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/lit/ - Literature

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9027039 No.9027039 [Reply] [Original]

How in the name of FUCK can you become a successful writer in this contemporary shithole?

I think to all the writers who had perfect canvasses to construct timeless stories and metaphors

Tolstoy, Flaubert, Brontë sisters, Hemingway, Faulkner, Kafka, Chekhov, Joyce, Dante, all of these writers and the thousands of other greats all had great and flourishing environments to explore

What the FUCK do we have? Facebook memes, energy drinks, porn streaming websites, tinder, binge-drinking culture and twitter?

And EVEN IF I DID USE THIS CANVAS, what the FUCK would/could I write that hasn't already been said by Pynchon, DFW, even fucking Franzen?

This era is stagnant as FUCK, and is not appropriate for creating lasting works of literature

I cannot write about love or any other classic hallmarks and inspirations because this life is NIHILIST as FUCK, but we try to forget it

Take ONE look at the attitudes and behaviors of 90% of teenagers, and tell me we are not brought up in Nihilistic, self-absorbed culture

>> No.9027042

>How in the name of FUCK can you become a successful writer in this contemporary shithole?
Write escapist fiction with a focus on world building

>> No.9027055

That's it, isn't it?

That's how Cormac McCarthy has become so successful?

He put all his talents into escapism.

>> No.9027058

It's not nihilistic, just replace god with diversity and the environment.

also FUCK old writers. These days we have distilled autism working around the clock on every scientific field and this is soul crushing for literary types who want to be able to take a few walks in nature and come home and write a 500 page high level treatise on mathematical physics and philosophy, with many allusions, witty asides, and personal anecdotes.

I miss the days when you didn't need autism to get out of bed too. But STOP telling me I need to pretend that "Oh my GAWD, Dostoevsky had STUNNING insights in to theology, philosophy, psychology, mathematics, and completely predicted fibre optic cables when he was talking about cow shit."

>> No.9027063
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>just replace god with diversity and the environment.

>> No.9027066

>Take ONE look at the attitudes and behaviors of 90% of teenagers, and tell me we are not brought up in Nihilistic, self-absorbed culture

So like 99% of teenagers of all time? People have been the same forever except for 1% of nobility that actually achieved something and you know about because they have been documented. You are just making excuses.

>> No.9027069

>I miss the days when you didn't need autism to get out of bed

Those days never existed for you haha get roasted

>> No.9027070

Multiverse theory, AI, Interstellar discovery

We're in a scientific age on the brink of another industrial revolution my nig

>> No.9027096


>> No.9027122

>currently writing the great American novel of my generation
>mfw you can't even into greatness

>> No.9027143

Is op trolling?

>> No.9027151
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>> No.9027159

I think the future of literature is going to be focused on the insane inner worlds created by social isolation.

Extreme subjectivism is the answer.

>> No.9027160

Also, you should read Mao II by Don Delillo. It's about an artist who realizes that terrorism has replaced art as the driving force behind social change.

>> No.9027161

Get out your fucking house idiot.

>> No.9027163


I came here to post something like this. Mainstream consumer culture is unworthy of expending word count, so look to the fringes of society instead, or look to the past for something analogous to conditions today.

>> No.9027217

Lol OP don't blame society if you're a shitty writer.
In just a few dozen years we've changed and deconstructed the way we consume sex, love, friendship, culture, time...
Most of the writers you've named would have produced brillant analysis of this paradigm shift.

Stop complaining about teenagers.

>> No.9027247

Lord, I hope so.

>the only reason I can't create great literature is because the world isn't inspiring enough!

>> No.9027257

>other teenagers

>> No.9027261


So basically, it's not your fault you suck, it's the boring, bullshit world who's to blame for your failure as a writer?

>> No.9027527

Nice post, continue worshipping capitalism now

>> No.9027674
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>look at all these horrible things that are happening in the world™
>but where is there room for drama®?
You think all those folks you listen were supported by hundreds of years before? You think you've earned the right to call the original your own when you haven't tasted loneliness? Stop worrying about others do and worry about what you do. Do you think your complaints are original?

You fucking pussy, you wouldn't even dare to express an original idea if you let yourself have it.


>> No.9027825

>How in the name of FUCK can you become a successful writer in this contemporary shithole?

You don't.

In the same way you do not become a succesful shepherd, or a successful postman.

By the way, if not trolling, you are seemingly completely oblivious of the endless possibilities of this internet age (4chan included), and this is sad.

tl;dr op is a faggot

>> No.9027828


>> No.9028010

You must be a boring fuck if you can't find ideas to write about. The only excuse I can see someone reasonably having is having too many ideas that lack depth. The kind of ideas that only justify short stories and not novels or epics that get remembered for centuries like Tolstoy and shit.
You were probably venting and very emotional when you wrote this and hope in your clear mind, you find something you're passionate about enough to write. Might not be an contemporary classic but writing is writing dude

>> No.9028050

>being this salty that you're talentless
>blaming something out of your control so you can absolve yourself of all responsibility

>> No.9028089
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Look with all your eyes, look

>> No.9028093

>I think the future of literature is going to be focused on the insane inner worlds created by social isolation.

E.M. Forster dealt with these issues in The Machine Stops, published in 1909.

Maybe try again.

Someone is writing with great insight and skill. Just not you.

>> No.9028131

You are pathetic

>> No.9028132

You don't have what it takes to make it, you typical millennial faggot.

>blame society and others for my lack of creativity and ability to write

>> No.9028686
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that feel when too dumb to be creative.

>> No.9028814


>> No.9028901


>> No.9030019

Worst post I've seen in a while.

>> No.9030035


>> No.9030526

Post metamodernism

>> No.9030540


post-post metamodernism

>> No.9030577
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>How in the name of FUCK can you become a successful writer in this contemporary shithole?

Pretend to be a muslim transsexual of color and write a novel about LBGQTP+ that doesn't suck (which would be a first). You will instantly be praised as the greatest writer of our time.

>> No.9030662

>novel about LBGQTP+ that doesn't suck (which would be a first)

Not really, I've read a few: Giovanni's Room, Another Country, Maurice, maybe even books like Pale Fire though it's not the main theme. Granted that's only the 'G' and 'B', but I bet others could recommend suitable works.

>> No.9030675

I personally think literature is going to die the next century, and that the only writing that will be left are academic papers on science, and massively produced kitsch airport novels.

>> No.9030678

I meant the modern lgbtqvwxyz zeitgeist. Of course gay literature has been a thing since antiquity, you won't pull anything with just that.

>> No.9030695

I'd like to know if any good literature about trans people exist. I can't even think of any bad literature about trans people though. Except that one palahniuk book.

>> No.9030722

The fact that you can't make anything of it means you'll never be a successful writer.

>> No.9030768

Here's your writing assignment. I want you to get on the cheapest bus that you can and go someplace new. I want you to write a description of everyone you see in your notebook. I want you to record their conversations. Pretend to be a journalist. Write when you get to your destination, turn around and come home and do the same thing with a new group of people. When you get home, write about the people you saw. Tell their stories, add to them, change them, make them interesting, it's fiction for fucks sake. There's an infinite number of variations to every story. How did the greats write so well, they lived normal lives and knew how to tell great stories.

Bonus level:

Go work in a soup kitchen for a month, rinse, repeat. You can't tell stories if you don't have stories to tell.

>> No.9030773

>Go work in a soup kitchen for a month, rinse, repeat
To eat or to volunteer?

>> No.9030800


work = volunteer

>> No.9030811

What do you think /pol/ is doing? They are creating a new reality where race war envelopes the entire world and every government is controlled by occultist feminists. So stop insulting the people who want change the most, the world is shit because of people like you.

>> No.9030887
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This thread is hilarious.

OP, first you talk about success then the "greats". These aren't the same thing and are sometimes mutually exclusive. This has always been the case for the arts.

This life isn't Nihilst af. That's your mistaken perception of what Nihilsm is. Additionally, nihilistic and self absorbed are opposites so your last statement is self-contradictory.

>> No.9030909

>shit like ISIS
>moving to irony phase as a whole society

>> No.9030919
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the feeling when I am too lazy to be creative.

I have ideas that could be great, but I consider the odds of it actually being great and then decide I would rather not expend the effort to write them down, and then do the follow up work to flesh them out