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File: 82 KB, 750x1200, C3DRWovVUAA1oGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9024252 No.9024252 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my God! This passage from 1984 was in the guardian website!

That world is like our world now!

>> No.9024272

yes, we know you're bitter your country is a dumpster fire right now.

>> No.9024283

>War is peace
>Freedom is slavery
>Diversity is strength
We've been living it for decades

>> No.9024290

i literally just read 1984 and this passage wasn't in the book

>> No.9024298
File: 13 KB, 214x174, OhMyGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump is already arresting journalists and banning institutions from discussing things like climate change
>pulling funding from research funds
>pulling funding from health organizations that "promote abortions"
>signed off on the dakota pipeline
>literal nazis are "a legitimate political position"

>> No.9024301

>trump is already arresting journalists and banning institutions from discussing things like climate change
Wrong. They are being stopped from fake reporting.
>pulling funding from research funds
>pulling funding from health organizations that "promote abortions"
Why should American taxpayers pay for women overseas to kill their unborn babies?
>signed off on the dakota pipeline
Energy independence is vital. The Pipeline is for the good of America.
>literal nazis are "a legitimate political position"
So are communists

>> No.9024304

Yes they are the article says so

>> No.9024307

>>pulling funding from health organizations that "promote abortions"
>Why should American taxpayers pay for women overseas to kill their unborn babies?
wow you suck at reading

>> No.9024311

The only funding he has pulled for babykillings are for NGOs overseas performing these acts

>> No.9024313


>Wrong. They are being stopped from fake reporting.

Does this have to do with reporting on actual facts rather than alternative facts? It seems to me that the Trump administration thinks that alternative facts are better than regular facts. Care to comment?

>> No.9024316

the "progressively more obviously misattributed quote" is meme on twitter. I actually follow the guy who made this one so it's pretty weird that it got picked up by a legitimate site

>> No.9024320

>Left is so clueless that they don't realize they're far more Orwellian with their "diversity is strength" shit.

>> No.9024321

>Does this have to do with reporting on actual facts rather than alternative facts?
Like two weeks ago there were people reporting that Trump was holding piss orgies with Russian prostitutes. There isn't a single responsible newspaper in the entire country.

>> No.9024325
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Meanwhile at the Guardian
>diversity is strength

>> No.9024328


You can't move on that website without people mentioning 1984. It's actually quite annoying.

>> No.9024329

imagine having a grown son who samefags

>> No.9024330
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It's pretty ironic.

>> No.9024333
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>> No.9024335

>Wrong. They are being stopped from fake reporting.
aka: anything trump doesn't want to hear
Look it up. NASA is dumping all of it's research online, for free
>Energy independence is vital.
>The Pipeline is for the good of America.
Wrong. Look up pipeline malfunctions, environmental damage etc.
Renewable energy is RIGHT FUCKING THERE.
Solar roadways, wind turbines, solar windows, energy producing fabrics, for fucks sake.
>So are communists
Communists don't demand ethical cleansing.

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.9024340
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It is one of the most pleb tier 'omg so deep' books ever written

Of course these charlatans love it

>Renewable energy is RIGHT FUCKING THERE.
>Solar roadways, wind turbines, solar windows, energy producing fabrics, for fucks sake.
....all of which are incredibly inefficent and expensive.

Pipelines are the safest way to transport oil. That is a well known fact.

>Communists don't demand ethical cleansing.
You're right, they prefer their genocide along class rather than racial lines

>> No.9024346 [DELETED] 

>oh by the way this man is now a woman and if you disagree you're a BIGOT
it's not so fun when it happens to you, liberals

>> No.9024351

>all of which are incredibly inefficent and expensive.
Yes, maybe to implement them in the beginning, but if you can spend 3 trillion dollars on the military, you can spend 2 billion on clean energy. Building a pipeline is for nobody's benefit but the oil corporations, and whoever's dicks their sucking.

>You're right, they prefer their genocide along class rather than racial lines
that's still not a political position and you're not going to find people grüß-heiling in Moskau.

>> No.9024353

What are the all-time great Alternative Facts, /lit/? Saddam having WMDs has to be up there. I'm also fond of the idea that the U.S. Is backing 'moderate rebels' in Syria, rather than literal jihadist al-qaeda affiliates.

>> No.9024358

>Building a pipeline is for nobody's benefit but the oil corporations, and whoever's dicks their sucking.
...and everyone who needs fuel
...and all the people given construction jobs

The only people it won't benefit are native americans, but the benefits outweigh the costs.

>> No.9024363

Actually thats an outdated opinion. Solar power becoming really cheap, and is the fastest growing energy sector in the usa. Fossil fuels, especialy coal, are becoming more and more expensive

>> No.9024366
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>> No.9024376

>Solar power becoming really cheap
It's cheap. It also produces piss little energy

>> No.9024381

yeah can't think of another problem with fossil fuels

>> No.9024392

You're missing the point. Inefficiency can be balanced out. The point is that it doesn't cause harmful emissions, which is IMPORTANT. It's not a fanciful hypothetical thing that might happen in the future, scientists are observing markable change in the environment due to fossil fuel emissions. There is a functioning, workable alternative, and the reason it's not being used on a large scale is because of lobbyists. If you think they have your best interests at heart then you're fucking delusional.

>> No.9024396

Can you provide a link to the article?

>> No.9024410

Trips beat dubs, sorry.

>> No.9024413

>The point is that it doesn't cause harmful emissions, which is IMPORTANT
Yes, because the construction and maintainance of them causes no 'harmful emmisions'.

The reason its not being used on a large scale is because it doesn't work half the time and when it does work it produces a fraction of the energy. Now unless you want powercuts every 20 minutes then 'renewable energy' isn't for you

>> No.9024423

So your alternative is just biting the bullet on climate change?

>> No.9024426

Isn't it hilarious, solar and wind can go entire days producing next to nothing and people think we can just stop burning coal.

>> No.9024436

>it's inefficient
>that can be worked around, the environment is more important
>but it's inefficient!

>> No.9024437

They did, why don't you do some research? they had enough yellowcake to blanket half the country.

>> No.9024446
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Even if America completely switches to renewable energy (ignoring the widespread famine that would kill tens of millions of people as tractors and combine harvesters and ships stop getting fuel and therefore can't be used), China and the rest of the world will keep burning coal.

Actively devoting resources against 'climate change' is a total waste of time. Scientists are divided on the concept and what it actually means. Some say the earth will cool. Some say it will get warmer. Some say neither will happen.

It's so inefficient that it can't be worked around without rotational powercuts lasting months

>> No.9024455

>Some say the earth will cool. Some say it will get warmer. Some say neither will happen.
How big are the respective groupings?

>> No.9024458

>China and the rest of the world will keep burning coal.
the only countries that didn't sign that clean energy bill was the us and china. The rest of the world is slowly starting to switch over. France built their first solar road way. Like always, America is way behind, and flat out ignoring all the sucess other countries have had.

>> No.9024468

>the only countries that didn't sign that clean energy bill was the us and china.
>us and china
>the two most prosperous and industrious countries in the world
Really makes you think

>> No.9024485

>the two most prosperous and industrious countries in the world
you fucking wish. Prosperous and industrious are not the same thing.

>> No.9024495

Every Westworld general on /tv/.

>> No.9024499

France's solar road way literally will never even recover the cost of its installation like alone the resources used to build the thing.

Your delusional if you think that's a success.

>> No.9024560

>tfw you opt out of society by being a permaneet who only leaves the house to get food

i'm going to coast for as long as my parents let me, and then i'm probably going to jump off a building.

>> No.9024593

why don't you do yours? that yellowcake was well-documented, sealed away by the iaea, and regularly inspected to ensure no foul play. hardly the WMDs the bush-administration tried to sell us.


>> No.9024610

You do realise that the original last line is 'ignorance is strength' not 'diversity', retards. Pretty ironic, huh?

>> No.9024616

Wow nice to know that public roads have an obligation to turn profit now.

>> No.9024619

what's unprofitable is unethical leftcuck

>> No.9024623


>Being this dumb

>> No.9024628
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, strong independant womyn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw libcucks are going around saying 1984 and Orweillian with all that smug satisfaction
>tfw Orwell would have voted for Trump
fucking liberals holy shit, if they'd ever read anything other than their high school reading...by which I mean watching the movie...they'd understand the left is even worse about this sort of thing

>> No.9024629

>Spend $5M of tax payers money to power several street lights
>Hey, why did we lose the local election, what the fuck happened?

>> No.9024636

>Orwell would have voted for Trump

>> No.9024642

>"Liberal: a power worshipper without power." - George Orwell quotes from BrainyQuote.com.

Read Road to Wiggan Pier, Orwell hated the populist left.

>> No.9024644

nice double speak faggot

it's the truth regardless of how you try to distort it

>> No.9024645

>it's impossible to hate liberals without voting for trump
Now that's some good old fashioned idiocy.

>> No.9024647

>double speak

>> No.9024651

Most people don't even know Orwell betrayed basically every British socialist in the country and had a deep hatred of Labour.

>> No.9024659

Sorry the truth hurts your feelings faggot.

>> No.9024676

>being a populist idiot is more important than preserving nature

>> No.9024680

Don't you know how politics works? You're either a liberal leftist and a Democrat or a conservative and a Republican. There are no other options.

>> No.9024687
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I've a theory that the reason the American left is so genuinely offended by Trump is because he represents a return to individual agency, essentially a lack of government and/or big brother to tell them what to do, even going so far as to go against what they've been told to do in the past, the established and manufactured virtue of the land. It's what Zizek would call the pain of abandoning ideology. Zizek funnily enough also said he'd vote for Trump if he could, because he understands what he is. That Trump is a destructive force who represents genuine shift from the status quo, and who may make things so bad (no-one thinks Trump is qualified or a good candidate in the conventional sense) that it will necessitate meaningful change in both the system and the population. It's going to be an interesting four years, the propaganda machine of the leftist media is really pushing things to a confrontational pace.

>> No.9024693

>muh independents
Last I checked middle schoolers can't vote.

>> No.9024698

>is because he represents a return to individual agency, essentially a lack of government and/or big brother to tell them what to do
HOLY SHIT how the fuck can anybody be so fucking wrong? It's because they think he's a fucking fascist, you absolute retard.

>> No.9024703

>It's because they think he's a fucking fascist, you absolute retard.
Liberals don't even know what fascism is or what it looks like but I hope by God that someday they will.

>Enforcing border laws
Not fascist
>Free helicopter rides

>> No.9024704

Why would you think that? The man hasn't been president for a week, he's done nothing to suggest that.

>> No.9024707

>Thinking you can preserve anything when you can't even win a council by-election in a labour stronghold
Corbyn pls

>> No.9024709

can you imagine being this deluded and brainwashed?

>> No.9024711

lmfao, if you knew what a fascist was you'd recognize America has been a fascist state for a long time, lead by globalist leftists

Enlighten yourself.

>> No.9024715

Read this in Zizek voice. The left can't digests anything that challenges the hegemonic ideology and now they're literally fraking out. Shameful sight for a liberal like me

>> No.9024717

I don't like independents. Well, for the most part. You know most of those cunts vote a straight Republican or Democratic ticket every election.

>> No.9024722

>believing the propaganda machine to the point of impotent rage
Look anon, you are probably basing this off of what Trump said during the campaign. But didn't you also make it a point during the campaign to point out he contradicts everything he said? Trump said those things to get votes. That's what politicians do. Clinton did the exact same thing but the media doesn't focus on that. It's ridiculous to take seriously the words of the campaign, doubly so when they're rescinded the next day come a new locale.

>> No.9024728

turn off the cnn anon it's been 1 week

>> No.9024742

Yes, I call them Guardian readers.

>> No.9024798

>Liberals don't even know what fascism is or what it looks like but I hope by God that someday they will
I'm german. Everyone thinks trump is fucking embarrassing. I had to learn the rise and fall of hitler ad nauseam. He's basically a dumber, more incompetent hitler.
>using inflammatory speech to incite hate
>implying all problems are because of immigrants
>promising to get rid of said immigrants
>using his political platform to push his own goals
>trying to control information to make himself look better
>etc, etc, etc
Except hitler had a fucking point. Trump is just fuckin' greedy. Read up on what he's been doing to science institutions. The lgbtq and climate change pages on the whitehouse website are gone. More has been happening in the last week than in the last six months, and it's all fucking damage control to counteract some fucked up bill trump signed. Everyone is buckling down. Have you not been keeping up with your own fucking news?

>> No.9024812

>The lgbtq and climate change pages on the whitehouse website are gone.
Oh god it's practically the same as loading people up in to boxcars

>> No.9024819

You shouldn't really start conservations with "I'm german", it completely discredits everything you post afterwards.

>> No.9024822

That's how it fucking starts, dumbass. I swear to god. American's are like moron toddlers. If someone's not murdering a jew, they don't fucking get it.

>> No.9024835


>> No.9024841

I am sorry to say you've been 'keeping up' with propaganda. Can't you realize how dumb and distorted your world view is when you compare a man to Hitler for being indirectly responsible for a page on a website being taken down? Can't you fucking hear yourself?

>> No.9024842

>Read up on what he's been doing to science institutions
>The lgbtq and climate change pages on the whitehouse website are gone
>More has been happening in the last week than in the last six months

Welcome to literally every inauguration ever.

>> No.9024844

Better than being American tbqhwy

>> No.9024854

But Anon, I ain't American.

>> No.9024855

>shia labeouf arrested for standing his ground

>> No.9024857
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salami a lake em anon

when the time comes for us to save you fucking idiots, when the cuck fantasy becomes an all too real reality in soon to be Eurabia, you'll be singing a different tune

ungrateful degenerate fuck

>> No.9024863

>>Wrong. They are being stopped from fake reporting.
>aka: anything trump doesn't want to hear

spreading fake news is punishable by law and there's a special court that looks into those cases

>> No.9024866

Ah yes. Because that's the only thing I mentioned. Good job. Also see >>9024822
do you think Hitler sprang fully formed out of a bierstein? No. He was voted into office and took over germany in increments.

Yes, I'm sure all the riots and sheer panic happen everytime. Good to know you stayed so fucking woke.

>> No.9024870

>spreading fake news is punishable by law and there's a special court that looks into those cases
i don't want to hear it =/= fake

>> No.9024877

Fake News != False News

You see literally every single article that can be spun to incorporate Trump spun that way. It's not a lie if you ask a question, right? That's the kind of shit the media is and has been doing, it's no wonder the libtards are assaulting people in the streets just for exercising their right to express themselves. We're never going to reach "truth" like this, everyone is so indoctrinated against the other.

>> No.9024879


Orwell wrote some decent biographical stuff but I loathe 1984 with all my fibre and all the people who compare it to modern living. Same with BNW and Huxley, both books are cancer in their author's bibliography.

>> No.9024888

>h yes. Because that's the only thing I mentioned. Good job. Also see >>9024822
>do you think Hitler sprang fully formed out of a bierstein? No. He was voted into office and took over germany in increments.
>leftist historical revisionist retard doesn't know any history
lmao at you
Hitler LOST the election
his party won many seats however
and they did things like murder their opposition in the middle of the night which was approved by the establishment they lost to
and a popular act

There's no communist menace here, no violence, no crushing economic squalor to prompt either.

Wrong town, population : you

>> No.9024912

You will not be saving anybody, fucking NEET

>> No.9024915

>tfw read this in Zizek's disgusting voice

>> No.9024922
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Are you seriously implying that changing a website is the first step in a chain of events that will turn the United States into a white supremacist police state? When Trump was elected I was quite relieved that relations to Russia might see a halcyon period. I am also thrilled to see how economic policies that no union boss from the seventies would have disagreed with will play out in a globalized world.
>muh NASA
Wow, my prestige project will recieve less funding in favor of changes to the infrastructure that will actually benefit the people
>muh illegal immigrants should be pampered
You're delusional if you think Clinton likes illegal immigrants more than Trump (excluding of course when they vote for her)
>Yes, I'm sure all the riots and sheer panic happen everytime
I'm just a spectator in all of this and my memory is quite fuzzy when i think back to the time of Obama's election, but apparently only Republicans are capable of losing and still maintaining a certain kind of dignity (excluding tea party demagogues though)
>mfw I get to enjoy the butthurt that prevails in the circles of higher education in Germany firsthand

>> No.9025066

Actually wasn't there this exact same response when Bush won? I know Reagan was met with similar response.

>> No.9025080

he also hated rich people so thats the conservatives out

>> No.9025082

Well, there was an outcry, especially when he won second term, since he won by the same loophole that Trump did (namely the Electoral College). The thing is, Bush was just kind of an idiot, but he wasn't a malicious idiot.

And I'm too young to remember Reagan.

There's always a sort of frothing at the mouth after the election, but I can't remember it being this far, with people pushing bills as fast as they can so they can cut Trump off at the pass, Nor this level of public dissent. Hell, the Westboro Baptist Church is boycotting Trump. That's pretty fucked up.

>> No.9025084

I find it a bit funny that the current administration is denying facts, silencing those that disagree with it (the National Parks), and asking you to believe lies (doublespoke as alternative facts now).


>> No.9025086

Because they were reformist retards. Read Homage to Catalonia, Orwell supported the anarcho-syndicalists.

>> No.9025089

>he wasn't a malicious idiot

>> No.9025101

>The only people it won't benefit are native americans, but the benefits outweigh the costs.
But it's sovereign Native land.

>> No.9025105

>implying he wasn't too stupid to be actively malicious.

>> No.9025107

>Bush was an idiot
>Trump is an idiot
>Anyone capable of becoming POTUS is an idiot

>> No.9025111
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>> No.9025113

>Bush was just kind of an idiot
Hilariously this is what Bush wanted people to think, he was called a "unorthodox genius" multiple times by his opponents. When he finally decides to publish his tell-all and reveal his marketing team pulled it off it'll be studied in Political Science, psychologically, etc.

>> No.9025119

yeah, it's fucked up. obama said it was unlawful, the pipeline kept being built illegally and then trump signed it back over to the pipeline. The land is the NAs, but who gives a shit right? America needs oil!

>> No.9025128

What the actual fuck are you guys talking about, the pipeline doesn't run through native American land and Trump ordered for it to be pushed a further 75 miles away from native land to protect them to the possible effects of spills.

>> No.9025132


Trump also has financial ties to all of this.

We made Carter give up a peanut farm.

>> No.9025138

You do know the Whitehouse policy pages get deleted each time a new President comes in , so he can put up his policy? the web is set up do do this by itself and probaly has been doing this since the WH has first had a webpage.

>> No.9025144

Actually his friends have the incentive to continue shipping all the oil by train instead of the pipeline.

>> No.9025152


Fuck it, this is /lit/, let's actually make some effort, even if this may be b8.

>trump is already arresting journalists

No, he isn't. Journalists who committed felonies during the inauguration protests are being arrested, just as they would had they committed any other felony under any other president. What you may be referring to is that Trump has promised to introduce better libel laws, which is a different subject - presumably they would be more in line with extant libel laws in, for example, most of western Europe.

>banning institutions from discussing things like climate change

This is literally fake news.

>pulling funding from research funds

This is true enough - he's putting a stop to politicized research, which is excellent. Even if it wasn't politicized, it would be good, as all research should be privately financed rather than financed by stealing money from citizens.

>pulling funding from health organizations that "promote abortions"

Indeed. Just like with research, abortions should not be funded through taxation.

>signed off on the dakota pipeline

He certainly did, and why shouldn't he? The whole thing is a ridiculous non-issue. None of the people protesting it are actually the legal owners of the land. Property rights are being protected as they should be.

>literal nazis are "a legitimate political position"

Not sure what the connection is to Trump, but sure, free speech is specifically meant for the people you disagree with, be they nazis, commies or adherents of any other disagreeable ideology, as long as they are not being actively violent.

>> No.9025188

>Fuck Men.
Ya, about six of them.

>> No.9025237

climate change is not fake reporting; nor an "alternative fact" it is a fact Trump and his cronies need to ignore in order to address the needs of oil and gas, who are in the death throes; solar energy is the leading employer and booming industry.

The planet is already overfilled, people should be lining up for abortions, not out of self-hatred or hatred of a god whatever but for the sake of themselves and their own well-being.

Neoliberalism and communists are not the same

>> No.9025247

>solar energy is the leading employer
Is this supposed to be impressive? It's as useful to society as paying men to dig holes then fill them up.
>who are in the death throes
But that's wrong. Fracking has massively expanded the oil and gas supply.

>The planet is already overfilled, people should be lining up for abortions, not out of self-hatred or hatred of a god whatever but for the sake of themselves and their own well-being.
So edgy!

>> No.9025279

Fracking is booming because America's oil is running out. Hell even the Canadian tar sands are being drained dry.

Solar/Wind/Hydro/Nuclear are the way of the future and will create the jobs Trump keeps promising, but no, lets keep doing the same thing over and over and over! Drill baby drill!

7.1 billion people and dwindling resources, you got any better ideas?

>> No.9025299

>Fracking has massively expanded the oil and gas supply.
It's also fucking up the earth
t. Oklahoma resident

>> No.9025315

>climate change is not fake reporting; nor an "alternative fact" it is a fact

You're right in that it's not fake reporting or an "alternative fact", but it's certainly not a fact. It's an hypothesis, and there is no evidence conclusive enough to either reject or accept the null hypothesis. 'Believing' or 'not believing' in global warming has nothing to do with science - it is a subjective opinion, usually without any understanding to back it up whatsoever.

>> No.9025320

>Fracking is booming because America's oil is running out
So you're saying American oil is booming... because it's running out?

Fracking has basically pushed back the problem of depleting oil reserves by at least a century
>you got any better ideas?
Yes, cancel all aid to Africa so the population goes back to a sustainable number.
>inb4 this spooks you

>> No.9025329

>flat out ignoring
That's a funny was to spell companies are actively lobbying against it.

>> No.9025342

You've misunderstood what hypothesis means, there are many hypothesizes to what is causing climate change directly and the thing is, they are converging, which is the basis of meta-analysis and GOOD SCIENCE. Not subjective opinion.

Fracking is booming because they are receiving lots of funding because its a relatively newer industry.

>> No.9025492

It's pretty much a fact https://www.youtube.com/user/potholer54/videos this guy will go through all the actual scientific studies and show you straight up it is. He'll also look at people claiming it isn't and examine their sources. It's true. (unless you're Peterson)

>> No.9025538

>all research should be privately financed
This cannot happen. America would lose every scientist we educate immediately, and then that education itself would decline into shit. Pure sciences don't get privately funded unless it's something like a specific field of chemistry that might help a company with materials.
How would falling even further behind the stem potential of our rivals "make America great again?"

>> No.9025570

English liberal isn't the same as american liberal, you know that, right?

>> No.9025594

>Some say the earth will cool
You shouldn't cry about fake news if you consume and propagate it

>> No.9026900


Meta-analysis is another way of saying "if we pile together enough nonsense, eventually we'll probably get facts."


Link me an actual video, because all I'm seeing so far are inane pop-sci videos. Or better yet, an actual study with actual evidence of causation, not just correlation (protip: you can't).


The majority of all research is already privately funded, ya dummy. But we'd get rid of all the superfluous bullshit.

t. stemfag

>> No.9027032

Democratic socialist isn't the same as English liberal, you know that, right?

Obviously Orwell wouldn't have voted for Trump. Literally everyone on this board knows that.

>> No.9027035

That's some of the worst writing I've ever seen. Is that actually in the book?

>> No.9027083

No. He never meets Big Brother. That's the point.

The style is also blatantly not Orwells. It's aping Trump. This should be obvious.

>> No.9027126


lmao you're the one who has zero clue about what an hypothesis is. You think it is the same thing as 'theory' don't you ya moron.

>> No.9027190

>Obviously Orwell wouldn't have voted for Trump. Literally everyone on this board knows that.
Orwell absoultely hated immigration more than nearly anything on Earth

>> No.9027195

Nobody really benefits from extraction economies besides the people who directly own the resource.

Results in a concentration of power, and a state which values it's resources more than it's population.

See; Every Oil Power in the ME and Africa.

>> No.9027236

People who need to use these resources also benefit

>> No.9027288

Orwell pretty much hated everything that wasn't British.

>> No.9027327

Correct me if im wrong but in the book winston never talked directly to "big brother",only o'brien. I just finished the damn thing and i dont remember this scene

>> No.9027374


what a hack

>> No.9027383

Dudes come on. Global warming is a myth, don't be so stupid. By the way, the Earth is 4000 years old.

>> No.9027387
File: 67 KB, 232x232, FUCKINGFINALLY7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate

>> No.9027389

>The lgbtq pages on the whitehouse website are gone.

>> No.9027391

>4000 years old.
Fucking idiot. If the earth is 4000 years old, how come it's the year 2017?

>> No.9027398

I honestly don't remember BB being this snappy.

>> No.9027413

>Link me an actual video, because all I'm seeing so far are inane pop-sci videos. Or better yet, an actual study with actual evidence of causation, not just correlation (protip: you can't).


His sources for that one video:
1:48 "Recent Ice-Sheet Growth in the Interior of Greenland"
Ola M. Johannessen et al, Science November 2005

2:10 "Recent Greenland Ice Mass Loss by Drainage System from Satellite Gravity Observations" -- S. B. Luthcke, et al., Science November 2006

2:12 "Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet Satellite Gravity Measurements Confirm Accelerated Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet" --
J. L. Chen, et al., Science 2006

3:19 "Satellite gravity measurements confirm accelerated melting of Greenland ice sheet" J. Chen et al., Science, 2006
3:22 "Recent Greenland Ice Mass Loss by Drainage System from Satellite Gravity Observations" -- Luthcke et al, Science, 2006
3:24 "Lower estimates of Antarctic sea level contribution from satellite gravimetry" King et al, Nature 2012

3:26 Recent Antarctic ice mass loss from radar interferometry and regional climate modelling" -- Rignot et al, 2008

3:28 "Recent Contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise from GRACE"

3:30 "A Reconciled Estimate of Ice-Sheet Mass Balance"
Shepherd et al Science 2012

4:01 "Recent Contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise from GRACE"
4:24 "Toward prediction of environmental Arctic change"
W Maslowski, JC Kinney, J Jakacki - Computing in Science 2007
5:25 "Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 21st-Century Sea-Level Rise" -- WT Pfeffer et al., Science 2008
5:40 "Global sea level linked to global temperature" --
Martin Vermeer and Stefan Rahmstorf, PNAS 2009

6:10 Table adapted from "Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes"
-- R. J. Nicholls et al., OECD 2008

Ran out of space in the comment so I can't include the other 10 or so

>> No.9027416

Actually I should've linked this video series
like 10 videos, all going through the original sources.

And if you care to watch him debunk positive claims of "global warming is a hoax", he'll go through THEIR sources and do that too.

>> No.9027418
File: 227 KB, 1252x1252, Wicket W Warrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shitty thread

>> No.9027427

>he hasn't read the unabridged 70th anniversary edition

The wind howled, the thunder rattled.
'But a fact is a binary thing!' cried Winston. 'It's either a fact or it's not!'
'Nuh-uuh.' Big Brother wagged his finger. 'Hell ya talmbout, white boy? Fax is whatever I say they is, y'all know that. Psshh, fuck outta here.'

>> No.9027441

>Are you seriously implying that changing a website is the first step in a chain of events that will turn the United States into a white supremacist police state?

When wasnt it?

>> No.9027575

Science is fighting back help them


>> No.9027583

>People who're entirely dependent on Government fighting back
That's really gonna spooky the Republicans!

>> No.9027587
File: 112 KB, 1200x675, reddit-canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbut 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual!

>> No.9027588

You mean scientists?

>> No.9027600

In 20 years people like you will wonder why American research and development has turned to shit in comparison to Europe and Asia
I know I'm never working for this place if they're going to try to make me scrap a peer-reviewed study because a political committee disapproves

>> No.9027629

You've been saying this since Eisenhower, it seems to be taking a bit longer than 20 years.

>> No.9027661

BMW was innovative and honestly a great book. It was also better than anything else Huxley wrote. Perennial Philosophy, Island, Doors of Perception...Nah. I'll agree people's constant allusions to these books are more just about trying to show off knowledge of one of the 6 books they've read, but still, I think that BNW was an interesting perspective and definitely a lot less heavy handed than 1984.