9034182

I'd tell you but it's theft-worthy

>> No.9034186

I figure my editor will make a strong suggestion

>> No.9034187

love, adornment and the things I will never understand.

>> No.9034190

A Soul In Ev'ry Stone

>> No.9034210

my diary

>> No.9034215


>> No.9034221

Dear Laurel

>> No.9034250

Sounds gay desu

>> No.9034253

>doesn't have a title that encompasses the story it precedes and allows meditation on its many meanings, as well as capturing the attention of possible readers
Get this mophead outta here

>> No.9034284
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Molotov Cocktails on a Thursday Afternoon

>> No.9034301

A Treatise on the Implications of a Crashing Noise

>> No.9034305

that is a very cool title.
would make me pick up the book in a bookstore.

>> No.9034308

Want me to post the first line?

>> No.9034309

The Jewel That Smashes the Hammer. Came to me in a dream.

>> No.9034310

go for it.
or post a random paragraph. I always flip to a random page in a book.

>> No.9034311

This is the opening:

Waking up to a loud crash rarely means something good is happening. It’s never “CRASH! Mom made pancakes!” or “CRASH! We decided to adopt a Golden Retriever!”

>> No.9034312

ngl, pretty damn cringe.

>> No.9034313

Is this a Jojo reference?

>> No.9034317

Mmm. Needs work, sorry.

>> No.9034324

A guide to shoplifting?

>> No.9034325

I'm not Retarded, It Was Just a Loose Wire

>> No.9034331

Faster Than The Speed Of Love

>> No.9034335


>> No.9034337 [DELETED] 

With Alms Tucked In

>> No.9034338

Veil Ripper

>> No.9034343

The Agony of the Melancholy of Being: A Tale of Tangled Hearts

>> No.9034348

Pseudo-intellectual cringe tier

Cringe tier

>> No.9034358


>> No.9034390


Well, what do you suggest to follow MODOS?

>> No.9034397 [DELETED] 

Has a good jingle to it, nice.

>> No.9034404
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>>9034343 Because you're intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.9034430
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Why I hate Niggers, Spics, and Jews and how you can too.

>> No.9034445

Mannequin in the Mirror

>> No.9034451


First good title in this thread.

>> No.9034756


I love you too

>> No.9034759


>> No.9034809

Wrath of the wallabies

>> No.9034821
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just look at all that wrath

>> No.9034911

do not despair senpai, over 100k words into my novel and I still don't know what to call the bloody thing

>> No.9034952

Oprah book club tier

>> No.9035000

Unlimited Joke by Dave F. Waller

>> No.9035013


Trips prove that this will be a best seller and a must-read for all /lit/nerds and and hipsters for the next 30 years.

>> No.9035040

The Colossus and the Flower

>> No.9035188 [DELETED] 

Cold Cu(n)ts

>> No.9035200 [DELETED] 

Spaghetti Fire

>> No.9035212 [DELETED] 

A Social History of Defenestration

>> No.9035282

Gnu are You?: A Fictional History of the Hypno-Sexual Relationship Between Slavoj Zizek and Richard Stallman: Volume I.

>> No.9035287 [DELETED] 

Quack Quack: A Duck's Story

>> No.9035288

Reddit as fuck

>> No.9035301

Letters From Tehran

>> No.9035306 [DELETED] 

Full Mental Anaerobic Workout, Vol. II

>> No.9035324

Donald Dickmancer and the Berries of Dingle

>> No.9035340 [DELETED] 

The Loneliest Hamburger

>> No.9035342

Com'on, I know it's bad, but I didn't think it'd be this bad.

>> No.9035346


You're writing for teens, right?

>> No.9035350

I would read this

>> No.9035353 [DELETED] 

Eternity in His Paws

>> No.9035363


I don't know whether to laugh or cringe

>> No.9035366

Series: Dynasty of Storms
Book 1: Rising Thunder

>> No.9035378

I choose laugh, at you specifically, because you can't tell that 2/4 of those are jokes.

>> No.9035407

Sloppy Shits and Golf

>> No.9035422

Are you merely pretending, or is it me who doesn't get the joke?

>> No.9035430

Year of the Silkworm

>> No.9035437

it's 1/4 or 2/4 the only ones i truly believe are the first and last

>> No.9035443

They're all jokes. The only one that's believable is the third.

>> No.9035445

Thriving on crumbs

>> No.9035464

A Thousand Stars Below

>> No.9035467

I fantasize about ripping out the intestines of women that I find mildly annoying and crawling inside of them in a strictly Asexual way

>> No.9035472

That last one is certainly within the realm of common desperation.

>> No.9035484


Quite like these

>> No.9035496

Slow Dawn

>> No.9035519

Misaki, or how to disappoint your parents

>> No.9035540

Apathetics Anonymous

>> No.9035562

When i said 2/4 were jokes i meant the first two.I can easily see some of the posters here thinking the last two are good titles

>> No.9035564


>> No.9035567

It's like /r9k/-the title, in a pretty obvious way.

>> No.9035574


>> No.9035582

I really like this one.

>> No.9035587


>not Molotov Cocktail Hour

>> No.9035604

The Hundred Thousend Songs of Michabrepa

>> No.9035652

I got the reference.

>> No.9035654

>using a pun as a title

>> No.9035670
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is this actually from a novel, or did /lit/ come up with this on their own?

>> No.9035679

>Not thanking god for having witnessed the greatest opening line before posting it on a chan


>> No.9035682

Who is Tehran?

>> No.9035685

I believe it's from something by John Green.

>> No.9035708

Necrophilia and cannibalism? Sign me the fuck up.

>> No.9035715

It's called "chains". And it's more of a long ass poem than a novel

>> No.9035731
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The working title of my short film screenplay is "Island Hopping"

>> No.9035733

it's a 1,134 page stream-of-consciousness novel told from the perspective of 'Jason's Deli Meat' employee.

>> No.9035742
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Éamon Callaghan: A tale of suffering

>> No.9035758

Zelgor and the return of the comblongons to the republic

>> No.9035761

Disgust: A Treatise in Eleven Chapters

>> No.9035769

When I Touched Shoulders With The Other

>> No.9035922

hey brian

>> No.9035932

Boffing the Big Buford

>> No.9035937

that's a long one

>> No.9035944

The Two Novels I'm Working On:
>Divine Wind
>The Fall of The Matriarch (Supposed to a nod to the Marquez novel)

Poetry Collection
>The Lives of Three Emperors, All Named Caesar, and the History of Their Empires.

Pretty cringe desu

>> No.9035953

>The Lives of Three Emperors, All Named Caesar, and the History of Their Empires.
The Good
>The Fall of The Matriarch (Supposed to a nod to the Marquez novel)
The Bad
>Divine Wind
The Ugly

>> No.9036482

pillars around walls

>> No.9036496


That's freakin' awesome, oh wow! That's legitimately hilarious, if that was the first sentence of a book I'd want to read more immediately. Sweet!

>> No.9036504

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE newfags out out out

>> No.9036604


>> No.9036609

Final Fiction

>> No.9036642


>> No.9036648

Jerking Off is Hard To Do
When All I Think About is You

its a collection of poems about beluga whales the unsexiest fish in the sea

>> No.9036660

Placem i tugujeeeeeeem

>> No.9036671

>The Fauna and the Foam
Already finished. Currently sending it to publishing houses. It's quirky magical realism.

>The Christian Bookclub
Currently writing it. It's pseudo-Pynchonian horror so far, but I think I'm still to give it more comic twists.

>> No.9036679

Autism: Road to Enlightenment

>> No.9037099

Holy...I want more...

>> No.9037137 [DELETED] 

Fraggle Rock Exposed: The Dark History Behind the Beloved TV Series

>> No.9037141

Ti sbrego il culo a suon di cazzo

>> No.9037167

From Poo Poo Pee Pee to Neechee

>> No.9037256 [DELETED] 

Ching Chong's Guide to Racial Epithets 2017 Edition

>> No.9037265

Ti sbrego il culo a suon di cazzo

>> No.9037278


>> No.9037282

Ti sbrego il culo a suon di cazzo

>> No.9037766

People call me the puzzler because after an encounter with me they leave questioning everything they have ever believed.

>> No.9038379

A history of 4chan

>> No.9038403


>> No.9038431

ugly by nature.

it's a reference to a quote by the french modernist sculpture auguste rodin, "To the artist there is never anything ugly in nature."

the mc is a failed sculptor cum cuckold struggling with a decision to drop a lifetime bromance with his mate who wants to do a wife-swap with him.

keep your eyes peeled for it in about 50 years time, somewhere in your grandchildren's school curriculum. i'm going to be this generation's kafka.

>> No.9038434
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>cum cuckold

>> No.9038475

The Mezzanine

>> No.9038627


Foreward: by Leader Shabazz

Chapter 1: Quackers, those blue-eyed, devils

Chapter 2: Honky, the unfriendly white goose

Chapter 3:

>> No.9039285

The screaming dove

>> No.9039433


>> No.9039665

What They Brought Down From the Mountains

>> No.9040017

It's literally plebbit.

>> No.9040024


>And Lucifer Wept

>> No.9040031

Wild at Shaft

>> No.9040046

the milky advocate

>> No.9040082


simple enough, i googled the title and no other books showed up except some cringe teenage series about wolves or sum shit

mines a bit more serious tho desu so i figure i should just keep it serious and concise without elaborating too much. i want this to be informative and a bit emotional, so super cringe is a huge no no

>> No.9040664
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>> No.9040679

English Grammar for 13th Grade

>> No.9040694

Sweet Stuff

>> No.9040720

Spooge on the Moon: A Mortarman's Guide to Mastering Sexual Artillery

>> No.9040725

>The Fall of The Matriarch


>> No.9040782
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Surfing for puss, and the tide is high

>> No.9040830


>> No.9040842

Ti sbrego il culo a suon di cazzo

>> No.9040843
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The Tainted Turd

>> No.9040884

Cold pasta, hot sauce.

>> No.9040952


>> No.9041017

Dubliners: by James Joyce: by Anon Anonymous

>> No.9041021

The Man who Jizzed Lava
My Father's Story

>> No.9041036


Following parts are titled in German, Navajo, Latin, French, and then English.
Book's in English, so I know that that title'll never make it to print- but then, neither will the book, so whatever.

>> No.9041149


>> No.9041945
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>> No.9041967

Death's Embrace

>> No.9041981

I took a horse dick up the ass

>> No.9042014

The Mile-long Melancholy

>> No.9042019

Behold, a Man

>> No.9042037

The Hero Drowns at the End

>> No.9042052

Ragnarok: Niggers in Asgard

>> No.9042181

Whats the greatest opening line?

>> No.9042188

Farts of Darkness

>> No.9042190


>> No.9042195


The Misshapen Turnip

>> No.9042200


These could actually be published


This is the only actually good title

>> No.9042655
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I published a novella called 'Young Boy's Heart', but I'm republishing it under a different format and I need a new title.

The basic premise:

Henry, a middle school boy, falls in love with a girl in the year above him and after a series of unfortunate events, including getting severely beaten by bullies, he gets the chance to confess his feelings to her, but is rebuffed without reason; unfazed he refuses to give up on her until he finds out why.

It's high school romance/slice of life genre.

The book is aimed at the young adult audience, but most books in that category have really campy and edgy titles, like 'Perfect Chemistry', 'Crescendo', 'Marked' or 'Reason to Breath'.

I want something marketable, mature, but not too complex a young audience will shake their heads at.

I was thinking 'Unrequited' but most 13-21 year olds don't even know what that means, its also a bit bleh. Or 'Three time's unlucky', but its a little long. The story is a little bit of a love triangle, so maybe that is a good angle.

It's just frustrating because I don't usually write romance and I just can't think of something good...

>> No.9042670

Judging by the title I thought it was something gay, judging by your description it is just as I suspected.
>I was thinking 'Unrequited' but most 13-21 year olds don't even know what that means
Understand your audience before you target them. A good number of 13-21 year olds do know what unrequited means and if they don't then let your book be the gateway to a better vocabulary.

>> No.9042716


Thanks, got any ideas for titles?

The girl's name is Nerissa, so I thought maybe just putting that as the title - boom, done. Or maybe something Nymph, but that has sexual connotations.

Why is it so hard to come up with romance titles?

>> No.9042719

(it's more like a shitposting antholgy though)

>> No.9042729

It is hard to come up with romance titles because there are more than likely a million romance novels and it is easy for your title to slip into obscurity in that sea of Fifty shades of gray knock offs and "Midnight Kisses" titles. I like the Nerissa idea. Nerissa pops.

>> No.9042743


I like it too but I just googled it as a title, is something like this going to be an issue?


I don't know what the copyright laws are regarding having similar titles to other books.

>> No.9042744


>> No.9042748

Yeah I actually looked myself and there is a title called "Nerissa: A Modern-Day Romance" I would scrap that title and just wait for something to come to you. Unrequited is a good title but think on it.

>> No.9042765

>The Three Caesars

Long titles put people off.

>> No.9042773

The Juniper Berry

>> No.9042782

Hardly Soft: an Investigation into the illusive forms of erectile dysfunction.
I gave up on capital letters half way through.

>> No.9042847


>> No.9042851 [DELETED] 

Pokémon Training; or, The World's Oldest Career

>> No.9042878

Call it something like "Letting Up" or "Not Letting Up" because of his persistence and also that she is higher up than him, age wise.

>> No.9042881

I love the word Juniper


i HATE the word berry

>> No.9042989

Aesthetics of a Massacre

>> No.9043004

I like it

>> No.9043011


>> No.9043026

Insomniac Dreaming
probably cringe tier but I've had the idea in my head for years and I'm just now writing it down.

>> No.9043324


'Letting up' is an idiom though, which is sometimes lost on non-natives. Thanks for the suggestion though.


I was thinking Pursuing Nerissa or Chasing Narissa, maybe some other synonym.

>> No.9043333

Crime & Crime

It's a crime thriller

>> No.9043345
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>> No.9043371

Limbo, City Lights and Paradise

>> No.9043403


>> No.9043420
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nice trips btw

>> No.9043440

High Brow Killer

it's basically Batman (Richboy or upper middle class dude)but he kills people and believes himself to be superior to all those around him. Well almost all . The people he kills vary from actuall criminals to people whose moral code offends him.

>> No.9043501


It's been done.

You could change it though, a richboy killer who goes after white collar criminals who escaped the justice system. Think bankers and investment types who ran shady schemes and escaped swindling millions.

Now that is something I would read.

>> No.9043529
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>uses racially charged language regarding an author whose works he'll never match

yeah good one

>> No.9043542

Cola's Crazy Life

It's fucking stupid but I like it.

>> No.9043549

Also, the title of my upcoming memoir (to be written once I have performed active service, and hopefully contracted PTSD a few times -- for the legitimacy):

The Winebath

It will be a defence of the Dionysian in the face of total violence. It is a subtle play on words because it involves wine instead of blood.

>> No.9043556

Faster than the Speed of Love is the title of the book Brian wrote in Family Guy.

>> No.9043557

The book will be a dusky black, and there will be a stylised bathtub in gold upon it, and within will be red, and pink steam shall be rising from it. I have already determined my pseudonym (which shall be the same as my nom de geurre when I found my PMC and topple a few central African governments in return for mining and military rights).

>> No.9043570
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Der Getalgente

Rotwelsch (German criminal-speak) for 'The Hanged Man.' A subtle allusion to Nietzsche having referred to himself as 'Der Gekreuzigte' ('The Crucified One')

>> No.9043588
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>> No.9043592

Clearly, too subtle for you.

>> No.9043596

The Dullard Fantasies

>> No.9043700


I like it.

>> No.9043704

Strange Stars

>> No.9044084

Ego Porn

>> No.9044093

The Mad Four
The Lost Forest
A Red King

>> No.9044096

The Invention of Suicide

>> No.9044807

They were quads, idiot. It's important.

>> No.9044812

Oooooooohh, SPAGHET!

It's a book of pasta recipes.

>> No.9044822

Fuck yeah!

>> No.9045064


I like this.

>> No.9045074

Unending Joke

>> No.9045096

A Kleptomaniac's Regrets.

>> No.9045124

sounds /m/ as all hell t b h with you, famillia

>> No.9045142

I like longass titles

>> No.9045164

>...And All This For Only 14.99!
Clearly very descriptive of the actual topic i'm writing about

>> No.9045177

three on teal

>> No.9045201

Three of A Perfect Pair

>> No.9045220


Miss Communication


The Unexpected

Disparate Men

Alligators and Hippos

Mr. E.

Popping Bubblewrap

Symphony's End

The Body and Blood


I Left My Wallet in Detroit

my diary desu

>> No.9045222

also my racist trip to japan

>> No.9045232

>I Left My Wallet in Detroit
this one i actually like

>> No.9045250

Thanks! It's from a poem I wrote that has the line:

I left my heart in San Francisco
and my wallet in Detroit

>> No.9045256


>> No.9045431

Pleasing the Pope

The Salty Courtesan

Saint Candy

Barry Stole My Gum

Sandmaker's Dilemma

Waves that Crash

I Couldn't See the Dark

Liver and Onions


Sympathy for the Lord

Crimes Against Humanity

Tadpoles on Steroids

The Metamorphosis of Gerard Butler


Toponeka's Decree

My Uncle Raped Me, pt. 2

>> No.9045443 [DELETED] 

Bizzaro lit worthy

>> No.9045468

The pig that was actually a man
Jesus did cum in this cup
Hes name was joe, then it wasnt
The sun
She got some flaps right there, shes me wife
Uncle austin taught me things

>> No.9045568

>my fantasy book
Lancaster's Dreams

>my science fiction/romance book
The girl who fell from the sky
>that one's pretty bad but i like the novel

>my religious/post apocalyptic novel
Armaggedon Days

>> No.9045602

No joke.

Being Yourself, and Other Ways To Stay Single

>> No.9045614

My ass hurt, but in a good way
How to ride a goat
Naked tooth
Blame it on Frank
Wheres the remote?

>> No.9045621

Wherein the events that concern this tale are written and other references to Don Quixote.

>> No.9045627 [DELETED] 

One Hundred Billion Years of Solitude

>> No.9045641 [DELETED] 

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Taiga

>> No.9045650


>> No.9045654
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Did a mock-up. Thoughts?

>> No.9045660
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Opacity fail.

>> No.9045663

The fractal peanut



I use to be a poodle

Einstein lived over there

Frankly, who cares?

>> No.9045675

>Aureliano dieciseis mil quinientos dos

>> No.9045677

The Journal of an Air Giver

>> No.9045751

General, coronel, comandante, sargento, cabo, etc

>> No.9045764

I keked a little

>> No.9045776

Elvis is alive

Im willing to be taught


When does this moron pay me?

>> No.9045931

Homo, ecce flaming homo

>> No.9045938

I love berry but hate juniper
maybe we can do some peanut butter chocolate thing and itll all work out

>> No.9045948

>hey guys i tied my rope all dumb


>im dead!

>guys its suicide im da vinci! lemme tell errbody


>> No.9045949

One Day In November

It's about the 2016 presidential election.

>> No.9045962

You could make a sequel called
That Other Day In January

>> No.9045966

Residents of the Scheme

>> No.9046033

Top fucking kek, this can't be the original poster, the title is too based and this is too cringe

>> No.9046089

It's about a bourgeois 20-something-year-old and his escape from ennui. His journey consists of grey concrete commie blocks, pastoral forests and deserts.

>> No.9046101

Hymn for the Integral

A Flag Flown Aurelian

Worldborne: The Blue-Green Tragedy

A Product for the Cross or Original Sine
(there is a second pun here, STEMlords may see it)

>> No.9046326

Humor not Limited by Quantity

>> No.9046367

I Feed You Rice Pudding at the Benefit Concert

>> No.9046382

Raindrops from Emma

>> No.9046421

-DVD Nation

Awaiting development:
-A Short Anecdote About Things

>> No.9046436


The Good, The Bad, and The Snugly.

The premise is that four SJW's travel back in time to the Wild West to smash the patriarchy. After the non-binary trans-black friend is brutally raped and scalped by natives, the remaining three are forced to reconsider their fragile positions in a harsh world.

>> No.9046441


I like the premise, but not the title.

>> No.9046455


Well, I did have an alternate title going the round in my head. Something like Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West.

>> No.9046471

Kids with guns
It's about kids... with guns

>> No.9046482


(It is about lenin return from his enbalmment and expanded into cyberspace by russian computer hackers to form class consciousness creating global communist revolution)

Sequel called trotskynet

>> No.9046492

Just call it November.

>> No.9046494

Bullshit he escapes it. How?

>> No.9046502

Poz Americana

>> No.9046504

Sound like the unwritten side of Bleeding Edge.

>> No.9046505

Dirty Horse

>> No.9046540

Pokerface without a face
It's gritty
Running league, dry Amsterdam
This canary got some serious fangs
Black hole bastard

>> No.9046595


>> No.9046658

Dude... Call it Mock Up. It's like, he gets mocked, he's trying to get someone above him, AND it's like... Something about coming of age and the self not being finished yet.

>> No.9046660

AND it sounds kind of like Muck Up, which is kind of, you know, about being an awkward teenager.

>> No.9046671

dead niggers

>> No.9046677

The Girl on the Submarine
It's kind of like "Gone Girl" and "The Girl on the Train", but different because it's underwater.

>> No.9046703


Somewhere I belong

>> No.9046729

the drinker

>> No.9046737


>> No.9047344

It's "Pout-pourri"

>> No.9047367

The Black Dog. It's about depression.

>> No.9047648

It should be about heavy metal

>> No.9047651

Violence, Briefly

>> No.9047711

Legacy of the Fallen Star: The Price of Revengence: Origins

>> No.9047730

Bitter Marmalade

>> No.9047810

At Least It's Sunny

>> No.9048166
File: 536 KB, 754x600, 1485960668562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't, or at least that's what he thinks. His journey is for him, like being stuck in a fauvism painting. Everything is vivid, colorful and because of this he sticks out like a sore thumb until he manages to fade into the canvas.

>> No.9048174

Testicle Shitters from Beyond

>> No.9048561

The Time Repair-Man


The Time Mechanic

I can't decide which is better.

>> No.9048821

Go for "The TiMechanic" desu

>> No.9048864

The Common Law

>> No.9049021

Cleopatra's vertebra :)

>> No.9049055

Baalzebub - essentially ripping of Levithan and Met.

>> No.9049385


The /m/ might come in if I write a sequel

>> No.9049493

i left mine in El Segundo

>> No.9049583

ok q tip

>> No.9049710

70k words into my novel and i still don't know how to call this shit.

It's about an autistic edgelord and his obessive waifubait.

>> No.9049769

An Unrecantation Regarding Romantic Promiscuousness

>> No.9049792

: The story of an /a/ edgelord

>> No.9049802

Why not Waifu?

>> No.9049815

metrics of valor

>> No.9049831

The story is about the edgelord and how he supposed to improve himself from worthless death-wishing edgelord to a better person and a family man with the help of his waifu..

Untill he die at the very end, his daughther is gone and his autistic waifu go ballistic instead.

It's also fantasy. MC is halfdragon.

Have a name for that shit?

>> No.9049847

Barrel Roll

It's an autobiography

>> No.9049932

Ultimate historia

>> No.9049939

Breaking the Dreamskull: A Guide to Dissolving Metaphysical Assumptions

>> No.9049956

Things I cannot see: Bees, Wind, Nothing

>> No.9049986

To Kill a Weaboo

>> No.9049999

>raindrops from enema

>> No.9050131


>> No.9050154
File: 62 KB, 315x475, the vagina ass of lucifer niggerbastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9050339

You could also call it "Wake Me Up When November Ends: Liberal Nutcase Edition"

>> No.9050376

Clockfixer. Sounds like a cool profession, like clcokmakers.

>> No.9050379

Man without Tendies

>> No.9050682

Contro al cieco fiume.
It's a Dante quote. Translates roughly to "against the current", and it's how the Poet describes exiting hell and reaching purgatory.

>> No.9050872

Giv me d dic pls
a commentary about the current culture of america

>> No.9051075

Call it "2D"
Or even "Not 2D"

>> No.9051209

City of Shame

Moons of Fire

Transitional Man

In fact, The Clockfixer sounds even better imo. It implies time already.

>> No.9051261

Magic and Irresponsibility

>> No.9051272

Nice desu

>> No.9051373

Circle of blood

>> No.9051761

wait for it...

>> No.9052282

I honestly like the idea of using the whole Waifu term, because it's niche but also not really. Anyone could look it up but it has a sort of unusual presence in the title of a book.

I'd call it Waifu or The Waifu Project or some such.

>> No.9053142

I'm torn between Exile or Banishment, but I'm actually looking for a word that also conveys volition.

>> No.9053600

Artifact Mode