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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1483625533488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9018654 No.9018654 [Reply] [Original]

Write your suicide note.

>> No.9018668

Life is stagnant water
With flies spawning
And crocodiles lurking

I am capsizing this life

>> No.9018674

Bye, have a great time!

>> No.9018675

nothing seems to satisfy
i dont want it
i just need it
to feel, to breathe, to know im alive

>> No.9018678

All I had to live for was my youth. With youth behind me, I have nothing.

>> No.9018709
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I'm gay

>> No.9018714

I'm killing myself. I don't owe the world a suicide note.

>> No.9018715
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ayyyyyyy lmao habeeb it
peace out A town niggas

>> No.9018723

I sure do hope God will be my friend.

>> No.9018725

I'm tired.

>> No.9018734

To those I loved and anyone else who cares to know: All my life I thought that I would never live long enough to know and feel what it truly means to be happy. I think I figured it out.

>> No.9018737


Goodbye hell.
I'm leaving now.
Time to go to heaven.

>> No.9018745

Finally wrote a masterpiece.
I burned that shit.
Fuck all yall.

>> No.9018754

I was murdered.

>> No.9018783

Dear parents, I hope you feel fully responsible for this

>> No.9018792

>habeeb it
fucking classic

>> No.9018848


>> No.9018866

i said i would, im a man of my word

to everyone who knows it to be true, i love you. and one last "fuck you" to all the police officers and judges of the world

>> No.9018888
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I have placed all of my love and goodness into the hands of others. And none has been placed back into mine. My ribcage has grown cavernous and echo's with the empty laughs and i love you's of my peers. If goodness is here may it present itself to me, if not i shall leave to attempt to find love in another place.

Your son

How did i do?

>> No.9018889

I swear to God I want to just slit my wrists and end this bullshit
Throw the Magnum to my head, threaten to pull shit
And squeeze, until the bed's completely red
I'm glad I'm dead, a worthless fuckin' buddah head

>> No.9018984

Life is like
a hurricane,
here in

>> No.9018995

I hope this works.

>> No.9019002

>tfw to intelligent for life

>> No.9019023

this to be honest family

>> No.9019026

allahu akbar!!!!

>> No.9019061

thanks obama

>> No.9019363

Kids, don't do what I did Also, don't be a fucking idiot and believe the left. Read, hopefully, alot.
>inb4 tears

>> No.9019376

suicide is fucking immature

>> No.9019380

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

>> No.9019386

It was hot

>> No.9019402

You will be known as that one redditor who killed himself

>> No.9019405

No reason to cry. I wasn't a good person in any way.

>> No.9019407

Beat me too it

>> No.9019425
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-Suicide note found in a park in Fuknega prefecture-

When i was a small boy, I caught glimpse of the
spirit realm. I saw the ghosts busting their
spooky nuts on everything and everyone; and
they laughed, and were jovial at the fact of
our unawareness to their mischief.
They looked at me; looking at them.
They began to laugh, and they spoke
amongst themselves: ''Look, that one
can see us''. After this, I lost
the ability to see into the world
of the spirits. And I lived my life
and I was no different from anyone
else. But this was merely a farce.
For as I sat and looked upon my
friends, my family, and all that
I knew. I knew, I always knew;
The spirits were nutting on everything
that I held dear.-------------Goodbye.

>> No.9019457
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I've been on this aeroplane for far too long.

>> No.9019548

>tw your youth was objectively worse in every way than your current state but your depression and damaged mind impairs your ability to make something of your freedom.

>> No.9019558

To live is to suffer. To survive is to find some meaning in the suffering. I failed.

>> No.9019599


>> No.9019649

I was engulfed by mist,
amidst me were others.
Beyound our reach starlights,
flickering in the distance.
One by one they went,
to someplace far away.
Until there was no one left.
But me,
the mist.

>> No.9019684

Cringey. Time to go ahead with the plan, sepai.

>> No.9019693

Sometimes I feel like the path to happiness is through suffering and I just don't feel like it's worth it.

>> No.9019697
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I will be with my waifu soon. Good-bye.

>> No.9019718

Thanks but no thanks

>> No.9019732

Check 'em

>> No.9019757

I have only one thing to say, and that is that Umineko is literally the greatest thing ever written.

See you in the Golden Land.

>> No.9019832
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You're autistic, I'm sorry.

>> No.9019858

I am returning the gift you sent me.

>> No.9019947

It always is. Happiness is the alleviation of suffering in every respect. You are hungry, so you eat; you are tired, so you sleep; you are bored, so you try to be entertained.

>> No.9019984

This is not your fault. You have made me happier than I could've ever imagined.

>> No.9019989

this was not a suicide. If I'm dead, it's because I was murdered. don't believe them. I love you.

>> No.9020239

Eyelids are opened
When the sun is high
I slip away from my queen's
grey stare

>> No.9020248

Dearest, I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that—everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.

>> No.9020262
File: 58 KB, 235x235, raree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fly high
You're a big guy
But unfortunately
I'm crashing this plane
With no survivors

>> No.9020310

fold ball basic knowledge

>> No.9020320
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>not properly rotating pic when it was clearly taken at a portrait angle
>cringey smut to boot

>> No.9020336
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fuck this gay earth

>> No.9020422

And nothing else

>> No.9020584

>tfw the thought of being reborn as a cute anime girl keeps me going

>> No.9020587

You can't be reborn if you don't die

>> No.9020620


I am going to commit suicide.

>> No.9020718

Make sure to gather the seven dragon balls if you want me to come back.

>> No.9020724

See you, space cowboy

>> No.9020733

best one

>> No.9020746
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>he's not a Steppenwolf

>> No.9020759
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>not "You're gonna carry that weight"

>> No.9020763

The ride ends.

>> No.9020800

Good thing you don't have to worry about maturity when you're dead lmao

>> No.9020839

harry haller was a literal cuck

>> No.9020843

I came, I saw, I came again, I've never left my room,
Sorry for saying goodbye so soon.

>> No.9020915

way to waste some quads with that try hard shit

pls don't kill yourself because I feel pity for the shuck who has to read the note

>> No.9020989


>> No.9020994

Goodbye, I love you.

>> No.9020995

nobody cares tripfag

>> No.9021090

My whole life, I found the smell of human shit comforting.
Perhaps, because I was just that.

>> No.9021311

I tried.

>> No.9021325

I would sketch a plate with the silverware pointing to 7 o'clock. (it means im ready and a compliment to the head cook)

>> No.9021404

Nanu nanu

>> No.9021429

na plenty of libtard tears to drink

>> No.9021468

Always the years. Always the hours. Always the memes.

>> No.9022129
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You never came back. That's okay, I had things to do anyway. I've got to go now, I'm sorry.

>> No.9023014


>> No.9023026

Boy I sure wish I wasn't so attracted to teenage girls. Oh well, can't change the past you know. Might as well kill myself, I don't think the youth of world should suffer my existence.

>> No.9023058

i want it
i need it
to make me feel heated

>> No.9023062

"I am capsizing this life"
I genuinely enjoy that line

>> No.9023072
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I love you.

>> No.9023079
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Nothing really matters, anyone can see.

>> No.9023096

virginia woolfe sucks

>> No.9023115

Killing myself, not for anything weird, just for all the usual reasons people do. Farewell etc.

>> No.9023200

Should've been me. Should've been a lot of things.

To the person that has to clean this up, I'm sorry.

>> No.9023257

It's only my first night away from home and I'm already fighting back tears by laughing at hot /lit/ memes. These new sheets I brought are so coarse, I miss cuddling the cat. My flatmate makes me take spiders outside.

>> No.9024540


>> No.9025316

I'll be back to try again

>> No.9025350

You knew this was coming. You can't deny it because I've made it implicitly clear both to you and the mental health professionals that work with me that I've been suffering suicidal ideation for years. You've known I've had two immediately available options for killing myself hidden away for just as long. I've told you exactly how long I would need to be alone to implement either one successfully.

You weren't listening today. I don't blame you. I wouldn't always listen to me, either. I need you to keep an eye on (my sister), though. I don't want her to copy me.

Look after the dog for me. He's a good dog.

>In a hypothetical world where I left a note. I mostly think it would be excessive. Everyone already knows everything they need to, we've had numerous discussions on this issue.

>> No.9025353

La vie ne me suffit plus, je veux la mort aussi.

>> No.9025435

He amado genuinamente. Ha sido un amor como todo amor verdadero: arbitrario, fatal. Cada fibra de mi alma resonó al oír tu voz. mis venas se enredaron con las tuyas, mi corazón latió con fuerza para llevar en mi sangre el calor que necesitabas a cada confín de tu cuerpo.
Pero un corazón no puede latir por dos. El mío ya no lo hará.

>> No.9025645

i have reached 30 years and as i promised myself, if i reach this age and my life is still miserable i would blow my brains out with a shotgun, goodbye.

pd: if i by a miracle survive don't connect me to a machine to keep me alive, that would be very selfish of you.

>> No.9025655

I had a good run. I don't like my options.

>> No.9026109

Know that I died unfulfilled, and it's all your faults. If you're reading this, or hearing it read, I hope you know I probably hated you.

From a young age, I found myself surrounded by others who were either cruel, or those, who in their hamfisted attempts at kindness and comfort, were crueler than that. To people who had ill will or simply apathy towards me, fine. The world owed me no kindness. I still probably hated and didn't understand you, nor you I, but I feel no great need to make you empathize at this moment.

To the rest, I hope you carry my actions and consequences forever. Christ, you all were so stupid, how did you expect me to make it? You're like a child trying to put together furniture, and getting angry when I told you to stop because you didn't know what you were doing.

Though I am alone in these moments, I can hear your bleating. "But family! I only meant well! You'll never know how much I love you!" Ha! Behold, the product of your good intentions but poor results! All because you couldn't get it through your thick skull that you didn't understand me, and didn't know how to help. You're the cause of my regrets: how much better life would have been had I been left to my own devices! I could have soared to heights that Icarus would have been wary of! Instead I found myself dragged to briny depths with balls and chains of affection, duty and well-meaning. Though I know you'll only be sorry to have lost me, and not repent your part in it, I hope I've dragged you down with me. Because you think that you're the exception to this letter.

Give me a Masonic funeral, with a tombstone made of brick and mortar. Affix a plate to it reading my name, range of years and the following quotes:
"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions"
No one is allowed to give speeches beyond the normal rites. No one from my extended family may attend. No exceptions. Eject anyone showing excess emotion. Divide my possessions between my brother and sister.

>> No.9026139

Fuck all you off from me

>> No.9026142

Nice. I chuckled, even.

Quietly I leave my dream.

>> No.9026160
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>> No.9026171

Don't take it personally. I'm just ragequitting.
Suck my limp postmortified cock.


>> No.9026190

I'm really tired Derrick. I love you but I'm too tired.

I really miss Evan, I hope I get to see him again.

I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
I love you
I love you

>> No.9026193

100% GHEY

>> No.9026194

hi every1 im depressed!!!!!!! holds up noose my name is jonny but u can call me 1n7eLliG3nT n1h1li5tIc with a w1cK3d s3n53 of hum0r!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very suicidal!!!! thats why i came here, 2 commit suicide ... im 20 years old (im gonna be dead soon tho!!) i like 2 watch True Detective w/ my boyfreind (im a faggot if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO edgy!!!! hes edgy 2 of course but i want 2 commit suicide bc i want to hurt him too =) like they say the more people you ruin wit hyour suicide the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds in hell here so give me lots of weeping at my funeral!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein edgy again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

1n7eLliG3nT n1h1li5tIc with a w1cK3d s3n53 of hum0r

>> No.9026206

Hey Dad,

I know you'll be the only one to read this so I just wanna say sorry about everything
I know I'm not how you wanted me to be and sometimes I feel like I disappointed you
But I had a happy childhood with you. Shame things got so hard.

I hope you wake up soon,

>> No.9026207

In the end

we all go

we fight and live for a life that is the same

small pay and a job we hate

never doing what we wanted as a child

children are ignorant

they dont relize how bland there lives will be one day

I guess in the end it does not matter

>> No.9026225

I tried to kill myself but the drugs just really fucked up my stomach and heart and it cost a lot of money
Waking up in the hospital was the worst moment of my entire life
I'm gonna shoot myself soon but I don't think I'm gonna leave a note

>> No.9026231

Hahaha what an absolute failure you are, I mean honestly

>> No.9026268

are you happy with your life though

are you what you want to be

>> No.9026269

yeah obviously, that's why people kill themslved
good observation sir, you really sshowed me.

>> No.9026276

heh I guess im still a ghost to everyone in the end

>> No.9026280


>> No.9026287

bitch im trying to be edgy now shhhh
what is life but a road to meaningless work

>> No.9026288

These made me sad

>> No.9026317

I wonder what suicide feels like

>> No.9026325
File: 21 KB, 305x354, 1478666203263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never have the chance to say goodbye to all of you, so this is the best you'll get out of me. I'm sorry I never drove cross country with you, pal. I'm sorry we couldn't have one more argument over some pointless shit for fun. I'm sorry that I didn't live off of you until smoking killed us. I'm sorry that I never got that tattoo, and I'm sorry that we never opened up a music store a few blocks from where we lived.

Please don't forget about these things though. Get in a bar fight for me, publish your book for me. I don't know, do some crazy shit, because that's what we'd do together.

I love all of you fuckers. See you later faggots.

>> No.9026327

Well, it just goddarn seems I dun' it. I apologize to anyone that knew me. I'll be sorely missed, I know. Oh, and all of ya'll: don't end up killing ye'selves; I did it first... so, get over it, babies.
I had my time. I had my rights. Maybe I wanted to die, huh? huh!? Maybe you'll get a pity fuck at the bar sobbing over my dead memory, one day. Huh?!
Peace in Maghreb.

>> No.9026457 [SPOILER] 
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The treasure is hidden at

>> No.9026487
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b-but where is it hidden????

how am i supposed to ask when you have perished, leaving me naught but the seductive fact that such treasure may exist?????????

>> No.9026621

I have spent the last two hours trying to conjure up something that would be deep and tragic given the situation I am in, but I have failed to produce anything satisfactory. Truth is I have nothing to say.

>> No.9026653

Yet one more wave has died upon the beach and been pulled back to sea

>> No.9026674
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*Suicide note found on a burnt corpse*

You have killed your parents and many animals.
You have insulted others and became prideful.
You have hurt others, you have convinced others to hurt people and enjoyed it.
You walked the evil path without any shame, out of confusion you are stuck in bad habits.
You have done many evil deeds and are now trapped in the fangs of Hell
Because of this your tongues will be ripped out, you will burn in hot oil, you will be pierced with knifes, your body will be smashed by stones, you will experience extreme cold or heat, you will cry out in pain, misery and fear.

Out of love I forgive and come to rescue you.
Be not afraid, dears! be never fearful!
Poor little souls, your lives were short indeed!
Too soon you were forced to make the weary journey to Hell.
The long journey to the region of the dead!
Trust to me! I am your father and mother in Hell,
Father of all children in the region of the dead
I graciously take you into my arms.
I take pity upon you poor souls.
Those we can not walk, I carry you on my back.
I will end the misery you have.
By going to Hell, and when I am there I will take you by the hand.
To bring all who reside in this horrible place.
Back to Heaven where you will be forgiven and live in peace.
And I shall not stop until all the Hells have been emptied.
I will remain in Hell until it's last resident has been freed from pain.

While I am in Hell the Great Lord of Death called Satan will bow in front of me and tell me:
"Though you will endlessly help many people be free from Hell without becoming tired, once they are freed they will turn to evil acts again and quickly fall back into Hell."

After hearing his words I shall answer:
"Because of being snared in their bad habits, people are stubborn and hard to tame. However with me as their guide I shall lead them away from doing harmful acts, I shall teach them how to be kind and patiently instruct them on how to be permanently free from the horrible place called Hell"

After having spoken a servant of Satan called the great King of Fire will bow before me and tell me:
"My servants who measure in the billions will go from door to door and punish anyone who does evil. However if there are those who praise you, who abstain from comitting sins, then my servants shall reward and protect them and direct them to the sacred path of Heaven. However if those people do not show respect or gratitude and eat so much food that they become lazy and fat then my servants will eat the mother and child."

When having heard the words of the great King of Fire I will tell him:
"I wish to lead all people to Heaven without regard if they have done good or evil. Altough my power is great, my power will be even stronger when people stop doing bad things like hurting others. If a person has done a million bad things, but then even as so does one tiny good thing then I will crush and remove all the effects of the bad things they have done"

>> No.9026682



>> No.9026692

What a tool.

>> No.9026794

reading was a waste of time

>> No.9026800


>> No.9027443

"Let the cat out, I cannot as I am dead"

>> No.9027585

very nice

>> No.9027610

See you soon.

>> No.9027635

He will not divide us!
He will not divide us!
I'm with her

>> No.9027636

Would laugh at the news stories about this one

>> No.9028109

Some of you guys are alright,
Don't go to school tomorrow.

>> No.9028120

best one in the thread

>> No.9028126
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>> No.9028183

I'm sorry, Jenn. I love you.

>> No.9028743

You're welcome.

>> No.9028751

Will they ever top Exmilitary?

>> No.9028786

Every shadow I cast was caliginous. In a sense: this is my reward for finding the knife. I now adjoin to the turbulent plasticity of the phasing qualia

>> No.9030211

I ate one too many lemons

>> No.9030236

pss pss

>> No.9030239

I earned this.

>> No.9030242

When life is but disappointment
And nothing is amusing
The one wild hunt
For loneliness
Is a life without god
Is an end without love
Soulless today
And soulless tomorrow
We struggle for the joy
Oh, we struggle for the joy
That life is haunted by
Its memories - its meaninglessness
Yearn to be gathered, cracked and saved
A thought for a life time
A thought for a night time
But, what ends when the symbols shatter?
And, who knows what happens to hearts?

>> No.9030286

I killed myself because i read a thread on /lit/ of peoples immensely cringe suicide notes.

I leave all my possessions to my goldfish.

>> No.9030316

i kept biting my tongue by accident when eating food, it's better this way

>> No.9030368

The winds slowly rise
A few leaves remain clinging
To the sycamores

>> No.9030414


>> No.9030446

No funeral.
Gimme the Diogenes treatment.

>> No.9030568

I don't know how to write well, but everyone has told me the life I was living was a lie. To me it was the only life there was, mediocrity, poverty, and escapism. When I took that away from myself, attempting to experience the life others cherished and spoke so fondly of, there was only pain.

>> No.9030576

Anime is not real.

Videogame is not real.

2D is not real.

I sleep now.

>> No.9030578

This was water.

>> No.9030823

I did it ironically.