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9033034 No.9033034 [Reply] [Original]

>email 1000 University professors from around the world over the past two years asking them Philosophical questions
>to date only a dozen have replied, the majority of which have mocked me

Is there no escape from this hell?

>> No.9033039

Fortunately for you being a teenage psued is temporary

>> No.9033041

Judging by the fact that you sent that many emails, they probably read like they were read by a crazy person, because they were.

>> No.9033049

I am not a teenager, thank you very much!

Listen, you irate jostling IDIOT!

Just because I email many people does NOT mean that I am wrong or unintelligible in any way.

It means that IDIOT probably didn't understand me and was of less proficiency in the field.

>> No.9033057


Post an example of a question and a response and I am sure the internet love machine here at /lit/ will help you pinpoint exactly how you could improve your inquiries to ensure future succes and happiness in all your endeavors in life OP.

>> No.9033064

K. Nice bait.

>> No.9033066

the only logical conclusion is that you're mentally superior to them OP

>> No.9033067

I got the urge to mock you, just by reading your post.

Must be something about you.

>> No.9033069

I do not believe that YOU or anyone else could help me as my Philosophical enquires are so complex that it shall revolutionise the future.

I posted this thread simply to VENT, thanks!

>> No.9033093


Okaydokay OP, that's super. Have a very nice and happy day.

>> No.9033094

>1000 emails

You know what that reminds me of? (´・ω・`)


>> No.9033107

>Listen, you irate jostling IDIOT!

only on /lit/

>> No.9033146

OP strikes me as
1) Eastern European
2) having a serious anger/paranoia issue
Still, funnier than most of what we've had recently. I also want an e-mail.

>> No.9033188

unless you want to make money of it, what can be bad in put one or two questions here?

>> No.9033307

Have you tried standing outside of their classes and screeching "Debate me, bruh!"

>> No.9033326

I have actually showed up to the offices of around 5 professors and they all asked me to leave as I wasn't a student.

>> No.9033385

It's a fear of mine that these people actually do exist and that they would definitely be the type to post here, but that I will never be able to tell the difference between someone mocking the character archetype or that person being the character themselves.
I wish there was a way to communicate that pretending to be an idiot on the internet isn't funny, but then, you'd miss out on the jokes. It's almost like I've come here for the same reason as the reason I'd leave here, but I can't leave because it's 4chan.

>> No.9033391


>> No.9033393

anyone respond you in a serious way?

>> No.9033398

Only a few but they only gave me book suggestions and wouldn't debate me.

>> No.9033412

ESL general? ESL general.

There's a hot German girl at my school. She's p nice.

>> No.9033417


Professors receive e-mails from cranks on a daily basis. Human nature being what it is (a thing that exists), it only makes sense that the average professor will eventually tire of such dross, and start to fuck with the people who make it.

>> No.9033427

>Professors receive e-mails from cranks on a daily basis.

Is this true?

>> No.9033437
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>Human nature being what it is (a thing that exists),

>> No.9033440

do you think is because they dont understand you or because they dont give a shit?.

>> No.9033454


Nope. Humans statistically tend to do certain things. Ergo, they are inclined to do certain things, and consequently human nature exists.

Prove me wrong (you can't).

>> No.9033462


As well they should, tbqh. They're being paid to teach paying students and to conduct their own researches, not to debate a security risk who saunters in off the street.

>> No.9033485

Define the parameters.

At what point does something become nature :^)?

>> No.9033516


When a phenomenon is empirically observable in a sufficiently large (and this is where I will allow myself wiggle room) sample.

It is in the nature of human beings to die, it is in the nature of human beings to seek to eat food, it is in the nature of human beings to alternately cooperate and compete with one another for social safety, access to resources, and so on. These characteristics may be said to belong to the catch-all of "human nature".

So now that I'm playing ball with your frame just a little bit, please feel free to BTFO of me with your ready argument that you have been carefully trained in (you can't).

>> No.9033517

>notice a pattern
>"It's nature."

>> No.9033556

>notice pattern
>makes joke about it

post yfw even american stand up comedians are better equipped to deal with reality than humanists and positivists

>> No.9033559



Consider that you have a prime number's worth of cubes. You are told to arrange the cubes in such a way that the whole forms a rectangular prism (they are stacked together in such-and-such a way to form a three-dimensional rectangular figure, with no gaps). Try as you might, despite trying to come up with other examples, it turns out that, for a given prime p, there is really only one arrangement, that keeps popping up: the rectangle 1x1xp (or what amount to the same thing, 1xpx1...). And this exactly because a prime number by definition cannot be decomposed into other relevant factors that might admit of distinct figures. For this reason, the analogous and simpler experiment with squares meant to form rectangles also holds good.

We are indeed observing a pattern (this particular one holding good 100% of the time) in the world, which is exterior. We can reasonably say, that it is in the nature of prime numbers that such-and-such: this is how they behave, this is a characteristic that they have, or tend to have. Likewise, in a squishier yet still useful and meaningful way, we can speak of human nature for the really existant thing that it is.

Of course, the word "nature" as used in the English language, for example, can have multiple senses, and according to context. Perhaps according to one of these, the other anon might weasal his way round (he actually can't, once the full discussion is had).

>> No.9033581

>I'm right because the internal logic of my word game is consistent.

>> No.9033592
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take your shitty roleplaying to /x/