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/lit/ - Literature

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9021064 No.9021064 [Reply] [Original]

I find myself not having much time to commit to large books (300+ pages is large in my book (pardon the pun)). I heard about The Turner Diaries and found it to be a little over 100 pages long. So, is it worth a read or is it a full on GAS THE KIKES #RACEWARNOW wet dream of a /pol/tard?

>> No.9021443

My friend is a /pol/lack, and according to him it is worth the read, and yes, it is.

If you've seen those /pol/ green text far-left dystopian images (stopped since 2016 with Trump, but you know the ones from prior), it's apparently like a 100 page version of that that is completely tongue-in-cheek.

>> No.9021981

Apparently Hunter is much better.

>> No.9022049
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>My friend is a /pol/lack, and according to him it is worth the read, and yes, it is.

Your friend is a literal pleb if he thinks this is good literature. It's a litmus test and he fuckin failed it.

>> No.9022113

Clearly, if reading the wiki article about this piece of trash didn't turn you off, then by all means, go read it you nazi piece of shit. Why the fuck do you need validation for your bullshit ideology?

>> No.9022124

It's actually a good and interesting book, and I say that as a typical social-democrat.

>> No.9022148


Sure, buddy. Meanwhile every single social advocacy organization has labeled this book as white nationalist propaganda. Pretty sure I know whose word to take.

>> No.9022473

its sunday morning cartoons kind of stupid, really.


>> No.9022486

I say: read it for the memes.

>> No.9022532

It is bad literature. It might interest you for political reasons, but it's trash.

>> No.9022534

Not everything has to be so serious, autist. It's tongue-in-cheek, as I said.

u r da pleb.

>> No.9022559
File: 23 KB, 300x295, 1454543346031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you getting upset that anon isn't validating your time spent with shitty literature?

Fuck off already lmao.

>> No.9023091

>every single social advocacy organization
>trusting ((( them )))
Oh boy, you have much still to learn.

>> No.9023311

>As he passed me, I let him have it in the back of the head as hard as I could. I felt the bar of soap shatter from the force of the blow

>Berman went down yelling at the top of his lungs. Then he started crawling rapidly toward the back of the store, screaming loudly
enough to wake the dead. I was completely unnerved by the racket and stood frozen.

>Not Henry though. He leaped onto Berman's back, seized him by the hair, and cut his throat from ear to ear in one, swift motion.

>The silence lasted about one second. Then a fat, grotesque-looking woman of about 60 -probably Berman's wife- came charging out
of the back room waving a meat cleaver and emitting an ear-piercing shriek.

>Henry let fly at her with a large jar of kosher pickles and scored a direct hit. She went down in a spray of pickles and broken glass

It's worth reading for the memes

>> No.9023333


It's literally about genociding minorities and race traitors

>> No.9023344

t. /leftypol/ who has not read it