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/lit/ - Literature

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9034913 No.9034913 [Reply] [Original]

Can a millenial write a book that will be remembered in 20 years?

>> No.9034923

yes, but i think "classics" will only be seen in retrospect as defining the culture of a decade from the POV of 2070 or something
prior to the digital era media didn't circulate as quickly or become as dissected as quickly, and less of it was produced with less speed

>> No.9034944

Anon, you haven't learned anything. This monologue of "books to remember", this single narrative of history, whether in politics or in art or in anything, that thing is over and it won't ever come back not anywhere near us anyway. There won't be canons or consensual list of classics anymore, success itself is debatable and never conclusive. Andy Warhol was talking about 5 minutes of fame 60 years ago and you still don't get it. In 20 years, about ten thousand books will have a fanbase of their own that love them and think they are the best books ever, while not even conscious of most of the others. Everyone will be a writer and everyone will be a reader, there will be niches of different stuff, no university will agree with each other, each city with a taste, each group within a city with a taste, each social segment, each perspective. Everyone's taste will be a cult underground taste next to the taste of the next person, but at the same time it will be super mainstream and obvious within your own circle. You'll post books that are published today on a taiwanese mahjong discussion board (but now in 4D) and other anons will shit at each other discussing whether it is a classic or pure shit and guess what, they'll all have a point and they'll all hold onto what they get. Liquid times and all that shit. Get over it. There won't be any new "classics" or "masterpieces", not because they'll be crap, but because we will never settle the discussion on whether they are crap or masterpieces, like people from the long gone 20th century might have thought of someone like Shakespeare or Homer.

>> No.9034951

>Get over it.
But if it's at all aesthetically objectionable then it's also feasibly resistable.

>> No.9034957

I'd bother googling that book if it weren't for the author pic.

>> No.9034962

The unfortunately /lit/ meme of nothing good comes out anymore/contemporary /lit/ sucks/books are dead comes from the fact that it requires a lot more effort to find the great works of the time period you live in... you cant just pick up a modern novel like you can a Penguin/Dalkney classic and be fairly assured that it will be a cut above the rest.

The great novels of the 50s, 60s, and 70s have really just been settled on, and there will no doubt be outliers like Melville rediscovered in the 2050s.

>> No.9034970

You are referring to "popular" literature, and the ideas you are espousing have been true since penny dreadful novels for bored 18th century ladies were published.

As long as there is a dedicated literati consisting of Journals and academics, there will be classics, and they will not be that which is awarded today, like Zadie Smith and her ilk.

>> No.9034990

How do I find out if I'm a millenial or not?

>> No.9035001

Totally agreed. That was just my two cents. And that's yours. And we are all throwing pennies at each other forever and ever.

No, I'm referring to all literature and even beyond literature as well. There is a movement towards this, it may start from the most popular, the cheapest to produce, the queick tendencies and so on, but it spreads to everything that is made. The dedicated literati, academia and the journals, all of them transformed themselves, are changing right now and will continue to change. Not in taste, not in that they will just flip to other literature, but that they will be made multiple. You can see how some people denounce history of literature for being patriarchal, eurocentric or all white, while others denounce the academia for being taken by leftists and relativists, some are using their academic authority to claim they know better, while others are dismissing academic knowledge altogether. Some people still think with a classical frame of mind and don't accept modernity, others accept modern literature and art, but cringe to contemporary stuff, some others love what is going on today and shit on others for being conservative. This constant battle and fragmentation won't have winners or losers, the battle will dissolve itself as we realize everyone is a winner and a loser. Then again, only some will realize this and will continue to battle each other, including those who aren't battling.

>> No.9035035
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You are wrong, and clearly dont read contemporary literature. Authors like Coetzee, Llosa, Sebald. Even if your thesis is right from the period of say, 2008-present, the current global reactionary movement should be enough to show you that political currents eb and flow, to say nothing of the thousands of examples of types literature that were popular at one point, and then die out. Go look at the harpers weekly top selling books from the 19th century. Literary tastes evolve, and what is a best seller never tends to become a classic.

There are books written right now that you will read on your deathbed, and mourn that you didnt live your life with said books floating in your skull.

>> No.9035072
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As long as the niche authors continue to find a place among all this cultural posturing, I welcome the unending amorphous state of any potential future canon.