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9024344 No.9024344 [Reply] [Original]

What is essential conservative fiction? Post some.

>> No.9024345


>> No.9024356 [DELETED] 


>> No.9024359

Studs Lonigan

>> No.9024411
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>> No.9024420

not really "conservative" per se

but in terms of libertarian/conservative economics Thomas Sowell is correct about literally everything

>> No.9024424

nvm u said fiction

killing myself

>> No.9024440

Thanks for giving me a list of authors I should avoid.

>> No.9024442
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Low hanging fruit desu senpai

>> No.9024445

>Thanks for giving me a list of authors I should avoid.

>being this edgy

>> No.9024469

What's with cutting out sources of information that are proven worthless?

>> No.9024470

The problem is that most writers who are truly great are intelligent, wise and well informed enough to know that the kind of conservatism that you desire is actually quite shallow and illogical when analyzed under the microscope. If you travel to both the extremes of the Left and the Right you will end up meeting several people who defend their points of view without significant evidence, people who tend to think that ideas are more important than human beings, people who choose their points of view mostly because of family-influence and not due to actual meditation and research.

Take George Orwell, for example. He no doubt had a hostile view of extreme left-wing theories and the socialist states, yet he was not your typical right wing American-conservative. He was intelligent enough to realize that things are not black and white, that to simply dismiss welfare is not a wise policy; that great corporations indeed have a great deal of power on politics; that patriotism is used as an artifact for political climbing and as a ready-made-achievement and ready-made-self-ego-massage for people who can’t boast anything else. He was also ambiguous toward religion (he is reported to have no faith in afterlife, and he himself said that the God of Christianity was one that he hated), and to picture him sited in Church with the stupid look that the man in your OP pic has on his face is just absurd.

That was only one example, but you see: people who are actually gifted enough to write great literature and to think for themselves might present some exterior aspects of being comfortable with all the traditions and core-values of society, when in reality they mostly despise the general masses, the general views about morality and religiosity and the political machinery.

Great artists are hardly capable of producing the pamphlet-like literature that the guy in your pic would find amusing to read. They know that things are not that simple.

>> No.9024482


holy shit u are cool

>> No.9024488

Kekthuzala my dude

>> No.9024489


You're assuming they're proven worthless without reading them. You are on a literature board by the way

>> No.9024521

Starship Troopers by Heinlein.

>> No.9024542


Let him be, we wouldn't want him to develop cognitive dissonance or anything, after all.

>> No.9024554

Songs of Innocence and of Experience

>> No.9024556

Gormenghast trilogy. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, to a lesser extent. Paradise Lost. Dante's Inferno. The Iliad.

>> No.9024559

Came to post this

>> No.9024577

Are there any conservative writers who are strongly anticapitalist without being fascist? Chesterton is the only one I know.

>> No.9024587


Evola is probably the most important one, but there are plenty of others to choose from from this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Revolutionary_movement

>> No.9024681

Nicolas Gomez Davila, though he didn't write fiction.

A milder anti-capitalist might be Sir Roger Scruton.

I can't think of any non-fascist, anti-capitalist, right-wing writers who aren't religious. So Christian thinkers would be a good place to keep looking, I suppose.

>> No.9024686

>caring about politics
You're all retarded.

>> No.9024700

Lord of the Rings

>> No.9024723

Basically all of the New Critics before they turned to literary theory. Just check out their 'creative' work.

>> No.9024755

Lost my faith in communism after reading The Human Factor by Graham Greene

>> No.9024802

would you not care even if there was a genocide, like the Rwandan one? better say yes otherwise you care, and just are happy enough with how things are now

>> No.9024815

this but still checkled