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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 874x554, REJECTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9020292 No.9020292 [Reply] [Original]

What the heck is the point trying to get published in 2017?


I just received yet another rejection and at this point I am filled with rage and frustration at the state of the contemporary publishing industry. What does an aspiring author have to do to make a name for himself today? If a writer has no contacts he is dead in the water and may as well print his work out and throw it from the rooftops into a rush hour crowd (something I've considered doing).

Anybody else here had their work rejected lately?

>> No.9020296

Maybe you just suck?

>> No.9020301

What vindication does publishing grant you that the completion of a novel on its own does not? Is your success only success when others are subjected to it? Allow creation to become an act of the self and distance your thought from the expectations and desires of the other.

>> No.9020303

You are bad at writing.

Also, barely anyone reads anymore. Half the bookstores I go into are empty, except for the young qt girl they have running them all alone. I went to one before work yesterday and there was a qt behind the desk. I ended up buying some shitty George Carlin book because I felt sorry for her. It was a decent-sized store but I couldn't be bothered to give a fuck about 90% of the titles there.

>> No.9020307

>I am better than you
HOLY SHIT. I just remembered an episode of The Weekenders, where this kid gets published and the title of the book is I AM BETTER THAN YOU. So the gang gets all depressed that they haven't done anything worthwhile, do shenanigans and then it turns out the book was just 300 pages of "I AM BETTER THAN YOU. I AM BETTER THAN YOU."

>> No.9020315

I doubt that happened.

>> No.9020339

Who cares ? If you love writing and if you're a good writer, then write good e-mails to your friends. True literature, OP, is life.

>> No.9020345

Being humble is a sign of weakness. You think Trump would be content managing a Dairy Queen? No way. Same goes for writers.

>> No.9020354
File: 124 KB, 260x315, Screen Shot 2017-01-09 at 4.00.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>67 page letter

>> No.9020360

>Being humble is a sign of weakness.
Said no well-adjusted person ever.

>> No.9020362

The proof is in the pudding. They don't need to say it.

>> No.9020367

That's interesting but 90% of published books are bullshit. Nobody should feel ashamed for not being published.

>> No.9020371

Expert bait, anon, but you seem to have caught a different type of sucker than you were aiming for.

>> No.9020372

You are doing everything wrong
>writing length they don't want to publish
>being autistic with that letter
>being talentless
Your not even trying, if this isn't bait post letter and book excerpt.

>> No.9020381


Give us the fucking excerpt bro, you've been teasing for years now.

>> No.9020382

What's wrong with thinking outside the box? When did creativity and distinction become tabboo in the arts?

I'm not posting a lengthy excerpt because without wider context it's easy to mock and ridicule. I'll post the first sentence of the first book in the series if necessary however.

>> No.9020397
File: 82 KB, 1366x1156, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autistic enough to write a 67 page letter alongside his novel
>Has an unread inbox of 6000 messages

Really makes you think

>> No.9020412


>> No.9020413

Do it then

>> No.9020421

Don't try to get a 600 000 word novel accepted by a publisher for your first time with them. Also don't send a letter that's 65 pages longer than it fucking needs to be; did you write a goddamn essay on why you need to be published? My manager at work told me that when I got the job it was because I was straight to the point about everything, no time for useless fluff.

Basically just try to be concise with everything when you write your letter to them. And if you have any shorter works that you've finished, try getting those out first rather than thinking you can write the next Infinite Jest; don't just jump into the water without dipping your toe in first.

>> No.9020433

This, seriously, nobody noticed that OP sent a 67 page letter and supposedly plans on writing 6 doorstopper books? fucking hell /lit/ is turbo-mode autistic

>> No.9020434

It's not real, autist.

It's a self-sent letter with information obtained from Google.

>> No.9020437

He does, no joke

>> No.9020445

I am not applying to occupy an office chair for nine hours a day, nor to serve refreshments to diabetic Americans. In order for me to properly articulate and make comprehensible not only the scope of my writing but also the context in which it was written, the influences which encouraged its creation, and my own potential as one of a long line of respected writers 67-pages MINIMUM were required. Believe me, I could have sent the original 100 pages I had written to accompany the manuscript, but I took many days to edit that down to a length that IN ANY OTHER PERIOD would have been considered appropriate. I suppose I should have condensed both my manuscript and accompanying materials down to 140 characters for the sake of these charlatans, but that I simply refuse to do. If they are incapable of appreciating me then that is entirely their problem. Their censure will not effect my literary style in any way. I refuse to denigrate myself so that I can be the next publicity-driven cretin to grace the peeling billboards of this disgusting city.

>> No.9020451

Nah, this nigga has been posting on /lit/ for years


>> No.9020456

oh, you're serious.


>> No.9020475

You're fucking gay you know that?

>> No.9020496

Post the letter retard

>> No.9020508

I kinda missed these threads.

Welcome back.

>> No.9020532


>being well-adjusted

Which is just a synonym for conforming to mediocrity.

OP is obviously a genius.

>> No.9020538


Please do, I desperately want to know about the spiritual depths you brave when pouring and drinking a glass of orange juice.

>> No.9020545

Resorting to sarcasm and ridicule has no effect on the contemporary NEET. We are economic auto-didacts, self-taught philosophers and gifted visionaries. While others waste their life labouring under the orders of those who see only material cost in life, we pursue leisure above all else, knowing as we do that leisure and time to oneself is the basis of genius. Despite many people disliking the culture and society they help maintain through their work, and despite understanding now that we have only a single life on earth and that any meaning we attribute to it as the result of self-willed or socially-inculcated ideologies, they continue to wake early and trudge to their jobs for one single reason: Guilt. Throughout time religions have taken advantage of Man's guilt, a guilt experienced for no logical reason except that he unlike other animals is a self-aware being whose abstract thoughts conflict with the apparently practical, rational reality he finds himself a part of. We post-guilt NEETs will not bow to internal or external pressures encouraging us to sacrifice our contentment and sensitive dispositions for the sake of attaining money, or womenfolk. We alone stand proudly, detached from but keenly observant of the slave masses who yell at us for not being as unhappy as they are. We alone, we band of true men, defend our right to live a dignified life against those wishing to deprive of us of it. Yes you can mock, you can criticize, you can echo the demands your masters make upon you. But who is likely to regret their lives more? The noble and dignified NEETs who spend their truly precious time reading, pondering, philosophizing and engaging in critical, urgent debate online? Or the miserable, resentful masses, their eyes bloated and sagged by excess folds of skin, their hair falling out and their gums bleeding from stress, their bowels destroyed by a sedentary lifestyle spent at their desks clicking endlessly while their boss breaths down their necks? This is reality. This is 2017. We are the future.

>> No.9020577
File: 24 KB, 392x411, 1484632796231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm praying this is bait
If weapons-grade autism of this magnitude really exists it's absolutely terrifying

>> No.9020580

Neet reporting. While I admit that I have a high tolerance for guilt and my aspirations in the humanities, every day I wake up incredibly disappointed. I spend each day just trying to fill time and trying not to consider the seemingly infinite hours of boredom ahead of me. It's maddening. Sure, I slowly try to work my way out of it, but the progress is so gradual without major breaks that there is no pleasure in conquering my obstacles. This is not the future, this is hell.

>> No.9020586

*many aspirations

>> No.9020588


hahahaha how the fuck is art real hahaha nigga implying it isnt just a fancy name for pornography hahaha like close your eyes

>> No.9020589

Self publish and market it yourself

>> No.9020592


>> No.9020599


Yes, exactly. Because no writer desires others to actually read their work, or get paid by doing it. All writers have a true dedication to the act alone, as they sit awkwardly in coffee shops and write 200k novels about awkward men sitting in coffee shops, it's the only genuine form of art left.

>> No.9020659

In all seriousness, writing query letters is a pain in the ass.

>> No.9020662

try not to write something with 600k words, who the fuck wants to read that shit, you are a shitty fucking writer to assume, i'm glad you didn't get published

>> No.9020665


That's the point.

It should be hard, very fucking hard. The idea is to make the act hard, so it weeds out the trash trying to submit.

>> No.9020672

meditate and wonder why you are unhappy

>> No.9020677

>with 600k words

Spanish speaker spotted. Kill yourself

Doesn't stop nepotism and similar faggotry.

>> No.9020692

>Doesn't stop nepotism and similar faggotry.

nothing does.

also I've yet to see a writer who bitches about nepotism and discrimination and whatever in the publishing industry who actually produces something worth being published.

Kind of like op, who creates this ridiculous scenario to illustrate this exact problem. He produces a 600k word personal memoir about his superiority, yet bitches that publishers won't publish it because of xxx reason, when the reality is it's not getting published because it's an insanely bad product.

>> No.9020699

Why would they complain if they benefit from it?

Don't respond because I'm filtered you.

>> No.9020760
File: 187 KB, 500x478, 1476844584890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol because i didn't feel like typing out 600,000?

fuck outta here with your shit assumptions

>> No.9020764

I have a few ideas, but how do I know? I could spend days self obsessing trying to determine the root of my insufferable condition, but that just turns into self pity. I just want opportunity now. Life isn't inherently miserable, and I take responsibility for leading myself down this blind path making it so. Still I can't help but feel deceived. If I had a fair chance to prove myself for me and my community I would give everything I had. Just so people would know that it is not laziness or apathy that marks my condition, but lack of something which I have no power over. If I could try to succeed where people know as well as me of how futile my efforts are, I would give it my all and be proud to be involved. I just can't stand disappointing people. They just don't know. They don't know how inferior I am. If they did, they wouldn't be disappointed, but inspired that I'm even trying.

>> No.9020772

It isn't bait, some idiots of this calibre actually exist.

>> No.9020779

>The noble and dignified NEETs who spend their truly precious time reading, pondering, philosophizing and engaging in critical, urgent debate online?
This part fucks it up. Claim that the noble and dignified NEETs spend their truly precious time in the pursuit of the greatest ideals mankind has known, give some good examples here, and you have a solid introduction for the NEET manifesto.

>> No.9020791


>> No.9020793
File: 243 KB, 540x721, 1382111723173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy. I remember this guy.
Do you anons think he's a dedicated funposter or actually retarded?

>> No.9020807
File: 34 KB, 413x395, whiskey laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>67 page cover letter

this is god-level bait

>> No.9020819

other than the parts about coffee shops, yes

>> No.9020836

>67 page cover letter
>600k words that is only the first installment of 6 books


>> No.9020841


honestly the best bait I've ever seen on this board

>> No.9020848

Elliot is that you? How are you shitposting from the grave?

>> No.9020863

I-is that you, memoir-anon?

>> No.9020866

6-part memoir anon strikes again

>> No.9020868

Elliot-dono wasn't a NEET, though. He was the ultimate gentleman, but had the bad luck of living in one of the most rotten and rich parts of Cali. To please a girl like those, he must have lifted, and he must have been at least 6 feet.

>> No.9020870

Your cover letter is probably more of an interesting study than whatever autistic cape shit you wrote. Post it.

>> No.9020874
File: 106 KB, 922x882, 1485170106588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a difference between genuine autism and next-level bait anymore? Has the line been too blurred?
I have no idea if op is real

>> No.9021038

It's bait

>> No.9021104

He has been posting about this 6-part memoir for months now.
I'm afraid it's not bait.

>> No.9021136

Still getting rejected, still plugging away at the word count, still submitting. The rejection only makes my penis harder.

>> No.9021164

yeah, you're a bad writer.

writing is cutting up words, op.
t. max perkins

>> No.9021166

why don't write a shorter novel?

>> No.9021170

You should include all your rejection letters into the actual manuscript.

>> No.9021195

Well if I'm being paid to write, even the equivalent of minimum wage, I can dedicate time to write more?

That's literally the dream for me. Ive never had more than the minimum wage and i get by easy enough.

>> No.9021216


>> No.9021243

>people not knowing this thread
>people not getting the joke

>> No.9021265

You clearly underestimate the dedication to shitposting some people have

>> No.9021268

No one pointed out yet that this is the same anon who wanted to sneak into an agency disguised as a pizza delivery man to present his manuscript?

That was also a very nice thread.

>> No.9021272


67 page letter? Your autism is showing retard.

>> No.9021287

>trying to start your career with a double trilogy

Be more pragmatic. If you're sure of the sheer quality of your work you may want to have ''easier'' works published first, especially considering that (as far as we know) you're not supported by anyone in the accademia, nor you have won any competition/have any respectable degree.
You have to be realistic. This won't be your first published work, not in this world. If you want to publish it write shorter stories (I mean, it was fiction? Philosophy? You haven't specified that) first and try to have them published.

>> No.9021297
File: 4 KB, 205x246, 14343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you already know that this guy is a complete retard and will certainly fail as a writer an as an artist
>tfw he's completely oblivious to his idiocy

>> No.9021309

What he's saying is that in this society very rarely fame is correlated with your actual work, therefore you should treat the act of writing and getting your books published as two completely different careers.
There is no space for artistic attitude when you're trying to sell a book, in that case you have to be cutthroat and completely put down your ideals. It's the only way.

>> No.9021310


I would think a better idea would be to abduct an agent, pretend like you're about to rape her, then just whip your manuscript out of your pants instead and hand it to her. She'll be so damn glad she isn't getting raped she'll definitely sign you. I mean....if not then just rape and kill her.

>> No.9021321

>There is no space for artistic attitude when you're trying to sell a book,

There isn't? Have you every tried writing an actually good query letter? Not easy for one, huge challange, and plenty of room for art and showing how talented you really are, but making something great out of a pretty dismal task.

>in that case you have to be cutthroat and completely put down your ideals.

Huh...? What ideals? Is that what the majority of published authors say? "Yeah, I didn't get published, or start selling books until I dropped everything I believed in and sold my soul to a soul-less capitalistic corporation dedicating to devouring the human spirit."

Some people actually write what they want to write, and can still sell books. Food for thought, queerass.

>> No.9021344

OP here. I wasn't expecting such an outporing of support and solidarity, apologies for not replying sooner.

The first sentence reads as follows:

>"Edgar realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."

As you may well imagine this sentence serves as perhaps the perfect introduction possible to the protagonist by subtly illustration his isolation but also his resilient sense of humour which, although bleak and self-effacing, exists in the face of what we go on to discover are frequently harrowing bouts of existential despair that most people simply lack the mental capacity either to suffer or to transcend. A reader may easily imagine the protagonist standing alone in a small bathroom, perhaps shaving (his face full of lather) or simply washing his hands (or splashing his face) and chuckling to himself as he glimpses his reflection and is reminded of the weight existence imposes on him but also of the fact that so familiar is he with the notion of existential malaise that it no longer inspires the kind of confusion and turmoil it once did, reacting to it now with a kind of knowing smile, albeit at his own expense.

>> No.9021349

Let us read some of your work. Please?

>> No.9021354


>tfw he will be published posthumously
>tfw the world is yet too young to appreciate OP's zeitgeist transcending genius

>> No.9021356


That actual is a genuinely good first line. I'd like to read some of your real work sometime op.

>> No.9021374

OP here once more. The final instalment of my debut memoir, which spans the ages of 22 - 25, does in fact depict my struggles against the literary establishment and the numerous rejections I have been dealt by publishing houses, literary agents and well-known authors who have all found reason to ridicule me and to undermine my sincere literary efforts. I do wonder at times whether the reason so many people reject the manuscript I submit is that the first installment covers my life from several years prior to my conception, the conception process itself (I conducted a great deal of research into this at the public library at which most of the work has been written) and of the first several years of my life. I realize most writers lack the curiosity about life and the capacity to perceive beauty in the countless minutiae of the lived experience to write so much about what I have been informed is so little but I have never intended to do anything other than stand out from the crowd of mediocrities who populate the pages of the newspaper book reviews I read every Sunday with my mother before we complete the weekend crossword together.

>> No.9021376

He pretending to be retarded for 6 months is more retarded than being as retarded as he portrais himself.

>> No.9021408

Thank you and yes, I agree, it is fine opening line. Declaring first my self-awareness that I may sound quixotic or indeed delusional, I would say that it is one of the finest opening lines to a novel I have ever encountered. It does not seek, as many first lines do, simply to "hook" the reader by depicting some slapstick occurrence or by providing some bizarre piece of information that the author, sitting alone and imagining his reader's likely reaction to said line, expects to cause the reader to laugh aloud (something I very rarely do while reading, and something I frankly doubt happens very much at all among people who genuinely enjoy literature) or to say "huh!?" or for their brain to process the kind of electrical signals which makes their heart race and their consciousness eager to learn what happens next or what context might give way to such an occurrence / piece of information. My own opening line is subtly humorous, relatable to the kind of reader who understands isolation, and immediately allows the reader to understand that here is an author who isn't trying to sell them anything, isn't trying to tap-dance and don various costumes in a desperate attempt to entertain them, but who is communicating something very genuine in a way that is frank, intelligent and considerate.

>> No.9021413

Maybe this is naive but I feel like the whole publishing thing is a little outdated. I mean the ego stroke is nice, don't get me wrong, but it pays shit and compromising on your work sucks ass

the best thing that's worked for me is honestly just sharing shit, free, and opening up a donations page. I've made a lot more money and built much more of a following that way.

I don't mean to sound all, y'know, OH I'M PAYING YOU IN EXPOSURE CUM ON MY FACE DADDY uWu but that's what's worked best for me personally

It is, but usually when someone does something "ironically" what they're really saying is "I'm giving a hyperbolic version of my actual ideas and passing it off as a joke"

also you have to consider that when you're making fun of horrible people by imitating them they'll probably just think you're agreeing with them

>> No.9021435

fair point

>> No.9021463


Opinion discarded. You lose.

Elliott was a NEET for long periods after dropping out of college.

>> No.9021484

Op, I've been working on this letter for 3 months, since you obviously get it, what do you think?

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw.

A time occurs in any sensible man’s life, where he must bravely choose between the murky unknown and the familiar, if flawed, existence of habit. This is a choice I’ve struggled and debated over endlessly, many of you have known my doubts and misgivings of making such a monumental, I may say life changing, decision. But I feel as if there is no choice, If I am to call myself a conscious, noble, and humble human being and servant, and continue the progressive and glorious path which I believe our creator has shown to those brave enough to unblind their eyes and hold their heads proud to be one of the chosen few of his glory, I fear there is simply no other choice that can be made. I have not made this choice, the great author of all things has. I may even use the word destiny.
It is so with a solemn and heavy heart that I must announce my resignation as Dungeon Master of the Thursday night closed session of Dungeons and Dragons, located at the Brick and Mordor Hobby Center in New Castle Pennsylvania. To some of you, this undoubtedly will be a shock to hear. I would ask you to momentarily set aside your fear and grief, and reflect on a quote that I cherish:
“If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” –General Patton.
Some of you have known of this profound rumination which has been growing in my mind for some time, others I felt it best for their own well-being, perhaps even mental stability, if I did not trouble them with such a deep revelation until it became absolutely necessary. I fear that this announcement could easily degrade into a diatribe of my complaints and genuine injuries which I have sustained while entrusted with this dignified position, but I find that this would be below me and the glorious path.
“The thousand injuries of Fortunado I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.” – The Caste of Amontillado
While I do not deny, that deep in my heart, I do feel justified in seeking and even hunger for revenge, I must stay my hand. There is nothing to be gained from petty and based accusations, insults, and declarations of wrongs. This decision will cause tremors in the lives of many, and I can not in good conscience allow myself to succumb to the very human, though despicable, need for redress. I feel a deep weight lifted off me even as I say this. My test being passed, I will go into the uncharted waters of my future, though I will remain, myself.

>> No.9021487

part dois

To some, this can be no surprise. I had made clear my thoughts on choosing a more sensible and healthy choice of food dish besides pizza, as is well known to you my weight and cholestoral level has precipitated my doctors to howl their displeasure at even the thought of consuming such a dish. This simple idea of mine caste aside, and spit on by the group, left a deep impression of apathy and disregard for my own well-being. I had also made clear my thoughts on snack food items being consumed during the game, not only because of the unseemly, disorganized, and frankly boorish appearance it produces, but also because of the simply matter of rustling of tinned paper served as a distraction for all trying to immerse themselves in the experience. Then, of course, there is the simply matter of the repeated, nay I say constant, attempts at the subversion of the rules of the game, and the code of conduct which I had written and made you sign and notorize expression your contractual agreement to adhere too. I certainly will have no part in ruining the integrity of this gentlemanly game by simply taking an anarchist’s torch to the rules and foundations which make this such a civilized persuit.
I do not know what the future holds for me, I am embarking on a strange and at times terrifying journey into the depths of human existence. With the help of my grandparents, my true friends, my doctors and psychologist, and my soon to be fiancé when she arrives in this country, and faith in the devine powers which guide me, I will find the strength and fortitude to muster on.
“Every day is a mere caste of the dice, which I now roll in my own favor” – Myself

I always remain, dearest and truest of all friends,
Nelson Hastings Giglum II

>> No.9021678

Go back and plow her if you really want to make her feel better.

>> No.9021733

...you're delusional as fuck

>> No.9021947

Man these threads never get old.

>> No.9021949


>> No.9021964

Then get some fucking contacts, retard. No great writer was ever published without knowing someone.

>> No.9022023

Well done OP. There is some beautiful and provocative humor in this thread. Keep on writing, you'll get published eventually!

>> No.9022206

....Do you think she would go for me though? I'm 22, don't own a car (yet) and I work part time.

How do you talk to a girl in a book store anyway? She was pretty cute. But not excessively gorgeous.

I am 5'11" and 4/10 face though. So probably not.

>> No.9022263

I personally know about an ex-soldier who works in the tech-industry. It took him a literal year to go from starting to write to being an established author, basically king of a rather popular niche site which he got to promote his work.
I have no idea how he did it. He wrote a book about two guys that get transported to another world and have to deal with videogame mechanics to survive. The guy cranked out another book and it's a best-seller already.

There is a business and skill to this stuff, I think most people here are just procrastinators/perfectionists or nursing their failed, broken ideas and not wanting to adapt to reality. I'm sure there's people among us who have adapted and are rather successful in the field, but they rarely post about it because they know they'll be ridiculed for working for their success and sacrificing what they needed to do so.

>> No.9022279

>I have no idea how he did it

Maybe he thought up some good ideas for a book, and some good marketing ideas as well, and then applied them.

> I'm sure there's people among us who have adapted

Once again, you seem to think the only way to become a successful writer is to just drop all your morals and interests, and become this bizarre shell of a human who just prints out trash for the masses.

Most successful writers don't tell that story, the vast majority say something along the lines of, "I had a lot of trouble breaking in, but i stuck to what I believed, worked harder and harder, found creative ways to get my stuff out there, and I eventually made it."

>> No.9022283

>wanting to be published by a big publishing house

why? seems like a barnes&noble-core ambition.

>> No.9022311


Untalented, no-chance-of-success writers with bad attitudes like to tell themselves they have integrity for producing unreadable dreck that nobody wants to read, and never trying anything new or changing anything as that would compromise their integrity somehow.

They also have the whole, "Dude, I'm just writing for the pure art of writing shit nobody cares. I mean, who wants to be published anyway? And get money and fame and blowjobs and all that for writing? Psh, that shits for capitalist plebs man, I'm in it for the art!" attitude.

It's just standard bs complete failures have to tell themselves to keep from wrapping their lips around a helium tank nozzle.

>> No.9022659

See? you're still equating writing good books with selling them.

What I'm saying that you as an artist have only the obligation of writing masterfully crafted, genuine books. That's what you can do when you're trying to do art.
But when you go to a publisher with the intention of selling your books all your artistic attitude immediatly becomes useless.

I think that your problem is that you're trying to be an artist when you're selling the book. This is why you have sent a 67 letter instead of trying to actually market this books to your publisher. You thought that they are intellectually honest artists, just like you, who only want to publish the best stuff.
Too bad that this is not how things really are. These guys just want to make a buck. You don't have to convince them that you're book is a valid narrative masterpiece, you have to convince them that this book will sell.

I know that it sounds cynic but wether you are a composer, a writer, a painter or any other kind of artist you really need to learn how to become a businessman, especially if you're actually trying to make art.

>> No.9022676

>What does an aspiring author have to do to make a name for himself today?
just be a transgender niggerkin

>> No.9022685

maybe self publishing is for you autistic fucker

>> No.9022700

agreed, this guy is a pompous idiot

>> No.9022767

>See? you're still equating writing good books with selling them.

When did I say that? I just said that just because you become successful, that doesn't mean you throw away your soul and integrity and all that. People can still become successful and still stay true to what they believe in. Happens a lot, actually.

>What I'm saying that you as an artist have only the obligation of writing masterfully crafted, genuine books.

Not really....I mean, if that's what YOU think your obligation is, that's fine, but it doesn't have to be everyone's motivation.

> This is why you have sent a 67 letter instead of blah blah

I'm not OP. OP is also trolling and has been making threads like these for a long time now.

>These guys just want to make a buck.

That's kind of what businesses are in business to do. What's wrong with that? Once again, just because you're profiting off something, doesn't mean it's garbage. All your classic, masterful books you have, some company published them, and makes money off them.

>> No.9022808


you should take this advice op. put aside a considerable amount of time -- you certainly seem to have it -- apply your *considerable* intellect and learn how to market your work.

>> No.9022812

!RemindMe 1 month repost OP's image again for epic bait

>> No.9022839
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Why is everyone in this thread taking the bait? I thought this was the smartest board on 4chan

>> No.9022852

>What does an aspiring author have to do to make a name for himself today
Writers don't do that anymore.

>> No.9022866

hey guys





what's a didact?

>> No.9022868

This reads like a letter from Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.9022871

>that doesn't mean you throw away your soul and integrity and all that.
I'm not implying that you should go full J.K. Rowling and abandon any sort of artistic ideal in order to succed.
I'm saying that when you're promoting a book of yours to a publishing company you should do it efficiently. When you're trying to sell your book you're not an artist, you're a manager.
Writing a 67 pages essay just for art's sake is as dumb as it gets, and you should aknowledge it. Selling your works is not your real job (your real job is to write those works), that's something you do only because you still can't afford a manager.

>Not really....I mean, if that's what YOU think your obligation is, that's fine, but it doesn't have to be everyone's motivation.
It may be absolutist, but at this point, since no aesthetic canon is universally preferred, masterfully crafted means that it should be masterfully crafter from your personal point of view (unless you're inclined to write genres).
Yet, I would argue that in any work of art genuinity and sincerity are necessary. I've never seen a work of art that proved me wrong on that.

>I'm not OP. OP is also trolling and has been making threads like these for a long time now.
My bad then, I'm a pretty infrequent user.

>That's kind of what businesses are in business to do. What's wrong with that? Once again, just because you're profiting off something, doesn't mean it's garbage. All your classic, masterful books you have, some company published them, and makes money off them.
It wasn't a critic of the business (altough I think that the system should be criticized harshly: the free market, unlike governmental patronage, obviously can't promote good art, and every library on the globe is a proof of that), I was criticizing the way in wich he was trying to approach the industry.

>> No.9022906

honestly, this is a retard call to make.

>> No.9023167


>They actually responded

ayyy, is it really this easy to bait people?
Who am I kidding, you wrote this yourself, didn't you?

>> No.9023209

ya worry about the unimportant shit with the numbers, that'll do the trick

>> No.9023211

Trump, my good man, is a cad.

and he AINT mah nigga

>> No.9023231

Requesting past versions of this thread from the archive

>> No.9023273

because of the influx of normies not realising what bait is

>> No.9024186

But no girl will date a guy without a car who has to drive around with his mother in the car because he doesnt have his license.

>> No.9024209
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c-c-can we read the 60 pag letter?

>> No.9024253

I haven't had a car in 6 years, I've had plenty of girlfriends and I'm engaged now. No excuses.

>> No.9024260

i found this page if you care

>> No.9024262

amazing thread, OP

rest assured that you have the required autism to write truly great literature

>> No.9024263
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>Animated Foot Scene Wiki

>> No.9024271
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>trying to find a literary agent for my violent novel about vigilantism and Rust belt decay
>every literary agent is a liberal woman living in NYC

>> No.9024281

serves you right for being a racist alt-righter

>> No.9024293
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If you think being published is difficult try getting a full professorship job.

>> No.9024305

Book editor here, and I have to reject dozens of lunatics like you every week. God, when will the mentally ill give up trying to publish?

>> No.9024334

>Book editor
>Rejecting anything
That isn't how it works Anon, usually anyway.

>> No.9025210

humility by choice is a luxury not afforded to the weak

>> No.9025219

Not sure how much of it is the same anon, but 'aspiring author' is one of my favourite /lit/ characters.

>> No.9025293

This is the anon who has written his 1 million work plus "debut six-part memoir" on a computer in a public library despite being a 26 year old neet virgin living with his mother. He's been posting here a while now. The last thread I think he was considering dressing as a pizza delivery guy and sneaking his manifesto into a publisher's officein a pizza box.

>> No.9025455

The smartest autist is still an autist.

>> No.9025488

Ah, you're thinking of the big commercial houses. Let's just say there are hundreds of us out there, grinding it out in the midsize and university presses.

>> No.9025599

I fucking love 4chan.

>> No.9025603

If I had a collection of short stories that I wanted to get published, would you recommend a small or medium-sized press?

>> No.9025621

You could probably count on two hands the presses who publish in that area. Might as well give a place like Greywolf a shot, and don't worry about the big houses at first.

>> No.9025630

Unfortunately I just went to their site and they're closed to unagented submissions.

I've been trying to find an agent, actually; I write both literary and genre fiction, so I've actually been trying to find two. No luck so far, though.

>> No.9025658

op may or may not be a troll, but I'm still posting

I'm about to start querying. Should I shoot myself now or save my bullet for if/when they give me a list of edits that will murder my novel?

But really, I read the acceptance rate of getting an agent is something like 9%. Isn't that still better than the rate for getting a job? You can send hundreds of job aps and still not get anything. Is publishing, by the numbers, easier than into normalfagging?

>"Edgar realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."

It made me feel.

>> No.9025660

I really like it anonsama, if I was a richfag I'd publish you. I'd definitely buy it.

>> No.9025722


This is that 100 post anon again.
Newfags, there is a poster who constantly creates really elaborate schemes to mess with people by getting them to feel sympathy for his character and then slowly dissolve into autism, it usually always begins with calling himself a genius (I've noticed this pattern) he used to joke about his 6 volume memoir or this time that he paid a publisher to publish his book and he scheduled a book signing at a barnes and noble where only his mom came and bought 3 copies of the book. He does this because he's admitted he has nothing else in life and gets some sort of pleasure out of it, anyway, he had me going for a little bit until I saw him descend into cunty autism but the nail in the coffin is this quote that he always uses when people ask to see his writing in these threads (because it's pretty good but it comes from an archived post from years ago back when warosu was up, someone else found that one out, he usually takes any written material from past critique threads but almost always this one):
>"Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."
Anyway OP, you should really find something else to occupy your time if this is all you really have.

>> No.9025794

why can't you publish the book yourself? i mean, even i got to release some of my fantazmats. just, like, i don't know. leave your email if you are serious about this, i may be able to help.

>> No.9025847

fucking kek'd

>> No.9025896


>Unfortunately we were unable to read the 67-PAGE LETTER you sent us


>Animated Foot Scene Wiki

I'd just like to point out that this is the best thread on /lit/ in a long time, notwithstanding the bizarre meta-trolling going on.

>> No.9025940

i live for this guy to succeed one day

>> No.9025966
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>> No.9025982
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amazon nikka.

>> No.9026045

The mentally ill make up 90% or more of the classic authors. Writing in general appeals to people with mental disorders. Perfectly healthy, well adjusted types go out and participate in normie festivities.

>> No.9026103

Most people can barely make it through 300 pages, let alone 600k words, christ no wonder you were rejected anon.

>> No.9026183
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>> No.9026200
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>> No.9026263

Did OP write 1Q84?

>> No.9026307

And you live in the city, right?

>> No.9026315

I've written 330,000 words and I am a 22 year old autistic virgin living with my mother. I have a job though.

Does it still count?

>> No.9026357

I am literally in awe of this guy now. He used to annoy me somewhat, but now...

That tenacity. He knows. He KNOWS that there's always going to be the people on /lit/ who don't remember who he is and take him seriously. He doesn't care.

If anyone else cares, this is a guy who consistently trolls /lit/ through a persona of himself as a Nietzschean/elitist intellectual who writes/is writing/has written a 1,000,000 word long novel/memoir or something to that effect.

>> No.9026595
File: 59 KB, 649x389, 290032-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you are retarded. There are about 5 posts in the thread sincerely responding to the OP. There are more posts of your variety. Lemmings in awe of someone who actually creates threads on this board. This is 4chan. Participating isn't difficult. Is my reply the first one you've gotten this week or something?

This isn't 2002 AOL. Forged emails and a fake persona are not impressive. This guy's posting is repetitive and dull.
>le wacky delusional guy makes a thread about him being wacky and delusional
Wow. Fucking brilliant. Even better than the last time where he posted something nearly identical. Of course I don't expect anything more from someone like this guy. His only social interaction is this website. I'd bet my life that he doesn't have a single friend. His pride and joy in life is being known by the teenagers that browse 4chan. He feels the absolute best when he wakes up and sees that his thread has a few more replies. Doesn't matter that it's the same thread every time. Doesn't matter that it's the same replies every time. As long as people like continue sucking his dick.
>AHHhhh, that's nice right there. A kid on 4chan said he's in awe of me. I can't wait to think up another thing to post so I can pretend like I don't have a shit life! Haha, this is real art! I am so clever for shitposting! I am le true artist rofl!

You know what would be hard? You know what would be impressive? Start a thread about books. Genuinely, sincerely, state your opinion of something you've read. Post a topic related to literature or even philosophy. See how many replies you get then. See how compelling your actual thoughts are. You wouldn't dare to do that, though. That's out of your comfort zone. You're just going to continue making threads about the same character so retards like the kid I'm replying to right now will suck your dick.

Neck yourself.

>> No.9026947

>You know what would be impressive? Start a thread about books

lol stopped reading there, fuck outta here grandpa

>> No.9027000

Yeah wanted to point it out too. Top kek really.

>> No.9027472 [DELETED] 

if you're an unpublished author don't start with fucking doorstoppers

write short stories and shit and submit them to magazines

>> No.9027492

>67 page letter you sent along with your manuscript

>> No.9027786


>> No.9027917

what have you done

>> No.9027958

>Edgar realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense.
>People fell for this blatant pasta
I'm disappointed in you /lit/

>> No.9028985

non-automated autodidact, hope that helps anon.

>> No.9029712

You should write a book about yourself, I'd read it.

>> No.9029778

Did no one ever tell you that you are suffering from graphomania?
I hope you're not going to die without realizing that you are a hack.

>> No.9029782

>old hag
>qt or young

>> No.9030000


>> No.9031292
