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903197 No.903197 [Reply] [Original]

What was the most pages of a book you read in 1 setting ? I myself can not read more than 60-70 pages without taking a long break but I would love to, so does anyone have any tips on how to stay concentrated for that long ?

>> No.903202

I read the last Harry Potter book in one sitting.

inb4 hp bashing

>> No.903203

Probably about a hundred. One time I did read a 250 book straight because I had to do a report on it by the next day (really interesting book, but man was that hard on myself).

>> No.903208

I can read any book in 1 sitting, so long as I'm in the right mood.

Wait, no, I can't read the Silmarillion in any amount of sittings. (Fucking book, stop reading like a brick wall!)

>> No.903210

Font size is a pretty big factor, but I read The Road and 2/3rds of Good Omens in one sitting.

To stay concentrated, I had to switch where I was reading. I couldn't read on the same couch all day; I read outside, sitting up, laying down, on the floor, couch, bed, etc.

I tend to read for only a few hours a day. I only read these two books all day because I hated them; better to get them over with.

>> No.903220

I read Catcher in the Rye in one sitting, not very long I guess.

>> No.903231

If a book holds my attention, I read until it is done. I have no job at the moment lol.

>> No.903234

I aim to read around 50-100 pages per day when I read. Depends what I'm reading though.

>> No.903241 [DELETED] 


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>> No.903244 [DELETED] 


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>> No.903248 [DELETED] 

stOp_FuCKing atTacKing_WWW.ANOlAwlTaLk.se_REplAce_LaWl WiTh N
rats wkxomwvfwxyn tasljpfgcdofw

>> No.903249

Read whole books on certain long plane journey's.

>> No.903258

Depends on the book. When I was reading Song of Ice and Fire through for the first time I read non stop all day; only stopping for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and teabreaks.

Other books go slower, like 2 or 3 chapters a day.

>> No.903287

On a 22 hour plane ride I read LotR in one sitting.

>> No.903290

I read Harry Potter 4 in one sitting (I only got up to take a piss or grab a bottle of water).

>> No.903314

rfkev laox pb z zpoiwe mei c idxlntkl

>> No.903321


Turn off your computer and phone. Do take short breaks every 1-2 hours. Have food & drink easily accessible.

>> No.903337

I read the last Harry Potter book in one day (about 6 hours total). I read it during my graduation party because my grandma invited a bunch of people I didn't know and then they all went to the casino.

>> No.903338


Same here expect it was during a flight across the USA

>> No.903343

>General fiction
Always can do single sitting if nothing interrupts me (I eat/drink/bathroom, of course.)

>Complex Lit/Classics
Tend to require a few sittings, depending on the book.

Can only do about 50 pages at a time.

>> No.903363

really depends on the book.

if something good enough then i will just literally sit in one position on my bed from sunrise until silly o-clock in the morning the next day.

>> No.903366

Usually around a hundred pages before I need to get up and walk around. I've gone longer, but not often enough to be of note.

>> No.903372

entire books if they are enjoable