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/lit/ - Literature

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9028118 No.9028118 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, intellectually I'm all spooked out. I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage. Many fields like economics etc are just applied common sense and stamp collecting. I see novels as nothing but entertainment despite pretentious people claiming life / philosophical insights and tonnes of people will consider you a disgusting plebeian if you don't initially read shitloads of boring as fuck canon novels.

I think I am painfully adapting to the idea of the Internet age / information overload by abandoning any pretension that I can be an all rounder or even dilettante in everything. There are ten trillion books called "Introduction to [broad and important field]", even if you only have one of each field.

History is similar to novels. Shitloads of reading along with a shitload pretension thrown on top telling you that you truly cannot no nuthin unless you have an in depth understanding of the Greeks / Romans / Christianity / USA / WW1 / WW2 / financial systems / or shitloads of other topics I can't stand it. And then there's current events. I don't care about climate change, outer space, inequality, China, the EU, applied psychology, the education system, diversity, Russia, South America, refugees, nutrition, mental health, and more. Admitting just one of these would make me an iredeemable idiot, no doubt.

Has anyone else had similar thoughts? The spooks are powerful and must be removed but their removal leaves your mind in a promordial state that is more susceptible to spooks than before.

I go to the city centre and see people shopping and the streets are busy, which is comforting compared to when they're empty, but walking through then brings no epiphanies.

I am so past watching movies or tv shows, even ones that pander to "edgy" young males. I just about read books but only because society tells me I should, though I don't derive much enjoyment

And obviously I have an existential crisis but /lit/ is fucking pathetic in demanding that anyone who has one should immediately "grow up" and become a monotheist and wagecuck. I fucking hate wagecucking. Seeing attractive young people is humiliating. I tell myself every day that I'll soon work intensely on one thing but I can't bear to do this. If you're really good at one thing then there are people lining up to call you a tard for not watching opera or being able to run a marathon or whatever shit. So I do nothing.

Every "thinker" is at their core an utter fucking fraud. Nietzche is a Tony Robbins tier Rorschach test. Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate. I listen to In Our Time podcasts and Bret Easton Ellis podcasts and I think at heart everyone cares about nothing more than social drama.

I think we all need to man up and admit that money, youth, videogames, and good looks are as good as it gets. But not everyone gets.

>> No.9028124

what's wrong with stamp collecting?

>> No.9028125
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Diablo II

>> No.9028185


>Science and mathematics provide non trivial insights but only in ultra specialised ways that probably require autism to appreciate.

You nailed it here.
Every other form of human activity is just solipsistic posturing aimed at fulfilling biological imperatives in obtaining money/sex/resources/affection/status.

Only empiricism can drag you out of being wrapped up in the trivialities of your entirely subjective and ephemeral conscious awareness.

But I think you already knew that.

>> No.9028194


This is pasta but it dawned on me recently how little point there is in caring about trying to fit into the expectations and beliefs of mass society. Society is morally and intellectually bankrupt and only your own belief of what's important to your emotions and desires matters (within reason).

You are your only judge. Not /lit/. Not Arthur Schopenhauer. Not that cute girl who pronounces it Knee-Chee. Just (You).

>> No.9028203


>> No.9028218

>unfalsifiable garbage
so basically you're basic

>> No.9028237

>dismisses art
>uses the word "spook"
you're a fucking idiot
most people are like you
artless, stupid, entertaining notions of superiority

>> No.9028242

>accepts art
>applies to inter-subjective reality beliefs
You're a nice guy
A lot of people aren't like you
artful, bright, entertaining notions of inferiority

>> No.9028255

Sounds like youre just depressed senpai.

Go talk to a therapist. Maybe that will help you out and you'll find something you like.

>> No.9028292

>anyone who doesn't see the world the way as I do is mentally ill

>> No.9028310

Not OP, but if you're on a quest for capital-T metaphysical Truth, art won't help all that much. It might aid you along the path to realizing something, but that's as far as it can go.

>> No.9028318
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>if you're on a quest for capital-T metaphysical Truth

That's fucking pathetic.

>> No.9028325

All stamps are already my property so whats the point?

>> No.9028336

ever greater cross referencing, and, of course, display copies

>> No.9028414


I wish.

But seriously, don't most people's problems start with them caring too much about what others think? From the >tfw anons of /r9k/ to your SJWs protesting Drumpf. Straight through like an arrow to OP who seems confused by the belief he has to believe in something.

I'm not an expert on this; it's just something I've deduced recently.

>> No.9028424

>I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage.
In which fields?

>> No.9028426

>what if I, like, didn't have to conform to social norms? WOAH
How's high school?

>> No.9028536

Is it just my cognitive filter or is your central problem seriously that you can't be liked by everyone?

>> No.9028564

He was talking about caring too much, not caring generally.

>> No.9028628

Sad to see you (or this CP) dismiss philosophy. when a philosophical education would allow a more critical examination of your epistemic beliefs and moral values which appear to me really rough around the edges so far.

>> No.9029614

>I think we all need to man up
Speak for yourself manchild

>> No.9029633


>> No.9029651

OP just needs to find a good waifu to settle down with.

>> No.9029726


this is what happens when you remove the foundational mythos beneath mans existence and then refuse to give him a proper humanitarian education and then scream at him for 2 decades that science is the greatest thing ever, that all true knowledge is empirically verifiable, existence is exclusively within the sensible realm and then simultaneously convince him social desires are inherently egotistical and that the ego is something to be crushed and rejected. and then

just because something is spooky doesnt mean it cant serve you, doesnt invalidate its value, or usage to an end worth achieving. the stirner memes keep people locked in a cage of inactive nihilism because theyre too fucking autistic to use the freedom in social action. machiavelli would be better.

i can respond convincingly to every point in the OP, but effectively this mentality is a product of ideological oppression, and i mean this in the precise non antifa way. essentially this pastaposter couldnt sift through the trolls on 4chan and has been subsequently mind fucked.

:youre projecting all of this angst and you wont escape your recursive hell until you start deadlifting

>> No.9029815
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>>9028118 (OP)
>Many fields like economics etc are just applied common sense and stamp collecting.

>> No.9029819

I know /lit/ will probably react indifferent to OP or call him a pleb but I think he has a point. I myself recently (year ago) started my "literary journey" thinking it would give me at least some added value but I can't help but feel reading non-fiction, and especially fiction if it doesn't have any direct application in real life is a waste of time.

I can't help but think whilst seeing friends and people in my surrounding who are "making money on the side" in their freetime (evening and weekends) have it by the right end. Whilst you are reading "The Western Canon" they are making money, starting potential businesses, studying/learning marketable skills or are on the road to finanical independence. I think I couldnt bear the sight of one of them driving a nice car (for instance) past my house after 5 years whilst i'm still masturbating to Dostoevsky or Faulkner in my living room.

I know there is a thing called balance, yes reading 1 or 2 hours a day wouldn't hurt but the returns on the time invested in reading are just to meager. I personally have way more fun spending a 120 euro's with friends that took me 8 hours to earn then reading a book in that same time. Yes, I work 40 hours a week and yes I earn a good living but I feel striving for a more "Bilzarian" lifestyle (with the lack of a better example) by being more enterprising in your free time in the end is more fullfilling then becoming a "literary/wise/knowledgable" type like Bloom or Wallace.

*excuse me for my grammar

>> No.9029828

It just depends on what you value. If you want more money, go work for it. Other people want something else.

>> No.9029859
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>I personally have way more fun spending a 120 euro's with friends that took me 8 hours to earn then reading a book in that same time.

>I feel striving for a more "Bilzarian" lifestyle... in the end is more fulfilling

then this life isn't for you. i'm not saying that to be shitty or dismissive. it literally isn't for you. go and live that "bilzarian" lifestyle if that's what you want. no one is stopping you.

>> No.9029908
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>> No.9030971
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But thinking is fun anon...

>> No.9031248
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>> No.9031311

>i can respond convincingly to every point in the OP
what are you waiting?. im in the same mentality as op and maybe can help me to understand better.

>> No.9031336

I'm 34 years old NEET, living with my mother and living in an existential hell.

I feel like I have innate insight into human consciousness but can't explain why. In all likelihood I am mentally stunted and nothing more than genetic sewage that will flushed from existence accordingly.

I want to know everything but I know very little about anything. The happiest people I see are my friends who have been hardcore wagecucking for 15 years and are now fully mortgaged and getting married. Their ignorance is truly their bliss.

I can't even put into words how I feel about my existence. I just know that its NOT going to be OK, not for me or anybody else that isn't an extrovert sociopath living in total ignorance of intellectual, philosophical or spiritual concepts and who isn't having their lubed up asses fucked by the mighty Sybian of Capitalism.

tl;dr - I'm an edgy 17 year old stuck in the body and mind of a 34 year old manchild.

>> No.9031353

The people protesting Trump are people that actually care about the country and have the foresight to see that he's an idiot that is harming this nation immeasurably.

Trump voters however fit this stereotype of people upset about the meaninglessness of life so they externalize their hate onto the other in society so they never have to read a goddamned book.

>> No.9031367

the main problem in the association of happiness with ignorance is the intrinsic assumption that you are not ignorant.
enclaustrate yourself in the thinking that your only difference with that people is in your knowledge not in the way of looking that knowledge. that maybe you are not happy because you drive your mind in a different way.
i think you value something more than being happy and that have consequences like your neet life.

>I'm an edgy 17 year old stuck in the body and mind of a 34 year old manchild.
i suppose you know this is the pov of that happy people you think is stupid.

>> No.9031388


>tfw too dumb to understand what you are getting at

>> No.9031390
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I will never know that feel.

>> No.9031392

i suppose is my shit english. sorry man

>> No.9031395
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>> No.9031396

My goal in life is to appreciate and create as much beauty as possible. That's it. I view even the little things through this prism, like how I dress and how I organize my stuff.

>> No.9031397


You're not missing out on much. My friends only serve as a reminder of what an outsider and how incapable of material success I actually am.

>> No.9031400

Good goyim. Only skills and knowledge that make you a useful body for my capitalistic gains are worth pursuing.

>> No.9031413

You are a wage slave and believe solely in wage slavery. You are drowned in materialism and the acquisition of money.

There is more to life than that.

Also keep in mind that the average American watches TV for 5 hours a day.


If you read instead of watching TV, you aren't "wasting" any more time than the average person and you have just as much time as them to hone your corpse to be better at your slave job.

>> No.9031428

Killing God was a mistake

>> No.9031473


I agree. People here put far too much pressure on themselves to be well-read thinking there's an endgame to it all. It's often pretty counter-productive to being happy and there's not much point to investing all your time to such an insular activity unless you're a student or wealthy beyond all means.

For most people, reading is best as a supplementary activity. It's far more engaging than playing video games or watching whatever addictive TV show people can't stop talking about this week (though I'm not suggesting people shouldn't do those things).

Academics and writers are in a privileged position to put pressure on the idea of reading being the best thing ever but most ordinary people aren't.

Also, it's quite revealing that most some replies talk about being a wageslave as if it's some kind of choice. Pretty ridiculous, really.

>> No.9031478

>I can't stand philosophy because of all the unfalsifiable garbage.
Everything in philosophy is falsifiable. You can't stand it because you're terrible at it.

>> No.9031481

>become a wage cuck
>use that money to fuck prostitutes and travel
Just do it

>> No.9031550
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>Trump voters however fit this stereotype of people upset about the meaninglessness of life so they externalize their hate onto the other in society so they never have to read a goddamned book.

Life must be so easy to you. That's why you are working to transform USA in the new Brazil.

Politically correct is the new fascism.

>> No.9031581


Maybe you should read Knee-Chee and find out what lies beyond the mask of truth.

>> No.9031776


> empiricist calling other people solipsists

>> No.9031849

>Being retarded enough to think that humans can ever discover any objective metaphysical truth

>> No.9031931

You sound like a pleb that's coming to terms with his own ignorance

>I think I am painfully adapting to the idea of the Internet age / information overload by abandoning any pretension that I can be an all rounder or even dilettante in everything.
Most serious intellectuals and scholars dedicate themselves to very niche subjects for that very reason

>> No.9031983

I suggest you give yourself a departure gift and read some Veblen and Marx before diving into your quest for money. Something I've learned while dealing with /lit/erati types here and irl: your social class and upbringing is directly correlated with your affinity with the literary lifestyle. Most of these people are delusional bourgeois white boys that have the privilege of choosing an alternative lifestyle while living out of the fruits of their family's work. The sad thing is some poor people or lower middle class with incendiary imagination and lack of pragmatism fall prey to these ideologues and spend their formative years acquiring cultural capital instead of making bank. They only realize when it's too late.

>> No.9031999

meant for >>9029819

>> No.9032047

>The sad thing is some poor people or lower middle class with incendiary imagination and lack of pragmatism fall prey to these ideologues and spend their formative years acquiring cultural capital instead of making bank. They only realize when it's too late.
Too late for what

>> No.9032056
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yep. i hear people say this often it's embarrassing.

>> No.9032076


ok fine kiddos daddys here lemme explain why you feel so terrible, how to feel good about your feeling terrible, and then inform you of some more than marginally dark truths that you arent ready for and so either wont click or will make you even worse off than you currently are because your existential angst is all part of a developmental path youre walking down and youll get through all of it eventually. or youll die trying.

the worst part is it seems EVERYBODY goes through this and yet there is no book to help you cheat the process. its called growing up and it sucks, funny how all the young people make fun of old people, and everyone thinks its so great to be young, when everyone whose young knows how much it fucking sucks to be young, they just dont realize, like OP, it sucks because theyre young.

For starts, fuck the secondary source material (intro to etc). You start with the greeks, and you read the greeks, you write your analyses of the greeks, and then you read the secondary material on the greeks. You can be an all rounder, and you can be substantially more than a dilettante if youre willing to work. The problem is today in the information age you know ~ how much reading and work is involved in becoming these things (and youre off by a substantial amount, its way more, and you know this), so it feels overwhelming and youd rather not try at all. this is how fear of failure is dominating your life.

accept you will fail, understand that you will get up every time you fall, and proceed to walk headstrong into the darkness knowing you will fall, knowing you will get back up. and youre gonna keep doing this over and over again, like sisyphus, until suddenly you enjoy the falling: it gives variety to the otherwise very monotonous walking.

now here you either giggle happily, or you wail lamentations to the evil gods for condemning you to such a terrible existence full of seemingly fruitless challenges. yes, welcome to the conundrum. This is what Nietzsche dedicated his life to: attempting to save us from this suicidal feeling, which the death of god is responsible for, in the face of the great empty nihilism inducing abyss. He often likens this to the gorgons head, yet the sight of it doesn't turn you to stone: but it could.

you want "epiphanies". there aren't any. there wont be some single moment in which it all makes sense. its more like you work for years and then look back and realize its easier than it was. there is no moment when your anxiety evaporates and suddenly talking to girls is easy. you just look back and realize its much easier than it was 2 years ago, 4 years ago, until you realize they suck and theyve always sucked and theyll keep sucking so why not just stay inside and read a book. but i digress. theyre fun, dont let some of them ruin the rest of them for you.

Opera is for dilettantes. running a marathon is meritocratic, just run. exercise and a good diet is what youre all missing. oh and GLORY.

>> No.9032097

>Too late for what
to make something out of the shitty hand you've been dealt

>> No.9032110
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Be glad that you are still able to make these childish excuses. Be grateful for your lack of education. It only gets worse.

>> No.9032140

Make what? I'm not playing games here, make what?

>> No.9032179


to proceed to the slightly more technical matters. spooky bullshit.

you operate on spooks, you need them to function, there is no spook transcendence, there is no mythological removal that creates a better more capable human. your (probably unconscious) subscription to positivism is capitally Fucking you. you need a mythos to give meaning, a structure for understanding the chaotic. anyone harping on about removing spooks entirely is a fucking moron: you recognize their spookiness and then select which spooks serve you best. this is why paganism and other worldly religions are being shilled on /pol/. Christianity fucked us, but did so in a very necessary way, and you need to read to know what it means.

most STEM fields are stamp collecting, i think its funny you think economics is stamp collection and physics somehow isnt. we've reached the boundary of detectable matter, science has become an ouroboros. how many articles have you seen about aesthetics taking precedence to experimental rigor in theorizing about the universe. albeit these articles are primarily discussing cosmological problems, but the same is true of quantum physics: the technology necessary will not be here for a fucking while, IF EVER. if youre still holding on to some hope itll come around, understand the detectors needed are the SIZE OF PLANETS. and what will ultimately come of it? more efficient circuits? what is technology actually /doing/ for the global population? the internet is the only positive exponent, and even then only if youre capable of bending it to serve your will.

every thinker is not at their core a fraud. you say this to justify your abstention from reading them. you want them to be frauds, because if they arent, it places more responsibility on you for abstaining from reading them; it means youre the fraud.

there is nothing wrong about caring about social drama. youre an animal, social drama is a form of power. stop resenting your desire for power, the desire of others for power.

i suggest plato, machiavelli, sun tzu, jung. deadlifting and cardio.

>>9031983 is unfortunately about 30% right in that capital acquisition matters and we werent all born to be scholars. what hes not saying, because he doesnt know, is that the acquisition of cultural capital is essential to living a happy meaningful life, that having cultural capital increases greatly your ability to acquire a (((good))) mate, which unless you plan on living the life of a shut in scholar, which is oppressed af, is extremely important. presupposing the formative years are meant to be spent acquiring currency (or more appropriately climbing the career ladder) is fucking retarded, and is more a product of ideological oppression than than thinking you can be well read if you werent taught greek and latin during childhood.

accept how small your life is, how infinitesimally small it really really is, and proceed from there kiddos. we're all equal in our smallness. and fuck asceticism.

>> No.9032191

they don't hate anyone they're just upset they have no jobs, no culture, and are being told a list of culture appropriation they must endure and a myriad of sjw causes they must support by a system of silicon valley control freaks and PC media who really don't provide anything of value to society like the above disenfranchised had for decades, then the faggots in DC who literally produce nothing of value pursuing their own self-interested careers of telling everyone else how they must live.

>> No.9032213

Pursue social mobility, a career or an improvement of your socioeconomical standing

>is that the acquisition of cultural capital is essential to living a happy meaningful life
Please notice that I was attacking the pursuit of cultural capital in lieu of acquiring currency. Culture is essential but secondary to your actual material means

>presupposing the formative years are meant to be spent acquiring currency (or more appropriately climbing the career ladder) is fucking retarded
Pretty juvenile statement. People born into poverty most of the time don't have a choice. There's nothing ideological about pursuing a way out of a sub-standard quality of life; rather, it's an almost instinctive course of action in face of life

>> No.9032218

Jokes on you I wake up at 6 without an alarm.

>> No.9032238

fucking based desu

>> No.9032253

very nice

>> No.9032294


have you paid rent? you make it sound like 40+ minwage hrs / week are necessary to survive when you can move to a reasonably populated college town in california and be free and clear w/ 15.

im telling you you can work two 8 hr shift at minimum wage a week and pay food and rent. make it three if you want luxury. now you might need roommates, but the argument here is whether or not you cant, being born into /real/ oppression and /real/ poverty, acquire cultural capital in your formative years

get the fuck out of sf if you arent a professional. you stink of social justice.

>> No.9032306

>immediately assumes he's talking about a first world country
and privilege isn't real, right? kek, some of you fags are hilarious

>> No.9032327

I work minwage at the warehouse and I read in my spare time all the time

Y'all niggas mad and I'm smarter and better read than you

But hey I guess you have better "economics" than me lol

>> No.9032345

What are you taking about? College town in California? I live in Sonoma county it's so expensive here pretty much everyone under the age of 25 lives with their parents. A cheap shitty studio costs at least $1000+ a month to rent. After I'm done at my cc I'm going to transfer anywhere that isn't here so I can spend my early twenties living on my own

>> No.9032360

back to tumblr, sjw piece of shit

>> No.9032363

>tiny own house in bumfuck flyover
comfy af

>> No.9032392
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This stuff. There's no Truth, and even if there was one, what would it even accomplish?

Don't chase "knowledge", chase things that could make you money and leave you satisfied. Macroeconomics is outside your control, so why not read a cooking textbook and learn to cook? Learn carpentry with a book or two and some tools, plumbing, IT, code, healthcare, haircutting, chess, juggling, etc.

Focus on things that flex your brain and make you actually learn skills, things where you can see tangible improvement and impress other humans. "Wagecucking" is being unhappy working, but the reality is that if you have drive, you can become good at something that provides utility to employers and have a lot of bargaining power with them. Better hours, raises, longer lunch breaks, etc.

So how would you spend your daily freetime -- an hour of reading and practicing to make some good food out of whatever's in your kitchen, or an hour spacing out over Nietzche? Which has more benefits to you as a human in a world where you *must* interact with other humans, eat, drink, and survive?

Your issue goes beyond /lit/ and into self-improvement. Maybe just spend less time on your thinkpad and stop jacking off.

Literally autism or social disorders. Good luck man

>> No.9032490


>sonoma county

you live in the wine country, less than an hour from the bay. move north.

>> No.9032529

>This stuff. There's no Truth, and even if there was one, what would it even accomplish?
>Don't chase "knowledge", chase things that could make you money and leave you satisfied.

Implying money will leave you satisfied

>Macroeconomics is outside your control, so why not read a cooking textbook and learn to cook? Learn carpentry with a book or two and some tools, plumbing, IT, code, healthcare, haircutting, chess, juggling, etc.

Yes just behind blind to the inner workings of the society you are forced to be a part of, don't learn about it and definitely don't question it

>Focus on things that flex your brain and make you actually learn skills, things where you can see tangible improvement and impress other humans.

You are a slave to validation just as much as you are a slave to money

>"Wagecucking" is being unhappy working, but the reality is that if you have drive, you can become good at something that provides utility to employers and have a lot of bargaining power with them. Better hours, raises, longer lunch breaks, etc.

It's still wagecucking, spend must if your life working in the hope employers treat you like human shit instead of dog shit

>So how would you spend your daily freetime -- an hour of reading and practicing to make some good food out of whatever's in your kitchen, or an hour spacing out over Nietzche? Which has more benefits to you as a human in a world where you *must* interact with other humans, eat, drink, and survive?

Yea fuck art, literature, music, philosophy, that shit is useless the only thing that matters is pleasing everyone else and slaving away for more money. Why strive for something above yourself when you can learn things to earn respect for the boss and get a gf

It's boring up there, and got the time being it's cheaper to live with my parents when I'm going to school

>> No.9032546


yeah, trying to concentrate and focus on a subject, knowing that it won't be enough to aquire a half decent understanding - while having an endless list of other books to read and topics to investigate. overbearing, overwhelming. and in the end i know i won't ever truely know or understand anything.

>> No.9032698


sophistry does not and will never replace experience buddy.

deeds, not words

>> No.9032719
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>capital-T metaphysical Truth

>> No.9032720

Come on, you cannot be this basic.

This is not good guys vs. bad guys. It's much more complex.

>> No.9032739

>claims not to be bourgeois
>don't most people's problems start with them caring too much about what others think?

>> No.9033033

Most of these people are delusional bourgeois white boys that have the privilege of choosing an alternative lifestyle while living out of the fruits of their family's work. The sad thing is some poor people or lower middle class with incendiary imagination and lack of pragmatism fall prey to these ideologues and spend their formative years acquiring cultural capital instead of making bank. They only realize when it's too late.
i think is sad in the two parts. i mean, it´s a problem of incendiary imagination and lack of pragmatism, like you said, in the bourgeois and in the poor people. (unless you are implying all white boys can have money of it, which is not. maybe they have more chances.) i don´t think it exists a literary lifestyle anyway.

>Pursue social mobility, a career or an improvement of your socioeconomical standing
>a career
how you can improve your socioeconomical standing according to you?. making a career?. you are trapped in what you criticize.

> Culture is essential but secondary to your actual material means
the moment when somebody is living of the culture is the moment when is not secondary. you have to blame those college professors that make a living of this.

>There's nothing ideological about pursuing a way out of a sub-standard quality of life; rather, it's an almost instinctive course of action in face of life
it´s ideological the form and the conducts to acquiring that quality of life.

>> No.9033692

This desu. I find that reading/my imagination is more entertaining than Vidya/tv. They can never live up to what I think up in my mind.