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/lit/ - Literature

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9020631 No.9020631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do men struggle to connect and understand female literary characters and female literature while the vice/versa is effortless for women?

>> No.9020637

*connect with

>> No.9020638

which man has trouble identifying with which female literary character?

>> No.9020646

Any examples?

>> No.9020648

Men are hoping women are more complex than they are.

>> No.9020676

Because females are "inferior" and "emotional" so what they want isn't something a lot of men really care about, even if they think about it to facilitate the acquisition of sex. What women really want are the the same things men want, entertainment wise. "chickflicks" and "chickbooks" are to women what tom clancy novels are to men.

>> No.9020682

and what is it that women really want?

>> No.9020684

Probably not to be referred to as a collective hive mind, first of all.

>> No.9020691

but what I meant is that women want what men want: namely a large variety of different things.

>> No.9020820

a large penis of the african variety

>> No.9021565
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If you buy into the
>women are oppressed
meme, then the answer is Interpretive Labor, as laid out in The Utopia of Rules. Have a screencap.

>tl;dr A member of an oppressed class has to understand his/her oppressors in order to thrive, but not vice-versa.

>> No.9021607
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Freud went to his grave without an answer to the question "what does woman want?" Well, I know what women want, and it ain't chocolate, either.

It's blood.

>> No.9021642

because literature has yet to see an accurate depiction of the female mind

>> No.9021644

have you read male characters written by women? my wife is reading iris murdoch and her characterization is plain awful; despite h. bloom's tepid defense of her work, he agrees. (i also think her prose and plots are godawful, unlike bloom)

in fact, the only women writers i've liked were e-dick, george eliot, and woolf and wharton. wharton has poor male characters and is unable to sympathize full with the opposite sex; e-dick wisely avoids it altogether. eliot was just a master.

>> No.9021778

How the fuck has caraposters cancer seeped into this board? You need to kill yourself desu

>> No.9021791

what does this even mean

>> No.9021794

is this just one poster? every day there is a new thread with retarded subjects like this, guaranteed replies

/lit/ truly has no mods

>> No.9021805

there's a similar theory in regards to romantic relations that says that men not explaining their emotions force women to use empathy to understand them, while women don't force men to do the same

>> No.9021809 [DELETED] 

surely the less simple have more trouble understanding the complex than the converse. muh set theory muh unknowability etc.

>> No.9021814


surely the simple have more trouble understanding the complex than the converse. muh set theory muh unknowability etc.

>> No.9021819

Women will never understand male literature.

A girl I knew once complained that the Odyssey was too violent.

That's all she got out of it.

Take that as you will.

>> No.9021827

Have you never known a woman who expected you to read her mind? "You should know what's wrong" etc

>> No.9021834

no I don't know why you'd expect anyone here to know have known women of any kind

>> No.9021841

I'm in engineering and whenever I get stuck with a woman on my team it's amusing to see what retarded ass ideas their minds come up with.

Women do not think rationally like men. They will do the most incredibly illogical things based simply on their emotions and instincts. Men who seek to understand women are pathetic. Would you consider it worth your time to understand and connect with an animal or a child? No; just take them for what they're worth but don't waste your mental energy on them.

>> No.9021874

This. Don't call them that, even if they are one.

>> No.9021900

Holy... I want more

>> No.9021933

how infallibly rational :^)

>> No.9021954

Generalizations exist for a reason. Go back to your diversity class, cuck

>> No.9021973

>"tl;dr" for a 7.5 sentence excerpt
So this is the literature board, huh?

>> No.9021976

it's the reddit board

>> No.9021979

I'll tell you what they want. What they really, really, want.

>> No.9021999

I find it hard to relate to women because they are "soulless," so to speak. They are incapable of feeling love for people to whom they are not biologically related.

>> No.9022012

This. Anyone who doesn't agree and thinks this is a bitter, virgin thing to say has never dated a woman. The moment you are unable to give her all she wants and she sees a better opportunity in another man, a woman will leave you. Men have the loyalty to stay with their partner even in bad situations; women lack that. They only care for men insofar as they are provided for.

>> No.9022016

I don't get this meme. Please stop perpetuating it. Men and women are not that different at all. They have some different expectations when it comes to sex and do act different due to societal pressures to mold them in a certain way. Get out and talk to people in real life and you will see.
There is a theory that women can understand male sexually better than men can understand female sexuality. This is due to the fact that men don't have to understand women's sexually to have sex/satiate the biological urge to reproduce. Women have to understand male sexuality to please them and keep them around so they can get married and raise children

>> No.9022022

>they aren't different
>social pressures just exist to keep people down, not for biological reasons

>> No.9022029
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memes aside, there's plenty where that came from

>> No.9022034

The best female character is not from 'literature' anyway.

>> No.9022052
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Even providing for them eventually becomes insufficient.

>> No.9022076

Because most female literary characters are self-centered, often act on impulse and are foiled by characters that take the fall for their indiscretions. It doesn't help that most romantic works with female protagonists are actually self-discovery novels ("finding yourself") set against romantic tableaux. It's not about the romance: It's about her. It all comes off as a artificial, which is why most of the cornerstone women's novels from the 1700s end with "and then we got married and we were happy". It's why most men prefer Madame Bovary over Jane Eyre: It doesn't pretend to be something it's not.

On the contrary, romantic novels with male protagonists focus on the woman being suited (with the narrator often going on about her mystique, appearance, and allure). Women who dared write male protagonists in romance drew from the likes of Werther, Shelley and other romantic poets to help pad their work.

>> No.9022090

>Because most female literary characters are self-centered, often act on impulse and are foiled by characters that take the fall for their indiscretions.

So they are realistic?

>> No.9022114

I suppose, but that doesn't translate well when you're watching (reading) it happen from that specific point of voice. I'd say it's more about the journey not being predicated on romance, but on self-discovery (which may end up coming across as self-masturbatory) that doesn't sit well with some men. It's probably what sours most who end up trawling through the Bronte canon for example.

>> No.9022149

wasn't he supposed to leave

>> No.9022188
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>tfw the one thing you truly want from a woman is the thing she cannot give you

>> No.9022246

I don't think one post on a subreddit entirely for cheaters is a good sample size.

About 60% of people are totally fucking worthless as human beings. 30 of that 60 are women.

>> No.9022267

It's just as easy to connect with female characters if they're well written (realistic)
Most female characters are not well written

>> No.9022547

No, they are well written. You just want them to have the depth of a man, which they don't have in real life either.

>> No.9022550

They have their own depth once you start to understand them
They're much sadder creatures than men

>> No.9022554

>Oh no I only slept with 15 men this year.
>The man I married is too nice :(
>Tfw I got caught cheating

Yes they are very sad.

>> No.9022635

Your bitter indignation makes you seem like a woman

>> No.9022649

Because women, having X chromosomes, can relate to any person with an X chromosome, which includes both men and women. However, the Y chromosome prevents men from relating to anything that lacks a Y chromosome.

>> No.9022655

If you honestly think that women can relate to men, or have any concern at all for how men feel, you are deluded.

>> No.9022660

I've always found it was the opposite

>> No.9022681

I'd rather spend my time with kids and animals than with a stemsperg like you're are urself

>> No.9022687

my nigger you spend your days shitposting away in a hybernian w40k stop motion animation content portal, stop pretending "biological reasons" have absolutely any bearing in how society organizes itself and it's priorities.

>> No.9022690

>you're are urself

>> No.9022693

ur a bigot poltard

bet ur a pathetic virgin to LOL

>> No.9022696

I'd rather spend my time fucking kids and animals than with a dumb broad like you'reself. Guess we ain't so different after all.

>> No.9022701


Here is my honest theory: men are a little easier to understand because their sexuality is almost totally separate from their rational mind. That is, when men are horny, it's more about how hot a woman is, and most other aspects of their lives are dealt with more rationally.

When it comes to women, their sexuality and rational minds are sort of intermixed. This is very hard for men to understand.

>> No.9022705

Go away caraposter

>> No.9022708

Wrong. See >>9022052

>> No.9022710

In simpler terms, all women think about is COCK.

>> No.9022712
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>not adapted to post-ironic blacktwitterspeak filtered through 6 layers of advanced shitposting

>> No.9022718

>women have no difficulty understanding male characters
lmao, no

the idea that women understand men perfectly is a huge meme, just like the idea that women are more "complex"

>> No.9022728

Women think with their vaginas 100% of the time.

Men think with their dick only some of the time.

Ergo men are superior.

>> No.9022732
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>> No.9022769

Females are big children, and they are incapable of deep thought. Difficult to identify with a character whose primary purposes are to be my personal cook and penis masseuse.

>> No.9022775

how autistic and broken do you have to be to actually believe this